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Topic: CH03: S [D06|0903] Triage Over Troubled Warp Jumps (Read 2996 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH03: S [D06|0903] Triage Over Troubled Warp Jumps

Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0903 hrs. ] Triage Over Troubled Warp Jumps

[Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] @Arista @Nolan @Doc M. @lisavw @Juzzie @FollowTomorrow @Absinthe @Auctor Lucan

Elro’s face fell into an exasperated grimace as yet more casualties flooded through the Sickbay doors, the empathic centres of his paracortex flaring up with immediate lashes of anger. The crew of the Bellerophon who’d been rescued from their ship, plus the borders from the Dauntless who hadn’t been killed by the crew of Vector One, were now the responsibility of himself and the rest of the medical team. They were in various states of disrepair, some minor injuries, others, severe plasma burns, phaser wounds, extreme physical trauma, several awaiting surgery… It wasn’t a particularly pleasurable responsibility to be the one trying to patch up the rag-tag mess of new faces, whilst their thoughts pondered upon whether the laser scalpel on the side cart would be sufficient to hold their new Doctor hostage.

The three vectors of the ship had been linked for all of about three minutes and already carnage had amplified a thousand-fold. It seemed that whilst he remained on the Theurgy, Elro would not have the pleasure of enjoying any peace and quiet.

“Jovelia,” Elro managed to catch the slender nurse as she passed, her wide-eyed expression demonstrating that she was just as on-edge as he was with their situation. “Can you contact…” Elro began, before realising he had no idea who would be in charge of Security on the ship anymore. “Someone… And request another security team be sent down, just to make sure that nothing ends up going awry down here…” He requested, the Risan nodding as she turned away, Elro finding another thought pop into his head. “And make sure all of the medical staff have a dosage of ambizine on them, just in case…”

It was the fastest acting sedative they had access too, and hopefully a sufficient measure to subdue anyone who decided to take out their anger on a member of the medical team. Of course, that wouldn’t be logical. But the crew of the Bellerophon and the borders from the Dauntless weren’t thinking logically… They were feeling trapped and terrified. The Bellerophon had, apparently, just been split in two.

Elro wondered how he would have reacted had the Theurgy been the one to destroy the Endeavour, rather than the Borg… He imagined his mind would have been running through the same plethora of feelings and emotions that were thundering through the heads of their current captives, had he been ‘rescued’ in the same fashion as their current patients. Elro was suddenly glad that he was only dealing with the frail, wounded ones, not the hordes of angry, healthy, Starfleet officers in the Cargo bays…

Scanning the new arrivals, Elro headed for one who was yowling at an especially piercing pitch, being supported by a security officer and wearing armour the same as some of the other borders from the Dauntless. He approached briskly, guiding the patient down to a biobed and pulling out a medical tricorder to examine the wound, which appeared to be a knife wound, straight into the patient’s kidney. The Security Officer informed Elro that the man had been in and out of consciousness since the injury, before moving off to leave the Doctor to his analysis. He had internal bleeding, the kidney was perforated, and he was losing a significant amount of blood. Not to mention that the wound looked like someone had taken an electric whisk to the centre of a rather grisly looking rhubarb crumble.

“I need a vascular regenerator.” Elro told the nurse nearest to him, who scarpered off to fetch the item from wherever it had last been used, Elro turning his focus to the border. “Have you ever had a reaction to Metorapan?” He asked firmly, but softly, to the agonised patient writhing on the biobed beneath him. The patent’s less than cordial response was to advise Elro that the best course of action was for the Doctor to ‘go fuck himself’, but Elro didn’t need a verbal reply.

Was that the stuff that Dad couldn't take? What does this fucker care, I bet he just wants to finish the job and make it look like an accident.

“Bicardine it is. Now hold still.” Elro replied, watching the shock move to realisation in the Human’s eyes, realising that Elro was a Betazoid and had just read his mind as if it were a PADD, as Elro loaded a hypospray with the analgesic before he got to work on the formidable wound. He could feel the panic weeping off of the man on his biobed; he genuinely thought that whatever Elro’s hypospray contained would be lethal. He was scared. Elro had a duty as a physician to try and alleviate that fear, if he could.

“Listen, I am the Chief Medical Officer from the USS Endeavour, rescued by the Theurgy after the Borg destroyed our ship.” Elro calmly explained the writhing man, though the Betazoid wasn’t entirely sure how much was sinking in. “After you leave this room, I don’t know what happens to you. But as long as you’re on this biobed, you are my patient, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you recover.” Elro utilised every inch of experience he had at developing his bedside manner, and though the client did not seem to feel any more confident at his odds, his protests did cease.

It was good enough.

The hypospray hissed at the patient's neck, just as the nurse returned with the vascular regenerator, Elro taking it with a small smile, which furrowed into a face of concentration as he bowed down to the mangled knife wound and got to work. Up close, it looked as though the individual had not only been shived like someone out of an early twenty-first century prison-drama holodeck program, but had also had the knife jostled and spun around like had had been playing a high-intensity game of buckeroo.

If Elro ever found out who decided it was a good idea to shiv someone in the kidney, rather than stunning them with a phaser, he planned to give them a very thorough lecturing about the complications associated with kidney perforation…

This is a thread with which we can go about and fix the people throughout the three sickbays on board. No expectations to post, but this is the space to do so if you see fit. I've tagged the Counselling staff too, just in case someone wanted to get stuck in.  Please tag anyone or anything that I have forgotten.

Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0903 hrs. ] Triage over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #1

[Lt. Rhys Williams|Corridors|USS Theurgy]

Rhys had left Vector 03’s sickbay feeling human again at last, and more than a little embarrassed. The loss of control was repugnant to him. True he had been concussed quite badly but still he hated the idea that at any point the mask had fallen and revealed what was behind it for even a moment.

Rhys was a mess inside, he knew it he was a counsellor it was his job to know it. However, he wanted to ensure that no one else knew it either. A person who functioned normally would have forgiven themselves given present circumstances. He was off his ship, away from what was familiar had been injured and now was listless. It would be enough to unsettle anyone however Rhys found this kind of thinking especially difficult.

He was sure Doctor Hernandez had given him some sort of warning about taking care and not pushing himself. However, Rhys was going out of his mind being sat in the sickbay and not feeling like he was contributing. Rhys was not on board his own ship, and was not even really sure where many of his crew mates were with the exception of Vanya. He sighed and marched along the corridors of the Theurgy with a purpose. The only thing he could think of was moving to the main sickbay an seeing if he could be of any use there. If there were going to be anyone in need of his aid it was there. Medical staff had a tendency to overwork themselves.

“Comptuter.” He said hitting his combadge. “Please direct me to the main sickbay.”

[Lt Rhys Williams| Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

It took him a little bit of time to reach the main sickbay even with the computer’s instructions. As he stepped through the doors, he was overwhelmed for a moment. Rhys simply stared, he had thought the sickbay on Vector 03 had been bad. The main sickbay was a mess of screaming and moaning people. Rhys had never thought of himself as a person with a weak stomach but this was a shock to the system.

He could see a handsome but very harassed doctor in the middle of this clearly trying to hold this nightmare together. He looked around not recognising the faces of any of the wounded, but then he had been out of events with a concussion.

He saw the Doctor over the top of a protesting man. Catching the end of the conversation something clicked into place for him. Of course, the Theurgy’s crew were wanted fugitives. The reaction made complete sense, when looked at through that lens.  The Chief counsellor waited until there was a good time to interrupt the doctor and brought himself forward.Cayuga’s Chief Counsellor Lt. Rhys Williams.” He said stiffly.

The Doctor was confronted with a tall young man with redish- blonde hair, and a very serious expression.. His voice had the strange sing song accent that betrayed his origins from Wales back on earth. He spoke with a soft serene calmness, that belied a certain tension behind his eyes.  Floating at the forefront of his generally chaotic thoughts was. Wow, he is kind of handsome.  This was followed rapidly by several angry sharp thoughts that barrelled into the first one.  Why the fuck are you thinking that now?! So fucking stupid!  His face remained impassive and calm. “I am here to offer you any help I can.” He said aloud  as he almost stood stiffly to attention.

Re: Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0903 hrs. ] Triage over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #2
[ PO 2nd class Kythalie Benmual & Lt Amelya Rez | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] @TWilkins  @Doc M. @lisavw @Juzzie

"Petty officer Benmual, report to Sickbay to handle the injured crewmembers from Bellerophon and from the boarding parties. Medical has required some help from us." It made Kythalie stop dead in her tracks as she tried to figure out where Sickbay was "Computer, a hand to Sickbay if you please." with a chirp the ship lighted up a path for Kythalie to follow as she took a brisk pace to the designated area to maintain the peace.

The lush wild hair of the Security officer waved at each step as her boots stomped the floor underneath her. She was wearing the skirted uniform variant as she couldn't help but find it more freeing then the locked up trouser suit. Obviously it showed more skin, but it made Kythalie feel more free in her movements. Even if that meant taking down someone with a tackle or what more. On her way to Sickbay she ran into Ensign six. She saluted her as she technically still was a superior officer. after a short inquiry to where Benmual was headed, the Petty officer informed Six that she was headed to Sickbay.

The walk only lasted three or four more minutes from that point and when the doors opened the chaos was somewhat evident in Sickbay. It was overladen with patients and she guessed that the auxiliary sickbays would be just the same. She pressed her lips together as there was shouting, cries of pain and frankly just an overload of thoughts bombarding her mind. She closed her eyes to focus and get her mental barriers up in order to not lose her sanity as her black eyes opened once more to skirt through the room.

She spotted a nurse and halted her as she asked "Where can I be most useful as security?" The brunette nurse looked at the Betazoid, feeling her gut clench as it was a sour reminder of the crewmate she was seeing "Uhm, I suppose you can just station yourself... There by the primary surgical suite. Should give you ease access should anything happen I think." Riley Patterson replied. With a nod Benmual moved to said location and scanned the area for any problems should they arise, keeping an eye on the reactions of medical staff should they show any signs of distress.

Riley Patterson in the meantime made her way over to Amelya Rez. The current acting CMO aboard the ship as she was treating a crewmember with a dislocated shoulder and knee "Here is the required drugs you requested ma'am." she said to the doctor as the blonde physician turned around and took the vial before putting it in her inoculation device "Alright, keep him steady. I'll sedate him lightly first before we pull everything back in place." she informed the nurse as the human nodded and took her position behind the man. The light hiss of the injection being administered was a perfect time for Amelya to comfort the Theurgist "You'll be fine, but you might have to lay off the heavy work for a few days." she looked him in the eyes before she gave a firm tug at his arm, a pop indicating the shoulder popping back into the join before she bent the knee until the same pop was heard once more. The sedatives were doing a fine job as the man only pulled a slight painful face before he thanked the doctor. "Give him a brace for his leg and a sling for his shoulder, discharge him afterwards." she informed the nurse before looking around for her next patient to treat.

Re: Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0903 hrs. ] Triage over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Juzzie @Doc M. @lisavw @Nolan

Straightening up from his work, Elro took a breath of relief, comfortable in the knowledge that his patient seemed to be clear of any immediate danger. The jagged slit on his side had been a mess, the tear in his tan flesh like a poorly-cut cherry pie, but the vascular regenerator was an effective instrument and Elro had managed to successfully mend the majority of the damage to his kidney. Of course, that wasn’t the end of it. Elro dreaded to think where the knife had been kept, in a damp pocket alongside a family of debris and dead skin, or perhaps in the lining of a rancid, sweaty boot? Elro was steadfastly determined to arrange regular doses of corophizine every twelve hours, along with keeping him in for observation for a few days, just to rule out the risk of any horrible wound infection… But he had managed to assure himself that the immediate damage had been repaired. All was left, was to use an autosuture to patch up the wound and perhaps a prescribe a vitamin supplement to help reinforce his immune system.

Elro glanced over to try and fetch a nurse, someone to take their time with the autosuture, knowing that his expertise was better served triaging new patients. Instead of a nurse however, the Betazoid was approached by an attractive twenty-something male, wearing the teal coloured undershirt that indicated his position in the medical dept. His hair was a coppery-blonde, with clear, blue eyes and an even decoration of stubble along his strong jaw. Elro didn’t recognise him. But then, he scarcely recognised anyone aboard the Theurgy who wasn’t also from the Endeavour.

Cayuga’s Chief Counsellor, Lt. Rhys Williams.” The man said strongly, his sing-song Welsh accent immediately dancing along the shell of the Doctor’s ears. The Counsellor seemed calm on the surface, still and focussed, though Elro’s quick burst of telepathy told a slightly different tale… His thoughts were incoherent and chaotic, rapid flurries of questions and answers flinging around his skull, jousting and contradictory to each other. Yet Elro caught a few clear stray musings, enough to make the Doctor stifle a blush.

Wow, he is kind of handsome.

Elro shared a similar opinion of the counselor, that he was a very attractive specimen himself, and had Elro encountered the Welshman in the mess hall he may have invited the other man to share a meal and some synthohol. Yet the pair were unfortunately not in the mess hall. It was a frantic triage situation in sickbay, and Elro knew that getting distracted by a pretty face would be perhaps as unprofessional as taking leave to go to the holodeck. Though he had to admit that the Welshman did have an especially pretty face…

Why the fuck are you thinking that now?! So fucking stupid!

The Counselor's commentary was a definite aid in snapping Elro back from any departing tangens, the Welshman’s ability to keep his face so unreadable even with such turbulent thoughts impressing the Betazoid… Perhaps it came from being a Counsellor… Elro remembered that Counsellor R’Rori always had the same serene expression. At least, Elro thought so. He didn’t know any other Caitian’s whom he could have based a comparison on.

“I’m here to offer you any help I can.”

“Well you won't be at a loss for things to do.” Elro began, mentally clawing at his memories of shared Academy classes, trying to remember what sort of practical medical knowledge Counsellors were taught during their training. “Well this patient still has a deep wound in need of some careful attention.” Elro turned, gesturing over to the man on the biobed behind him, unintentionally and unknowingly brushing his hand across the Welshman’s arm as he moved.

“He needs a dose of corophizine, to minimise any risk of an infection, and if you’ve ever used an auto-suture, that would be the best option for a wound as deep as his…” Elro’s voice started to waver as he noticed some commotion out of the corner of his eye, drawing his attention to a new patient who seemed to be particularly intent on flailing her limbs around as much as she possibly could, whilst screaming at the security officers who were carrying her. Elro always found that Bolian women had a certain flair for the dramatic.

“If you need any assistance with anything, just call…” Elro wavered, before he rushed across to the former biobed and left the Councillor behind with the stab victim. He was already asking one of the nurses what seemed to be the problem before he stopped moving, medical tricorder at the ready long before his feet stilled. “What seems to be the problem?”


Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0903 hrs. ] Triage over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #4
[ Maya | Primary Surgical Suite | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @Juzzie, @lisavw @Nolan, @TWilkins, any character in sickbay.

An additional burden to main sickbay was the fact that the primary surgical suite connected to the chief medical officer’s office had been reserved for the brain surgery of Krystal Tancredi at 9:00 hours that morning.  The destruction of the Bellerophon and the influx of new casualties couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time, since the biobed in the primary surgical suite was often used as a receiving point for casualties that were beamed directly to sickbay.  Instead they were either beamed in to spare beds in the intensive care unit, or they were brought in on stretchers and gurneys like in the days before warp drive. 

Inside the primary surgical suite was the patient, Ensign Krystal Tancredi lying on the biobed.  Two centimeter sections of her scalp had been shaved to provide easy access to her epidermis and the skull beneath.  Performing the surgery was Lieutenant T'Panu the Cayuga’s chief medical officer.  Assisting her was Lieutenant (junior grade) Jovela, the Theurgy’s acting head nurse.  Supervising the surgery was Lieutenant (junior grade) Maya, the Theurgy’s remaining neurological specialist.  T’Panu, Jovela, and Maya were wearing crimson surgical scrubs while Krystal was clad in a hospital gown

"Prepare the first injection,” Maya ordered as Jovela plucked a specially constructed hyposyringe from a tray of identical hypos that she held with her other hand.  "Computer, illuminate first injection point located at coordinates twenty two point three six mark seven point one four on the right parietal lobe.”

A glowing green dot appeared in one of the shaved circles on Kyrstal’s scalp.

OOC:  I'm assuming that after the operation Krystal can just comb her hair different (or wear her cowboy hat) until her hair grows out.  I've kept the number of injections that we need to put into her brain deliberately vague to make this procedure as long or as short as we want it to be.

Re: Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0903 hrs. ] Triage over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #5
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Main Sickbay| Deck 11| Vector 02| USS Theurgy] attn: @TWilkins @Nolan @Doc M.

Rhys felt a little shell shocked. He had arrived in sickbay in the hopes of putting his counseling skills to good use, now it seemed life had a different fate in store for him. The handsome doctor was expecting him to provide some sort of medical support. He looked at the auto-suture, down to the patient and back to the doctor.  He shivered a little but only partly from the unintentional touch of the doctor’s arm.

Inside his mind unpleasant memories rose up one after the other like the heads of some hideous hydra. They dragged him back kicking and screaming to the fiery wreckage of the USS Mercia. He remembered helping a doctor applying an auto-suture to a wounded engineer, while trussed up in the back of the shuttle craft they had watch the Miranda class vessel explode. He had served on the ship as an ops officer for a matter of months his first real post. Watching the ship spread itself across space had broken something inside his already fragile head.

History seemed to be repeating itself. His new ship the Cayuga had nearly been destroyed and a massive toll had been taken on the minds and bodies of her crew. A normal person might well had considered these events unrelated accidents, bad luck or other phrases indicating that person’s lack of control of events. Rhys knew he was wrong, he knew the thoughts he had were irrational but he still had them. He was responsible in some sort of way. It was what his subconscious told him, he brought down the bad luck and the problems on his own crew. He had learned long ago to ignore his subconscious, but its voice was loud and persuasive.

All of this passed through his head, but he did not vocalise it. He merely nodded and knelt down next to the patient getting to work. Rhys had been through the basics. Anything that could be found inside an emergency medical kit he knew how to operate, but then so did most officers. Anything more complicated than that would be problematic. He was interested in biology and medicine, but only from the level of an interested amateur.

Once the auto-sture had done its thing, he moved on to the next task. He looked for a hypospray containing corophizine. This to he was vaguely familiar with, as it was also found in emergency medical cases. He found the hypospray he was looking for and applied it gently to the neck of the man on the bed before him. The man was silent, whether unconscious or merely stunned Rhys was not sure.

Rhys wondered for a moment what was going to happen to himself and the rest of the crew. Here they were helping enemies of the Federation. He could well imagine the response from Starfleet command for this once they became aware. He sighed, “Sorted.” and rose to his feet.

He noted the doctor had moved off to a Bolian woman who seemed to be flailing around and making a tremendous scene. This might be something he was more capable of dealing with provided her behaviour was not the result of her injuries. He moved after the doctor to see what was wrong.

Re: CH03: S [D06|0903] Triage Over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Nolan @Juzzie

“Stay the hell away from me! Tell these men to let me go!” The Bolian woman spat at Elro as she continued thrashing her body, trying to dislodge the iron grip of the hands holding her; the Theurgy Security team who were being perhaps a trifle firmer than strictly necessary. She was obviously agitated, the red undershirt of her uniform contrasting against her blue skin significantly as her face contorted with twisted agony and a low shriek droned from her lips as one of the Security officers pressed on her leg.

“I’m afraid I’m not a member of the Theurgy’s official crew complement, so I don’t have the authority to do so…” Elro softly, but firmly told his prospective patient. “However from a medical point-of-view, this thrashing and restraint is hardly helping your condition; so could we perhaps all agree to resume fighting outside of Sickbay?” The Doctor requested with a raised eyebrow, glancing between the two security personnel who were all but strapping her to the biobed, and the Bolian, who, to her credit, slowly stilled her thrashing, though her discomfort was obvious from her face.

Elro was quick to apply his tricorder to her wounds, her bare leg, and the ruined tatters that remained of her skirt, feeling a cold sweat prickle over at the information he was given, crouching down with a grim expression as he slowly peeled down the temporary dressing that had been put on, hearing the patient squealing through her closed mouth as he did so. The result made Elro feel immediately clammy, hot splotches flaring across his body.

She’d suffered fourth degree burns, her lower thigh displaying a horrendous wound, complete with a visible femur for added grit. The flesh inside her wound was a blue mulch, glazed and waxy looking, with a crisp edge to the wound that was followed up with a nauseating mosaic of blisters and scolded flesh that could take hours of dermal regeneration. Elro couldn’t comprehend how the patient was doing anything aside from screaming.

“Did the medical team on your ship begin treatment for this injury?” Elro asked softly, moving back from the wound and approaching the head of the patient, inadvertently pushing his way through one of the Security officers flanking her biobed. He saw that the patient still looked particularly sullen; her pain was obvious, but her reluctance to accept treatment was simply her anxiety and resolve to not trust anyone aboard the Theurgy. Again, Elro couldn’t blame her, but he needed to save her leg and her stubbornness was not helping with that goal. “I won’t lie to you; you’re going to require immediate surgery if you want me to save your leg, and even then it’s not strong odds…” Elro began, empathically probing her, feeling her stalwart resistance to his questioning slowly buckle at his revelations. “But I can’t do anything unless you can give me some more information.”

“I…” She began, looking directly into the Doctor’s eyes with a frown on her face, fear bubbling up through her rapidly as she did so. “They gave me a painkiller, but they didn’t have the time to treat me before you split the ship in half.” She croaked in reply, her tongue still managing to get a few lashes in even as her lip began to quiver and the seriousness of her wound began to seep in.

“I can assure you, that I personally did not destroy anything this morning.” Elro returned humorlessly in light of the severity of the Bolian’s wound. Elro changed to a softer tone of voice, relying on bedside manner to attempt to give the officer some semblance of comfort. “Do you remember what they gave you?” He paused, sensing her reluctance to continue speaking. “It’s important, I can't risk an overdose.”

“I don’t know. I’m not Medical.” She began with a pained huff, before she grunted, a tear blossoming in the recess of her eye. “Tripta-something, I think. I don’t know. They were a bit busy dealing with all of the other injuries to tell me.” He words still dripped with spite as she spoke.

Triptacederine would have been Elro’s best bet, it was a particularly potent painkiller used primarily for fatal injuries. Evidently the Bellerophon’s medical team didn’t have such high hopes for the survival of their officer… In a way, her transport to the Theurgy was a boon to the Bolian; she was certainly going to survive. It was just the leg that Elro was worried about… Of course, if his assumption about the medication was wrong… Shit.

“Doctor Kobol  to Security.” Elro tapped against the combadge on his chest. “I need to speak to one of the members of the Bellerophon medical team. Do we have any on board?”

[Sorry Doc, we’ve got a few situations with the Bellerophon crew and we don’t have tabs on them all right now… We’ll let you know when we’ve got it under control. Bowley out.] The voice on the other end of the comm replied, making Elro furrow his brow. A situation… Elro cleared it from his mind, instead focussing on the issue he was facing. Did he risk the procedure without analgesic, or did he risk an accidental overdose because the traumatised patient recollected the incorrect medication…

“Kobol  to Rez,” Elro lightly tapped on his combadge. “Just to let you know that I’ve got a patient who’s needing immediate surgery, I’ll be taking her to surgical bay two. Let me know if you need me.” He quickly tapped off of his combadge and turned to glance over towards one of the nurses, seeing if any would be free to assist him in the operation. Instead, Elro came face to face with Lt. Williams.


“Lieutenant Williams.” Elro confirmed aloud. “I’ve got a rather difficult situation here with a patient and I might need some basic assistance in the surgical bay… Could you spare some time to assist me?”


Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Re: CH03: S [D06|0903] Triage Over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #7
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @TWilkins @Nolan

The atmosphere in the sickbay was tense. Even though the environmental systems were working perfectly there was an unpleasant feel, sharp tingling heat crawled up and down his spine as if burning hot sweat were covering his back beneath his uniform. He had a great deal of respect for medical professionals but medical facilities always had a discomforting feel to him. Like the feel of stepping graveyard, but one where the denizens were still crying out and taking ragged breaths.

Through it all it seemed like the Doctor was navigating the environment with a determined calm and dignity. There were hostile patients, making his life more difficult however he continued to treat them without fuss.

When Doctor Kobol  asked him for help in the surgical bay, there was an immediate feeling of dread shooting down the length of his body. His heart thudded trying to beat its way out of his chest and escape from the horrible prospect. The clear thought emerged in his head. Do I really want to see things like that ever again? Unbidden into his head flowed images of dead and dying crew mates, men and women whom he had worked with reduced to nothing more nor less than charred meat. First aid was ok, it made him feel ill but at least it was not surgery.

However, Rhys’ iron self control began to re-establish itself. Space travel is dangerous, I have to confront this again sooner or later. He took a deep breath and his face returned to a mask of impassivity. All in all the horrified reaction had paced in less than a second. “Of course.” He said calmly, keeping his voice slow and level. “Its why I came over anyway. To see if you needed any help.”

He forced his spine into a rigid position and looked Elro straight in the eyes. “My medical training is limited to first aid courses. I shall do what I can to help however.” He kept his voice low and slow, all the better to conceal his fear.

Re: CH03: S [D06|0903] Triage Over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Juzzie

In the overbearing light of the surgical bay, it became evident that the Bolian's leg presented itself as considerably worse than he'd previously considered. It was worse, because the Doctor could now view how extensive the patchwork of blistered skin was, with no shadows and distractions to obscure them. It was worse, because he could clearly see the darkened patches of scolded femur visible through her wound, and view how the mess of blue skin, muscle and blood was indifferentiable in its waxy, sticky state. It was worse, because in the calm silence of the surgical bay, away from the hustle and busstle of the Main Sickbay, Elro could clearly hear the Bolian's agonised stridor.

However, oddly enough, Elro felt far more confident about her treatment than he had done when he was reviewing her in Sickbay.

Elro had already made swift work of the bone damage with the osteogenic stimulator, leaving him with with a clear plan of action. Once the charred flesh surrounding the wound was removed, he would use a protoplaser to stimulate the cell recovery of deepest parts of the wound, to stop any deep bleeding and begin the initial stages of recovery. Following that, Elro was planning to set up a bioregenerative field, to keep the wounded area suspended and to accelerate the cell repair. It wasn’t exactly a textbook Starfleet procedure, but Elro was confident that it was the best course of action to minimise scarring. Whilst the field would only repair so much of the damage, a few skin grafts and some extensive trilaser connection therapy would be all that was necessary to neaten up the wound and repair most of the nerve damage.

“Okay, Lieutenant Williams.” Elro turned to face the Welshman with a soft expression on his face, keeping his voice low enough so that the patient wouldn’t be able to completely hear him. Without knowing for sure what medication she’d been given aboard the Bellerophon, Elro couldn’t run the risk of sedating her. He’d simply hoped that whatever she’d been given had enough of a kick to get her through the worst of the surgery. “I’ve done all I can with the osteogenic stimulator, but I now need to get to the grisly bit.” Elro paused, taking up the exoscalpel from the surgical tray next to him and holding the cone-tipped device between his fingers.

“I’m going to have to surgically remove the charred tissue surrounding the wound. Hopefully the residual painkiller in her system should make the pain bearable, but I’ll need you to use the vascular regenerator as I go, to stop the bleeding after I remove the flesh…” Elro finalised his instruction, before approaching the surgical table and squatting down next to the wound that wreaked of gore and a pungent, almost chemical, scent. “I’m going to need to cut away some of the charred flesh around the wound before we can look at regeneration.” Elro softly told the Bolian, who still definitely didn’t trust him.

The Bolian delivered an uncharacteristic reply of silence, glaring at Elro with tightly pursed lips and a high chin. She was behaving much more stoically than her emotions were however. She was afraid, trying to save face, without opening her mouth and revealing a trembling voice that would weaken her disposition. Her lack of refute however, was enough that Elro didn’t feel the need to withold the procedure, and instead, swiftly got to work on removing the charred flaps surrounding the edges of the wound.

Elro heard the Bolian hiss through her teeth as he made the first incision, but he did his best to shut down his paracortex and focus purely on the steady movement of the exoscalpel across her blackened flesh. He kept his wrist steady and moved in one, long, smooth stroke, severing a strip of charred flesh and immediately peeling it away with his gloved fingers, placing in a kidney tray, as he felt Rhys move behind him, hopefully to repair the damage to the wound.

In his short moment of relief, Elro took a short moment to glance up at the console on the wall, observing the computer’s progress at setting up the bioregenerative field specs. He had programmed it using full body scans and tricorder data, which the computer was analysing currently. The result of the analysis should allow the bioregenerative field to target only the cells within the wounded area, using a complete scan of the Bolian’s undamaged leg as a point of reference in comparison to a scan of her wounded leg. The computer’s analysis would allow the field to target the specific cells in the damaged region, in order to encourage cell growth whilst avoiding the possibility of encouraging growth in all the cells.

With a small smile at the promising progress the computer had made, Elro steeled himself and turned back to the patient with his excoscalpel blinking between his fingers.

“How’s it looking Lieutenant?”

Otheusz - Grey Scars Pirate - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]


Re: CH03: S [D06|0903] Triage Over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #9
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @TWilkins

The technical medical terms flew over Rhys’s head. It was at times like this he wished he had spent more time paying attention to Biology at school,  and had done more than the basic first aid training at the academy. However, even if he had have done this situation would still have been discomforting for him.

The good doctor wanted him to use the dermal regenerator. He picked up the hand held device, it was slightly larger and more complicated looking than the ones found in first aid kits. Rhys, turned it over a few times and after a moment’s dithering was finally able to turn the thing on. Waiting for the right moment, as Elro cut away the blackened flesh, Rhys was amazed as always by someone else’s skill. There was a lot of room in him for admiration of other people, just none for himself. 

When Rhys sensed it was the right time to follow he did so, trying not to look at the leg too hard. He moved his hand slowly and evenly as the device worked trying to reknit the skin together. The patients yells and cries however were sending sparks along the memory centres of his brain.

He saw it all again, blaring sounds, the computer’s serene voice predicting the immanent doom of the ship. Plasma fires, and the bodies, so many of them. Men and women who had until the serious of events leading to the destruction of the Mercia, had been Starfleet officers. Him a lowly ensign stood among them in shock and panic  being dragged away from the mess by firm arms. The lips of his rescuers moved but he heard no sounds come from their mouths.

The colour was slowly draining from Rhys’ face the longer he thought on the scene. He felt cold terribly cold, but his body responded to this feeling by drenching him in sweat. He felt light headed, a faint buzzing ringing in his ears.

He turned as he heard Elro speak to him, and then looked down numbly at the wound. “Oh… er… It seems to be healing. Slowly… but its coming.” He swallowed hard and tried to over come not a nightmare, but a daymare playing in his head.

Re: CH03: S [D06|0903] Triage Over Troubled Warp Jumps

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @Juzzie

Lieutenant Williams seemed to be confident enough with a dermal regenerator, and Elro was comfortable enough to accept the Counselor’s prognosis of the regeneration without feeling the need to double check it for himself. The Lieutenant was shaky, but obviously inteligent enough to understand how to use the medical tools even if not as familiar with them as a Doctor or Nurse would be. The Betazoid flicked out his exoscalpel once again and applied it to the next line of charred flesh, aware that Rhys was moving tentitively behind him, Elro's eyes furrowed in concentration, demonstrating both an extreme attention to detail and borderline obsessive need for a perfectly smooth stroke.

It hardly mattered whether it was even or not. Either way the wound would be getting regenerated.

Despite his obsessive and painstaking need to neaten the wounds, Elro did make swift progress at stripping the charred lines of flesh from the Bolian's leg, somehow able to ignore the fact that her grizzly femur was only a few breaths away from his face as he hovered close to the wound. A second strip of crusted flesh found itself discarded in the kidney tray, ready for whichever unfortunate porter would be cleaning up the surgical bay after he and Rhys had resolved their treatment plan.

He flicked his wrist several more times in succession, rending ruined flesh away from the healthy blue skin with the same dexterity he demonstrated on a fencing piste. It wasn;t difficult work for the Doctor, and whilst he had to concentrate, it was fairly simple so long as his focus remained fixated on the limb and not drifting off to other thoughts, such as those of the handsome Human stood next to him.

Her Bolian physiology, and the mildly corrossive qualities of her blood, was all the more reason to pay close attention to the work he was doing.

A third, a fourth and then a fifth strip of flesh joined the first two, before the remainder of Elro's work consisted of tidying up the small, charred flecks of flesh that remained behind, smattering the wound. It was both easier and more dificult to single out the individual bunt crusts on the skin; the work was less demanding of his concentration, but it required a wider awareness of the entire wound at once. In all, Elro permitted himself to allow his mind to drift a fraction, though he kept it sharply focussed on the bioregenerative field specs, as opposed to any roaming thoughts that could possibly embarass himself in front of the young councilor beside him.

It was a cutting edge treatment really… The Bolian should have considered herself lucky to be on a ship as advanced as the Theurgy; on other vessels, setting up a localised bioregenerative field would have been a much less feasible task. Elro imagined that he probably wouldn’t have been able to have performed it on the Endeavour, and the woman would be looking at a prosphetic leg instead of any restorative treatment that would probably have been a bit tasking for the Sickbay computer, especially in an intense triage situation. But Elro had well-familiarised himself with the Theurgy’s medical stocks when he’d had a few dull moments in sickbay, and his mind was well aware of the capabilities of the facility.

“Right... “ Elro stood with a small sigh as a result of his strained back. “I need to run a protoplaser restoration series to recover the immediate trauma, and then…” Elro gestured lightly towards the teal toned fluid contained within the pylons of the bioregenerative field container. “We’ll need to get your leg immersed within the fluid for at least six hours.” He moved over to the surgical table to collect the protoplaser before returning to the patient.

“Lieutenant Williams, are you familiar with protoplaser tech…” Elro began, asking the quiet Welshman next to him whether he would be happy to carry out the protoplaser treatment without supervision, so that Elro could focus on the final calibrations of the biorestorative field. However, he barely got to voice his question when the comm system opened up with a worrying request for the Doctor.

[Captain Cinn to Lt. Kobol , I'm afraid I require your assistance with a sensitive matter.  Can you meet me on Deck 11?]

Captain Cinn? Elro had to admit that his first thought was that something may have happened regarding the Endeavour crew, something untoward… But then, surely the Captain would have asked for Ducote, or even Vael, both of whom were higher ranking officers than him… Either way, it was hardly within his station to refuse a command from a Captain; he wasn’t in a critical medical situation any longer.

“On my way Captain…” Elro replied with a tap upon his combadge, turning to Lieutenant Williams with a furrowed brow. “If you are able to carry out the protoplaser treatment, I would greatly appreciate that… But if not, I should hope I won't be too long…” Elro dismissed himself, passing the protoplaser over to the Lieutenant with a small smile.

It probably wasn’t particularly fair of Elro to be lumbering such work on the councilor, but the boy had proved himself fairly diligent so far… If need be, Elro would repay the favour some other time, he was sure…

Assuming he both lived that long, and didn’t end up on the receiving end of a phaser as a result of whatever ‘sensitive matter’ he was being called to deal with…


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Y'Lev - Syndicate Dominus - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]

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