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Topic: Day 06 [1600 hrs.] A Meow To Arms (Read 2899 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 06 [1600 hrs.] A Meow To Arms

[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @steelphoenix

Adam had been a little disappointed he had been rejected by Derik, he had got a message from the Trill. Though Adam did think Derik made a quick assumption about him he'd give the Department Head some space and so returned to his quarters, got cleaned up and checked in with Security. He had to meet with Deacon about his interest in Starfleet Security ‘things’ as they needed as much help as they could get. Though Adam had to hope that there still may be some officers back home who were lucky enough to not have been infested and be in positions of power.

He entered Below Decks Lounge, he wondered what he could learn about Deacon’s combat knowledge and skills. Unconventional battle tactics are what will help them win along with strategic planning. So what the Infested don’t know how to combat will hurt them greatly, though once experienced will be useless. Adam hoped they could do enough damage the first time they won’t need to draw out the conflict for too long.

He approached the bar and looked around at the various officers enjoying their time off, Adam was a little thirsty considering he did spend a lot of energy earlier. He grinned at the memories but quickly dismissed them as he asked the bartender where the owner was. Adam asked if they could get Deacon to come out or let him know when he may be available for a meeting.

OOC: Whenever you're ready to get to your security training. This can be a meeting about discussing availability and specifics then we can do another thread later doing what is discussed. Time and Day can be changed if needed.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [1600hrs] A Meow To Arms

Reply #1
[ Deacon | Below Decks | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

The holographic bartender gave a wry grin at the lieutenant's inquiry.  "You're in luck.  He's on the other side of that bulkhead preparing the dinner shift," Taliesin replied, giving a slight jerk of his thumb over his shoulder.

Since Deacon had taken on the proprietorship of Below Decks, a few previously unknown features of the lounge had become public knowledge, not the least of which was a galley area that had been previously closed off and unused due to the propensity of relying on the replicators.  Deacon's opinion of the replicators being somewhat well known even in the few weeks he'd been on board, it was little wonder he was inclined to prepare meals fresh where possible.

Truth be told, their layover at Aldea had been fortuitous not only for the recreational opportunities for the crew and the much needed repairs for the ship, but it had allowed Deacon an opportunity to ensure a bountiful supply of fresh food to provide the crew with what amounted to a highly improved gastronomic experience.

As if on queue, the wall seemed to shimmer, fading away as a service window took form, and a newly manifested door beside it, courtesy, no doubt, of the holo-technology that seemed to permeate Below Decks, sealing off the galley once more when not in use.

A fragrant aroma of boiling vegetables married in a thick stew permeated the area with the cook pots revealed.  Deacon emerged from the door, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand, eyes sweeping the activity of the lounge as if to assure himself that he had made sufficient.

"And there's your man," Taliesin added, patting Kingston on the arm and grinning widely.

Re: Day 06 [1600hrs] A Meow To Arms

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @steelphoenix

"Thank you," Adam smiled at the holographic bartender, he made his way over to Deacon while smelling the aromas coming from the kitchen. It was making him hungry.

He momentarily just stood there taking in the delicious scents then snapped out of it. Adam smiled at the Below Decks owner. "Good afternoon Mister Deacon," he greeted.

"Whatever you are making smells great!" Adam complemented, "I look forward to eating some, when will it be ready?" He added with a smile.

Adam offered his hand to Deacon. "As to why I am here, I understand you have asked for weapons training? I would like to ask if you have any bladed weapons?" Adam asked, he was interested in learning what the Kzinti combat styles were like which would be in his next set of questions.

"If this is a bad time we can arrange a more appropriate time to discuss the specifics?" Adam asked, he got distracted by the smells again but quickly refocused on Deacon again a moment later.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [1600hrs] A Meow To Arms

Reply #3
[ Deacon | Below Decks | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 

Deacon regarded Kingston, his glasses reminding him that the lieutenant had, in fact, been one of the few guests at his recent 'birthday celebration.'

"Good afternoon Mister Deacon."

"Deacon," he corrected, though his tone was more one of repetition than any personal outrage at this point.  Having introduced himself to sufficient crew by now, his reprimand regarding unnecessary terminology having no real bite to its tone.  "Only Kzinti males have names... so Mister Deacon is redundant." He considered a moment, "And as I understand it, human custom affixes that term before the familial name and my human familial name is Maryk."  This was new, admitting his human lineage so casually, but it was something he was practicing in an effort to fit in.

The lieutenant looked distracted by the aromas from the galley, drawing a small smirk of satisfaction from Deacon.  "A few minutes," he replied. "The early dinner shift begins at half past."  He paused, casting a querying glance at the bartender, eyebrow raised only to receive a thumbs up in response.  Another experiment in learning some of the more colloquial human terminology, but he wasn't wholly confident in the strange phrasing.

Kingston held out his hand prompting Deacon to regard it for a moment before recalling the strange custom so many had at gripping hands, which he proceeded to do, although it was wholly awkward on his part. 

"As to why I am here, I understand you have asked for weapons training? I would like to ask if you have any bladed weapons?"

To this, Deacon held up the hand he had just offered, showing the claws that adorned the tips of his fingers.  "Not as impressive as before the Savi, but still functional enough.  But I had asked the captain about firearms.  The treaty between the Kzinti and the Federation forbids the Kzinti to use weapons of the sort and, truthfully, they're seen as... dishonorable.  But given our experiences with the Savi, I found my skills challenged.  If I am called on to protect the pride, I must adapt accordingly."

His lips tightened slightly, pulling askew to the right as he continued, "And unlike the majority of my generation, I was not trained for warfare.  I am a Black Priest."  He presented his palm as if making a point, the conversation coming full circle to the point of his name, something he frequently needed to point out was a title as much as a name

"If this is a bad time we can arrange a more appropriate time to discuss the specifics?"

"Of the many situations presented to me in my time aboard ship, I have been subjected to far more inappropriate topics of conversation."

Re: Day 06 [1600hrs] A Meow To Arms

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @steelphoenix

"Deacon. Only Kzinti males have names... so Mister Deacon is redundant." A pause. "And as I understand it, human custom affixes that term before the familial name and my human familial name is Maryk."

"Please forgive my cultural habits Deacon." Adam said, he smiled. "Maryk is a strong familial name."

"A few minutes, the early dinner shift begins at half past."

"Excellent timing," Adam noted with a grin. He kept the smile on as he attempted to guide the hybrid Kzinti awkwardly shake hands. After the fourth try he let go of Deacon’s hand and returned his hand to behind his back.

Deacon held up the hand he had just offered, showing the claws that adorned the tips of his fingers. Adam eyed them with interest, any form of weapon if it be part of one’s body, organic or technological in origin Adam desired to learn all he could. "Not as impressive as before the Savi, but still functional enough.  But I had asked the captain about firearms.  The treaty between the Kzinti and the Federation forbids the Kzinti to use weapons of the sort and, truthfully, they're seen as... dishonorable.  But given our experiences with the Savi, I found my skills challenged.  If I am called on to protect the pride, I must adapt accordingly."

"Dishonorable," Adam repeated with disbelief. "While I do not question cultural edicts that I have no right to to do so, surely there is honor in all forms of defensive actions. This may include using long range weapons to keep one’s family and people from harm, but that is another conversation that would an interesting topic to discuss some other time, if you are agreeable to explaining Kzinti culture to me?" Adam stated, he again got distracted by the smells of the dinner preparation before he focused again, his stomach grumbled a bit.

"And unlike the majority of my generation, I was not trained for warfare.  I am a Black Priest."  He presented his palm as if making a point. "Of the many situations presented to me in my time aboard ship, I have been subjected to far more inappropriate topics of conversation." Deacon said after Adam had asked if it was a bad time or not, though Adam wasn’t quite sure what to make of the answer he decided to pursue the title he had just heard.

”While you explain to me what a Black Priest does, I’d like you to think about what specific combat training you would like to receive?" Adam asked intrigued by the term although Priest was religious according to human customs, it could be something completely different. ”I am able to instruct in handheld pistol and rifle weapons certifications as well as some bladed weapons techniques.” Adam added a moment later.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [1600hrs] A Meow To Arms

Reply #5
[ Deacon | Below Decks | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle 

"Maryk is a strong familial name."

"Is it?  I have nothing to compare it to," he said, arching an eyebrow slightly, unsure if the statement was genuine or merely a platitude.  Humans seemed inclined to such statement in order to make a conversation 'go easier'.  Of course, in this situation, Kingston had no need to ease the conversation as Deacon had been the one to request a favor.

When the lieutenant expressed ignorance as to how firearms could be considered dishonorable, Deacon took a slight breath.  "To outsiders, it might be easy to equate, say, Klingon culture, to Kzinti.  Klingons are warriors, and while they make ready use of firearms, they recognize a ritualistic necessity for close combat.  Kzinti, on the other hand, aren't simply a warrior culture... we're a predator culture.  Attack something from a distance, it never learns to fear you and could escape before manage to close the distance."  He flexed his fingers, as if imagining his grip on the trembling throat of his prey, casting a sidewards glance at Kingston.  "There is no excuse up close and personal.  All things are laid on the line.  Live or die by your own strength and talent, and not by happenstance and artifice."  His tone was educational, as if he wanted the lieutenant to properly understand the mindset with which he'd been raised and the challenge he faced in asking to set it aside.

Next was a question as to the station of a Black Priest.  That was a challenge.  How much could he disclose to an outsider.  True, this crew and its people were now his pride, but the Black Priesthood was nothing if not bound by its secrets.  What the Kzinti populace knew was not even the whole of it and he doubted even the Patriarch knew the whole of it.  His lips tightened.  "That is a ... complicated subject."  Truth.  "In simplest terms, we maintain the continuity of Kzinti culture."  True as well, without the details that others might judge him for.

Finally the matter of what sort of training he sought.  "I do not anticipate that the captain will have me engaged in tactical operations.  A phaser is the standard fare of weaponry.  I believe that would be more than sufficient for my purposes."


Re: Day 06 [1600hrs] A Meow To Arms

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @steelphoenix

It seemed that his attempts at compliments were falling on deaf pointy ears, Nevermind then. Adam thought and nodded as he listened to Deacon’s explanation of Kzinti culture. "Fear. Tactics. Strategy. Inviting the prey to make mistakes." Adam said as he seemed to understand, at least he hoped he did.

"That is true, I doubt the Captain will enlist your help on away teams or missions unless perhaps your knowledge of contacts or ways we may obtain supplies." He smiled, adding. "I would like to get you familiar with the rifle kind as well as that may be the only weapon available to you in a ‘if’ situation. It is always good to be prepared for a few ‘if’ scenarios, maybe have a type 1 somewhere in Below Decks for you to use if you are unable to get to a weapons locker."

Then it occurred to him. "Have your holoprograms got combat features?" Adam asked with another smile. "They could be helpful in distracting any hostiles allowing you and anyone trapped inside escape." He explained the reason for his asking.

With that idea, a number of options opened up in the developing discussion...

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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