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Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15 – Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin’s Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Daniel walked alongside Commander Martin as they entered her quarters.  Daniel had shown up at the tail end of the event and had mingled with a few of the other officers before she had asked for him to escort her to her quarters and being the gentleman that he always considered himself to be he agreed.  The walk to her quarters wasn’t too eventful; they had chatted about the party and talked about what he had missed.

As they entered her quarters he had to say that he was quite impressed, his quarters were nice but hers seemed to be much better than his or maybe it was the deck placement.  Quarters on Deck 15 might be better than those on Deck 16 he thought to himself.  “You have really nice quarters.”  Daniel said as he waited for her to motion where to sit, he wasn’t about to be rude and just sit down where he felt like, not in quarters that weren't his own; especially a senior officer’s quarters.

“So are you feeling any better now Commander?”  Daniel asked her as he smoothed out his uniform a little.  He himself was feeling much more relaxed after the talk he had with the cute brunette nurse he had met in the lounge before heading over here.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #1
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Lt.Com. Martin’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

Martin’s head was abuzz. While she had imbibed little items of alcoholic content, her mind was a whirlwind of conflicted emotions. Leon’s event had thoroughly dredged up enough memories to combat her own resolve (no pun intended) regarding what was to come. Suq had helped a bit though, she could always count on the young Efrosian to be there when she needed him to be. She noticed that a slight headache had cropped up since she left, and she wasn’t sure whether to blame the tequila or the thoughts in her head. When Daniel praised her ample quarters, Martin shook it off, remarking simply, “It’s merely what was assigned me, I have nothing to do with it’s quality…”

Martin walked over to a chair and slumped into it. “To tell the truth Daniel, I’m not really feeling better at all.” She said. “Feel free to sit down by the way. Anyway, listen, there’s a reason why I asked you here, and it does involve how I happen to be feeling tonight. I think you can certainly help me feel a lot better, and… well... “ She glanced around. “We might as well break this place in, yeah?” she hesitated, a moment of doubt flashing across her mind before she added, “Pardon my chutzpah, but I feel like there’s not really any point in beating around the bush to be perfectly honest.”

Re: Day 02 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #2
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15 - Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

“Well they are a little better than my quarters.”  Daniel replied as he took a seat on the couch.  While it seemed that their quarters were similar hers did seem to be a bit roomier than his but he supposed that was because she was a Lieutenant Commander and he was only a Lieutenant.  He listened as she spoke, it seemed that Commander Marquez’s party hadn’t done much for her but upon hearing that he could help her feel better he wasn’t sure what to say.  He wasn’t a counselor, and truthfully he hated counselors which was generally why he confided in his friends and only went to see a counselor if ordered too.  Thankfully Captain Kendrick hadn’t ordered him to do so except for regular psychological exams after stressful missions.

“We might as well break this place in, yeah?"  He wasn’t entirely sure what she meant by break her quarters in; he had an idea of what she meant but he decided that he should ask her just so that he hadn’t misinterpreted something, as he had done a few times with Krissy.  Daniel wasn’t really sure what chutzpah was but he believed he understood what she meant.  “Just to be clear, are you proposing a romantic interlude?”  Daniel asked her
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #3
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Lt.Com. Martin’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]

“Yes Daniel,” said Martin. “That’s exactly what I’m proposing. Are you interested or not?” She leaned back in her chair and tilted her head to get a better look at him, “It’s not nice to keep a lady waiting. After all, what’s the harm in a little fun?”

While she tried her best to keep an appealing outer appearance, her heart was racing inside, not one part of her was sure whether or not this was going to work. Dimly, out of the corner of her perception she could kind of smell some of what she had set up in the other room, a hint of what she was about to do. She stood and slowly walked over to the doorway of her bedroom and leaned against it, with an eyebrow raised and a smile on her lips in an inviting manner. All she had to do now was just not mess it up. “After everything that’s happened today, it would be nice to get our minds off of our personal ghosts for the time being, maybe just to celebrate the fact that we’re all alive?” Oi gevalt. Martin mentally cursed herself for bringing that up. “Or, well, you know, it’ll be fun, you know? Just for tonight, we can spend some time just having each other casually?” Great, now she was making everything awkward. She felt like she had a degree in uncomfortable situations in addition to her chosen fields.

Re: Day 02 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #4
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15 – Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin’s Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

Daniel was definitely interested in the romantic interlude he just wasn’t sure how moral it was.  Commander Martin was definitely outside of his chain of command but she was also a superior officer and could theoretically give him orders if she were in a command position.  On the other hand though, it had been awhile since he’d been intimate with a woman and he wasn’t really about to pass up the chance right now. 

“I’m definitely interested.”  He said as he prepared himself mentally although he was wishing he had eaten a little more now.  He watched her stand up and move towards the door of her bedroom.  The part about their personal ghosts was a little bit of a turn off but at this point Daniel didn’t really care, he was already preparing himself mentally and as physically as he could right now for what was about to happen.  Daniel had never been one for casual interludes but he’d also never been a traitor of two empires before either so there was a first time for anything. 

Daniel smiled as he stood up and removed his duty uniform’s jacket.  “I suppose we could start by getting into something more comfortable.”  He said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist.  He leaned in and kissed her lips, it had been awhile since he’d kissed anyone, Krissy being the last woman, as he ended the kiss he smiled again.  “Lead the way Commander.”
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #5
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Lt.Com. Martin’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]

The kiss had been unexpected. Martin closed her eyes and leaned into it, kissing back until their lips parted. She felt the rush as they touched, their hands, their lips, each other. She savored the feeling, and the taste that he left behind when he pulled away. She gave pause as the emotions and conflict ran through her mind, briefly unsure of what had just happened. As if suddenly someone had snapped their fingers as a queue, she fumbled for the fastening on her uniform jacket, and hastily undid the garment and cast it away. She smiled shakily, but with an unmistakable thirst behind her eyes, and said simply. “Well then, let’s get started, shall we?” It was as if that kiss had suddenly lit a fire within her, a feeling she had not felt for some time. There was no doubting it, she now felt a hunger, she needed him, needed him to satiate this sudden lust. But there were still parts of her which cried out ‘no’, which called for her to remember Jess. But it was too late now, and she pushed those thoughts aside.

Martin led the way into her bedroom, and beheld the scenery she had set up. Earlier that day she had replicated a few scented candles and faux roses and strewn them about, as well as dimmed the lights, hoping to create a rudimentary and hasty romantic feel to the room. While the interlude was likely to be a single occasion, she felt that she might as well set the mood in the normally drab and dun chamber. Wasting no time, she kissed him again, and as their lips met she quickly endeavored to remove her undershirt, and broke the kiss for just enough time to remove it from her body. With a frenzied pull she cast it aside, the top of her body now exposed to the air and the light. The glimmering orange from the candles danced upon her skin and breasts as she backed up fully against the bed, leaning against it as she gazed upon Daniel, as she gazed upon her prize.

Re: Day 02 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #6
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15 – Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin’s Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

Daniel smiled as removed her duty jacket and he could definitely tell from her body language that she wanted this.  He could feel his own body beginning to want it as well.  As she led him into her bedroom he couldn’t help but see the effort that she had gone to set this up, she had apparently made up her mind to do this long before Commander Marquez’s event.  The scent of the candles coupled with the atmosphere of what was happening made Daniel feel far more relaxed than he had been all day.  If there was any part of him that felt that this was wrong it was drowned out by everything else.

As she kissed him he felt his body become excited, he began to let his hands explore her body as they kissed, helping her to remove her shirt from her body.  As she backed up against the bed Daniel smiled as he looked over her body.  He removed his shirt then unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants as he closed the distance between them.  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him before he planted his lips back onto hers, at the same time he pressed his tongue against her lips and began to trace them with his tongue.  Meanwhile his hands began to explore her body, one hand holding onto her for support while the other made its way towards her breast as he slowly cupped and fondled it.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #7
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Lt.Com. Martin’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]

Just as Daniel began to explore her body, so too did her hands venture across his. She grasped at his back and pulled him into the kiss, while her other hand ran down his torso, trying blindly to find the prize at his waist. With fervor and passion, she gave a soft sigh of pleasure as his tongue began tracing her lips, and returned the favor in kind as her clutch on his back tightened to bring them closer together. At last she found what she was looking for and tugged at the band of Daniel’s undergarment, and felt and stroked about as his manhood came free.

As Daniel’s hand found her breast and deftly manipulated its supple surface, she paused and gave a low moan and sigh through the kiss, as her own passion rose in turn. She leaned back, breaking the kiss in the process, to give a soft sigh and bit her lip as Daniel’s deft hands cupped explored the sensitive flesh of her bosom. Color now rose in Martin's face, as she grew flush from the desire burning within her. She could feel the lust gnawing in her belly, her everything wanted this. It had been so long since she had with Lyhn, and it felt so good.

Her hand grasped his back tighter and pulled Daniel closer to her as she kissed him once more. She edged herself backwards and her other hand gripped the bed frame as she slowly eased herself onto it, and did not cease until she was safely supported on it. Her own tongue began to trace its way to Daniel’s lips and explore them and their secrets, before she pulled away again. “Oh… Daniel, hold on, I nearly forgot.” She whispered, before she leaned back and began pulling her own pants off, revealing the plain garment which she wore underneath. “Can you help me with these?”

Re: Day 02 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #8
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15 – Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin’s Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

As she explored his body in kind Daniel felt much more at ease with the situation and shut out anything that wasn’t related to the beautiful woman in front of him.  As his shaft was removed from his boxers he couldn’t help but let out a moan as she stroked it.  He was quite enjoying the feeling of her breasts, they weren’t quite as big as Krissy’s but he didn’t really mind that at all.  As she leaned back and broke their kiss he noticed that she seemed to be enjoying this as much as he was.

As she pulled him closer he kept his balance by removing his hand from her back and placing it on the bed, while keeping his other hand firmly but gently pressed against her breast he allowed her to move them onto to bed more.  If there was one thing that Starfleet had gotten right, it was definitely the beds, they were far more comfortable than anything he’d ever had growing up.  As she kissed him again her tongue began to trace his lips and he opened his mouth to accept her tongue in but before he had a chance to wrap his tongue around hers she broke their kiss again.

When she asked if he could help her with her undergarments, he smiled.  “Of course I can.” He said and slowly pulled them off with both of his hands, re-positioning himself so that he could throw them away from the bed but quickly get back to lying with her.  He laid himself back down and with one hand returning to her breast to fondle it and the other wrapped around her back to help support their interlude.  He planted his lips against hers again and pressed his tongue against her lips trying to get her to open her mouth and allow their tongues to dance together.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #9
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Martin’s quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]

Martin sighed as her lips parted, acting as an invitation for Daniel’s tongue to dive into her mouth, exploring her as her as Martin’s tongue reached out to explore his in turn. Together their tongues intertwined and danced a duet across each other, as Daniel’s hand returned to her breast, manipulating the velvet tissue beneath his skilled hands. He was enjoying himself, this she could tell, and her need remained unspoken as she pressed her hips against his leg, her own hand raised as she fondled her other breast, the tip of her finger played delicately upon the pink nub at the peak of her flesh.

Her hand paused, and with a change in her expression, she reached down and grasped his member, its tender flesh slowly throbbing and growing in her grasp. Slowly, she began to run her hand up and down its length, felt it stiffen and grow as she deftly and delicately moved her hand up and down. She could feel it like a beast, pulsing as it slowly awoke beneath her touch. Her hand crept lower still, until she cupped his entire length within her grasp. Her fingertips now just touched what lay below, as she slowly continued to move her hand in a rhythmic fashion, further stimulating the member within her grasp.

Martin paused and broke the kiss, and leaned up to whisper a simple phrase into Daniel’s ear. “Daniel…” she said, “I need you… to take me…” And with that she returned the kiss, passion burning in her as all remaining doubt was cleansed from her mind.

Re: Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #10
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15 – Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin’s Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Feeling her stroke him felt amazing and while he could have gotten lost in the act of their touching and kissing alone it seemed that she had other plans as she began to stimulate his shaft he knew that eventually they were going to get to the more intimate acts and while he’d been intimate with women before he’d never been intimate with someone who he wasn’t already romantically involved with.

When she broke their kiss and leaned forwards to whisper into his ear he smiled.  “Of course Commander.”  Daniel said as her lips returned to his and he slipped his tongue back into her mouth.  He slowly re-positioned himself so that he was lying more on top of her and with his free hand began feeling for her womanhood.  He could feel her need as he explored her nether regions; the heat from their bodies seemed to intensify the more they remained entwined together.

He pushed his shaft forward, guided by his hands towards the sweet warmth of her womanhood.  He couldn’t help but stare into her beautiful brown eyes as he continued to explore her tongue in her mouth with his. His shaft slowly progressed towards her womanhood until it was just inches from penetrating her.  Daniel broke their kiss just for a moment as he moaned and penetrated her womanhood, instead of resuming kissing her lips he began to kiss her lower jaw and continued to thrust forward another couple inches.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #11
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Martin's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]

As Daniel’s hands reached her nether regions and began to explore, the sensation rushed up Martin’s artificial spine, sending her shivering slightly as she stifled a gasp in response. She sighed and smiled at Daniel as he positioned himself for a better vantage point to enter her. The idea tantalized her, made her quiver to her deepest core. And soon enough, it was a reality, his shaft entered her sopping womanhood and she almost gasped as she felt it slide home. Her hand flew up to her mouth as she stifled her moan with its back.

“Hnnnnnng” Came her voice, as her back arched from the experience. Her carnal utterance were muffled by her hand as she cast her head to the side, still a touch embarrassed to be like this before her pilot lover. Lover for tonight at least. As Daniel pushed forward her head tilted to the other side, a stifled gasp and moan once again coming forth. As Daniel continued to thrust forward, Martin’s own lustful sighs continued to increase in turn, as her face began to turn a shade of bright red from her own feelings in the matter. Part of her still felt timid and ashamed at her actions, this same part of her that now attempted to mask her own pleasure and her own enjoyment of Daniel’s body as it entered hers, and thrust into her core.  Her hand slipped away slightly as she lay there, a slight pant coming from her open mouth.

Re: Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #12
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15 – Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin’s Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Daniel continued to thrust another couple inches into her moist womanhood, pulling back and then thrusting back in again, working to bury himself inside of her completely.  Hearing her pleasured moans continued to drive him onwards; he was now intent on bringing her to an orgasm before he had his.  He had good control having had sexual intercourse on a regular basis during the Resolve’s three-year journey home, so he knew he could last as long as needed, he wasn’t quite sure however how long it would take for her to reach her orgasm as he had noted that it varied per woman.  With his last lover it didn’t take him long but that was also a different situation than the one he was in now with Commander Martin.

Daniel re-positioned his hand from guiding his shaft into her womanhood to the small nub just above it and he began to slowly fondle the small pearl with his finger and thumb.  He moved his lips from kissing her lower jaw upwards towards her ear as he moaned lightly pulling a couple inches out then thrusting back in a few more inches, another couple more thrusts and he’d finally be buried inside of her.

A new thought ran through his head just as he was about to bury the last inch, did she want him to fill her up or have him pull out when the time came for his orgasm.  He wasn’t quite close yet but he was getting there and judging by her moans she was too.  He decided that it couldn’t hurt to ask now.  “I’m getting close.”  He moaned.  “Where do you want it?”  He asked.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #13
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin Martin's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

With each thrust, Martin’s moans increased, until her hand fell away and she gripped the sheet in ecstasy. She felt a rising tide within her, as each push filled her nether region just a bit more. Her head arched back once more when Daniel’s hand reached down and manipulated the small nub at the peak of her womanhood. The combined sensation felt almost overloading and a red sheen came about to her face. Between pants and gasps they rode, every once in awhile she guided him with a soft word or utterance, until she felt him quicken in pace, hammering at her gateway with increased force. Martin had lost track of how long it went until Daniel announced how close he was getting. What? “Wait- Hn- No, no, not y-yet.” She gasped, waves of pleasure rolling over her as she felt release desperately struggling to rise within her. “W-wait not y-yet I’m not close enough yet!” She gasped and moaned as his manhood found a particularly pleasurable zone within her. “Hang on…” She grunted as she lifted up her legs to wrap around Daniel’s waist in an attempt to pull the pilot in further with each thrust of his rhythmic hips. She was so close, just a little bit farther… Come on… The pleasure within her continued to well up, and threatened to burst, if she could just make it that extra little bit closer to the edge.

Re: Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #14
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15 – Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin’s Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Daniel moaned as he held back from his release, it wasn’t an easy task to do but he managed it somehow.  As she wrapped her legs around him to pull him deeper into her he moaned louder, the pleasure of her womanhood squeezing him the deeper he went into her until he was completely buried inside of her. 

**** Several moments and a few orgasms later ****

Daniel lay down next to the beautiful woman next to him; he was entirely spent and had lost track of time and he also wasn’t really sure about whether or not it would be appropriate for him to return to his quarters or to stay until morning.  His first thought would be to return to his quarters so as not to make it seem like he had any intentions beyond their physical needs, although his military training kicked in again and he figured he should ask her since she was technically a superior officer.  “You were incredible.” He said as he looked into her eyes.  “Do you want me to stay the night or shall we part company now Commander?”  He asked as he slowly sat up, he would be fine with either choice that she made.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #15
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Martin's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

Martin lay there panting as she bathed in the afterglow. A sheen of sweat was visible on her naked body as she stared up at the ceiling. Distantly, she heard Daniel say to her "You were incredible" And it made her smile through the pants. This encounter hadn't quite accomplished what she had hoped, but it was good nonetheless. "Thank you..." She said, and turned her head to smile at Daniel next to her.

Martin gazed into Daniel's eyes as she pondered her response to his question of whether or not he should stay. "I think you can stay if you want to, but feel free to leave if you'd like. Don't feel forced to stay on my account." She replied. and with that she stood up, and stretched a bit. "I personally need a shower though, I don't know about you."

A few seconds later, Martin was in the sonic shower, contemplating what had just happened. Had she really just had sex with someone so soon after Lyhn's death? Had she really just slept with someone so soon after the destruction of their ship? Then again, she had prepared for this, set up the room in her new quarters for such an occasion. Martin sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. Whatever this was, it had certainly happened.

Re: Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk

Reply #16
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 15  Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martins Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Daniel smiled at Vivian as he stood up and slowly began to get dressed.  He'd take a shower once he returned to his own quarters.  "I think I'll take my leave."  He said.  He still wasn't sure how he had felt about the situation, his people didn't really do one night stands and neither did he.  Usually the act of sex was one of an intimate nature and not something on just did on a whim. Had Krissy survived and if she would have had him back, he would of asked her to be one of his wives.  Although that was no longer an option and he wasn't sure if Vivian was the type of woman that would want to be tied down into marriage.

As she got up to leave and take a sonic shower, he had finally managed to finish getting dressed, making sure that his uniform was on properly he walked to the door exit.  "Have a good evening Commander Martin."  Daniel said as he stepped through the door and began the trek back to his quarters.  He hoped that this wouldn't put a strain on their working relationship and he wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to pursue an romantic relationship with her.  Although his options were now limited to the crew of this ship.  He might have to give up his rule of no fraternization amongst his fellow pilots.

Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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