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Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

[ Sinead O'Riley | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
Ye will let me free! said Sinead in her own head. The auburn haired Bringloidi turned her head, and almost saw a carbon copy of herself, except for the fact this copy had a manic gleam in her eyes as she rushed towards Sinead. Coming to a stop in the corridor just outside the gymnasium, she closed her eyes and she momentarily engaged with a struggle with herself. Her emotional self, the one that had grown into an out-of-control being that sought only to rage and scream should she take control of Sinead.

“Peace, be still, Sinead O'Riley,” said Sinead, inwardly to herself, while she uttered not a word out loud. She grappled her angry self and held her in a headlock until she relented and vanished. It was strange how she had a growing alternate personality that was almost a separate being by herself. It certainly was confusing. Was she a part of her, or some sort of alien manifestation from her time when she was lost in space? She never spoke about this constant struggle that began shortly after her visit to the Vulcans and she embraced the teachings of Surak.

Mentally shaking her head, she continued on her way and entered the gym. She'd chosen her basic attire for whenever she would visit the gym: a sleeveless loose white top and dark shorts, with her hands and feet wrapped in protective cloth. After casting her drinking tumbler and towel onto the nearby bench, she went to the center of the room, and began to get into a rhythmic breathing, whilst slowly bending her body and moving her hands in circular, arcing motions, something Terrans called Tai Chi, or what the Klingons called Mok'bara. They were similar in principles to some degree. Of course the Klingons had a whole other opinion on ideals. While she centered herself and her emotional balance with this exercise, she remained wholly alert to her surroundings, still wary despite herself, and ready for surprises. After all, there were the Devoted to deal with. Just yesterday saw a few violent encounters. And there was what happened with Meony. She wouldn't admit anything, but Sinead had her suspicions. She was Security before, and old habits died hard.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

Reply #1
[ LCdr Leon "Striker" Marquez | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]

It was just about five years earlier when Leon first took up both Vulcan and Shaolin meditation when he was in what he considered the peak of his Starfleet career. He'd only joined to be a racer, an idealist committed to the human currency of ambition and familial and personal pride the way his father had become a household name in the world of soccer. Marquez the Elder instilled a proud spirit in his son, whose life wound up being forged by war and loss.  Leon hadn't seen his siblings in that time and deeply missed his family, ever since the Breen killed his mother on Earth and his father was a prisoner of the Cardassians, never to be seen again. While he kept a short-list of friends, most first officers made it a personal point to avoid overfamiliarization with their crews, and Captain Solok nearly succeeded in deprogramming compassion out of him, but the Vulcan could only jade the Mexican athletic pilot from so much before being assigned to an Andorian captain who adamantly promoted a collective team ethic attitude whose legacy lived on in Marquez's 'Together Everyone Advances Marvelously' philosophy.

The night after he was released from Sickbay, Lieutenant Commander Marquez was shown his quarters left to him by his predecessor, Lieutenant T'less. When offered to redecorate, he asked the quartermaster to return the Vulcan's personal effects but to keep the artwork and meditation set. From what he'd read on her file, she had underwent the Kolinahr ritual and took her devotion to her mental discipline seriously. Leon could appreciate the benefits of such commitment even if he valued his own emotions and placed them with personal value. He wouldn't go that far to forget the loss of his captain and other friends who died or were currently in stasis pods-- in purgatory a literal limbo between life and the world beyond.

Marquez, however did take the chance to replace the IDIC symbol with an emblem of his own faith, alongside an old paper scripture with a handwritten prayer that had been passed down from his mother's family. "It's Been a Long Road" Marquez hung the framed poem in the centerpiece of his quarters the night before.

Later that morning after breakfast with Keval, Marquez scheduled some appointments to best acquaint him with other department heads in a formal manner, which would ultimately include Captain Ives hirself and the Security Chief, Wenn Cinn, to adress the matter of him issuing strong reccomendations for his fellow Resolve survivors to keep an eye on each other. Disarming them (except security personnel) he felt was unwise, as he knew them better than to turn on their hosts or take over the ship, but he understood why, given the cult threat. One to heed his own advice, Leon kept Sharky with him on a grav-leash and took the Pit Bull for a stroll to work off that morning's hearty meal.

On Resolve, Sharky would oftentimes insist on playing fetch either on the holodeck or in the Gymnasium where he could test his stamina on a treadmill or chasing a holographic target while getting some mileage on his athletic legs. Leon was in the area nearest the gym when he decided to secure himself gym wear and see how often he could relive those days.

Once inside, the broad-chested Mexican got a muscle shirt to contain his muscled chest and change into sweatshorts, taking off Sharky's harness and letting him roll around on the floor and thrash about relishing his newfound liberty. Marquez found and produced a soccer ball, but stopped and returned it to its container when a familiar sight was spotted. Sinead in her gym wear practicing her martial arts skills in a patient and deliberate ritual looking to the peace within. It was an observation he recognized from his own training aboard the T'kumbra. In anticipation, Marquez replicated himself a pair of boxing bandages and wrapped them around his fingers and knuckles. Nothing like a spar on the way to work.

"Lieutenant O'Riley, it's good to see you." Marquez greeted, as he approached one of the finest security officers he'd served with and offered both fists to bump with the Bringloidi's. "I was relieved when I learned you survived. Some of that Bringloidi luck's still holding up."
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

Reply #2
[ Sinead O'Riley | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
Sinead was getting into the routine of her motions when she heard someone approaching. Without looking, she guessed the person was male, and large. At her diminutive height, most people were larger than her, but most men had a distinct identifying way of moving, and the unique sound of their clothing helped her make the identification and guess. Her body posture stiffened only slightly, as she braced herself for any surprises or attacks. She was still on high alert, but other than that, she continued in her motions and exercise until the other person had made his move. He was approaching her, and she got ready to spin around when she was immediately put at ease by the voice that spoke.

She completed her routine and turned to see that he was dressed with intent in his look and demeanour. She inclined her head in greeting, and obligingly bumped fists with him. She distractedly noticed Sharky and realized with a pang of regret that she didn't have Barky available for the dog to play with. “I am relieved to see ye well too, comman'er,” said Sinead, whilst still looking at the dog, “though I know not wha' luck that be, if others didna make it. Ye be wantin' t' spar wi' me then.”

She said it rather than asked, based on his near-matching attire, he obviously wanted to challenge her, and she would give it, wanting him to always be ready and on his toes. An alert commander was a living commander. Recalling what kind of martial arts he was familiar with, she began mentally preparing herself for any methods he might use. Despite her reputation as the Grim Reaper, or a rumoured tendency to bring death upon any who attacked her, she actually favoured subduing her opponents by using their own strengths against them. Nevertheless, as much as she'd happily keep Leon on his toes, he kept her alert too. Her supple form was languid and relaxed, but her mind was ready for lightning moves as necessary. Years lost in space had honed her skills and readiness for battle to a fine form.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

Reply #3
[ LCdr Leon "Striker" Marquez | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]

"If I'd wanted to spar, I could've gone to visit Master Bruce" Leon referred to the sparring program rendered in the likeness of a legendary martial artist from Earth's history. "It's some semblance of the old days.... hell, of last--" he watched his mouth, even despite the colorful use of colorful language his old crew was known for now and then, so he found a substitute for a word of excessive diversity; he reserved his cursing for combat situations, to keep up his aura of professionalism, even among trusted confidantes, except maybe for Andorians or Tellarites. "Bloody week. Back when I promised a heroes' parade through the Golden Gate Bridge and a Presidential Unit Citation."

Marquez got into a fighting stance, and gave Sharky a hand gesture to give the adults some room to practice their exercise."How's the Gym? More room to breathe than the old girl?" he referred to the Resolve which could handily fit inside any given vector on this, what would he classify this ship? A Dreadnought? A warship? A deterrent? That seemed apropos, given its potential for operating as its own fleet when its fighter compliment were factored into it. Hornet was a Saucer-separation carrier refit that could still operate in a similar capacity, but not to the full inherent design as this craft.

In a few ways, it was a good metaphor for him and Sinead. A battle-wagon and a smaller but resiliant entity of a hidden strength.

"The crew's seemed friendly enough. No dogs, though even a photonic chucho/pooch would be a fun playmate for Sharky here. Nothing female, you never know." he joked, getting his fists up, flexing his muscles, letting his hefty biceps speak for themselves, not putting any emphasis on his footwork initially until he'd done a few squats to stretch his leg muscles. 

"We make our own luck. Earther superstition, or human philosophy, there's always a reason we stay alive. No offense but there are sometings pure skill--even yours, can't account for." Marquez's attitude was that of a coach or an instructor, but he deferred to letting Sinead take the first move as he got his boxing guard set up, elbows covering his kidneys while hunched over, for his fists to guard his fist and face, ready to curve his punches if and when he were to throw them. Leon obeyed that holographic character, Major Hayes's advice from the Xindi War holonovel chapter of the NX-01 holonovel Jimmy often practiced in, 'Watch your opponent's eyes, not their hands.' Of course, Leon had good peripheral vision, something he'd learned to hone when reckoning with the Bringloidi martial arts expert in the past.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

Reply #4
[ Sinead O'Riley | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
Sinead nodded at Leon's reference to Master Bruce, a martial artist she had studied herself. She arched an eyebrow in a rather Vulcan manner when he used a more unique form of profanity. She idly wondered at the change, considering she'd heard just about every colourful expletive from the lips of one Meony, in multiple Terran languages, along with Klingon, Romulan, Andorian and Tellarite. She noted the hand gesture given to Sharky and she smiled at the dog, kneeling down to pat the canine affectionately. She did not have treats for the pooch, as she wasn't expecting to see him anytime soon. The Theurgy-class starship was certainly much larger than the Resolve ever was.

As she straightened up, Leon seemed to give voice to her thoughts on this. Probably a testament to how close knit the crew of the Resolve had become in the last three years. Her eyes caught his movements, and she readied herself, by way of just standing in a disarming pose, looking for all the world like a frail, gentle waif. Leon would know better, having seen her in battle on in training. The woman lived up to her reputation as the Grim Reaper. Death incarnate...something she tried every day to distance herself from. When he hinted for Sinead to make the first move, a ghost of a smile played on her lips. He should know by now that she never made the first move when it came to an attack. Well, almost never. He had an impressive defensive posture. He was also fixated on her silvery blue eyes. Of course. He remembered.

“There be plenty of air t' breathe,” said Sinead, “Thea be moch bigger'n th' Resolve, aye. It has been only a few days, give i' time, and ye never know, Sharky migh' be a dad soon after.” She winked at the dog, and then looked back at Leon, her hands hanging down by either side of her. “I do no' be denyin' that there be th' unexplained. But tha' is not what we will be dealin' wi' 'ere. Ye may begin, commander.”

Her readiness for battle was not apparent, but her muscles and limbs were loose, relaxed and yet ready to tense and move at the drop of a hat.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

Reply #5

[ LCdr Leon "Striker" Marquez | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]

"And you visited the Enterprise-D" Marquez fondly recalled. He, of course, served on her sister ship, the [i[Hornet[/i], but despite the vessels being of the same class, and any differences between the two vessels were ones only acute experts could identify at sight, there simply was no comparing the two mighty vessels. Even though the two sister ships worked together exposing the Romulan hand in the Duras' attempted coup d'etat, Leon had never set foot on the esteemed Enterprise, but he had seen Captain Picard once at the academy gardens while the academy was still in the shadow of an accident involving some pilot cadets. Leon was undergoing required courses at the academy. Before attending flight school. Back when the Borg were the bump-in-the-night that woke up Starfleet and civilian alike.

Brushing aside his regret at never shaking Captain Picard's hand at the time, Leon instead gave a series of jabs, hooks and uppercuts, going easy on Sinead, and mainly to warm up, even though he was capable of performing several pushup-and-claps, he simply preferred starting the morning with some more... hands on warmups. "Thea? Playlist Zimmer, random. Something fast-paced... Hmm. Good choice.". Marquez was blissfully unaware of the holonovel accompanying the orchestral suite he was listening to, but knew of Hans Zimmer by reputation.


 While the dark ages of WW3 had left some records obliterated, eradicating many films from historical memory, someone at some point discovered musical archives of some of the 21st century's great composers. Ensign Mariner boasted about having one of the most well-preserved collections still on the market, and was all too eager to share with his crews, which was one of the few things capable of uplifting morale on any vessel he was posted on, no matter how grim the odds were, like the time a group of Beta-Quadrant aliens attempted to hustle star charts in exchange for 'valuables' which were simply not for negotiation. Starfleet, much less the Resolve and her crew would barter lives for materiel. Particularly when there was a more resourceful substitution.

At the first tempo increase in the musical track selected at random from Jimmy's uploaded audiofiles through the gymnasium's speakers, Marquez V-stepped and made the first in a series of jab-kicks sent testingly to the Bringloidi's defenses. "Remember when we got those star charts off those hustler in the Beta Quadrant? They tried to make off with some of the crew's women, before you, Martin, A'vura ,Tarsi, Tancredi and others respectfully declined. Fortunately, their computer could play music and they accepted it as, what was the term...?" He pondered aloud, throwing two jabs and an uppercut before recalling, "Ah yeah, viable currency. Imagine if we'd given them ancient reruns of 'reality television?' We could've gotten an architectural map of Romulus itself!" Leon sneered, swapping initiative with Sinead, bobbing and shifting his steps in anticipation.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

Reply #6
[ Sinead O'Riley | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
“P'haps we shoul' have,” said Sinead as she gracefully dodged or deflected the jab-kicks, moving backwards in a circle, using her own legs to slide or push his attacks away from herself, or else pivoting in fluid, low-energy movements, “it migh' have saved us valuable time an' lives.”

Her expression was stony and unreadable, but she was questioning Leon's motives in not giving everything he's got. Most likely he was gauging her, and waiting for surprises. She offered nothing at all. Earlier, when he'd thrown jabs, hooks and uppercuts at her, she'd given him a subtle warning whilst ducking and letting his attacks flow right past her, as she moved in under his attacks and with her right index and middle fingers clasped together, had touched a vulnerable nerve section by the lower ribcage. A touch, just to let him know she could have paralyzed him if she'd chosen to apply pressure. Her movements was almost like a dance under water. More so now that Leon had Thea playing music for them.

Her thin attire did little for her modesty, but in combat, even in training, Sinead never showed concern or fear of wardrobe malfunctions. She used one hand to push or slap away his jabs and light punches, something Meony called 'bein' a badass showoff'. Sinead was simply conserving energy when it wasn't necessary to expand more, it wasn't that she was trying to look good or show off. She was simply holding herself in reserve until she had to burn more strength. Of course, if her intent was to kill or inflict great harm, then she'd unleash everything she had in the first exchange itself. Prolonging a fight opened yourself up to vulnerabilities.

Leon was no doubt toying with her as a 'warm-up', but the silvery-blue-eyed redhead decided to give him a surprise after all. As he was withdrawing his leg from his last jab-kick, she lunged forward, her entire spine bending and moving like a dolphin's, using her right foot, she placed a sole on his left thigh, gripped his right shoulder, and swung herself around to be behind him, wrapping her left leg like a hook around his waist, and shifting her left hand over to his left shoulder to hook herself in place, her right leg locked around his waist with her other leg, and her right index and middle fingers swiftly moved forward, then she slowed it at the last second to lightly touch the right side of his neck, more or less the same place that Vulcans would pinch to knock out a person. “Second time, comman'er,” said Sinead in a soft whisper by his ear, “ye be leavin' yerself moch too open.”

She slid gracefully off him, bringing herself back in front of him in a dancing circle, her expression was still unreadable, but she looked a little less stony, with her lips quirking up to almost a smile. “Th' Enterprise,” she said a little wistfully, “be like a dream o' impossibilities th' first time I saw i'. I was th' first person Captain Picard saw, and his Klingon officer. My pe' chicken had run ou' of th' transporter room.” She remembered that instance, despite the sight of the alien, she just smiled at them and headed back to join her family.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

Reply #7
[ LCdr Leon "Striker" Marquez | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]

Leon summoned up his old luchador experience so spiral to his feet. It was little different than twisting one of Sharky's toys out of his mouth, and made all the easier when O'Riley let go of him before he could tap into more underhanded methods of wresting himself out of "La Muerte's" grip. There were several ways to get out of the former security officer's death grip, but submission was not. Then again neither was excessive force for a training session, so emulating the El Santo was a good escape tactic, traversing his body at an unexpectedly hurried pace to flip over and land on his feet and changed poses.

"If you were anyone else, O'Riley. I might not be so forgiving." he sneered in challenge. The key word was 'might', as it was a broad crew, and he didn't know everyone yet. Far from it, he only knew his fellow department chairs somewhat and only a handful of personnel outside his own department but he'd treated them with fairness as well as a modicum of wariness. His ship had been once-- only once, infiltrated by a founder spy.

"Him I've met. He gave a lecture on Starfleet strategy and tactics when the Enterprise-D was destroyed and he took a sabbatical to Boreth. Hope that answers where I get my... Leon interrupted himself by closing the gap and threw a jab-kick and used his foot to pull the back of Sinead's knee after feinting with one of his matter-settling right power-punches. "blunt efficiency from. He caught Sinead by the hand and softened the impact of her landing. He fully anticipated she'd take him down with her but it gave him the opportunity to rebound.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Remember When...

Reply #8
[ Sinead O'Riley | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
Sinead disregarded the lieutenant-commander's remark, as the she had shared her sentiments on the matter before, and the Bringloidi felt no need to reiterate herself. She cared for him, and he cared for them all, just like their captain did. She quickly moved her train of thoughts from such dangerous grounds. She didn't know how well Leon knew her, nor was she certain her knew of her feelings for the late captain, plus the dream was still too fresh in her mind to be so casually thought about, not without her losing her concentration and focus. A very dangerous fact in a fight, even a spar.

Fluid as Sinead's movements were, she recognized Leon's counterstrike and the method, if at least from a visual angle. It was its own form of grace, fluidity and very dangerous strength. Thusly she shifted her own methods, going once more for using his momentum against him, and maintaining a high alertness for new attacks. She no longer bantered, no longer said anything, but simply focused on the battle at hand. Her mind was dangerously clouded with too much worry, too much thoughts, and it showed in her brightly lit eyes. Something Leon wouldn't miss, from their years of companionship.

As he spoke about his encounter with Captain Picard, Sinead ducked a punch but felt her leg going out from under her against her own will and she knew she'd fallen into a trick, nevertheless, she braced her palms against the floor as she angled out her fall into a position of recovery, along with the fact that he'd caught her hand as she was countering his attack and she accepted, fixing him with an unreadable gaze. She nodded at him, and straightened up. Momentarily drawing a pause into their match as she repositioned herself. Sinead considered her conversation with the captain earlier in the morning, and what the future held, and she failed to notice that she hadn't said anything, and her face showed how troubled she was.


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