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Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley & Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
“Migh' I join yeh?” said Sinead to A'vura, a tray of food in the Bringloidi's hands. The Orion had just been about to place a spoonful of food in her mouth when she looked up from her seat. After a thoughtful moment, A'vura nodded, inviting her fellow former Resolve crewmate to join her for breakfast. In only two days thus far, they had all been assigned to various duties, with the Theurgy's own numbers being supplanted with the surviving crew members of other ships. As they understood it, almost one half of the current crew roster had individuals from several ships now reinforcing the numbers. So after the first night aboard, when they gathered to perform something of a wake for those who didn't survive, They hadn't had much time to interact with one another since.

“How's things?” said A'vura. Normally she wouldn't have spoken at all, but having spent three years with the woman, she valued and appreciated Sinead's company. Plus, while fully capable of being very talkative, Sinead was generally not given to saying much until spoken to, something the former chief of operations appreciated, but the she liked the Bringloidi, who knew her way around Engineering as much as she knew her way on a battlefield. From the woman with the curious eyes, she learnt a great many things, as much as the other woman claimed to have learned from her in turn.

“As fine as can beeh,” said Sinead, “are yeh settlin' in well wi' th' crewh?”

“I guess I am...” said A'vura, raking her hair back with a hand, “Did you hear about what happened to Meony yesterday?”

“Aye,” Sinead nodded as she took a bite of her meal, “moch as she be willin' t' reveal anyhowh. S'ppose Jimmy woul' know more, 'ssumin' she tells 'im.”

“I'm sure she would. She loves him.” A'vura resumed eating as well, then looked around for a moment thoughtfully, and said, “There he is now. Jimmy?”

Sinead was somewhat more commanding, “James Marinerh, join us!”

In the corner by A'vura's seat, an oddly shaped rock sat in a pot.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #1
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

Ahh. Breakfast. James was still patting himself on the back in risking his neck to save Resolve's replimenu. If there was a patron saint of risky missions for seemingly imbecilic results, Jimmy was willing to skip the canonization process 'and start naming schools after him'. For now, though, he was more interested in getting himself a Huarache and a coffee. A good protein drink was the right way to make up for burnt calories from last night's exercise.

While Jimmy reactively had a telltale spring in his step physically, his regard was one of worry and reflection. He that the deputy C-sec was already jogging around in preparation for takeoff for the away team mission he volunteered for. Mariner only had about a half hour to report in full gear and equipment, but he had trusted people in security from Resolve seeing to his equipment, lest some Devoted nutcase sabotage his odds of survival. It was one thing to be paranoid, another to be cautious.

Either way he didn't hesitate when he spotted two familiar faces. "Ah, Leftenant! … M'um." He greeted A'vura with a genuine smile at the friendly but shy Orion female; He'd tried to court her when she was still an ensign, though they didn't fully click. Unlike his jaw when he'd had the sparring session heard around the quadrant. At least on Resolve.

Ever since that 'accident' some years back, Jimmy's outgoing and seemingly inflappable confidence was restricted to his away-team attitude, and he didn't much feel as overconfident or as reckless as he used to, not since the last year. Much as James wanted to find a breakfast for himself with a confidante like Leon, Keval or Daniel, Jimmy hadn't seen enough of his former short-list of associates this morning and would sit with anyone he trusted.

His smile stayed the same, but a telltale involuntary reaction in his eyes belied a look of... fear? indignity? A burning desire for a rematch? "Good morning, Ladies. Sleep well?" He needed his coffee, that wasn't a gentlemanly thing to ask, but spotting O'Riley let slip a faux pas.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley & Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
“Hey Jimmy,” said A'vura casually, at his greeting. She smiled and shook her head a little at him. Years together in Hell Sector had basically made most of the crew rather lax on the maintainance of dicipline and protocol, but some, like Daniel Havenborn, kept to it religiously, almost fanatically, and expected others to do so as well. But most were more focused on surviving rather than pulling rank or seniority on one another. Right now, the Orion couldn't tell if Jimmy was being playful or serious. But something about the way he walked today suggested that he...

She remembered seeing Meony openly kissing him in the lounge last night. If there had ever been any questions about how she felt about him amongst the surviving Resolve crew members, there was none any longer.

Oh, that meant Jimmy and Meony...A'vura smiled knowingly, but said nothing.

While the Orion was more polite about talking about these sort of things, Sinead was quite the polar opposite. Her eyes squinted a little, trying to minimize the brightness around her, since she was more accustomed to darker, colder low-light environments, and thankfully, the lounge kept the lights somewhat dimmer than the rest of the ship, allowing for the silvery-glow of her eyes to show. But she was more interested in how springy the man was. Oh she could always tell when someone had a romp in the hay. She wasn't a Bringloidi if she couldn't tell. “Indeed, I slept wellh, James Mariner,” said Sinead, and A'vura's eyes went wide as she whipped her head to look at her friend, already knowing what was coming, “far be'er'n yeh, I imagine.”


A'vura buried her face in her hands, “Oh God, Sinead...!”

“Why d'yeh always be gettin' awkward? 'Tis nothin' t'be ashamed abou'.” Sinead frowned at A'vura, then at Jimmy, “'less'n yeh be havin' somethin' tha' makes yeh guilty for it. 'Tis a natural thin' yeh do wi' those yeh have a fancy wi'.” She leaned forward, resting her palms on the table and looked straight at Jimmy, “Back at 'ome, when yeh have yeh first nigh' wi' yeh love, we Bringloidi gather 'round t' cheer yeh on!” She spared the man one of her rare smiles. A'vura looked absolutely mortified.

“Three years,” said A'vura, “three years I've been around you, and I still cannot stop you from talking about these things.” She turned to Jimmy, “Jim, I'm so sorry, but you know her...”

“Yeh be too shy, A'vura,” said Sinead, “'Tis a fine thing yeh should enjoyh talkin' an' hearin' abou'! You agree, James Marinerh?” They both turned to look at the man.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #3
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

Jimmy claimed a seat but realized he never finished last night's chicken burrito and took fifteen seconds to get himself one before returning to his seat, oblivious that he had a long, red hair snaking around his neck which somehow managed to stow away onto his person.

"It was a rough night, but I managed." Jimmy took a bite of his burrito and avoided contact with the angel-faced grim reaper, despite that infectious accent that reminded the Australian of his father's Irish heritage. It was no point being blunt in the face of a chicken burrito, which took a moment to process. O'Riley knew how to push his buttons and mess with the wiring beneath them, so he tried to be deliberate, especially when A'vura chimed in. For an Orion, she was skittish about such things; But Mariner didn't fault her for it. She wasn't a scallywag, and he respected that; even if he was one.

"Back at 'ome, when yeh have yeh first nigh' wi' yeh love, we Bringloidi gather 'round t' cheer yeh on!"

"Only the first night?" Jimmy asked, interested. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, per manners. Despite being the junior officer, he made it a point to compose himself as neat and tidy as he could. Even if the Bringloidi was bringing up bodily functions at the table, which clearly made A'vura uncomfortable, and she voiced it. The only thing Jimmy was wierded out by was O'Riley's smile, but he could step in to the arena with her and beat her at her own game. Figuratively!

Jimmy sipped more of the kiwi-flavored drink and raised a finger in agreement for a moment, "The Bringloidi have the right idea.", cup settled, he didn't seem phased by this topic. "The humanoid body is to be celebrated, not ashamed of... unless of course there's cameras going.". Jimmy made a funny face at that prospect, then had a drink of his protein shake, letting the joke hang in the air to A'vura's amusing reaction. "Then I for one would prefer any royalties to be made out in Latinum." He was obviously kidding, knowing full well that he'd be clobbered by the camera in question by his love, were they to partake in Bringloidi tradition. Besides, all Latinum was good for was bragging rights for Dabo. Unable to resist the urge to bring the Orion into the filthy Earther talk, he turned to her.
"How about you, Leftenant Zeshryr? Any prospects for you on this fine ship? I always said you'd someday make a Vulcan man a happy--err, agreeable mate." He responded to her priceless reaction by adding, "The only side effects though include the tendency to see calculations everywhere. Handy for working in Ops." Mariner contained his light laugher on the next helping of his burrito. His latter cadet years and first tour of duty included Vulcan combat training, which saw him acquaint with the species. Upon hearing that particular rumor, (which in his opinion could've bordered on a 'Vulcan lie'), he abruptly ended his attempts to 'initiate intimate encounters' with his sparring partner. One advantage, however was the immunity to Orion pheromones present in Vulcans and Romulans. That may have explained a thing or two about their humorless attitude towards sexuality.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley & Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
There were many meanings behind words, plus the way it was said could convey a message of entirely different contexts, as Sinead had learned in her years amongst the Federation. So she read far more in his tone than others might have guessed at. There was something else besides he and Meony having a good time. It sounded like he literally meant that he had a challenging night. So she didn't jibe him further in that regard, but when he asked whether it was only for the first night, she regained that cheeky glint in her eyes, but A'vura's jaw introduced itself violently to the floor, because of the flow of this conversation.

The Orion was an Orion only in genetics, but her upbringing and culture was completely and utterly human, to the point she always considered herself a green-skinned human. Of course, most people never saw it that way, and tended to assume on her nature and characteristics. “Stop encouraging her.” said A'vura, but her voice was overridden by Jimmy going right on. She folded her arms over her chest and leaned back in her seat. This was no conversation she wanted to be a part of. She glanced down at the rock near her and boggled at it for a moment, before Sinead responded to Jimmy.

The Bringloidi was frowning, “Now this is wha' I find confusingh,” she gestured to Jimmy, “yeh canna bring up talk abou' copulation at a meal withou' shifting eyes t'somewhere else, but yeh woul' actually make a recordin' of yer passions. Also,” Sinead leaned forward with serpentine speed and snatched the strand of red hair she found on Jimmy, and showed it to A'vura, who just rolled her eyes, “if yeh really need, we can go on cheerin' fer yeh more'n once if yeh be needin'. We Bringloidi encourage th' activity. More children, we always say. Ne'er soch a thing as too many among us.”

“Jim...” said the Orion, “It's just A'vura. Are you trying to be like Daniel now? All formalities and rank and surnames? As for me and Vulcans...” she shrugged, “...if it happens, it happens, and that's all the conversation I'm going to have about relationships, thank you very much.”

Sinead brushed back A'vura's hair with a hand, her face straight, and her tone deadpan, “I will make a proper woman out o' yeh yet.” Turning to Jimmy, she said, “And yeh, I will be makin' into a fine suitor for th' likes o' Meony. Have yeh already done th' position of...”

A'vura's hand slapped over Sinead's mouth, “Stop. Stop.” She looked at Jimmy, “I swear, this woman's more Orion than I will ever be.”

Sinead pulled her face and mouth free from the Orion's hand, “Nay, I am Bringloidi, and that is all I am.”

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #5
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

Jimmy reactively flinched when the Bringloidi threw a punch-- oh, whew, she just grabbed a... How in the Outback did that happen?

"Mine." Jimmy's left hand yanked one half of the strand of red Texan hair back and tucked it into his hair. For luck. "I already have enough cheerleaders in whatever domicile unit I occupy, but by all things good and green. A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell." he wisecracked back at these two goofballs.

"It's just A'vura. Are you trying to be like Daniel now? All formalities and rank and surnames?

Jimmy replied almost as if offended, nearly choking on his breakfast. "Bloody-Hell no!" Now -that- was inappropriate. Jimmy waited until he processed his morsel. "No, dear A'vura. I wouldn't mind a promotion to full-Leftenant, but only for larger quarters. Formality is just a way to show initiative. Dan's a good chap, and a 'proper' officer. But when it comes to quarters size. The good Left-enant's got me beat for now." Besides, Jimmy was friends and holodeck-mates with Havenborn and was willing to lend a good critique of the Resolve lead pilot's imaginative holodeck programs, as a way to look out for Meony and make sure Lt. Havenborn personally made sure she survived.

"I will be makin' into a fine suitor for th' likes o' Meony. Have yeh already done th' position of..."

"Never you mind which position I have in the matter. I mean! What positi… oh, never mind." Mariner caught himself before he could blurt out defensively further, he managed to hold a stern eye contact with Sinead, which sheepishly didn't last. A'vura made sure of that. Jimmy mouthed 'thank you' in the confusion when the shy Orion cupped the testy Bringloidi's mouth. Jimmy downed his protein shake, and waived a photonic holographic waiter for a particularly hearty Earth coffee.

After a moment, Jimmy Made the look of someone who was kidding to a certain extent, but vague about that. "I suppose I could marry Meony and petition for a larger living space, but I won't have any, Bringloidi eyes-- OR-- cameras watching. Much less participatin'." Jimmy went out of his way that he was not obsessed with his rank and when goaded, he could stand up to a smug junior left-enant . "Spend a few moments with her and she'll tell ya, in plain Texan: She's not as open about sharing you'd think.". At this point, Jimmy was joining in on teasing their Orion friend, but as far as he was concerned, locker talk was a matter of life for the old shipmates. Women and their silly ranked among the few things that could trip up his otherwise ice-cool composure.

Mariner had only a few minutes at most before he had to report to the quartermaster for his equipment. "So, Rocky. You've been awfully quiet this morning." Jimmy could just as easily voice a character for the... fourth participant in that morning's breakfast.

"..." came the reply. Jimmy expected such an answer, and continued to listen further.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley & Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
Sinead's lips quirked upwards in a smile again when Jimmy snatched the strand of hair back, and she let him have it. A'vura didn't miss this act either. The Orion sort of wished she hadn't said anything to the man now. Asking him a question more often than not left her with more questions than ever. “So...” A'vura began, “...once you're a lieutenant, you'll be finally willing to address me by my first name? I...guess that's okay.”

She didn't want to broach the subject any longer, but she did give a slight smile when he lost it with Sinead's teasing. The Bringloidi wasn't really trying to goad him into any kind of confrontation though. She was merely as usual, trying to get him to be less of a stiff and loosen up, especially around them. A'vura herself generally preferred solitude, but she'd been around the Resolvers long enough to regard them as family, and come to enjoy spending time with them, and she knew their ups and downs. With that in mind, perhaps it shouldn't have come as a surprise how Jimmy behaved.

When Jimmy spoke to the rock near her, she looked down at it, and then back the man, arching an eyebrow. Maybe he was going mental. “You weren't expecting an answer, were you?”

Sinead looked at the rock and then at Jimmy as well, “Sure he wos,” said the silvery-blue-eyed Bringloidi, “Men like him couldh teach rocks t'sing. He's tenacious enoff.”

She chose not to tease the man any further, seeing as he really wasn't interested in sharing, and besides, it seemed impolite to continue without Meony present. Instead she finally (probably thankfully) changed the subject. “Yeh will be goin' travellin' soon, aye? Resource collectin' an' all that?”

“I heard about that,” said A'vura, “I was overseeing the inspection and maintenance procedures earlier. Three Valkyries and the Sabine. Can you talk about it?”

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #7
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner & Rubber the Enigmatic Rock (NPC) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

Jimmy took another chomp out of his burrito and cleaned himself off, before he heard a rhythmic, "*thump, thump, ... thud!*" and Mariner reacted as if he'd heard something in the distance and looked about before resuming. He let A'vura and Sinead exchange their little remarks as he continued to finish up his breakfast.

"I'd tell you but it's cla--" He stopped again, mid-sentence in a way to downplay the nature of his assignment. Mariner was never one to risk ships with loose lips, and as such found the ideal way to make a decoy topic out of nowhere. "*thump, thump, ... thud!*" he 'heard' again as he used his foot to move the nearest unoccupied chair in a rhythmic pattern, thus causing the Rock to 'speak' a repeated phrase. Jimmy abruptly glanced at the rock now and then for thematic effect. It was one of his ventriloquism routines, without having the use of his voice mimicry or impersonations; for now his mischievous humor made Sinead's point for her.

After the third time, Jimmy seemed offended by what he'd heard. "Who you callin' a big disgrace?" Jimmy whirled at the rock on the table and realized he had cheese on his face and wiped it off with his napkin, before casting a disbelieving look at A'vura in particular then lowered his eyes at the rock they had with them on the table. "Cheeky abrasive lil... Oh is that so?"" Jimmy picked up their rock and glowered at it, face to face. "Listen, Pebbles. You threaten to 'rock me, rock me' one more time and I'll kick your can all over the place.... ya big disgrace."

"..." Jimmy just glowered at the rock, who--which-- held its figurative tongue. Good for it. Jimmy set the rock down at its place on their table and indifferently resumed his breakfast, noticing his compatriots were looking at him, to which he shrugged, but whispered in response to their initial inquiry about his mission for the day.

Indifferent to his own antics, Jimmy reported in a hushed voice. "We've received word of an abandoned dilithium mine, and Bremmer's probably going to break a nail babysitting the away team if I don't go, so that's that. Dunno about the other away team members, but we bounce*  within the hour." classic Mariner euphimism.

He cast one last look at the rock, "I don't suppose you have any tactical advice for me, do you? ... Hmm? What's that? If I run into trouble against someone, make sure they bite the dust, and if another one shows up, make them bite it too?" Jimmy rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Seemed like good advice, if Jimmy dared say so himself. "Huh. You know, I never thought about it that way. You take care of my friends here for me, and I'll score you some gneiss asphalt to rock and roll with when I come back, savvy?" Despite that rock's rough-around-its-edges personality, Jimmy was starting to grow fond of that rock.

* Bounce: <take off>
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley & Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
A'vura, who was generally jumpier than anyone else present, flinched a little when she heard a sudden noise that she couldn't quite identify its origin from. If Sinead noticed or had any response, she hid it well. “Classifiedh?” said Sinead to Jimmy's incomplete statement, then observed him blankly for a time, with both her and A'vura turning to look at the nearby chair as it moved. A'vura's eyes were wide and round, for a moment, while Sinead just kept her eyes lidded and low, since they were sensitive to light, and having heard about a young woman on board known as a Radiant and was reportedly shining perpetually, she thought it best to avoid running into her.

It finally became obvious to the two women that Jimmy was just goofing around, talking to a rock of all things. A'vura pressed a palm to her face for the umpteenth time. They paid attention though when he dropped what information he could about his upcoming mission.  “Eliska Bremmer is a good fighter, and so are youh.” said Sinead, nodding, “Keep yer wits about yeh and yeh will be fine. Mind th' trick we learnt when fightin' humanoids.” The Bringloidi made a smooth twisting motion with her hands, pretending to be snapping someone's neck painfully. “Weight, pressure and poise will do th' work for yeh afterh.”

Looking over at Sinead, the Orion nodded as she finished her breakfast and leaned forward, resting a palm over the rock that Jimmy had been talking to. “Just be careful, okay? We've lost enough already.” said A'vura, her eyes fixed on the man, “and Jimmy? Stop talking to a rock...or I'm calling B'nila, Zelosa...and Sickbay.”

“And why a gneiss asphalt rock?” asked Sinead seriously, producing a glowing red rock from her pocket, and placing it next to the larger lump of rock, “Th' crystals from me homeworld are prettier...”

“Sin, you're encouraging the madness,” said A'vura, half-playfully, and half-worriedly.

“Madness?” said Sinead, “This.” she leaned closer, her free hand pressing into the table between herself and A'vura, “Is.” She let the words hang in the air for a while, then finished quietly, Theurgy.”

She leaned back, turned away from the Orion and resumed eating her meal, leaving the green-skinned woman to blink stupidly a few times.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #9
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner & Rubber the Enigmatic Rock (NPC) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

Jimmy listened intently to his new friend and seemed to agree that he was surrounded by crazies. He even considered 'translating' what Rocky meant about Gniess asphalts and exposed cleavages, but he wasn't a geologist [or even a hobby-eologist, like his father was], so he held it off, taking the threat for psychological evaluation seriously, but then again O'Riley insinuated this ship was a nuthouse.

"Bremmer's not the nicest person on the crew, but she's probably grouchy I outshot her that last time on Resolve before we pulled in to port. Could use you, though." Jim idly offered, though knowing neither would take him up. Part of him would miss not having O'Riley as his superior, even though he'd never admit it.

"Tell you what. I'm gonna stay alive for one reason." He announced as he finished his meal and chuckled through A'vura's reply. "To teach Sinead here what happens when I don't slip in the Dojo.... and, obviously, to not die. Not til I outrank both of you and get my own Galaxy-class, the USS Risa." Jimmy claimed in his usual smirking demeanor.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley & Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
“Tis always good t' dream,” said Sinead, then she added, “dreams see us through th' nightmares.” She wasn't being mean or discouraging. “Yeh will be in command one day.”

“While I'd be happy to come along,” said A'vura, “I wasn't selected, and it's all hush hush, right? Maybe next time.” She looked over at Sinead, “Though he's right about you. You, Jimmy and Eliska would be a potent combination.”

“Potent no be unstoppable orh incapable of mistakes.” said Sinead evenly, but her eyes drooped low for a moment as she considered her reputation as the Grim Reaper, and the verity of the superstition concerning her. “Me duty has already been assigned, and I willh be on th' bridge todayh. Just make sure yeh no be slipping outside th' dojo, James Marinerh. And do no be so hard on Eliska. She cares very deeply. Sometimes, that makes her say things tha' do be soundin' rude or unkind, but only because she cares.”

Their breakfast was winding down as their meals were finished, and A'vura added quietly, “Just be careful out there, okay? And good luck.”

“Aye,” said Sinead, “yeh still owe me another roun' in th' dojo, this time, we be makin' sure th' floor no be slippery enoff fer yeh.”

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #11
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

"When I'm captain of my own Theurgy-Class, now that we've seen it firsthand, I'll be sure to consider you both for department chairs if Leon's going to be out directing whatever Defiant or Galaxy you know he'd stick with." Jimmy listed his own dream, keeping Meony's mention out of it to his two favorite gossipers to gossip about gossip with. Until working with Eliska Bremmer came up.

"Eliska 'Sharky's-a-waste-of-space' Bremmer?" Jimmy recollected something the Nova Kosician had once claimed, earning her an uncharacteristic sparring injury from Jimmy, who hastily went over and apologized, only to be knocked down himself. No one insulted the Aussie's pit bull.

Jimmy busted his plate and loaded something Resolve's dietary supplements had stored, coming back with a package with the tin foils of a Starfleet medical insignia. "Sure. Still gonna take a few 'Bashin' candy bars for the road. All the carbs of combat rations at slow-release. Kinda like the midgets from Lord of the Jewels had near the end of the first movie-- err, book." Jimmy remembered that Sinead was forced to watch the screen edition of the Tolkien classic, and thus abridged the references so that she would understand. It didn't seem right to short-sell Tolkien, but it put off.... that other topic for so long.

"Thanks, A'vura." Jimmy favored the Orion with a warm smile, and up and slid her one of these ration candy bars. "Here, in case you get hungry out at work. Don't fill up on Lembas bread." He attempted another Tolkien reference in the hope that even a non-human would have considered joining in on the occasional Resolve movie nights. Voluntarily, rather than sequestered as he and Meony had to do with O'Riley.

"And you. I'll be glad to knock your..." Jimmy caught himself from saying 'lights out'. a taunt like that wound him up in sickbay during the incident now famously in question. "Socks off when I get back. I might even go easy on you before I mop the dojo with ya." Came Jimmy's dead-serious pokerface hiding his playful but competitive arrogance on his stance on the matter.

"And you!" The rock. "You'll see who rocks who." Jimmy made note of the time and had minutes to report to the quartermaster then to the Fighter Assault Bay, but it was best to spend his last free minute with these three for good luck.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley & Lt. JG A'vura Zeshryr | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triton & @steelphoenix
Jimmy was being Jimmy again. Typical. It was something that was not unfamiliar to the two women before him. He used levity to lighten the mood over something he truthfully felt he had no control over, nor knew the outcome of, and so he hid his fears, worries or any potential insecurities behind an unconventional sense of humour that would not make any sense, except to those who have travelled with him for the last three years. And though it was not likely that Sinead or A'vura would ever understand him as well as Meony could, they could at the least, see where he was coming from, and do their best to support him. A'vura's lips twitched upwards briefly at the nickname Jimmy gave Eliska. That did sort of fit the woman.

When he came back and settled down, talking about ancient plays, Sinead squinted her eyes at him, and she finally said, “Yeh be talkin' aboot th Lord o' th' Rings? And Lembas bread?” She was familiar with the film. Meony had somehow strongarmed the Bringloidi into sitting down with her and Jimmy to watch the entire trilogy. Although she struggled for a while to understand it initially, she eventually admitted that she enjoyed the film, and was interested to discover it had a written format before it became a film adaptation. The books had far more content, and gave her better insight. Her lips quirked upwards a bit, and looked down at the ration he gave to A'vura.

“Thanks Jim,” said A'vura as he addressed Sinead.

“I be lookin' forwardh t' that, James Marinerh.” She rose gracefully from her seat. Years of mastering as many martial arts forms as she could learn, along with Bringloidi natural talents in dancing gave the auburn-haired woman a fluid kind of movement that was obvious to any. The time was coming for them to report to their respective duties, and both Sinead and A'vura felt they ought to wish the man well, and for some, to pray for the safe return of the entire expedition. Sinead placed a hand on his shoulder, looking right into his eyes, and somehow managing to give the impression that she was looking down even though he had almost a whole head on her. “Trust yer eye, yer mind, an' yer heart, James Marinerh. Dark is th' caves and deep are th' waters, but yer eye, mind an' heart will always lead yeh home.”

That was the equivalent of a family blessing amongst Bringloidi, something she had been heard giving on occasion, but rarely so, enough for one to know the depth and feeling behind such a farewell, if she would bestow it now. For it was only given when one was going on a potentially hazardous journey in which the safe return was not guaranteed.

When Sinead took her hand from his shoulder and stepped back, A'vura came forward next, and just gave him the usual hug that they shared frequently. Three years enduring hardships together formed a bond of close friendship between the man and the Orion. “Come back safe, Jim.” This time though, she hugged him tighter and more firmly, before letting go.

After Jimmy had left, A'vura turned to look at the rock that Jimmy kept addressing and she bent down to pick it up.

“What d'yeh plan t' do with that?” asked Sinead.

“ going to put this somewhere that Jimmy can't see or talk to it.” said A'vura with some thought and hesitation.

Sinead folded her arms, regarding the notion very seriously, “Where would yeh keep it tha' James Marinerh will no be goin' to?”

As they pondered this, they suddenly looked at each other, seemingly dawning on the same thought at the same time.

“Eliska Bremmer.” They said in unison as they turned and left, carrying the rock with them.

“I wanna name him Rubber.” said A'vura.

“We shoul' goh see B'nila an' Zelosa Ejek first.” Sinead looked at the Orion with a deadpan expression.

Re: Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Secure Operations

Reply #13
[ Ens. James "Jimmy" Mariner | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

Jimmy have the Orion the same type of hug given to a sister on her way to school. He was quite happy with Meony, naturally, but still always found the time to be kind to the ops officer, and despite his early attempts to woo her, was never as successful, quite happy enough to have her as a friend. During one Halloween 'party' on the Resolve, Jimmy helped surprise A'vura with a wicked witch costume that turned a few heads on that ship's lounge that day. "You too. Don't volunteer for any suicide missions or get stuck in a tube somewhere. I won't be able to beam over and save ya this time."

"I dunno. Most decisions come from my head, but sure, never hurts to lead with a moral compass." Jimmy wheezed the last bits of that as A'vura tightened. Okay yep. That's a hug and a half. Okay, losing oxygen now. "A.V.? Luv? You're..... -sigh- thanks. Was turning blue for a moment there. Jimmy almost regretted that breakfast. He walked it off but gave a parting reply to Sinead. "I don't think A'vura would do anything anything particularly crazy, but you, I dunno. Someone's gotta keep the CO on their toes. So how about ya keep those lovely eyes on the lookout for trouble, ey?" Jimmy managed a smirk at O'Riley before realizing he was going to run late to the Sabine shortly, so a formal farewell never happened. Jimmy would later bitterly regret that moment.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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