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Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Dinner Plans

Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Dinner Plans

[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Jack's quarters] Attn: @Even Angels Cry  

it had been a long day. The first of many double shifts that he was expecting after his meeting with the Ships Second Officer Carrigan Trent, then there was that incident with the death by vaccuum. It was probably the worst way someone could be hurt, but it also hadn't killed them, the last he heard Rihen was in stasis, which was unfavorable at best.

If it were him there is a certian finality to death that he would prefer. Actually, probably best if he did something about that. "Thea, please add  a DNS, to my file." He said softly, as he sat as his desk. The idea that the computer was semi sentient was a fun one, he should ask to get clearance to poke around the computer core at some point. For now the Do Not Stasis would be the preferable course of action.

If it came down to it than death was something that he could survive with. But there was a certian  comfort in knowing that he wouldn't follow that same fate, that he would be judged on the bridge. Of course he would never be allowed into the halls of stovokor and quickly forgotten but it wasn't the point. The point was his choice.

Getting up he decided to run a  sonic shower,  taking off his clothing he wasn't expecting any company tonight, and honestly was a little too tired to seek anyone out, if Jaya did take him up on his offer to have a drink he would offer her something replicated here, and to join him for dinner, but he wasn't gonna go out to the bar tonight. Tomorrow he had an away mission, and that meant he probably should take up an opertunity to sleep, plus he hadn't actually used his bed yet.

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Dinner Plans

Reply #1
Jaya Thorne | Hi'Jak's Quarters | Attn @Kaligos

It had taken a few hours and some time spent in sickbay, but Jaya was physically able to walk and control her body again. the swelling had subsided dramatically and she was starting to feel normal again.  But it wasn't her momentary lack in motor controls that haunted Jaya.  She had killed a woman.  Rihen not being dead was only semantics.  The light in her eyes had gone out, the fire in her soul had been extinguished, and yet her empty husk wasn't given the opportunity to move on.  Rebirth was something Jaya believed in.  It was a natural part in the cycle, but it could not happen unless the body was allowed to die.  Rihen wasn't.  By placing her body in stasis, the cycle of karmic rebirth paused.  Rihen's spirit couldn't leave the lifeless shell it once inhabited, which meant she wasn't free to be reborn into the world as something new and better.  All this because Jaya lied.

Other thoughts collided with her guilty conscience as she walked the corridors of the Theurgy.  She hadn't been focused on going to her quarters, so she ended up wandering aimlessly.  Or so she thought.

Her feet stopped in front of a door she didn't recognize and Thea prompted her memory.

[Personal Quarters of Lieutenant Junior Grade Hi'Jak]

Jaya looked up at the ceiling as if she expcted a reason for why she was here.  The words from earlier stood out in her mind. "I need to find some fun on this ship.  You wanna catch a drink after my shift?" 

Huh.. obviously she didn't want to be alone tonight and she had chosen her companion for the evening without knowing it.  Jaya shrugged and entered the room. "Hello?  I uh, dunno if you were expecting company or not but.. here I am.  I thought maybe we could drink away the day."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Dinner Plans

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Jack's quarters] Attn: @Even Angels Cry 

Sonic showers were a little dull in Jack's opinion. There was no heat or moisture to them, sure they were more 'clean' than a regular water variant, but knowing that department heads got a water shower, and that he was stuck with a sonic varity, well it was one more reason he kind of wished he could move up the ladder. That said Martin was young and vibrant kind of cute, she was exactly the type of person who stayed in power for a very long time, and he wasn't even the assistant chief anymore. So his dreams of heading a department well he was no closer here than he had been on 84.

Jack was young, but not as young as he had been, and his career options were limited to this ship at the moment. Part of him knew his glory seeking was going to get him into trouble sooner rather than later. If he had cut it as a warrior all those years ago he would have had his own ship by now. As he turned off the shower, he grabbed a towel to brush himself down, and that was when he heard a femine voice call out. He recognized Jaya's voice and smiled.

"Sounds great!" Jack said as he discarded the towel, and walked out of his sonic shower. His feet brushed the soft carpet as he looked over at Jaya. "Make yourself comfortable please, and close the door."

Jack for his part seemed completely unashamed that he was naked. He faced Jaya showcasing a muscle structor that most did not expect to see outside of security, with broad shoulders and abbs. Jack was clearly in his prime though the majority of his muscles probably came from the genetics that had also given him his forhead ridges.

As he smiled towards Jaya the impressive length that dangled between his legs was inert against the cold air compared to the warm shower he had just been in, however he made no move to go for clothing. He walked over to the replicator and ordered himself a drink. "Whisky, no ice, with a slice of lime." Taking his drink he motioned towards Jaya.

"What can I get for you Jaya? I'm glad you decided to come, I know you had a rather powerful encounter with that virus.. I also got treated" He added that last part with a slight growl, not because he disliked sickbay but because it was the first time he had ever gotten sick.

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Dinner Plans

Reply #3
Jaya Thorne | Hi'Jak's Quarters | Attn @Kaligos

Jaya has been asking herself why she had bothered to come here all the way until Jack emerged from the bathroom stark naked.


Her eyes followed him across the room to the replicator and she understood why she'd come.  It was her tried and true response: for the sex of course.  And the drinks. Now that she thought about his invitation, she didn't remember anything about dinner. Jaya considered ordering food, but anything other than alcohol would slow the rate at which she got drunk and she desperately wanted to be wasted. Fast.

"Fuck it.  Let's start with a glass of breshtanti ale. Unless you've got Romulan ale squirreled away somewhere."  Jaya stepped fully into the room so that the door would close. Though nudity was obviously not an issue for Jack, since he made no move for a towel or clothing.  She didn't mind. It gave her a chance to fully appreciate his assets.  If she had any doubts about fucking him they were long gone now. 

Given Jack's state of undress, however, Jaya now felt grossly overdressed.  She shrugged off her duty jacket and untucked the underlying blouse.  Better.  Her fingers then began unfastening the buttons of her red blouse until it hung loose and open.  Her chest rose, revealing more of the periwinkle blue lacy underwire bra, then fell as she tried to expel today from her senses.

It wasn't working. Rihen was still keenly on her mind as was her bout with that virus.  " Was the virus as bad for you? Cuz it sucked for me.  I didn't know it would get that bad. I thought i had a hangover from the night before, or maybe some kind of residual effects from my concussion during three starbase battle.  I had no idea.. "  Oh god. She'd done it. She was talking before drinking. She needed to stop.  If this continued, she'd end up a sloppy mess, and not in the way she liked.

"..i didn't mean to."  Oh god! Stop talking! "I didn't know i was sick. Like honestly sick.  And then i just.. lost feeling.." She could feel the tears. She blinked her eyes furiously to keep them back, but this stalemate wouldn't last long. 

Jaya stepped up to the replicator so she was standing beside Jack. 'Make it stop. Kiss him.  Grab his dick. Do anything other than talk!'  She swallowed back her confession and ordered a pint of her replicated drink.  But there was a delay between ordering and drinking, and Jaya couldn't stand the accusatory silence.  "I tried. Thea couldn't help and i did everything i could to.."  HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO REPLICATE A FUCKING DRINK?! 

Two seconds. Sometimes one.  Sometimes three.  By the time Jaya had the pint in her hand, she was shaking.  She'd turned her body away from Jack just enough so he wouldn't see her pain. At least not in her eyes anyway. It was bad form to cry before the booty call began.

Jaya gripped the stein like it was a helpless child. She held it close to her chest, not caring that the chilled glass came into contact with her bare skin.   Her knuckles were slowly turning white. She needed so speak. To drop her verbal bomb and be wounded by her own shrapnel.  But she couldn't. If she said anything else, it would be choked sobs and whiney apologies.   So instead she chugged her pint of ale.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Dinner Plans

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Hi'Jak | Jack's quarters] Attn: @Even Angels Cry 

"Migrains, but a lot of that also came from a sudden double shift. The CO thought I would be better used as a lacky than in the science department."
He of course wasn't really at leasure to disclose the reasons why he had that double shift, or that it wouldn't be ending any time soon, the only chance he had was to make the most out of this sudden away mission, but even that held risks any time you left a ship there was some expectation that you wouldn't return in one piece. Which was another reason he was glad that Jaya had come today.

It meant that he could push to make this night one of his better ones. He listened to Jaya and heard the conflict that she was going through. He sighed as she seemed to try and undress, but at the same time couldn't really get out of her own mind. A mind that was very clearly attempting to punish her for all that had happened. Jack had a different view on the situation, while it was probably the single most painful way to die in the universe, there was no doubts in his mind that it had been unavoidable. The woman had been crippled the moment that her suits oxigen had caught fire.

Jack walked slowly behind Jaya as she replicated her drink, he wasn't watching her face, but coudl see it reflected in the replicator, as his hands wrapped around her stomach, holding her for a moment, he let out a soft hush, and held Jaya against his chest, his hands on her exposed mid drift as he held her.

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Dinner Plans

Reply #5
Jaya Thorne | Hi'Jak's Quarters | Attn @Kaligos

Jaya felt the knot in her chest loosen some as Jack tried to comfort her with consolatory touch and kind words.  She closed her eyes and tipped her head a little when he kissed her neck.  Enough to give him some room and indicate that the gesture was well received.  Her body responded favorably to his touch but the guilt wouldn't let go. 

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

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