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CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

After a little rest following the Spearhead Lounge bombing, Elro found it was time and he feared that it may not go well, Elro was not quite prepared to accept failure but he’d take it and work with it. So his approach to the cell with Doctor Lucan cin Nicander inside was a little subdued but he walked up to the forcefield and had his hands by his sides.

Elro hadn’t had much sleep and though didn’t completely look it, however, there was a less than fresh quality to the Betazoid. ”Apologies for disturbing you Doctor Nicander, I was hoping to converse with you as to the cycles you told us about?” Elro left out all the uncomfortableness of the interrogation. Though he was proud of being an advocate for Nicander’s rights to fair treatment and safety, he hoped that may help his primary purpose for meeting with the Câroon.

He moved his hands so that his fingers interlaced together in front of him. ”May I ask a few questions?” Elro asked, though he had a momentary concern that he probably should have started with his primary purpose here before asking questions.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #1
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
After Vinata's visit, Nicander knew something dire had happened the night before, with the poor Ovri having been overworked by the event. He couldn't be told much more since that might give the parasite - and in extension other Infested - information they shouldn't be privy to.

So when Doctor Kobol  appeared, Vinata having left already, Lucan was both in full uniform and in full awareness as to why Kobol  - also - seemed to be dampened. Whatever had happened, Lucan did know that Jovela had died, and that Vinata had taken her place. Kobol  would have been the one to promote the Ovri to the position of Head Nurse, and it was a sound choice, if nothing else. Then, however, there was the less than cordial rapport Lucan had with his successor in sickbay, given the manner in which the CMO conducted himself. It seemed a paradox, in how on one hand, the Betazoid had looked after his well-being and partaken in the surgery that had saved both his life and his sanity, but on the other, had treated him as a sub-human villain ever since then.

So, only on the account of Kobol  having the sound rationale of promoting Vinata to Head Nurse, did Lucan decide to give the mind-rapist (as his people's biased opinion called species like Kobol 's) the benefit of the doubt, and a cordial greeting.

"Yes," he said and put his PADD aside, rising to his feet with a deep breath. He folded his mismatched hands behind his back and levelled his pale grey eyes on the man. "Nurse Vinata was here a couple of hours ago, giving me the news about Jovela."

With a frown, he looked towards the deck between them, separated by the forcefield. "My concern for my old medical team makes me want to make sure that we lost no one else than her, but I am unsure how much the other Infested should know about our losses." Images flashed before his eyes. Memories of the Risian woman through the years. "She worked with me since the ship was commissioned, and I will miss her deeply. You made a good choice in picking Ensign Vojona for her successor, however. Vinata is an excellent member of the team."

Raising his eyes, he looked at Doctor Kobol  in a slightly reserved manner, expecting the man to launch into another blame-game, but he reminded himself that the man had actually granted him the title of Doctor this time around. Perhaps there was hope for the young man still. "What do you want to know?"

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Actually it was best to do it now, Elro decided. ”Doctor, I am gratified that you approve of Ensign Vojona to be Head Nurse,” the Betazoid lowered his head a little in a show of submission. ”All of your team has performed admirably since my appointment.”

”I regret not immediately getting to know your team after my fellow Endeavour officers and I accepted that the Parasites threat was real and agreed to join this crew in the mission to free the Federation.” He glanced up before continuing. ”I wish to formally offer you my deepest apologies for my inexcusable behaviour towards you Commander.”

There it was officially laid out for his predecessor to accept or deny, Elro would live with the latter and spend whatever time he could to prove to the Câroon of his sincerity to make amends between them.

”Be assured that whoever was responsible for Miss Jovela will be brought to justice, I will see to it Doctor.” Elro said with determination though he knew that he’d have little to offer in the way of finding that information out as Chief Medical Officer but still it felt good to say. He will keep looking and listening around for anything in the coming days. Elro did want to mention the others caught in the bomb but agreed that withholding information from the Parasite within the Câroon was the best course of action, though the Betazoid if in Nicander’s situation would want to know. They had to get the creature out of him.

The solution seemed so out of reach even though they had knowledge of two possible methods of dealing with the Parasites, the how to do so was the second problem. He decided to wait on the cycles’ questions until after there was some progress to patching the relationship between them.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #3
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
The sudden shift in tonality from Doctor Kobol  caught Nicander somewhat by surprise, and he frowned a bit as he regarded the Betazoid, unsure how earnest he was being about that apology.

"I hope Security will find the one responsible, indeed," he murmured, slowly pacing a couple of steps inside the forcefield as he regarded the man outside. It seemed such a drastic shift, this approach by the other Docotr, so it begged the obvious question. An apology did not always mean the person believed they were wrong and the other person was right. It just meant they might value something above their ego. After a couple of seconds, he raised his voice anew.

"I may have misspoken as well, and if you want to move on from past grievances, I am prepared to do so," he said quietly, yet he tilted his head a bit as he made his query. "My people have a saying. 'In this storm of life, when you deny someone an apology,
you will remember it at time you beg forgiveness.' Still, given how you seemed so set in your views of me, pray tell, what has made you reconsider your standpoint in my regard?"

Did the humans have a saying about gifts and horses? By the winds, he couldn't recall the wording, but he felt he had to ask since it seemed so odd that the Betazoid would move past his own bias towards people he couldn't read.

Does it have anything to do with what happened last night? he wondered, as he adjusted the sleeves of his uniform.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Just as quickly as Nicander mentioned it, Elro made a mental note about the way the Câroon phrased his response to finding the cause of the bombing and why with the words ‘the one responsible’. Had the bombing been something that the Parasites had planned as it seemed Nicander was fairly sure it was a single individual who planned and executed the bomb.

Would the Câroon know more about it all with his connection to the Parasite? Maybe it could have been one of the Parasite’s plans when it was fully in control of Nicander and set up prior to him regaining control of his body? Elro thought but might address those questions later as he began thinking on his own behaviour since the Academy to now as it all seemed related to his hostility to those he couldn’t read.

There was far more to it than just that of course as he could recall being somewhat 'more' before he learned of his To-Be-Husband’s death. Elro ran through his memories up to joining the Theurgy crew. ”I never truly faced my grief over the loss of my betrothed during the Dominion war, I simply buried it. I focused on my education and career, I think it made me fear relationships, and having to endure more loss, and so pushed others away. I didn’t really feel or live. I had been called cold and angry.” He said looking down at the forcefield emitters between the two Doctors.

”I lashed out at anyone I couldn’t read as an outlet of my anger at the way my life has played out and not only your words of our last encounter as well as our current situation getting worse has put my life and future into the perspective of one question: what do I want in my life?” Elro said. He knew he’d probably get into deeper detail with a counselor and how to better manage his path to recovery, probably sooner rather than later but hearing it in his own words may help things get started as his revelation did.

He frowned. ”And you were one, you deserve better from me which is why I am here now. You were a victim of possession and while we will never know that if presented with your plans after you got control, how we may have reacted. As I stood for your rights, I believe...I would have proposed to support your plans, honestly I believe we would had to try. Elro said with a slow nod. The Betazoid wasn't that completely sure but they did know about the Parasites then, it wasn't fresh news.

”Right now I’m still working through it all but one thing was certain in my mind, I had to put things right between us. At least attempt to otherwise I fear I might never get the opportunity to, should you use your Farsight and lose yourself to the darkness on our behalf. I’d regret it and coupled with other things I have to set right, I may not be able to move on when the day comes our mission concludes.” Elro made eye contact again with Nicander. ”I truly hope that we will both be there for that day.”

Elro knew that they still hadn't found a way to extract the Parasites from a Host yet and there was the real possibility that they would be forced to simply kill a Host in order to save an unknown number of innocents. The Betazoid smiled at Nicander and was glad that the Câroon said he’d be willing to meet him in the middle, it was more than he’d hoped for.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #5
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
Listening to the Betazoid, it seemed they were no more beyond feeling grief than other species - the loss of someone dear having moulded how the Doctor approached the people around him. Especially those who represented the unknown. Perhaps there was an equivalence made between the randomness of the late fiance's death and the completely unknown factor that Câroon represented for a Betazoid. Of course it was easy to project bias an ontoward opinions towards someone whom they felt no empathy from, for to Kobol , it had to be like talking to a speaking void. If Kobol  couln't feel him, then what would make him think he spoke to a real person, with real feelings and equal rights?

In a way, hearing Kobol 's confession and apology, it cast his own bias towards the proverbial 'mind-rapists' of the Galaxy in an unflattering light. Who was he to judge other species by their inherent abilities, for they had as little control over their senses as he could control his own breathing, right? Of course, Lucan could hold his own breath, just as easily as Betazoids allegedly could keep themselves from prying too much into the minds of others, but both abilities were integral to their physiques respectively. How quickly he had leapt to adopt the old slurs of his people when Kobol  had disrespected him, without properly distancing himself from such crude cultural influences.

"As Starfleet officers," he said quietly with a small smile, his mismatched hands resting on his hips, "we should have known better than this, and that goes for the both of us. Apology accpeted."

The notion that he might be lost to the abyss inside him was a haunting one, but finally the Doctor acknowledged the risk. Lucan could but hope that the measures in place would be enough for the time being.

"So far, it seems the transphasic light cannon out there worked the way it should, when I saw the Praetor and the Romulan Senate Chamber," he said and nodded towards the large contraption mounted behind Kobol . The massive kemocite-powered light emitter had restored his sanity when the parasite assumed control, and hopefully there was enough kemocite aboard the ship to shoot him again, and again, while he provided the Theurgy with the tactical advantage it needed against the Infested. "I only wish Heather MacMillan had come to see me at least once before she left the ship, since that canon was built following my own research into transphasic light waves and the scans of her bioluminesence. Science and Engineering worked together to build that thing, but it wouldn't have been possible to make it without MacMillan. I am sorry that I couldn't thank her before she left, but as I have been told, she left to try and save her people, and I can respect that."

Of course, he couldn't blame her for not wanting to see him, even though he had never done her any harm.

The thing inside him had almost killed her, during the battle at Starbase 84, but she knew naught of it. Together, they had tried to stop Sonja Acreth from delivering the Ash'reem seed child to Niga. Even if Heather hadn't know the stakes involved, she must have learned of them since, and perhaps she had deduced what kind of peril she'd been in, had he lost control in those crucial moments...

"Do you have word from Commander Kaeris if there has been any progress made on the phase variance transporter experiments?" he asked, hoping in vain that despite this enigmatic incident the day before, that the Science department had made progress in finding a means to remove the parasite entirely. For while the transphasic light canon sustained his sanity when needed, it was not a permanent solution to his situation. He knew Kobol  had come to ask about the cycles, but he couldn't help asking his question first, in hope to finally be restored to his own self.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The moment Nicander accepted his apology was so lifting of his spirit that he almost jumped for joy but his more mature side guided Elro into a more humble state. Though he smiled a moment after the word left Nicander’s mouth. He gave a somewhat half bow from half way up his torso as a sign of gratitude, though when he straightened Nicander continued with speaking about the Transphasic Light cannon behind Elro that seemed to be the Câroon’s salvation from the Abyss of possession.

Elro listened to Nicander about his desired outcomes of his efforts prior to being put in the Brig, again, and one was concerning Heather MacMillan and her Radiant traits that the Light cannon was based off. Elro too hoped that Heather found and helped her people, they would be needed if they could find any. Maybe that was something the Captain should look into. Dispatching some of the crew to find any of the Radiants, it would be a time-consuming task but may be something achievable with the new alliance with the Savi.

”I am sorry Commander, I do not know of how the phase variance transporter experiments are going.” He smirked. ”I am a Doctor not an Engineer.” Elro had always wanted to say that after hearing a legendary Medical Officer was commonly known to say the same phrase over and over again during his prime years of Starfleet service.

”About these cycles Doctor, are you able to determine what is different between the cycles and the current one?” Elro asked, his stance had relaxed to an at ease position.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #7
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
While it was disappointing that there were no further news on the science experiments related to transphasic light and a new transporter protocol, Lucan accepted this in stride, while he heard the the first of the questions that Kobol  had come to him with. It was a line of questioning that might not have been properly explored, and the Betazoid ought to be commended for giving it attention. It seemed that he had perpetually tried to explain how things seemed to be tied together, but because of ignorance or confusion, the cycles hadn't come up as often as they should in interrogations so far.

"The knowledge of what has come before is as murky as the dark which I have gazed into," he said and took a deep breath, beginning to try and describe it.

"Have you ever had a... what is the Federation Standard word? Déjà vu?" he asked but it was a rhetorical question that didn't need an answer. Even if Kobol  hadn't had such an experience, he was surely familiar with the concept well enough. "It is a predominant feeling, multiplied, in which I have sensed and experienced things before through the inter-dimensional darkness to which I am connected with through this... thing inside me. So, I can - betimes - recall having interactions which I have had before, predominantly events of highest import, that you might remember well, making it somehow linger in the abyss inside me. Like, for instance, the moment where Sonja Acreth returned to Niga with the Seed child, which I had nurtured to a strength equal to survival once it arrived there. In cycles before this one, I aided Acreth, over and over, in her creation of the temporal breach that led to Niga. In this one, for the first time, I tried to stop her instead, since Heather McMillan had disconnected me from the influence of the parasite with her bioluminesence."

While he explained, he paced slowly in his cell, gesturing idly with his mismatched hands while he talked. "Another time which I felt I have experienced before, was when the Borg almost invaded Federation space in the Azure Nebula. In other cycles, the Niga virus was already spreading through the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, and in some of them, I was preventing the use of the Omega Device in the Azure Nebula. The thing that Commander Wenn Cinn detonated in this cycle. It all depended on events leading up to that point. I was actively sabotaging any efforts towards that end, by whatever means at my disposal. I have seen visions form past cycles in which I killed Wenn Cinn, and many others, to enable the Borg Queen's forces through. Yet in this cycle, because I had regained my sanity and control over my body, I made no such efforts. In fact, I informed the bridge crew about the Omega Device, and what role it could play, and ensured that the Theurgy could stop the Collective from coming through. Luckily, since my word wasn't credit enough, Wenn Cinn also claimed the Prophets of his showed him the way."

Falling silent for a moment, he pondered the question again. "I am fairly able to, depending on the moment, and the context. Is there any specific event you're wondering about?"

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Elro tried to not cringe every time Nicander said ‘I was’, ‘I killed’, ‘I sabotaged’, it wasn’t him that did those things. Though the Betazoid couldn’t be exactly sure of what the Câroon was forced to do and did of his own free will, unless he asked but that was all in the past now.

They couldn’t dwell in it too long or the future will be in danger, more so than it already is. Though there was one thing Elro wanted to correct Nicander on first. ”Commander, don’t you mean the Parasite, not you, who did those counterproductive things, so the pronoun ‘I’ doesn’t actually apply?” He asked with a half smile.

”Déjà vu, interesting, but because you are the only one connected to a Parasite you are the only one who can see the differences.” Elro mused over the times he may have had such an experience with feeling like he had been somewhere before but actually it was the first time. Not many but he has picked up on others’ thoughts about it during his service in Starfleet so he could draw from that.

”Who would have thought Transphasic Light was their weakness, in hindsight it does seem like the most obvious solution to beings of Darkness doesn’t it?” Elro said, ”Opposites and all that.” He added with a sigh. The problem was that it may have been that the Parasites found out about the Radiants and are responsible for Heather’s people no longer being around in previous cycles.

Elro frowned. ”Wouldn’t you have to have experienced an event to know that it’s outcome had changed from previous cycles, Doctor?” Elro asked, concerned that because events have already changed, outcome and sequence, that any forewarning that Nicander could give may not actually come to pass. ”In terms of a specific event, had the Darkness ever become close to being defeated?” He had his doubts considering the whole cycles thing, clearly if they had been defeated there’d be no more cycles.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #9
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
Nodding in aquiesence, Lucan granted the Doctor his point with a bitter smile and a nod. "True, yet it is hard to fully separate the pronouns when I lived through it all. While not being myself, I was there, seeing, feeling and hearing everything.

The Chief Medical Officer had asked two questions, which Lucan readily answered without much of a pause. "The sense of having lived multiple lives, many times, is the foundation of the feeling and the many conflicting memories. Contrary to the mere sensation of having had conversations before - experienced things in other ways - those vestigial memories are real. Those who feel déjà vu have not, making the sensation a false feedback loop in the mind. Wouldn't I have to have experienced an event to know that it's outcome had changed? Yes, and this is what I am describing, how the memories are multiple, showing different versions from different cycles. That is how I am able to see their differences. This cycle is different in many ways, but the grander events surrounding this specific time remain largely the same."

Lucan continued with the second question, which might render a more uplifting retort. "Not this close, where the Niga virus was stopped from spreading from the Theurgy, and the Borg Queen was stopped at the gate, so to speak. Of course, now the Infested are utilising other factors and factions, like the Romulan Star Empire, the Breen and the Savi. While events have shifted in detail, the political landscape of the four Quadrants remain the same at the onset of this infestation."

He hoped that would serve as an answer, the large brush strokes explaining the variations and similarities between each cycle.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

It took Elro some time to wrap his comprehension around the multiple lives, many times and conflicting real memories compared to the sensation of thinking one has had those multiple lives, many times with conflicting memories which is what Elro perceived déjà vu to be. Like Nicander suggested it was a hiccup in the signals in the brain as if suddenly the brain's processing got reset resulting in one's surroundings at that moment appearing to feel like one has been there before but not. The Betazoid was coming to an understanding of that point, he moved on to the next, though one thing stood out in Nicander's answer to the second question.

The Niga virus. ”If the Niga had spread, like it had before, how would the political landscape remain the same? The virus made those infected seek constant sexual intercourse, and simply forced its hosts to infect others. It would have made all the governments fall and life as we know it wouldn't exist anymore, we'd be living on basic instincts.” Elro said. ”Though luckily it was prevented, yes the Romulans.” He recalled the Thalaron bombing on Earth. The Savi? Could the Alliance the Captain made with the rebels actually be a trap? Elro hoped not. The Breen? That's new, what could the Infested use the Breen for?

That's when he realised that the Allegiant and an away mission was already heading to Breen with the Savi rebel dreadnaught. Nicander doesn't know about that but he named the Breen anyway. Elro felt he should alert the Captain immediately, though he couldn't just rush out. There was a risk the Parasite could alert its fellows that their plans for the Breen Confederacy had to be in danger, though considering that Nicander just mentioned them may have already done that. It was a time race now, he hoped the away team was going to be okay and succeed.

Though knowing that the Theurgy had successfully come close to ruining the Infested plans enough so they'd have to use other methods and contingencies that they hadn't before, gave Elro a little hope. It came in the form of Elro thinking that with unused action plans, the Infested had no idea as to how things will go from this point on and so lose their advantage of being confident in their victory by having prior knowledge of events to come. Their enemy was now just only a few steps ahead and Theurgy's crew were now catching up.

”The Breen Confederacy is under Infested control?” It did seem like a stupid question, considering everything. Elro quickly added. ”Would you happen to know of what they plan the Confederacy to do?”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #11
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
Remaining patient, Lucan shook his head and clarified. "I said the political landscape of the four Quadrants remain the same at the onset of this infestation, not the outbreak of the Niga virus. There in is a crucial difference. The Infested have been here since at least 2375, and I am talking about the situation at that point. As for the spread of the virus, it would not happen overnight. It has merely been... four months - give or take - since the Niga Incident. The virus does not travel at warp speed, and even if the vectors might, they still have to reach other systems."

The next question was about the Breen, and it would seem Elro hadn't been told about the hearing that the Intelligence and Diplomatic departments held, in which he told them about the a Host being on Breen.

"Check your reports, Doctor," he said with a smile and went to sit by his fold-out table, "This is no news. In any case, I don't know what they are planning in this cycle, since this is the first time the Borg invasion was halted. In other cycles, they were reacting to the invasion itself, but now? All I know is that there is at least one Infested there."

Pausing, Lucan wondered if there were any other questions the Doctor had on his mind, or if he'd learned what he'd come for.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Auctor Lucan OOC: sorry for the delay.

Four months. It has only been four months since Niga, so much has happened in a short amount of time for this crew and he wasn't even onboard the Theurgy during the virus. Elro had read the reports on it, and the rest of what he had missed with sometimes wished that somehow he, along with the Endeavour's crew, could have helped. It was a completely unrealistic feeling of 'not being there when one should have been there' that hits new members of a family when they find out what happened before.

Elro buried that feeling and nodded at Nicander. ”Indeed, apologies for not picking up your meaning between the infestation and the Niga outbreak...” Elro broke off as a thought occurred to him about the cycles. He recalled the Thalaron bombing on Earth again and the Captain's orders about finding a countermeasure. His breakroom conversation with Amelya about Thalaron radiation came back to him and he wondered if the Parasites had some kind of protection, either biological or technological, against it. He'd have to ask the Captain if their new allies, if it wasn't a trap, the Savi rebels could help?

One Parasite in the whole of the Confederacy, seems a bit overconfident and a disadvantage on their part, Elro thought as he processed all they knew about the Breen. A frozen wasteland of a homeworld, freezer suits and energy dampening weaponry though that quickly lost its effectiveness thanks to a Klingon engineer's actions during the Dominion War. Could that have been one of the Nameless Darkness's plans? Could a Parasite infest a Changeling? Though if a high ranked Vorta was that would be just as dangerous.

He had been lost in his thoughts for a few moments too long before Elro realised Nicander was just watching him. The Parasite in the Confederacy must be highly placed if there was only one, Elro hoped that the away team could expose the Parasite and get the Breen to join them. Well it was a slim hope but there nonetheless. ”Sorry several thoughts running around my mind, I wonder how long a cycle is? Can the Nameless Darkness trigger a new cycle?”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #13
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
In answer, Lucan nodded solemnly.

"They already have," he said, referring to something he'd explained before, "at Starbase 84, when Sonja Acreth seeded Niga by travelling back with the seed that would create the flora of that planet. That is the paradox which spawns a new cycle, so it is already too late. Another cycle has already begun, I am afraid, unless we somehow can deal with the root cause. I am a Doctor, like you, and not a Temporal Affairs officer, so I have no idea how to end all of this from happening again at this point."

He took a deep breath, thinking about how far back in time Sonja Acreth travelled when she seeded Niga.

"Give or take, based on glimpses I've had in the void, I believe she travelled 3,7 million years back in time. Worth noting, however, is that is was only in about 2375 I've spotted direct Infested involvement, so I am unsure what that means. They might have been around earlier than that, or some kind of breach was made back then to allow the infestation to spread. I have yet to glimpse anything more substantial in that regard."

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #14
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Well that was a disconcerting thing to know that not only can the Nameless Darkness spawn new cycles, interesting choice of word there- Elro had to smirk at it, but have already done so when Sonja went back 3.7 million years to seed the Niga plant.

Elro wasn't really looking at Nicander as he spoke up. He glanced around at different things, not really seeing what he saw but focused on his thoughts. ”Why 2375? Why not go back and prevent the Federation from forming? Why not seed Niga plants on all worlds with multiple people?" He voiced his thoughts trying to understand their enemy. ”You told us that our enemy wanted utter disarray, there is far more chaos the Infested could be causing which is what the Nameless Darkness wants right? So why aren't they?”

”Could another party be involved and allied with the Infested but doesn't want the same goals?” Elro asked, trying to make sense of what was going on. He did agree that he was a Doctor and not neither a Temporal Officer nor a Tactician though he could somewhat understand psychology being in the medical field. ”Sorry I'm speaking my thoughts, I may be developing an interest in other professions. Anyway, is there anything I can get you? Have you eaten?” All the ideas and questions without answers began to develop a headache.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #15
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
Arms folded across his chest, Lucan offered what little he knew, and could derive from his knowledge.

"I would believe that this breach that we're theorising about happened sometime at that point, in 2375, which is merely six years ago, but during these past years, the Niga virus must have been developed and later sent back in time by Sonja Acreth. See, the Niga outbreak is separate event from that of the original virus being created. The Infested have created a looping paradox in how the virus is sent back in time to the planet upon which we discovered it, but where did it originally come from? I am not sure that finding the source and destroying it will end the cycles.... but at least finding the lab and the strain and destroying it will prevent any second outbreak in our timeline."

As for another party being involved, Lucan had to shrug.

"It might be possible, but as far as I know, the only other faction besides those we already know about are the Savi. These aliens that abducted a lot of the crew in the Azure Nebula. They have been directly involved, certainly, since I could see through the eyes of some of those Scion Admirals in their ruling caste. They do seem an advanced species, and given their propensity for science and research, I would not put it past them that they have meddled with time travelling technology as well."

This, of course, wouldn't be anything new to Elro, since he was a part of the Senior Staff and privy to that knowledge.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #16
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 "The Sword" Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

There was something they might be able to do, though don't they have a cure but indeed destroying the lab will prevent the virus ever being used again Elro admitted. He'd recommend it to the Captain, later.

Elro shook his head at Nicander. ”No Commander, I mean allies that are not infested. Since you could see through their eyes that means those Scion Admirals are infested," he said. ”Yes they are powerful. Though if you are unaware of any non-infested allies then it is no point asking further.” Elro added, he smiled, though kept what he was about to say to himself just in case the Parasite was listening in.

”You didn't answer my last question though. Have you eaten?” Elro added after a few moments.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...

Reply #17
[ Doctor Lucan cin Nicander | Brig | Security Center | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 
Nodding, Nicander coudn't say he had any other ideas to offer in terms of allies. The confrontation with the Infested was both simple and complex at the same time, in how while it was only one enemy, it could wear the face of anyone, in any Galactic faction.

"I have," he said to the question which he'd failed to answer, "thank you though."

After Vinata's visit, he had made sure to break his fast with the replicated food he'd been brought by the Brig Officer. His thoughts lingered on that welcome encounter with the Ovri for a moment, though he worried about the new Head Nurse - hoping that what had happened between them wouldn't have any untoward fallout for him. As for himself, his public image among the crew was already at rock bottom, at least to the majority of the officers, so he had little concern in that particular regard.

"Thank you for visiting me, Doctor, and for your apology. I hope we'll see more eye-to-eye from this point onwards," he said with a smile.


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