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CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Carrying The Torch

Stardate: 57651.25
April 17, 2381 @ 0610hrs

[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Battle Sickbay | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Sqweloookle 
“You should really get some rest Vinata.. Even if only for a couple of hours.. You’ve been on duty for too long. We can handle things here, I promise.” The voice of Nurse Hayward was kind, empathetic and encouraging as she lightly grasped the Ovri’s arm in therapeutic touch.

Vinata truly appreciated his colleagues' concern and consideration. He had pulled nearly a double, having not been off duty that long prior to the previous night's bombing. He was not alone in this however - the Theurgy’s medical staff had all put in one-hundred and ten percent over the past several hours. There was a shared and collective tiredness among them.

“I appreciate that. I promise I will take you up on your suggestion.” Vinata gave the woman a polite and courteous nod and then looked at the chronometer. “Doctor Kobol  had asked me to stop by his office for quarter after. I am not exactly sure why but I will head off duty for a brief rest period after we have concluded our business.” This statement seemed to help alleviate Nurse Hayward’s concern as her tone softened even more and a pleased smile formed in the corners of her mouth.

“Very good Nurse Vojona. Rest up.” With that, Nurse Hayward gave the Ovri a soft nod and continued about her duties.

A rush of nervousness covered Vinata’s mind now though - as the anticipation of his meeting with Kobol  seemed to take over his thoughts. He did not very much care for the man, albeit without very good reason. Simply put - he was NOT Lucan Nicander, whom Vinata had truly enjoyed working with. The Ovri had yet to build any kind of close working rapport with the Betazoid, he did not share the same relationship with Kobol  as he did Nicander whether it be professional or personal. The two had certainly not shared the same physical relation either.

Regardless though - it was his superior officer and Vinata surely did not have any reservations about Kobol ’s performance as a physician. The CMO certainly seemed competent at least. After Vinata took several deep breaths, he waved farewell to the staff he had worked closely with throughout most of the night and exited the battle sickbay.

[Several moments later...]

Nurse Vojona cautiously entered Kobol ’s office, after having been given the ‘go-ahead’ upon hitting the entry request indicator. ‘This is it Vinata… Do not let your personal feelings cloud this interaction…’ The Ovri navigated some deep thought as his body led the way into the space., he tried his best to remain positive and impartial.

“Doctor Kobol .” Vinata nodded in respect and assumed a stiff and attentive state. “Ensign Vinata Vojona reporting as requested.” He certainly looked awkward enough, as if he wanted to bolt straight back out of the door he entered.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | "The Sword" Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

”Please Ensign, at ease.” Elro said as he stood and walked around his desk then perched on the edge with a smile. ”And only when the Captain or another senior officer is around, otherwise let’s not stand on too much formality.”

He thought it wise to start improving the rapport he had with his staff, they weren’t all friends yet but they didn’t hate him.

”Is there anything to report from your shift?”

Best to get the work stuff done first, Elro decided, then to why he asked Vojona to come to his office after his shift. The concept of what the Ovri looked like under his uniform started to form in Elro’s mind where his ‘funside’ nature that he’d thought he had buried ages ago along with his hopes of ever having love.

It seemed to grow as the Betazoid trained his telepathy on his subordinate though he only would pick up on surface thoughts and associated emotions. Though he was starting to lose some energy and focus; however he thought he was just tired as it was late night. Soon he’d regret not having taken action at this time.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #2
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Sqweloookle

Vinata relaxed his body posture upon the instruction of his superior. His stance remained guarded though as he reflected on Kobol ’s instruction to let formalities lie unless the Captain or a superior officer to him were present. Vojona appreciated the gesture and he found it was always a good sign when a superior was willing to be more personal, especially on a one-to-one basis. The Ovri still felt hesitation though, unsure of exactly how to approach the interaction.

“Of course Si… Doctor” Vinata chirped and corrected himself in reply - he felt Doctor was a happy medium, not so formal in comparison to title and rank but enough that it was not fully relaxed either. He was convinced this wasn’t the type of call where one would ‘sit down and put their feet up’ per se.

Vojona was sure that Kobol  had kept apprised of the busy night that had taken place in the battle sickbay on deck seven. Vinata had made sure to keep his records tidy, neat and succinct as he was sure his chief workload was heavy in dealing with keeping things together in all spaces. The question, however, of reporting, caused a rush of pictorial-trauma as the dischellved and horrific-looking corpse of Jovela came to the surface of the nurse’s mind.

“I am sure you are aware of this already but…. We were unable to save Head Nurse Jovela.”
The Ovri’s facial expression saddened after the words had formed. He knew there was absolutely nothing that could have been done for the former head nurse but it did little to soften the burden of guilt that Vinata would carry around with him for some time. He was sure that Kobol  would not think any less of his practice or performance from the matter but it was a fresh wound to deal with.

“We lost several throughout the night as did the other sickbays…” Vinata’s voice seemed less energetic now. “It was not all bad news though. Our teams did an admirable job saving lives too and maintaining the stability of various other patients.”

For the first time, Vinata felt himself maintaining eye contact with the Betazoid. It was a rather intimate exchange as the Ovri felt that Kobol  could sense the emotional conflict and exhaustion within him - it was high enough to the surface now. It also caused Vojona to realize just how handsome, tall and beautiful the man was. The latter thought caused some relief within him, as it was very much like his usual self to take such factors into account. There was a stirring, down in Vinata’s nether-regions - the Ovri swore for a moment it was reminiscent of a slight wave of arousal. A most unusual sensation as the lips of his vaginal area began to tingle and swell slightly - much different in comparison to the penis he once bore proudly.

He was still getting used to such things now that he had the organ of an Ovri female down there.

As a result of the thoughts and sensual feelings, Vinata now blushed slightly and attempted to best the most unusual-Kobol -focused thoughts. He had never thought of Kobol  in that fashion - although, the two had never been in such close contact away from prying eyes.

“Was there anything wrong with my reports Doctor? I do hope you found them satisfactory.” It was time to move this interaction along, for Vinata feared further embarrassment had his inappropriate thoughts continued to cluster.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | "The Sword" Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

He could still pick up on the Ovri’s hesitation though it may be too soon to fully understand why but at least he had picked up on some gratitude and that made Elro smile. Though it faded as the sharp image of Jovela came into Elro’s mind from Vinata, a tear formed and fell as losing people after trying to save them could put medical professionals into a downward emotional spiral very easily as well as fast.

Elro had to calm himself and not give into the sadness that that mental image triggered. He knew his staff did all they could and there was nothing else they could have done or anything they could have done differently in order to change the outcome. Jovela will be missed and those lives she was part of will need understanding, time and support to accept her death. He hoped that he may be able to supply some of that, he just needed to know how.

”Everyone did, to the best of their ability, all they could to save lives. It is the only thing we can ask of ourselves, Ensign. Remember that before you think about all the what if, could and maybes in regards to your own efforts. It is no one’s fault but whoever caused the loss of life in the first place.” Elro said hoping to dispel feelings of guilt he had briefly picked up on.

Those saved will need support as well, he’d have to speak with counseling about it to see what they can advise him and his staff to do and or say without fully pushing the survivors into defense. No one liked counseling, being forced to confront many different emotions and diving into the personal domain always put people in an edgy tense state. Elro envied counselors’ willpower and compassion in that they somehow could help people who fought them every step of the way.

He decided to work more closely with them, how, he wasn’t sure yet. He’d have to meet with them, not to mention, with his own personal demons. Though he was happy he could identify some of them now.

The spark of arousal brought the Betazoid back to the moment at hand as the two were not quite staring at each other but simply watching the other. His own brief musings about naked Ovri males had been eliminated thanks to the Jovela’s death, it sobered Elro and he put up his mental shields but smiled at Vinata.

”I do find them satisfactory, thank you. Now, to the reason I called you here.” He smiled. ”I am placing you as Head Nurse, unless you object? I have faith that you will honor Jovela by doing so.” Elro said, though he didn’t know Jovela well and he regretted not having done so. A lifelong regret for all they lost since becoming traitors, especially those from the Endeavour.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #4
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Sqweloookle

Vinata nodded solemnly for a moment as Kobol  spoke to him - he could tell that there was genuine feeling behind the statement, that his boss did want him to know that he and the team had done nothing wrong. There was validation in that - that they had done what they could. There was a shift in the Ovri’s mind now - a sort of alleviation of guilt and heaviness, of course, it did not dissipate completely but Jovela’s image had left the forefront of his own mind for the moment.

In response to the statement, Vinata nodded several times and his body posture seemed to settle some too, indicating that he had become more comfortable in their current environment. It surprised him, this whole interaction - part of the Ovri wanted to maintain his rather cold position towards Kobol  but the man was currently making it difficult to do so.

Perhaps Vinata had been too quick to take a position towards him? Time would tell.

Further relief overcame Vojona as Kobol  confirmed that the nurse’s reports had been satisfactory. Vinata took pride in his work and he would have been torn to be informed otherwise. This relief sensation was quickly replaced by a wave of anxiety, panic and confusion though - as Kobol  had rather forwardly informed him that he would now be serving as Head Nurse.

‘Head Nurse…. Head Nurse…. Head Nurse….’ The title echoed in Vinata’s own mind several times, leaving a few moments past before he would reply to Kobol ’s question of objection.

“Head Nurse? Are you sure Doctor? You want me as your Head Nurse?” The statement seemed to confirm Vinata’s confusion as he expressed himself, repeating what he was almost sure he had heard. The Ovri was surprised that Kobol  would select him - there had been little in the ways of development of a relationship between the two. The Head Nurse would work closely with him - at least that is how the position was traditionally laid out.

If this were to be true. Vinata and Kobol  would be working a lot closer to one another in the days to come - both collaborating on nursing focused operations of the Theurgy.

“Of course I have no objections Doctor.. I am… Well… I am honoured to assume the role and I will certainly do my best to live up to Jovela's memory, as you've said. But are you sure about this?” Vinata needed the confirmation if only to quell the shock and confusion before he moved on from it. He thought of Hylota now - how proud she might be of him in assuming her old position.

The thoughts of his sister brought a calming and peaceful feeling to his aura now.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse


Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | "The Sword" Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

”Am I sure?” He asked himself aloud as he glanced off as if considering many other aspects of a subject before coming to a conclusion. ”It isn’t a question of if I’m sure about this as more of a question about if you are sure you are capable, and up for the challenge, of such a position of authority and responsibility?” Elro asked, returning his gaze back onto Vinata. He had the initial flash of annoyance at his judgement being questioned but he refrained from acting or speaking on it as that was his old self.

While Elro disliked the whole self doubt other people carried around with them, he had come to understand that it was a natural reaction in the face of the uncertainty of change. Maybe he should be a counselor instead? He mused and gestured at the Ovri. He suddenly realised that he shouldn't judge others because of his own self doubt about anything social and or romance related. So he probably should be more supportive then he has been before.

”Ensign, I require an answer either now or in 24 hours. You have that time to think about this appointment. Otherwise I will be evaluating your fellow nurses for the position.” He stated questioningly and was tempted to simply dismiss the Ovri and start the search up again. Doubt was a very dangerous thing and hard to shake, and negative, once it sprouted within someone presented with an opportunity for advancement or growth or both.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #6
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Sqweloookle

Vinata’s body language stiffened once more, the tone and connotation of the entire interaction had changed. Clearly the Ovri had struck a nerve within Kobol  and the question of 'Are you sure?' had annoyed him. Vojona would be damned if he was going to apologize for it though - he needed to be sure that Kobol  wanted him in the position, although the Chief Medical Officer’s reaction had certainly done little to confirm that.

Vinata thought of the other nurse practitioners on board, who might assume the duties in his own place. There were certainly candidates that may have made the cut and done a good job but the more that he thought of it, the more he wanted the position. It was an exciting prospect, even if he was stuck working more closely with Kobol . Someone had too.

“I appreciate the time allowance to consider the offer Doctor. I will not hesitate any further though - I want the position and I will do my best to serve in such a capacity.” There were a few other things Vinata wished to have said but he parked them, a talent he had acquired in working with many physicians over his career thus far.

“I have taken the liberty of managing the nursing roster after losing Jovela last night and staffing levels are adequate for the next eighteen hours - there should be no concerns with patient ratios, even with an influx of possible acuity should any of our patients require further interventions or experience declines.” The Ovri wanted to move on from the awkwardness that had just ensued - he wanted Kobol  to know that he did not have to worry about the nurses or the nursing care the patients would require in the hours to come.

“Are you going to get some rest too Sir?” Vinata’s question was genuine - if he was to be a Head Nurse now, he had to have a vested interest in the well being of their department's Chief Medical Officer. It had been a long night for everyone but especially those within the leadership positions, who had to provide high-level departmental oversight whilst still managing care in a practicing capacity.

There was a brief thought though - Vinata worried that the question might set off Kobol  even more. Perhaps he should have just remained quiet on the issue after confirming his intention to take on the position as Head Nurse.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | "The Sword" Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

Elro smiled widely, though it wasn’t there for long as he could feel his mental shields slowly losing it’s strength, he could start to pick up the random strong thoughts of the nearby crew members. Though not exactly what those thoughts were, like hearing a far away voice. He quickly refocused on his new Head Nurse which helped. ”Excellent” He said.

”Thank you for taking the initiative Head Nurse Vinata,” Elro said with a nod.

As if on queue, Elro felt a little more tired than before. ”This meeting was actually the last thing I had planned before retiring for the night, do you have a copy of that nursing roster?”

It was important to archive all the rosters just in case they needed to know who was on duty and not, though he recalled that Thea could tell him. Even whenever he wanted to know, especially as far back as til the ship left the shipyards. He recalled his plan concerning Nicander and decided to do that either tomorrow or the next day, should nothing major happen between now and then.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #8
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Sqweloookle

The change in energy of the room was palpable - Vinata could tell that the moment prior, Kobol ’s reaction to his questioning of the appointment of Head Nurse, was behind them. It was reassuring to see that the Betazoid was pleased, a short but confirming smile indicating such, with Vinata’s agreeance to accepting the position.

Despite his tiredness, the horrors of the prior night, Vinata was excited to assume the role and contribute in a greater capacity to the medical department and the Theurgy as a whole. It was certainly a step up in his Starfleet career - well, if there was still Starfleet left after all of this and they were not all ‘infested’.

The future was certainly in question - at least Vinata had reflected on the many possible outcomes of the months ahead of them. He was sure many of the crew had ruminated in various forms within their own minds as well. As Vinata processed Kobol ’s inquiry regarding the nursing roster, his right hand slipped into the pocket of his uniform tunic. A thin and small PADD was revealed and the Ovri passed it to Kobol  with a slight chirp sound - on it would be the most up to date roster for review.

“You can take this physical copy Doctor. I had forwarded a digital copy to your desk as well.” Vinata handed the PADD over with a respectful nod, he then backed away with his bands folded in front of him.

“I wish you good rest, Doctor. I will certainly attempt to have some of my own.” Vinata looked even more weary now - the adrenaline rush of his new appointment having started to wear off.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | "The Sword" Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

Elro smiled with a little embarrassment. ”Oh, of course, I’m already glad I picked the right individual for Head Nurse.” He said and produced a grin as he accepted the roster’s padd. ”Thank you, see that you do.” He replied with a wink.

He put the padd on his desk after a quick read and suddenly yawned, though covered his mouth as the yawn finished. ”Oh excuse me,” Elro said with a blush.

”Forgive me for asking this question and you can tell me to go mind my own business but how are you coping with what the Savi have done?” He asked with a shy hopeful smile. He wanted to know how the Savi biological changes on the crew had affected them, he wondered about many of them who hadn’t come to Sickbay requesting for help to get their bodies restored.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #10
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN:

“Certainly.” Vinata replied as his Chief Medical Officer yawned, affirming that fact that he too was tired and ready for some rest. It was almost catching but Vinata fought off the urge to yawn himself.

The next question however, did catch the Ovri off guard. Not that Vinata minded the question itself, it actually was rather cathartic to have a superior actually check in and see how he was processing the traumas endured at the hands of the Savi.

In Vinata’s case however - it was a very complicated situation. “No forgiveness is needed Doctor. I do thank you for asking how I am doing.” Vinata’s thanks was genuine, and would certainly be able to be sensed upon the surface.

“I have been doing a lot of reflecting since they forcibly changed my reproductive system and genetalia. Initially I jumped at the chance to have V-Nine reverse the forced change and return me to my proper male Ovri way. Now, however, I am not certain I want to return to the way I was.” There was a pause as Vinata started to pace lightly, his hands gently folded in front of him. “It has been confusing. I think that is putting it lightly.”

Truth be told - it was a daily inner conflict within the newly minted Head Nurse. He had struggled with his gender identity to begin with since adapting to life interacting with so many various life-forms and species within Starfleet. He was one of the only which externally was reflective of what many of these species would consider a ‘female’ in their own rights.

“I know that I was forcibly violated as well on that ship… Although the details of that encounter remain fogged… That however, as much as it should, does not trouble me as much as my current gender identity dilemma does.” The Ovri croaked, rather audibly in frustration. He felt as thought perhaps he had rambled on a bit too much.

“I do hope that I have not caused you to regret your inquiry Doctor Kobol …”
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | "The Sword" Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

Elro smiled when Vinata thanked him for his concern. It was strange that the Savi altered Vinata to be physically female when the Ovri was male. The Savi seemed to be against impurity like how they made a few hybrids one or the other species, while changing the degree of the genetic material on some of the others. In Vinata’s case Elro had a suspicion that the now revealed gender identity he said may be something that the advanced Savi could sense or detect?

Because of that conflict they did the physical gender change as a way to align the physical state to the mental state? Elro wondered as the possible reasonings and ideas went through his mind’s medical filters. The forced part of the whole ordeal was unforgivable of course! That much Elro was sure but that brought up the next question. ”No I don’t regret asking, this crew has been through so much and while the physical can be healed, mostly, the mental states,” he paused and nodded. ”Is indeed not my primary function as the counseling staff is where this is supposed to go, but sometimes a friend listening and simple discussion without being analysed is what some seek.” He said though gestured at the Ovri head nurse.

”If the Savi had simply given you the choice of remaining male or becoming female, would you have agreed to the operation?” He inquired though quickly added. ”As you said it seems that, of course the forced aspects are unforgivable, the changes are something that may have a positive affect for you. Could the Savi have foreseen, detected, sensed your struggle and that you would be happier the way you are now than before?” He asked though it wasn’t completely directed at Vinata as much as his thoughts spoken aloud.

He really did start thinking that he should ask Chief Counselor Hathev if he could receive some training in counseling in order to help his bedside manners. Elro began to wonder what the Vulcan woman would say.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #12
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Sqweloookle

It was certainly reassuring to hear Kobol ’s words and acknowledgement of the fact that the Theurgy crew had indeed been through ‘so much’. Vinata had found himself to be rather cynical these days when it came to events on board - the bombing just having been the latest in an array of unfortunate events.

As time had moved along, through their stay at Aldea, Vinata’s own anger towards the Savi and what they had done to him had wavered in intensity. So much self reflection had taken place - both in his own understanding of gender and what it meant to him now that he was biologically female. The Ovri chirped in reply to Kobol ’s question, as he found it to be quite thought provoking.

“A most interesting line of questioning Doctor… To be fair… I don’t think I would have asked to have this done to me, even if a choice had been given. Admittedly, since adapting and integrating myself into Federation culture, where my standard and outward appearance led many to believe I was already female, I had struggled some with what that meant to me as a male Ovri.” Vinata’s right hand subconsciously moved upwards over his breasts and to his face. “To no longer have a penis or male reproductive system, technically means that I am female now, but part of me simply believes I fully reflect that of which an Ovri male is, now in full. It is why I still refer to myself with male pronouns.” The words formed, and maybe it was Vinata’s own lingering tiredness but he certainly found the statement more confusing than he would have liked.

“I believe the Savi did to me what they truly believed they had to, under their own doctrines at the time. I probably should hold more ill-will towards them, but I simply do not have the energy to do so. Perhaps, in the end, it will have truly had a more positive impact on my life… Part of me must believe I will be happier this way, otherwise I would have followed through on V-Nine’s offer of reversion.” The Head Nurse’s hand lowered from his face and he gave Kobol  and playful shrug. 

“I do thank you for asking though Doctor Kobol . It does mean a lot to me.” The Ovri, although surprised to have had his superior officer bring up the topic, was certainly pleased. It seemed to help further his own desire to perhaps reassess his opinions on the Betazoid.

‘Perhaps I was a bit too quick to judge him…’ Vinata thought this to himself, careful to not allow the internal dialogue to fester into a forward and surface thought. He did not want Kobol  to sense it. Time would certainly be the factor in which would determine the further development of a friendship beyond what Vojona and Kobol  would form in the collegial relationship of Chief Medical Officer and Head Nurse.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | "The Sword" Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

Elro’s head tilted a little to the side in confusion, though he had picked up on Vinata’s thought about judgement but neither commented on it nor showed any sign he’d ‘heard’ it. Though he was glad that he was able to start the process of having those around him reevaluate their views about him as he himself pursued a path of betterment. ”You believe that all male Ovri should be physically female?” Elro asked confusion lining his tone.

”And that the Savi’s doctrines called for your physical change to female because you appeared female?” He asked additionally, ”the Savi need to learn to keep their hands to themselves or sooner rather than later those they touch will band together and fight back.” Elro hated that the Savi felt they had the right to simply do as they pleased to the population of the galaxy. He hoped that they paid dearly for their interference at the hands of those altered, while some were the crew’s ally for the time being an old saying came to mind. Keep your friend close but keep your enemies closer.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #14
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Sqweloookle

Vinata grinned and held back a chuckle - it was certainly not directed at Kobol  but more so at himself, for having explained the situation so poorly. To be quite honest, the Ovri didn’t quite understand it fully himself yet, the conflict within and his gender identity. The entire sitation had seemed to be some cluster-fuck-iterative process since he and Hylota had integrated into the Federation and Starfleet, made even worse by what the Savi had done to him.

Was it ultimately a bad thing though? What they had forced upon him? That was a question that had yet to be answered. Certainly - the act itself and the intentions behind it, regardless of some doctrine, was certainly distasteful but the overall outcome had yet to be fully and truly realized.

“I do not believe all male Ovri should fully be physically female. We just are, by all appearances such to the naked eye of the majority of species that encompass the Federation.” Vinata paused for a moment, in order to check his very tired brain and do his best to avoid making any further confusing statements. “I believe what I am now, fully represents what feels right for myself… I cannot speak for the males of my species as a whole of course.” He smiled at Kobol  and took in the man’s further comments about the Savi.

“I have had my reservations about the partnership we currently hold with them, but, I do see the ultimate necessity behind it. Perhaps I should be more outraged? To be honest, I do feel quite numb about the whole thing. Do not misunderstand me though, Doctor, I am not saying what they did was right by any means. I feel their time for repentance will come one way or another.” Vinata was a believer in the laws of what some earthlings would refer to as, ‘karma’, there was a similar philosophical underpinning among Ovri culture of which Vinata subscribed too although there was no direct translation in the wording to Federation standard.

Vinata had felt the hate and outrage towards the Savi. He had endured the tears and nightmares about what he had undergone at the hands of his former kidnappers. He figured in some crude manner, given his apathy towards the situation, perhaps he had forgiven them on some level.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | "The Sword" Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Aharon

Elro nodded. ”Yes most species will project their own culture and beliefs about how things should be onto those they meet when they don’t understand, humans are commonly the ones who do it the most. Ignore them or any other species that do that. Or simply correct them.” He stated, suddenly he yawned again and apologised for it.

”The only thing that matters is if how you are feels right, then it is. Plain and simple.” He said as if it was a declaration of some kind. ”Yes I am not sure about the Savi alliance as well but we have to follow our Captain’s orders and it may be that the Savi could help us with Parasite extraction.” Elro commented then yawned again, followed by another apology.

”We will just have to wait and see how things go. Anyway we better turn in. I hope you have a good sleep Ensign.” Elro said with a smile.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|0610] Carrying The Torch

Reply #16
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Chief’s Office, Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Sqweloookle

Vinata smiled and nodded. He was pleased to see Kobol  understood the underpinnings of what he had described to him in relation to the projection of other species’ customs and beliefs. The head nurse waved away the yawn Kobol  had produced, as he himself yawn-croaked as well. The previous night’s events had certainly caught up with both of them.

“Thank you Doctor. It has taken me some time to get to that conclusion. I finally have though. You are correct. I finally am realising what truly matters, is how I feel.” It had taken a lot of self-reflection, and a deep transverse of feelings to have gotten this far but the Ovri had finally begun to take his own happiness seriously.

“Thank you for the appointment and for the conversation Doctor. I bid you goodnight with well wishes for a good rest.” Vinata nodded once more in respect before he made his way out of the office. He was tired and felt the draw of the bunk in his quarters - how nice it would feel to lay down and rest.

There was one thought that had creeped up into the forefront of his mind though… Lucan… He wanted to see Lucan...

Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

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