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Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

[ Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista
“Not much longer now, li'l fella.” said A'vura, to the bat. She lounged on her bed, the specialized container for the animal tucked by the corner at the feet. The animal had been stunned by herself when it was accidentally beamed aboard the Resolve without its cage, and it started flying around, panicking Meony, who had a fear of bats, as it turned out. She lost track of the animal after it was taken from her, but during the evacuation from the crippled Luna-class starship, she saw the animal, abandoned and forgotten in a environment container, and managed to grab it during her flight into Theurgy. She knew the bat belonged to the Cardassian scientist, Silim Parnak, so she had prepared a video message for him earlier in order to return it to him.

“Hi Dr. Parnak!” said A'vura in the recording, “Uh, I was wondering if you would be free to visit me in my quarters tomorrow? Say, around ten hundred hours or so? There's something I would like to give to you personally.”

The bat seemed to sense something afoot, as it made noise, and the Orion smiled. She hadn't meant to keep the animal in her place all this time, but she'd been caught up in a whirlwind of activity since her involuntary transfer to the Theurgy that she only now could pass it back to its rightful owner today. When she heard the door chime, she sat up and said, “Come in!”

Since she was off duty, she was dressed casually in a plain grey short skirt that went to mid-thigh, and a loose long-sleeved dark blue buttoned shirt and fluffy white flip-flops.

Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #1
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage  

Walking down the corridor, Silim Parnak was deep in thought. He had received a perplexing message the previous day. It seemed that the green skinned Orion from the Resolve had something for him. Something personal.

Recalling over the time they had spent together, Parnak remembered what his initial opinion of the woman had been, and it wasn’t good. She had managed to convince him that she was an ignominious seductress. He remembered that she was dressed in the rags of a uniform, although for an Orion that wasn’t unusual, having been released from the stockade after what Parnak had assumed was an evening of drunken debauchery with Tancredi’s boyfriend.

The most interesting thing about that entire encounter, when it came to the Orion girl at least, was that even after the story have been proved false, she didn’t defend herself against the accusations. Krystal had come to her aid, but as Parnak had later learned, she would do that for anyone.

This meant, as he came to her door, that the only logical conclusion was that she was indeed a slut. That didn’t, however, help explain the reason for the call; Unless that was what she had for him? Herself as an offering? Perhaps as a reward for his bravery and cunning in creating the sensor duplicates for those who had broken into the detention center? Now that was something that he could quite easily get behind. After all, she didn’t have time to go to his quarters to get any of his personal effects before they have returned to the Resolve for its final journey.

Pressing the doorbell, Parnak squared his shoulders and awaited the call to enter. Upon hearing the voice, he made his way into the room. The quarters were spacious, but not so much as his own, much to his own pleasure. Giving a quick once over, he found the subject of his interest sitting, waiting, at the foot of her own bed. Well, Parnak concluded with a smirk, she doesn’t waste any time.


Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista
A'vura watched the Cardassian enter the room and suppressed the urge the shiver. The sight of a Cardassian brought many memories to her mind. She was only a teenager when the Dominion War began in earnest, and not too long since that war. A Cardassian in Federation space was as tolerated as a venomous snake in a playground full of children. But Starfleet was supposed to be diplomatic, and above such prejudices. Besides, he was on the Starbase wasn't he? They had to have vetted him no end to let him in. But why was he here in Federation space anyway? Maybe she could ask him. She was handling Operations after all. Natalie Stark would appreciate her being on top of things, right?

“Dr. Parnak!” she rose from her bed and quickly walked across his path to the table, where there was a a small assortment of beverages in various temperatures, mostly Terran. She gestured to the other chair whilst looking at him as she paused before the table, “Come on in, would you like anything to drink? I've got some non-replicated things here. Ensign James Mariner is an A-one scrounger, and he managed to grab quite a number of things from the Resolve before we evacuated.”

She beamed happily at him, and the bat, for some reason, went quiet, and its little container was quite out of sight, hidden by a pillow A'vura accidentally tossed aside as soon as she saw Silim Parnak enter. She had a thoughtful look on her face as she smiled distantly, “We never really had a chance to talk much since the time we met, did we? My goodness, I can't even remember if I actually gave you my name...though...” she shrugged and smiled sheepishly, “I suppose I'm not particularly hard to find, am I? Anyway, Lieutenant Junior Grade A'vura Zeshryr,” she extended her hand to him and quickly pulled back after a brief shake. She was friendly to anyone who met under amicable terms under the banner of Starfleet, but that didn't make this necessarily easy. Even Ejek took some getting used to, though prejudices were quickly set aside during that long voyage home. It was work together well or die. But Silim was not Ejek, she didn't know anything about him. Just that he was a scientist.

“So uh...” she scratched the back of her head wonderingly, “...I...wanted to thank you, know, helping us. I mean, you did some amazing things and you went out on a limb with us, despite the risks involved. I guess, that's...well, that's really nice, and I for one appreciate it. I think it saved more lives than we would have managed otherwise.” She settled down into one of the free chairs and smiled at him.

Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #3
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage 

Watching, Silim followed the Orion getting up from the bed with cat-like grace and quite frankly, he was impressed. He didn’t have much of an initial impression of this girl, but she had managed to play the auspicious host well. She had arranged a display of beverages on the small table between two chairs.

“Red Leaf, if you have it. Any black tea if you don’t.” He said by way of acceptance, taking the seat across from the girl, his back to the bed tucked into the corner of the room.

She was definitely a friendly one, Parnak couldn’t help but admit. Obviously, it must have been whatever happened to her previously must have dampened her spirits when they first time. Being covered in grey matter would do that, he supposed. Perhaps at some point, he should get her side of what actually happened on Starbase 84? Then his train of thought was broken, not by the girls endless blathering, but the extended hand. There was no tea in it, so instead he just accepted the handshake. Her skin was warm, soft and all together pleasing to touch.

And there it was, he couldn’t help but grin at his green-skinned companion. She wanted to thank him and that was something he could easily allow.

“Thank you. It’s nice to have your talents appreciated. Especially, as you rightly said, when you go out on a limb.”

Never let it be said that Silim Parnak was above getting his ego (and perhaps other things) stroked.

Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista
Her lips curled for a brief moment as she quickly recalled that Red Leaf was a Cardassian beverage, but it then turned into a wistful smile as she also remembered fondly, “Captain Kendrick kinda liked Red Leaf tea,” said A'vura, “he explained that it reminded him of a kind of dish from back home. Annnd...” she glanced down at the assortment before her, one hand poised as if to strike downwards swiftly, which she did and a moment later pulled up a small pack, “you're in luck, got some. I think fresh is better.”

She walked over to the replicator and ordered, “hot water in a kettle.” Immediately, a kettle filled with steaming hot water materialized before her and she brought it back to the table, placing the red leaf in a cup in front of Silim, and poured in the water, using a teaspoon to stir it. When it was prepared, she used the pack to make some of the same for herself, deciding to drink it in memory of the captain. Besides, if humans could enjoy it, how bad could it be? She would let him take his drink first, and watched him closely, to see his reaction, in case she prepared it incorrectly. Getting the right taste was a tricky matter. Especially on a ship with so much diversity of races.

She matched his grin, and pondered over the brief sensation of touching him, and she figured there was nothing particularly repulsive or pleasant in any way with the contact, and in her heart, she began to become slightly more at ease with him, remembering to keep herself more level-headed, since her emotions and feelings could easily be pushed into the pheromones she exuded, and in an enclosed space, and with the distance so short, that could lead to unintentional reactions. She leaned back against her seat's backrest, regarding the Cardasian scientist with interest. “May I ask why though?” she said after a moment, “By throwing in your lot with us,” she gestured around her, “you've put yourself in constant danger, on the run from our own people, and...and...I mean, you could have just asked to be transported back.”

She shrugged her slender shoulders, “I guess that just amazes me, and makes me curious.” Without thinking, she reached up with a hand and loosed one button on her shirt, feeling like the collar was a bit too constrictive for her liking. It didn't reveal anything more than the v-line of her neck and collarbones. She seemed unaware of her actions, or she was comfortable enough.

Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #5
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage 

Now, the Orion posed a tricky question and Parnak figured he had two options - Lie to make himself look better or admit the truth. Then again, why limit to one side? Grey had so many more shades than black or white, so why deal in absolutes?

“It’s easy, my dear. When you have the skills and the inclination, why not?” There were many reasons why not, but Silim didn’t need to go into that. Instead he took the cup in hand. Sampling the hot beverage, he found that his host had made it to suitable standards, nodding his approval before taking another sip.

So far, this meeting was progressing well and the fact she loosened a button to show off a section of delightful, delicate green collarbone mean that it was going further. Silim didn’t have much time. He needed to position himself correctly to get the optimum results but, how? Which button to press? At once he found the common ground between himself and this girl, so pressed on.

“I know racial stereotypes are difficult to avoid.” He started, regarding her reaction closely with his dark, oaken eyes. “I’m sure you had your fill of your own, but did you really think that after meeting you that I would just run and abandon you all?”

OOC: Sorry about the shortness of the reply!

Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista
His last statement and question left A'vura a little taken aback, and she wondered how best to respond to that. He definitely had a keen mind, a nearly eidetic memory from what she could tell. She also took note of what he'd said. Before he'd said 'you all', he focused on pointing out that after meeting her. She recalled their initial meeting had been in the holding cells of Starbase 84, and she looked like a complete mess, her uniform more than a little tattered, with one Meony chewing out the Cardassian about bats and manners.

The bat!

“You're more courageous than I will ever be,” said A'vura, “with a lot of heart. So, thanks, and I'm glad you're here.” She sidled over on the seat to be nearer Silim, and placed her palm on his shoulder, hoping he didn't mind the contact, and she said, with a self-pleased grin, “Now, I have something for you, and it's a bit of a surprise. So close your eyes.”

She leaned back, and said, “No peeking!” she slid off the seat, taking two steps to her bed and grasping the little cage with the bat, and settled herself back down, holding the bat just inches from the scientist's face, with the little animal facing him, and she said, “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

She didn't have skills like Silim, or that impressive mind of his, but she hoped this would be a good gift to him. After all, this could be an important research to him, and saving it meant she'd salvaged a lot of data for him, right? That was a small repayment for his contributions to them thus far, but this would perhaps be a start. “I found it in the Resolve's labs as we were evacuating.” said A'vura, “I couldn't just leave it there, and I know it must have been of great value to you. You did have it with you when you were brought with us.”

She gave him the biggest, toothiest smile, hopeful that this pleased him.

Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #7
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage 

It was hard to believe his luck. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, better than perfect in fact. Not only have his host started to loosen her clothes, but next thing she was touching him talking about how happy she was that he was here. It was enough to feel positively giddy. Of course, Silim maintained a cool, calm appearance. The only sign of his excitement was an extremely wide and toothy grin.

When he was asked to close his eyes, he put down his cup and dutifully complied. Her warnings of not peeking weren’t needed. He wasn’t going to ruin this surprise. Orions were known quadrant wide to be expert lovers. Now he was going to taste a delicate green prize. Licking his lips in anticipation, Parnak wondered what she would do and how she would taste. Would she know that Cardassians enjoyed their necks being caressed? Would she put on a show and dance teasingly for him? Straining to listen, he could hear the sound of rustling fabric. Was she stripping? Would he find her naked, willing and waiting? 

It took all his patience and restraint not just to just open his eyes there and then, but finally he heard her permission. Opening his mouth in preparation of a quip, he found himself face to face with a glimpse of his past. His failure.


What was that creature doing here? Silim’s smile slipped and faltered before disappearing completely. He slid off the couch sideways and up onto his feet. He never wanted to see that creature again, and especially not up so close.

“Great value?” He started, exasperated. His mind boggled at the sheer sight of the bat. “My dear, that is a test specimen.”

Slowly, he took steps backwards towards the door of the quarters. He couldn’t understand what was going on. Why would she have brought the creature here? Was this all an elaborate ruse? Was he being punished for something? Was someone going to jump out on him and laugh? As he failed to understand what was going on, he found that he just kept talking.

“A test specimen from a now defunct experiment, might I add. I have more use for tarkalean fleas than do I for that.”

Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista
A'vura's eyes widened more and more as her Cardassian guest continued speaking. He was definitely less-than-pleased with her recovery of his bat. And apparently she'd presumed too much on its value, based on his reaction. He was acting like she was holding a venomous viper at him. How did she so completely manage to mess this up? Withdrawing the bat to her chest, she looked up at him apologetically, “Oh...uh...I'm really sorry...” said A'vura. “I didn't mean any...I mean, I didn't, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.”

She looked down at the bat and sighed. “I uh, I guess I'll send Batsy to the labs here, since he was an experiment...” she frowned, then peered at the bat, “...I can't even tell if it's a he or she, honestly.”

Her dark eyes turned back to the Cardassian, who seemed quite on edge, and she felt worse because she didn't know how to make it up to him now. She'd expected him to be ecstatic, not horrified and edging for the door. Leaving the squeaky bat on the seat as she rose gracefully and approached him, “Again, I'm really sorry, Dr. Parnak,” said A'vura, “M-maybe on my way to the lab, I'll keep an eye out for Tarkalean fleas, would that be good?” She offered a hopeful smile, eager to find some way to appease him.

Re: Day 03 [1030 hrs.] Going Bats

Reply #9
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | A'vura's Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage 

Keep an eye out for Tarkalean Fleas? Was she serious? No, it didn’t matter. Silim Parnak was seething. He had come out of his way to see this girl and she had chosen to not only tempt him but mock him also. It was needless cruel and something that Silim couldn’t stand for. He turned to leave, not even intending to get her reply the dignity of a response. That was, at least until he heard the comment about donating the bat to the science labs.

“Don’t you even think about it.” He growled, turning back to the woman. Whether it was a threat to place the creature into Parnak’s new lab or not, he couldn’t allow it any further. He could see this pathological torture continuing. First the bat would be placed into the care of science team before it would find it’s way back to place of work. If he then refused, this girl was operations. She’d sneak into his quarters under the pretence of maintenance and leave the creature there. No. This ended now.

 “That bat was carefully selected and sedated before being brought onto Starbase 84 under strict care instructions. All of that went out the airlock when you shot it. You are the one who destroyed an experiment under the co-operation of our two governments. You are the one who ‘rescued’ the creature from the Resolve. You are the one who trapped it in a cage much too small for its comfort.” As he spoke, he accentuated the sharp harsh words with a jab of his finger in her general direction.

“There is an old human adage that, in this case, I think you’ll intrinsically true. ‘Possession is nine tenths of the law.’” With that, he had little left to say. The bat was in her possession and as such she would have to deal with it from now on.

As Silim felt his anger beginning to run its course, he turned and left the room. Outside, he walked down the corridor. With a scoff, Parnak shook his head from side to side as he spoke in a mocking falsetto voice.

“I can find you some fleas if you want.”


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