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CH02: S [D06|0300] Game of Pawns

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia & ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 | Deck | Trying to Forget the situation in Sickbay |  ]Attn: @Triage

The day had only just begun and already Jimmy was already wishing it would just end already. He'd spent every hour he could in Sickbay to be within sight of Meony while assisting with nonessential but necessary clean up of the recent violence aboard. Fortunately, Alessia was also there looking out for a wounded squadmate who was still unconscious and whom Alessia had given permission to have put into cryo-stasis if nothing could be done for the Tac Conn Ensign "Fury" Ferris. Alessia had taken her time to make peace, or at least a pledge to bring their friends home. It wasn't such a bad idea to do the same when he had a lull in the operation.

"Hey there, Luv. It's me. I know, compared to your hitchhiker, I'm not that big of a headache, but listen. These blueshirts here are gonna patch you right up, one hundred percent and then you're going to sit back up, put that hat on, repaint your fighter and get all sorts of even before the Borg muck things up. Then we'll talk about... that other thing." Jimmy held her hand and massaged her slim fragile fingers in his calloused and rugged grip that managed to be uniquely delicate when matched with hers. "An undisturbed holodeck shore-leave. I'm sure Capt. can give you that when we're out of this shithole nebula." Jimmy didn't often curse in Ancient-American, but did so when he was mocking (affectionately or otherwise) someone with their regional accents, he did so for emphasis. Unfortunately, the moment was cut short by a medical officer who shooed the Australian out before he could say that he loved her, but kissing the Redhead's hand was more than enough.

On his way out, Mariner noticed Garcia was waiting outside for him. "You and her, huh? Looks like it's a serious thing."

Jimmy just hung his head and sighed. "Where's the Mess on this Vector? Looks like the best chow was on V-3."

"We have chow in the lounge or in quarters. Holodecks are offline, so none of your cowboy holodeck cookouts."

"It's called 'outback steakhouse'," He corrected, "But thanks for the homesickness." Jimmy smirked an inch, showing his sarcasm. "Though now that you mention it, I'm getting that to start the day. There's just one fella I gotta check in on."

[ Deck 7 ]

"That's..." Alessia pointedly raised an eyebrow when she met Sharky for the first time, who could hardly contain himself from making all matter of sounds that convey happiness and excitement for energetic canines. "Quite the 'fella'-- Ai! Cuidado!<Hey! Careful! Watch it!>" Angel was surprised and caught off guard when Sharky jumped up on Alessia and put his paws on her uniform before she hesitantly pet him and smiled. "People and their pets. He's cute, but he smells." came her reply, though she was clearly amused at the sight of Jimmy briefly horsing around with the large pit bull.

"He's mine and Meony's. No resemblance. And no resemblance because he's not our biological kid, just someone we brought aboard Resolve before we were adrift for 3 years. Named him Sharky, because of his winning smile and keen nose." Jimmy proudly claimed, roughing up Sharky's scalp affectionately.

"And because you collect MACO regalia and patches. And Because..." Alessia knew Jimmy was one to brag about his ancestors' participation in that organization that his father instilled in him. Jimmy interjected before she could deflate him.

"I'm fond of history and extreme sports, if that's what you mean, aye." Jimmy wondered to her as he secured Sharky's leash and harness as the pooch happily wagged his tail and reared up his front, seemingly eager to get out of the zoological lab. Once that was secure, Sharky again smelled Alessia, looking for treats in her hands, which the Latina stepped away from, uttering something in her native language. "How cute. He likes you."

"If he hugs my leg, I'm going to....!" Her look was intercepted by an inquisitive head tilt when Sharky sat down and seemed to smile at her. Angel couldn't help but be charmed. She knelt and spoke to him face to face. "Hey, big guy. You a Taco fan?" The smiling dog barked in her face. She stood up, indignantly. "Well, Sten will have my ass if we take the furball to the pilots' lounge and I'm not having that thing--…. that … fella-- in my quarters."

[ Later, James Mariners' Quarters. ]

Someone had done room service here from the last time Jimmy was here. It was clear the quarters were shared, given the mix of decorations, sports posters, photographs and Models.  Alessia, in her White-collared uniform looked at a few of the decorations and decorum of moments that highlighted Jimmy's and Meony's moments either together or in their careers.

"Those were the days." Alessia spotted a group photo with the USS Hornet's Dedication plaque, which included herself in a red collar and Ensign pip next to a half-smiling Leon with his arm around her shoulder.  "Dance like a butterfly..."

"Sting like a bee." Jimmy said simultaneously, fondly recalling that ship's motto. On one bookshelf was a model of the Hornet and every major support craft she had employed during the war nearby it. "Leon deserved that ship." Mariner grumbled as he made his way to the replicator for some Andorian Kathetka coffee.

"Two." Alessia requested a second mug, glancing along more of Mariner's photographs. "He was going to take a shore leave.... with me... then I would've gone with him wherever he went." Anywhere indeed.  "Orcus Killed your captain on Captain Slayton's orders." Alessia turned to face him, her expression neutral but direct. "That's why I defected. I didn't sign up for killing our own people, our own ships" Alessia sighed as she wondered what the Federation would do to her family in reprisal. Hurt the families of the crews to gain leverage on them. That thought frightened Angel as she looked out to the Azure Nebula, momentarily distracted by Sharky making himself at home on the sofa.

Jimmy approached and handed her the Andorian coffee, and shrugged. That was the end of the topic as he clinked glasses. "To absent friends."

"And may we find the missing." Alessia chanted the second half of that toast before they each drank. A moment passed as Jimmy's gaze fell on the centerpiece of the breakfast table: Jimmy and Meony piloting a Type-8 shuttle together and having a happy moment as the craft swung around the Resolve for a selfie. "Look. It's going to be a long day for a lot of us. This might just be the only break we'll probably get to relax and eat. I'd rather not think about missing or fallen. Yet."

"I would be a bloody indecent host if I didn't show you the menu, Left--- Loo-- Lieutenant." It seemed to hurt his ego to call his friend by her rank as she liked it, but she was his best mate's lady and a fellow boot on the ground during the Dom War. "I can have something ready in about 10 if I get creative with yonder replicator. Meanwhile though: I just gotta ask. You still carnivorous?"

"That's like asking if you still think you can play chess." It wasn't an affirmation. It was a challenge. The look on her dark eyes matched a challenging sneer.

Roughly 10 minutes later, the office area had a screen-spanning depiction of a timeless board game brought to life by depictions of Federation vessels in place of their tokens of royalty, nobility and military figurines of medieval representation. Pawns, according to this game's designer were depicted by shuttles, though for the contrasting colors of Alessia's little army, she seemed to favor her dear Peregrines as the first line of attack as she chose the darker-hulled vessels for her chess pieces. Larger ships such as Intrepids and Galaxies were the bishops and knights, while the Nebula's trademark saucer landed it as the figurehead for the rooks. Jimmy laughed to himself when it was the Typhon-class that was the chess king piece, unsurprisingly alongside a Theurgy-class as the Queen. How fitting.

"A game for kings and admirals." Jimmy momentarily exaggerated his Australian accent.

"And queens and commanders." Alessia smiled. During those 10 minutes, Alessia couldn't help but involve herself in teaching Jimmy a thing or two about ingredients to impress a lady. Meony was a mutual friend and knowing Jimmy, felt the two made a cute pair. The least she could do was pre-prepare the ingredients of a hearty steak salad with rice, guacamole and beans and the right amount of salsa (a recipe she'd memorized as a girl and served up for years). The ensuing fireworks display of contending chess pieces drew as many pained whoops that were blamed on the spiciness of the salsa. Between those and Alessia's satisfied remarks each time she claimed a piece, it was a wonder they heard someone chiming at the door.

"Come in!" Jimmy announced, wondering who it was. Ensign Cameron Henshaw, the Captain's Yeoman and the officer liaising with the bridge and the Squadron. Jimmy hadn't met her but had almost mistaken her for Meony, or at least a sister or relative when he first spotted her file. "G'day, Ensign. Skipper mentioned you might want a word with me at some point. Lt. Garcia and I were just having a breakfast before starting early. Care to join?" Mariner mentioned nothing about the unfolding battle before them, complete with 'weapons fire' depicting one piece claiming another or moved across the board.

After Alessia claimed one of Mariner's three remaining pawns, it was Jimmy's move, and his lead pawn was almost behind enemy lines, meaning it could become a queen-- a Theurgy and corner Alessia's Typhon King piece, despite her formidable line of hard-hitting pieces cornering Jimmy's own homerow, forcing his Typhon to get out into the open. Fortunately, however, he made the right call on a gamble on waiting another turn before his piece could be crowned. Queens Rook takes King's Bishop. as he did, Sacrifice one piece for another, which gave Alessia some pause.

"Ensign." She greeted Henshaw with a smile and a nod. This girl helped her and the remaining wolves escape, but hadn't met her face to face to thank her for that, at least with an invitation to breakfast and to perhaps apply her analytical mnd toward this seemingly mundante mental sport. "Will you be staying long? We've got enough for another guest.[/i][/color][/b]
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #1
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | James Mariner's Temporary Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
Dreams were an escape that Cameron Henshaw didn't know could be a possible outlet after all the things she'd been subjected to or had seen. She had initially thought her dreams would be filled with nothing but nightmares and a constant reliving of the deaths of her friends and family. The horrified look on Jien Ives' face as he was forcefully beamed away by the Savi, the sight of her adoptive father's face as it melted in the flames. But her dreams at least tonight, were surprisingly pleasant. She dreamt of happier times, before the nightmares. Perhaps it was because she lived the nightmares, her dreams were given to happier moments. It helped that she thought about them before sleep took her.

Her eyes shot open just as she and her sister were racing for the waters on the beach, startled awake by her alarm clock. It had been a few short hours, and weariness held her.

If she had her way, she would have turned over and gone back to sleep, but she had work to be done, and not enough time in the day to do it. As it was, she was lucky to have even this much time to rest. With a small groan, she pushed herself upright, and got ready. Changing into a new uniform of the skirt variety, she checked to make sure the rank pips and everything was in place, tied her hair up so that it wouldn't get in the way, and picked up her PADD, double checking to make sure all the data she needed was in there. The acting Captain, Wenn Cinn, needed her to assist with the debrief of one James Mariner, Ensign, formerly of the Resolve. There were a lot of them from the Resolve. After a quick replicator-made strong coffee, she located him, took a turbolift and chimed the door, announcing her presence.


Frowning, she chimed again, hoping he wasn't asleep.

To her relief he sounded fresh and awake, and she entered, then got a surprise when she realized he wasn't alone. It took her a moment to place the lieutenant, but she eventually recognized Alessia as one of the hotshots. The sky dancers. At their greeting, Cameron pursed her lips, studying the scene before her before making a response. “Ensign,” she said, her tone solemn and quiet, “lieutenant, good morning. Thank you, don't mind if I do.”

Although she accepted the offer, she made no move to examine the edibles available. One of them had made a small spread enough to easily feed four people, but the young woman's appetite had been lacking of late, and her uniforms even had to be adjusted to accomodate a change. Seeing the food actually made her nauseated, and she visibly edged away from the table. Noticing the game of chess, she idly commented, “I hope I'm not inconveniencing you, but Captain Wenn does require a debrief from you, Ensign Mariner, and an update on Vector Three.” she eyed the pieces in the game, which seemed to be progressing into the closing stages. “Who's winning?”

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia & ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 | Deck | Trying to Forget the situation in Sickbay |  ]Attn: @Triage

"I hope I'm not inconveniencing you, but Captain Wenn does require a debrief from you, Ensign Mariner, and an update on Vector Three."

Jimmy's focus was keenly awaiting his next move in response to Alessia's steady advance against his risky defense. Mariner scowled as the Spanish Lady policed up another piece on Mariner's quarter. The lives of his men were stalling as his pawn advanced. Through his peripherals, though Jimmy had shifted his posture thrice and feigned either making a move or adressing the Yeoman. Admittedly, Jimmy almost felt at home hearing to an almost homely commonwealth accent. "I sent the skipper my video logs and an encyclopedic--"

Alessia knew that word was not in Mariner's vocabulary and reacted by breaking her concentration and made sure Jimmy's eyes were on the game and not on the Yeoman's skirt. She almost wanted to laugh then and there. Mariner always behaved himself when he wanted to impress. Blinking back hysteria, she tried almost unsuccessfuly to refrain from laughing but could blame her reaction on her salsa. Jimmy acted as if he didn't notice.

"--Report from the Coreless moon's Dilithium refinery, Lt. Hi'Jak's betrayal and the incident with the As--- the Alien forces that engaged over Starbase 84." It was when he apparently caught himself from a derogatory alien nickname Meony might have used. He regarded Ensign Henshaw's uniform through his peripheral view while moving his pawn one space toward Garcia's home row. She put a Rook at the precise halfway point in response.

Alessia answered Henshaw, "If we're going by who's killed more of the enemy, and invasion of enemy territory I'm winning." Alessia's poker-face was as smug as she could wear it, despite the near-Cleopatran pose the white-collar junior lieutenant was wearing as she scanned his eyes for his move to counter for it. Alessia's rook was unable to get to her home row, but putting his King into check to force him onto the defensive would buy her time.  Alessia didn't usually wear skirt variants on her uniform, not often, and certainly not in a likelihood of hopping into her suit or cockpit, but she still had the option to wear one. even if she knew she turned a few heads when she walked. Given how she suspected Jimmy glanced at least once though, most likely imagining these quarters' other occupant would look like wearing a skirt.

"We're not."  Jimmy had met Henshaw's gaze. Without looking at Alessia, Jimmy put his pawn one block away from the home row. "Chess, you see, is a bit like Starfleet Security: Controlling the opposing force with all resources available...  only doing so with one's mind instead of one's fists or phasers. Or joystick."

Alessia was containing a laugh and took the chance to move a knight in position to block off Jimmy's King-piece from exiting the breach his pieces had opened earlier at cost. Instead of moving his pawn to the home row, however, Jimmy, while still looking at Henshaw, moved a bishop to corner (but not put into check) Alessia's own king. The Pilot cursed a string under her breath and had limited options against hitting the offending bishop piece. "Well...  your enemy doesn't wait for the next turn. They don't do pistols-at-dawn." Alessia spoke as if to cover up a bit of laughter at Mariner's expense. "And neither do the brains behind the joystick." Angel flashed a smile at Henshaw for a moment as if 'hoping' the other woman wouldn't fall for this.

"Check." Came the reply as Jimmy returned his eyes to the game; patiently standing his ground and being cool about how he intended to play his endgame. He wasn't trying to impress his guest, not really, but he knew Commander Cinn would see him all in good time, certainly before the next hour. Angel had been right about this probably being their only time in the day to relax after the brief but needed rest they respectively took. The way Angel was playing, she probably needed a longer nap, more caffeine or more practice, despite her tough talk.

Angel's bet had run into costly but valuable opposition. By opening up his pawns and using his heaviest pieces as sacrificial shields, Jimmy had managed to put a pawn across the line, whereas hers stood their ground, and now, most she could do was lock her king in a corner for a staving off action. She was much too proud to withdraw. Usually.  Instead, the Latina locked eyes on the Australian who was leaning back in his chair, contemplating and savoring his victory with the look of a cat who'd just eaten the canary. "Next match, no timer." Alessia said as she offered a handshake, which Jimmy all too eagerly took without any hard feelings; He didn't think his patient approach was a match for her tenacity. "They're still repairing the Chimaera from our last encounter. I've got some time to kill while my RIO recovers." Garcia stood up and began to tidy up their breakfast platters, an effort interrupted when a certain canine walked over in front of the replicator, and gave an inquisitive whine, only to hang his head low when there was nothing for him.

Jimmy noticed the encounter and gave a low 2-noted whistle and Sharky perked up and trotted over to see if Jimmy would be nicer than the mean lady who didn't share the talk-os. Jimmy had set aside a spare taco for his buddy, who nodded his head for a moment as if to thank him before making that taco disappear.

"My reports were supplemented with footage and multimedia accounts with disclaimers for key incidents and developments. As the good captain is also my department chair, I'd love to..." he probably chose the wrong expression for eagerly reporting for duty while keeping a professional yet friendly attitude. "Answer any questions." In reality, though he would have loved to have the debrief here and now, even if it was an informal debrief, it would make good practice for the debrief in the boss's office. "Ever try your hand at this little classic, or are you more of a sports fan?" Jimmy inquired about the now-reset chess game on his desks's computer screen, asking rhetorically but clearly intended as humor towards the yeoman as the quarters' guest chair was now availible.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #3
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | James Mariner's Temporary Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
There seemed to be an unspoken banter going on between the ensign and the lieutenant even as he responded to her, but if anything, Cameron's disinterest grew. She wanted this to be done already so she could be elsewhere. There was a morning brew at the lounge with her name on it. James was sizing her up with a studious eye, and if she was reading him right based on his expression, it wasn't out of attraction. She wasn't sure, ultimately, where he was going with everything. Alessia said she was winning, and James seemed to be trying to impress the Yeoman with his talk about Chess and its principles from his point of view, making a move without taking his eyes off Cameron, who, by her pursed lips, made it clear she wasn't impressed, nor did she care.

Her feet were pointed towards the door from which she came, as she made what notes she could from his response pertaining to her initial query. She had caught on to what he nearly called Dyan's people. With a tiny smirk, she responded to that, having been privy to some of the more colourful pilots' talk, one in particular that she believed interested James a lot. “I believe it was the one called Meony who renamed the Asurians as 'Ass-Urines'.” she looked pointedly at the man, “You don't have bite your tongue with me, Ensign. Though it's probably good practice for when you meet with Captain Wenn.” That was probably why he caught himself so often as he spoke, but it was hard in such a relaxed environment, in the comfort of his own home, as it were.

She missed the dog in the room, which was a sign of her exhaustion considering the sheer size of the canine brute. Alessia didn't seem to mind as she ambled about, cleaning the empty plates, but Cameron immediately became that much more uncomfortable and almost frantic to leave. She sighed again, Keep it together, Cam, she thought to herself, it's his pet, and look, he's trained it well. She stiffened when he invited her to play a game with him. This was just another reminder of something she did with her father. Ian Hawthorne showed her how to play Chess, and explained its finer points to her. The day she had beaten him in a game, he wasn't upset, but so, so proud. He even called his wife over to see the result. Her eyes became shiny with unshed tears before she could fully regain her composure, but for a brief moment, anyone paying attention could see she was miserable.

It was also a stark reminder now that Jien wasn't here. Jien was a prisoner on another ship, and she couldn't do a damn thing to help him!

“I have,” said Cameron curtly as she settled herself firmly across from the man, her eyes on the game now. Since he had the white pieces earlier, in the new game, he now had the darker coloured pieces, meaning Cameron had the first move. She decided to test how quickly she could end this match first. And she moved the pawn directly in front of the king forward one step. “I know you're going to be talking to the Captain soon, but I need to prepare at least the cliff notes for him. You were on Vector 3, and you encountered another Federation starship, the Cayuga, correct?” She didn't raise her eyes from the board as she spoke, but her attention was on the man too.

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia & ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 | Deck | Trying to Forget the situation in Sickbay |  ]Attn: @Triage

" "I believe it was the one called Meony who renamed the Asurians as 'Ass-Urines'." she looked pointedly at the man, "You don't have bite your tongue with me, Ensign. Though it's probably good practice for when you meet with Captain Wenn."

Keeping his head in the game, even at the M-word's mention Mariner reset the interface to traditional pieces on the user interface.
"Good. Some of my unfiltered drawl might have rubbed off from my roommate. Figuratively speaking." Was his blunt response. Alessia hid her shocked grin through her drink. She sat on a nearby sofa with a padd in one hand and moments later, a companion at the sofa when Sharky joined her, as if to read what she was up to. In reluctant acceptance, Alessia scratched his head.

"I hope there's no hard feelings for any wounded pride this particular fleet engagement may or may not incur." Jimmy said, mirroring the yeoman's tone. Without actively looking, Jimmy sensed there was some sort of stormy cloud over the attractive woman's features. A combination of fatigue and something bothering her. One didn't need to be a telepath or even an observant eye for empathy to deduce that something was up. "If this is a bad time or you're in the middle of something else, we can reschedule for something in the holodeck." The words likewise didn't miss what otherwise would have been a somewhat merrry tone as he had with friends or new acquaintances. It was probably his way of pointing it out. "Manners dictate ladies first, rules dictate that your half goes first." He reminded rhetorically as he locked gazes with her. 
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #5
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | James Mariner's Temporary Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
While she studied the board with all the concentration she could muster in the moment, Cameron frowned when James spoke, and she wondered what he meant about his roommate. She studied the room then, doing her best to ignore the dog so long as he stayed there with Alessia. It was a one-person residence, so what roommate was he talking about? She turned back to look at him, her lips parting to ask her question, when she glanced back to the bed where she saw a photo frame, and she could just make out a certain redhead in the arms of the man sitting across from her now. It then became clear to her who his roommate was, and the implication behind his words. Also, Meony was currently undergoing a surgery to save her life from what was turning out to be a critical situation that she and all of the Resolve crew were apparently keeping quiet about this whole time.

“Hnh...” was all she could manage before he called her attention to something else, and she frowned again, confused.

She pointed at the board, where the pawn in front of her king had already been moved one step. “I've already made my move, Ens-Mister Mariner. Also, don't worry, I'm not in the middle of anything right now. Though you didn't answer my question. I know the rest of the Allegiant will be giving their own account and after-action reports, but I need your take on it. We all need to rejoin with the other vectors. If what I've heard so far is true, then Vector Three has had as rough a time as we have, if not more.”

She gestured kindly to him, taking into consideration how he was feeling with his girlfriend's life at risk, yet he remained so happy and calm, “Please, if you're okay with having this conversation now, let's proceed?”

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia & ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 | Deck | Trying to Forget the situation in Sickbay |  ]Attn: @Triage

Mariner rolled up his sleeves, cracked his neck and knuckles as he watched the yeoman ease into her seat, keeping a poker-face as still as they could be. It was like challenging a Vulcan to a stare-off, without the need to keep such a stiff upper lip. "Where should I begin? It's been a busy week, mostly documented." Jimmy asked, counting as he listed.

Mariner advanced his Queen's Knight forward-right. "How about the Devoted mutiny, or the set-up at Sud Lang?" The Ensign shrugged. "That was just a little bit of fun and games against clawspiders. Until, Leften---I mean Traitor Hi'Jak from the science department squealed our location to his true masters before getting them killed. The mining facility was built on an ancient alien facility of some kind." Jimmy noticed at Alessia, whose expression only matched his own morose but chipper attitude: A self-consoling half-smile. Facially, Jimmy was in accord, given that she had lost more than he had. Euphimism between friends was about the best way to acclimate to loss.

"Then when we ran into the Croc-heads-- Pardon; I mean, Klingons, we lost my CO, one pilot and picked up a person-of-interest who proved who set us up before we got out." Jimmy almost froze when remembering the kidnap of Heather McMillan. He thought he even saw her in the room where Henshaw sat. He rose for a drink of water and abruptly left the table, using the visit for water as an excuse to avoid eye contact. "Then the Versant took our people. I lost a friend." The cold water did him some good by the time he returned to his seat. He didn't like to be reminded of failure.

"When we returned to Vector 3 and rescued a disabled starship. Nebula-class Cayuga. After winning their trust, we saved them from a brutal Asurian attack; don't ask me which easier of the two. Now here we are, a bloody Borg invasion." the Aussie concluded with a sigh in earnest. "Sounds like the build-up to a pub joke, and we're the punchline."

Alessia chuckled, finding a corner in the quarters to do some basic datapad reading, despite having a window open to monitor then nearby game. "Wasn't all fun." She deadpanned. "Starbase 84 and running into the Klingons' wrath... kinda sucked, to be honest."

"Oh don't you worry, Angel," Jimmy took cold comfort when he remarked to her. "The squealer got kidnapped, same as anyone else who was abducted. His fate will be the same as those we lost to that threat. And if he comes back, I swear to your wingmates, he'll pay for their lives."

"Good." Came the Latina's response as she pat Sharky the way ancient west buckaroos did to their six-shooters. Sharky had by now been resting on her lap, his oaken-eyes regarding her as if he understood and licked his lips as if to be reminded of a dish served cold; the pit bull preferred it that way.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #7
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | James Mariner's Temporary Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
As the game officially began, Cam's focus was on gathering the information provided by James into her PADD. Her brow furrowed at the information he had chosen to provide her with. The mutiny of the Devoted of Moralli was hardly news to anyone at this point, though he did provide his opinion and point of view of the Coreless Moon mission, which she paid more attention to, making notations and screening out his more colourful vocabulary. Though she had encouraged him to be casual and himself, she still had to make a readable report for the captain.


Every time she thought of the title, his name came into her mind. It wasn't proper. Cinn was the captain now, and she ought to condition her mind to remembering that. Of course, there was the matter of whether they'd ever be able to meet up with the other vectors or if they were going to be stuck apart. Mentally shaking her head, she moved her queen towards the upper right of the board, stopping at H5. Her mind connected the dots and the names that James didn't seem willing to utter when he got up for a drink of water. Heather McMillan. The Radiant biologist. His remarks and account corroborated with that of the pilots Daniel Havenborn and Tessa May Lance, though it added a bit more input then either pilots could provide.

She filled in the details he failed to mention to make a more complete image.

Both he and Alessia chimed in about the rescue of the Cayuga then, at last. Cam's interest picked up a bit, and she began to pay more attention. “Is there a way for you to get word back to Vector Three?” said Cameron after they concluded, “Are they on their way?”

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia & ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 | Deck | Trying to Forget the situation in Sickbay |  ]Attn: @Triage

Queen's Knight flanked by a pawn at A6, enemy queen at H5, White pawn at E3.

It was a cavalry charge, not a three-move win he figured would make a Queen so bold. He foiled it with a pawn's advance to B5. There were alternatives to going on the offensive thus far, when bounties were to be collected. Though he pondered the  possibility of going for the throat but that would have been perceived as foolhardy.

"I want it on record that we were betrayed." Jimmy said as he had some electrolyte-rich sports drink, offering the yeoman anything as he tidied up and continued to keep his eye on the game. "Hi'Jak alerted the Klingons to our position, possibly in their pocket. Captain Drex, son of Martok arrived, dropped a few commandos. Yan'isleth. I got myself a fancy sword and proved that knights still exist. So do orcs, giant spiders and wormtongues. It's a cold comfort he's half the guy he used to be." Jimmy paused for a moment, not one to gloat particularly at someone's expense, but snerked as he recalled his history. "Our ancestors in the Royal Navy used be particularly unforgiving for that crime."

Mariner regarded Henshaw after finishing his regard on what their next moves would be. Attack, bait or defend. In response to getting ahold of the third Vector "I'm not sure. Ask LT Yukimora. I was too busy in sickbay to catch up on anything past the decision to venture out or guard the Asurians on Cayuga." Sounds like they wanted to contain those damn goat-heads off of V-2. Lord knows what sort of damage they could inflict." Jimmy replied in the form of a report. "If it wasn't for me or that fancy sword," he shrugged, "What's left of Cayuga could fill this glass." After a drink for emphasis, Alessia raised a hand.

"Have you tried sending out a shuttlecraft with our location?" She suggested, "We could telegraph suitable rendezvous coordinates and use V-3 and V-2 to optimize our hunt for Vector One?"

"There's a bloody debris field in our way. A Borg battle went south. The number of ships,... Enough to rival what they taught us about Wolf-359." Jimmy recalled. "Add this in your report, Ms. Henshaw..." Jimmy's tone darkened. "Nothing to see a counselor over, but... I saw a woman. She was a Vulcan, assimilated. It... She... it was like we were being watched. I waved as I gave the Vulcan salute, hoping... I don't know what I hoped to achieve, really, the scene you'll find in Allegiant's computer logs... should speak for itself." His gaze resumed on the game, making particular note of Henshaw's queen, as if to destroy it at all costs if opportune.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #9
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw | James Mariner's Temporary Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton
Cam's lips pursed as she considered James' move on the chessboard for a moment, and moved to deflect, but when he commented that he wanted something he stated to be on the record, she quietly replied, “So noted,” adding a vocal record along with what she wrote for the captain's perusal. Her mind was no longer on the chess match, and she began making clumsy or careless moves that soon had James all but stripping her side of the board of almost every piece. The Asurians again. They were a persistent bunch if nothing else. Cam's report and summary was growing as she furiously inputted the data provided by James.

Sadly the man was less forthcoming with details pertaining to reuniting Vector Three with Vector Two. Not his fault, it seemed, but still, a touch disappointing. She would indeed visit Yukimura before submitting her final report to the captain. Her expression didn't change when it came to the topic about the Borg. Still, she imagined it was quite unnerving to see an assimilated Starfleet officer out in space, and watching them. So there was a debris field in the way, well there were ways to get around it, so reuniting with the vector was still possible. “Thank you, Mister Mariner,” said Cam, “I'll add this to my report and list it as your official account of the incidents.”

She looked down at her board and nodded, “Checkmate, you win.”

The Yeoman was already rising from her seat, PADD in hand when she paused to look the man over, “I'm certain we can find a way to get around the Debris field and reunite with Vector Three; after all, it's not like there's a road block that can actually stop us from going around the field.”

She nodded at Alessia with a, “Lieutenant.” and was heading towards the exit, “thanks for your time, Ensign. You have a nice rest of the day now.”

Cam left the quarters and made her way to the turbolift, intending to locate Yukimura.

Re: Prologue: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0300 hrs. ] Game of Pawns

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia & ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | USS Theurgy | Vector 2 | Deck | Trying to Forget the situation in Sickbay |  ] Joint-Post with @Triage

"I wish I could tell you more, Ensign, I really do. But it's prudent to first tell the C-Sec, the CO... or both." he smiled at his own joke. "I'll ask the skipper to throw in my colorful jargon in the official report so you'll know it's me." The smile faded during the game as his moves seemed automatically bent on attacking her pieces as he imagined them as Federation ships against any incarnation of their current enemies. For the moment at the mention of the Vulcan Borg drone, he blinked off seeing both women here in the same state as that unfortunate Vulcan and countless more like her out there. The daymare only lasted for a few seconds, but he felt a nervous beat in his heart. He sighed as a cold, nervous shiver went up his body. He even glanced nervously out of his quarters' viewport.

Before he knew it, his passive aggressive assertiveness in the game turned into a vicious blockade of Henshaw's pawns and pieces. His own tactics had seen him lose most of his own fleet-- his own pieces-- be claimed. In sporting tradition, Jimmy's rough-palmed hand shook the Yeoman's. Despite his nervousness, he had summoned it within to attempt a second encounter for a later date.

"Ensign-- Miss Henshaw?" Jimmy felt as if he regretted such an aggressive game, but he hoped to live past the stereotype that most who joined security didn't have quite the aptitude as other departments. Unfortunately He sensed from Alessia's bemused regard that he was not exactly being friendly as he hoped he could come off as. He was probably still seeing Meony every time he glanced at the whey-faced yeoman with just the loveliest commonwealth accent. "Good game, but perhaps when we get out of this... could I invite you to a cup of tea sometime?" It was the most innocent excuse he had for a better opportunity for a rematch where he'd 'try a more patient' game to cheer her up. "That's one tradition that we must still observe, you know. Teatime." he alluded to their common heritage. "Our friend from Spain here wouldn't understand.

"She could've castled and used those rooks to corner you in your own corner, Jaime. I understand that much." Came a reply from Alessia who was now already receiving a summon to head to her shift but who sensed the yeoman's need to return to duty. At least Jimmy tried to be a good host. "I gotta jet. I'll check in on the wounded wolves. G'day." Angel saluted with a bright smile after saying some Spanish praise and compliments for the needed reasons to smile before the grueling . The deck crews had their work cut out for them, but Alessia's CAP wasn't yet listed. She had to check in on Vinny and on not only Mariner's behalf but that of the squadron's, Meony.

At his invitation, Cam turned, smiled sweetly at him and said, “I think that would be most lovely, Mister Mariner. I'll certainly take you up on that sometime.”

Nothing more needed to be said, and she was gone.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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