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Topic: CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420] (Read 7361 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420]

[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @GroundPetrel @Auctor Lucan

As Samantha stepped out of the turbolift, another shake of the ship’s deck sent her tumbling into the sidewall of the corridor. Pushing herself off the paneling, by the wits of her palms, the slender blonde rushed onwards. Feet dragging through a thick layer of vapor, gushing from a ruptured seal nearby. Muffled thuds and mumbling blows reverberating through the duranium alloys, the supports of the corridor singing with the vibrations of that the inertia dampening system couldn’t handle.

Further down the corridor, a troop of security personnel rushed by, orders barked to the front of the line from their leader, as they vanished around a bend. Klingon war cries somewhere in the distance. Rounding the next corner, luckily, the diplomat already arrived at the outer door of the diplomatic council – arguably the safest place on the ship. Lieutenant Dantius was already waiting there. Undoubtedly feeling a bit uneasy, out in the open like this. They would both feel much safer, once inside.

“Lieutenant …” she breathed hastily, placing her hand on the console in the wall, next to the large doors, unlocking them. The whole system had gone into lockdown. Likely a program remaining from the locales time as the ship’s flag bridge. With a relieving chirp of acknowledgment, however, the vault opened up and let the two women pass inside. Right through the small anteroom, the next set of doors waited until the first had closed once more, before letting them enter the circular hub.

It seemed like no one was here, unless they were hiding under desks. But the commander had to postpone worrying about her subordinates to a later time. “I just received notice that someone is trying to contact us via the secure Starfleet uplink I had your department establish, via my old offices on Starbase 133.” The blonde explained briefly, to catch Anh-Le up to speed momentarily. “I suspect my grandmother might’ve caught on to my credentials being used. She’s a Rear-Admiral at Starfleet Operations.” Moving on along the side of the room, towards the adjacent conference room and its large wall display, the deck plating started to sway like a ship in heavy seas, the lights gently flickering, making the two women stagger in their paths, until the auxiliary stabilizers kicked in. Obviously, the Klingons had placed yet another precise hit.

“Computer, engage uplink.” Samantha ordered, stepping through the sliding glass doors into the separate meeting area, the big transparent panes too vibrating under the ship’s stress. Positioning herself at the side of the long table, blue eyes trained on the display as the Starfleet symbol started to spin, the woman neglected to sit down. Though she had an idea that at some point she might be inclined to. The anticipation flushed her muscles with liquid gold, as all the worry and hope came rushing back, that had been pushed away ever since the bombing of Paris. Either way, she would know more in a few seconds, for better or worse.

Re: CH06: S [D03|0920] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #1
 Lt. JG Dantius | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @stardust  @Auctor Lucan

Anh-Le saluted the blonde crisply.  "Commander Rutherford, sir.Should I apologize for stealing her drink the other day?  Nah, not appropriate, maybe later.  That was assuming that Rutherford would even tolerate the bar brawl being brought up again.  She seemed pretty straight-laced. 

The Orion nodded along as Rutherford explained the situation.  "Well, at least that's circumstantial evidence that might suggest she's not infected, sir."  If Rutherford's grandmother were infected, she probably wouldn't be bothering to call when any potential passenger could just skip to murder attempts.  Though...would a junior Admiral be able to contact us?  Anderson went to ground, might even be dead or turned, and it's not like he was throwing our contact ident out to just anybody already.

Uncertainty.  That was the worst part. 

Then some Klingon gunner's good luck messed up the inertial dampeners, and Anh-Le cursed under her breath, praying that the dampeners didn't do more than briefly hiccup.   Without them, any attempt by Theurgy to maneuver would at best throw the entire crew around like bowling pins. 

At worst, a rapid velocity shift in space without inertial dampeners would throw everybody on the ship into the bulkheads and decks with enough force to instantly liquefy them.  Anh-Le had seen the results of a pirate ship losing inertial dampeners in the mess that used to be the coreward part of the Cardassian DMZ once.  The poor bastards had suffered a nav-def failure in warp, and hit some space dust that shredded their inertial dampeners.  Trying to drop out of warp had been their last mistake. 

Anh-Le had never vomited so much in her life. 

Rutherford engaged the uplink, and Anh-Le pulled out her PADD to take notes.  Alright, let's see what Granny can give us.

OOC: Sorry for the delay, grad school assignment took up all of yesterday! 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #2

>> Click For Full Resolution

[ Ambassador Elim Garak | Classified Cooridnates | Aboard Paris One ]
The days since the Paris bombing had been interesting, sufficed to say. In all honesty, Garak was surprised he had been allowed to remain with the President of the Federation and the surviving members of the Council. Oh, he knew the 'why' of his present circumstances, of course, but it seemed surreal how events had unfolded since that fateful day.

Best illustrated, perhaps, by his present task, in which he at the behest of an enigma in Starfleet Headquarters had been advised to answer a message from Starbase 113. A message that hadn't been addressed to him, even, but in which he was supposed to learn more about what that decrypted simulcast from Starbase 84 had meant. All he knew was that Lieutenant Commander Jona Rez, the one who had encrypted the hyperbolic and allegedly fake message from the Federation starship Theurgy, was a mutual acquaintance of theirs - his and that of this engima in Starfleet Intelligence. This enigma seemed to believe what the encrypted and real version of the simulcast had stated, in which a Captain Ives claimed Starfleet Command had been taken over by a parasitic enemy which couldn't be detected by conventional means. As for Garak, he could see how that would have made what happened in Paris easier to execute as far as such operations went, but that was hardly enough for him to compromise himself by starting to spread what he'd learned.

Especially when surrounded by powerful people whom could just have easily been possessed by these enemies.

Since the engima, calling himself 'King', couldn't reveal his identity to Garak, this option had been arranged for, in which he were to speak with people who knew more. Clearly 'King' didn't trust Garak either, so this relay communication via Starbase 133 had been the best option to find common ground and a way forward. If what the encrypted version of Captain Ives' speech was true, then whomever would be on the other side of the subspace comm link would get his undivided attention. Not just in the respect of informing the remnant body of the Federation Council what might be afoot, but because he had to bring the word to Cardassia and the Castellan.

So, in the dark room in the lower deck of Paris One, wherein his features would be shrouded in shadows, he stared at the spinning symbol which awaited an answer on the other side - Starbase 133 merely being the relay towards somewhere else entirely. In all likelihood, the USS Theurgy.

When the uplink was established, the recipients had yet to opted for visual or auditory transmission, so Garak was only looking at a dark screen - knowing they could just hear him and see his silhouette on their screen.

"Hello," he said, smiling as he spoke and knowing he would likely sound more amiable that way. "You and I have a mutual acquaintance in 'King', and since there is no way to tell if those you sought to speak with have been compromised by these... parasites, you will be speaking with me instead. Pardon the inconvenience."

He waited for a moment, for those on the other side of the uplink to decide if they wanted to show themselves or restrict their communication to audio only, before he continued. "While I have received and decrypted the same simulcast that 'King' got from Starbase 84, over a month ago, I would like to know more about the situation before I risk my life in aiding in the matter. So, 'King' is supposed to have sent you word ahead of this, the code word being 'Freedom Sentinel'."

Federation code words... How novel.

"Now, would you mind telling me what you know about this enemy?" said Garak, tilting his head where he sat.

Of course he wouldn't reveal where he was, and to whom he was currently connected. If he did, then he might as well have turned on the lights in the room. He knew he might be an essential link between these alleged 'protectors of truth', to whom he likely were speaking, and the remaining members of the Federation Council... but he wouldn't be a fool about it. For all he knew it, he wouldn't put it past the Romulans to spread misinformation in times of war.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #3
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @GroundPetrel @Auctor Lucan

“So far, intel posits only the highest echelons of Starfleet are infected, and as much as my grandmother would smack me over the head for saying so, I don’t think she is important enough for that.” the blonde replied to her colleague with a knowing raise of the brows, non-verbally indicating that this information, much like what was going to transcend, was to remain between their both departments. Her grandmother was a formidable woman, no question. Much of her own gravitas came from those formative years growing up on earth between Starfleet and the Federation respectively. But still, she was only second in line to those making the final decisions. Enjoying to say that she lacked the hubris for that kind of job and was thus never considered – only slightly adding to her bitterness in progressing age.

Greeted by the spinning logo, the large viewscreen eventually glazed over with the dark recesses of a barely lit space, a humanoid silhouette cutting the layout virtually in half, not revealing much of their own identity. A seemingly thick head of black hair, like a helmet atop an unusually thick neck and broad shoulders … the commander found it hard to project either of her grandparent’s likeness into that literal frame of reference. The admiral DID have a rather fluffy head of hair, usually, but it rested atop a toothpick, by comparison. Frankly, it was curiosity, that persuaded the diplomat to reveal herself, in the end, not tactics or protocol. Taking one step forward, the blonde tapped a control on the table, causing the glass wall behind her to draw opaque, effectively replacing the view of the former flag bridge with a generic white backdrop, thus not giving away an indication as to where they really were … visually, at least.

Squirming ever so slightly at the mention of King, one of intels seemingly oh-so-smart monikers for Anderson – if memory served her right – she would for now entertain the silly charade that a four year old could crack. Let alone a parasitic force that virtually had access to the entirety of Starfleet’s knowledge. Quite possibly this was merely a sense of protocol people from that branch of service needed to cling to in order to not lose hope, much like she did to the diplomatic guidelines. A sense of absolute normality, in an utter lack thereof.  But there was also something else that put people at ease, talking to someone with a face. So, Samantha switched on the visual receptors to transmit both her and Dantius’ rather well lit representations. Including the additional spectrum of human emotions, visible on their faces, which almost served as a third means of straightforward communication, alongside the audio and visual ones.

“Well, since you seem to know who I was expecting to speak to, it is only fair you reveal who it indeed is I ended up with.” Was her first question, foregoing personal introductions for the mere reason that this person already seemed to know who she was – or thought so – and because they hadn’t even landed on equal footing in terms of visual identification yet. There was no sense in wasting time on some precautious Starfleet switchboard operator.

Switching her stance, resting one elbow on the other arm crossed below her chest, the blonde cupped her chin against her thumb in contemplations, giving the shadowy figure a narrowed glance. “You’re obstructing my direct efforts to investigate further in the matter, under the guise of integrity concerns, yet you’re requesting additional affirmations to warrant your involvement. Pardon me for saying so, Sir, but I believe we have a chicken and an egg problem on our hands.”

“I would not mind telling you more about what we have found out, to aid the fight, if I were to understand that the one whom I am sharing this information with is trustworthy, and not just privy to the intelligence rulebook of cant.” the officer added curtly, stretching the corners of her plump lips at the emphasis on the last word belted out brazenly. Only to then give Anh-Le an almost apologetic side-glance, adding quietly: “No offense.”

“And not me, personally.” Samantha resumed her attention on the dark figure. “But yes, intelligence has been informed of the mission, yet if you wish further details you will have to talk to ‘King’ himself.” Oh well, how hard and redundant it felt to get that soubriquet past her lips. Then he wanted more information, for her. Curious. “Funnily enough, I was establishing this link to ask the very same question. Seems like your interception put us at a stalemate.”

And even though she could’ve said more, as they indeed had uncovered quite a bit of information that would’ve been valuable to both Anderson and Starfleet as a whole, she wasn’t yet convinced to simply relate all of that to a mystery man who hijacked her frequency. Nor was it her place, really, she was a diplomat, not an intelligence operative. And just that moment, another volley shook the deck, causing Samantha to level herself with a gentle touch of delicate fingers against the table beside her. This was unfortunate, but it had probably been a stupid idea to be able to hide the ensuing battle from whoever she was talking to.

"As you can see, we are a little pressed for time, and I don't know how long we can keep this connection up. So, let's make the best of it."

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #4
Lt. JG Dantius | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @stardust   @Auctor Lucan

That is NOT somebody's granny.  Cardassian or Vaadwaur, not many species had a neck like that.  Almost certainly Cardassian since what Vaadwaur had escaped Janeway's Folly #18,000 were allegedly extremely few in number and stuck on ancient rust-buckets. 

Which meant someone high up in what Cardassian intelligence operations hadn't been thoroughly purged by the Federation and its allies. 

I wonder if the rumors about him and that doctor Bashir are true...  Anh-Le stopped and chided herself internally.  Off topic.  Focus on the situation.  Ask about fashion advice at the end of the call to confirm the scraps of information she'd picked up over the years. 

"Sir," Anh-Le said under her breath to Rutherford.  "If he's got the right codes, we have to trust that he's on the level.  If we see the enemy in everyone, they've already won.  He has A--King's number, and ours, so he's in the loop.

Of course, the Cardassian could still be infected, now or later.  But that was always going to be a risk.  And without at least a bit of trust, they were all fucked.  

Chó chết, though, Rutherford was more high-strung than Anh-Le, and the Orion was pretty sure she would need beta blockers to go with her regular meds soon. 

The ship shuddered again.  Damn, it's bad out there, isn't it?  Wonder who's winning.
OOC: Apologies for the delay, had some Internet issues and grad school kicked my butt.  :(
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #5
[ Ambassador Elim Garak | Classified Cooridnates | Aboard Paris One ]
Hearing the blonde human with the higher rank talk, and having been told just enough by 'King' to deduce whom she was, Garak's smile became wider. Of course, his smile was no indicator of his amusement. Quite the opposite, in this regard, since the daughter mightn't just be emotionally compromised by her family affiliations, she didn't seem to understand the necessity of deniability and the protection of assets. Much less the purpose of code words when dealing with sensitive intel and establishing trust with new operatives.

Thankfully, the Orion woman pointed out that very thing, which made Garak take a deep breath. He decided to give the two officers another chance instead of just disconnecting. It was worrying that the starship which led the operational fight against this alleged enemy was in battle, but he wasn't about to compromise himself out of pity for their plight.

"To be fair," he said turning his head slightly to the human speaker, "I am obstructing your ability to make contact with those you sought because they have neither picked up on the transmission you've made to the Starfleet Archives, nor can we know they are not... 'Infested' as well. Their whereabouts are unknown at this point. They are alive, but that is all I knew before 'King' suggested I took the opportunity to speak with you. I do hope they are well, and remain themselves, but this has yet to be verified. Which, incidentally..."

Garak turned his head towards the Orion woman, whom seemed to be more cooperative. " why I contacted you. King spoke of cycling anyonic phase variances with anyon emitters, and how it might kill both host and parasite, but he also said you managed to isolate the exact phase variance for this purpose not long ago in your scientific research. If Starfleet Command is been overtaken by this enemy, and they are the only verified 'Infested', then it stands to reason that you have a means to slay this clandestine species of instigators, but you either decide to not do it, or hope to find a more benevolent means to do it. Is this true?"

Simple enough answer to give, he hoped, despite their unwillingness to cooperate on his terms. He was quite aware that he held all the leverage in the conversation, which might irk the officer that dealt with diplomacy, but it wasn't like he was making it very difficult for them. He wanted to know more, so that he could act on their behalf. They'd just have to get over their ego for a couple of minutes, and he was literally within a hundred meters from the Federation president and her staff.

His second question was more pointed, however.

"Lieutenant Commander Jona Rez was the one who encrypted the simulcast I received from Starbase 84," he said, gesturing in a dismissive manner since it was a side-point, "He is an old acquaintance of mine, and while I am curious about the false recording of Captain Ives which he created, in which your Commanding Officer claimed that he did defect to the Romulans during the diplomatic talks about the Remans some time back... I was more surprised that Captain Ives was prepared to incite a civil war in the Federation just to alert everyone on the receiving end of the encrypted version of that simulcast that Starfleet Command was overtaken by aliens. If I were to venture a guess.... then I'd say Jona Rez and Captain Ives did not agree on the potential fallout of the simulcast, since Jona encrypted Ives' real words in the fashion he did, and perpetuated Starfleet Command's claim that you were Romulan defectors. My question, in short..."

Garak suspected that they might foresee it, but he couldn't help himself with the theatrics. " what Captain Ives did to Rez for doing so, since my dear friend has yet to try and contact me after sending me that encryption?"

While the answer itself was indicative of the resolve of the Theurgy's commanding officer, it would also verify how 'King' could contact him in the first place.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #6
Lt. JG Dantius | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @stardust   @Auctor Lucan

Anh-Le stepped up, the deck shuddering beneath her as more Klingon weapons fire hit. "Speaking personally, sir, I'd prefer a peaceful solution.  I seriously question the allegations that the enemy are, for lack of a better word, inherently evil.  However, if their actions threaten a mass casualty event...well, it isn't our fault if their population happen to be entirely combatants."   The idea was sickening, but somebody had to play devil's advocate.  "I can't speak to Captain Ives's reasoning for not sending a covert team to anyon-bomb Command.  As for Rez, their last partner was killed by a cultist on board the ship,  after suffering from some mental health issues, allegedly from a faulty Joining.  There's been a...series of events that I'm not sure you'd believe.  Suffice it to say, it wasn't Captain Ives's fault, and the current host is out of commission."  She cleared her throat. 

"From what I've been able to find out, and please keep in mind that the Commander here and I both came on board after these events, Jona's personality believed that exposing the infiltrators would cause a civil war and mass casualties.  Suffice it to say that I disagree, but that option is likely closed to us due to Jona's actions."  The floor  shuddered again,  and an alarm blared.  "Apologies for the poor audio, we're currently engaged in combat.  Some business involving an ambitious Klingon."  She weighed her options, considering.

Well.  His codes checked out.   Best to take the risk.  "We have evidence to suspect an enemy infiltrator among the Klingon High Council.  However, we don't have many more details and we suspect that the enemy are aware of our source."  Anh-Le licked her lips.  "King said in his last transmission that he thought they were on to him, too.  Why they didn't suborn him before taking over Command, I don't know, but I'm convinced that there's something that limits their ability to take hosts.  Something we might be able to turn to our advantage.

The deck shuddered again, and Anh-Le grimaced.  "If we survive this mess, of course.
OOC:  posting out of order  with permission of @Auctor Lucan
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #7
[ Ambassador Elim Garak | Classified Cooridnates | Aboard Paris One ]
Listening carefully in quietude, Garak noticed how the more junior officer took it upon herself to speak of theories on this new enemy, and gave him a modicum of insight as to what had befallen Commander Jona Rez. He did not weigh in on the comments on a faulty joining and how it may have affected the Trill. Nor did he say anything in regard to his own opinion about making the knowledge of the enemy spread freely in the uneducated masses of the Federation.

No, he listened. He watched, searching for a reason to terminate the transmission and dismiss the claims. Not because it would make his life easier to be ignorant, but because he had heard enough to bring back to the Castellan, and have the Cardassian Union stand back from the pending war between Romulus and the Federation. He was slowly realising however, that Cardassia might already have been compromised, and as difficult as it was to accept, the realisation chafed like a poorly cut suit. Rather than throw it away...

...he knew he might have to pick up a needle again.

I am getting too old for this, he thought, thinking that the obvious answer as to why these anyon emitters weren't used yet was because they still held on to hope to save the hosts of these parasites. Typical Starfleet doctrine, wanting to save everyone even in a no win scenario. They should make the hard call lest they'll have to live with the consequences down the line - the threat remaining and causing more harm by the hour. They mask their foolhardy idleness with righteousness... and it will be their downfall one day.

What was of more import, however, was the information that Ives hadn't held Jona's opinion in regard to a civil war against him. Allegedly, Jona hadn't been killed for betraying the interests of the crew. Garak thought Ives had to be biased, wanting to redeem his crew in the eyes of the Federation, and Garak could understand how the shapeshifter would hold that sentiment. The obvious plight of the Theurgy crew had been the mainstay of Federation media outlets for six months, and the crew had been hunted for the majority of that time.

Equally obvious was, of course, the suggestion that this new enemy hadn't spared the Klingons from their schemes. The indication that there was a limit to how quickly more people in powerful positions could be possessed by parasites was, perhaps, the only good news.

That was when the slender diplomat spoke up, her arms crossed and chin raised. [The reports I read about the late Jona Rez was that he - with his dying breath - imparted the name of one recipient that would be able to decrypt the hidden, real message from Ives. He had mentioned there being more, and we later learned 'King' was another one. The name Rez mentioned... was Elim Garak. Cardassia's Ambassador on Earth.]

And thus, with a chuckle and a shake of his head, Garak knew for a fact why 'King' had come his way. Jona had given his name to the Theurgy crew, and they had told the Starfleet enigma to contact him. Of course... Jona, you knew I travelled with the President on the Venture, didn't you? You sly vole... I'll miss you.

[With all due respect, Ambassador, I think you can drop the pretence now,] the blonde human added, and Elim could but raise his hands in a jocular sign of defeat.

"Very well... Computer, increase lights," he said, and folded his hands on the desktop, meeting the eyes of the two Theurgy officers. "My apologies. Someone in my position can't be too careful. Now I know why I have been dragged into this, and I have a reason to believe there is some truth to the claims your Captain made in that encrypted message."

Garak took a deep breath, and thought of the situation ahead. "Now, I don't have access to any 'anyon emitter', but I am in direct contact with some very high profile people where I am currently at. So, if I am to do anything consequential... I think I need something from you that ties these... 'Infested' to what happened in Paris. Do you have something I can use?"

OOC: As per the General Rules, I NPCed Rutherford a bit in order to progress the story. Stardust is busy with a job deadline, so please, feel free to post next, GroundPetrel!

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #8
Lt. JG Dantius | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @stardust @Auctor Lucan

She was losing Garak.  The man had a healthy degree of paranoia, but Anh-Le was short on hard evidence.  "I'm attaching an encrypted video data packet to the transmission.  Details on who's infected.  Long story short--we have intel from our inside man.  The one who's probably made now.  He testified that Tal'Aura, who's publicly claimed responsibility for the attack, is infected, and between that and the prior intel we have on Command being compromised, the conclusion's pretty clear."  She typed at the console as she spoke, pulling up one of the files from poor Dr. Nicander's interrogations.  There has to be a more humane way to get intel.  Volunteer or not, nobody should be possessed like that.

"I'm still trying to figure out how the enemy think.  Their motivations remain confusing--stated motivations are hard to buy, and the more, ah, practically understandable alternatives...well, none of them are good."  She hit a key to send the file.  "Video sent.  It's not much, but I've seen this guy get possessed.  Either he's the best actor in the universe and somebody's been conspiring to kill lots of people, drive 'King' nuts, and leave everybody on this ship dead, mutilated, or insane for no good reason...or we're more screwed than an unarmed Ferengi facing down twenty armed Jem'Hadar.

OK, that was a pretty colorful metaphor.  Normally Anh-Le only got to that point after three all-nighters.  Or that one time she'd gone undercover as a stripper. 

Man, if I'd actually had to perform...   No, stop.  Anh-Le sat on the random thought-tangent with all the focusing skills she'd constructed over the years.  Irrelevant.  Task at hand.  Battle going on.  Focus.  But it was always hard, when you were stressed.  Brain wanted to seize onto anything to distract from the situation...

Another alarm blared, and the ship shook again.  Anh-Le cursed in Vietnamese as she gripped the console for support.  "Can't those bastards go and get some glorious honor somewhere else?"  She had a holdout phaser, at least.  That would give her and Rutherford half a fighting chance if the Klingon putschists sent over boarding parties to get their glorious honor in person. 
OOC: Sorry for the delay, had a grad school assignment!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #9
[ Ambassador Elim Garak | Classified Cooridnates | Aboard Paris One ]
As Garak sat there and opened the data sent to him, he thought that perhaps it was the naivete of Starfleet that had gotten to the Orion woman on the screen in front of him, because personally, he had no trouble seeing how any kind of enemy could be driven by any kind of motivations. This enemy, as far as he could deduce from what he knew so far, was an intergalactic phenomenon of such magnitude it ought to be considered a force of the cosmos. The perplexity, he found, was in the role of the parasites in conjuction with that force. This 'Great Attractor' as ancient Earth cosmology called it, and that 'King' had referenced being cited by one of the Infested aboard the Theurgy. As for whether or not that Starfleet Intelligence engima had been compromised already or not, he didn't know, but he trusted that if that had been confirmed beyond doubt, the Orion woman would have said so. What he was hearing now was just a healthy level of suspicion, which was ironically completely in contrast with the displayed naivete. A complex young woman, to be sure.

Garak played the recording of the Infested man in the Theurgy's brig, the sound likely heard through the link.

"Yes," said the Doctor eventually, "I see the inside of the Romulan Senate Chamber. The eyes I see through is a woman's... I can see her hands beneath her eyes. She's... debating with Romulans around her. The attention of the room is on her. Guards are present, and they are carrying a Senator out of the room. A rival? Forgive me, I don't know who these people are. There is a holographic display in the centre of the Senate chamber... showing Paris. By the winds, I can see the office of the President falling asunder."

The Doctor stopped his pacing, and he ran his mismatched hands through his unkempt hair. "Captain, is this why you came here? Is it true? Is it... Argh!"

Suddenly, something happened to the Câroon in the cell. He stood up straighter and levelled eyes shining white against Jien. Trepidation had turned into icy hatred, and the words that spilled from his shining mouth seemed to come from beyond the confines of the present. "You could have enjoyed your end in ignorant bliss, revelled in pleasure while the Queen claimed you all. Yet now, you will all die in full awareness of what will come for you."

There was shouting from off screen, Security officers scrambling to interject themselves between Jien and the infested. The thing that possessed the Doctor ignored them, his white eyes still upon the Captain - a terrible smile on his lips. "You brought this upon yourselves. More cities will fall, and there is naught you can do to stop this war. Make the attempt at your peril, for we've just begun."

Then, Nicander leapt towards the forcefield, as if trying to breach it regardless what it might do to the Host body. The Brig officer fired the transphasic cannon, and the light in the Doctor's eyes went out. He fell to the deck - unconscious. Vapour rose from the cloth of his uniform trousers, but he seemed otherwise unhurt.
Frowning, Garak knew that it was enough, but more so, the ending of the recording made him ask further. "Was that the kemocyte-powered weapon that 'King' has told me about, which somehow diminishes the influence of the parasite upon its host?" he inquired, thinking ahead. "I gather that this person survives being shot, and retain his sanity from it? As an alternative to the anyon emissions, is this a viable option to spare the lives of the hosts? If so, I need the specifications on it as well."

Not that he believed he'd be able to engineer the cannon himself, but at least it was another means to use, and a technology he wished to impart upon those he'd contact. On the screen, however, the Theurgy shook once more, and he could hear Klingon voices. Were they trying to get into the area where the two women were?

"Please, send the data, and then terminate the transmission if you have to." He imagined the two might have to fight for their lives, but the stakes were too high on a grander scale to remain silent and leave it to them. "If there is anything else I need to know, I can keep the uplink through the Starfleet Archives and Starbase 113 active for five minutes more before this ship has to switch subspace relay station. So, you can send it through in that time, then we have to reroute communications."

Considering what he'd seen on the news about the Theurgy, he felt he had to add something more. Something that even surprised himself, but might have come from what the Orion had said about the plights of their crew. "As far as I am aware, the people on your ship remain the most knowledgeable about this threat. Thank you, for remaining steadfast despite persecution and hardship... else we'd all be ignorant about what we're up against. As belated as it might seem, you are no longer alone, so continue to fight, and your names will be redeemed one day." What else could he say? He was surprised he'd even found the words, but he knew they came from practise - his position of Ambassador betimes demanding compelling rhetoric. "When all this is over, and truth has prevailed, history will know you did the right thing."

Then, the doors were breached behind the two women, the area no longer safe for them.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1420] Gorilla's in the mist

Reply #10
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @GroundPetrel @Auctor Lucan

Letting the conversation unfold before her, for a moment, like watching a Verdian opera spinning through its countless acts, the diplomat intended to gauge more of the intricate story, with every tiny curtain-call. Her strong-arming approach had not work, having met an equally stubborn mind and inflated ego, and a big part of politics was adapting to the changing tides. Like a kelp forest bending in and out with the currents.

Letting some of her cards slip, the allusions of one late officer, was one concession she’d make in order to have the shadow-man believe he was having the upper hand. Whether that was the actually objective assessment of the current situation was beyond the point. In the and, however, as intended, it lured forth a submission, and at the same time a revelation that turned hypothesis into fact. They were indeed talking to ambassador Garak. The former Cardassian traitor and spy that had a more complex moral than Samantha would’ve been comfortable with relating all their secrets and discoveries too. Yet that ship had broken it’s mooring ropes and was already hard adrift. No sense in trying to row back on that sentiment.

If he had been trying to be mysterious and covert, maybe next time he should’ve opted for a dark background as well, that didn’t give away his distinctive silhouette. As there were not many Cardassians with access privileges to elite diplomatic Starfleet vessels, which was what the dimly lit wall paneling behind the man looked like.

Letting him play the file that lieutenant Dantius had sent, the commander crossed her arms, the muffled sounds eliciting if only the mildest of discomfort. By merely hearing Nicander’s voice, the small hairs on her skin stood up as goose bumps formed lightly. And not out of pleasure. There had been a chill that now filled this room almost as it had the anteroom to the man’s cell back then. The omen of something ominous.

“Our scientists do believe so.” she remarked, leaving open whether she shared the sentiment. And even if she did, she still had her doubts about the feasibility of shooting elephants with slingshots, trying to calm them down. While the survival of a valuable information source was surely beneficial, there was the ever-looming threat of being traced back by the connection they so dangerously exploited. Assuming that it could be kept one-sided and at bay. That kind of folly was the downfall of most scientific endeavors in history.

Nodding dutifully, however, the diplomat sent the data packet prepared by the science team. Hoping that maybe she’d find someone higher up sharing her worries and convictions, since there seemed to be none on Theurgy.

“I’ll have to access ship deployment schedules with diplomatic records for intelligence, to ensure we’ll be able to keep this uplink working on our end, even when my credentials are being voided. It’ll only take a minute.” Samantha stated confidently, slipping into a seat on the conference table, opposite the view screen, pulling up the holographic keyboard.

Going through the queries of for diplomatic assistance to the corps on earth, she was able to piece together a partial record of deployments in the remote areas beyond their position. Hopefully this would help Ravenholm in devising a plan B for their uplink. Letting the wave of praise and gratitude wash over her like summer rain, while finishing up her list, the blonde looked up just as Garak concluded … a faint smile on her plump lips.

It felt good to hear that, she had to admit. Knowing that they still had friends and allies so far away on earth. And even though her innately suspicious nature contested, for a moment she let herself trust that the former turncoat and spy was telling the truth … this time. But as soon as that sentimental moment was over, she knew how to reserve that healthy bit of caution for a wolf that might not have been able to shed its skin.

“Acknowledged, ambassador. We’ll contact you when …” her neck twisted for a moment, blue eyes falling over the slender precipice of her uniformed shoulder. “… when there is something new to report.”

With definitive nod the blonde stood up, another volley hitting the ship – or the immediate area outside the council doors – as she terminated the connection, sending her hips against the table’s edge. Holding on to it tightly, the woman ultimately spun around just as the flag bridge was breached, shards and cinder of the main doors bouncing off Thea’s protective shield as they flung across the room. Shortly followed by Klingons storming into the room.

“Computer! Seal the room!” the diplomat yelled out, staggering backwards from the large pains of transparent aluminum alloy, just as they became opaque again and the sliding doors locked into place. A bout of adrenalin flushing her muscles and making her stomach sink. At least they would be save here for a little longer, unless the Klingons brought he kind of ordinance that could breach a ship’s exterior windows too.

Taking a moment to breathe, Sam ultimately had the inspiration to fully realize Anh-le’s phaser. Well, there was at least that in their favor. The downside, however, was that there was also no other way out of the conference room. And it was shielded against transporters too, as the whole of the flag bridge. What was intended as protection could now easily turn into their undoing.

“Rutherford to security!” the computer didn’t even dignify her query with a standard retort or simple chirp. “Rutherford to bridge?!” once more, silence, only broken by the muffled thuds and bangs from outside the room and the ship as a whole.

“Internal communications must’ve been damaged …”

OOC: Back in the game :3 And thanks for skillfully NPCing Sam for the time being <3

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420]

Reply #11
Lt. JG Dantius | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @stardust @Auctor Lucan

"I'll purge the databanks of that call, sir,"  Anh-Le told Rutherford.  Well, more snapped.  She needed to work on that. 

She couldn't discount the possibility of one of the boarders being infected.  Odds were against it; enemy populations seemed pretty low, but it would be operationally useful for the enemy to get an agent on board during the battle to extract intel.  Ergo, kill the call, purge the data.  Garak knew how to get in touch now.  However long he would last before having to go to ground like Anderson had.  Do we need to warn him of the remote possibility of being pinged by the enemy?  No, he's better than that, you don't land an Augment and keep him for seven years of plots, schemes, and whatever the Hell else Sisko allowed on his watch by being an idiot.  Strike that, you don't get to work as a spymaster on Benjamin Lafayette "I stopped a coup while at a glorified security conference" Sisko's watch for seven years without being smart. 

Focus.  Sometimes Anh-Le's brain snapped into place with robotic efficiency.  Other times she was off on ten million tangents before she could finish a thought.  I wish methylphenidate actually worked instead of just making me an asshole.  And there she was on another tangent...ADHD can suck my...

Situation at hand.  Klingons banging on the doors, wanting the glorious honor of killing two chicks they probably outnumbered three to one.  Well, Klingon women are expected to be tougher and nastier than the men...  "Those doors won't hold long, sir," Anh-Le said as she purged the data.  "We'll have to flip the table on its side if we can--is it welded in or can we move it?

The diplomat tried the comms and failed.  Anh-Le confirmed the call record's deletion, set the metadata to wipe, and compared her luck to a Nausicaan's asshole in Vietnamese.  "Of course the chết tiệt comms are out.  Well, I've got no desire to
be some Klink's glorious honor today.  We need to slow their entry, put up a blockade before they can break through.

The door shook in its settings.  Anh-Le cursed.  "...Which is probably not a
 lot of time.  Let's hope it's a good day for someone else to die.
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420]

Reply #12
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @GroundPetrel

When Anh-Le barked a status update at her, Samantha twitched lightly, as if the hot blast of a disruptor had zipped past her cheek. Instantly easing back into sense of temporary contentment – at the relative safety they still wallowed in – she nodded curtly. Not that it seemed like the feisty Lieutenant had required any sort of confirmation. The contemplations about whether it would’ve been smart to keep the call on record for Intel to dissect it for subtext – because quite honestly that Garak fellow had not been the most straight-spoken person she’d ever met – quickly fell to the wayside, as the opportunity slipped beneath an aria of keystrokes and confirmation bleeps.

Quickly assessing the situation, the lack of internal communication, the absence of an alternate route out of the conference room and the almost admirable perseverance of the Klingon martial impulse, the Commander regretted – if only for a moment – her no weapons rule within the diplomatic forum, having repurposed the armory lockers into display cases of alien icons. Which were now in danger of being ransacked by this uncultured lot. Her blue eyes then fell on the replicators on either end of the room and her quick mind sprung to action, just as Anh-Le suggested a plan herself.

“I think it has fast release fittings.” The blonde stated, walking over to the closest replicator, typing in her security clearance. “Computer, two Type 3 phasers.” she demanded, waiting for the rifles to appear in a sequence through a swirl of blue and white lights. Throwing Anh-Le the first, while waiting for the second, they would surely be served well by something with a little more punch. And as had been demonstrated in the past, a rifle could also be a pretty good melee weapon, if the power cells were indeed to run out or someone came too close.

Turning back to the table, crouching down beside it, Samantha reached beneath the large tabletop, to unlatch the fittings marked with big red arrows, right at the base of the sturdy piece of furniture. Waiting for the Lieutenant to do the same on her end, the large conference table ultimately lifted about 2 inches out of its sturdy base in the floor.

“That should work.” she stated, positioning herself alongside Anh-Le behind the table, pushing it over on its long side, towards the cracking glass panes, just as a shard broke away, creating an opening for a Klingon to stick their disruptor through.

“Watch out!” she yelped, quickly crouching down behind the table, cocking her phaser rifle. “I’ll defer to your tactical expertise, Lieutenant.” Samantha remarked. Because if the events in the Lunge days prior were any indication then the Orion woman knew herself around a fight with the warrior race.

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420]

Reply #13
Lt. JG Dantius | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @stardust @Auctor Lucan

For a diplomat, Rutherford had a good taste in guns.  Anh-Le was starting to really like this chick.  When this is over...will Mom even believe me when I say 'I got a girlfriend in a week, got involved in a coup attempt, and fought off Klingons with another gorgeous blonde'?

Nah.  Her mother would nod, smile, and ask pointed girlfriend questions.  Anh-Le herself barely believed half of the logs she'd seen herself, but they checked out so far.  Like they said at the Academy--Weird's part of the job for Starfleet.

"I hope you didn't have any plans, sir!" the Orion said as she sighted down the rifle, tabbing the fire setting to wide-beam dispersal.  That would eat up the battery, but also ran the best chance of taking down Klinks fast.  "If they're boarding us, we probably need an escape plan."  Boarding didn't usually happen until late in battles, since beaming through shields was like parasailing five feet above molten lava.  Worked great in the movies...not so much in real life. 

Then the door popped off of its rails.  Here we go...  A crack showed as the next attempt opened cracks between the door and the walls...

A little black object was shoved through that gap and dropped to the ground.  Oh, SHIT! 

"DOWN!" Anh-Le cried,  ducking beneath her makeshift cover.  An explosion and a near-blinding blast of light followed. 

"Flashbang!" the Orion called.  Damn it, I hate when the enemy remembers to fight smart!  The broken door was pulled away as Anh-Le looked back up, Klingon warriors shouldering through the gap, mek'leth swords at their hips and disruptors in their hands. 

"Heghlu'meH QaQ jajavam!" one shouted. 

"Bring it, targ puqloD!"  The agent pulled the trigger, and Klingons slumped and ducked for cover, but more were following, roars of rage on their lips.  Some return fire perforated the table, and Anh-Le cursed, but then a couple of big guys with knives were charging downrange of their comrades.  Probably want the glorious honor of killing a diplomat and an analyst, Anh-Le thought, then took them down with a wide-beam stun blast. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420]

Reply #14
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @GroundPetrel

It was Theodore Roosevelt who had said: "Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft!" – one of Samantha’s most beloved quotes. So the logic of bringing out the big guns was sound. Especially considering what amounted to the sound of a hundred Klingons behind those frosted aluminum panes. Though admittedly, there surely were less, even though their determination seemed to be on par with a hundred.

“I don’t usually plan conflict. It sort of just … happens.” The blond replied, making a distinctive pause, that was either because her breath, or her mind, had to catch up with her lips. She didn’t condone these actions and only resorted to them out of sheer self-preservation. The more troubling revelation being that it was kind of fun. She had never understood her late husbands fascination with getting into the thick of it to make a difference. To feel the change you wanted to see in the galaxy at the hilt of a blade or the trigger of a phaser. There was an innate carnal passion to it that echoed from millennia past, a more violent history of the human race. A time where they had not been too different from these Klingons about to storm the conference room. And the same went for the Vulcan part of her heritage.

Following the emerald woman’s prompt instinctively, Sam pulled her golden thatch between her shoulders, seconds before a bright flash cast over the edge of the table, leaving them in considerable shade and safety. Shooting Anh-Le a somewhat deadpan look, however, at the verbalization after the fact, the diplomat by now had figured out herself what they had been taking cover from. Though she did appreciate the original heads-up … or heads-down.

Peaking over the top of the table one brief time, finding a few of the assailants tumbling at their own uncoordinated blinding attack, the commander retracted briefly to cock her rifle and follow up with a few pointed shots to take out one of them. Not really feeling the signature satisfaction from the muffled thud of his behemoth body hitting the deck plating. Maybe she was a diplomat first after all, and an archaic human warrior second.

“Do you have to taunt them.” she mocked. Her face dead serious, though. Trying to remember any de-escalating Klingon tropes. Likely coming short at the lack of there even being any.

Another serenade of battle cries sounded, like brass trumpets in an ancient battlefield, and a small fraction of the assaulting party charged forward in an attempt to get glory at the tip of their knives. Well, even as a diplomat Samantha did not have enough honor to match a blade for a blade. Instead she set the rifle to its less powerful rapid fire mode and sent a perimeter of quickly successive shots over the edge of the conference table, hitting each and every one of the front line raiders at least once in their torso. Some going down immediately … but not all.

A Klingon charged around her side of the table – or half stumbled – taking a uncoordinated jab at her. Not intent on giving the second row of enemies a prime target to practice their aim at, she stayed low, while flipping her rifle over to use it as a mallet, temporarily. Hitting the man’s wrist with all the might her tiny body afforded, she heard his joint crack and the knife falling to the floor. But it was not the kind of wrist-slap that as going to send him home to rethink his actions. 

Mere seconds later the fury had reignited in his dark eyes and snarling teeth and he jumped the blonde with his bare hands easily around her skinny neck. Falling on her back with full force, not even able to let out a moan of pain, she quickly found herself pinned down and short of air. Having dropped her rifle, Sam’s hand now scoured the immediate vicinity for the weapon, eventually coming across a leather-wrapped hilt. Wrapping her dainty digits around it with all her strength, she shoved the knife in the Klingons side without aiming, twisting the blade as the initial groan of pain subsided. Eliciting a second gargle that soon left his throat alongside one last bubbling breath.

Now all she had to get rid of was the lump of expired meat on top of her, before someone else could cease the opportunity to add to it.

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420]

Reply #15
Lt. JG Dantius | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @stardust

Anh-Le snorted at the blonde's comment.  Maybe you should brush up on your diplomacy, the Orion thought off-handedly, but managed to prevent it from spilling out of  her mouth. 

Hey, that was better than she'd managed two months ago on Holodeck Night! 

"Damn it!" Anh-Le swore as more Klingons beamed in.  A big woman at the back shouted an order in tlhIngan Hol and lay down covering fire; Rutherford and Anh-Le returned fire, taking out a couple of the goons, but there were far too many. 

Anh-Le pulled her rifle around to block a bat'leth slash; the gun sparked and died in her hands as the plastic was half-severed by Klingon steel, but the blade stopped, and she kneed the guy in the groin...

"OW!  Oh, đụ má!!!" the Orion screamed as her knee clanged against a metal groin cup.  The Klingon grinned nastily and bore down on her with both hands, forcing Anh-Le to clumsily stumble back. 

"Expecting grievous stupidity?" the Klingon sneered as another went for Rutherford.  "yIDoghQo'!

"Hab SoSlI' Quch!" Anh-Le spat, and the Klingon growled with rage.   "And go shove it up your ass, too!"  She stamped on his instep, and that worked; he was wearing standard-issue boots, the bargain-basement kind conscripts got, and they looked damned old.  Sentiment, maybe.  Either way the Klingon yelped with pain and reared back, the bat'leth and rifle twisting out of his and Anh-Le's hands and clattering to the floor as the Orion tried to disarm him but didn't quite account for his shifting weight.  

"Stay back!" the Klingon roared to his fellows as he grabbed a dagger from his hip.  The one going after Rutherford fell on top of her but Anh-Le didn't know who, if either of them, lived.  "You!  My mother worked two shifts, six days a week, so that I could attend the Imperial Academy!  You will pay for insulting her and suggesting that I...that I perform...such an act!"  His face was twisted in a rictus of rage. 

"...uh, I'm sorry?" Anh-Le offered.  "I didn't mea..."  And then he was on her. 

She dodged the first strike, then got hit by the man's sheer bulk.  She grabbed his wrist with one hand as the other clawed at his eyes; the Klingon's return strike had better leverage, and Anh-Le gasped in pain as the blade dug into her side and tore.   Fuck.   She had to end this fast, or she was dead. 

The Klingon's meaty arm wrapped around her to squeeze, so Anh-Le did the first that came to mind, and head-butted the man in the mouth.  Unlike his bony forehead, the Klingon's lower face was as sensitive as a human's, and the man who apparently loved his mother very much howled in pain as his nose was flattened.  His breath smelled like gagh.  Anh-Le didn't mind it, but, dude, brush your damn teeth before a battle! 

In the narrow opening, Anh-Le got her hands on the knife, twisting it free of the man's hand, and as he shook his head to clear it, she grabbed him by the bandolier and stabbed him in the throat. 

The Klingon's eyes went wide.  He gripped her hand with his own rapidly weakening  hands, the shock getting him faster than it had Anh-Le. 

"Fuck,"  she heard herself say.  She'd been in combat before several times, but this felt so much more personal.  Part of her wondered if she should apologize.  That part tended to have bad ideas. 

Then her leg gave out just as the Klingon's eyes started to glaze over, and Anh-Le remembered that she was in a room full of pissed-off Klingons and one diplomat whose status she currently wasn't sure of.  

Well, fuck me running, I guess.

Anh-Le grabbed a grenade at random from the dying Klingon's belt, pressed what she hoped dearly was the activation button, and threw it blindly into the mass of enemy troops.  
OOC: I'm going to let stardust decide if that was a flashbang or a frag grenade or what.  :)  Also, Anh-Le is capable enough in a fight, but most of her skill is dirty tricks and she's still a wiry woman rather than a jacked career soldier.  Going to do a post for the Chapter 7 rescue mission thread hopefully tomorrow!  Sorry for the delays, Dad is visiting this weekend. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420]

Reply #16
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @GroundPetrel

It had surely been a while since Samantha had engaged into hand-to-hand combat, or even fired a phaser. Yet in the grander scheme of where Theurgy was heading – and had been wallowing in for the past months – she was likely going to be holding a rifle more often than she’d like. And even though it seemed as if she wasn’t doing too bad, while phaser beams singed Klingon flesh and armor, maybe she should log some target practice if downtime every came.

Anh-Le – on the other hand - was holding herself in battle quite well, surely better than the blonde diplomat. Sparring with all the verbal flair of a Klingon dock worker. And even though it was highly out of character, the human couldn’t help but smirk ever so slightly at her jabs towards Klingon honor, in between those of her fists and knees. But even the plucky Orion wasn’t almighty. Watching her being toppled by a Klingon easily twice her size, the commander drew her attention from the oncoming waves of shiny blades and tan muscles to shoot the perpetrator off her colleague.

Aiming down the enhanced scope, finger arching around the trigger like a delicate snake, the pressure point was split seconds from releasing a beam of scalding energy upon the alien, as the woman was harshly pummeled into the back wall as if a freight train had hit her. The phaser rifle clattered against the bulkhead, and subsequently the floor, as gravity drew it from the blonde’s delicate grip. Immediately, sharp metal reflected against her pale skin, twinkling from blue eyes, as a knife moved to her throat. Pushing both her hand against the man’s lower arm, as mighty as she could, the diplomat tried to keep him from severing her pretty head, first and foremost, while her brain worked overtime on how to get out of the situation.

The lamentations between Anh-Le and her aggressor stretched into a slur, while Samantha scraped up the last vestiges of her physical power to first and foremost stay alive, but also to not roll her eyes. Which she was likely going to do anyways if the Klingon and his blade got their way.

Then a loud bang and the assailant was thrown violently against her. Had they not been that close already, his behemoth frame would’ve likely flattened her like a crêpe.

Silence … only disturbed by the stinging ring of tinnitus and the muffled clatter of debris raining to the floor of the council. The air filled with the smelled of cinder and burnt flesh, as the slumping Klingon slowly peeled off the blonde like a wet cloth off a wall. Collapsing to the floor with a shard of a support beams ticking from his back.

Taking a deep breath, coughing from the stench of sulfur and smoke, Samantha’s back slid down the wall until she sat by its side. Taking a moment of solace in the fact that likely any remaining attackers would have to catch their bearings as well.

Refocusing her blue pupils, the grey blur slowly separated into the shiny white surfaces of the diplomatic council offices and the black scorch marks of an explosion. All interspersed with artistic streaks of pink, scattered around a sea of corpses and debris.

Silence … the blonde stifled her breath to hear if even the slightest commotion was still present.

Reaching out to the rifle by her side, pulling it close as she clambered to her feet, the commander gave Anh-Le an appreciative look.

“Well done, Lieutenant.” she praised, her voice rough from the fight and smoke, as she staggered through the knots of limbs and bodies on the floor. “Let’s hope Lieutenant Arnold will see the second refit in a week as a challenge, not a snub.”


Re: CH06 Battle Log: Gorilla's in the Mist [D03|1420]

Reply #17
Lt. JG Dantius | Diplomatic Council | Deck 02 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  Attn: @stardust

Rutherford sounded like she was on the other side of a swimming pool and Anh-Le was underwater.  "Ha, ha,"  the Orion managed, her ears ringing.  Oh shit, the bleeding wasn't stopping.  "Goddamn it.  I need a medic.  Oh, shit."  She tried to stand, and her leg gave out again.  "Gnaahhh!!  Oh, shit.  Oh, shit."  Her hands were splattered with the dark fluid of her own blood.  Well, more covered in it.  The cut was maybe six inches, right through her abdominal muscles.  Walking wouldn't be fun for a while.  If she could stop the bleeding.  It felt like it went deeper than the muscles, too, she probably had organ damage. 

Comms.  Were the comms still out?  She fumbled for her combadge with one hand.   "Medic.  Need to call a medic. "  Oh, she was not going to bleed out because of one knife cut in a fight over Qo'noS! 

"On the plus side," Anh-Le managed, "We're not alone anymore."  Anderson knew.  The Cardassian ambassador knew.   And they had friends--Anh-Le had no clue who, but they would get the word to more people, bit by bit, pushing movers and shakers until somebody could un-fuck the galactic situation.  Rutherford's image swam as Anh-Le gave her a weak little grin.   "Hey.  This is a big win.  Doesn't look like it now.  But..."  She sucked in a breath, trying to slow her heart rate.  "Big win.

Black spots started to cover her sight.  There was a faint sound of pounding feet, and Anh-Le turned just far enough to see a Starfleet uniform. 

Oh.  Guess we don't need comms anymore.

Then she passed out, and wouldn't reflect on how terrible a last thought that would have been until she woke up in Sickbay with a headache and a freshly repaired abdomen. 

OOC: Hope that closes things off well.   :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

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