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Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
Meony had gone to the Main Sickbay right after she'd lodged a full report and accounting of the events that transpired in her own quarters. When questioned on the nature of her injuries, and the fact that the worst of them had already been treated with medical precision, the redhead gave a redacted report, though she had a fair idea later on regarding the nature and purpose of the attack, but she expressly requested of them to keep quiet on the actions of the cult, mostly because of the interest of keeping the peace between the various crews, primarily between the Theurgy and the Resolve. It was only their second day on board this ship, and she already nearly died at the hands of a bunch of crazies from the multi-vector dreadnought. She knew Leon meant well, but his order to watch each other's backs only served to sow division between the crews, and paranoia.

Sure, she actually agreed with that sentiment now, but the pilot also knew that if they were to ever lower the barriers, they'd need to make the first move, but if Daniel or Jimmy ever found out about it, while Daniel likely wouldn't show it or say anything to her, he was likely to have words with Theurgy command, and it would likely leave a sour taste on everyone's mouths. She wasn't sure if Leon would find out, but in that regard, Meony could only pray it escaped mention to him.

Neither she nor Silim looked back once they cracked open her door, and just fled, leaving the either heavily stunned or dead cult members behind, but with a clear record of their identities.

After an hour or so of observation and recovery, Meony was barely sporting any signs of the brutal trauma she'd been through, but the dermal regenerators could only heal so much in such a short time, so she would still be raw and sore in places, but under the circumstances, she was glad it wasn't worse. Even more, she had no desire to be alone in her quarters tonight. No, tonight she needed to be with someone. Though she still made her way to her quarters to pre-record a message to her various loved ones from the Resolve. If anything was to happen, she wanted them to know how she truly felt, and how much she really cared or appreciated them. But why just record it in the event of her death? Why not tell them directly?

Which was why she found herself, wearing a simple short-sleeved sun dress, a slightly more glitzy hat, and her boots, and looking for one rascal from Security.

The dress she wore.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #1
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

There were a few things Jimmy swore he'd get, do or otherwise make time for at his earliest convenience when this too-exciting of a day finally ended. And by this time . After volunteering for a search and gather away team mission for tomorrow morning, he still had more than a few hours to himself, all that mattered was getting to the side of one hotshot lady-scoundrel in particular. Letting her know what mattered was too important to ignore.

Mariner was pleasantly surprised when he'd secured quarters somewhere in the overlapping deck between Vector 02 and 03, he was quick to get a sonic shower over and done with, mainly to get rid of his still-present perspiration from the day's activities. Elsewhere, he would have had no qualms about walking around and letting his broad shoulders and competitively-fit frame speak volumes to any would-be cultist. Off-duty at last, he didn't have to fret over the fallout from the attack in Meony's quarters. He recused himself from that investigation, but watched the surviving cultists with a metal-melting glare, any still breathing. If Jimmy had his way, he would have had them tried as Mutineers. Besides, that section had been sealed off until the area was cleaned up, which could take all night. Too bad for them.

James stepped out of the shower, finally clean of all those negative energies and dark thoughts of revenge. They were replaced by love and relief; His close friend was alive and waiting for him in Below Decks. While he had half a mind to simply show up in Risian Shorts and one of many *guayabera* or *hula* shirts he tended to look smashing in. Instead, he dusted off a blue Vulcan leather jacket and trimmed his beard to highlight his moustache and soul patch, kept to a trim but neat 5-o'clock shadow. Naturally, of course, he kept a trusted old ASP baton up his sleeve for valid reasons, but doubted he'd need it, but knew it'd be reassuring for Meony. And she'd used that as a pick-up line now and again.

When Mariner did arrive to the lounge, he scoped the venue out and made note of any suspicious activity but didn't dwel on it as he passed to the jukebox, met a friendly photonic waitress, Xenia, and gave her a copy of the files from a playlist only called 'J+M=4ever'. Composed of their handpicked favorites, a nice rendition of 'Blue Skies' seemed to befit the backdrop of the Azure Nebula. When Jimmy thanked her before making his interest in the lone redhead at the bar very clear. The Music began as he approached her and sung the lyrics along.

"Never Saw the sun / Shining so Bright // Never saw things / Going so right. Noticing the days /Hurrying by...

"Noticing the days / Hurrying by// When you're in lo-ove, My, how they fly." He put his hand relative to hers and surrendered his body to the music as he sung along, not even ordering a drink for himself, but taking in the presence of a more intoxicating substance of the sight of Meony's face, accented by a golden dress to drown out any lone star. He beamed warmly when he got to lock eyes with her and eased into a slow but deliberately intimate waltz. The music played and Jimmy was temporarily incapable of singing the next verse.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #2
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
She closed her eyes and leaned heavily on the bar, contemplating ordering something with real kick to it, but changed her mind a hundred times, finally settling on not getting anything at all. She just wanted to see Jimmy, and everything would be better. Hell, it'd be a billion times better and going at warp one million. Yeah, because...reasons. Glancing down, Meony noticed that her arms were still trembling, and her knees were weak, not in a good way. She was still shaken by her evening encounter with her would-be murderers. She was only lucky to be alive thanks to her new best friend forever, Silim Parnak.

She heard a familiar song playing, and the look of relief and gratefulness was apparent in her eyes when that handsome devil showed up, and she let him lead her away from the bar. She didn't care who saw them, or what they thought. There was no one but her, Jimmy, and the backdrop of a beautiful nebula. All alone in the universe but for the two of them, as far as she was concerned. When he fell silent, she raised her head, stood up on her tip toes and sank her lips against his, in a most passionate, terrified, and yet possessive way. She wanted to taste him, to feel him against her, to draw on his strength and his warmth, and to hold on to him forever.

This was a side of Meony no one had ever seen before. No one that was presently alive, at least. She was clearly afraid, and trembling from something other than cold. Her head was hurting, and she showed it all for the whole universe to see. She was even this near to crying. “Don'tcha lemme go, Jim...Ah...Ah wanna stay with ya t'night...can Ah? Please?” Her slender finger wrapped around his hand tightly, in a pleading manner, that said more than words. A desperate sense of need passed from that touch to him, that she hoped he could understand. Meony and Jim didn't seem the kind for words in reality, though they often said a lot, most of it was a load of crap.

It was the things they didn't say in words that really mattered. Like how much she loved him right now, and how much she just wanted to be with him tonight, and all the nights after, if the fates were kind and let them. “Ah cain't be alone...Ah don't wanna be alone...”

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #3
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

It was moments like this that made one feel blessed to be human. James could see the love conflict, worry and need in her deep, pretty eyes. Jimmy was going to fill the need for her security in more ways than one tonight. He knew better than to ask how she was feeling, he'd hear her side of the story when the time came, then summarily offer his own basic first aid ministrations later on.

For now, all Mariner could do was hold his woman in his arms and exchange a pure wave of bliss as his arm found an appropriate grip as he leaned into her and let her win this first round, but Jimmy had to get the important message across, the one that really mattered. It was best not to let words kill the moment, but rather help set up a better one.

On that note, he noticed in passing that a favorite Resolve drink of choice was on the menu too. "We can skip the chechtlhutlh. Or get it to go." he whispered in her ear, resting his forehead to hers. It was off hours and his best sleeps were ones best when in REM after some pre-nocturnal activities.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #4
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
She was never more thankful to God for Jimmy, who would always be just who he was, never changing, never compromising in his nature. She remembered being told in passing that during the operation to contain the malignant tumour in her brain, when Captain Kendrick and Dr. Lynn could find no non-lethal solution to remove it, that he was all but chewing his nails out, with his faithful Sharky by his side, the pooch apparently mirroring his owner's state of mind at the time. They had always established early on that it was going to be casual, no strings attached, sort of, but as time went, Meony found herself wanting him and only him more and more.

She promised she wouldn't get jealous if he wanted to spend time with someone else, but now? She'd be a fucking liar if she said she'd be okay with it. She only wished she had the courage now to tell him that was how she felt. But it was also because she loved him she wouldn't tell him. Because she wanted to show him that her love was unconditional, and she would support whatever he wanted. If keeping their relationship casual made him happy...well, the heck with it, it was better than not being with him at all.

She laughed weakly when he suggested skipping on a certain Klingon beverage, to head on to something way better. Hey, that was exactly what she wanted. And she could feel his intents, his desires, and most of all, that much-needed warmth and comfort. She held his chin between her thumb and index finger, saying, “Whatever ya want, sugah...s'long as it makes ya happy.” She let him lead all the way, following whatever decision he made. Truth was, she could kill for some tacos, but hey, they could do that in his quarters too.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #5
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

"I'm already Happy, to see you, Luv," he half hummed, rubbing his forehead to hers, mindful of how fragile she was, and that she had been through more hardship in her life than anyone he'd ever known among his own kind and only wished he could have been at her side sooner. One of the hardest times in Jimmy's life to the point of nearly being relieved of duty due to compromise of emotional stability, was when he'd spent sleepless hours in sickbay just watching or praying for her recovery. He stopped even trying to make good on prior commitments or dates with other female crewmen on Resolve. As if to forget that terrible time, he made a joke about it to the gold-clad fighter pilot, "And it's not just the ASP Stun baton in my pocket, either."

And it was Tancredi of all the women in the galaxy, not some ambassador's daughter or Aldeberanian Princess for whom he'd give up the more intimate benefits of being single for. It wasn't pity he felt for her, but respect... which admitedly stemmed from her enviable tendency to curse out even superior officers, where he'd privately stage practical jokes, rather than immediate belligerence.

Like the time Jimmy snuck into LtCmdr Marquez's quarters just to steal the XO's chicken burrito recipe for two reasons: The XO kept the secret ingredient a secret. Jimmy's getaway was clean, but when more and more noncoms were seen replicating a Marquez family recipe, Leon oneday knowingly praised Jimmy for the Australian's acquired taste in recipes. Leon explained his mother's recipe was made with only 'love' in them to complete the dish. It wasn't until later that it explained why Jimmy had often ordered 'Marquez Supplement 1-Alpha' as time went by, it was an aquired taste, particularly since Jimmy had only stolen it to impress the woman he loved. It was mischievously romantic.

"The ususal?" He offered. It could've been any of their former routines, from a lite chicken dinner together with a nightcap, a favored padd game or film, even some time fooling around and cuddling in bed just to exchange smiles or endearing sessions of affection. The concensus seemed to lead that way as he escorted her to his quarters.

With so many post changes and different assignments, Jimmy knew he didn't yet have a place to call his own but if he had things his way, he'd be posted to the Sword Vector at all times to guard the hangar. Until he'd found a place, he kept his quarters largely unremarkable: No photos of his father's adventure documentary series, family photos of the Mariner Family at Da Vinci Falls with Professor Seyetik or even from the time Jimmy won nearly his body weight in Latinum at Bajor, only to spend his winnings on holodeck programs from the shifty Ferengi bartender, whom Jimmy casually befriended (and was... nearly... outfoxxed by during a business deal.) Instead of those fond memories, he instead only had a picture of both these quarters' current occupants sharing happy smiles in front of the USS Resolve, taken from the cockpit of her old ship, the Fuzzy Flayer that he'd grown fond of, despite the ship's age. These quarters were, unfortunately, missing Sharky, unfortunately, who was in the Zoological lab on Deck-2 for the evening. Jimmy wasn't worried, particularly after their ordeal together in stopping those repulsive cultists, it was probably all for the best the Pit Bull socialize with other creatures on their vessel, their new...

"Well, M'lady, here we are: Home, Sweet... temporary quarters." Jimmy led her to their sanctum and essentially checked in for the night, stopping ever so briefly to hang his jacket up and change into off-duty wear while he replicated a single for-two chicken burrito, styled to something commonplace enough in Meony's homeland while he skimmed the list for something not too intoxicating, but also something to create a mood, not that either of them much needed it, the way he almost clumsily kept his eyes on hers, either just to be coy or to truly to appreciate her company.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #6
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | James Mariner's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
At the remark about a stun baton in his pocket, Meony glanced down before it clicked in her head what he meant, and she looked back up, “Oh you were...raht.”

She nodded at his query, “Yeah, usual sounds good.” Anything you want, was her unspoken addition to that.

As he led the way, she greedily sought out his hand to hold on to, completely uncaring now of any looks her public display of affection might garner them. It wasn't really that much of a secret any longer, and one of the perks of staying so low on the ladder of ranks, no one really gave much thought to it. But if Captain Kendrick or Ives had made time with an ensign or someone else of an equally low rank, tongues would be wagging regardless of the circumstances. Then again, there were married captains whose spouses were on board the vessels of their command that never had issues. So there was that.

The flame-haired pilot rested her head on his shoulder during the turbolift to his quarters. Lordy she felt tired out, but at least she no longer felt so afraid, and the adrenaline was finally working its way out of her system after all this time.

As they entered the quarters, Meony's eyes scanned the place quickly, remembering Sinead's safety lessons, especially after the ambush, and did a cursory look at the few places one might be able to hide in. Once she was satisfied, she spared Jimmy a small smile for his remark about the quarters, then turned around to securilock the door. Only then did she visibly relax, her eyes landing on the only decoration the sandy-blonde man had accorded his current residence. She smiled as she saw the image, remembering exactly when it was taken. Routine escort duty for Tribble Leader, but Jimmy decided to provide extra security that day, and be a co-pilot too, not that Meony fancied letting him fly when she was there. She didn't think it was possible to get space sick, until the day she let him fly the Fuzzy Flayer while they were on planet, enjoying the closest thing they had to shore leave in those three years in Hell Sector.

After she finished studying the picture, she turned to catch Jimmy's eye, who had been clumsily giving her looks, and she smiled at him, just glad to be in his company. And a wave of desire swept over her, like nothing she'd felt in a long, long time. “That Leon's chicken Burrito ya makin' there?” she asked. Remembering that the whole act of stealing the secret from the older man was for her, Meony always went crazy for Jimmy because of that gesture. It was...well, considering their icy first meeting, she never got over how much she appreciated the gesture. No one ever did things like that for little ol' Krystal "Meony" Tancredi. No one...until one James Mariner, and here he was, reminding her of that fact. “What was it he used ta say went into th' makin' of it?”

She knew, but she wanted Jimmy to say it. It was sounded better when he said it.


Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #7
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

Good times. Some poor noncom took the heat for a 'malfunction in the navigational computer', during that particular Combat Air Patrol. Until then, Jimmyad only up to that point had any experience with his father's slightly-more-up-to-date Class-F shuttle, the Endless Summer. He thus wanted to see fly a next-generation shuttle aboard Resolve to show off for the girl he'd narrowly avoided holding cell or diciplinary action for and surprised her by sitting in the co-pilot's seat, seemingly knowing what to do based off of an anticipatory study session. The week before, the Texan made some rather unkind remarks about members of Jimmy's anatomy, which seemed to hurt his feeling on their first encounter. That was before he decided his heist-of-the-century.

Even though he impressed her that time on CAP and understandably was benched from flight duty for their first year. Jimmy never did get to tattoo the word 'candy' on a spot on his derriere in defiance to Meony's first cutting remark. How ironic things turned out for the next two-and-a-half years while the two were still playing musical chairs with other crewmates until they'd settled on just eachother, more for the fun and playful insult-exchanges. Still, their trip was uneventful, and off-duty, the couple looked fresh out of the holodeck, but James wasn't one to get ambushed and as such put himself before her, his bodyguard training and instincts taking hold on their way back. It wasn't easy to do, given how hard one of his hands was locked in a vicegrip. Funny she'd ask about what made a chicken burrito a chicken burrito.

"Well, these Aztecs, you see," The documentarian's son got into character and exaggerated his accent.
"They came up with so much in the ancient world, such as how," he hyped up, visiting his closet and returning wearing an apron, a smiling face and a half-folded bushranger hat. In hand, he had a replicated version of one of her hats. He lost track of what she named them all, but Jimmy knew she like this one. He continued in his exaggerated Aussie accent, "they could use the forces of nature to their advantage to do all matter of things no one had considered possible." He explained, preparing himself one after playfully putting her sombrero, and lowering it to cover her eyes.
"Now there's the one thing that, besides chocolate, besides tequila and besides... chicken burritos..." He put his plate on their table then returned to her side.

"...that can't be replicated and can't be produced in a transporter." He tipped back the brim of her hat so they could exchange more of those sweet little stares of theirs that seemed to slow down the laws of time. He waited a moment before tipping the hat further, but didn't take it all off, rather the hat's sole occupant dropped into Meony's lap, releasing the hat back onto her head as it drifted onto the lap of her sun-colored golden dress.

"They call it..." He began, "a moray." Jimmy's accent came off as more Italian than anything else as a blue, flowing and seemingly almost unreal sapphire flower petaled. Jimmy had by then had the time to have a taste of his own burrito as he wiped his mouth after processing Meony's reaction. He spoke when manners dictaded. "The Captain made sure you'd get this. I talked to someone from science to have a look at it, but it's what a moray is all about. Brightens everything everywhere and bends--" he was abruptly interrupted.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #8
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | James Mariner's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
Meony loved Jimmy. She knew that. He knew that. But boy, could he lose her in a split second. Unfortunately, he lost her at 'Aztecs'. Still, she did her best to keep up, and she noted the hat he brought and placed on her head, replacing the one she had on at the time. She'd settled on the seat at the round table near the replicator, and she smiled a little when he tugged on the hat. Her eyes darted to the object that fell onto her lap. A moray? she wondered, like the eel? But that couldn't be it, not based on the way he described it.

Oh Lord did he ever stop talking?

Jimmy reminded Meony of a red-clad superhero from the 21st century comics era. He too talked way too much. In fact there was some resemblance between Jimmy and the holovid character. But she had a way of dealing with too much talking. And so far, he's had no problems with them. Right up to 'everywhere and bends...', she was kneeling on the couch and leaned forward, pressing her lips against those burrito-flavoured lips of his. Delicious!

“Lord al-mah-teh!” said Meony, “Ya cain talk too much sometahms, sugah!” She picked up the delicate flower. Once Captain Kendrick's prized possession. One of the few beauties found in Hell Sector, and wasn't out to kill them or endanger them. It even had medicinal value. He talked about it a lot, but Meony could never understand it past stem. She pushed the hat up so it wouldn't bother her man, and she said, “An' Jimmy? Next tahm, ya cain jes' say Ah love yah! An' Ah love yah!” His bad pronounciation of the word "amore" finally registered in her brain.

She leaned forward to kiss him again, somehow managing to sit herself on his lap, hands wrapped possessively around him like an octopus. She was skipping dinner, the flower carefully placed beside the part-eaten burrito.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #9
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | James Mariner's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

Admittedly, that blasted apron got in the way, so before he even locked lips, Jimmy summarily allowed that extra accessory to fall freely to the ground while he tipped his hat back in reflection to Meony’s, so the two could touch foreheads, lock eyes and exchange a heart-and-soul-warming kiss and a hug… anything for their hormones to meet and exchange love notes with one another as the two lovebirds fell into an accommodating position in the quarters' dining room chair.

The experience, as usual was an electrifying buzz of sweet emotion and James Mariner’s heart thundered as he kissed Krystal Tancredi and exchanged a breath with hers.  ”I know.”, he growled in a playfully low, accent-less rumble. If there was one thing the two lived for was the occasional recreational film or holonovel to indulge in fantasy while sharing the best of eachothers’ personal virtues with eachother. Teasing eachother with quotes from time to time was a private little language used for coy flirting or referring to a past adventure.
A lifetime ago, Jimmy lived to emulate his dad’s charm in his off hours in ways that molded his current personality, even after joining the seemingly-joyless world of law enforcement and the ensuing Dominion War, Mariner's only change was never reconnecting with his Father. Starfleet couldn't take away his unflappable humor either, nor his worldly view on the galaxy, which in his civilian life had garnered a library of holo renditions of planets many Federation Citizens had only heard of. Naturally, he obsessively kept copies.

In addition to survival skills, Mariner could conjure up a romantic place for an outing with Meony and, occasionally, Sharky. Life could be as kind as it could be cruel; faith in a bigger picture rewarded these two with tender moments alone together....
But they didn't need any namby-pamby holodeck for tonight's adventure.

Jimmy nuzzled Meony during a break in their kiss and expertly placed his hand behind her ear and with intimate patience and familiarity, he found the way she liked to be held that didn't hurt her past injuries whilst letting her body and soul know that everything was safe and allright as long as they were here together, being themselves to one another as Jimmy's thundering heart was brought to its partner as his other muscular arm held her to him. "Darling, I know I love you, and I know you love me." His eyes easily gazed into hers, as he observed her pupils dilate.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #10
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | James Mariner's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
All she wanted was him, and after yet another brush with death, Meony was all the more certain that she wanted to spend every moment she had with this scruffy goofball. She used her hands to run through his hair, along his face, and the contours of his arms, his back. Committing to memory the very feel of him. She was just so very afraid now to forget how this moment felt, how he felt, how he smelt, and certainly how he tasted.

Not a joke, he tasted like chicken.

Blame the burrito.

She felt his hands doing something near her belly and she idly thought he was trying to remove her dress. She peeled back and saw him tossing the apron. Oh. Heh.

Nothing was more satisfying though, than hearing those three important words. The all-consuming desire that was mutually shared by both individuals. The redhead could feel his heartbeat, and he hers. She smiled, and wordlessly leaned back, removing her dress quite easily, and it wasn't long before she had him out of his clothes, their dinner getting quite cold and making friends with the strange blue flower, while she made sheet music with Jimmy. After, when both were sated in their passions, and weariness finally caught up with Meony, she held him close to herself, hugging him with a manner that showed a manic dependence and need once more, even as sleep stole her from him, she whispered, “Never let me go...”

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Never Let Me Go

Reply #11
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | James Mariner's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

It was times like this when Jimmy both regretted and appreciated his cadet years, where he acquired his ability to guage what women wanted and how they'd want it; he was younger than he was today and never needed the aid of a wingman, being able to use his often-silver enough tongue to impress and charm to a reasonable success rate.  Now that his intimate friendship had been forged into a genuine romance with Tancredi, making love had actually meant something now. Something beautiful.

Mariner let his Princess emerge out of her golden dress, taking the few microseconds he had to unbutton or unzip his off-duty wear, which almost at once became it became his off off-duty wear when she got ahold of him almost immediately; James was already speaking in muffled words as Meony-- as Krystal and he locked lips and exchanged blissfully heated moans of pleasure. With minimal Effort, Jimmy sat up, carrying her with him as the two lovers sung their bliss into eachother. Jimmy's stocky frame and strong body made carrying her to his bed all the easier, to say nothing of what ensued as their bodies reacquainted, namely Jimmy with her endothermic topography.

It was barely a week ago, when word reached the USS Resolve crew that they were finally about to return home, that Jimmy knew that this was the one woman in his life, she, whom he'd steadily befriended over the last three years, well past passion, past intimacy or even a modicum of love; what they had blossomed into true romance. Even though James Mariner was a man of many euphimisms, and some exaggerations... but also a man of definite loyalty. Once this was all over, nights like this would only mark a new era once the galaxy was saved and the Mariners would know a peaceful future.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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