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Topic: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery (Read 6638 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery

[ Lt.Com. Martin | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ]

Martin sighed at her desk and rested her hands upon its cold surface. With a yawn, she leaned back in her chair and checked the time. Time for something to eat it seemed. She needed something to eat or drink or help her relax. She had heard the arboretum had a cafe within it, and decided that would be a great place to start. She could do with some coffee and a croissant right about now. Ordinarily she would either crash in her own quarters, but there were reasons why she couldn’t go back there, or she would go jogging for a while, but she thought she might try something new for a change. The cafe seemed like a good place to start. She stood and stepped out of her quarters and into the corridor outside. She made sure to bring a PADD with her to continue her work, as she still had quite a bit to do, and the distractions of the day were doing a good job of keeping her from it. That being the case though, she more just wanted some food and something to pick her up a bit more than anything else at the moment.

A few minutes later, the doors to the arboretum opened and Martin found herself surrounded by foliage and plant life on all sides. She walked through the pathways between Kaferian apple plants and Rigellian aloe ferns as she soaked in the myriad green of the plants around her. Eventually she found her way to the cafe and found herself an outdoor table. After browsing the holographic menu and making her selection, a simple coffee and croissant, she looked around at the people surrounding her. It was then that she noticed something which caught her interest rather abruptly. Or rather, someone in particular.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #1
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:   @Hastata-Nerada

The day had been far too long for anyone taste. None more so than Sithick, but finding the Arboretum on this ship was a life send. While the fact that it was fundamentally different from any ship or station Sithick had ever stepped foot on before it also had a much warmer and moist climate. Not nearly as warm as he would have liked but still better than most of the places aboard the ship. The constant sense of Agoraphobia was a bit troubling but it seemed he would just have to live with that if he wanted to get a place to rest.

The cafe was more tantamount to a coffee shop, and while Sithick was no fan of eating in front of other humanoids, they always staired at him when he opened his maw to actually eat the food, and he got weird looks when he ordered his meals. There was nothing wrong with ordering an entire rotisserie chicken for one person, why would you even have it on the menu if you didn't expect someone to take the entire thing? He shook his head, This place was calming, and though the atmosphere was different from what he was used too he wasn't about to change anything.

He could clearly see that on every front he was getting odd looks, even the Hologram had refused to come near him aside from the bare minimum to take his order. This was the way it always was. From medical staff deciding to tape tricorders to sticks or engineering staff giving him a wide breath when he walked into the place. He had long gotten used to the fact that he was alone on this ship, His hand kept going to his com badge. Thinking of the two others that might actually have had the stomach to join him. He was unfamiliar with Jaya's schedule but would rarely call on his roommate unless she called on him. And then there was Doctor Lahkesis.

He liked the doctor, but the two of them had just had to disarm a bomb together, he was unsure if she would desire to spend her off time with him so soon after something so traumatic.

and so he sat alone, nursing a cup of hot chocolate, and looking at a muffin that he was too nervous to attempt to eat.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #2
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ]

Martin’s gaze had found Sithick, the poor reptile sitting alone. She almost did a double take when she saw him sitting there, barely able to believe her eyes at the prospect of a Gorn serving in Starfleet. It was rare to see the xenophobic Gorn outside of Hegemony-controlled space, aside from slaves and populations abducted by Klingons, Orion raiders, or even the incomprehensible Metrons. There seemed to be an air of… conspicuousness about him, as if he was aware that everyone was pointedly noticing his presence but was afeared to go near him. Martin mentally remarked that he must be used to such a thing if he was a Starfleet officer, but still, the reptilian creature didn’t deserve such a fate. Martin wondered if he could do with some company. Her thoughts were interrupted as the holographic waiter arrived and delivered her order, who she thanked and promptly picked up her meal, her curiosity now piqued.

Martin sauntered over to Sithick’s table and placed her plate down on its surface. “Hello,” She said, as she introduced herself. “I’m Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin, I thought I’d just drop by. Do you uh,” She gestured to the seat next to Sithick. “Would you mind if I sat here?” She hoped her introduction was not too forward, but Sithick looked as if he could do with some friendly chatter.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #3
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:   @Hastata-Nerada

Immediately Sithick felt uncomfortable. This was only a few hours into his day, and now another new woman was approaching him. This time one of a much higher rank. Someone that frankly should never have felt the need or want to be near him due to just how high above him she was. He swallowed not really wanting to open his mouth, and gestured towards the empty seat. If she wanted it, there was no way he could deny it to her. The fact that she was also a woman only added to his number of fears. The mornings therapy session had been helpful, but he was still in a state of shock from his first encounter with Lahkesis.

Sithick looked around as Martin's presence was drawing even more attention towards him. He had to be a little careful not to let out a whimper, but his anxiety about the situation was clear. He wasn't used to people interacting with him. "I am, Petty Officer Second class Sithick," He said introducing himself after a few moments of silence. She was trying to engage him he may as well learn a bit about her. Seeing that she was in blue he wasn't sure what she was. "Are you doctor?"

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #4
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

“A doctor?” Replied Martin, “No, not a doctor, I’m actually the new chief of science aboard the Theurgy.” She paused, and after a thought continued, “Though I am a biologist primarily, and I do a lot of work with diseases and pathogens, I’m kind of an expert at bioweaponry.”

She paused, unsure of what to say. Before the moment of pause could set in she quickly said “So what about you. You look like the soft, gentle type, I bet you're a counselor. Oh, wait, maybe you arrange flowers? Yeah I bet that's it.” In what she hoped was a joking manner. To get the point across she tried to give Sithick a playful nudge from across the table and it was then that she noticed the scales of the person across from her. Real scales, big ones at that. In fact all of him was big, really big. It was kind of…

Hot. The word flashed through her mind before she had a chance to register its existence. It startled her, rendering her unsure of what to make of it. It took a few seconds before she realized that she had been staring, transfixed by her towering conversion partner. “I um… uh…” she stammered as her thoughts broke up. He was so powerful, and strong, he could probably take her right there if he wished- Martin stopped and drove out that train of thought. “I mean, in all seriousness,” she said, as she finally stopped stammering. “You have a gold collar so I'm assuming that you're a ship operations crewman, probably ops, or engineering, or security. You'd make a great security officer.”

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #5
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

When Martian revealed she was senior staff, and the chief scientist aboard the ship, Sithick had a slight moment of discomfort. When he had first come aboard a Federation ship so many years ago many of the science officers had wanted to dissect him, of course they had thought he was a frozen corps up until he had woken up, but still waking up in a medbay autopsy prep was not the best first impression, and some part of him had never forgiven the science division for that rude introduction. His discomfort when she mentioned being a biologist only seemed to grow, his image of her in a lab coat, linguring over a table as it was struck by lightning, screaming out 'it's alive!' immediately came to mind, and then he had to remind himself to watch fewer horror data streams.

This wasn't some mad scientist in front of him, it was a young human woman, who just happened to be an expert in... bio-weapons, he had to temporarily remind himself that he was immune to most diseases, and that even a bio-weapon would have little effect on his advanced immune system... and yet a walk in freezer would put him to sleep, food for thought at a later time.

"I am engineer." His tone was a little more flat, though it was still the feminine translator that was speaking for him rather than the gruff under tones of his voice. He found that most people tended to laugh when they heard the voice of his translator, which was far better than having them run screaming as some did with his original voice. It was off putting, but then most considered his entire presence disturbing.

Which was why the scent he picked up from Martian was so confusing. It was different than what he got with most human women. There was something a little more sweet in the air around her, but it only really came into play when she paused for a moment and seemed to stare off into space. When she came back she made comments about how he was probably a good security guard. "I disagree, Security is drudge work. I have already been a soldier, it is... boring, plus I do not like fighting." Just because he could rip someone in half did not mean that he enjoyed that fact of his life.

"I like working with my mind, and claws." He said bringing attention more to the way he looked over the table. His eyes trailing over both Martin, and the muffin in front of him with equal amounts of hunger, the muffin he wanted to devour, Martin because that smell was odd, and also she was cute, not that he could really focus on that. After his therapy session with that woman in the steam room, and the events from last night with Lahkesis there was no simplicity anymore, just sexual frustration and confusion, which was not something he should be thinking about in public, or with another member of the senior staff, and yet some part of the animal brain was wondering what she looked like under the uniform. He blinked shaking his head, maybe he did need more than one therapy session.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #6
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Shame burned in Martin as she listened to the strange feminine voice that emerged from Sithick’s translator. She had been staring, fantasizing about this being before her. He was an engineer, that much was clarified, and his words on security triggered a pang of regret at Martin’s statement that Sithick would make a good security officer. To make matters worse, she felt that she was torn between two dualities, two players struggling in her head. One shouted at her to embrace the hulking reptilian and have him take her in what could only be described as a manly fashion. The other shouted that no, this was a bad idea, that Sithick was out of her reach, and that in trying to pursue him she would only make things worse between them. But then she noticed his gaze, the way he looked almost bored into her, or at least that’s what she thought it was. The idea occurred to her that perhaps she was reading too much into things. Again, the duality of psyches returned to her. “Court him!” shouted the proverbial devil on her shoulder. “No! He’s frustrated!” Said the proverbial angel on her shoulder. “I should court and frustrate him!” Said the confused middle party that was herself in her mind, as it mashed the two phrases together in a confused cluster of incoherent thought and reasoning. No, no, that can’t be right. Her mind then became aware of the fact that her attention had left the conversation and quickly attempted to remedy this sudden revelation.

“Er… So… I imagine that engineering work is very rewarding, it must keep you busy and stimulated a lot.” She finally said, as she then took a nervous sip from her coffee. “You said you like working with your mind and claws, what do you mean? I sort of have an idea of what you mean I think, but I’d like to hear how you define it. If that’s okay.”

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #7
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

There was certainly somehting odd going on behind the eyes of this scientist, not that he could really place anything on it. He had no idea what was running through her mind, as he watched her, only that his own thoughts were embarrassing and probably inappropriate. Up until yesterday any kind of attraction he had felt for the mammals of other species had been something fleeting and impossible, but after his encounter with Lahkesis there was now this unprofessional curiosity that was lingering in his mind. Though that had also resulted in someone turning around and crying when they had actually set eyes upon his member so it wasn't exactly a happy experience. His therapy session had told him that he had done nothing wrong, and that he had only ended up bringing up some memory of her trauma, but that explination had left him disastisfied because it meant that he had done everything correctly and yet still ended up hurting someone, so that was his lot in life.

So sitting across from another, new woman and attempting a fantasy that could simply never happen  was just something that was going to cause him pain. There was no point in joylessly trying to attain something he knew he couldn't have, and yet thanks to that sexual awakening he was now hyper aware of his own inadaquecies and his lot in life. To seek out something that was clearly impossible to attain because she was pretty, and he was... well aside from not being her species, he was what most people would call a walking nightmare.

So instead when she asked him to talk about his work he was more than happy to switch focus. "Currently ship is broken, every hand is needed to fix it, I can only get away for a small hour at a time, but rest is important I can only work if I have slept."

"I have always worked on ships. Since I was young I was traded from ship to ship to work as mech-boy, and I have always enjoyed solving the puzzle behind each problem. I like taking things apart, and putting them back together. I have a talent for working with machines. Thea's insides are different than most other ships i have worked with. She is bigger, her weapons are over gunned, and she is... bloated, too many systems not enough power. Things overheat, and most problems are cracks and radiation leaks. She is... too fat."

"most of the time when I work, i end up being a little rough. When I first started with Starfleet i had a bad tenancy to rip consoles out of walls." Reflexively he knew why that was wrong, but the klingons he had been with had never exactly taught restraint, nowadays he was a little better with it. "Still star-fleet tech, made like tissue paper, always have to be careful not to break by accident."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #8
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Martin found Sithick’s mannerisms and speech to be a bit strange. She had not heard of the term mech-boy before, nor did she quite understand what Sithick meant by ‘too fat’ in regards to the ship. Then again, she was a scientist, and not an engineer, this sort of thing was far far outside of her purview. From what she could tell, the Theurgy currently didn’t have enough available power to run all of its systems, which was a concern to say the least. What Sithick said next almost brought a rosy hue to Martin’s cheeks.

"Most of the time when I work, i end up being a little rough. When I first started with Starfleet i had a bad tendency to rip consoles out of walls.” Oy gevalt. He was… powerful. Martin now felt a mix of fear as well as… some sort of fierce attraction, some kind of impulse towards the being seated before her. But at the same time, he could ruin her, he could absolutely destroy her if he wished. Somehow the idea of a creature this powerful felt exhilarating. What was she thinking? She paused and hesitated before she responded, as she had only just now noticed a strange sensation down below. Uh-oh. She had begun to warm up down within her nether regions, as her body reacted to her inner thoughts. She shifted her pose slightly and crossed her legs, a subconscious response to her body’s actions.

“Oh my, so you uh… you must spend a lot of time practicing restraint then? And you say you’ve always been a ah… ‘mech-boy’? Since you were young anyway. I take it you didn’t grow up with other Gorn?” She said, trying desperately to hide her own inner thoughts.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #9
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

Sithick could forgive the fact that she had never heard his old term. The wording wasn't used much outside of the badlands. A place of space where the Orion Crime Syndicate was still very powerful. Though the empire could be just as cruel in many terms. He picked up the muffin sniffing at it, his stomach growling but at the same time too nervous to actually eat in front of another person.

"You would know it better as 'slave'." He spoke honestly about his past. "I was used to fix  Crime syndicate, and klingon Empire star ships, after it was proven I had some skill with machines. Before that I was the soldier used for the killing of others."

When most people learned of his heratiage as a slave they had mixed reactions, but this woman had something that he couldn't really pin down. He was picking up a smell that was... odd to him. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was sweet, and powerful, it was definitely emanating from her, and it caused his head to tilt slightly, his nostrils flaring slightly as he moved in a little closer to her. "I was one of many soldiers, but most did not last long. I believe I am the last of my brothers to live."

His yellow eyes searched over Martin for a moment, something rumbling across his throat, but he wasn't sure what it was. Just that he kind of liked it. "I've never seen a female of my species." He decided to confide that detail, he was nervous, though he was trying not to let it show, the last time he had gone down this talk with another creature it was a disaster, and part of him wondered if this would end the same way.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #10
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ]

A slave, the poor thing! Martin felt a pang of guilt as she received her answer, feeling that she had perhaps dredged up memories which were better left hidden. Sithick had clearly spent quite some time learning engineering after being traded from vessel to vessel, from captor to captor. So she was right at least, it was uncommon to see a Gorn away from Hegemony space who was not a slave, or at least one who was at one point or another. The value of a Gorn slave was made clear when Sithick mentioned his time as a soldier. Clearly he was a powerful specimen, as he was the only of his brothers to survive. Martin assumed that ‘brothers’ in this instance meant his fellow slaves, unless the rest of Sithick’s brethren egg clutch was taken along with him. A mixture of expressions played across Martin’s face, unsure of what to express or reveal. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea…” she said, for lack of any better phrases to use.

It was then that Sithick revealed an odd sort of information. “I have never met another female of my species.” he said. This confused Martin somewhat. Why would he reveal such information? Her heart skipped a beat as a sudden thought crawled its way across the forefront of her mind. What if he felt the same strange attraction, what if the feeling was a mutual one? She silently chided herself on her fantasizing and shifted her position uncomfortably. “So… Never huh? You’ve only ever been around fe- women from other species? I imagine that would be pretty difficult considering how er… different most women of other species are to you.” She bit her lip slightly, herself wondering why on earth she said that.


Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #11
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

Sithick never really understood the need of so many creatures to appologize to him when it came to his history, It wasn't exactly like it was uncommon for a slave to exist, and no one on this ship could really hold the blame for his history, He didn't think there was even an orion aboard the ship, if there was that was another thing. He had no love for the green skinned women, and while some were Federation, the majority had connections to that cursed orginization which had taken him.

At the same time without his history he never would have wound up on a Federation ship. Though he hadn't chosen the current assignment and going back to the Federation proper was probably impossible he couldn't really bring himself to regret any of his life choices because they had brought him to this place where he could serve with a uniform and be happy in his day to day life.

When she brought up the fact that most women were different than him he nodded his head, but at the same time remembered the words from the counselor B'Nila from early this morning. Chewing it over it was embarrassing but this was a scientist he was talking too, she was probably curious about his body. "According one of this ships therapists. I am at least sexually compatible with the majority of species. I have the... part needed for sex if that is what you are asking about."

He felt embarassed and put down the muffin, for a moment looking now more at the woman he was talking too. "However... Knowing that I am compatible, and actually... well I have had no good experiances when it comes to the women, aboard this ship or any in my life times. You... all kind of... scare me, and even if I wanted too... none would look at."

Nope this was getting far too embarassing for him to actually talk about, and he waved off his last comment. "I've not had the chance."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #12
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Oh… my… Well he went right off and said it didn’t he? Sithick’s words were confirmation to Martin that in fact they were compatible, that they… well they could… they could do that if they wanted to. The ship’s counselors had informed him of this, which meant it was on his mind clearly. Was this a common thing aboard the Theurgy? Or was this the work of one of the Resolve’s counselors like B’nila? Whatever the case, the fact of the matter was, all of Martin’s fantasies now had backing and backup, which was in earnest the last thing she needed at that moment. Would… Would it even fit…?

Oh dear. The poor thing though, he had never had any good experiences? Don’t say anything, came her thoughts, don’t say anything, don’t say anything, don’t- “If it helps any, I don’t feel like we would have a bad experience-” Oy gevalt.

“Er… I mean, well, from meeting you now you seem kind of nice and- uh- well…” Martin’s words trailed off as she gestured vaguely in a vain attempt at trying to convey some sort of rational thought. “Er… You know what I mean. Right? You know what I mean?” Her cheeks began to turn a shade of red as she suddenly became severely self-conscious and contemplated bolting from their table at that very moment.

OOC: Sorry about the short post, this one is more focused on the dialogue rather than internal thoughts. Sorry again!

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #13
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

Sithick did not understand what she meant despite her instance that he did. did she mean that they? Thinking it over Sithick barely knew this woman. Was she actually offering to dive into something with him? He looked at her, than the muffin, and then at her again putting the food down and raising a claw to his chin, resting his head on his palm for a moment as he thought things over. He barely knew her, but than the doctor had said that these thoughts he was having weren't really bad it was natural.

The last woman whom he had gotten close too, had broken down into a crying fit, and left him wondering if there was something more. That of course left him with the question of what about Vivian? She was attractive, she was also senior staff. If she was interested did he have to go get himself tested first? She was a scientist. He paused thinking everything over, and then came to a single question in his mind.

What would Jaya do?

Jaya his best friend had never been shy about her activities, she had never known the men for long, and he had never seen the same mate in her bed once. Yet she seemed healthy confident and able to accept the fact that she was popular. In essence Jaya was everything that in this moment he wasn't, and everything he wanted to be.

It was embarrassing to try, embarrassing to ask, and if it went south he could end up hurting yet another woman, but this felt different.  So Sithick steeled himself for rejection, knowing that any moment the woman sitting across from him would call him an animal, and like one of those earth sitcoms toss a glass of whatever they were drinking at him, and said it anyway.

"Would you like to than? I mean.. would you like... to have the sex?"
He paused to breath after that question his body could not blush, but he found himself wishing he were smaller. He was braced to see this woman run away, scream or cry at his offer, and that... would be honestly completely what he would expect, not fine, but just par for the course. "I would like to try."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #14
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

As Martin tried to calm her nervous mind, she almost completely failed to do so as Sithick appeared to poise in thought. This is probably fine, she told herself. Shakily, she lifted her mug of coffee to her mouth and took a long sip as the reptile before her continued in his ponderings She was almost finished when he spoke and took her completely by surprise.

"Would you like to than? I mean.. would you like... to have the sex?" He seemed almost timid, like he was afraid of the answer. "I would like to try."

If there could be a sound or sensation attributed to Martin’s reaction it would be best described as the sound of a glass of wine shattering upon concrete. Her mind cracked apart in confusion as white-hot lines of alarm signals reigned throughout her brain. In her confusion, she almost choked upon her coffee, and lowered the mug quickly as she sputtered and coughed from her sudden shock. It took some time before she was able to recover and look up.

Having recovered slightly from her sudden visceral reaction, Martin paused and looked around hastily, with a dire hope in her mind that nobody was paying attention. As luck would have it, most people seemed to have gotten used to the idea of the towering reptilian sitting at the table and had returned to their meals and drinks with varying levels of unease. After noting the state of people around her, Martin turned back to Sithick and, in a very timid voice simply said. “I… I mean… I would be willing… to... “ She paused and looked around again. Before speaking she gave a nervous tug to her collar. “I mean I… I would be okay with trying as well.” she lowered her voice for the last part, perspiration already palpable on her forehead as she attempted to stay as discreet as humanly possible with what was leaving her mouth. “Though I think if we are to continue this ah, line of conversation we should probably do so in a place not surrounded by other people, don’t you think?” Her fingers drummed the table as she fidgeted, unsure if what she was saying was even right, or the right thing to do.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #15
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

Sithick watched her choke and for a moment braced himself for the rejection he knew was coming. He was sure that he was not welcome to talk about such things, but when she in turn said that she was interested. Or rather that they needed to continue this conversation in a place more private he looked around he had always been aware of the way he had been treated.  Even so his eyes were wide as she said yes.

Sithick had gotten now further than he had ever thought possible he just had too take her to someplace. Again Jaya came to mind, she had often used the other persons room, partly because his own room was often uncomfortable. Though she was just asking for a place not surrounded by others. He didn't really want to go back to his room since it was a mess after last night, and he didn't want to ruin the mood by adjusting her environmental controls in her room.

Sithick reached for a manifest pad, and looked over sections of the ship that needed to have work on them. "Holodeck six is marked online, and due for testing, I could.. secure it with a maintenance lock."

It was a small infraction an abuse of his power as an engineer to be sure, but he also knew it would be his first ever of such infractions, and the thing was marked for testing which usually just meant running a program to check the holo-emiters. It was questionable, but if no one looked too closely he would be fine. At least till someone asked him, and then he would probably confess. 

unwrapping the muffin he stood now embolden, he opened his mouth to it's full gaping maw as he chomped down the muffin, causing an audiable snap as he brought down his jaw. He gave gave Vivian what counted as his best smile. "Shall we?" He said leading her on towards the exit, it was the same deck so they wouldn't have to go far.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #16
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum to Holodeck | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

The holodeck was certainly an idea to be sure. Martin’s heart raced. Was this really happening? That was the thought that raced through her head over and over. Was it right for her to now be moving on to bed this titanic lizard? It wasn’t quite the thought of her being speared by his pillar of flesh or her thoughts of his enormous scaly bulk that set her cheeks aflame now, no, it was neither of these. It was the thought of actually performing this lustful deed, the intimate imaginations that her mind created, as she envisioned herself taking this… alien, what for all intents and purposes would have been considered a monster on old Earth, this creature whom she now sought to have bury himself within her deepest recesses. And, it would be his first time as well. Was she taking advantage of him at all? Would she be able to reach her own satisfaction before he reached his own climax? All of these raced through Martin’s head as she simply replied, “Y-yes, of course, lead the way.” and followed him to the holodeck.

She knew it would be somewhat of an infraction of Sithick’s power, somewhat of an abuse of privilege and ability to use the holodeck in such a way, but at that moment, Martin hardly cared for the thought. She supposed that in a way she herself was providing a slight abuse of her own power as she allowed it, being his superior officer and all. But Martin reasoned that it was not too much of a punishable offense, and she and Jess had done worse things as an excuse to be alone back during their days as a couple.

As her and Sithick walked, Martin was silent, preoccupied with all of her chaotic emotions and reasonings, and trying to figure out which program they would run when they got to the holodeck itself. When they finally arrived, Martin paused before the door, pondering which selection she would make. Eventually she raised her hand and typed in a program which she hoped was in the Theurgy’s databanks, a program listed as “Alarede_IIIb_Beta”. It was one she had taken Lyhn to, and it was quite a favorite of hers as well. To her relief, it came up as she searched for it, and without much hesitation she had selected the program and entered the holodeck. As the heavy metal doors slid open before her, a bright vista greeted her.

The shore moon of Alarede III was the location of this particular program, and the sight was a beautiful one to be sure. A glittering crystal clear cyan ocean stretched before them before meeting a white sand beach at their feet. Myriad crystalline coral structures jut out of the water, dotting the view until they disappeared beyond the horizon. A breathtaking view of the ringed gas giant of the Alarede system hung low over the horizon, it’s swirling greens and blues contrasted with the great orange sun that set upon the horizon, turning the entire scenery a burning hue as the great sphere of flame set before them. The view was breathtaking, and it never ceased to amaze Martin no matter how many times she ran the simulation of it. Even though it was a mere mix of photons and forcefields, the device before which she stood did a fantastic job of recreating the beauty of the actual moon of which it attempted to simulate.

Martin stepped into the room, her feet connecting with the white sand that made up the floor. She turned back towards the arched entrance and offered a hand to Sithick, her wordless expression fraught with nervousness and at the same time, almost a welcoming sense.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #17
[ PO2 Sithick | Arboretum | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

Sithick for his part was looking around, nervious, the giant lizard had talked a big game but now was afraid, of both being spotted breaking ship rules, and terrified about what was going to happen between him and Martin what would happen if she didn't like him, there was the potential for her to see him and react poorly like Lahkesis had. Also what happened after sex? Jaya had so many partners but never really seemed to care for any of them, as he walked he found his knees trembling slightly his normally steady claws were shaking.

What if he was too rough or too big? Was that a thing? He had so many questions as they arrived at the holodeck together, and Vivian turned on a program. He on the other hand pressed in his code and locked the door behind them, essentially putting an out of order sign on the holodeck, and raising a redflag for the next time he talks to his boss. Especially when everyone should be focused on fixing the ship. He swallowed trying to think that this would be fine.

When Vivian offered a hand towards him, Sithick took it with a claw, feeling the heat radiate off her hands, his bare claws touching the white sand feeling the heat simulated by the program as well set him at ease. Warm climates always helped him to think and this was probably one of the brightest and warmest situations he had ever been in.

When he stepped inside the program that Vivian had chosen he immedately felt a little more overwhelmed by it. He hadn't been off a ship in years, so there was immediately a sense of virtigo just looking up at the sky it was like at any second the ground was going to give way and he would fall up into the green blue sky. It was all very breath taking and for a moment the giant lizard had to remind himself that it wasn't real. Black opal didn't have one of thse, and the Eldarado had only used theirs to showcase scenarios during his training as well as a few academy lectures that were considered mandatory.

This was more breath taking than he had anticipated. He turned towards Martin. His yellow eyes wide with awe as he looked around. "Pretty." The translator spoke for him, but knowing that he was going to be taking off his clothing he decided that he would turn the thing off, moving a claw to his neck he placed it down on the ground gently. Once the program was over he would find it again. But until than it would be his natural voice that she would hear, and his broken English that she would have to deal with.

"zHow do we?" He looked around supposing the answer was rather simple in the long run. They would have to take off their clothing. Sithick paused for a moment, feeling his insides twist, knowing that this was the end of the line, that whatever happened next he would be responsible for it. He slowly raised a claw to the back of his uniform undoing the zipper that helped him fit the shirt over his head, and started to pull away at the two piece uniform.

When the shirt came off it was nothing but a broad green scale chest his muscles flexing as he breathed in, and out. With his shirt off his stomach showed, and despite how much Sithick usually consumed people would best describe him as a walking brick and morter house. Green scales mixed with powerful inhuman muscles, and every single inch of him was trembling and waiting for approval even as he started to take off his pants.

At first this was the easy part. He was calm, removing them one leg at a time his boxers going with the legs. As he stood naked he was at first far too nervious for any of the flesh of his cock to actually show up. Instead there was an area where one clearly existed, but without it being aroused it wouldn't show it's self. Like his upper body his legs were thick muscle. This was the first time the Gorn had ever stood naked in front of another being, and this time he was a little more than afraid that it might be he who ran off in some other direction with tears in his yellow eyes. Every part of his body shook waiting for some sort of approval from Vivian.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #18
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Holodeck | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Martin watched Sithick carefully as he undressed, her eyes raked across his form as it became progressively more exposed. “Oh my… Getting started already?” she stammered, as she observed his form. He was magnificent, an impeccable specimen. Martin could tell that he was nervous, the way he trembled and shook. The poor thing, this must all be so new for him, such unknown territories. And she was going to give it to him. 

“Sithick…” Martin said, in an almost whispered voice. “You’re… you are a magnificent specimen! Were you always like this or do you train to maintain it? Either way…” Her eyes lit up as she approached Sithick. Her hand slowly reached out to touch the scaly bulk of her reptilian companion. “I must say, it’ll be something to explore you.” She very tentatively brushed the rippling muscles of the beast before her, and ran her hand down the front of his impressive bulk. She shivered slightly, as she spent time fully taking in Sithick’s impressive might and stature. It still amazed her that he was just so big, so powerful.

Martin removed her hand and backed away, and turned about as she did so. With great haste she began to strip herself down, with an occasional glance back at Sithick to make sure everything was okay. When she was finished she stood only in her undergarments, an unsure expression splayed across her face. “Don’t forget to lock the door…” She said, in reference to the holodeck within which they stood. With that she summoned a large towel upon the beach with a quick command to the computer. She slowly walked towards it in a seductive manner, and looked back at Sithick, adding a gesture to indicate that he should follow. When Martin reached the towel she turned back towards Sithick and sat down with her knees up, facing him. “Now… do you know what to do? Do you know what foreplay is?” She asked.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #19
[ PO2 Sithick | Holodeck | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

Sithick did not go to the gym, he didn't work out, and he knew he was far from the peak that his race could have allowed. Her comment actually made him wonder if he could find a work out partner on this ship? His thoughts went back to the Kizinti barkeeper. His mind however paused when she placed her hand on him. Feeling the heat from her body along with the fact that she was touching his bare leathery skin he felt something run up his spine.  He allowed her to explore him, his own claws resting on her shoulders for a moment before she pulled away he said nothing, but nodded the door having already been locked with his security codes.

Instead he kind of stood awkwardly as she summoned the towel, and then proceeded to remove her own uniform. His yellow predatory eyes taking in the sight of a woman's body. The last woman he had seen so close had been Lahkesis and it was around this point that the encounter had ended, yet he got no sense of fear from Vivian, and instead she seemed almost eager. It went a long ways to helping him relax that was for sure.

"You, are... pretty." He said his voice now deep, and moist holding a forboding weight to it rather than the more comical tones of his translator. His natural voice tended to put most humans on edge as it too seemed to ripple with power, and yet he was calling her pretty.

When she gestured to follow he followed. Looking at her with an odd curiosity as she asked him if he knew about foreplay. Engineers tended to talk. He had heard vulgar speech before, but only in passing. Swallowing the large beast of a man tried to focus on the woman in front of him, but had trouble doing so his claws nervously tapped together his thumbs fiddling as he thought about what to say on the matter. "You wish me... to eat you?"

 When he had first heard a man say 'I ate her out.' he had assumed that humans had partaken in some form of ritualistic cannibalism. He had rather quickly been handed a few books on what the men had been talking about. Books that Sithick had quickly became too embarrassed to really speak of to anyone even though he had read them all. Realizing that he had left out a word he quickly placed a claw over his face. "I mean... to lick you."

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #20
b][ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Holodeck | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ][/b] Attn: @Kaligos 

Martin smiled and stifled a laugh as Sithick responded. The poor reptile was only trying his best, it would be rude of her to laugh, especially when this was his first time with a woman. “Yes Sithick, I do…” She answered.

She paused slightly before adding, “Not eat me that is, the… the other thing.” With that she began to peel her already somewhat wet undergarments off of her loins and set it aside. Now clad in only her bra, she pulled in her legs so that her chin now rested on her knees. She could only imagine what kind of tongue a Gorn would have, in the midst of those powerful jaws. A long and sinuous tongue most likely, capable of exploring her depths. She shivered slightly at the thought.

Martin paused again before continuing “Tell me, do you actually know how? Have you ever read about it, or watched some holovids about it, or something? Or, if you want, I can guide you through it if you’d like... “ she said, with a sultry gaze towards Sithick.

Martin then leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs, exposing her glistening womanhood to the air. “Either way, it’s probably best if you get started with this first, since I’ll probably need to be ah…” Her cheeks reddened a bit and she turned her head to the side a bit. “Be loosened up a bit before you actually ah… get into me.” Color coursed through her face, her own words betraying her inner desires, while her face betrayed her embarrassment and her timidness at the daunting nature of the situation at hand. One way or another, she was getting through it, and ideally it would be after her reptilian companion had tasted her for the first time.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #21
[ PO2 Sithick | Holodeck | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

Sithick's entire frame shook as he looked at Martin, he was so very curious about all of this, and yet at the same time was very afraid. By locking the door he had trapped Martin in the room with him, if people asked questions about what happened here he was really bad at lying, and the difference between them so many negative situations ran around his head. What if he hurt her, what if she was too tight for him? was that a thing? did Human have teeth down there? well he supposed his tongue would actually be the thing that got bit if they did which was fine. His breath hitched for a moment when Martin removed her panties and he got to look more at her round ass.

Wait which hole was it supposed to go in with a human? Looking over Martin she was exposing her front to him, which he was pretty sure that was the part she wanted him to make contact with. Sithick lowered himself to his knees, yet even sitting on his knees he was still taller than Martin, it took considerable amount of effort for the larger creature to move on top of the human, his claws trembling as he rested them against her bare thighs. This was now the closest he had ever been to another living thing. His yellow predatory eyes glazed over for a moment as he looked at Martin's body. His mouth felt dry yet as he opened it wet lines of saliva foamed from his teeth.

Looking at Martin he breathed unsteadily. "Guide me."

He waited for her to put her hand on his head or something. When he was eventually lowered down he learned exactly where the scent that had been distracting him was coming from. He sniffed her woman hood entranced by Martin's scent. his eyes closed for a moment and he let a pleasant shiver run up and down his spine.  He rested his hands on her thighs as he pushed her backwards, and opened his mouth, half drooling on her cunt as his tongue moved.

The long forked tongue was a darker pink in color, and Sithick's breath was hot and moist against her flesh. As his maw separated he rested it against Martin his powerful jaws resting over top of her as he gently poked out with his tongue. Most would have assumed his teeth were sharp like knives, but Sithick's jaw was actually built with crushing strength in mind. So resting against her skin it was less like sharp knives, and more like blunt ivory.

He was careful, slow, his first few licks were exploratory landing against sweet pink flesh. It took a few moments before he was really comfortable with what he was doing. His tongue only circling the entrance of Vivian's body, Before the longer tongue could dive deep into her When it did she would start to feel the more thick areas of her tongue penetrate her, and move inside of her.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #22
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Holodeck | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Martin shuddered as Sithick knelt down to get closer to her. As his predatory eyes leveled with her and his jaws slowly peeled open, Martin’s heart began to race as she contemplated what would happen next. “Guide me.” Sithick said. And so she did. She placed her hands on his scaly head and lowered him towards her nether regions. She could fel his jaws before her, feel his hot breath upon her glistening sex, feel him grow ever closer as his jaws readied themselves at the entrance to her interiors. A shiver of excitement ran up Martin’s artificial spine as Sithick’s jaws rested upon her, his blunt teeth laid upon her sensitive flesh. It exhilarated her, being at the mercy of such a powerful beast, who at the same time seemed so tender and gentle to her. He could close his jaws at any moment and grievously wound her, and yet he was gentle and kind instead.

It was then that his tongue emerged and prodded the wet regions that lay at the base of her torso. His first few licks seemed exploratory, almost hesitant, but he seemed to get used to what he was doing with expedience, and move on to the main event. As his tongue circled her cunt, Martin let out a short gasp at the sensation of his rough reptilian tongue stimulating the sensitive folds of her flesh. “Hhh… Yeah, like that, that’s good” She said, as she attempted to encourage Sithick as best she could. At that point Sithick’s tongue began to move deeper within her, with the thickness of his tongue starting to prod and enter her womanhood and penetrate her. The stimulation from this sensual experience made her gasp again quite audibly and arch her back as Sithick’s long and flexible and muscular tongue did its work within her. “Y-yeah, yeah, like th-that, ohhh” She moaned, as she gripped the towel below her for what limited support it gave. Already she could feel herself loosening up, making way for the prodding tongue of her reptilian companion, and eventually much more.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #23
[ PO2 Sithick | Holodeck | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Hastata-Nerada

Sithick felt awkward as he laid out low to the ground. His knees made his ass stick into the air, and the way he had to crain his neck so that his jaw was able to reach Vivian's body made it so that all he could see of the woman was  her thighs. Despite her pleasure, at the given situation Sithick wasn't recieving any and his back was starting to hurt  from keeping himself up without falling over. Finally he retracted his mouth from her his tongue snaking away as he licked his jaws in one quick motion as he was still able to taste Vivian's body against his teeth.

He opened his mouth for a moment going to tell her to move in some way, but quickly realized that he had no idea what he would actually say to her or what position would have made this more comfortable for him. Closing his mouth his yellow eyes narrowed for a moment as he tried to sort it out like a puzzle, and the only position that made sense to him was...

SIthick was quick to roll around, laying his back against the warm ground in a much softer and easier way a she laid down in front of Vivian. the claws of his feet burrying in the warm sand for a moment as his hands grabbed Martin's thighs and pulled her up with the complete ease of his strength, lifting her up and pushing her over him. his maw opened as he put her thighs between the two of them, easily fitting her between his mouth with only one adjustment pushing her forward so that her ass would stick into the air.

If Sithick bit down now he would take her pelvis out with him. If it were any other situation or if someone else walked in on them it would be hard to explain. Yet this new position also gave his tongue the ease of access that he needed. Flicking out along the outside folds of her cunt for a moment before it delved deep inside her, this time his entire thick tongue was able to fit inside of her, even the parts that were normally hidden by his jaws.

Being on his back also allowed Sithick to look up at Martin, his eyes trailing up her backside and admiring her ass.

It also completely exposed SIthick's cock to the air. The thick white appendage was sticky from being held internally, was slightly translucent, and came up to Sithick's stomach, which was a considerable distance from where it started. It was fully erect, yet unlike the rest of sithick's armored body it was soft, vulnerable, and lacked any and all green. It was thick, and ended in a head that was slightly more pointed than a humans.

It was filled to the brim with Sithick's seed, as it was already dripping with what one had to assume was pre-cum for his species, as far as color went it was what someone would expect, milky white, though with a slimy almost glue like consistency creating thick strands if touched that had to be wiped away or washed off.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery

Reply #24
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Holodeck | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Just as suddenly as it had emerged, the long and luxurious tongue of her reptilian companion seemed to disappear. In between pleasured breaths, Martin looked down across her body to see what had happened, her brow slightly furrowed in annoyance. “What…” she muttered simply before she noticed that the Gorn seemed to be somewhat confused. “If it helps I can get on top- Oh!” Her voice was cut off in surprise as Sithick rolled around onto his back and pulled her up. “Y-yeah, like that…” she said, as she struggled to not fall over onto the soft underbelly of the towering hunk of meat and scales. She now felt her posterior exposed to the air as she was held on her knees above Sithick’s angular jawline.

The experience of being hoisted up by such a titanic creature exhilarated Martin, and she shuddered in anticipation for the resuming of her own pleasure at the hands (or rather tongue) of this beast of a man. If Sithick bit down now, it wouldn’t be hard for her to sustain grievous injury up to her navel if possible, and the thought only served to arouse Martin even more, causing her sopping cunt to become even more slick with her own juices.

It was then that Martin noticed Sithick’s member, an enormous pillar of white flesh which extended from his waist, an intimidating spear of virility, slick with the juices dripping from its tip and the internal fluids which had surrounded it until just prior. The sight made Martin tremble slightly, the sheer scale of his erect manhood compared to her small and frail form made Martin wonder if it was such a good idea to do this after all. But no, at this point she was committed, and if this was to be Sithick’s first time then it ought to be a memorable one. “Oh my…” she said in a croon. “Excited now are we?”

At that point, Sithick’s tongue began to explore the soft entrance to her waiting folds, before once more it delved deep within. It took Martin completely by surprise and she yet out a yelp, which quickly turned into a pleasured sigh. The experience of his long, thick, tongue exploring her soft and wet depths brought further sighs and exclamations from Martin as she rode the shifting tongue of her scaled mount. It was almost like being penetrated by an shifting pillar of manhood in and of itself, and the experience did not take long to elicit yet more cries from her. “There we go, y-yes… yes! L-like that…” She said, as she stroked her lover’s scaled snout. After doing so, she leaned forward towards Sithick’s sticky white member and grabbed hold, her pale hand beginning to caress its length.

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