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Topic: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1 (Read 5541 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1


STARDATE 57651.86
APRIL 17, 2381
1200 HRS

[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan  @chXinya  @GroundPetrel

Standing inside the large main chamber of the Central Intelligence Suite, Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fisher kept his arms defensively postured across his chest, a look of consternation on his face as he watched the main viewer. Displayed on it was the emblem of Starfleet Intelligence, and a progress bar beneath that had steadily filled. For the first time since he’d been brought into the know regarding Theurgy; this devious plot to undermine and undo Starfleet from the inside out, he would speak to his old friend, and mentor, Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Anderson. The subspace communications system that was to be employed, so as to ensure that no traces could be made back to him, was very limited in it’s capabilities, but it would still allow the Chief Intelligence Officer an opportunity to apprise Anderson of the situation aboard Theurgy, and to ascertain whatever facts had thus far been gathered of the previous day’s horrific event in Paris. In a way, he dreaded this conversation, as he felt a pang of guilt at having been unable to prevent such an occurrence, as utterly impossible as it would have been for him to do so. It didn’t matter. Someone somewhere had to have known something about it and had failed to send it up the proper channels in time. It was for that reason that Fisher had agreed to remain in Starfleet Intelligence some years earlier when he intended to leave it.

Only at Anderson’s behest had he agreed to stay, though to a degree he had begun to wish he hadn’t. Intelligence work was difficult to say the least, especially if you intended to remain true to the tenants of Starfleet, as Fisher had.

“We apprise the Admiral of limited facts. We cannot guarantee that he won’t fall victim to the ‘Nameless Darkness’ as so many others already have.” Fisher reminded the others around him of his intentions. He of course trusted Anderson, but there was simply no way to verify across such distances that he was still, who he had been before. At any moment, he could have been infected, their enemy having become privy to the knowledge reposed within Anderson. Information that could compromise Theurgy’s attempts to end their threat. “No specifics.” His green-eyes trailed from the screen for a moment, catching PWO Ravenholm situated at the console as she worked diligently to establish a connection with the buoy. His attention then fell to Lieutenant Dantius as she stood just off in the corner. “We keep our points vague, and concise.” He knew he didn’t have to repeat himself, but it never hurt to be thorough. There was little room, or time for them to delay and re-word anything they were to offer.

As a nod came from Ravenholm, Fisher took a deep breath before he proceeded.

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” He said simply, the unofficial motto of America’s Central Intelligence Agency during the 21st-century. It was a personal favorite of his, and in fact most Starfleet Intelligence Officers. It originated from the Holy Bible; John Chapter 8, Verse 32. It was also something of a calling card that Anderson had used when speaking with Fisher in the past, and it seemed only appropriate to co-opt it on his own accord.

“I am here. We are legion. We are active. Operations have begun. We are underway. Our efforts doubled. Please advise of situation on Earth. Need confirmation of the bill. Need to know who’s paying. Please respond in kind, following established protocols for verification. Bishop out.” There was a lot of information contained in very few words. It was an old practice, that had continued to prevail for Fisher into his modest age. It was something of a standard greeting, meant to establish the boundaries of trust in a source that could not be readily verified, which Admiral Anderson most certainly was. He would have understood that. Theurgy’s verification was ensured by the sheer fact that they were still on the run. There was no need to verify that they hadn’t been compromised, if they had been, he would have known by the sheer announcement that it had been brought to ‘justice’ by task-force Archeron. But for Fisher, he couldn’t count on the same simple verification. Anderson would need to be forthright on his part, otherwise this call would be pointless, as Fisher was unwilling to risk exposing anything that my compromise their mission.

With a nod, he signaled Ravenholm to cut the first transmission, and send it. There would be a delay, as Anderson would need to receive it, an encode his own response, so Fisher knew he had a chance to at least go over some updates from the Shuttle Bay, regarding the Type-11 he’d requisitioned for a mission that wasn’t his, but that he was going to co-opt out of personal necessity, as well as professional concerns.

“Now is the time to formulate any questions you might have people. But remember. Short. Concise. To the point. We, nor the Admiral have the time for in depth conversations.” He set the PADD back down onto his desk, and approached the wall mounted replicator, a slightly noticeable limp to his right leg; a lingering result of it having been broken the night before during the ‘Spearhead’ lounge bombing. Psycho-somatically, he could still feel a deep ache, even though it had been rather thoroughly healed. “Coffee. Dark roast. Black.” He ordered, and a moment later the hot caffeinated beverage whizzed into existence from out of nothing, and he accepted it. This was the fourth cup he’d had thus far, and he predicted he’d need at least one more in order to truly feel the exhaustion of the night before subsiding. He’d need to find some sleep on the shuttle, he figured, but he also imagined that might be difficult with the verbal berating he was due to receive. Pushing the thought aside, he knew he had to focus on the more serious aspect of Theurgy, and on what information might come back from the Admiral, if it did at all. Only time would tell.

With that thought, Fisher sipped at his coffee and returned to lean against his desk. Waiting.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #1
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Annh-Le | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @chXinya @Swift

Anh-Le frowned, thinking through the options.  "With respect, sir, I think that we should keep all outgoing communication to a bare minimum, and we should keep requests for information to the general.  As we still have no idea how the enemy select their targets, or what gives them an in, or anything like that, may be acceptable to obfuscate as to how we discovered any new information that we send to Admiral Anderson.  Especially if he asks--I think we should consider creating false sources of information to confuse a potential infiltrator.

The potential of Admiral Anderson--of Intel itself--being suborned scared Anh-Le more than anything else.  She tapped her PADD mindlessly with one finger, plotting through nightmare scenario after nightmare scenario.  "We need to know as much about the bombing as possible.  Especially any recordings that may have survived.  That might help prevent future attacks, but Anderson certainly has other teams working on it--if I were him, I'd have at least three, small units coordinating, tight information control to keep anything from leaking out.  Outside of that, though...all we really have from Nicander is a vague understanding of what it feels like to be possessed, and his impressions of what the enemy's intent might be.  Nothing Anderson can really act on.  However..."  Anh-Le bit her lip.  "The anyon scan is our ace in the hole right now and needs to be kept secure as long as possible., the parasites seem to be able to access host memories.  We might not be able to afford the risk of even giving him the stardate of the Shuttle Von Braun Incident of Stardate 45892.4, if it's an infiltrator it'll likely go pull the files and figure out that we know about the anyon trick, letting them figure out some kind of counter."

On that line of thought...could they proliferate anyon emission tech covertly?  Unlikely to succeed, and a great way to kill lots of hosts.  So maybe not...

Anh-Le shook her head, reminding herself to stay on topic.  "In short, sir, recommend keeping things short and vague.
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #2
Eventually, a chirp from Ravenholm's console announced the reply coming in. It was an audio transmission, and once it was decrypted and opened up, the voice was distorted. Garbled to unrecognition, which has been the common practise of Director Anderson after he'd established communication with the Theurgy. After all, the Rear Admiral was behind enemy lines, so to speak, and the greatest risk was to him should the Infested somehow intercept the message going to the subspace buoy.

[This is King. Message received and understood. We did not have to pay for the main course on the bill, but a second one will be issued in approximately nine hours. I repeat, nine hours. We have no one present to pay for it, and should I try to make a transfer from either of my accounts, the cost will be even higher as a whole. Likely higher than anyone can afford, given the expected price.]

Even though the voice was garbled, there was a distinct tightness to the tone, suggesting how serious the situation was. [With your efforts doubled, could you pay for it instead? You can find the second bill attached. King out.]

There was a small text attachment with the transmission, including a lot of encrypted numbers. Once decrypted, galactic coordinates were there, readily available to be entered into a navigational interface. Once this was done, the LCARS star-charts homed in on a singular planet. Better yet there were planetary coordinates included as well, and the LCARS map would centre into the capital of one of the Federation’s founding worlds.

The blinking circle landed on the Plaza of Freedom in Laikan, the capital city of Andoria.

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Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #3
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @chXinya @GroundPetrel

Fisher sipped idly at his stimulant of choice, relented to let the circuit of the message complete, and to field and listen to the discussion that was promoted by those around him. It was no surprise to him that Lieutenant Dantius was the first of the others to offer up her take on the matter, as she had quickly come to be one of the more open in terms of her opinion; something he more than appreciated. Silence was great when you were in the middle of a room full of potential enemies and rivals, but in an instance like this, they were all on the same team, and differing or confirming opinions were important to absorb. So it was, that as he turned away from the replicator alcove, that he offered her the complete attention that she warranted. It was soon made clear however, that they were of a similar mind on the matter; that simplistic and even vague communications were the best route, as there was no means of guaranteeing the Admiral’s uncompromised status. There was a relief in him that welled up at the realization, that the instinct for secrecy hadn’t been lost on the other members of his staff, but rather echoed appropriately.

“Noted, Lieutenant.” Fisher confirmed for her, an approving tone to his voice as he stepped back toward the central holo-table.

Another minute would pass before there was a klaxon at Ravenholm’s console, alerting them that a return message had been intercepted; once that message was data-logged, and decrypted, Fisher gave the nod for it play out for them all to hear. It confirmed one thing right off the bat, that their ‘Spy King’ was still active, as even though he’d masked his vocal tone, the use of the codename was one that only Anderson would have chosen. He was still at work on their behalf back at Starfleet. It was something of a powerful and inspiring sentiment, as things had seemingly taken a turn for the worse, to know that their man on the inside was still in play, well so long as he hadn’t been compromised by their enigmatic enemy. It was also a sentiment that grew in positivity as the message confirmed that the President of the United Federation of Planets had been spared her death; Nan Bacco represented a return to the brighter days of Starfleet, before they were bogged down by war, after war. To have lost her, would have struck a great blow to morale across the Federation.

It did raise a follow-up in Fisher’s mind however, though he would wait to finish deciphering the rest of Anderson’s message to formulate it.

Once it had completed, Fisher looked about to gauge the reactions of everyone else before diving in. He doubted he needed to explain the meaning behind any of what was said, as they all seemed to come from the same school on the matter: IE Anderson’s. But it still didn’t hurt to at least verbally review the facts as they had been presented to them. “Good news is the President is alive. Bad news is, we have a new problem…” Fisher leant over to examine the galactic coordinates that had been relayed to him, setting down the aluminum-tumbler that contained his strong brew on the holo-table before he punched it up there. As an icy-blue globe came into view, he let an exasperated sigh leave him. “Andoria.” There was a long silence that permeated the room, as they each understood the gravity of the situation and dilemma posed their way. Anderson laid it out plainly; he couldn’t intercede, lest he reveal his hand, and the role he was actively playing in support of Theurgy. Yet at the same time, Theurgy’s efforts were split as it was, with half their effort going toward helping the Breen, and the other half working on behalf of the Klingons and Martok.

Swiftly, Fisher tapped his combadge. “Fisher to Captain Ives. I’m forwarding onto you a set of decrypted Galactic Coordinates that we’ve just received from our mutual benefactor. I’m afraid our situation grows even more dire by the hour. I will keep you apprised of additional developments as well.” He could have waited for their communications with the Admiral to complete, but given the stakes of the situation, he knew there was a paramount need for immediacy.

Finished with his first relay to the Captain, he approached where Ravenholm sat, and reached out to touch the console, ready to send his follow-ups to the Admiral.

“Understood, King. Second bill has been forwarded onto accounting. Payment yet to be finalized.” Fisher took a moment, realizing how silly the manner in which they were speaking was, but it was a necessary means. Anyone who intercepted would have though it a joke at best, given how cliché it was. Remembering the follow-up from just a moment earlier, something of a promise he’d made to someone else aboard ship, he took a deep breath before continuing. “Are we expecting our waitress to collect, and can you confirm that the children were free from the bill as well? If so, have you been recommended a decent baby-sitter for them?” With a thick eyebrow raised, Fisher nodded to Ravenholm as a means to end recording, encrypt, and send the transmission. It would take another circuit of time to get the answers that he needed, but such was the business of these dangerous times.

“With any hope, the Federation Council wasn’t entirely obliterated as well.” He explained, though again, he assumed the others knew the meanings behind his confusing questions.

Retrieving his coffee, he took another sip, and appraised the others for more discussion.


Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #4
The wait for the reply seemed to drag on forever before arrival, even if it was merely the stakes and the tardiness of the subspace distance and elaborate encryption protocols that caused the delay. In the meantime, Ives had acknowledged the report with a written message, stating that he would contact the Erudite.

Once Admiral Anderson's message arrived, however, the chirp pierced the silence of baited breaths.

[King here. The waitress seem absent and unable to collect, yet she might have colleagues closer to your table. Awareness of your dining unknown, yet one of them might be lenient when it comes to payment. In fact, being a good friend of ours, she might even pay for some of our bills out of their own pocket. Confirmation of that still pending,] said the voice, the tightness of the voice lessened a bit, since this was actually good news delivered. If there was potentially an ally ship out there, the endeavour to aid Martok might be easier - the "lies" of the Theurgy not just coming from them. Anderson wasn't finished, though.

[While some of the children had to pay for the bill, five did not, and I have made sure there is a baby-sitter present for them, even if I could not call her myself. Now that the bills are coming, I am establishing new payment methods, but my funds are limited since I have to use hidden assets. Please forward confirmation on the second bill as soon as possible, and if the helpful waitress shows up, she will present herself as Freedom Sentinel. King Out.]

In the wake of this silence, there was still more to speak of, but the bursts had to be short. They had yet to speak of the FNN and Romulan troop movements, and any number of relevant issues, but as far as the dinner-analogy, it had run its course, and if they were to speak of the Praetor and the Romulans, there had to be some other set of code-phrases to use.

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Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #5
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @chXinya @GroundPetrel

The devastation to the Federation Council was clear, as from the sound of Anderson’s relay, only a handful had survived. Though Fisher had little personal stake at hand when it came to them, someone he knew and now cared for, had. But he couldn’t risk pressing for specific names as to appease her, to do so might well compromise them in whatever tenuous situation they now existed. At the same time, the news wasn’t all bad, as the Admiral had forewarned him of apparent assistance coming at some point soon; under the codename of ‘Freedom Sentinel’. He’d need to apprise the Bridge Crew of such a development, so that they knew not to start firing on whatever ship presented itself as such.

Long has the time since passed when the parlor tricks of code phrases and such were still of important use, if anything it had been something of a game, rather than an actual necessity of remanding important information from unwarranted eyes and ears. For his part, the practice had run its course, and as the responses had come in a fashion that was wholly within the realm of personal experience, it spoke to the uncompromised status of the man on the other end. Only a man like Anderson would have even entertained such a silly notion from the beginning, and in fact he had. It was the stuff of old cheesy spy films, and serials; not at all what modern Intelligence Operatives relied on for security in such uncertain times. No, encryption was the modern-day golden standard upon which to base one’s faith in relaying information back and forth. Encryption the likes of which Ravenholm, and the other data analysts aboard Theurgy were masters of; the likes of which Anderson likely had a team of trusted individuals working on in similar kind.

With a simple nod, Fisher acknowledged the cybernetically enhanced woman sitting at the console to begin the next phase of recording. “Spy King, Bishop-- I’m ceasing coded-speech. Full encryption from this point on. What can you confirm of Romulan Praetor Tal-Aura on the matter? Federation News Net confirms that she has claimed full responsibility for the attack on Paris and is moving her fleets to begin preparations for war. What of Donatra and her separatist forces?” The point being made, that perhaps there was an ally in Romulan space that they could rely upon in undermining the Praetor. Granted, Donatra had her hands full just trying to keep her fledgling Imperial Romulan State afloat, but in her Theurgy might find an ally along the lines of Chancellor Martok, for they might be able to trade the revelation of the Parasites to her, in exchange for assistance in staving off total war. It was an issue that Fisher had considered previously but had yet to address with anyone with direct input on the matter.

At this point, interference within the grander scope of Internal Romulan matters was well within reason, and in fact, if Anderson didn’t have cards at play there, then Fisher was confident that he and Theurgy would soon. “Please advise. Bishop out.” There would be another circuit that would need to complete before those answers would come, but he already had additional details that he’d needed to appraise the Captain of and would be doing in the meantime.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #6
With full encryption activated, the wait was a tad longer than before, but once Anderson replied - the voice still garbled to protect his identity in the unlikely event that the subspace transmission was compromised - he spoke plainly.

[King here. The Praetor is undoubtedly orchestrating the attacks on Federation targets, and our sources on Romulus claims she eliminated opposition in the Senate to push for war. It has been confirmed that she used the Theurgy's involvement to sway the remaining Senate about breaching the ban on thalaron weaponry. With this technology fully at her disposal, the Romulans are fitting their fleets with what they need to turn the tide against Donatra, whom doesn't have the resources at her disposal to do the same. It is only a matter of time before the Imperial Romulan State falls, and they have to flee for Klingon space, and the same is true of the remaining Reman forces. Given the state of things in the Klingon Empire, however, it is unknown if they will find sanctuary here. Captain Ives may know more than me and my own in that regard, and since you carry the Chancellor to Qo'nos, you might simply ask where Martok will stand if he can deal with the usurper.]

There was a pause, before the Admiral spoke anew.

[We have received the specifications for the transphasic light emitter, yet we do not have the necessary kemocite on hand. Shipment inbound, ETA one week. Construction specifications are clear enough, but more time is needed for that to be concluded as well. Any progress with the second alternative, in which the parasites might be removed by phase variance transporter, is crucial. Two of my assets have vanished in Starfleet Headquarters, one of which can name me. My time hiding in plain sight might come to an end soon. I can send one more message before my presence is needed elsewhere. King Out.]

Bad news.

It could be the King's reign was coming to an end.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #7
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Annh-Le | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @chXinya @Swift

...Fuck.  Anh-Le's blood ran cold.  Her instinct was to recommend offering immediate assistance, but she sat on that urge; it would only put more assets at risk.  "Commander, I recommend suggesting that Admiral Anderson go underground.  Maybe the old fake-death trick?  We still know so little about how the enemy select targets, that might be enough, and at the very least it's worth a try.

She thought through possible outcomes--the analytical part of her briefly noted that this might present a theoretical opportunity to gain intelligence on the enemy's method of selecting targets, but she quickly sat on that idea with the rest of her mind.  The cost was far too great.  "Alternatively...Maybe a portable anyone emitter could be used as a sort of shield against possession?  If they pull us into a parallel phased dimension somehow to infect their targets, maybe using anyon emitters on a local scale would prevent infection entirely.  Admiral Anderson has more resources than we do, he ought to be able to have one quickly whipped up if he hasn't already.

This was bad--not completely unexpected, in an op like this there was no such thing as stability, but really, really bad nonetheless.  The Orion ran a hand through her hair, chewing on her lip as she breathed out through her nose.  "I think Admiral Anderson's got 48 hours, tops, before they nab him--by arrest or by possession.  Probably less.  Commander, I further recommend that all mission planning from here on out operate on the assumption that we will have no direct or indirect support from Earth, and will be operating in radio silence by default.  And we should end this call as soon as possible so he can focus on escaping the enemy.

She hoped that Anderson would make it out.  He was a good guy, and sharp--and assets were few and far between on this job.  Much less Admiral-level assets. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #8
[ Lt. Jonathan Byrne | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: @Auctor Lucan @GroundPetrel  @chXinya @Swift

The news certainly wasn't exactly what they were waiting for, not fully at least. They got some intel they could put to good use, though in turn they got more troubling news. Byrne remained to keep himself on the sidelines for now. Soaking up the information they were getting while toying around with an Aldean trinket he had brought aboard. It was a simple bracelet with a kind of pearls and beads on them. He ran them through his fingers as he looked at Fisher and the rest of the present crew.

If anything, they were treading upon a wasp nest. There were decent pointers where they would find more trouble and where they could find friends. He didn't envy Ives or Fisher's seat for one bit. It'd be tough calls to make but... The Orion spoke up and suggested some great ideas. Byrne's eyes shifted over to Fisher to see what the experienced man would decide. Realistically, it'd be hard to make an admiral disappear. Even with a fake death simulation, too much variables perhaps...

Byrne kept toying with the trinket, eyes a bit absent from the meeting now as he ran a few scenarios in his head, wondering which he'd be able to propose as an alternative. He couldn't quite find a suitable one and thus, he remained by the side. Ears picking up everything while his eyes dwelled upon the occupants inside the intelligence suite.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @chXinya @GroundPetrel

Though his vocal patterns were thoroughly garbled so as to make easy identification something of an impossibility, Fisher could still sense an unease, and even a tenuousness to the voice of the Admiral as his message played for them. It spoke to the general lack of progress that they, and in effect the effort to turn back this grim tide of coercion that had consumed the highest echelons of Starfleet. Anderson was essentially their only active link to the rest of the Federation, as in everyone else’s book they were at the top of the most wanted list. Be it dead or alive. If they lost that link, it meant they were effectively alone, save for what little help they could continue to count on from the Klingon High Chancellor, who was dealing with his own tenuous situation. The walls were closing in on Theurgy, and Fisher found himself having joined the crusade at just the least opportune moment, it seemed. Still, as disheartening as it all was, he wasn’t going to let himself be done in by an overriding sense of doom and gloom. Especially not in the presence of his subordinates, whom he needed to remain adamantly determined in presence of.

Looking about the immediate confines of the CIS, he appraised the faces of his fellows for their input on the matter and listened intently.

“It’s likely that the Admiral has some form of fallback plan in place already.” He addressed Anh-Le and her concerns first. She was often the first to pipe in with her assessments of whatever situation they were embroiled in and wasn’t afraid to speak whatever was on her mind. An asset for sure, however unintended it might have been on her part. Fisher appreciated abstract thought, as what was imminently possible could be found nestled somewhere on its periphery, just adjacent to that which was impossible. It allowed him and the others to more directly home in on what actions could or couldn’t be taken. “But you’re right, we should still make such an advisement. People in such positions of responsibility have a propensity for putting aside their own considerations until its too late. And as pragmatic a man as the Admiral is, he still fits the persona of such self-sacrifice. We can ill-afford losing the man, and his clandestine expertise.” In fact, he could very well imagine Anderson regarding Fisher with something of a stoic look of moderate annoyance over such an advisement, but it didn’t change his mind on the matter.

If their situation prohibited any chance of them being able to directly intercede on behalf of the Admiral, then they could at least make a professional if not impassioned plea for the man to seek out respite from the hunters as they homed in on him. The idea bothered Fisher immensely, as he and for the most part the entirety of Theurgy had directly benefit due to the efforts of Anderson. It felt like abandonment, and the sage-eyed spy could see a similar sentiment displayed in the mannerisms of his fellows, be it by the gesture of a hand running through impossibly-black hair, or the fiddling with a trinket of sorts. They all had some form of personal consideration for the man that had played a role in where they were now, and it bothered each of them in different ways as the scope of their situation continued to set in, and to an extent worsen. Still, it wasn’t doing any good to them or their effort by focusing on that which they couldn’t possibly factor into.

Instead, their attention would need to shift elsewhere. As callous as it might have been, they needed to find new allies to replace old ones. The unfortunate reality was however, that those allies would now need to come in the form of far less reputable, and reliable sources.

‘Desperate affairs require desperate measures.’ The words of Horatio Nelson came to mind.

With a nod, Fisher signaled his intent to the Provisional Warrant Officer to record what would be the final submitted transmission to the Admiral for now, and potentially forever.

“King. This is Bishop. Progress in regard to phase variance is... ongoing.” There was a noticeable pause as Fisher considered for a moment to revise his sentiment to be more hopeful in tone, rather than so plainly matter of fact, and in effect neutral. But it would have been dishonest on his part to paint a prettier portrait of what little progress had yet come about on that front. They still weren’t any closer to removing a parasite without first killing it, and its host. It was up to Science and Medical to make such leaps, but thus far it had eluded their grasp. “I will forward the imperative nature of your situation onto the Captain and will press for making waves in an effort to find new support for the mission. No stones will be left unturned, I can assure you. I know I need not say it; but keep your eyes open for the wolves as they close-in on and around you. If you catch wind, get out. You’re no good to us, or the effort if you fall as prey.” He didn’t like having to echo such a sentiment, but he reminded himself that it was a necessary one.

“We will await your final message, and any last instructions you may have.”

With that, Fisher ran a hand across his throat to signal the end of the message. The silence that followed felt foreboding in dependent dread, as Fisher crossed his arms over his chest and leant against the edge of a console, waiting for the circuit to complete itself.

Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #10
The voice still garbled, the reply from Joseph Nerva Andersson came soon enough. Despite the distortion, there was both warmth and amusement in the tone. [King here. I can assure you that I have several contingencies for an event in which my time inside Starfleet Headquarters would come to an end, yet I appreciate the concern nonetheless. Moreover, I am well aware that I am your link to Earth. The mission is more important than my life, but as it is, my survival and the continuation of the mission does coincide.]

There was a pause, before the Admiral bid them adieu for the time being. [One last thing. I am following up on both personnel and material movements going in and out of the Sol System, the difficulty being that the Infested are falsifying records to keep people like me from noticing their affairs. While I have yet to isolate the edits to the different inventories, I suspect that objects have been moved in and out of the vaults below Starfleet Headquarters. When I know more of what have been withdrawn, and what have been stored, I will inform you, since that might have a direct link to their current attempt to seed war between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. Please, in kind, inform me when there is further progress made by your scientists.]

There was a pause, and in the silence, it was implied that should Anderson's contingencies all fail to protect him, this might be the last time they ever spoke.

At least while he still remained himself.

[King Out.]


Re: CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.” | Sember Occultus, P1

Reply #11
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @chXinya @GroundPetrel

The idea that items were being withdrawn from the vaults beneath Starfleet Headquarters was disconcerting to say the least, as during his time as a member of Starfleet Intelligence, Fisher had come to have an inkling as to the kind of dangerous and advanced tech which was locked away held within them. Many of those techs, if wielded by the wrong hands represented possible weapons of mass devastation, and which were in direct conflict with the grander peaceful mission of the Federation. They were techs which if implemented in said way could tie back to the Federation and further stoke the flames of war, hampering any plays which could be made in preventing a full-on outbreak of conflict. The deviousness of the ‘Nameless Darkness’ in it’s efforts to sew discord among the Galactic powers seemingly knew no bounds, and Fisher had every confidence that whatever lay hidden away in those vaults, if removed, would be brought to bear.

“The hits just keep coming.” He commented with a heavy hint of exasperation in his voice, the immense sorrow and gravity of the previous day weighing his spirts down, just as he assumed it was for much of the crew. Also lingering in the back of his mind, was the realization that the Admiral’s sign-off, could well have been the final he’d ever make.

From the recesses of his mind there was a mixture of dark emotions that threatened to invade the forefront of the Chief Intelligence Officer’s attention, which he knew he couldn’t give any heed nor bearing to in the moment. Such considerations would need to wait for a time when he, the mission, and in effect the fate of the Galaxy wasn’t hanging so tenuously in the balance. He needed to be focused, just as everyone else aboard Theurgy did. More so, as the Chief of the department, he needed to appear resolute in his determination, and defiance. A leader who outwardly showed signs of surrender in times of duress put those under his command at risk of likewise succumbing to poor morale. So it was, with a deep breath he pushed off from where he had been leant up against, and approached the viewer, touching a console to shut it off. Focusing on the bad news wasn’t an option that he, or any of them had in the moment.

“Alright. It’s getting late in the game, but we’re not done yet.” Looking to each of his people in turn, Fisher dug up whatever semblance of strength he could muster, drawing upon a surprising amount of it, perhaps at the behest of a rewarding experience from the night prior. “The Admiral might be well outside of our scope of direct support, but there may yet be a way we can indirectly support him and his efforts. Reach out to your people, whatever assets you have that aren’t yet burned, and put them in play. Anderson’s need for allies, no matter where or who they are, could be of absolute paramount need soon. Likewise, I think it’s time we start making some headway with Donatra and her separatist movement. They can’t possibly turn back the tide of Tal’Aura’s forces, especially if they’re making use of Thalaron weaponry. Which we still need more information on; whoever you know that has had interaction with the Tal-Shiar over the last two decades, get on them for anything they might know about it. Maybe there’s something we can explore as means of a countermeasure of some sort, or an inherent weakness to the designs they’re fielding.”

“Selena keep feeding the analysts. Anh-Le, I want you to take charge of the others and keep pouring through all of that incoming data.” It was something he had already considered prior to everything that had been unfolding, that Dantius was more than deserving of the Senior position at Analysis, since she had been the one pushing things forward on a far more regular basis. Some point soon, he would make it official he had decided, but not yet.

“Alright. Let’s get to it people.” He said simply, running through a personal check-list in his mind of all the names he would be contacting in search of even a little glimmer of hope.

 - FIN

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