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Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds

Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds

[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Havenborn
Martin felt the need to unwind after the assembly in the launch bay. After everything that had happened, the destruction of Resolve, the meeting in the conference lounge, the deaths around her, she could feel the tension building to the point of there being a palpable pressure within her head.

Rather remain in her assigned quarters, something she assumed was a temporary arrangement anyway, she instead elected to inspect the gymnasium facilities aboard the Theurgy, perhaps for some much needed recuperation.
She appeared at the gym in the proper attire, with a replicated coffee and a bottle of water in hand. Surveying her surroundings, she took some time to jog a few laps on the track, letting her mind ruminate while she did so. Leon’s words rang in her memory, but then again so did Commander Trent’s. She assumed Marquez would stick a member of the Resolve’s former crew on her heels as a form of guard duty, but was it really worth the risk? For all intents and purposes, she could not find sufficient evidence to refute what Ives and their other senior staff had said.

Furthermore, the Theurgy seemed to make an effort to disable rather than destroy outright, no thanks to herself and her stunts with the Resolve’s systems.

Martin stopped, paused and took a rest, clearing the unpleasant thoughts from her head. This was a time to think about the future, and she resolved to speak with Leon later about cooperating with Ives. She quietly stepped off the track and walked over to a bench to catch her breath.

Re: Chapter 05: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 06 – Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada

After the second briefing/welcome to the crew ceremony that had been held in the Fighter Assault Bay, Daniel had the urge to finally get out of his exo-suit, he had continued to wear it mostly because at this point it had felt like a second skin to him and he was quite content with it on but now with things becoming less stressful Daniel wanted to shed the extra weight and slip into the comfort of a uniform.  He walked into the quarters that had been assigned to him and laid the only belongings that he had left, his tactical soft bag.  After a quick shower he replicated several clothing items as well as a pair of new uniforms.  He’d replicate more later but right now two would suffice; though as he was about to put them on though he decided that what he really needed right now was exercise, a way to burn off some of that extra energy that he had built up.  Plus it’d be good to get back into a training regimen, he’d been lax the last couple of days due to the recent activity.  He replicated some work out clothing and a canteen filled with water, then accessed where the nearest gym was, Thea directed him there and he thanked her as he left his quarters.

As Daniel walked in he noticed a few crewmembers around at the various exercise machines, there was one whom he recognized immediately however.  He made his way over to Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin, she had been the Resolve’s Chief Science Officer and while he considered her a friend he wasn’t really sure what she thought of him, especially since he had dated one of her officers in the past.  He surmised that she had been running around the track from the way she was trying to catch her breath. He had to admit that she was a very good looking woman and were they in any other situation right now he might ask her out but as it stood there wasn’t really a point to it, at least not until things began to quiet down.

Daniel stopped and stood at attention as he addressed her.  “Commander Martin, it’s good to see you after all that’s happened.”  He said, they may be out of uniform but she was still a higher ranked officer and he would treat her as such.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Havenborn
Martin glanced up at Daniel’s voice, and after recognizing the speaker, she stood up straight with her hands on her hips and a wry grin on her face.
“You flatter me Lieutenant,” she said, then took a brief pause to down some of her water. “Almost at Commander, not quite yet though.” Martin walked over to a bench and sat down, her shoulders sagging a bit before she picked herself up. “It's… good to see you too, after everything.” She seemed a bit more somber when saying that, as the reality of their situation crept into her voice. “I do hope that what we can do on this ship can at least right some of the injustices that have been committed.”

After a quick sigh she took another drink of water and looked up again. “You know, truthfully I almost expected you to be in pieces when I saw you next.” she continued, “Are you here for anything in particular, or are you simply getting a feel for the facilities?” Her tone faltered ever so slightly, as if she briefly regretted bringing up the possibility of Daniel’s death. Martin was never particularly attracted to Daniel, but still, with so many of her former colleagues dead, and her own experiences with him over the course of the Resolve’s journey, it would hurt to see him pass.

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 06 – Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada

"You flatter me Lieutenant, almost at Commander, not quite yet though."

“Military abbreviation ma’am, the rank of Lieutenant Commander is often shortened to Commander when communicating orally.”  Daniel said.  He had always thought of Starfleet as a military organization no matter how many times he had been told otherwise.  Experience on the other hand had taught him that Starfleet was indeed a military organization even if no one wanted to call it that.

"It's... good to see you too, after everything."  "I do hope that what we can do on this ship can at least right some of the injustices that have been committed."

He noticed the somber tone she had as she spoke and he nodded.  “Indeed, I hope that we have the chance to correct at least some of them, if not all of them.”  Daniel said, there were a couple that he could think of personally that he’d want to see corrected but considering the situation they found themselves in he wasn’t sure when he’d be able to do so.

"You know, truthfully I almost expected you to be in pieces when I saw you next."

“I generally expect my next engagement to be my last, I always hope for the best but I’ve had a few close calls, some of them were even when we were lost.  During the battle I ordered my pilots to sacrifice themselves for a group of people who we barely even knew and I fully expected myself to join them.” Daniel explained, he took each loss personally and while he was good at covering up those feelings the truth of the matter was that the loss hadn’t really hit him yet.

"Are you here for anything in particular, or are you simply getting a feel for the facilities?"

Daniel smiled at her question.  “I decided that I needed to restart my training regimen, now seemed like as good a time as any.”  Daniel replied as he began with some light stretching.  “What do you think of the ship so far ma'am?”  He asked her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS [i[Theurgy[/i] ] Attn: Havenborn
Martin paused to consider the vessel around her. It was impressive to be sure. Or… was she impressive? The ship was technically sentient. It took a few seconds before she responded. “It- She’s quite a ship to say the least. Advanced systems, AI, I’m not even sure how the multivector capabilities don’t cause catastrophic damage with a vessel this large.” She paused a bit and shifted slightly. “Though to be honest I haven’t really been able to properly take it all in just yet. So far the ship and her crew appear to be interested in keeping us safe if we choose to stay and have provided a window out for those who choose that. I think it will take some getting used to but we should cooperate- for now.” Martin paused slightly and stood up again. “Honestly with everything that happened, I’m just focusing on cooling off my mind.”

Martin bent down and began running through some stretches herself, the bottom portions of her top falling forward just enough to expose part of the pale, scarred line running up her back. “It’s why I’m here really,” She said, as she stood to switch poses. “I find a regimen helps significantly. What about you though? What do you think of the ship so far?”

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 06 – Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada

"It- She's quite a ship to say the least. Advanced systems, AI, I'm not even sure how the multivector capabilities don't cause catastrophic damage with a vessel this large."

Daniel nodded as he listened to her and continued to stretch out.

"Though to be honest I haven't really been able to properly take it all in just yet. So far the ship and her crew appear to be interested in keeping us safe if we choose to stay and have provided a window out for those who choose that. I think it will take some getting used to but we should cooperate- for now."

Daniel nodded some more. “I too think we should work with them, though we don’t really have much choice in the matter, we’ll be hunted by Starfleet no matter which choice we choose; might as well have some powerful new friends.”  Daniel said, he really had nowhere else to go now, his home on Mars had banished him and now his new adoptive home in the Federation wasn’t an option.  The Theurgy was the last place he could go.

"Honestly with everything that happened, I'm just focusing on cooling off my mind.  It's why I'm here really, I find a regimen helps significantly. What about you though? What do you think of the ship so far?"

“This ship certainly is quite the warship; I am thoroughly impressed thus far.  Having seen it in action during the battle I can attest that this is not a ship I’d want to fight up against when she’s fighting at her fullest and not holding back.”  Daniel said as he stretched his back some. “I’ve also apparently met and had a conversation with the AI, Thea, and honestly I couldn’t tell that she was an AI at first.”  His people would love technology like this, they were about a century behind when it came to their technological level, but then most of their technology was geared to preventing an invasion from the Federation. “I look forward to being part of this ships’ crew and working alongside them.”  Daniel said.

“Would you like to take a jog around the track or do have a different exercise in mind?”  He asked her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:
"This ship certainly is quite the warship; I am thoroughly impressed thus far.  Having seen it in action during the battle I can attest that this is not a ship I'd want to fight up against when she's fighting at her fullest and not holding back." Said Daniel.

Martin’s expression faltered slightly. “Warship… Few vessels make such a designation, and while this ship is powerful, well… it is not meant as a vessel of war.” The sentiment in Daniel’s words worried her, to say the least. With everything that had happened, promoting the Theurgy’s supposed message of peace was paramount, and hearing it perceived as a warship was unsettling. She managed to catch herself before she spiraled, just in time to hear the end of what Daniel was saying.

“...Look forward to being part of this ships' crew and working alongside them." He continued, "Would you like to take a jog around the track or do have a different exercise in mind?"

Martin smiled slightly. “Ah, I’ve already done that for a bit, but I suppose I could try a few more times around.” She responded, trying to mask the feelings left over from witnessing her former friends and lover perish. She collected her things and began walking back towards the track. “If you don’t mind of course.”

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 06 – Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada

Daniel smiled.  It may not have been what this vessel was designed for but he’d seen this ship fight and it certainly fought like one.  Daniel thought to himself.  Some people just didn’t want to see the obvious right in front of them.  No matter what anyone said they would not be able to convince him that this wasn’t a ship of war.

Daniel nodded as she agreed to take a run around the track again.  He looked out at the track itself and smiled, there hadn’t been anything like this on the Resolve and Daniel had had to run through the corridors to keep to his training regimen.

“I don’t mind at all.”  Daniel said as he walked with her over to the track.  “So, not to sound morbid or anything but did you lose anyone close to you during the evacuation?”  Daniel asked as he began to jog beside her.  He’d lost several people close to him specifically, Lieutenant JG Krissy Williams, Lieutenant JG Michael Sanders, Lieutenant JG Demetria Daniels to name three.  Krissy Williams had been his lover for some time on the Resolve and though they had ended it on mutual terms, he had still loved the science officer.  He had also been close to Michael and Demetria because they were his original wingmates when he had joined the Resolve and had shared intimate details about his life with them, specifically stuff about his past and growing up in the NEC.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Kaligos
The question cut into Martin like she had just been stabbed. She faltered in her jogging a bit as her emotions began to swell to the surface. She quickened her pace, determined not to let herself get compromised in front of Daniel. After a few seconds she hesitantly responded, “Uh… yeah, I did actually. Jess- er, Doctor Lyhn. We were uh… We were close once. I wish she could still be here so we could-” She stopped and focused on her breathing, trying to lose herself in the rhythmic sensation. “And my department of course. Lieutenant Williams- I think you know her- showed such promise… Ensign Deaton was such an optimist, he always held on to the hope that we could get home, and I think some of us even believed we could just because of him… And- honestly so many more. Kyron, Cheng, Fariha, Peterson, Medivh, I could go on.”

Martin paused, to let the emotions sink in as the track passed by beneath her. She turned her head back to Daniel and asked, “What about you? Anyone in particular you lost? Or do you have anyone back home?” She wondered about her home planet and what it must be like for her family. Would Salem be in danger? Or Uncle Noah?

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 06 – Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada

As the two of them jogged around the track Daniel listened to what Commander Martin said.  He hadn’t actually heard that Lieutenant Lyhn had died; he had just assumed that she was in sickbay helping tend to all of the wounded.  It had seemed that while most of the Resolve’s senior staff had made it except for Captain Kendrick and Doctor Lyhn.  They would be missed and Daniel would have to get used to a new medical officer, that part was not something he was looking forward too, he had enjoyed the talks he had with Doctor Lyhn.  When Commander Martin had mentioned that she had been close to Doctor Lyhn he almost tripped but managed to keep his footing.

“I’m sorry to hear that she didn’t make it.”  He said; it was really all he could think of to say after all he had asked the question although he had forgotten that Commander Martin had been close to Lieutenant Lyhn.  The Resolve had been a tightly knit group; there wasn’t much someone could do without someone else knowing at least something about it, even if it was just a rumor.  “And yes, Lieutenant Williams and I were very close.”  Daniel said as he thought about her for a moment before refocusing back on what she was saying.  “I remember Ensign Deaton, he was a good kid.”  Daniel said as he thought about the last time he had spoken to him; it had been two weeks ago and they had been arguing about something so stupid he couldn’t even remember what it was now.

When she had asked him about whom he had lost or if he had someone back home he shook his head.  “Well with the exception of Lieutenant Ahern, Ensign Tancredi and Ensign K’Ren, I watched and ordered the last remnants of my squadron die, people that I’d grown close to, especially Lieutenant Daniels.  She and I had been really close friends.” There were the other pilots he had been close to but he and Demetria had a real connection, she was one of the few who knew about his past, one of the few that he had opened up to and spoken to about. “As for home, I don’t have a home to go back to.”  Daniel said as they completed a circuit around the track. 
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ]
Martin hung her head, as thoughts of the dead once again began to fill her mind. She could only imagine what it was like for Daniel, to order almost his entire squad to death, to have only a scant few survive. Did he perhaps think that he could save them? Could Martin have saved the people she cared about if she had just tried a bit harder? But what Daniel said then took her by surprise. No home to go back to? Martin knew he didn’t quite open up about his home, but this surprised her, especially given that he was from the very core of Federation territory.

“You don’t?” She asked. “I thought you were from Mars… Unless something has happened in the past three years, Mars should still be there, right?”

She hadn’t considered that Daniel might have heard some rather disturbing news about the Federation in their time away, and indeed perhaps something terrible had happened. She thought of Edessa again. Could its forested mountains now be burned to ash? Martin shook her head in distress, for now was not the time to think about such things.

She quickly added, “Unless you’d rather not talk about it of course, I can understand the desire to keep things a bit ah… quiet?”

Re: Chapter 05: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ LT Daniel Havenborn & Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin | Deck 06 – Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Joint-Post by Havenborn & Hastata-Nerada

When she asked about his home he stopped running.  He hadn’t given deep thought about his home, his family, his parents, or anything like that for some time.  His Aunt and Uncle were the only ones he had been able to talk to though he was fairly sure they thought he was dead now; plus the fact that he couldn’t return home even if he wanted to, the last time he spoke to his Uncle he had told him that his father had gotten him banned from both the domed colonies and the outer farms and ranches, essentially the entirety of the Neo-Eastern Coalition territory.

“You’re right I am from Mars, but it’s a little more complicated than that.”  Daniel said.  “As far as I know Mars is still there, I doubt anything has happened to it being so close to the Federation’s capital.”  Daniel added in response to her question about Mars possibly being gone.

“I mean if you want to know, I can tell you.  I just don’t want everyone to know.  Back on the Resolve I only told a few people of my life before Starfleet, I did some things I’m entirely proud of before leaving home.”  Daniel said.

Martin hesitated a bit before she simply said, "Well, I'd like to think I'm a trustworthy person, but I won't pry if you don't want me too." She paused a bit before she decided to add, "If you would like, I could offer something I tend not to talk about much in return?"

Martin often spoke very little of her experience during the Klingon war, and what she still to this day considered to be her own fault, for not being able to protect Zayah in time. It was a dangerous path, those thoughts, especially now with the death of Lyhn and the feeling that maybe she could have stopped it. But feelings or no, she felt it was only fair.

Daniel considered what she had said but ultimately he didn't want her to be uncomfortable either.  "If you don't want to, you don't have to."  He said as he took a deep breath.  "I was born on Mars, but I was born in what the Federation has classified as a pocket empire, the Neo-Eastern Coalition."  Daniel said, most people who knew their Earth history would know that the Eastern Coalition, or ECON, were the people that fought against the Americans and their allies during World War Three.  They also were the ones that had supported and had faithfully served the Augments from Earth's Eugenics Wars.  "My people are extremely xenophobic, something I've worked hard to overcome but still have a problem with.  Although I enjoyed my life growing up there were choices I made that if given the chance to go back and change them I would.  My society is extremely militaristic and as such I was trained as a soldier; although by the time I turned eighteen and stated my desire to leave and join Starfleet my family, except for my Aunt and Uncle, disowned me.  Then before we got lost my Uncle informed me that my father had seen to it that I'm no longer welcome anywhere back in Neo-ECON territory."  Daniel explained.

"Thus I have no home to go back to, I had been hoping to continue to be stationed on the Resolve but it seems that fate has decided for us to join this group of so-called traitors.  Which I find a little ironic, declared a traitor by two empires."  Daniel said.

Martin continued to run, having been surprised into silence. The knowledge had shocked her. She knew the Neo-Eastern Coalition still had remnants, but... she had always dismissed them as a footnote. All she could say was, "Oh... Oh, my god, I'm sorry, I had no idea..." Beyond that, she was silent, not sure if she should say anything else.

Daniel kept his pace next to her as they ran.  It had been almost three years since he had told that to anyone, Lieutenant Daniels had been that person and now she was gone because of him, although the more he thought about it the more he realized that it could have been worse, they could have been in a relationship and who knows if he’d have been able to give the same orders then.  “Most people don’t, it’s not a story I like to talk about but it was something I had hoped to share with select officers, yourself included, from the Resolve after things had settled down after our homecoming.”  Daniel said.  “Fate however decided that was not to be our course.”

"So it seems..." Replied Martin. She was quiet for a bit before she spoke again. "You know, I was going tell you something from my own past in exchange but... honestly I don't think it would compare..." She had let people die, or at least she felt that way, but hearing Daniel's story had struck a chord, and now she had guilt to add to her current woes. "If it helps any, I sometimes think of how our crew was as a second home, as a second family... Perhaps there's some solace in that?"

Daniel nodded as he kept his pace with her.  "I think there is definitely some solace in our crew, this crew,  being a second family."  He said as they began to near the starting area.  "I think that's a good warm up, would you like to move on to one of the exercise machines now?"  He asked her.  "Also when you're ready to share your story I'll be glad to listen to it just as listened to mine."  Daniel smiled at her.  "Thank you for that by the way."  He said.

Martin gave a warm smile back. "Of course, any time." she said. "Feel free to move on to the machines by the way, I'll probably run through some routines of my own." She couldn't help but think of what life must have been like for Daniel on Mars. How shrouded must a people be to retain such ideals for hundreds of years? Their technology must have been ages behind Federation equipment. Even an average nail clipper must seem advanced to them. Martin chose to push such notions aside, for whatever life was like there, Daniel had left it.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 05: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Havenborn

As the pair moved on towards the machines, Martin still felt the pain in her chest. While they had been talking, the full realization that Lyhn was dead had yet to set in. And only now it hit her, like a blow to her psyche. She tried to keep her usual facade, but the events of the day had weakened it enough to the point in which her emotions began to come forth as her emotional dam began to form cracks.
“I… Actually hang on.” she said, as she motioned to pause and sat herself shakily down on a nearby bench. “I might need a bit. Today has been rough and the exercise isn’t helping much.” She paused, as she sought words to describe how she felt. “I mentioned Jessica, er… Dr. Lyhn in passing and… Honestly, it’s only just starting to really sink in and I miss her. I miss her so much, and I don’t like having this… this… feeling in my gut, in my chest, oi genem in my whole body really.” She looked down. “It must be so easy for anyone to just die. Easy for me to die, even just an accident. My heart would stop in some freak coincidence and I’d be with her again, and I could fix my mistakes-” Martin sighed and stopped suddenly. She stood and turned to leave. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up, don’t let me bother you.”

Re: Chapter 05: Meeting of Minds | Day 01 [2030 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 06 – Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Hastata-Nerada

Daniel took a break and sat down next to her as she stated that she needed a minute, in all honesty he could use a breather as well, he wasn’t quite as young as he used to be and even though he had enhancements they required him to be far more active than normal humans.  He had to double his physical training since he couldn’t receive an enhancement booster, which was given to Neo-ECON military personnel every couple years.  “Don’t worry about it; I could use a breather myself.”  Daniel said.

As he listened to her talk about how she was feeling now he couldn’t help but think about how numb he was to death by now.  He has lost friends during the Dominion War and during their long journey home and even though he was used to the death it was always hard to lose someone close to you.  “I’m not sure if it helps but I’d like to believe that if she were here she’d want you to move on and not dwell on the past.  I know that’s what Lieutenant Williams would have wanted for me and I would have wanted her to do the same had she survived and I hadn’t.”  Daniel said.

“Commander, I consider you to be a good friend.  If this is something that you need to talk about then by all means, let’s talk about it.  Either way I’m here if you need me.”  Daniel said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds

Reply #14
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ]

Martin nodded and sat quietly, looking squarely at the ground. “I apologize,” she said. “I shouldn’t have gotten like that. I think you are right though, Jess would have wanted us to push on in her absence. I think.” But Martin was conflicted. She didn’t know if she was ready to move on. The duality of her ideals played havoc in her mind. On one hand she wished she could still spend her nights with Jess, gaze at the stars, feel her touch again. She shook her head. “I… I don’t know…” She stopped and sighed.

Well, she told herself, at least this way she didn’t have to smell like fucking almond joy every time they decided to get intimate with each other. Plus, she was gone, there was nothing that could really be done about that. But… What if things had worked out? Well, they didn’t, did they? Martin stood up. It was about time she did something about this, maybe find someone to romp with to help her move on? Daniel was there, and she had to say, he looked good like this. Maybe Martin could get the Martian to throw her a bone.

“Say,” she said, “Commander Marquez was going to be hosting that event later, would you like to meet up afterwards?”

Re: Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds

Reply #15
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 1, Deck 06 – Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

“No need to apologize, I understand.”  Daniel said.  He nodded as she agreed with him about moving on.  He knew all about having to move on given his personal circumstances.  Daniel’s thoughts drifted to Krissy again as he thought about the last time they had seen each other and the last thing she had said to him.  Daniel placed his hand on her leg in a comforting manner.  “It’s alright.  I'm not sure if it helps but my people have a saying about moving on; ‘Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over’.”  Daniel said.  That wasn't the only saying they had but it felt like the most relevant.

Daniel listened as she mentioned Commander Marquez’s event and while he hadn’t been planning on going he decided that maybe he should now, he decided that she needed as much support as she could get.  He had assumed that this would be the last time that the Resolve crew would be together but honestly he had figured it would have been better to just move on without the party.  Although now he decided that he wasn’t going to disappoint Commander Martin.  "Sure I'd like that.  I'll meet you there."

He definitely needed to grab a drink and something to eat after this workout was over, maybe he’d head back to the lounge he was in before and take stock of the situation there.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds

Reply #16
[ Lt.Com. Martin | Gymnasium | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ]

Martin nodded thanks. “See you there.” she said, and stood and slowly walked off. Once she was out of sight and back in the changing rooms, she stripped her clothes and spent time introspecting in the shower. As forward as she had been, her mind raced. Doubt plagued her every thought as she wondered if what she was doing was the right thing. While there was no point in mourning Jess, perhaps she was going too fast? Was exploring the expert touch of the pilot as they ravaged each other something she should hold off on? She had to admit, she was intimidated by the idea, and almost regretted her decision. No, no, she might as well. Her relationship hadn’t worked out anyway, pining over lost love was doing her nothing, and the opportunity to move on had presented itself. Besides, what was the harm? At the very least it would be a bout of fun between the two of them, and neither would come to regret it, hopefully.

Martin cut the shower and picked up a towel, sound in her resolve. She passed a mirror on her way back to her locker and paused to gaze at her reflection. When she looked at her towel-enshrouded form in the mirror, she realized just how tired she seemed. The day had been one of the roughest she had ever experienced, alongside losing her ability to walk without assistance. She reached back and gingerly touched the spot on her back where her spine had shattered. It had removed so much, her ability to walk, to have children, to help others. And without the implant she would be almost helpless in her situation. Perhaps not useless if she led a normal life, but for now, that polymer and silicon bracing was all that supported her. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Time to be like the implant, time to support herself.


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