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Topic: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary (Read 5231 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Brigadier Zyrao Natauna |  | WejDIch Quarter | First City | QonoS. Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The Embassy attack was a well-fought victory but not without casualties. The roar of Klingon death cries still rang in Zy's head. It is a sound few can forget. When the Starfleet medical team arrived to tend to the wounded, Zy refused, almost to the point of making her injuries worse. She spat at their attempts to remove her via medical transporter. Only after she drew and threatened the medic with her d'k tahg did they back off. Eventually, a HaqwI' from the Defense Force arrived with a Klingon medical pouch.

Klingon medicine was not as primitive as Starfleet Medical would make it out to be. It just had a different purpose and goal. The Klingon doctor waved a scanner over Zy's body. "Broken leg, arm, ribs, internal bleeding, minor and major lacerations." He had said in an excited tone. Zy had come to note that when it came to Klingon doctors that their battlefield was triage. Most of those battles were lost the way Klingons fought. But they fought with the same gusto as battle-harden warriors.

He had injected her with various stimulants and pain-blocking drugs and then began to wave an organic suture device over her wounds. Unlike Starfleet dermal regenerators, the organic suture materialized organic thread stitching the lacerations closed. Unlike Starfleet's tools, this would leave scars. "Now to mend those bones." He had said before using a petqaD or bone mender. Even with the meds, Zy felt the pain as the Klingon HaqwI' set her bones and then activated the petqaD. She had felt searing pain as the bones fused back together, the petqaD accelerating the calcium production and mending of bone. "You are a tough little yIH."

Zy was unsure why he had called her a Tribble. Did he see her as a small furry annoying rodent? Or was it some darker insult? He had not stayed long enough for her to ask him. As soon as he was done mending her wounds, he had applied a sedative instead of an endurance booster. When she finally woke up her body had been removed from the Embassy basement and placed on a biobed in the Embassy infirmary. Zy was not sure if she had broken the nurse's wrist when she tried to sedate her. Zy would not be detained. She was given a wide berth as she left the Embassy. She used her communicator to contact her office for an update on the situation. Everything had been resolved but her report would still be needed on General Goluk's desk by the end of the day.

She needed to relieve some tension. Paperwork would only make her mood worse. With a quick about-face from the direction she was marching, Zy stormed into the nearest public transporter station. "Move!" she commanded the operator who promptly stepped aside for the high-ranking defense force officer. Zy's fingers danced across the console. Once she had found her target, she crossed the room and stepped on the transporter pad. "Energize!"

The transporter operator hesitated only briefly as she confirmed the set destination but did as ordered. Zy was enveloped in the crimson shower of light that marked the distinctive Klingon transporter beam. When she rematerialized she was at a higher altitude. Before her was a panoramic view of the First City below. She had transported to a plateau high in the Kannaga Mountains. Turning her back to the city below, Zy found the sight of a badly damaged Sabine. The ship look like it had been to hell and back. Sera would be pissed, Zy thought. She too would be looking for a method to release some tension too.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #1
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
In retrospect, maybe she ought to have tried to crash her dear damage ship somewhere closer to the city, but burn her, Sera was rather glad to still be alive. If some distance from House Mo'Kai survivors was what it'd take to remain so, then so be it. She would just have to get the transporter systems of the Sabine up and running again, and she'd be able to use her suit to return home again.

Burn the Theurgy, my home is here, aboard my ship, she thought whilst she lay on top of the starboard wing of the Sabine, hands behind her head and xanthous eyes closed against the rays of the sun. Compared to Fire Region of Câroon, the climate of Qo'noS was rather mild, and certainly less windy. No sandstorms that might kill the unwary either. Nonetheless, the thought about what her home was - be it the Sabine or the Theurgy - made her think of her home planet, and it irked her how she still couldn't shake that inherent longing in her body. Even after years upon years of expeditions, scavenging and exploration of worlds in both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants - despite all the adventures she'd taken part in - she would still think of Cruhteo, her nomadic village. Any non-Câroon would find it strange how she didn't think as often of her father - Corvo - or her mother - Darzana - but of the land itself. Often she would ask herself how it could be that all of her people had this bond to their planet, this love for the land, when the climate was so unforgiving and cruel towards them all? It was a mystery that had begotten all religions of old, and even though the societies of all Regions were moving away from theology, there was still no clear, scientific answer to the planetary mystery of Câroon.

Perhaps I should return, if only to... No, she knew she might never leave again, and that her return could be final. So, she told herself, as she did each day, that there was still more to see. More to experience, away from her home world. She suppressed the notion, even if it made her feel hollow to do so. Her zi'naaq would continue to suffer by her abstinence of her world, her abilities to affect the elements around her all but dead, but she had a life. A life she would never have led in her nomadic village, with her family and friends, so she steeled herself in her belief that she was better off where she was.

Which was Ironic, since she had ended up right in the middle of a war, where the enemy could hide behind any face.

The sound of a Klingon transporter made her open her eyes, squinting against the K'thar sun. Within a second, her heart having skipped a beat, she was crouching on top of the wing she'd laid on, and she had both her tattooed hands around the handle of her Klingon disrupter - raising it against the origin of the sound. There was a silhouette there on the mountain plateau, momentarily obscured since her eyes had yet to adjust to the light. At the tip of her tongue was a voice command to arm the pulse phaser turret mounted below the Sabine's nose cone, but she realised that her ship was completely powered down. The Starfleet repair team had come that morning, run their diagnostics and made their assessment, only to leave with a promise to return later that afternoon with the spare parts needed. So, she was alone, exposed, but not without recourse.

"Who goes there?" she called, eyes along the sights of her weapon and on the figure - trying to discern any details. A woman, short hair. Klingon uniform... but not Klingon? Then, when her eyes had finally adjusted, she could make out her facial features. She raised the muzzle of her weapon then, a relieved smile creasing her eyes. "Zy? Burn you, don't you bloody startle me like that."

The El-Aurian and her had some history, to say the least, being bedfellows after they returned to the Theurgy from the Coreless Moon. Friends, but with a common interest in venting frustrations in ways that went... beyond mere complaints and railing at circumstances they couldn't do anything about. Neither of them were beholden to the other, having had other lovers since they met, but Sera greatly enjoyed the old woman's company - the sex merely being an added treat.

Swinging her legs over the edge of the wing she sat upon, Sera dropped to the ground and holstered her disrupter behind her right hip, beginning to walk over to her friend. With her feet bare and her trousers hiked up, her cropped off tunic had let her bask in the Klingon sun - her abdomen still warm from its rays. "If you've decided to leave everything behind and go on adventures with me after all, I am afraid the Sabine is a bit worse for wear..."

She said this with a grin, remembering how they had almost managed to escape from the Theurgy together before the Battle of the Apertures, at a point where they had both been willing to leave the doomed ship and outrun the Borg invasion. As it were, the Theurgy had gone to warp before they could leave the shuttle bay... and after the battle, Ives had named Zy the Theurgy's Klingon Empire Liaison. Now, as Sera looked at her friend's uniform, she had a feeling Zy might have earned some kind of promotion as well.

"Nice outfit by the way," she said, eying her up when she got closer.

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #2
Brigadier Zyrao Natauna | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | QonoS. Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zy did not halt upon hearing the Sabine's pilot's interrogative that followed behind the weapon aimed no questionably at her head. Even after Sera recognized her and quipped about the condition of the Sabine and the lost opportunity to escape the chaos unfolding around them. No, Zy had but one determinant goal. As the distance between them closed within inches and Sera made a comment regarding Zy's uniform, the El-Aurian reached behind the Câroon's head, weaving her fingers in her hair and pulled her lips to hers.

It was an action driven by pure instinct and the need to release the tension that relentless combat and near-death encounters gave birth to. Only after the shock of the immediate embrace had worn off did Zy release Sera from the embrace. Licking the flavor of the pilot from her lips, Zy responded. "I can have your ship running faster than the engineers on Theurgy... rank has its privileges." Zy thumbed her collar where the new rank sigil was pinned. "The uniform may just be one of them. If it didn't chafe so much," she said looking into the eyes of her friend.

"Forgive me, I need to blow off some steam." Zy knew that Sera didn't mind her company, they had shared much more than company in the past. "Another fucking Infested showed up." She grabbed her recently stitched arm at the thought of her recent battle. "We should have ditched this horror show when we had the chance." Looking Sera intensely in the eye, "Welcome to Qo'noS, care for some company?"
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #3
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
While the sudden kiss should’nt have come as a complete surprise, given their history, the demand Sera found in Zy’s behaviour was unexpected. Nonetheless, Sera leaned into it, lingering with Zy in that initial embrace, and returning the kiss in full. Somehow, the taste and smell of the other woman made the Fire Regioneer think of battle... and once the El-Aurian began talking, it became clear that her friend had been through something.

Evidently, Zy had indeed been promoted, and while the insignia didn’t tell Sera much, she made no comment either. It didn’t really matter to her since she didn’t belong to the KDF, so the El-Aurian remained the same as when she’d met her on the Coreless Moon. Clearly, rank hadn’t gone to her head either, since she was right there and making it bloody plain that nothing had changed between them. If some Klingon engineers could chip in, though, that would be a blast.

At the mentioning of another Infested, however, Sera’s brow furrowed - eyes widening. She saw the scar, and she she put her hand below the area, deeming it a nasty bloody injury, but at least her friend had got medical attention for it. Clearly, with the Sabine in shambles and the Infested showing up more frequently than Sera cared for, she agreed with Zy’s sentiment that they ought to have tried to escape at some point. They’d had the whole time at Aldea to elope, leaving everything behind. But Zy had been swallowed up by her new responsibilities. Then, Paris had happened, and before there was any chance to reconsider, they were off again.

And there they were, standing in the Klingon wilderness, with no means to leave, caught up once more in this mission of the Theurgy, which neither of them truly belonged to.

“Well,” she said after Zy had welcomed her to the Klingon home world, however belatedly it might seem. The timing was pretty humorous. She chuckled. “Burn me, that show of hospitality was much better than the one I got yesterday, that’s for certain.”

Sera bit her lower lip, for between the warmth of the sunbathing she’d enjoyed and Zy kissing her, she was actually in the mood to oblige the El-Aurian. “So, if you say that chafes so bad?” she said and raised her eyebrows, and picked at one of the straps, “why don’t we make you a bit more comfortable. Come on...”

Turning on her heel, Sera sauntered off towards the Sabine, leading the way. She was of course just guessing that Zy wanted to inside the airlock before revisiting some old games of theirs. “I think my bottle of Reman whiskey survived the battle, in case you’re thirsty...”

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #4
Brigadier Zyrao Natauna | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | QonoS. Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zy watched as Sera sauntered toward her wounded ship and smiled. It like her was in need of mending, in need of love. Sera sure gave that in plenty to the Sabine could she do the same to Zy. Zy pondered the thought only briefly. She had long given up on serious attachments. Centuries of struggle had taught her the harsh reality of pouring her love into one person. The pain of betrayal, and the unbearable weight of grief, all motivated Zy to keep emotional attachments at an arm's length.

The hesitation wasn't even noticeable unless you were aware of microseconds. That was how long it took Zy to say fuck it. It was that devil may care attitude that despite her attempts to avoid commitments sent her diving without a parachute from fling to fling. To seal her commitment to the tryst or whatever one of the Starfleet head doctors would label it, Zy removed her belt and opened the front of her vest.

The mountain breeze of Qo'noS was not generally something one would call kind or gentle. The Klingon planet was typically hot and unkind. It forged warriors. Despite all this, Zy felt liberated, a victor, and Sera was her prize.

With the stealth that only comes from centuries of survival, Zy had caught up to Sera before she could open the airlock. She grasped the other woman's shoulders and spun her around, briefly pinning Sera against the bulkhead. "I'm parched," Zy responded while staring deep into the other's woman's eyes.

Perhaps it was her absorption of Klingon culture that influenced Zy's primal courtship ritual. Regardless she slapped the control panel to open the airlock, something she wished she hadn't done considering her currently bruised state. If it hurt, Zy did not give any indication through her body language. Instead, she spun Sera back around and pushed her into the ship. "To the drink!" Despite saying it, Zy knew, and hopefully Sera too, that the only beverage that would quench Zy's thirst would be hours of carnal pleasure, followed by regret, an unfortunate side effect of leaping from an impulse to impulse; however, Zy's give a fuck was currently depleted. She would enjoy this moment, damn the consequences.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #5
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
When Zy caught up to her, Sera found herself pushed up against the hull of her ship and given a smouldering look by the El-Aurian - the message read loud and clear. “Burn me,” she said with a grin, the back of her tattooed hands against the metal plating, “aren’t you frisky?”

Sera chuckled when she was pushed inside the Sabine by her friend, the day turning out quite a lot more exciting than she had anticipated. Inside, the Sabine was still a mess, but she had at least cleared away the debris from the deck. With a teasing glance over her shoulder and a smirk, Sera stepped away towards the short stair that led to the aft compartment. Whilst she did so, however, she pulled her cropped tunic off and tossed it into Zy’s face, exaggerating the sway of her hips while she ascended. She had every intention to get that bottle of whiskey and at least take a couple of swigs herself, so if Zy had any objections, she’d have to intercept her.

“You’re off duty, Commander,” she said when reaching the compartment under the bed, remembering what rank Zy had claimed she’d had in the El-Aurian military, “so get out of that blasted uniform before I tear it off with my teeth.” Hoping that was incentive enough, regardless what bloody Klingon rank she might actually have at that point, Sera collected the bottle of Reman whiskey that she’d got from Lorad. By the time she turned around and looked towards Zy, she had already got the bottle open.

“To victory, right? Unless I am missing something, we’re alive, and Martok is still in power,” she said with a lopsided smile and drank deeply, the fiery liquid running down her throat. A droplet escaped the corner of her mouth, and she could feel it dart down her warm skin, passing down the centre of her bared chest. “I also saw the real Simulcast, sent out by the Klingon High Council no less, so the truth is out there at long last?“

Teasing the laces of her trousers open with her free hand, she tilted her head and shrugged in a carefree way. “Not really my fight, but I am down for celebrating regardless.”

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #6
[ Brigadier Zyrao Natauna | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zy's minx of a prey had managed to distract her by throwing a garment in her face. Zy bit her lip bringing the taste of blood to her tongue as she peeled the discarded tunic from her face. The sexual hunger caused her heart to beat more fiercely. She wasn't Klingon but knew the throws of Kzinti heat having spent so many years a slave to the feline race. Zy's loins tingled for the touch of another being. With the flick of her wrist in a few key strapped locations, the form-fitting Klingon uniform peeled off. The leather made a squelching sound as it pulled free of her sweat-glistening skin.

"To victory!" Zy closed the distance to Sera. She grasped Sera's hand that held the bottle of Reman whiskey. She paused only briefly to consider the consequences of drinking the alcoholic beverage. She was known not to hold her liquor but maybe this one would be different. Forcing Sera's hand, Zy positioned the bottle to her mouth and swallowed a healthy swig. "Any night spent with you is worth celebrating!"

Zy crushed her lips against Sera's before she could respond.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #7
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
Indulging Zy when she was thirsty, in both senses of the word, was hardly something Sera hesitated about.

She helped pour the Reman whiskey down her friend's throat with a grin, and she was rewarded by deep kiss that prevented Sera from having another swig from the bottle. Chuckling ruefully against Zy's lips, she wrapped an arm around the El-Aurian's slim waist to steady their balance and keep them from falling over. With her friend's body pressed up against her own, she could feel how damp the woman had been from the rough leather of her uniform, and she knew exactly where to take things from there.

"I want to have you in the shower," she said once she parted her lips from the El-Aurian, and pushed her friend through the nearby door and into the small restroom, which aside from the steel water basin and the fold-out toilet, was equipped with sonic shower panels on two of the walls. The shower wasn't just for Zy's sake but her own, since she'd been sunbathing just before she came visiting. So, barely pausing in the impromptu make-out session they'd started after the sliding door closed behind them, Sera clumsily activated the sonic pulses. She was glad the Sabine still had enough power left to activate the shower, but the lights flickered a bit during the activation phase.

Again, she put the bottle to Zy's lips to let her drink and with her free arm, she hooked Zy's right leg over it, and pushed her up on top of the water basin. Staying flush against her, she knew her rough trousers were pushed up betwixt Zy's spread legs, but she planned to soothe her friend's nether lips as soon as the other ones had finished drinking.

"Whoops, bloody ashes..." she said with a grin once she pulled the bottle away. She 'accidentally 'managed to spill quite a bit down Zy's front, and before the sonic vibrations might vaporise all of it, Sera wasn't about to loose good whiskey. So, with her mouth, she worked her way down the El-Aurian's tattooed body, licking as much of the whiskey from her skin as she could, until she was crouching down and applying great attention to getting every droplet that had pooled between her spread legs.

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #8
Brigadier Zyrao Natauna | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | QonoS. Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zy stifled a moan as Sera's tongue massaged her body in ways that only another female knew how to. God how she needed more of this in her life. Zy took her nimble fingers and ran her hands through the hair of Sera's scalp. The other woman didn't need Zy to guide her, she knew exactly what she was doing and where she was going. She would allow herself to be the submissive one knowing that her turn to take control would come and their roles reversed. This game of cat and mouse exhilarated Zy, generating a deep-seated wish that the lust-filled relationship that was forming between the two women would last.

Zy knew that all her relationships were doomed to fail. They always did. Even as Sera began to hit her most sensitive erogenous zones, Zy began to think of how it would all go to shit. They both could run away, they wanted to, talked about it. Plying the space lanes from watering hole to watering hole. Like a 24th Century Thelma and Louise. Was that what one of the ensigns aboard the Theurgy had said in reference to their own girl-on-girl relationship? Two females intertwined, destined to kill each other in a joint suicide ride. What the fuck ever, Zy thought. But the analogy stuck in her mind as the first euphoric wave of orgasm passed over her body causing her to gasp for air and dig her nails into Sera's shoulders.

"Oh fuck, that was an intense one." Zy looked down at the woman attending to her primal needs. Sera's intense eyes stared back at her. "That's one I owe you in return." And so the game of back and forth began, for every orgasm, Sera gave her Zy intended to return them with interest. Zy leaned back against the shower wall as she felt another wave of pleasure begin to build up. She was going to have a large debt to pay back this woman and nothing better interrupt them.

Zy's hands continued to move across Sera's upper body as she worked Zy's lower lips. God how she wished they could escape together and forget this infested mess.

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #9
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
In short order, Zy had begun to taste less of whiskey and more like herself. Velvety and soft, in stark contrast to her strong and tattooed figure. Tangy, and just a little sweet...

The notes of Reman whiskey gone, Sera glanced up towards Zy with her eyes conveying a mischievous grin. That was when she handed the El-Aurian the bottle so that she might let her tattooed hand join her mouth's ministrations. All the while, the sonic shower raised vapour from their bodies, like dancing spectres in the light of the bright panels. Sera had installed a humidifier unit at Aldea, since the original one was lost when the Sabine got her upgrades at Starbase 84. While she couldn't have a water recycling system installed, the humidifier was the next-best thing. It served to cast both their bodies in a damp sheen - the warm mist soothing sore and rough skin. While the sonic shower might evaporate the water, it wasn't as quick as the humidifier, which let Sera feel the warm coating of water on Zy's skin when she ran her free hand over her inner thigh and her abdomen.

Relentlessly, Sera made sure to give Zy exactly what she needed, not about to let go of her until she'd had multiple bouts of euphoria at the tip of her tongue - two fingers churning inside her. Only when the El-Aurian was thoroughly taken care of did Sera let up a little, kissing and scraping her teeth along the path back to her mouth. She was still slowly thrusting inside her friend with her fingers when she kissed her - meeting her stare with another grin.

"Burn you, I'd say you've missed me..." she said, voice thick and barely above a whisper. "Don't tell me you've been holding out since last you stepped aboard my ship... You deserve to have your ashes hauled more often than not... Your mind blasted free of all those memories... all those duties you think you need... The bloody Klingons aren't even your people... and yet you wear their uniform..."

Sera didn't bite her friend's neck, but she scraped the skin with her teeth, only to soothe the area with her tongue and lips. Much like her challenge had some bite, she took the edge of with her addendum. "Once a solider, always a soldier... for anyone that recognise your worth. Thus, you will always thrive," she said huskily, fingers working still. "Me? I have no duties save for those towards myself, and a scavenger's honour... I fight for every credit I may earn. Yet I am adrift like you, always moving between ports..."

She blew air against Zy's neck, yellow eyes lit in humour. "Like a desert breeze between water holes..."

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #10
Brigadier Zyrao Natauna | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | QonoS. Attn: @Auctor Lucan

God how she needed this. The touch that only another woman could provide. Yeah, she needed a hard phallus every now and again, but Sera's lecture made Zy reflect on her love life and its male chain of failures. All were taken in an effort to use or be used. Perhaps this soldier of fortune understood her better. Sera may not like that label but it suited her more than a scavenger. An orgasmic crescendo caused Zy to gasp for breath as she tried to reply.

"F..f..uck me for my absence." She forced her lips to lock with Sera's for a kiss with enough pressure to create gems from raw ore.  Pulling on a lock of the Câroon's hair to separate their salivary embrace she responded in a sensual tone, "mmmmhhhmmmm. Perhaps I'm fighting for the wrong cause or maybe I should hire you to serve as my aide-de-camp. I now have more Darseks than I can ever spend by myself."

Taking only a moment to look into Sera's eyes, Zy began to slowly kiss down her companion's abdomen, taking time to pay homage to the woman's breasts, and navel before descending lower. It was now her turn to give pleasure, to pay her rogue's bounty. Zy's hands gently massaged every muscle they came into contact with.

Before diving into Sera's sex, Zy glanced up at the beauty before her, eyes begging, pleading, for sympathy like an earthly feline. "Let's drift alone no longer." Then she struck, licking, caressing, massaging, nibbling, and sucking on the sensitive center of Sera's being.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #11
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
As worked up as Sera was, feeling lightheaded by the whiskey and the heat of the moment, the comment about Zy hiring her as some glorified assistant or secretary confused her. She was too distracted to linger on the notion, but she was perplexed about what made Zy think she wanted any part in the Klingon Defence Force, especially since she had just chided the El-Aurian about sticking to her roots about needing to serve. In that particular aspect, they were entirely different. There were numerous sayings out there in the Quadrants about how opposites attracted one another, and in that particular sense, that rang true when it came to their companionship. Yet I wonder... what is the exchange rate for Darseks...?

As needing as she was for funding her lifestyle, the idea of duty and honour for the Empire was completely remote for her, and she was horrified by the idea to serve someone, like a glorified slave, whomever it may be. She just hoped that it didn't imply that Zy thought herself above her...?

Though didn't I just suggest... rather selfishly... that we were to leave everything and escape on the Sabine? she realised hazily, watching the short-haired woman descend her corrugated abdomen on the path downwards. Hurriedly, she unbuckled her trousers and pushed them down over her hips. She wasn't wearing any underwear, so when the trousers fell down her thighs and calves, Zy was more than able to continue... and that she did.

Yet not without making a worrisome comment. One that took Sera by complete surprise. Nonetheless, the sensation of the other woman's mouth assailing her sex had her gasp and throw her head back - beginning to undulate her hips against her lover's ministrations. At that point, she had her back against one of the sonic shower panels, and the vibrations coursed right through her. So did, however, broken thoughts about how Zy might want an answer from her, and if she was to be honest to herself, that answer might be one that the El-Aurian didn't like. It depended, of course, on if her second comment had ought to do with the suggestion to remain in servitude to her. Sera swallowed, eyes rolling on waves of pleasure, and spoke in shallow breaths.

"Burn me, I can... only drift. If I settle down... if I stay anywhere... I begin to think of home... and I have to leave again. And..." she said, and just like that, she was reminded about Câroon, and she felt the pull to return. Luckily, the present circumstances made it easy to forget again, making Zy her focal point entirely. "And I don't want your darseks, dear... neither as charity... nor for servitude. I am a fickle flame... free and wild... naught else. Ah!"

Then, she ground her teeth together, and hissed whilst her body shook in climax.

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #12
Brigadier Zyrao Natauna | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | QonoS. Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Even as the body of her prey began to shake with pleasure, Zy pressed on determined to coax another eruption from the woman in her grasp. Sera's words had stung.

As she nibbled the pleasure core of her current lover, "Or we say fuck it all and warp to the second brightest star on the horizon and leave this fucked up sector behind."

Zy's freshly stitched wounds began to ache. She needed more pleasure to erase the pain. This conversation needed to go from the vertical to the horizontal. Looking up Sera's abdomen past her marvelous breasts towards her gaze, Zy continued "It's not charity nor is it servitude. I only want you near my side as we tackle the adventurous road ahead."

Zy slowly worked her way back up Sera's body, kissing each sensitive pressure point on her body. Navel, breast, neck, lips and finally, looking her deeply, intently in the eyes, "I serve to protect those I care about. Those that I hold dear. The Klingons can defend themselves. And so can you. But its nice to have someone protecting your ass." With that Zy grabs Sera by the rear, lifting the slim woman up pressing her against the wall of the sonic shower. Their hips grinding against one another, Zy's fingers working Sera's cheeks and tickling her womanhood.

She did not give her lover time to respond before locking lips and passionately working her tongue into the other woman's mouth. Zy would not let this one get away. She would toss her military career out the window to keep her in her life. She knew she couldn't force her to stay. She didn't want to be anchored down. She was a wandering spirit. But perhaps, just maybe, Zy could be her guiding light.

While locked in passionate embrace, Zy navigated their interlocked bodies toward Sera's cabin, not knowing the condition it would be in considering the shape of the rest of the ship. But surely the bed or a mattress was cleared. Damn it she would make love to this woman on the floor if their was space, and lacking that, the ground outside under the stars would suffice.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #13
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
Whatever answer may have been at the tip of Sera's tongue was swiped away by Zy's, and even if she'd been in a state of mind to formulate something coherent, any option to leave Qo'noS together was forfeit by the state of the Sabine.

The present need for repairs were not, however, an obstacle when Zy carried Sera out through the sliding doors of the small room - the residual power levels enough for the door mechanism as well as the emergency lighting. Just next to the door, the bed awaited, and as excitedly as Sera worked her hips against Zy's teasing fingertips, being laid down on it was quite appreciated. The LCARS screen on the wall flickered, casting her lover in fleeting light, and in the tangle of limbs and cries of passion, Sera lost herself and the concerns about her ship, just like the option to leave Qo'noS behind.

For right then and there, there was naught but the moment shared with the El-Aurian - the soothing embrace of whiskey-induced oblivion and carnal exploits on her mind.

[ Hours Later ]

Sera's heart was still beating rapidly, her swat-beaded chest rising and falling rapidly whilst she lay there on top of the tangled sheets - her legs equally tangled with her lover's. She had no idea where the bottle of whiskey was at, but she was fairly certain that it was empty. She was less certain that the two of them hadn't drifted off into sleep once or twice over the course of the past few hours, awakening to the unsated needs of the other now and again. Whatever may be happening outside the ship was unknown, though she had awakened at the sound of the mountain wind against the hull.

"Burn me," she said languidly, turning her head and feeling tresses of her hair stick to her lips, "I needed that..."

Whatever conversation may have begun after that... was eventually interrupted by a banging against the airlock. There were muffled sounds of a voice as well, and only the fact of the many hull breaches allowed Sera to make out the words.

"Hello? Anyone in there? We're back to continue the repairs!"

"Blast it," Sera groaned, having completely forgot that the Theurgy engineers were going to return, "is it afternoon already? Burn them, first they don't show at all, and then they pick the most bloody inconvenient of..."

"We can't hear you from outside, you have to open!" came the muffled call, the engineers having thought she spoke to them.

"Ashes... fuck you! Give me a flaming minute here..." she croaked and rolled out of the bunk bed, ending up on the deck plating. Unsteadily, she began to try and climb to her feet. "Where are my clothes at...?"

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #14
Brigadier Zyrao Natauna | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | QonoS. Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zy's dream was interrupted by the beating of drums. Drums? Where did drums come from in the erotic ecstasy-filled euphoria she was experiencing? She couldn't remember at what point she had passed out in the embrace of her lover Sera. It was after the bottle was empty, it was after rounds 2 and 3, but after that everything was a blur of flesh, sweat, sheets, saliva, and bliss. No, those were not drums but the beating of fists on bulkheads.

Zy rolled her eyes as she rolled over to the stunning beauty of Sera's nude body franticly looking for her clothes. Zy let out a sigh, who would cover a masterpiece of art that was Sera's natural physique? The first destination the two should escape to should be a secluded nudist colony on Risa. There they could jamaharon without any risk of interruption other than more jamaharon.

"Hmm, well, I believe we left some of them outside," Zy said as she stretched her hands above her head, letting the sheet fall revealing her scarred and tattooed upper body. "Some are in the corridor," she continued. Then with a mischievous smile, she sprang from the bed, raced to the threshold of the sonic shower, and picked something off the floor. Cradling the tiny garment in her hands she placed it in front of her face and inhaled deeply. "I'm keeping these as a victory trophy!" Spinning the lower undergarment that Sera was originally wearing before their lovemaking began.

But the time for further foreplay was dwindling as the irritated sounds of the technicians waiting outside became more obvious. "I however am not slipping back into that confining uniform, at least not after I've become relaxed and comfortable."

"Thanks by the way," Zy added as she crossed back toward Sera's bed, gently kissing and nibbling her lover's neck as she passed. "Just grab us a pair of maintenance overalls and I'll put on a show." Zy gave Sera a coy wink.

She planned on giving a show regardless. Starfleet had borrowed Sera's ship, broke it, and was taking their precious time repairing it. If it took Zy pulling rank and flexing her newly acquired Klingon military clout to get them to hop to, so be it. Otherwise, it was just another opportunity for the Klingon Military to show how superior it was to Starfleet.

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #15
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
Presented with the tantalising statement that Zy had no intention of dressing in her own clothes - and even stealing Sera's underwear! - Sera found herself tasked to dig out some convenient clothing from her onboard footlockers.

"Fine, burn you," she said with a grin, having calmed down a bit after coming to terms with the situation and the interruption of the Theurgy engineers, and went to rifle through her modest wardrobe. She had no means to wash so she had a list of replicator patterns that made up the bulk of her Câroon clothes. The El-Aurian had teased her, but she had no idea about how to get back at her. At least not yet. "I'll find you something..."

She did have durable clothes, since that was the only kind she wore given her profession, and she soon found a pair of sleeveless overalls-esque garments for them to put on. They might just preserve their modesty in the eyes of the engineers she were about to let inside, and she had time to neither find nor put on any new undergarments. So, after clasping the front of her own overalls shut, she stole a glance in her lover's direction to see if she'd finished dressing or not. Regardless of Zy's progress, since Sera believed Zy didn't care much either way, Sera opened the airlock.

Outside, four engineers, all human and male, stood in wait, and their eyes widened a bit when seeing Sera. Perhaps not just because of the way the overalls hug her sweaty limbs and torso, but because of her dishevelled hair. The two closest engineers took half a step back, likely since the scent of the ship's interior washed over them. A mix of sweat, sex and high grade alcohol, no doubt.

"Blast you, what took you so long?" she asked raking back some tresses of hair from her eyes, but she gave them a forgiving grin nonetheless. She led the way inside with a sway to her step, feeling a tad tipsy still, and then gestured towards Zy with a hand. "This is Brigadier Zyrao Natauna, the Klingon Empire Liaison. Sorry for the mess, but some of it is exactly what you are here for, right?"

Perhaps not the trail of clothes and the way she and Zy had fogged up the viewports in the cockpit, but the damages from the battle were in plain view. "Do you guys mind if Zy and I step out for a bit so that you guys can get started? We kinda need some fresh air. Thanks...."

Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #16
Brigadier Zyrao Natauna | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | QonoS. Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Zy gave a wicked grin at Sera's response. When the Câroon tossed a pair of sturdy olive and blue sleeveless overalls, Zy paused in surprise. 

She didn't take Sera for a vintage collector. Perhaps it was from a costume collection. The El-Aurian did not have time to debate the origins of the garment as the Starfleet peeping Toms would be entering soon. It smelled of her lover as she slipped into it; an aroma that she wished to bottle for the periods that they would inevitably be separated. Catching a peripheral glimpse in a nearby reflective surface, Zy quickly noted that the outfit would actually work with the right color-coordinated crop top and boots. Perhaps those items were also in Sera's wardrobe.

She had just finished adjusting the shoulder pieces to provide the tiniest bit of modesty. Not that she cared about being nude, she just didn't like the immature ogling eyes of lower-ranked male Starfleeters. If she wanted to be treated like a piece of meat, she would have gone to one of Qo'noS's many notorious warrior clubs. The thought tickled her brain with an idea of where to take Sera for round two. A bar fight with Sera by her side somehow fueled her libido's fire. God this woman made her consistently horny.

Upon being introduced to the Starfleet techs, Zy responded, "Had you been under my command, the work would have been completed by now. The fact that Klingon Empire continues to hold your Federation hands astonishes me. Every since the Dominion War, which would have been lost had the Empire not come to rescue you. Bah,!"

It was all Klingon bluster and must have appeared strange coming from a non-Klingon. But decades of service with blustering Klingons combined with her innate El-Aurian listening abilities had made Zy a master of it. "If you do not get Ms. Aldnoah's vessel repaired and in a proper Klingon drydock by the time we return, I will personally take over this operation, and be sure to file a report to General Martok and Captain Ives detailing your incompetence!" She could have continued on about how the crashed Sabine defaced sacred Klingon terrain. The damage it had caused in the First City. The pollution and ecological harm it did by diving into the Qam-Chee River. She had witnessed Klingon attornies or their equivalent argue some of the greatest cases, piling on charge after charge to a defendant who had simply crossed the street and caused a cascade of accidents.

Instead, she turned to Sera with a stoic face masking a sheepish girlish glee that wanted to jump the woman right in front of the Starfleet boys and give them a real show, but instead simply spoke, "The air does need a bit of freshening. Fire Springs?" Zy had ended the statement with an invitational question. The Springs offered the benefits of a natural spa but equally, it gave her another opportunity to bath in the beauty of her lover.

She turned to face Sera.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Re: Day 01 [1200 hrs.] A Wounded Shark Seeks Sanctuary

Reply #17
[ Sera vers Aldnoah | SS Sabine | Kannaga Mountains | Qo'noS ] Attn: @jreeves1701  
Sera had been rather amused by the way Zy handled the Starfleeters that had arrived, keeping a grin hidden behind a stern frown. She wondered how much of what Zy had said was serious, since Sera doubted the technicians would have any chance of repairing the Sabine within a weeks time, let alone a couple of hours. Sure enough, the Starfleeters began to say this to them while they exited the Sabine, but whatever they said was cut off by the airlock closing behind their backs.

Getting out of the Sabine was quite refreshing in itself given how stale the air inside her ship had gotten, and Sera closed her eyes against the Qo'noS sun when Zy made her suggestion - wishing to visit the Fire Springs.

"Never been there," she said, turning her head and opening one eyes to peer at her lover, "but burn me, it does sound like a place I'd like. Walking distance, or did you bring your combadge so that we can get a Transport there?"

Sera wasn't entirely sure Thea would be accomodating since she was undergoing repairs in orbit, but perhaps the KDF could help one of their officers out? Either way, she wondered what this place Zy suggested they'd visit was. With the Starfleeters working on the Sabine, their options boiled down to staying and helping with the repairs, or getting some much needed rest elsewhere. Between the two, Sera was definitely in favour of the latter option.


This thread being old and forgotten, I will lock it, but PM me if you want to continue the scene. /Auctor

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