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Final Award Nominations 2017


The results for the Writer's Heart and Scourge Award polls have been posted in the Main OOC, so make sure you go there and congratulate the recipients.

Nominations for two new Writing Awards are now open until the 4th of January, where two separate polls will be posted on the 5th of January for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively.

This time the awards are these:

Often we see the completion of a character's life; yet this character's story has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. The writer not only willingly self-terminated their character, but did so in a dramatic and/or endearing way. The ending must be in "a blaze of glory" with superior epic or poetic quality.

This award is nominated by anyone, but only handed out once every year to the most outstanding writers in the sim.


Here are the rules for Award Nominations:

  • Nominations should be posted in the announced nomination thread posted on the forum. Anonymous nominations may be made to the Game Moderator via PM on the forum, who will then post the nomination in the nomination thread.
  • Nominations are to be made before the announced nomination time expires.
  • Nominations may be made by any member that isn't an Applicant.
  • Self-nominations are not permitted.
  • There is no limit to the number of nominations one can make.
  • Prior winners of awards are not eligible.
  • Each nomination should include a motivation. The nomination write-up is 50 words minimum and should concentrate on why the recipient(s) is/are deserving of the award. You should also make sure to include links.

All nominations will be added to the polls that will determine the winner of the awards. 


  • Forum Name of Nominee(s)
  • Primary Reason for Nomination
  • Secondary Reason for Nomination (Optional)
  • Motivation & Links (50 words minimum)

Of course, you should only nominate scenes where at least one of the writers in the scene are still an active writer on the forum. There is no need to nominate scenes where all writers that wrote it have left the sim a long time ago.

I look forward to reading your nominations here in this thread!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Final Award Nominations 2017

Reply #1
Nomination for the golden Chevron


Primary Reason for nomination:

When i think about the most outstanding writers there are a few that come to mind, but I also have to look at everyone I have written with, and pick out the best of them. I actually have two people I will be nominating for this award, the person I have the most fun with, and the person that has forced me to improve the most over the year.

Absinthe is firmly in the former category. Their posts have caused me to stop and think, which is a rarity for me. I have had a great time working along side them, for longer term plots, and their posts well thought out and detailed as they are have caused me to be a better writer on more times than i can count. I really struggled with picking one or two of the people I have written with over the past year, but only two have caused me to really stop, and try harder to keep up with them both for detail, and content as well as future planning.,2185.0.html

Re: Final Award Nominations 2017

Reply #2
Nomination for the golden cheveron award

@Even Angels Cry

Primary reason for nomination

When i think about the most outstanding writers there are a few that come to mind, but I also have to look at everyone I have written with, and pick out the best of them. I actually have two people I will be nominating for this award, the person I have the most fun with, and the person that has forced me to improve the most over the year.

With EAC I see the flip side of this, EAC's posts are a joy to read, and out of everyone in the sim probably one of the writers I enjoy working alongside the most. She brings the fun to this rp, and it would be hard for me not to nominate her. From the very first thread we were in together I have been watching the progress of her characters Jaya Thorne and Angel, and have been thrilled to have my characters working along side her.,1188.0.html

Re: Final Award Nominations 2017

Reply #3
Nomination for the Blaze of Glory Award


Primary reason for nomination

@Kaligos' poignant and skillful writing of Captain Tristan Kendrick in Episode 04: Simulcast is the very definition of the Blaze of Glory Award.  Kaligos knew going in that this was a tale of Captain Kendrick's beginning, middle, and end, and he executed the tragic and heroic role with skill and aplomb.  A credit to the site.  You're a better writer than I am Gunga Din.

Re: Final Award Nominations 2017

Reply #4
Award: The Blaze of Glory Award

Nominee: @Brutus

Primary reason for nomination: For the death scene of Komial Dotnihil

Motivation & Links: Episode 04 was a long affair in how it spanned both the time before the Theurgy arrived to Starbase 84, as well as the climatic battle that followed. While not everyone wrote in the former half of the Episode, one of the antagonists depicted there left a deep impression with many writers. The antagonist - if one may call her that - was Komial Dotnhil, who was loyal to Captain Hawthorne because of their past together. She was the lover of the parasite-infested base commander too, fooled by his charms and even if she grew suspicious towards him in the end of her story, she remained loyal to the end. This was a deeply tragic character in how one felt for her, wanted her to learn the truth, and hoped that she might become a part of the Theurgy crew. Sadly, her fate was sealed in the final battle of Episode 04, where she met her end before her time, in a fall much reminiscent to that of Emperor Palatine in The Return of the Jedi. I nominate Brutus for this tragic character's rise in our hearts, and her steadfast loyalty  until her bitter end. It is not often one cheers for the enemy like one did for Komial Dotnhil. :)

Link - Komial's Death:,1201.msg9945.html#msg9945


Re: Final Award Nominations 2017

Reply #6
 While i enjoy writing with many folks here and several of you have become favorite partners, There are 2 special writers on this sim who have been inspirational to me and integral in my time spent here. I will be nominating them both the golden chevron award, since i feel that they are both outstanding in their own ways.

First for the Golden Chevron: @Auctor Lucan

He is the reason we are all here and his posts are among the best I've ever read. Back when this sim was in its infancy, he approached me about joining up. We wrote elsewhere on another forum together and i enjoyed his detailed and descriptive posts, plus i loved star trek,  so i looked into it. Unfortunately the timing was bad for me and it took many years before i returned.   Despite this, i was welcomed with open arms and given every available resource for drafting my first character and making my first post.  My entrance was seamless thanks to his plotting and careful writing.  And his quality has never dropped. 

It is astonishing how talented of a writer he is and how much planning and imagination go into every detail of this sim. I am a better writer for writing alongside him.  Simply put, his work is outstanding and he deserves this.

"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Final Award Nominations 2017

Reply #7
While i enjoy writing with many folks here and several of you have become favorite partners, There are 2 special writers on this sim who have been inspirational to me and integral in my time spent here. I will be nominating them both the golden chevron award, since i feel that they are both outstanding in their own ways.

Second for the Golden Chevron award:  @Kaligos

Kaligos is actually the reason i am here now.  I honestly thought that i had missed my chance all those years ago and had put this sim out of my mind. Kaligos and i had begun writing together and i was struck by how much fun it was to brainstorm and write with him.  Not only that, but our characters felt real. They were well written and thought out, and they acted much like someone in the real world might act in those situations.  More importantly, the erotic writing often took a backseat to the overall plot.  This was new for me but something i always wanted to do.

Years before meeting kaligos, i wrote on a t- rated forum.  Everything there was about the story and there was a group of us who usually partnered up. Many of us were adults and we grew tired of the constant "fade to black" moments when the story became too sexual or too gory over otherwise adult themed for the site.  Our answer to that was to make an exclusive members only section and tag it with adult labels so that we could write our stories the way we wanted to.  It wasn't long before the site mods kindly asked us to stop or leave, but in those months that we had to ourselves, we were able to simply create.

This is what kaligos did for me when i met him.  He turned a "lets write about sex" adult forum into a "lets write a story.. Oh and there's gonna be sex but let's not focus on it" kind of place.  I enjoyed writing with him so much that when he asked if id be interested in this theurgy star trek sim, i jumped at the chance to continue our adventures. He is the person i write with the most and the one i enjoy writing with the most.  The planning is effortless since we're usually on the same page with what things we want to have happen to our characters, and he's usually open to crazy suggestions.   He can tackle tough subjects like blindness, slavery and abandonment without dragging them out, but he knows how to make the feels stick.  His posts are highly amusing too, when he chooses to be funny.  And i dont know Anyone else who would portray a gorn better than kaligos.

He is an outstanding writer and more than deserves this award.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

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