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Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Stardate: 57561.88
Date: 12 Mar 2381
Time: 17:00

[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]Cross stepped slowly down the path, basking in the rich, humid air of the Arboretum as he went. He sauntered along savouring the moment with hands clasped behind his back, his organic hand holding the wrist of his newly acquired temporary prosthetic. He paused in his wandering a moment, pale eyes rising to gaze up at the shapely limbs of the trees on either side of him. After a moment, Cross closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose, smelling the sweet scent of grass, leaf and nature.

Heaven on a starship… he thought as he exhaled slowly, opening his eyes once more and continuing on his aimless journey.

He had heard about the Arboretum only this morning, overhearing several members of the crew talking about it in the mess hall. His curiosity piqued, Cross had later discovered it’s location after having made an inquiry with the compu… with Thea.

That’s going to take some getting used to… Cross mused as his gaze shifted to the still surface of the Arboretum’s pond. A ship's computer with a name and a sense of identity.

Cross hadn’t fully understood what they were liberating when he and the other officers had assaulted the Machine Labs aboard the Versant. He’d known Blue’s tin parrot was in there, and that Blue desperately wanted it back. He’d known the Theurgy’s computer was their other objective, though he had in no way been prepared for the reality of Thea. He still remembered her scream when the Bajoran engineer had been torn open by the Scion, having tried to rush to Thea. For a moment, the man’s scream echoed faintly in Cross’ mind before he firmly pushed it away. This was not the time, and certainly not the place. This was Cross’ own idea of paradise, though on a smaller scale, and he wouldn’t allow memories of death and horror to spoil it. No, he had sought this place out for just the opposite reason; plants had always had a calming effect on him.

Cross himself wasn’t sure when his love of plants had started, though he suspected that his mentor’s love of orchids might have had something to do with it. In fact, Cross had kept orchids himself, until they had been lost during the destruction of the Endeavour. Cross made a mental note to obtain some new ones.

Everything is new… Cross thought, somewhat sadly.

New ship.
New Captain.
New rank.
New biology.
New meditation lamp.
New flowers.
New hand.

New enemies… Cross added to the list, the thought bringing with it some notes of bitterness. Cross cursed himself once again for his lack of mental and emotional control, musing that the Vulcans might have a point with all their stick-up-the-ass holier-than-thou logic bullshit. Cross also mused that he’d be damned if he ever voiced that thought out loud. Certainly not within hearing range of any real Vulcan.

Cross suddenly realized that, lost in his thoughts as he had been, he had wandered and was now standing in the grass at the pond’s edge, looking down into the still water. His looked down at his feet, seeing the green blades of the grass all around him, and decided to sit a while. Glancing around and not seeing anyone nearby, the newly minted Lieutenant Commander and the Theurgy’s new Chief Tactical Officer kicked off his shoes and stood wiggling his toes in the grass, a grin spreading across his features which could only be described as delighted and goofy. After a few more moments of enjoying the sensation, Cross lowered himself down to sit in the grass, running his organic hand over the flexible green blades as the scent of the place once again filled his nose.

He could have stayed there forever.

Lying back, Cross looked up at the leaves overhead, hanging from the tree branches that almost blocked out the bulkheads of the ceiling, allowing the Vulcan to imagine, just for a moment, that he wasn’t in a rebel starship hunted by Starfleet and the Federation. Folding his hands behind his head to act as a pillow proved a momentary foil to his relaxation however, when the cold metallic feeling of his new prosthetic hand sent a cold chill seeping into the skin on the back of his head. The look of annoyance that crossed his features lasted only a moment as he raised his hands and removed the prosthetic from his arm, tossing it carelessly off to the side to land in the grass. That done, Cross let his head fall back into the grass, closed his eyes, and let the smell and feel of the place wash over him once more.

Lying there as he was, completely at peace in that moment, Cross never heard the newcomer enter the Arboretum.

Re: SD 57561.88: Tranquility Interrupted

Reply #1
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
Once upon a time, it would have taken a fair deal before Heather felt truly overwhelmed with emotion or distress, given that she was on a ship of gods and goddesses each of whom were individually capable of such untold wonders as well as horrors, some justified, some not. Still, today had been particularly draining for her, when, upon waking up, she had been elated and so-filled with hope, only to have that hope so utterly shattered.

She had snuck into the quarters when she was certain that Carrigan would not be around, but she didn't feel like hiding there. Instead, she peeled off her uniform and replicated for herself a nearly sheer, semi-translucent iridescent dress with silken wings, a fashion somewhat remindful of the Radiants, and no shoes. She wandered out, making a passing officer gawk at her attire, and she blushed, forgetting how reserved some people could be, but after a quick check, she was certain she wasn't committing indecent exposure, though perhaps the reflective hues and the near-weightless material which flared at the slightest movements was the cause of the staring.

The dress was a nearly sleeveless blouse with a matching knee-length skirt with three layers that got thinner and thinner with each sheet. The thin layers trailed lower than the knees, dancing and bouncing the light off in iridescent hues. Thin cascades of multi-hued silk ran over her smooth arms, and bunched together at the golden bracelets she wore on her wrists. While she had no footwear, she had a few anklets of gold on.

She paid no one else any mind after that, and her aimless travels eventually brought her to the Arboretum, and she decided to go in. The place felt pleasant, and sweet scented. She studied the ceiling as she walked in, admiring the growth and ambience. Her supreme confidence that she knew where she was walking was rewarded with her tripping over something. She yelped, stumbled forward, and fell face-first into the pond. Splashing about in a brief panic, she flipped herself around and sat up, soaking and drenched to the bone, and staring at the most non-plussed officer she ever had the embarrassment of tripping over.

H-hi...s-sir... stuttered Heather, Fine day for trip into the pond, wouldn't you say?

Perhaps she ought to lie back and sink into the waters. Tomorrow the headlines would read: Radiant Commits Suicide By Drowning In Two Feet Of Water.

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #2
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]Cross’ moments of tranquil lazing were shattered when he felt something contact his ribs, not violently but with enough force to startle him. The impact was accompanied by a yelp, then a splashing noise and a slight shower of water from the nearby pond. Cross sat bolt upright, his pale eyes snapping open in search of the sound’s origin. The surface of the pond was rippling, indicating that something had fallen in, and Cross focused on that as several beads of water meandered it’s way down his nose and jaw. As he watched a female head emerge from the pond, followed by shoulders and torso, until the woman was sitting up in the pond looking back at him. Cross could only stare, dumbfounded, at the woman which had apparently tripped over him and ended up in the pond.

He had seen her before, he was sure, though he couldn’t place where. At present she sat in the water, her wet hair plastering itself to her head and neck. Silk garments which seemed to shimmer and change in the arboretum’s lighting clung to her shoulders as she spoke, her voice sounding embarrassed and uncertain. As she asked him if he agreed that it was a fine day for a trip into the pond, Cross couldn’t help himself.

He burst out laughing.

The laughter lasted only a few moments before Cross regained control of himself and pushed himself to his feet. Looking down, he could see the fabric of her skirt swaying to and fro with the movement of the water like some sort of luminous sea creature. He moved over to the edge of the pond and held out his hand. ”I shouldn’t be laughing!” Cross said by way of apology, suppressing a chuckle which still threatened to escape him. ”Are you lost? I’m still fairly new to this ship, but I think I heard the public baths are up on deck 6.” Cross shook his head, determined not to laugh at the soaking wet woman’s misfortune. ”Here, let me help you out of there, miss…?” Cross trailed off, unsure of what to call her. He knew he’d seen her face before, though at the moment she wore no uniform, and so he had no idea of her name, rank, or department. ”I’ve seen you before, haven’t I?”

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #3
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
Heather's expression shifted from embarrassment to alarm. Why was a Vulcan laughing?!? That couldn't be good! Wait, what if he was a Romulan...just how many Romulans were there on board anyway? No, he had to be a Vulcan, so why in the blazes was he laughing?!? This couldn't be good for him, and certainly not good for her. But fear and terror kept her frozen in place. She suddenly remembered she could turn invisible, but Vulcan's were mildly telepathic, so turning invisible was useless when a telepath could pinpoint your mind.

Her clothes clung to her form perfectly. It was thin to begin with, and while it wasn't actually translucent, merely giving the illusion of it, when wet, it really made no difference if she were clothed or not. Still, that never bothered her before, and more than a number of people here had seen more than was considered publicly decent before.

He claimed he shouldn't be laughing, and she was inclined to agree, if nothing other than to ease her nerves about an emotional Vulcan. At length, she finally accepted the offered hand and let him pull her, but either she was far lighter than he anticipated, or he was just so strong, or both, but she had to use her free hand to brace herself against his chest, lest she crash into him on top of everything else.

She was still only a quarter of the weight she appeared to be, her bone and body mass made of material that was deceptively lighter than appearances suggested.

Heather... said the tiny blonde, her body beginning to shine in a myriad of lights and colours, Heather McMillan...and yes...we met...briefly or indirectly...on board the Versant. Terribly sorry about that kerfuffle.

She realized glowing wasn't going to dry her up any faster, and she stopped trying.

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #4
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]Cross had not been expecting the woman to be so light as he made to help her to her feet and pull her from the pond. Rather than simply help her up, he had practically heaved her out with very little effort. He knew he was unused to his newfound strength since the Savi had corrected him to be fully Vulcan, but there was something else to it. The woman seemed to weigh nothing at all! As it was she came springing out of the water and stumbled towards him, having to brace herself against him. Cross himself staggered a half-step back, having anticipated more resistance to his efforts to free her from the pond.

Once balance was regained and they were sure that neither of them were about to topple over, the woman spoke. She introduced herself as Heather something, though Cross missed the mention of her surname. He was instead preoccupied, not to mention mildly alarmed, when the woman who had introduced herself as Heather began to glow and shine, the woman’s skin putting out a veritable light show. She seemed to shimmer with light, small sparkles glinting amid an ever-changing rainbow array of colours. Cross stood frozen in place, mesmerized, his eyes wide with surprise and his hand still holding hers after pulling her out of the shallow water. His mind registered that she was still speaking, and even managed to pick out the word Versant.

That was it. He remembered seeing her aboard the hell ship, though he didn’t remember her among the initial group of abductees. No, he remembered seeing her only after they had reached the bridge module, the same place he had first seen Captain Ives. He didn’t remember her glowing like this aboard the Versant, though he had been preoccupied with watching out for Blue.

Still, the glowing would have been hard to miss…

”You’re… uh…” Cross began, glancing down at Heather just as the woman suddenly ceased to shine. He had been able to see the shimmering light even through Heather’s clothing, and found that since the diminutive woman’s light show had ceased he could see Heather through Heather’s clothing. A great deal of Heather.

It was then that several things happened in quick succession, the first being that Cross’ eyes grew wide. His brow rose, seeming to stretch the Bajoran ridges of his nose as his eyebrows climbed higher and higher. The raising of eyebrows was accompanied by a raising of blood in his cheeks, which turned a violent green colour as he blushed furiously. Cross’ mouth had remained open as he paused mid-stammer, though sound had ceased to emanate from within. After several long seconds movement seemed to return to him, manifesting itself in the form of Cross taking a quick step back form her, practically throwing her own hand, which up until then he had still been holding, back at her. He turned his body slightly away form her, averting his eyes as his voice finally returned, stammer and all.

”I… uh… I’m sorry, miss McMillan,” apparently his mind had registered her name after all, ”but… you’re… uh…” Cross glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, the colour in his cheeks darkening as a result before the eye darted away once more. ”You’re very wet… and, uh… well… see through…” As if to punctuate his point, Cross reached across his body and pointed at Heather’s torso with a metallic finger, blushing all the while and keeping his gaze focussed on the ground in front of his still bare feet.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #5
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
Apparently, the Vulcan Bajoran hybrid was surprised by her weight, and that wasn't all that was in store for him. It seemed that Heather's light show was still an unfamiliar feat to the man, which was a surprise to Heather, and she felt her light fluctuate, causing her to look a bit like a strobe light, turning off and on at random intervals, as she wondered if she should stop or keep going. But it wasn't doing anything to help, so perhaps stopping was the better option.

When his eyes widened and then with how he reacted, Heather immediately looked around herself as if expecting something horrid to happen. She'd quite forgotten that this Vulcan was rather uncharacteristic to begin with and thusly assumed immediately that his panic was induced by something near her, rather than her. Once she had ascertained that nothing was truly amiss, she finally had time to register what he’d said to her about her state of dressing.

Or was it undress, in this case?

She took note of the green tinge of his face, and wasn’t that usually how Vulcans blushed? Since they had green blood rather than red? It was, as the Vulcans would say, fascinating. But again, this fellow wasn’t quite Vulcan was he? Clearly he had none of that influence. So he probably took after his Bajoran side, and considering that Vulcans were at the core a very emotional race, and you create an offspring that stemmed partially from an even more emotional race…

The gods were a very peculiar sort of people.

He was severely injured too, at some point, if that mechanical arm was anything to go by. When he pointed at her with it, Heather tilted her head to one side and her attention was focussed entirely on it. She almost reached out to clasp it in her hands so she could examine it some more. The workmanship was absolutely remarkable! Carrigan would love this! This hand looked was better than his was, not that it bothered her, but she still thought this was absolutely brilliant. Then she registered what he was saying.

Oh, said Heather, her tone implying a lack of feeling on the matter, and she looked up at him as one hand went over her breasts and another over her loins, Im terribly sorry. I take it this bothers you an awful lot?

On one hand, she was slightly mortified, thanks to her old British upbringing, but lately, she’d been feeling a lot less...concerned, perhaps. Still, she could understand how not everyone shared the same sensibilities, good or bad. But if he was going to keep avoiding looking at her, that may be a problem. So she considered all the options that she had, and held a slight smile when she realized there was a very simple solution. A soft glow began to emanate from just around her chest. It wasn’t blindingly bright or even just bright, but it did make the fine details that probably would affect most people nearly impossible to discern, and the same began to appear around her hips, the cascading silky iridescent material refracted and flowed the glowing light further out, creating a rather beautiful, sparkling effect and it hid most lines and intimate details of her form perfectly.

Holding the light took concentration, but it wasn’t hard or particularly draining. So with that out of the way, she reached out and clasped his artificial hand gently, Its okay, you can look now.

She waited for him to do so, and she smiled sweetly, Better?

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #6
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]Cross was surprised at McMillan’s reaction as he pointed out the transparent state of her clothing. She acknowledged the fact, though her tone was indifferent. In Cross’ experience many people would have been aghast at the thought of their bodies being so clearly on display, though as he considered that thought it struck him that many people did not also shimmer with a rainbow-like array of colours. Mcmillan had continued to speak as the thoughts trailed through Cross’ mind, apologizing as she realized that Cross was made uncomfortable by the view afforded through the wet material of her clothing. Cross’ gaze remained averted as she spoke, focused on a tree off to the side of where they stood. The colour which remained in his flushed cheeks have his skin a distinctly a green tinge.

Cross half-glanced over at McMillan as his eyes registered a change in the woman, the shimmering light phenomenon having apparently begun again as he looked away. Her prevented himself from looking at her fully, however, and forced his gaze back to the tree. His prosthetic hand, which he had used to point out the state of her attire, still hung in mid air between them, and Cross felt a strange sensation register from the recently acquired replacement limb, quickly followed by McMillan’s voice informing him that he could look now. As he turned his gaze back to the woman, he found that she had begun to emit the lights from her body in the areas that she thought would make him uncomfortable, the effect being that specific parts of her anatomy were effectively obscured. Cross’ eyes registered the fact, though he quickly raised them to her face so as not to give the impression that he was ogling her.In truth, Cross was thankful for the woman’s light display. Cross himself was not a particularly modest individual, having spent much of his early life with his body exposed during the vast array of medical testing his keepers had subjected him to. Neither was he generally comfortable around women in an off-duty capacity, however, the fact which had been the root of his reaction. The glimmering colours of her light display reflected in his pale blue eyes as they met hers, looking like a shimmering rainbow reflecting against ice.

”I.. uh…” Cross began, still recovering from the flush of embarrassment, ”yes... thank you.” Cross stared at her eyes a moment longer, the brilliant purple colour not seeming as surprising after having seen her shining rainbow display. ”I’m Lieutenant Cross.” Cross realized his mistake as he spoke, quickly correcting himself. ”Lieutenant Commander Cross.”

Cross glanced down at his artificial hand and saw McMillan clasping it with her own. He found the sensation curious, still unaccustomed as he was to the temporary prosthetic, and he slowly rotated the limb so that McMillan’s hand slid along the smooth metal surface of his fingers. He was extremely careful as he did so, having already broken several glasses and punctured the screen of a PADD by accidentally applying too much force. The new and unfamiliar prosthetic, coupled with the greater strength which had accompanied his correction, had made the hand a bit of a hazard. After a moment of toying with the hand, Cross realized that his little experiment might seem rather strange to the other party involved, and he quickly dropped the limb to his side, clearing his throat. ”Ehm, I, uh… sorry… miss McMillan.” Cross felt his cheeks emit a fresh wave of heat as the green colour returned, and inwardly cursed himself for his awkwardness. ”The uh, the hand is new, and I’m not quite used to it yet. The sensory input I get from it feels a bit… odd.” Cross gave her an apologetic smile as he continued. ”And, uh, sorry for getting you soaked. I suppose it’s my fault you went tipping into the pond.” Cross’ expression changed again, this time looking bemused and curious. ”So, what brings you here? I’m assuming a dip in the water wasn’t what you’d initially had in mind?”

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #7
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
Heather smiled indulgently at Cross. He was still a very potent and powerful god, but she was baffled with his shyness and the seeming cautiousness of his actions with and around her. Surely he had no reason to be intimidated or put out of sorts with her. She was just a Radiant. Well, half a Radiant, but still. He was sick, that had to be it. The green on his face said so. There could be no other reason for it. After all, Vulcans had no fear, certainly not for an insignificant speck of dust that they'd normally step on without notice. That just wouldn't be logical.

Hullo, Cross, said Heather with a smile when he introduced himself, and she nodded as he proceeded to explain himself about his artificial hand.

Please, call me Heather, she said, and then nodded, quite right, I did have other plans that didn't involve the lovely pond. I am quite put out for hitting you like I did, I hope you will forgive me, and let me know if I may do anything to make it up to you.

She turned away from him then, looking around the arboretum for a while, and she spread her arms out to encompass the whole place, I like it here, she said. it's a little retreat from everything that gets me down. I come here to commune and be at peace.

She looked over at Cross, and then at his artificial hand, May I that happened?

The blonde girl had an idea that might be to the man's liking if he was receptive to it.

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #8
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]Cross gave Heather a quizzical look as the shimmering woman apologized for hitting him, taking a moment to remember that she had initially tripped over him before ending up in the pond. His quizzical expression transformed to take on a certain amount of guilt with the memory. ”Please, don’t apologize.” Cross said as he gave her an embarrassed grin, ”It’s my own fault anyway. I suppose you wouldn’t be expecting to trip over random people lounging about in the grass now, would you?”

Cross continued to watch Heather as she turned away. His eyes followed her as she moved, all the while remaining careful not to concentrate on the shimmering parts of her. As the spectacularly coloured Heather spread her arms wide and declared that she liked it there, Cross couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle. He had to admit, he liked it there too. As she went on to proclaim it to be a place she came to commune with nature, Cross bit bad a comment about her being “one with the pond”, thinking it might be too soon to tease the poor girl about it.

She turned to look at him then, her gaze travelling to his hand. Or rather, the metallic replica that replaced his left hand. She asked how it had happened, prompting Cross to raise the limb in question. He stared at it as he held it at the level of his chest and flexed his fingers slowly, seeing them move but still finding the sensation odd.

”I lost it aboard the Versant.” Cross said finally, pulling his attention away form the prosthetic and raising his gaze to meet Heather’s. ”It happened when our group was assaulting the Machine Labs to liberate Thea.” Cross shrugged, letting the false hand fall to hang at his side once again. His voice didn’t sound upset as he spoke, merely matter of fact. ”I may have lost a hand, but I saved a friend in the process. I’d call that a fair trade.” Cross glanced over at the pond, the surface of the water smooth once more, the last remnants of Heather’s unpracticed swan dive having faded as they were talking. ”If I’m being honest, the loss of my hand wasn’t as hard to deal with as getting used to the fake one has been.” Cross turned his attention back to Heather with a grin that bordered on mischievous. ”I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me, or something wrong with the hand, but I keep breaking things with it. Glasses mostly, though I’ve cracked an LCARS display and the screens of 2 PADDS as well.” The grin he wore turned even more impish. ”I suppose between breaking everything in sight and sending you sailing into the pond, I might start to develop a reputation as a bit of a menace…”

Cross’ pale blue eyes reflected the soft shimmering of Heather’s light as he regarded her for a moment, well aware of the colourful display going on in his peripheral vision. Clearing his throat, he ventured a glance down at the colours which obscured her more intimate area. ”Is… uh… forgive me, but, what… are you?” Cross asked, finally putting words to a question which had nagged at the back of him mind since Heather had first begun her little light show. ”I’ve never seen someone do… that… before.”

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #9
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
How silly, was Heather's sinful thought, and she felt extremely horrid for judging the god before to be silly. He was being exceptionally kind and humble, and she called him silly, even if in her mind, it was as bad as having proclaimed it from the tops of the hills and writing it down on every PADD and screen. But why would he take the blame for her terrible mistake? As it was, she could have inflicted harm upon him! That act itself was a travesty and the great Sacrilege. She was lucky he didn't want to crucify her. She sighed, and wondered if she would have to explain to him what he had every right to accuse her of and do to her if he so wished? That would be terribly awkward.

But one couldn't deny that gods were the strangest beings to ever exist.

She nodded as he answered her query. She had snapped her head to look at him when he chuckled, and tried not to look too unnerved by the sight of him laughing. The Vulcan aspect of him still led her to have assumptions and it was nerve-wrecking to see him breaking from the stereotype. She examined the hand again when he held it up and started explaining and sharing his feelings on the matter, and the issue of control he had in the amount of pressure he applied to things. She couldn't directly assist with that, but she knew a few things that might make his life a bit easier with regards to PADDs. Whoever made the hand was nothing short of a genius, really, but, and she thought of this with absolute mortification on her part for even daring to think so of any god, known and unknown, but it could do with some assistance.

She had started to shake her head and try to fend off his claim that he was a menace, tripping over him was her entire fault, quite really and there was simply no use arguing about it with her. But then he asked her another question.

Oh, I...well... she sighed, realizing this would have come up with the way she freely showed off what she could do, ...yes, quite right. You wouldn't have. The closest similar race that is known at large, would be the Allasomorphs of Daled IV. I am an Alata, colloquially known as Radiants, at least, by the colony on Earth. We've lived in secret on Earth for centuries. I'm the first to reveal herself since, and the first to travel into space ever since we crashed on Earth. Until recently, I didn't even know of other colonies or the location of my people's homeworld...and you're not the only one to be changed on the Versant.

She shuddered as she recalled the memories of her turning, how her memories had even more holes than now. I was completely vapourized by Semathal, so I was told. You could say I died for a short while. Another Savi named Ectand saved me, but he couldn't fully restore me, so he had to...ironically, turn me into a hybrid, adding mass from another race, the Xenexians. So now I'm a half-Radiant. My appearance and height had been changed too. That's my little story, but it really doesn't matter.

She forced a smile and looked at Cross, gesturing towards his mechanical hand, Would you like me to add a holographic PADD system for you?

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #10
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]According to Heather, her rather… unique… ability was possible due to the fact that she was an Alata, or a Radiant. Cross was familiar with neither term, not the other names she used.

He was, however, familiar with the Versant. All too familiar. His expression hardened as she spoke of what was done to her aboard the hellish ship, of how she had been vapourized by Semathal. Of how Echtand had saved her life, splicing her with another race to keep her alive and, in doing so, breaking the false Code which had prompted the Savi to perform Cross’ own correction, as well as so many others. Though in Cross’ case, the correction had had little in the was of physical alterations in his appearance. According to Heather, her height and appearance had both changed, which he supposed made sense given the nature of her… reconstruction. Cross absently wondered what she had looked like prior to being taken by the Savi, though eh didn’t voice his curiosity. Instead he listened as she finished speaking, saying that her story didn’t matter. Her words caused the Vulcan’s brow to furrow.

”Your story mattered enough for someone to put you back together.” Cross told her, his voice quiet but firm. ”I’m sure there is someone aboard this ship that would say it mattered. You seem like a nice enough person, when you’re not tripping over people, that is.” Cross grinned as he finished speaking, the smile serving to soften the cross expression that had furrowed his brow.

Heather gestured to indicate his mechanical hand, the source of his growing ill reputation, and asked if he would like her to add a holographic PADD system to the hand. Cross gazed down at the appendage, the fingers responding as he flexed them without thinking. The damned thing was a nuisance. The only reason he hadn’t gone to sickbay to ask for another option was because Blue was insisting that she make him a custom prosthetic; one that would, in her words, be “totally fucking badass”. The other reason for not going to ask for an alternative was because Cross had never been a fan of sickbay, even less so now, ever since… well… less so now.

Returning his gaze to Heather, Cross smiled. ”I appreciate the offer, but, is that even possible?” Cross glanced at the hand again, holding it up between them. His mouth twitched at the corner, just the hint of a smile. ”I’ve got a different one on the way at some point. Supposedly it will be much better, which won’t be difficult to achieve. To be honest, I’m not sure you should put the effort in.” The smile which had been hinted at proceeded to spread across his features fully, looking almost conspiratorial. ” I’ve been thinking about putting this thing out an airlock once I get the replacement.” Cross chuckled, shaking his head as his poor attempt at a joke. ”But enough of that. You said you came here to commune with nature and be at peace. Me grumbling about breaking things isn’t going to help that. Though if you wanted some company, I could walk with you for a while?” Cross glanced down at his feet and, seeing his bare toes still free in the grass, gave them a wiggle. ”I should probably get my shoes first…”

Cross looked up, his eyes reflecting the shimmering light display she was putting on as they met hers. ”We can have a look at upgrading this hand, if you’d like to have a go at it.” Cross glanced down at the light show which covered key portions of Heather’s body, the colour rising in his cheeks once more. ”For now, though, perhaps you should take my jacket? At least until you dry off a bit? It might draw less attention than...” Cross gestured to Heather's body to indicate the shimmering, unsure of what to call... whatever it was she was doing.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #11
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
She laughed weakly when he quipped about her tripping over people. That actually happened more than she would like to admit, to say nothing of what it did to her frail psyche over the risk she possed to the gods each time she did that, especially in this dangerous new body. It made her afraid of herself. She wouldn't dare say it out loud, but she was very likely a demi-god in the eyes of a pure Radiant now. Her brow furrowed together as she considered what he said, about her life mattering enough for someone to take the trouble to put her together. Wasn't it Jien Ives who made the petition of Echtand? But why? What was she to someone as important as him? That was a mystery worth pondering a little more later.

Ah, he was going to get an improved arm. Made by a god! Well, that settled that. Nothing she made could compare to the workmanship of a god. No need to get involved now. She made a demuring gesture and expression, but decided in her infinite wisdom to shut up, lest she offend Cross. But the idea of wasting that amazing arm he presently wore made her blurt out, N-no don't throw could let me have it, I-I dabble a bit in building things? If it doesn't bother you that is. She straightened up quickly when she realized her forwardness her the glow around her head turned red, indicative of her embarrassment.

I'd welcome th-the company, she stammered, unsure if he was just being polite or he really wanted to spend time with her, a walking disaster. Oh, are you sure? she asked, referring to his invitation to let her have a look at his mechanical appendage, if a god is going to do something for you, anything they'll make will be far superior to anything I can come up with. I-I'm a lesser being.

She smiled weakly at his offer of his jacket and shook her head slightly, her hair almost flowing up wildly as she did so before quickly settling back down. Thank you, Cross, but your clothing would be very heavy for me, I'm afraid I'll tire out quickly if tried.

She plucked at the thin, nearly sheer fabrics on her body, What you see me wearing is so light, a god like you wouldn't even feel it if you wore it.

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #12
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]Cross couldn’t help but crack a slight smile as Heather protested his plan of putting his artificial hand out an airlock, asking the he give the hand to her instead. She claimed to dabble in building things, and Cross chuckled, flexing his hand at his side. ”Alright, miss McMillan. Once I get my new hand, this one is all yours.” He glanced over at her, an amused smile on his features, though the smile faded slightly as he noticed the glow which shrouded her body had turned from the previous shimmer rainbow to a red colour. ”Um, are you ok? You… changed colours…” Cross wasn’t sure if it was impolite to ask, though if the red glow was a sign of anger or something similar, he wanted to know. He wasn’t exactly worried, given the slight impact the Radiant had made when tripping over him, though he also didn’t want to offend the diminutive woman. Perhaps his comment about spacing the damned tin hand had upset her more than he had thought.

The smile returned to his face as she informed him that she would welcome his company, though she stammered as she agreed to continue their walk around the arboretum together. Cross chuckled softly as he reflected that they were quite the pair, both uncertain and stammering. He knew that, for his part, it was an all too common reaction, especially in the days following his correction. He had never been particularly comfortable around females, though the discomfort had become much worse, the embarrassment and blushed more frequent, since his emotional state had intensified with the alteration of his genes. He had no idea what she was flustered about, though he supposed she must have her reasons.

She seemed uncertain as he agreed to let her have a look at the hand, stating that if someone else was making him a hand, then it would likely be superior to her work, since she was a lesser being. It took Cross a moment to register something she had said, his mind struggling to accept that he had really heard it.

Had she said a God? Cross thought, though he initially assumed he had misheard.

She refused his offer of the jacket, stating that it would be very heavy for her to wear. Apparently the garment she had on was extremely light, as well as sheer, and she claimed that if a…

A God like me?

He glanced at her with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, certain he had heard her correctly this time. Cross pulled up short, reaching out and lightly placing the tips of his fingers on her arm to get her attention. ”I’m sorry, but…” Cross hesitated, his pale eyes meeting the Radiant’s bright purple gaze with a quizzical look, ”did you just call me a God?” Cross looked down at his hand, still lightly touching her arm, and let it fall to his side, his face colouring slightly. ”I’ve been called a lot of different names over the years, though never that.” Cross chuckled, looking down at Heather with a growing sense of confusion. He had been called many things; Experiment, mongrel, hybrid, mutt… but never a god. ”I’m afraid you might have me mistaken with someone else, Heather. What is it you think I am?”

And who the hell else on this ship could she be referring to? Cross thought, going over those members of the crew he was aware of. Given that he had only been aboard the Theurgy for two days, the list of those he was familiar with was short, and certainly didn’t contain the names of anyone he might apply the word God to. Maybe Blue Tiran could be a candidate if someone caught her with low blood sugar, though what would be low blood sugar for Blue would still have most people on a sugar high. If someone were to become the target of her wrath, she might have hurled some comment about her being a God at them, though even that was a stretch.

”Tell you what,” Cross said, gesturing to a bench a few meters further along the path they were moving along, ”why don’t we have a seat, and you can tell me why you think I’m a… God… while you have a look at my hand?” He still wasn’t certain about her use of the word, though the least he could do is let her explain her use of the word. He only hoped she wasn’t mocking him for some slight he hadn’t been aware of.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #13
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
Heather jumped slightly when he touched her, and she nearly lost her footing right then but for a quick touch on his shoulder to balance herself. Being light as a feather served her as much as it often worked against her, as she was able to right herself very quickly, enough that the entire sequence of actions could have been mistaken for a phantom movement. She was not so foolish as to presume that Cross had missed all that occurred, and was about to apologize again when he began to speak, and his confusion made her confused. No one really questioned her place and where she stood with them. As it should be, she accepted her place as a lesser being, in service to the gods, which would be, in this case, everyone else on board the ship.

O-okay... said Heather in a stammer as he guided her to a nearby bench and sat her down across from him in a sideways position. Now she was baffled. The holes in her memories meant she couldn't be sure if she had met him before, but as she felt no real familiarity, it was unlikely. Plus, he seemed quite unique in his looks. She doubted she would forget his face so easily.

I think you are exactly what you are, she said honestly, but her head was inclined downwards so she was looking up at him through her eyelids, and there was a hint of worry or fear in her expression, I made no mistake in calling you a god, because that is what you are to me.

She placed her hand over her chest and spoke on, I am a Radiant, a lesser being, an inferior race. Everyone and everything is superior, that is how it is, and how it will always be, we have no issue with that and accept it wholeheartedly. We can't feel as wide a range of emotions as gods like yourself, or possess any talent, ability, or skill that can possibly exceed yours. It's not humility as you often like to tell me, but simple fact. Gods are superior, Radiants are not, and we're glad. It gives us people we can be in the presence of, and a purpose: To serve and to protect, with our lives, despite how little worth it may be.

She finally took a look at Cross' arm, gingerly lifting it up to examine closely under the light. See? This design, clearly made by gods, is so much more than whatever I could have made for you. Despite impulse control and strength balance that might arise from it, your superiority over me and my kind is assured.

She looked up again at Cross, Does that bother you? Your tone implies confusion and disbelief. I'm worried I have offended you.

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #14
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]Cross watched Heather’s movements with a quizzical expression as they made their way to the bench, having been surprised at the way she had seemed to jump when he’d touched her. She had stammered as she’d agreed to his suggestion that they sit, and that, coupled with her comments about gods, had left Cross puzzled. Regardless, he sat himself on the bench, his back leaning against the bench as he stretched his legs out before him, crossing them at the ankles. He glanced over at the Radiant, the myriad of colours emanating from the woman reflecting in his pale eyes as he watched her situate herself on the bench, seating herself sideways on the bench so as to be facing him.

Heather looked downward as she began to speak, or rather she inclined her head downward while peering up at him through her lashes with a worried expression as she informed him that she had called him a god because that was what he was to her. McMillan placed her hand over her chest as she continued to speak, the motion drawing Cross’ eyes, though he quickly sent them back up to her face as he realized where he was looking, his cheeks colouring slightly. She spoke of being a Radiant, referring to herself as a lesser being, inferior. She claimed everyone and everything to be superior to her, and that she accepted that fact. The terms she used grated on him, similar as they were to the manner in which his Cardassian keepers had referred to him throughout his early life before Starfleet had come and taught him otherwise. She continued to explain her species’ inferiority, claiming the ideas as simple fact, and as a comfort. She claimed that to serve and protect the gods gave them a purpose, and they were glad of it. She claimed their lives held little worth.

Cross had remained silent throughout Heather’s explanation, afraid that if he were to speak, she would simply defer to him and fall silent based on her stated view of their various standings. The whole thing left a bitter taste in Cross’ mouth. He watched with eyes which held a hint of sadness as Heather gingerly reached out, lifting his prosthetic arm so as to better see it. She proclaimed the arm superior to anything she could make. Finally she looked up at him, asking if her words were bothering him, voicing a worry that she had caused offence. Cross sighed heavily, looking at her with uncertainty. He felt torn with indecision. Should he try to convince her that he wasn’t a god? Did he tell her she was wrong about him? Could he do that?

”You haven’t offended me, Heather.” Cross said, his eyes dropping to her hands cradling his prosthetic. If was a strange sensation, seeing her touching him yet feeling nothing. It was something he still struggle to get used to, the whole circumstance feeling eerie to him. Her hands looked small compared to the fingers of the metal appendage, though that was unsurprising given the Radiant’s relative size to him. He glanced back up to her face, his eyes searching hers for the reason she had appeared worried or afraid a moment ago. Was she afraid of him? ”Though that doesn’t mean that I agree with what you’ve said.” He swallowed hard, returning his gaze to her hands on his. ”I…” A faint hint of a smile crossed his features for a moment, and he chuckled softly before he continued. ”I would make a hajari terrible god, Heather.”

A thought occurred to him, and he reached out with his other hand, placing it on hers to pause her inspection of his hand. As the skin of his hand made contact with hers, he felt a sudden sensation, a surge of emotions and thoughts that were not his own. Excitement, joy, curiosity and fear all mingled with his own emotions, the entire experience set to a constant narrative of extremely faint mental chatter. It all moved too quickly for him to fully take it all in during the brief moment in which the contact lasted. He caught snippets of the thoughts; tea, a planet, the number 42, a tribble…

Cross’ hand jerked away from Heather’s, the Vulcan letting out a gasp as he regarded Heather with wide eyes. The thoughts had been too fast, too continuous for him to make much sense of them. Truthfully, he had been too startled by the experience to even make the effort, having never encountered it before. He looked down, seeing his hand gripping the railing of the bench and forcing it to lessen it’s grip. He looked back to Heather, seeing her still cradling his prosthetic, relief flooding him that her hadn’t inadvertently hurt her in his reaction. Cross released his grip on the bench’s arm and held it up in front of him, regarding it with a surprised expression. Haja, that’s… new…” It was something he hadn’t considered before. He knew Vulcans were ouch telepaths, though he had never had any such thing when he was a hybrid. Had the Savi’s correction changed his neural makeup?

He would have to be more cautious, if that were the case.

”Here, hold on.” He said, turning back to Heather as he carefully withdrew his artificial hand, holding it in front of him. He fingered the release with his other hand, and gingerly removed the artificial limb, leaving his stump visible, the forearm ending halfway between the elbow and where the wrist would have been. He looked at Heather, holding out the prosthetic for her to take. ”This might make it easier for you to have a look at it.”

He studied her a moment as he held out the false limb, considering what she’s been talking about. ”Does it… bother you?” Cross asked, casting a curious glance at the Radiant. ”That I don’t think I am what you believe me to be?” He watched Heather as she held the arm, gently massaging his severed arm with his free hand, the skin slightly chaffed in some places.

Kardasi Translation:
Hajari - Fucking
Haja - Fuck

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #15
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
Heather squeaked in surprise when Cross just detached his arm! It was quite disconcerting to see the limb just lying in her arms. A literal lifetime ago, this would have brought her to the ground, considering her utterly worthless strength relative to Earth standard gravity. Now though, thanks to her becoming something akin to a demi-goddess, she could hold it, but it was still heavy. Bother me? asked Heather, N-no, of course not. You are most certainly free to believe what you want. You had asked me, and I simply explained what I believe in. Whatever you say yourself to be, you are to me, like everyone else on this ship, a god, and I am in your service.

She gingerly held the detached artificial limb, and began examining it in earnest, as she continued to speak, a slight smile on her lips, You saw something? Just now, when you touched me. You looked surprised. Did you manifest your Vulcan powers?

Heather had been thinking a myriad of things, of course, whatever she did. Her mind was a chaotic web of thoughts and emotions. She was in a perpetual state of loss, confusion, fear, eagerness, excitement, sorrow, joy, and she of course, thought about tribbles and breed management, chickens and their many uses, how the most important question in the universe led to the inevitable answer of forty-two, and when she could have a nice cup of hot tea. Also, why did hamsters exist?

All this, while she processed whatever she could see of the make and design of Cross' artificial arm, which was a technological wonder in and of itself. The fact that it could pick up his brain signals that controlled its movements and actions was no simple feat. The intricate wiring and synaptic connections were unbelievably complex! Heather wanted to know all this. She...suddenly realized she might actually already know this, but had simply forgotten due to the holes in her memories. She was also filled with confusing memories that she knew nothing off, as if they belonged to someone else. Maybe they did. Was she even really Heather McMillan anymore?

This arm is incredible. Who built it? asked Heather.

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #16
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]Cross listened as Heather stated that it didn’t bother her that Cross didn’t think himself a god, that regardless of his feelings on the matter, he and the rest of the Theurgy’s crew were just that. Gods. Cross found the idea rather disconcerting, not that Heather would believe such a thing, but that she would have such faith in someone as inherently flawed as himself. That being said, her belief in his godhood might help explain the way her eyes had bulged slightly when he had removed his prosthetic. Cross supposed it wasn’t ever day that a god just handed you one of his limbs…

She had also, apparently, noticed his reaction to touching her, how he had jerked his hand away. She seemed almost amused in the way she smiled while examining his prosthetic, asking if his Vulcan powers had manifested, and is he had seen something when he touched her. Her question caught him off guard, the Radiant seeming almost as if she knew more about him that he did himself.

And here she is saying I’m the god… Cross thought to himself with a slight grin. She had continued examining his hand, turning it this way and that as she looked it over, seeming to marvel at each detail. He found himself surprised when she asked who had made it, proclaiming it incredible. ”Who… oh… um… I’m not sure.” Cross admitted, slight colour rising in his cheeks as he punctuated the admission with a shrug. ”They gave it to me in sickbay after we got back from the Versant.”

Some god I am. Cross thought as he marvelled at his grasp of Federation Standard, specifically the word “um”.

”I did though. See something...” Cross admitted, sounding a bit unsure of himself. ”Or rather, I felt something. Heard something? I’m sorry, I… didn’t mean to intrude on your thoughts.” Cross’ face flushed anew, the Vulcan embarrassed at his slip-up. He raised his hand and looked at his palm, as though the inspection wold reveal something to him. ”This is new. I never had any form of telepathy before the Versant. It’s…” Cross lowered his hand to his lap again and glanced over at Heather. ”… a bit disconcerting.” Cross cocked his head slightly as he regarded the Radiant sitting next to him, a thought occurring to him. ”Do Radiants have it?” Cross realized that he had been rather vague, and so quickly followed up the question with a clarification. "Telepathy, I mean. I know you can…” Cross gestured to Heather, where the glowing lightshow still emanated from her body. Cross coloured slightly as he quickly dropped his hand, hoping the Radiant didn’t think the gesture was anything untoward.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #17
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
Ah, said Heather, so it's a standard issue prosthetic...intriguing.

She stroked her chin thoughtfully as she regarded the metallic limb. It was still a technological marvel, though part of her counted herself lucky to have everything intact. Well, that wasn't true, now, was it? Her entire body and racial heritage had been replaced with...she basically had the equivalent a prosthetic body. And everytime she thought about it, she had the detached sensation, like peering out through the eyes of someone else. The mild emotional distress this always caused made her light pulse slowly, and dim until it was almost gone altogether as the chaos of thougths that flooded her mind disrupted the concentration now needed to hold her lights.

Fortunately, when Cross began to speak, it gave her something else to focus on, and her glow slowly reappeared, mostly around the areas that seemed to make Cross blush or hesitant to look on account of her sheer attire. It was such a curiosity why he would feel so embarrassed for her when she wasn't the least bothered by it. Indeed, most gods had this odd issue regarding nudity, even the mighty Klingons.

Oh, it's quite all right, said Heather with a wave of her hand, and quickly brought it back down, because she was swinging Cross' prosthetic arm with it, I have nothing to hide, certainly not in my thoughts. You're quite welcome to read them whenever you feel like it. Do I have... she pressed her free hand against her chest, ...oh telepathy! No, not at all, we're quite incapable of reading minds. There's a thing that life-mated Radiants can do by pressing their palms against each other, and we share our spirits through our light, but it's...well, it's not quite the same thing...actually, how did I know this?

She frowned and looked away, troubled by where this knowledge came from, and she remembered a disembodied voice telling her that she was now a lorekeeper. Lore of what?

Alata... said Heather distractedly, ...I...I am an Alata...

Arboretum Guide

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #18
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum | Deck 22 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage
[Show/Hide]”Alata…” Heather murmured distractedly, ”…I…I am an Alata…”

Cross wondered if the thought was meant to be private, feeling as though he might be intruding on some sort of personal moment for the Radiant. She had voiced a complete lack of concern regarding his accidentally intruding on her thoughts, inviting him to do so any time, though that was not an invitation he intended to take advantage of. He had little control of his telepathic abilities, and wasn’t about to go using them freely.

”Alata.” Cross said, echoing the word she had used in a quiet voice. ”What is that, an Alata?” Cross had never heard the term, though to be fair he had never met a girl who glowed with a colourful light show either, so today was certainly a day of firsts. Hell, between being free of the Versant, being promoted, and the unfortunate incident with V-Nine… well… it was more like a week of firsts…

”Heather?” Cross asked, placing his single hand lightly on the shoulder of the seemingly distracted Radiant. Who was this woman? A klutz? A Radiant? An Alata? A living glowstick?  So far the only ones he could confirm were klutz and glowstick, the former having proved entertaining, the latter more unnerving. The Vulcan studied the blonde woman, trying not to allow the glimmering lights of the glowstick-made-flesh to draw his gaze. ”Are you alright?”

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted

Reply #19
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Arboretum | Deck 22 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife
Images flashed through Heather's mind as she briefly ignored her companion of the moment. They were disjointed, memories of an older couple, possibly her parents? Racing through the snow, leaping across trees, almost gliding with a long-forgotten ability possessed by all, Alata. Curling up comfortably in a gigantic leaf stretched between two trees. A handsome Radiant smiling down at her, and saying something in a long-forgotten language.

Her distraction caused her glow to cease altogether, and she looked only human once again, but she was relatively dry enough that her clothes were no longer sticking to her or completely indecent. When Cross called to her, she finally glanced at him, but her look was still distant, and distracted as she shook her head. Raising a hand to lightly touch her temple, she said in a strange lilting accent, My mind has many holes...gaps in the memory.

She studied her surroundings for a brief moment, as she absent-mindedly handed the prosthetic arm back to him. It's all so beautiful...and yet false. I suppose this is the inevitable that many spoke of. I must see if I can do anything to balance the light against the dark.

She smiled sweetly at Cross, It was really nice to meet you, today. If you ever want to talk again, you know where to find me. Perhaps over less extenuating circumstances that involves me tripping over you. Good day.

She gracefully rose from her seat and headed for the exit, looking oddly ethereal and otherworldly...until she tripped over the threshold as she left, and Cross could hear a muffled yelp, Oh snickerdoodles!

She was quickly on her feet, and moved again, this time with far less grace and more of her usual demeanour of tripping over everything.


OOC: Fin tag added as per Fife's request.

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