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Day 34 [1900 hrs.] What Comes Next

[Hi'Jak | Deck 05 | En route to Central Intelligence Suite | Job interview?] Attn: @Swift

Hi'Jak was rather limited in his wardrobe, both because he was a civilian and thus could only replicate so many different kinds of clothes, but more because his upper chest was still healing he preferred bulky sweaters at the moment as that hid some of the bandages and creams that helped to sooth the constant abdominal pain he was having from loosing so many of his core muscles and having a few feet of his intestinal tract ripped out by Martok's blade. It had in a respect completely ended his life, and he was still struggling to figure out why he was still alive. What exactly was he supposed to do now?

In his previous 'life' he had been a scientist, and in the life before that one he had been a member of Klingon Imperial Intelligence infiltrating Starfleet so many years ago. Now he was nothing he supposed that as he had lived through a blood ritual which was supposed to be two men fighting to the death he wasn't even really a Klingon though he had only ever been half of that it was still a blow to realize that his life had nothing.

And now he was being called down the long corridors of deck five to the central intelligence suite... wait did Theurgy always have a central intelligence? When he had been outed it had been by the second officer... Trent Carigan? It was weird how events which had been only a month and some change sometimes felt like they happened five years ago. It was a conversation from another life, and this reset or so had thrown a number of curve balls as he walked towards the office he was using a cane to support himself. The artificial right arm helped keep him steady but he kept his left dominant hand on the wall to help him lean and walk. It was slow, but he refused to use a chair, or walker, he didn't have much left so his dignity was one thing he demanded on keeping even if it was more painful.

His left eye was also artificial, it was actually a holo recorder, a useful device that allowed him to keep a visual record of everything he had seen. It had a few other functions as well. It could perform wireless upload of the videos it recorded to a central data bank he kept in his quarters, or if it was needed immediately he could upload to a ships database, It had night vision a feature which sounded super useful but always seemingly resulted in his eye socket bleeding or going momentarily blind when activated in broad daylight.

Arriving to the office of the central Intellegence agency he paused for a moment to double check himself. aside from the fact that he was a bit pale from the long walk, and slightly out of breath he looked only partly discheveled, sweat poured down the ridges of his brow, walking even this distance between his room, and the turbo lifts then to this office was a trail that winded him... He felt a little bit pathetic, but still tried to put on a strong face and knock on the door.


Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin

In Fisher’s experience, there was always a need for additional assets when it came to Intelligence, and often times those assets came in a surprising array of shapes and sizes. In this particular case, they were potentially coming in the form of a disgraced Klingon/Human hybrid, that had once been a member of Theurgy’s crew, but had since seen his uniform and rank stripped away as a punitive measure for his dishonorable past. While other departments would have scoffed at the mere mention of bringing in someone like Hi’Jak, Intelligence services often found promise in someone of flawed character like him. Afterall, clandestine operations rarely operated entirely within the scope of moral concerns, even those that were run under the usually morally centered Andrew Fisher. And though he had his doubts as to the viability of this broken man as an asset, he could still potentially be a source of information, and insight into the Empire’s own Intelligence services.

It was why he’d extended the invitation to the man. He’d read the confidential report sent to him via XO Ducote, outlining how exactly this ‘Jack’ as he preferred, had survived being disemboweled at the hands of the Klingon High Chancellor. Clearly, he still had something to offer if he hadn’t outright acquiesced to death.

Setting down the PADD containing Hi’Jak’s personnel dossier, Fisher stood from behind his desk for a moment, needing to stretch out the ache that had begun to settle in at his waistline. The day before had been a physically exhausting one to say the least, as between sparring with other Officers in the gym and engaging in weapons drills on the holodeck, he’d managed to tweak a series of muscles in his right abdomen. Slowly he approached the wall-mounted replicator in his office and considered for a moment to order something other than coffee. It’d been something of a lifeline since coming aboard Theurgy, as there were so many files and reports to read. But it was also incredibly unlikely to have done him any favors, instead only serving to dehydrate him, and deprive his body of the nutrients necessary to heal more effectively.

“Athletic recovery supplement. Delta-zero-nine.” He ordered, and a moment later after whizzing into existence out of thin air, Fisher retrieved the nutrient and electrolyte rich protein beverage. Taking a sip, he regarded the flavor as somewhere in line of a slightly-sweetened saltwater mixture.

[The time is nineteen-hundred hours.] announced Thea, reminding Fisher of the ensuing appointment with Hi’Jak.

An instant later, the door to his office parted, and in he hobbled with the assistance of a cane.

“Ahh, mister Hi’Jak, glad you could join me.” There was a genuine tone to his voice as he motioned for the half-Klingon to take a seat before his desk. “I’m appreciative of your willingness to discuss some things with me.” He continued, taking a sip of his beverage before setting it down. “Would you care for a refreshment of some kind?” he could see the toll wrought on the broken man, as there were beads of sweat still lingering on his ridged forehead. For a moment, Fisher considered how difficult it must have been to be seen in such a state, for someone with Klingon blood running through their veins. It would’ve been difficult enough for a human to go through it, though he also realized pity was something the man before him would likely not have appreciated even in the slightest.

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #2
[Hi'Jak | Deck 05 | En route to Central Intelligence Suite | Job interview?] Attn: @Swift

Taking the offered seat Hi'Jak let out a low groan of appreciation. He didn't want to admit how much of a roll he was still feeling from the sting of Martok's blade. He leaned back in the seat and nodded for a moment though he wasn't fully sure what the two of them could discuss.

"I'd like some water thank you." He gave a small nod. "But please call me Jack. My Klingon name isn't exactly a popular one right now."

It was little he could do since the two names were synonymous with him, but he was trying to make a new life away from the empire. The name change was the least he could do to try to separate him from his failings.

"I was a little suprised to get your summons. I was under the impression that I am low priority. Even security doesn't seem to care that I am alive at this point." It was a bit refreshing to have a chance to talk with a higher up maybe even tell his side of things for a change.

"But I'm curious why you would chose to speak with me. I was under the impression that I would be going back to the science division. My time as an intelligence officer wasn't exactly a glowing portion of my career."

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #3
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin

“Jack it is.” He acknowledged as he tapped his index-finger against the LCARS console plate above his wall-mounted replicator; as it was a regular option, water had its own designated selector on the plate. As the cup of H20 was whizzed into existence out of nothingness, the CIO retrieved it and set it out on the far end of his deck for his guest. Then settling back into his chair, Fisher listened as the hybrid explained his apparent surprise at having been asked to appear. Indeed, it was true enough that the man’s stock value had plummeted, but to Fisher, that meant he could buy low and reap potential profit down the line. There was also the added aspect, that perhaps this man just needed another chance. A fresh start somewhere, and maybe that could come from a position in Intelligence, or even as an asset to be called on later.

“Regardless of how poor that experience within Klingon Intelligence reflects upon you as an individual, it’s still an appealing aspect to a spy like me.” There was a detectable candidness to Fisher’s admission, which slightly betrayed his motivations for this interview. He was, as he explained, a spy, and spies were always on the lookout for an edge. To Fisher, at least upon initial inspection, Hi’Jak fit the profile of such an edge. “There’s also the added benefit of your persona non grata status; people will choose to actively ignore you out of distaste.” He regarded the man with a somewhat apologetic shrug due to the bluntness of the statement. “It makes you something of a ghost. Invisible even. That’s not always an easy skill to unlock.”

Taking a sip of his athletic supplement again, Fisher wondered for a moment if the man before him even had a personal interest in the matter.

“Of course, if you feel your best option would be to return to Sciences, we could forget the whole thing entirely. Or, we can examine the possibility of you fulfilling a dual role aboard Theurgy.” The Intelligence Chief knew that not all who worked in the field, were necessarily assigned that role. Often times you found yourself officially stationed someplace else, but in an unofficial capacity would offer information and other services when called on. This was the role of an asset, and perhaps Hi’Jak could find a place there. “Who knows, maybe someday you could find yourself wearing a red collar, as opposed to teal.” He admitted, remembering several instances where assets had been flipped into actual operatives after a period of time and service.

“But that all depends on what you want, for yourself moving forward. Do you have any ideas in that regard, Jack?” he asked.

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #4
[Hi'Jak | Deck 05 | Central Intelligence Suite ] Attn: @Swift

"Oh shit, your like a real spy then." Jack said breaking formality and looking at this man with a lot of respect. Mind you Jack had been a Klingon spy for at least two years, and yet he had never really considered himself much of one, so to meet someone like Fisher whom was probably far better at the job than Jack had ever hoped to be was actually a bit stunning, but what really stunned him in this conversation was the rest of what this man had to say. Jack leaned back in his seat for a moment taking the offered water and sipping it feeling slightly more refreshed and far more awake in dealing with this other. There was a seriousness to it a candid approach to a conversation that he had to appreciate for the last month of his life half his work had been filled with communications cloaked daggers, and stuff that still hurt his brain.

"I'm currently under the impression that I wasn't to wear a collar of either color." He said softly his look slightly forlorn as he looked at the man, and at the water in his hands. Taking another sip he sighed.

"I have a few skills, I'm great with languages, a hundred years ago I would have been the perfect image of a communications officer, now our translators are so advanced that the computer can do it all for us near instantly. Cracking the Savi language for instance... we didn't have a computer so we had to work out the meaning of their words and coding quickly, that was fun." He said with a smile that was the last time he had worn a Federation collar. "But as soon as we got to the bridge, Ives had me shot."

"By the time I was awake again, I was in ropes, and spent the rest of the time after that in the brig. Deputy Security Chief Ida assured me I would never wear a collar again. I wore a klingon outfit until a few days ago... and that ended when I was gutted." To be honest the last month had not exactly been fair to him, but he could honestly say that the last few years had been a series of unfortunate and painful mistakes.

"To be honest I wouldn't mind working with you, helping where my skill set can, and I wouldn't mind working in the science department. A duel role could be a new and interesting puzzle to challenge me, but I don't think I get to make that choice."

In terms of what he wanted that was pretty simple, it wasn't about a uniform anymore. "I want to avoid jail. I know we are the ship of the damned, and the criminal. Technically the largest mutiny in Starfleet history. But as Ives once spelled out to me perfectly clear the difference between all of you and me is that I actually did commit high treason. The Klingon Empire if they found I lived would kill me, and if the Federation found out I was alive would imprison me... Simply put... I think I need a provisional pardon. To my knowledge only Ives can give me that."

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #5
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin

Fisher had no personal assumptions to make about Hi’Jak, after all, prior to this meeting he’d been nothing more than a name in a confidential report relayed to him via XO Ducote. He was an unknown. Sure, there was a lot written in his personnel dossier, as well as some addendum notes pertaining to his ‘treasonous’ activities, that weren’t as readily accessible to anyone without the proper clearances. But Fisher was in the business of recognizing truths, and half-truths, and was willing to bet there was a modicum of the latter when it came to Jack. Otherwise, why work so diligently to keep him alive when Martok had spilled his guts in a right of vengeance? No, there was arguably more to the story than had been logged in the files, and given the potential benefits of having a former KDF Intelligence Officer in line as an asset, Fisher was willing to test the waters and make his own determinations on the matter.

It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the decisions of his Commanding Officer, rather he did as Ives had made the decision to spare Hi’Jak from death.

“Real spy, last time I checked.” He re-confirmed, then listen to Jack explain that he’d been barred from wearing the uniform. “Things can change, especially if there’s a good enough reason for them to.” Though Fisher knew it would likely take a lot of pulling in order to get the broken man before him cleared of the rather serious charges lodged against him, he wasn’t unwilling to give it a try if it was worth it. He also imagined the Captain would’ve likely refused, but there was always the possibility, so long as Hi’Jak was allowed to stroll the ship, and not confined to a cell in the brig. That fact alone spoke to the potentially questionable veracity of the claims leveled against him and backed up the idea that there was a path back into the light.

Reaching for his beverage again, he’d been about to take a sip when Jack explained in brief how he’d been ‘apprehended’ at the Captain’s order. Had he actually taken a sip he might’ve spit it out at the somewhat amusing bluntness of the image that ran through his head.

“Well, there’s a lot of promise in the skills you’ve outlined. Your experiences with KDF Intelligence, and the Savi in particular only amplify that promise.” But of course, those skills didn’t necessarily speak to one’s ability to function in an Intelligence Operation like Fisher ran. He already had an analyst working under him, and thus far, Anh-Le had proven to be more than exemplary in how she’d performed. Likewise, Fisher’s communications specialist had been top-notch, and he’d had no plans of replacing Ravenholm either. There was only so much stock that could officially be invested into his department, which left only field work as an opening, and given Jack’s current physical shape, that seemed unlikely. Though, there were instances when someone as unassuming as he currently was, could serve a vital purpose to the completion of a mission.

As Jack finished speaking, having further outlined the difficult road facing him, Fisher figured it was safe to take a drink.

“I won’t lie to you, Jack. The staff I currently have assembled are pretty damn good at their jobs. So, I likely wouldn’t be looking to replace any of them, unless some outside measure forces my hand.” That outside measure would remain unspoken, but it would’ve been easy enough for Jack to have understood what Fisher meant; after all, a good portion of the Theurgy’s original crew hadn’t made it this far in their mission. “And given the limitations of your current physical status, you don’t much look the part of a field agent either. However, I’m always on the outlook for someone who can do some good, and help wherever they can; and if things change down the line, for my staff, or for you physically, then there’s always the possibility of bringing you into Intelligence, in an official position.” Taking a moment, Fisher didn’t want it to seem like he was shutting Jack down, but rather tempering any grandiose expectations he might have had.

“Before we can even get to any of that however, I need to make my own judgment of your past actions and ask you some relevant questions. As such, I need you to answer them as honestly as possible. I should warn you though, I’m pretty damn deft at detecting lies. It’s part of the job after all.” Leaning back, Fisher crossed his arms over his chest, and regarded the man for a moment before continuing.

“Fair enough?”

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #6
[Hi'Jak | Deck 05 | Central Intelligence Suite ] Attn: @Swift

The idea of wearing a uniform again, it was interesting. He didn't have much else to live for other than the vein hope that he could make up for some of the chaos that he had caused in his wake. Any chance to assist the mission would probably be something he would be willing to take. Fisher seemed like he might honor agreements he made, but at the same time it was difficult to take for sure as the man was also probably a considerably skilled liar. Jack's own read on the man told him that Fisher could either be an invaluable ally or his worst enemy, and it really just came down to how truthful the two men were willing to be. A few weeks ago he might have tried to lie to the other man, but now he honestly didn't have the heart for it.

"As I said I wouldn't mind assisting your folks when and where I can, but I honestly do view myself as a scientist, I miss being in a lab, so much has been done without me in that regard. I like puzzles, mental math, I miss being a science officer. Being an intelligence would be an interesting shift, it would even probably keep me busy, but... I want a lab coat, hence why I said if I worked with your department a dual role would suit me better than a red collar." He doubted he could honestly replace any of the people under Fisher's command, they had all been trained to do their jobs. He had a few years of experience and some skills he had picked up, but his own training in terms of being an intelligence asset really was incomplete, it would take a long time for him to learn the role officially, and time was a precious commodity aboard this ship. If something were to slide on his desk, if he ever got a desk again, though he wouldn't mind a project or two.

Jack took another sip of water and considered for a moment what judgement the man would make of him, but nodded spreading his arms out. "I'm pretty tired of lying, I got good at it mind you, but in the end all it got me was killed. I will say I am not very good at detecting lies. Only speaking them. So I will just have to take your word at face value."

"So ask away, and I will answer to the best of my ability. I will warn you... it's a long story." Jack took a sip of water and nodded that he was ready to be interrogated.

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #7
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin

Fisher began to regard the hybrid more closely, and thus far he had seemed far calmer, and collected than any other he’d previously known. The fact that Jack had professed a preference for the sciences, began to make more sense. Most Klingons, even those only partially so, seemed almost averted to the field, yet there were always outliers, and Jack certainly qualified. He was someone who desired not battle and glory, but rather problem solving and a lab. Were it not for the reality of him literally sitting there in Fisher’s office attached to the Central Intelligence Suite, the Chief Intelligence Officer might have outright balked at the testimonial. Instead, he offered a legitimate consideration of the man, and what his potential future aboard Theurgy might entail. He wasn’t certain as to whether or not Jack might fit in with his department, but Fisher was determined to at least explore the idea, and give the man his opportunity at a fresh start there.

In Fisher’s book, every man deserved a second chance to prove himself.

“Guess I don’t need to bring my A-Game in order to get one over on you, then.” There was an obvious playful sarcasm in his voice as he grinned to the man, trying to bring a sense of levity to their interview.

Audibly Fisher cleared his throat to refocus as he went about getting to the business of the matter. “Now. I’ve read through the files, and reports. Mind you, they don’t necessarily paint the brightest picture of your past actions, but in my experience, reports that are this damning are often times somewhat biased, and not entirely representative of the full scope of said picture.” After reaching for the PADD on his desk, Fisher unlocked it with a scan of his thumbprint, and gave a referring glance before continuing. “Walk me through your thinking at the time; what dictated your decision to entrust Drex, rather than his father, Martok with vital information relevant to the situation at the coreless moon? Why didn’t you follow your orders as they were given?” That had been one of three more evident strikes lodged against Hi’Jak in file reports that Fisher had poured through, one of only two that were of real interest to Fisher in the moment.

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #8
[Hi'Jak | Deck 05 | Central Intelligence Suite ] Attn: @Swift

Jack's eyes seemed to gloss over for a moment as he focused on the past, he had to agree the reports definitely painted a picture of him, but nothing happens in a vacuum, and he doubted that any outside factors were considered. He never before had a formal chance to explain his side of the story, but he had told the truth it was a long one.

"To understand my story, as with all stories we have to go back to the beginning. Back to starbase 84, over a month and a half ago." He let out a long sigh and drank more of his water.

"The day the simulcast was sent off was pure chaos. I was at the time fresh from the betrayal of my last captain Hawthorne and his arresting me for a crime I didn't commit, so coming here was a chance for a fresh start, but it was all soured by the false message." Jack could honestly still remember the cold feeling he had seen when the message had played and they had all watched as Ives had drawn a katana and declared war against the Federation, the message that was faked and sent wide across the galaxy, but at the time there really hadn't been any way to confirm what had happened.

"From my perspective we had all just seen Ives declare war on the Federation, and side with the romulans, they had come out of romulan space and attacked a Federation outpost, and then we got to see the evidence of the parasite threat... except a month and a half ago none of the evidence existed." Jack shook his head for a long moment. If they had the proof that they had now... well none of this probably would have happened.

"Nincander hadn't been taken in yet, and the previous parasite one Sonja Acrieth had used the chaos of the attack on 84 to escape, all we had was a holovid of a woman breaking her arm. Further more there was no phase scans, or radiation flood. The old test... god the old test, we shot each other with phasers on a high stun and if you went down you weren't infected." Jack could almost laugh when he considered the complete and total shit show that the attack on starbase 84 had caused. It had been nicknamed the Ida test, for the absolute genius that had made it.

"In short... there was no evidence, no one trusted anything, we were dealing with riots, and of all things a fucking religious cult on a Federation starship. It was the definition of madness. So there was no reason to trust the word of anyone." Jack took another drink finishing his water.

"That was around the time I got caught and outed by Carrigan Trent for my side job as a member of Imperial Intelligence. It took less than a day because everyone was so paranoid about everyone else. I was however still willing to work with the theurgy I saw the potential of a parasite as a threat to both the Federation and my Empire." Jack still remembered being hauled into Trents office the show of force as security had been lined up along the wall on rows of two like a funeral march.

"And, so I offered them an exchange. The Theurgy desperately needed fuel, and as we were hiding in the azure nebula. I offered them an old Klingon Refinery, and in return Trent promised that I would get to preview any message that Ives wanted to send to The Empire using me as an intermediary." And just like that the other man could probably see why Jack had done what he did.

"When we arrived at SuD Lang, I escorted Ida to the control room, and it was there that Ida demanded I send a message Ives had prepared for Martok a message I was not allowed to preview." It was then and in that moment he had drawn his gun, but he had hesitated to fire on Ida, he had never killed anyone before, and despite every bone in his body screaming to do it then his Klingon blood pounding, he couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger, considering what happened when he did pull the trigger of his weapon, and how it ended up dissolving his arm... probably for the best that he hadn't done it then. Ida had given him a Federation type 2 phaser, that he had set aside for an ancient 150 year old Klingon Disruptor, the relic wasn't supposed to have an expiry date, and he hadn't trusted Ida enough to use the weapon she had given him.

It took effort for Jack to stand up but grand stand he did stretching his arms out as wide as he could manage. "With a seemingly legitimate declaration of war against the Federation on one hand, and the broken promise to be allowed to preview any future message in the other what other conclusion could I have drawn?!"

"I desperately needed an intermediary, someone whom knew Martok well enough to be able to pass on the message if it was legitimate, but someone who was too openly dim witted to be infected. Drex was perfect!"

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin

Leaning back in his chair again, Fisher regarded the PADD in his hands for reference as the broken man before him began to go into detail, explaining the motivations that prompted him to make the decisions he had. Decisions that rather unceremoniously cost him his career within Starfleet and had then seen him disemboweled by the sharp end of the Klingon High Chancellor’s personal Bat’Leth. Fisher was glad then, that the hybrid decided to start at the very beginning of the catastrophe that was the battle of Starbase 84. From an outsider’s stand-point, as Fisher had been up until very recently, the battle had been spun by Federation news outlets as having been an attack made by Theurgy as part of their declaration of war against the Federation. A story that still prevailed within the general populace, and that he likely would’ve believed, were it not for Admiral Anderson reaching out with the actual truth of the matter.

As such, he wondered how much of the truth in regard to this broken man, had likewise been obfuscated out of a personal agenda, or vendetta.

“It’s a wonder Theurgy has made it as far as it has.” He admitted, though he’d long since come to that conclusion on his own, as he’d been diligently pouring through event files and reports, finding himself rather amazed at everything that had happened in such a short frame of time. Though, there had clearly been a tipping point prior to the simulcast when things seemed their absolute bleakest.

The matter of Hi’Jak’s relationship with Klingon Intelligence would be a point of follow-up for Fisher, and he made note of it, not wishing to interrupt him as he continued on with his recollection of events. His references to ‘Ida’ took Fisher a moment to realize which member of the crew he was speaking of, as he’d not yet met everyone aboard. Though, a quick review of his memory of the crew manifest soon brought him to the realization of the ship’s assistant Chief Security Officer, an Andorian woman with something of a difficult personality, given what he’d skimmed over in her personnel dossier. Refocusing again as Jack continued on, Fisher could sense a frustrated yet clearly honest tone in the man’s voice as he spoke with conviction. The determination that he’d made in the moment, to trust his own instincts, and not blindly trust someone who had betrayed his confidence, was entirely relatable, and in Fisher’s estimation, it was justified.

Though, he wouldn’t openly admit to such, without further review, and consideration of the matter.

“...your actions might’ve been in keeping with the information you had available at the time, and in the end, we can only choose to either embrace blind faith, or act in accordance with our intuitions.” Fisher recognized the dilemma presented in Jack, as he had chosen the latter, rather than the former. What’s more, was that if in the same position, Fisher could see himself acting in similar fashion as Jack. It was quite a monumental ask, to place such immense faith in someone in a moment like that, especially when you’d barely known that someone. Fisher didn’t like that the man had been so utterly and completely black-balled as a result of that decision, regardless of what level of chaos it had unleashed. It was an unfair thing to expect and demand a man in Jack’s position to have acted differently. Though, clearly someone else had made a similar consideration of this, as Jack hadn’t been outright left to die at Martok’s hands.

“But...” he added a moment later. “...therein lay an issue, if a trust has been broken, as it seemingly was, by both parties involved in this case, it then becomes exceedingly difficult to try and re-establish that trust. Your intuitions may have led you to act in a manner that seemed right in the moment, but they were ultimately proven wrong by the outcome.” Fisher wasn’t so sure of the assumption made at the end of his statement, as he had read the files, and to a point, Drex had fallen victim to circumstance, and a modest amount of misfortune. Still, he wanted to gauge how Jack would respond, if it appeared that Fisher was taking an opposing view, even if he could understand and even respect the decisions he had made.

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #10
[Hi'Jak | Deck 05 | Central Intelligence Suite ] Attn: @Swift

Still standing Jack took a moment to walk to the replicator and replace his water refreshing his drink before returning to his seat though it took a painful grunt as he sat back down and listened to the others analysis honestly he was just happy that for the first time he was allowed to talk about his side of the story. He felt like a heavy weight was finally lifted off his chest. Thinking back to how the trust had been broken he nodded Fisher wasn't wrong, it was likely difficult to trust equally on both sides. "I fully admit my actions landed me on the wrong side of history, involving Drex while it felt right to my instincts ended up costing a lot of people their lives."

He couldn't exactly describe the moment he realized that one way or another his life was over, but he still wanted to try. "We were never supposed to meet Drex, the system i used couldn't trace the sources of it's communication it was too old, it also saved copies of whatever it sent. Destroying the refinery was safer for both situations, what I couldn't have expected was our delay in departure, giant acid spewing spiders, one hit me, grabbed my arm, which was still holding a 150 year old Klingon Blaster, I pulled the trigger and the result." Jack pulled back the sleeve of his shirt holding his now artificial arm up for review and pointed to his eye. "Rather painful."

"It also seemed the refinery wasn't exactly the first thing built on that moon. Some ancient and long dead civilization had built a temple deep within, and one of our crew was of it's heritage. Whatever the result was, I was only standing thanks to drugs at that point, watching as alarms blared out from every console and some sort of Gamma Ray weapon of mass destruction fired on the Hikarl, turning it Drex, and it's crew to ash... I don't exactly remember everything at that point, I was beaten and tied up by a rather justifiably angry crew at that point." Jack genuinely regretted so many people dying because of him, he couldn't exactly explain what it felt like, but he was haunted by the memory of that ship turning literally to dust.

"When I woke up I was among the Savi, and it didn't matter if I trusted anyone, we were in a situation where there was a much bigger fish. For my part, Ives only won my trust when they spoke against having me executed. I had only interacted with them for a few second previously so it struck me as odd that they would risk their word for me, and I am pretty sure the reason I am alive now is because Martok went against their verbal agreement and tried to execute me anyway." It did a lot to change his opinion, and that piled on with the new and irrefutable evidence gathered on the parasite threat made it so much more clearer as to the ships goals. "Still that does a lot to change my opinion. Things have changed in the month and a half since I stepped aboard this ship, and we are now looking at a very different situation than when I first boarded. I genuinely want to help, I don't have much of a reason for living aside from that goal."

"Even on Aldea, I have testimonies for my work with this crew. From saving Petty Officer Lilliee from Romulan Tal'Shiar agents, to breaking Luitenant Commander Vivian and myself out of a malpheasant cloning facility and insuring that her genertic material was not harvested for illegal cloning. At every turn since the Versaunt I have tried to be helpful, and I will continue to try and help this ship... but I admit... I'm scared of Ives, they are at this point my only hope for ever living with some kind of meaning."

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #11
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin

There was a hidden truth that Fisher hadn’t yet revealed during this discussion, simply to see how this played out, giving him an opportunity to gauge just how determined Jack was in his convictions, and thus far he’d seemed beyond genuine. It spoke to a realization that Fisher had come to since taking over as Chief Intelligence Officer aboard Theurgy; his predecessor had been the kind of cheat that Fisher strived so hard to not be like. It was either a lie, or an incredible and somehow accidental omission that had prevented the terms of Hi’Jak’s agreement from being observed by the Theurgy crew. Because in all the reports, and files he’d poured through since taking over the Intelligence department, and in all the others he’d reviewed specifically in advance of this meeting, not once had he once seen any official mention of said agreement.

Something was wrong here.

Had this man. This broken and beaten man been rendered as such by something so simple as a mistake? No. That was unlikely, especially given what he’d reviewed of Carrigan Trent. The man embodied many of the deceitful traits of your more typical Starfleet Intelligence Operative. This was a calculated decision made.

“Jack...” Fisher stopped the hybrid before him, giving a moment of silence to clear the air in advance of what Fisher would reveal to him. Shaking his head, Fisher regarded the man with an honest ounce of sympathy. “...I’m sorry, but that agreement... the entire impetus for your decision to send the message to Drex, instead of Martok.” Fisher sighed heavily. “There’s no mention of it. In any of the files I’ve reviewed.” He explained, in fact handing the PADD he’d been reviewing to Hi’Jak, as it contained all relevant files on the subject, referenced and loaded for full review. “Even in Ives reports, there’s no mention of any form of agreement having been broken. Where, I think it would have appeared in some form or fashion, especially prior to when this agreement was supposedly broken by Lieutenant zh’Wann.” Fisher reached for the empty glass that had contained his athletic supplement, standing to return it to the replicator for recycling.

“Ives had no idea that you were under the allusion of some kind of pre-screening of the message for Martok.” He further extrapolated from the files, turning back to see Jack’s reaction. “Which, if true, as it seems it is, means that Ives saved your life, even though by all rights, you were the very traitor you’ve all along thought you weren’t.” That kind of revelation could be soul-crushing, Fisher imagined, and he hoped that somehow this beaten and deceived man could cope with it. Meanwhile, Fisher realized again, that this was the kind of corrupt Intelligence that had earned the profession such a black eye, one that he was doing all that he could to repair, however impossible that task was.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized for the misdeeds of his predecessor.

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #12
[Hi'Jak | Deck 05 | Central Intelligence Suite ] Attn: @Swift

As his name was spoken Jack went silent and had a sinking feeling in his gut, his smile seemed to fade, and the man gained this mile long stair for a moment as he listened to Fisher explain how the promise he had based his actions around, was never relayed. He tried to come up with answers as to why, but in truth he could see why, in the moment it had been to make Jack agreeable. The two men had spoken in Trent's office, but Trent had turned off recording in said office, when they had spoken about his job within Imperial Intelligence no one else knew exactly the details that were spoken between them, which meant Trent didn't have to relay such a promise.

He grit his teeth for a moment, his two hearts beating in his ears for a moment as his blood boiled. The glass of water trembled, then cracked, and then exploded his artificial hand crushing the glass to dust spilling what remained of his new drink onto the floor as he realized how it looked. "That mother fucker!" He shouted letting his anger reverberate through the room for a moment as he closed his eyes and breathed. He should frankly be used to this by now.

"Like I told you, I have never been a great judge of character myself." He said calmly after a moment. "Back on 84, when I uncovered the signal that was used to detonate a bomb, I realized that it had taken and used a captain's authorization codes. There was at the time three captains on the base, and guess which one I handed my information over too?" It had been Hawthorne, the captain of 84, and also the one whom had set off the bomb.

"I liked to think that I am smart, and because I'm a talented liar that I could tell when I was being deceived but the truth is I sat across from an infected man for two years in meetings and my only read on him was that he was a bit of an asshole. When I got here I knew I was punching way above my pay... but I still thought I could handle it. While I was in the room with Trent I genuinely thought things would be okay, or that he would have my concerns and carry them forward... I always seem to trust the wrong people."

"If you look at the recordings for when I was brought to Trent's office, about half way through our conversation he turned off the cameras and we spoke at length alone about my work. I should have asked him to keep such a promise after the camera's turned back on, but by then we had been talking for almost an hour, and all I wanted was to get on with my day." He was sure that the gap in the record would be enough to at least show they had spoken at length, but Jack also realized it was now his word... against a dead mans.

"I suppose such an argument is flimsy, I don't exactly have any solid proof. From where you are sitting we could have been talking about which women had the nicest rear ends or any number of other subjects." He sighed and shook his head. "But like I said I'm done lying, all I can offer is the events as I remember them, I assure you Trent gave me his word, despite apparently how little that word meant to him." It may not have been done intentionally Jack really wished it wasn't in all honesty. He genuinely hoped that Trent had just forgotten or that he had never had time in the day and a half that they prepped the mission to go to the coreless moon to bring up something which would have otherwise changed the course of history.

As for Ida... well if this was all true he certainly owed Ida a bottle of something, and it spoke to Ives character, not as a deceiver but almost saintly for how they had saved his life despite only having the worst possible impression.

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #13
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin @Auctor Lucan

Fisher had foreseen a reaction in line with what Jack had just demonstrated, albeit without the bursting of a glass into hundreds of sharp fragments by his artificial limb, said pieces then crumbling to the carpeted deck plating before his desk. Of course, in hindsight it probably would’ve been prudent to have programmed the replicators to only create beverage containers that didn’t run the risk of shattering. A mental note he immediately made and would follow up on after this conversation had ended, at least in regard to those replicators in and around Fisher’s daily routine. In his own part, Fisher had himself broken more than his fair share of glass objects out of sudden bouts of unbridled rage; so he certainly couldn’t fault the man before him for having done the same in a moment as monumentally revealing as this one had been. After all, it was a once in a lifetime realization, to suddenly and finally be made aware of the truth that had been hidden from you. That the indignant rage you’d clung to for so long as a buckler meant to defend you from perceived unfair judgment, had turned out to be nothing more than an illusion, fostered by a deceitful man who’d unfaithfully sought to ensure your cooperation and compliance.

Were it not for the fact that this Carrigan Trent, Fisher’s predecessor, had long since passed, he would’ve thought it necessary to warn Security of a potential violent retribution to be carried out on him. Oddly enough, it had been a similar fate that had already befallen the man. Such was the prize of playing such a deceitful game, Fisher thought.

As he further listened to Jack explain how he’d trusted so many wrong people, it triggered a recognition in Fisher, that it would have been a pour decision to offer any immediate thought on the matter. Fisher was himself a spy, which often times entailed lying as a profession. Were he to mention the wrong thing, or even make the association in Jack’s mind that Fisher may have held quite a bit in common with the previous CIO, then any trust that could have been established between them was placed upon a dangerous precipice. It was foreseeable then, that Jack would probably be far more conservative when doling out those feelings and affirmations of trust in the future, and Fisher couldn’t blame him for that.

However, Fisher also understood the troubling nature of the environment surrounding Jack; as so many people had begun to dislike and distrust the hybrid so completely, because he’d chosen one wrong person to place his faith in. It was a shitty thing, but at least it hadn’t spelled the ultimate end for him. He’d managed to survive all of it, barely so for that matter, but he had survived all the same. Because of that, Jack still had some kind of a future ahead of him, perhaps even a brighter one. And for all of that, Fisher admired Jack. He had no certain ideas as to what that second chance at life meant, but he was determined to play a role in helping bring it about. If that meant putting in a word on Jack’s behalf with the Captain, then so be it. In fact, it was already a certainty that Fisher would need to apprise Ives of the developments brought out by this conversation.

“For what it’s worth, Jack; I believe you.” Fisher began speaking, a tone of genuine honesty in his voice. “Though I understand that such an affirmation coming from someone like myself, may mean little. However, what I can assure you of, is that I will appraise the Captain of all this.” Reaching for a PADD from his desk, Fisher immediately punched up an itinerary of the day’s activities, and added such a report to it, with a priority stamp. “I will also review the security footage you mentioned and make relevant timestamps for the Captain to review. I’ll also add my own analysis of the matter as a whole.” Taking a breath, he wanted to give Jack a moment to process the good, before he added the caveat of the bad. “Now, I cannot guarantee that the Captain will accept my analysis as something more than conjecture and or theory. But know, that he will at least review everything we’ve discussed, and that in my analysis I will state my firm belief that Mr. Trent had deliberately deceived you, so as to gain your cooperation. That your actions, though ultimately having proved costly, were in keeping with what you knew and understood at the time.”

Fisher set the PADD down, leaning forward over his desk as he pressed his forearms against the surface of it.

“I will also recommend, that your Starfleet career be re-evaluated as soon as possible. With an addendum, that I believe you deserve eventual re-instatement to duty.” Fisher let the last part of what he was saying sink in a little, letting Jack understand what he was offering.

“And as such, regarding your duty as a member of the crew; I’m afraid that your physical limitations as they currently are, would likely prohibit you from working in Intelligence as any kind of field operative. However, your background within Klingon Intelligence, and within the Klingon Empire in general makes you a potentially high-value asset to this ship, and it’s mission to support our Klingon Allies.” Fisher sat back again, his hands now coming to a rest on his lap before he continued. “In the meantime, while your career re-evaluation takes place, I would like to extend an offer to work with Intelligence under consultant basis. As a Science Officer, there will likely be occasions when I or my fellows need analysis of the kind you can provide; and with your own background and experience in Intelligence, you would certainly facilitate my preference at remaining discreet. If you follow my drift.”

There it was. The offer was made; Jack could work with Intelligence, in an unofficial capacity for the time being, if he so chose. Regardless of that decision however, Fisher would still make his report, analysis, and recommendations to the Captain. Enough wrong had been done on behalf of the Intelligence Department to this man, and as part of cleaning up that mess, it was time someone tried to set things right.

Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #14
[Hi'Jak | Deck 05 | Central Intelligence Suite ] Attn: @Swift

Jack felt an odd something, he wasn't sure exactly what it was, a lighter emotion, one hadn't felt in years, he paused for a moment trying to reflect on it, was this what hope felt like? It wasn't a bad feeling, but at the same time it was so fragile it almost wasn't worth mentioning. He had only met Ives for a few brief moments here and there, he didn't know them well enough to know if anyone would take his bid for re-enlistment seriously. He looked at Fisher for a moment. "My eye is a recorder now." He said softly, why did he feel he needed to say that?

Trust was truly fragile, and he recognized that Fisher was extending a hand but Jack was a bit more wary this time, hope was fine to have, and he had the sense that Fisher would honor his word more so than Trent had at least, but everything said in this meeting had been recorded, by both parties. As this was the mans office he had no doubt that Fisher had recording devices all around. It was a bit of growth on his part. He smiled towards the other man, walking towards his desk. "I hope you don't find it rude if I keep a record of this meeting for myself as well."

"I do believe you, but I've believed a lot of people I think from now on I have to play a little more careful in who I trust exactly, and perhaps trust but verify, because I have a feeling that if I had attempted to speak to the captain back then as well... than the last month or so of my life may have played out a little differently." He said with a soft chuckle, but shook his head. "If they do reinstate me.... I would happily work with your department from time to time."

"I have one question for you if you would let me, you don't have to answer if you don't want, I've learned a lot today, and you have done a lot. I think, your word, and the others I have worked with... may go some distance in repairing my status." He sighed and looked around for a moment. "But I still caused a lot of damage, and from one spy to another..."

He chewed the question over for a moment. "Even if I get my uniform back, and hold a rank within the crew, I think... It's hard for me to sleep, I can't escape the fact that my actions killed a lot of people, does that feeling ever get easier?"


Re: Day 34 [19:00] What Comes Next

Reply #15
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin @Auctor Lucan

Others might have been put off, or at least put on the defensive at the hybrid’s mention of his cybernetic eye, of which was keeping some kind of record of their conversation. However, given the scope of everything that had been revealed during their conversation, Fisher couldn’t help but offer up a bit of an amused grin. Nodding to the man in acceptance of the fact, and in fact okay with what was implied. For the truth was, Fisher not only understood the motivations behind him, but also realized that if the situation were reversed, he would’ve done the same. In fact, to a degree he already was, as indeed conversations within his office could, and would be recorded; as he was recording this one, but there was always the chance that someone in his position disabled those recorders, as had been the case with his predecessor.

“Not at all. I trust you act with the appropriate level of discretion in regard to some of the more... sensitive matters we’ve discussed.” He admitted, as there was always a desire to remain somewhat obscure, in both his role, and the mission of his department.

He listened to Jack explain how he was thinking in wake of their revealing conversation, and could see the same weathering in the corners of his eyes as; he could hear the same strain in his voice as he recognized how he had done wrong, and caused harm to a crew he evidently cared for. It struck a nerve in Fisher, as he saw a little bit of himself in reflected in that glassy cybernetic eye. There was clearly something bothering Jack, beyond a sense of anger and regret. Something deeper, and Fisher could sense what it was without needing to hear it from him. Though, when he did, Fisher felt like it was a chance to commiserate with him and reveal some of his own struggles; but instead, he thought better. Just because he’d not found that peace in his career, one that was longer that Jack’s, didn’t mean that the man was destined to a similar fate. Perhaps even if Fisher told him an answer he’d want hear, he could steer the man down a better path, and he considered giving him just that.

But only for a second, as he remembered there was already a lack of established trust between Jack and whoever held the title of Chief of Intelligence.

So, with a deep sigh, Fisher looked into Jack’s face before speaking.

“I’ve been at this a little longer than you, Jack. And I’d be a lying if I told you that there weren’t times that I couldn’t sleep. When the consequences of my actions strained at me.” He knew the revelation might be crushing, but maybe it could also help the man. “I don’t know if it gets easier. It might not. But I make do, with what I can. I find peace, wherever I can. And if there is some place that you do find that peace; keep it. Safeguard it. Because you might never find something like it again.”

“Take care of yourself, Mr. Hi’Jak.” Fisher said as the broken turned to leave, and he hoped that there was indeed a place where Jack could find that peace.


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