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Topic: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight (Read 11459 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #25
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn 

She had given him a look that spoke louder than words when he tried to make her clear that he wasn't good at picking clothes. She shook her head and simply held the robes out even more so for him to take along and fit. A slight smile curling at the corners of her lips as she waited for him to take them and fit them. Sure, the man looked good in a uniform, though she wondered what he'd wear in his spare time. She had usually seen him in his uniform so it was hard to imagine him in anything else.

Whilst Daniel was trying on the different Chlamys, Amelya browsed through the other clothes in the shop. There wasn't exactly anything fancy there to be found, though she did find two different Chlamys she'd want to try on. She'd return on a later time to try them on or fit new Chlamys as she didn't want to put Daniel through the waiting. He emerged in his new Chlamys and she looked him over before smiling with a nod. The purple Chlamys surely softened his features somewhat and the red accentuated frame.

"It rather fits you I would say... Won't be sure which one is best until you try on the others." she answered him as he asked for her opinion "What do you think?" she inquired, wanting to know how he felt about it. She crossed her arms in the meantime as she cocked her hip slightly as her eyes rested on his.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #26
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Clothing Shoppe | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

“I like the purple and the red accents.”  Daniel replied to her question.  Though the reason he liked the purple one was because amongst his people it was the color of the elite nobility and for the Tribunes, a rank he had aspired to in his youth.  Honestly though he didn’t really care which of the three he wore, he wanted her to like it.  He might even be tempted to wear it on the ship if he was able to continue courting her.  “The colors remind me of my homeland and of my youth.”  He said as he stared back into her emerald green eyes.  “I’ll be back in a moment with another one for you to examine.”  He said as he turned and went back into the dressing room.

He removed the purple and red one then put on the sun yellow with blue highlights one and stepped back outside for her to examine him.  “What do you think of this one?”  He asked her.  Amongst his people yellow was typically the color of medical professionals and medical technicians, while blue was used by engineering and scientific personnel, seeing them both combined on this Chlamys was interesting and honestly he didn’t like the overall scheme but he’d see what she thought of it and if she liked it he could learn to live with it.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #27
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn 

The reason why he enjoyed the colors and accents made sense to Amleya and she nodded as her eyes lingered on the Aldean outfit before he looked her in the eyes. The Trill simply smiled faintly before giving him another nod as she mentioned that he'd change into one of the other ones. She couldn't help but smirk as he vanished for another one as she figured he'd look good in all of them, though he didn't need to know that.

Daniel reemerged out of the changing room with the blue and yellow robe and it did rather properly accentuate his features and skin tone. Perhaps even better than the former one. She walked closer and gave the robe a few tugs to make it fit better on him before nodding "This one looks pretty good on you." she admitted before looking back at him "What are your thoughts about it?" she figured the one with the gold might even soften his facial features some more, but she'd have to see it on him when he tried it out.

The shop owner now came to take a peek as well, the older man smiling as he looked at Daniel "It fits him quite well."

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #28
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Clothing Shoppe | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

As she came over and tugged on the clothing to get it to fit better he smiled a little, he was happy that she was having a good time watching him try on clothing.  Amelya seemed to approve of this one and when she asked him his thoughts he had to take a moment to think about what to say.  As he was thinking it over the store owner came over as well and gave his thoughts, saying that it fit Daniel quite well.  It didn’t really matter to Daniel whether or not the clothing fit, he’d wear the most uncomfortable outfit in the universe if she liked it.

“To be honest I’m not a fan of the colors.  They just seem to clash in my mind.”  Daniel said.  “But if you like it, I can learn to live with the color scheme.”  He added.  He hoped that if she wanted him to wear this outfit that she’d let him know.  The shopkeeper’s opinion held very little sway in Daniel’s mind, he was concerned solely about what Amelya wanted.  Hearing her response he nodded and turned back towards the dressing room.  “I’ll be back with the last one in just a moment.”  He stated as he walked back into the room and quickly disrobed, placing the outfit next to the first one he had tried on before donning the last one.  This one was the turquoise blue with gold accents.

Once it was on and he was satisfied with how it looked he walked back out.  “How about this one?” He asked once more.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #29
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline | Tailor shops ] Attn: @Havenborn 

Rez her brows furrowed when Daniel had first admitted to not really being fond of the colors, yet had told her that he's agree with it if she enjoyed it. She shook her head "What I want is of little importance here Daniel. You're the one needing to wear it." she answered him as the shopkeeper weighed in his opinion as well. Amelya had to smile at the man's words and she nodded before Daniel returned to change into the last option.

When he came back out, he'd find Amelya talking to the shop owner before both of them looked up to the outfit. Amelya's eyes running over him before she seemed to be in a struggle to formulate her response. The shop owner nodded with a smile "A different look, perhaps one less suited for you though." Amelya gave a slight nod "Which one did you prefer? The first one?"

After hearing his answer she nodded "Well, lets buy you something so we can go eat at least." she smiled warmly as hunger was starting to prod at her stomach.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #30
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Clothing Shoppe | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Hearing what she said about on her opinion of what she thought about the clothing, he didn’t quite agree with her.  In his mind her opinion mattered as she would have to look at it while they were exploring the planet but she had made up her mind so he would accept her decision.

He listened as the shopkeeper gave his opinion and he nodded, “I did prefer the first one, it reminds me most of my homeland and I did like it the best of the three.”  He said.  As she commented about buying something and getting something to eat he smirked.  “I shall return then.”  He said turning his attention to the shopkeeper.  “Would you mind if I wore the outfit out of the store?”  He asked him.  “Not a problem at all, just come to register when you're ready.”  The man replied.

Daniel nodded and he returned to the dressing room and took off the current Chlamys and then put on the purple and red accented one, he then contacted the ship and had the transporter operator transfer his wet clothes to his quarters on the ship.  He didn’t feel like walking around with the wet clothing.  He exited wearing the purple and red Chlamys and carried the other two and hung them on the returns rack  then walked over with Amelya to the store register.  He pulled out his Aldean communicator and paid for the Chlamys he was wearing.  He then turned to Amelya and smiled.  “So what would you like to eat?”  He asked feeling a little more comfortable in his new outfit.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #31
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline | Tailor shops ] Attn: @Havenborn 

It appeared that Daniel appreciated the first chlamys the most and Amelya gave him a nod and a smile as he mentioned it reminded him most of his homeland. The store manager seemed to not have any trouble with him leaving the store in said chlamys and whilst Amelya waited for his return she had walked over to the store entrance to look out at the ocean outside along wit the beach. She looked over her shoulder when Daniel stood at the register and as he paid they both left the store.

"Anything really. Something warm, perhaps local."
she answered to Daniel as the two of them strolled deeper into the more populated areas. Stalls of street vendors with local delicacies were found everywhere. The smell of the food hanging in the air and not really smelling repulsive. The further they went the more stores they encountered selling various things like clothing, snacks, jewelry and so on.

Eventually they seemed to reach the food court section as they stumbled upon a square with lots of small and medium sized restaurants. It was quite busy with Aldean population coming and going. Amelya was still checking what there was to eat and what certain restaurants had to offer as she asked Daniel "Anything that really stands out for you or anything you really don't want to eat?"

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #32
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Boardwalk > Food Court | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

As the two of them walked out of the store and back on to the boardwalk Daniel took a deep breath enjoying the air.  Recycled air was all he really knew growing up, it wasn’t until he had left his home that he had experienced air that wasn’t recycled.  The Domes had large air recyclers that gave them filtered air even though Mar’s air was no longer contaminated.  His people had decided to keep the machines working just in case the Federation ever tried use airborne chemical weapons.  His time within Starfleet had shown him that the Federation would never condone anything of that sort.  “Something local sounds good, I’m becoming more interested in what Aldean cuisine is going to be like.”  He said as they continued to walk towards was looked like a food court.

“That over there looks interesting.”  He said as he pointed towards a vendor stall that had a sort of  pastry on a sign, he wasn’t sure what the wording said but from what he could see it looked like a variation on a flat-cake.  “Does that interest you?”  He asked her, he was actually quite interested in checking it out now.  He hoped that the flat-cakes would interest her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #33
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline | Tailor shops ] Attn: @Havenborn

Slightly surprised, yet happy with the reaction Amelya walked with Daniel through the streets as he admitted that he was becoming more interested in Aldean cuisine "Why is that?" she asked him curiously, slightly teasing as she knew how the pilot was sometimes against radical changes from his normal routines. She had noticed it slightly a few times and had heard quite a bit of it through gossip of course. Though she allowed the pilot to have the benefit of the doubt.

He pointed at a local vendor who was selling a sort of pastry, she had to laugh a little and shrugged "Pastries are more for dessert no?" she answered him yet walked over to the stall to look what else he sold. There was a wide variety of pastries and the smell of it was rather sweet. Some were ornamented with fruits others with a layer of icing which could be sugar based or something more local.

The vendor happily explained what each pastry contained. He also mentioned that Aldeans used the pastry as a sort of starter or snack. Amelya was seduced to try out one if Daniel would take another one as well. Choosing for a pastry with a local fruit mousse on the inside and a topping that was a mix of white glaze and a blue-ish glaze for decorative purposes. She sniffed at the pastry and looked at Daniel to see what he'd take. When he chose and they paid up, she took a bite and let the flavors roll over her tongue before humming contently "How's yours?" she asked curiously as she offered him a piece of hers by holding it out "Want to taste mine?"

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #34
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Boardwalk > Food Court | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

“Well I don’t think it’ll come to you as a surprise that I don’t really like to try other culture’s cuisines, but being out here with you has opened my eyes a bit and I’m enjoying myself more than I thought I would down here.”  Daniel admitted, although he was fairly sure he was enjoying his time on the planet because of her, he wouldn’t have enjoyed his time here by himself or with Uriah or Meony.

“I suppose they can be, but we are here to sample, might as well start with some dessert.”  He said with a smile as they walked over to the vendor, hearing that Aldean culture typically used pastries as a starter was interesting.  Daniel looked at the pastries and as he listened to what each one had in it he decided to do something out of his comfort zone and pick one of the more, at least in his mind, radical choices.  He selected a pastry that was folded around itself like a two dimensional coil, it had a glaze frosting and a jelly interior.  He paid the vendor for both of their pastries and watched her take a bite of hers and he took a bite of his.

It had an interesting taste, the jelly tasted familiar yet still foreign and the glaze added in a nice touch.  As she asked how’s his was he smiled.  “It tastes interesting, I’ve never had a combination like this before, the jelly tastes familiar but foreign.  How is yours?”   He asked as she offered up her.  “I would love to.”  He said as he took a bite from her pastry.  Hers tasted good, the fruit inside was quite enjoyable.  “Would you like a taste of mine?”  He asked returning the favor.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #35
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline | Tailor shops ] Attn: @Havenborn

"Glad to know I've opened your experiences an boundaries Daniel."
she smiled as he seemed to be enjoying himself properly. She walked over to the vendor with him and as he made his choice for pastry she smirked as he had told her that they could sample out the pastries and start with dessert "I might have to ask where Daniel has gone to at the end of the night if you keep this up, perhaps even admit you for a psych consult." she teased him.

"Mine's great, a nice fruity punch to it and just general sweetness." she explained it to him before he agreed to take a bite. She carefully offered him the whole thing to bite as much as he wanted before he wanted to return the favor. She smiled and nodded as she leaned in to bite from the pastry as well.

Daniel hadn't lied, it did taste rather familiar, though hard to point out what it exactly was "I get what you mean." she answered him with a smile as she genuinely seemed to enjoy her. She pointed at a square that had lots of vendors. It seemed like marketplace with vendors all around the outskirts and tables to eat your meals "That looks interesting, we can try out lots of stuff there I think. If you're interested."

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #36
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Boardwalk > Food Court | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel chuckled as she teased him.  “I’m sure that you could conduct that consultation yourself Doctor.”  He said with a smirk.  He couldn’t help but feel relaxed around her, at least to a certain degree; although if they had been on the ship in a more secure location he was sure that he’d be far more relaxed.

He slowly finished his pastry and as she pointed out another location that had more food vendors he nodded.  “I wouldn’t mind that at all.”  He said with a smile as he held out his arm for her to take, once she took his arm he led her over towards the new area.  This area of the food court was a bit busier and had more people waiting for their food, it seemed like this was where the main entrees were served, there were dozens of signs that displayed different types of foods, from the images alone Daniel was actually interested in trying a few of them.  “Does anything look immediately interesting to you?”  He asked her.  One of the food vendors specialized in what looked like pasta noodles, but they were green and looked like they might have come from the ocean.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #37
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | City Center | Food Court ] Attn: @Havenborn

Generously Daniel offered his arm as he didn't have any objections to go to the food court. Amelya strolled alongside him as she let the various smells of the food fill her nostrils. He asked if anything interested her and she did stop at the noodle vendor who also seemed to have oversized shrimps as well. They looked delicious and she slid her hand from Daniel's arm to point at them and ask the vendor what they were.

After getting a full on explanation she was convinced and ordered herself a portion of the green noodles which were vegetables in fact along with a skewer which held 4 shrimps in total. They were decorated with an orange looking sauce with blue specks on them. It would be a medium to hot sauce that would work well with the noodles and shrimps. Amelya smiled happily at the given dish in a wooden container as she looked up to Daniel "Anything you've seen that you'd want to try out?" she asked him.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #38
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Boardwalk > Food Court | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel watched as Amelya made her selection, she had chosen the green noodles with shrimp and an orange sauce with blue specks that looked incredibly alien and strange to Daniel.  He looked over the selection and opted for what looked like a huge ravioli but was blue and had the same orange sauce but with green specks covering it.  As Amelya asked him a question he pointed to the ravioli.  “I’ll take that.”  He said to the merchant.  “That one looks interesting.”  He said to Amelya.  “How’s yours?”  He asked her.

The merchant placed the selected dish on a tray and handed it to Daniel, then explained that it was a true delicacy, the blue ravioli was a type of semi-hard fruit that had been cut open and an red-colored jelly was placed inside to give it a unique flavor with a low-to-medium sauce drizzled on it to spice it up.  Daniel thanked the man and took a bite of his dish.  It was definitely a weird and strange combination but oddly it worked well.

”Would you like a taste of mine?”  Daniel asked Amelya as he finished chewing his first bite.  “We should also find something to drink.”  He said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #39
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | City Center | Food Court ] Attn: @Havenborn

While Amelya started to taste her food she watched Daniel order his thing as he went for something special as well it seemed. The vendor told him it would be a true delicacy which had Amelya curious about it. She looked at him as he tried it and he seemed to like it which made her smile broadly. As he had asked how hers was she nodded "Mwreally goowd!" she answered as she was quite hungry it seemed.

They strolled while they ate and as he suggested that they needed drinks she nodded. Stopping at a new vendor who sold nothing but drinks she opted for an Aldean created wine. It was purple color wise yet had the same smell of Risian wine. She looked back at him as he asked if she wanted a bite of his "Only if you taste mine." she answered with a grin before she leaned into him so he could feed her. 

"What would you like to drink by the way? I'm buying." she asked him as she placed her order for the wine. She nodded over to one of the small tables in the middle of the square "We can sit over there if you like. Enjoy our meal at ease instead of walking around." she suggested as she looked Daniel in the eyes.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #40
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Boardwalk > Food Court | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel smiled as she replied still chewing her food.  “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to talk with food in your mouth.”  He said with a chuckle.  He looked around for a place to purchase beverages but she managed to spot a vendor before he did.  As she responded an affirmative to tasting his dish only if he tasted her dish he nodded.  “I would love to.”  He said as he used the utensil to cut off a chunk of the “ravioli” and allowed her to take a bite of it from his utensil.  He then leaned in to allow her to feed him part of her dish.

As he tasted hers, the noodles, being a type of vegetable, taste strange but good the sauce definitely gave it a unique taste.  As she offered to buy his drink he took a look at the selections offered.  “I’ll just have a glass of water with a lemon.”  He said to the vendor who produced his drink a moment later.  She nodded towards one of the small tables in the middle of the food court and suggested that they could go sit over there and finish their meal.  He looked back into her emerald green eyes and smiled.  “I’d like that.”  He said as he grabbed his drink as she paid for it.  He walked over to the table with her, set his food down and sat down across from her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #41
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | City Center | Food Court ] Attn: @Havenborn

She had to laugh before shooting him a look about pointing out to her that she couldn't talk when having her mouth full. She let the look linger before they moved on and as they shared their dishes, Amelya found the ravioli to taste rather good as well. It was a refreshing flavor to have and she enjoyed her noodles once more. When he had told her what he'd like to drink she ordered the drinks and handed him his glass before walking back with him to the middle of the food court to sit at the table.

Once there she looked around her, most people Aldean, eating and chatting as the food court certainly had a cozy vibe to it. She continued eating and let her eyes wander around her before resting them back on Daniel. She chose not to talk about the ship in orbit as that would count as work. She much preferred to not bring work topics up during this trip.

Her eyes kept looking into Daniel's as she broke the silence that had lingered for a small while now "Any more plans for when we're done with eating?" she asked him as she took another bite from her meal. She quite enjoyed the easy going pace at the moment and felt quite relaxed as she crossed her legs underneath the table, her foot grazing against Daniel's leg be it accidental or deliberate. She wasn't sure how at ease he was. 

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #42
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Boardwalk > Food Court | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel enjoyed eating his meal it was quite good, he’d have to see if he could get the recipe stored in the Theurgy’s database so that he could have it once they’ve finally left the planet.  He watched as Amelya looked around and watched the food court, he stole a few glances around as well but mostly kept his attention on her.  He could stare into her emerald eyes forever and possibly even get lost in them.  He enjoyed her staring back into his eyes and quite enjoyed the reciprocation.  As she spoke he pondered what else they could do, while he had originally planned picnic on the beach that plan had changed after his incident on the beach.  A thought suddenly occurred to him.

“Well after we finish our meals, how would a walk into the city proper sound to you?”  He asked as he felt her leg brush against his.  He smiled at her and slowly extended his leg to meet hers at least as well as he could manage in the Chlmays, it was somewhat of an awkward garb to try to play footsie with someone in at least that’s what he hoped she was trying to do.  Suddenly he was worried that he might have read that signal wrong.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #43
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | City Center | Food Court ] Attn: @Havenborn

It was quite a pleasant meal to be shared with Daniel as Amelya looked at him and he at her. It was an odd thing and the Trill couldn't help but laugh a little at the moment before she looked away from him. She listened to his suggestion to go and explore the city earnestly and she gave it some thought before nodding "I think I'd be up for that." she admitted as she nipped from her drink again.

Daniel's leg moved back against her, be it in a more stronger fashion of the word. Her eyes darted back to him as she snickered a little, again, choosing not to say anything as she let her leg continue to brush against his. She kept gazing in his eyes and kept doing so for a few seconds if not a minute before speaking up "So would you like dessert too here or just go and explore?" she asked him with a smile on her lips.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #44
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Boardwalk > Food Court | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel thought about her question for a moment as he continued to brush his leg against hers.  “How about we get some desert to go?”  He asked her.  He wasn’t sure if they had something simple that they could just carry but he figured they might considering the confection that they had earlier.  He really enjoyed the way that she looked into his eyes and he quite enjoyed her smile as well.  He was interested in seeing what the interior of the city looked like, having seen what the rest of the world was like he was intrigued.

For some reason this world seemed to resemble Mars in some ways, the sandstorms being the biggest thing.  Sandstorms on Mars were akin to thunderstorms on Earth and the sandstorms here reminded him of his ancestral home.  “I am curious to see what the interior of the city looks like.”  He said to her.  Daniel hoped that Amelya would feel the same as well, it was after all her idea to come down to the planet.  Originally he would never have agreed to it but there was just something about Amelya that was different from other women he had courted before and it wasn’t that she was a Trill.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #45
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | City Center | Food Court ] Attn: @Havenborn

The suggestion to get something to eat on the go as desert sounded quite enticing and Rez nodded with a smile "Sure, that could work." She gave it a few more moments before she slowly got up and waited for him to lead the way. He voiced out he'd want to see the city interior and Rez nodded "Sure, we can have a peek, we've got time after all." she smiled.

She leaned into him an slid her arm in his so he could lead the way as she looked around, taking in all the things about Aldean culture and cuisine as they walked. Amelya didn't say much for the moment as she just got lost in the strange new world she was in. She did hold on to Daniel for now and tasted from a few samples of things as they explored them along the way.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #46
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Food Court > City Interior | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel stood and waited for her to join him, as she did he led her towards a desert vendor and bought a desert that looked like popcorn with a syrupy-sugar coating.  “An excellent choice sir, that is Pyara-Khatta Fal, a delicacy.”  Said the vendor.  He tried one and it had a sweet fruity taste to it and then he thanked the vendor.

As they continued on entering the city proper Daniel enjoyed the sights of the tall buildings, he kept the two of them on the pedestrian walkway as they began to enter the city interior.  Daniel had expected more of an industrial feel as they got into the interior but the city’s architecture was much of the same here as it was everywhere else.  “This city is beautiful.”  Daniel commented.

As they were walking Daniel noticed enamored she had become with the city and smiled.  He took another bite of the Pyara-Khatta Fal he had bought and this piece had a sour fruity taste, it was a much different taste to the earlier piece he had.  “Is there somewhere that you’d like to go to?”  He asked, he was quite content just walking with her aimlessly throughout the city.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #47
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | City Center | Food Court ] Attn: @Havenborn

Whilst Daniel bought himself his desert, Amelya decided to take the same as she nibbled from the treat. It was easy food to snack on whilst walking. Perfect for what they were doing really. The city truly had it's charm and as Daniel voiced out that the city was a beauty, Amelya laughed a little and nodded "It is, lovely architecture and the people are all so nice." she answered him as she took in another pop of her snack.

Amelya shrugged and shook her head "No, nowhere in particular really. I'm quite enjoying the exploratory tour we're making. Unless you know a place we could head out to to see?" she answered him as the night sky was quite visible even with all the city lights. Amelya truly savored her time on solid ground instead of on a ship. She stopped by a commercial screen and looked at the info about the spa's Aldea held. She might be interested in going to one of them if time allowed so.

"Do you think there's something down on the planet you'd like to do? Like activity wise?" she asked him curiously as she wondered what Daniel would do for fun down on Aldea.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #48
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, City Interior | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

“The people are really what make this city so wonderful.  I’m also blessed to be in such amazing company as well.  I don’t think I would have had such a pleasant time with anyone else.”  Daniel said with a smile.  He had never really enjoyed his time on other planets, he much preferred to spend his free time in the holodeck but Amelya’s company had made this outing incredible, even the incident in the water.  He took another couple bites of the dessert and shook his head.  “I did some preliminary research of the shoreline and coastal area but not of the city itself.  Although I too am enjoying our exploratory tour.”  He said with a smile.

He noticed as she stopped to watch a commercial screen and saw the spa info, when she asked if there was something he wanted to do, a thought formed in his mind.  “I’m already doing what I’d like to do but what about you, would you like to visit that spa together?”  He asked her.  He wasn’t really sure what happened at a spa, he assumed it was some sort of fancy hygienic facility from the images that he had seen.  When it came to activities to do on the planet Daniel was enjoying spending time with Amelya, it didn’t really matter to him what they did as long as they did it together.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #49
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | City Center | Food Court ] Attn: @Havenborn

Rez laughed amused at Daniels words and she shook her head and gave a shrug eventually "I don't know Daniel, I think you'd enjoy your time here regardless." she answered him as they continued to wander through the city. She looked him over and smiled when he said he'd done research and she shook her head slightly as he did tell her that he enjoyed the exploratory tour they were having.

Daniel asked her about the spa and Amelya gave it some thought before shrugging "Maybe, when I find some free time. I can't remember when I've visited a good spa so it's certainly something I'd not mind doing." she mused but knew her schedule was pretty packed then ext few days. Perhaps she'd be able to sneak some time in somewhere, but she wasn't sure. "We'll see." she concluded "Come on, lets continue."

They got to the edge of the clubs and entertainment districts of Aldea and Rez had to laugh a little before she looked at Daniel "Those look like fun, but I'm pretty much spent for tonight. Reckon we could head back to the ship?" she asked Daniel, not sure if he was the party type or not.

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