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Topic: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business  (Read 4922 times) previous topic - next topic
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EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Razor Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Iron Ferrox

After grabbing a sonic shower quick and changing into a standard uniform, Thomas Ravon returned to the shared office. Liam had left it since their last run in and he looked over the desk as he always had seen Sten behind it. He sighed and called to Thea "Thea, could you inform Miles Renard that he can meet me here." he asked before the chirp of acknowledgment came. It was odd to be the one debriefing a former SCO, yet it had to be done.

As he waited for the Vulpinian to arrive as he inspected the desk and opened the compartment Sten had shared with him. He pulled out the bottle of booze Papa bear had kept for special occasions. It made Thomas smile faintly as he remember the evening where Sten had helped him etch the name of Skye into his fighter. It would perhaps be a fitting moment to drink with Miles on this. He replicated three glasses and placed them on the desk before he waited to pour them out.

In the meantime he fiddled with the squadron chart and looked at the new listing. It looked balanced enough and Thomas could live with the squadron chart like this. It wouldn't hurt of course to have Miles look it over as well. A fresh pair of eyes and a veteran leader at that. When the door chimed he shouted "Enter."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #1
[ Lt Cmdr Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan  

Miles made his way to the Room having had barely enough time to fully get himself appropriately clean and get into his uniform.  Unlike human who had only one form they had to ensure was ridded of detritus. His kind if they truly wished to remove all hints of the time he had spent in the tin can had to let the shower do its thing to each of their forms.  Given the little time between his assignment of quarters and this meeting he had luckily barely did what was needed. And had time to get into uniform.  Still he couldn’t help but feel a bit grimy, and chose to put on an extra coating of the Pherimone neutralizer that in Miles case also worked double in the way that human deoderants and antiperspirants worked  ‘Oh well there will be time to take care of what must be taken care of later.’  he supposed, musing to himself within his mind.

When the door opened behind it stood the former SCO, now wearing his standard uniform, his more were creature looking Natural Vulpinian form, and his the Pilot’s jacket which since he had replicated a new one just before leaving his temporary quarters, his updated number was now on it 'Wolf-05.'  Upon entering the room he respectfully saluted Ravon.  "Lieutenant Commander Miles Renard reporting as ordered sir."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #2
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Razor Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Iron Ferrox 

As Miles Renard entered he saluted Ravon respectfully, it made Thomas salute him back as he stood in attention before he smiled "At ease Miles. We're alone here so I imagine we can just keep it at first names. You were my boss not too long ago after all." he admitted before he gestured towards the seats at his desk "Please take a seat." he said as he sat down and dug the bottle up.

"I was told by Sten that you kept this one here for on special occasions." Thomas said softly as he poured the the content into three glasses "I think saying goodbye to our friend over a glass is only fitting. Though I imagined you were closer to him then I was. Rumors had it you guys went way back." he offered as he pushed on glass towards Miles "To our old, lost friend." he toasted before taking a sip and letting it settle in.

After a few minutes Thomas spoke up "To get down to business... I'd like to hear how you managed to get out of SB 84 and find your way back to us. I'm quite intrigued at how you pulled it off."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #3
[ Lt Cmdr Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan  

Before he had released his state of attention the Vulpinian’s eyes had drifted towards the desk and the bottle and glasses sitting there.  He recognized the bottle immediately and couldn’t help but let a canid smile creep through his serious demeanor. The fact that Ravon had the intent to making sure Papa bear was getting the proper sendoff was not just a comfort to him but in a certain way was a good first step in easing that horrid blow.

["At ease Miles. We're alone here so I imagine we can just keep it at first names. You were my boss not too long ago after all."]
Waiting for the door to close behind him fully, he went back to a state of ease. Relaxing and ending the salute before hearing his counterpart suggest he [“take a seat.”]  Doing as suggested Miles watched as Ravon spoke and poured the glasses ["To our old, lost friend."]

Miles took his dink as well, savoring it, He had indeed shared a couple bottle of this with Sten over the years, the first when he managed to get a good amount shipped in when Miles and the other pilots and Engineers arrived at the start of the Valkyrie Mark 3 project’s base.  They began the project with this very drink.  The second bottle Miles and Sten shared was when the two found out that both of them would be staying on with this first full squadron of Sixteen Mark 3s and being transferred to the Theurgy Sten as the official Deck boss and Miles as one of the original flight group leads. 

“The bottles of that stuff.  That was Papa Bear’s price. I imagine Sten never told you how I managed to get that crate of illicit potables smuggled onto the Theurgy did he?  A somewhat long story but.  Remind me to tell you about it sometime.  Let’s just say Sten had his own part to play in how they got onboard and this…this bottle was part of that price.”  Miles mused remembering how in order to get that crates contents onboard he had arranged a form of tribute that had been intended to be unending but being branded traitors these bottles they had onboard became all the more important.  A final piece of home of a sort."

Miles smiled softly, “If you don’t mind me saying. I believe this is the start of the kind of sendoff Sten would have wanted.  The rest of the bottles of it are in one of my crates.  I believe Sten would prefer it not to be wasted, I’ll make arrangements to have it allowed to be served at his funeral if you feel it wouldn’t be inappropriate.  I believe there is at least enough for a shot for everyone on the deck crew, us white shirts, and the senior staff.  Depending on how many times he broke this stuff out without me noticing there might be enough to make sure His successor gets an unopened bottle in the old man’s memory.”

***  [If you wish to add a bit yourself in here just ask. And ill edit the post to add your piece ]

After a few moments of silent remembrance and a couple more drinks to the lost deck boss along with all the others that had been lost the moment of truth and the real reason for the meeting had arrived.  The silence was interrupted by the real question of the hour.  ["To get down to business... I'd like to hear how you managed to get out of SB 84 and find your way back to us. I'm quite intrigued at how you pulled it off."]

Miles smirked, knowing it was all a lot to take in and the speeds his ships computer would be saying occurred were for lack of a better term unbelievable.  “I know it’s a lot to take in and even harder to believe but well here’s what the computer on my fighter thinks is how I ended up where I did.”  He handed Ravon the Padd. On the screen was a 3d scan of the fighter including scans of several warped points on the hull that seemed to bow outwards including one spot where the hull had a cyclone like warp distorting the metal to a point of being raised to a molecule thin point where it bowed out like a small model of a tornado had been created out of that point in the hull.  “I’ll let you read up on what my computer theorizes, but I stopped trying to wrap my head around it when it started talking about time dilation, psuedo-singularities, and the statistical probabilities of surviving blind warp jump.  I just stopped reading the report all together when it began citing incidents of Captain Kirk time traveling.  Really, I have no clue how it all really happened that’s for the theoretical physicists to figure out and the engineers to make guesses at when they pull my ships logs and sensor data.  But you wanted my report and that’s what happened and my best guesses as to why.  As for my report, here’s what I experienced.”

“I had joined the skirmish line of Asurian ships that formed to cover the Theurgy’s escape.  I had resigned myself to death, the Fleet opened fire.  As they did my ship was first hit with what was expected, phaser fire, nearby torpedo explosions the hell that the fleet wished upon the Theurgy was brought forth upon any who stood in their way. Somehow my ship held on for the moment. I’m going to guess it was only a tenth of a second.  Then I felt the most intense feeling of gravity pulling on me from behind underneath and to my left.  It’s a wonder I didn’t G-loc from it because sensors say that for a near instant even with inertial dampers it pegged at 13Gs.  What I saw, was for one brief instant, explosions, then clear space the next.  I’m not sure what gave me the idea but since I was given a second chance I diverted all the power I could to the warp systems and prayed that I didn’t smash into a star or something else, I didn’t adjust course at all and used what inertia I had and blind jumped.  As quickly as I could I reduced my speed and dropped out of warp.  According to sensors I was less than a day at warp 5 from the azure nebula somewhere between it and the Hiromi cluster.  So, since I know that’s where you were headed, I pointed her towards the Nebula, made some repairs after running across an old Klingon listening post.  And son of a bitch if there wasn’t Klingon com traffic saying that Martok himself was leading a hunt for your heads.  So, I  keep waiting for any clue that the Klingons may have caught up to you all make what repairs I can, essentially got the phasers somewhat operable, and got my warp systems ready for One more good jump at maximum warp.  It took a day or so of waiting listening but then I began to get detection of a ton of Klingon weapon fire nearby.  I’m thinking I’m going to get in and find Martok basking in the flames of my home, or if I’m lucky somehow you guys are alive and I might be able to make a run for the hangar before Ives can give the chancellor the slip.  I sure as hell didn’t expect to run into a debris field of Klingon ships and a god damn cube instead.  If it had not been for the fact that you guys were there too I would have rolled the dice again and Prayed the ship could make another warp jump… Likely would breached my core if I had attempted it though… Still would’a beat getting assimilated.  So I show up Now wanting to get myself easily spotted and killed I had been running my ship in as gray of a mode as I could and sending a false transponder as a small merchant ship.  After that well, you were there for the rest.”  He sighed for a moment.  “I know it’s not as professional of a recollection as the XO and captain will want but well.  Frankly I don’t have the answers.  I somehow rolled the dice wound up in a good spot and lucked out to be nearby enough to get back home when you guys showed up to help fight the Borg.” 

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #4
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Razor Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Iron Ferrox

Sten hadn't told him where or how the bottles had made it onto the ship. Hearing it from Miles was a fun story to know, one that made him realize how inventive the God on the deck could be at times. He took the bottle and looked at the label as he shook his head "Some mirco torps these are..." he said jokingly as he looked towards Miles. He studied the Vulpinian's face and smiled faintly as he spoke about a funeral service for the man.

It was a commendable thought to have a ceremony with drinks in his memory. A shot glass for everyone. Thomas would keep it into account, yet he doubted that given the current damages and what else, time for a proper funeral would be short if non existent. He'd have to see what the plans were for the Theurgy now that he had escaped certain death. In fact, they'd all depend on the plotted course from this point onward.

As the remembrance came to an end, Ravon edged a little closer and leaned forward as he was intrigued by the story Miles would tell about his escape. He had to laugh softly as the man mentioned that he couldn't really wrap his head around it and that all of it should be food for thought for the theoretical physicists and interpreters of flight data.

Listening to the summarized report of what Miles felt like what happened, Thomas nodded a few times and kept his eyes fixed on the man. It was a viable explanation despite the anomalies. Ravon could easily double check the flight recorder and data to see if the story matched the depiction of Renard. Ravon tapped his fingers against the glass as gave a nod "We'll match the story with the data, though I don't expect to see any irregularities with your story." he answered the man "As for the brass, I'll talk to them if they give you any trouble." It would after all be his job as an SCO to fend for his pack.

This of course brought Thomas to the next point he wanted to discuss with Miles "After our escape from SB 84... I returned from being MIA and got the interim job for SCO. Large parts of the Resolve and Orcus have replenished our ranks. I'm sure you'll meet them in the next hours if not days to come. I think they trust me." he offered Miles as his eyes sought out his "Thus my question to you Miles... Do you think I should keep the position? Or are you eager to get it back?"

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #5
[ Lt Cmdr Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Miles sighed as he brought up that point. Who should be SCO?  “Now that’s the real kicker ain’t it.” He said with a soft chuckle leaning back into the chair he was in.  “I can’t help but want my old room back but if you are sitting in that chair I’m back to a standard quarters that’s based on rank alone” He paused softly and closed his eyes briefly figuring that levity had to be the only way to even approach these thoughts, “That said.  I was in that fighter and that exo suit for over a hundred straight hours.  Being in a tin can within another tin can for that long gives a person a lot of time to do nothing but think.”

Looking around. He shrugged, “You and I both know there’s at least one pilot in this squad that I’ve got some major bad blood with.  Hell, looking at the chart looks like she’s on your wing even.  Honestly, I don’t have a problem with her; the fault is mine on that issue.  Secondly, As you mentioned, You know the new pilots and I don’t.  That definitely gives you one hell of a leg up on the ladder and more puts us on Even footing for the position and takes away any doubts that the selection should be based on who had it first?  Do I think you should go after keeping the position?  Wholeheartedly, I think you and I are equally qualified, suited and deserving of the position You’ve earned that position just as much as I did and proven it through one hell of a crucible.”

He paused again this time letting the thoughts he was having hang not sure he was ready for the consequences of his next words to be spoken but deep in his mind he needed to say them, “As for the second question am I eager to get it back?”  He closed his eyes and looked at Ravon, ”That’s a lot harder to answer.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #6
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Razor Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Iron Ferrox 

Thomas smirked and shook his head as Miles stated that he couldn't help but want his room back "I can imagine why." he murmured as the room held a lot more space and luxury than whatever quarters he'd have to go back to. The eyes of Ravon taking in the features of Miles as he carried on and nodded from time to time. There had always been rumors or even flat out discussions about what had happened between Miles and Rawley.

The pilot remained silent as Renard kept talking and he did bring up some good points. In the end though, it felt good for his self confidence to hear from his former boss that he was just as qualified and suited as the other. Thomas shifted in his seat and sat back up straight again as his eyes studied Miles now. Respecting the pause, he smiled at the words of Miles as the question about wanting to have his old position back was seemingly harder to respond to.

"It feel good to hear that a man like yourself has confidence in me. I'll admit that I struggled at the start and as you said, I had quite the crucible... That said, it doesn't mean I won't come back to you every now and again for advice. We're a pack after all, I'd be foolish to think I know all the tricks and ropes. Thank you for this chance. I won't forget it." Ravon replied before he paused "Do you think Evelyn will cause a racket to work with you again? I mean, I've placed her in my wing and not in yours in the new chart for obvious reasons."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #7
[ Lt Cmdr Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] @Nolan

He nodded, "Honestly, with her accusations still frankly valid, and how I have returned under near impossible circumstances.  I'm surprised I am having this talk with you here.  I'm surprised I'm on that list even.  He looked at Ravon.  "Tell me.  What do you think we have welcomed back into our nest.  Because I can think of at least three more logical explanations for me being here than what my computer  and my own memory says happened.  And every one of them involves both me and my ship winding up in Sankolov's filthy hands before I wound up here."

He paused, letting that possibility he had proposed sink in.  Perhaps the current Squadron commander had already thought of it, perhaps this debriefing was just a formality, or even some form of snare Ives had for an enemy Miles feared to be within himself. "I don't know the extent of how well these parasites can hide, maybe they can hide within a person without them even knowing like some kind of sleeper agent.  As we both know ships logs can be falsified.  And memories, the Federation has altered memories to preserve the prime directive so it’s not like it couldn't be done to make a person think they escaped with their lives in a fantastical manner rather than being cut loose to crawl their way back to their target."

He chuckled softly and smiled, musing to himself at the absurdity of it all only to shrug then reach out and grab the bottle refill his glass then lean back only to down what he poured in one single drink  “So, after hearing all that, how far of the deep end do you think I’ve gone?"

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #8
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Razor Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Iron Ferrox

The eye of the pilot looked over his Vulpinian friend, his finger running over the top edge of his glass as he tilted his head slightly. It wasn't like the idea hadn't crossed Ravon's mind, the idea of Renard being captured by the parasites and being infected. Sure it was a possibility, a valid concern to say the least. The pause allowed him to collect his words carefully as he shrugged lightly "Your return does sound... Convenient if anything. Just before we jump through an aperture to a system." he said calmly and calculated "There are however possibilities to check if you're infested or not. Ways to find out, yet if you truly believe that you might be infected... I don't think I should elaborate about this." he concluded

"The real question is... Do you trust yourself? Or should I scrap you from the fighter board and place you in the brig until we are sure?" he asked Miles as he didn't touch his drink anymore. His eyes focused on the man in front of him as his features remained calm, not alerted or in distress by the concern voiced out by the Vulpinian. In the background, the noises from the fighter bay were faint. Should it come to struggle right here and now it was unlikely that any help would come for Ravon.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #9

[ Lt Cmdr Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] @Nolan 

The Vulpinian nodded,  "If there is a sure-fire method of checking for our enemy I am not yet aware of it.  As such until it can be made certain I am not a host to one of these things I believe it would be best for me not to have any further information on the matter until i can be screened.  Obviously if there is one within me if it is aware of such a method of screening it will likely attempt to avoid being caught.  As such I believe I should be screened sooner rather than later.  Also if I am to be screened I believe it would be best for me to not be made aware of the exact time place or method as a parasite within may have ways of avoiding detection if it knows the moment it is being looked for or the methods that have been derived for its detection."  He said making it quite clear that his desire was to get detection preformed ASAP but in a way that is unpredictable, unavoidable, and catches him--and the parasite if there is one--off guard.  

He then added regarding scratching him from the roster,  He looked at his current superior with all the seriousness he could.  No ferocity, no jokes, and a tone of complete stoicism. "My recommendations, As much as I would love a nice bit a leave from the flying, I doubt there is any time for that, assuming I am a host I doubt one of these things would risk being found out by causing me to do something that brings my loyalty to the mission under question.  as such I do not believe it would be an intelligent action for it to do anything to arise suspicion and as such i do not believe it would do anything to cause a direct dereliction of duties or cause obvious harm to the squadron or The Theurgy.  If I am one, then the obvious advantage would be to have an inside man, a spy.  A spy is no good when they make it obvious they can't be trusted.  If anything military strategy would suggest if I am compromised it would attempt to assure my actions appear to be as by the book or at the very least loyal to the mission as possible.  as such I think for general operations I am fine as long until I am cleared, my ship's actions are at all times monitored and any deviancy from normal operations should be reported immediately.  As for my actions on The Theurgy I would recommend that until I can be cleared I am placed on restricted access with security escorts.  If I'm not ordered to be somewhere for scheduled duties I'm in my quarters.  Security access should only be permitted while preforming duties and only with someone monitoring and the access should be the minimum required for said duty.  In addition Private security access within quarters should be revoked fully. Within quarters, access wise I'm a civilian who is being carefully monitored."  he said voicing his full suggestions on how he should be treated until it could be made for certain he was not compromised.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #10
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Razor Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Iron Ferrox

Ravon nodded as he looked at Miles while he elaborated about a sure find way to figure out if there was a parasite inside of him or not. It had been a valid concern that had also been raised by security when Miles returned. A collaboration between Thomas and the security center had resulted in Adam Kingston standing by the door at this point of time. The single most effective way to test if Miles was in fact infested would be to shoot him with a heavy stun shot from a phaser. "I can understand your concerns Miles and your points are all valid." Thomas answered as the doors opened up "But I think we'll soon..." his sentence was interrupted mid sentence and Adam Kingston lined up his shot and took it. Hitting Miles right in the square back between his shoulder blades.

This was the moment of truth and Thomas looked at the frame of Miles Renard as he had hit the desk and seemed properly passed out by the shot. It could still be a trick and he waited to see if there would be any other response from the fighter pilot. There was a second security officer, a female Andorian which Kingston referred to as Lt. JG XamotZark "Zark" zh’Ptrell. She had a go bag with her and Thomas assumed this to be a combat medic of the Security department. "Well, I think that settles that matter wouldn't you agree mister Kingston?" he asked rhetorically as he looked up at Kingston. The security officer simply nodded and turned around "Has been a pleasure sir." he said with a coy grin before he turned around and made his way out of the office. Zark remained as she scanned Miles further for any injuries before he retrieved the hypospray to bring him back to the world of the conscious.

Ravon went back to seat himself in the chair as he watched Miles slowly slumber back awake, he gave him a few seconds to get his bearings "Apologies for the crude way of testing it, but I'm happy to inform you that you're in fact parasite free lieutenant commander." he smirked "It's the only effective way of testing infestation so far, a rather invasive one too, but you've passed it. So I suppose your story does add up, no infestation." he concluded as he hoped it would soothe the mind of Miles Renard at least a little, along with giving him a tremendous head ache.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #11
[ Lt Cmdr Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy@Nolan 

As Miles came too the Andorian looked over her Tricorder noting a few things.  "Indeed, fully confirmed, no deviations from normal reactions to a heavy stun no actions of resistance to phasers, No above average response to being assaulted or being at risk of host compromise.  I'm not a doctor but on initial readings I'd recommend clearing you for duty on the condition that you get a minimum 8 hours rest in the next hours and a minimum two full meals before getting back in the cockpit.  That said I'm going to send in a request to the med bay to get you in for a quick physical…When?"

The Vulpinian nodded listening to both of them. "Well good to know the screening process is quick enough.  Not the most pleasant method but if that's what gets the job done then I'm glad we got it over with.  Besides… It’s a hell of a lot better than living with being afraid I’m a time bomb waiting to destroy everything I care about."  He then turned his attention to the Andorian, "Thank you, Sooner the better, Think they can get me in before 1800 tonight?  I was planning on trying to get cleared for flight ASAP if possible now that I know I’ve not got some bug inside me or whatever.  I’m a bit eager to let things get back to whatever passes for normal around here.” He said pausing a moment then adding looking the security officer over a moment before quirking a brow. "I'm sort’a surprised, to hear a security officer giving me the medical riot act.  Most Sec I've met would just tell me to walk it off."

She laughed softly at this looking to the medical grade Tricorder and the Combat medkit that was slung over her shoulder.  "Combat Medic Zark sir, and we're not in combat so we've got the time to do things right. so for the moment that makes me a medic.  Trust me if we were in the middle of a firefight it would be a different story."

He nodded giving the Andorian medic, a coy smile before looking over to Ravon. "Well in that case...Boss...mind if I borrow the replicator in here.  I had a few Custom dishes on programmed on here more suitable to the Dietary requirements of a carnivore. And I doubt that the one in my quarters will have them programmed in yet."  He asked though by the way he said boss with a slight pause and chuckle, it was a bit clear he was rubbing in that their roles were reversed. As such Ravon had the unenviable duties that before him Miles had been dealing with.  Miles on the other hand just got to be a pilot again.  After all if the former SCO was going to have to have the quarters without the tub and other amenities, and didn't get the office to use, he was going to relish the time without having to deal with all the extra work.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1234] Foxy business

Reply #12
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Razor Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Shared Office | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
  @Iron Ferrox 

Ravon was glad he could clear the conscientious of the former SCO by having him undergo the test. He watched in silence the to the interaction between him and the security officer as he sipped from his drink, emptying the remainder of it before nodding at Miles as he wanted to get back in whatever normal routine the ship had so far. The security medic was rather helpful, even giving Miles a nice estimation of what he had to do to get combat ready again.

"Feel free." Thomas replied as Miles wanted to use the replicator to get some meals that were specifically designed to his taste and flavor. He couldn't help but chuckle as Miles did rub it in that his responsibilities now lay with Thomas and Ravon shook his head slightly "When you have your meals lieutenant commander, you are dismissed." he told him with a serious tone, though he winked to make sure that it was just a gesture. To rub it in again on Miles' side that he was the one calling the shots now.

"I'll let you know when I need any help with this whole leading thing or when I'm in need of a good pilot." he added before he opened up the desktop in the desk he was sitting by to get some paperwork done.


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