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Topic: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles (Read 6390 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
Derik slumped against the stubborn couch in frustration and exhaustion. He stopped short of cursing the stupid, inanimate object. How had this all come about again?

He’d finally been given an assignment for his quarters, only to get here and find that the place had been gutted. He had a bed and no other furniture. He’d found someone in charge of that and they told him there was a couch in one of the storage bays but with everything going on, he’d have to get it himself or wait a few days. He’d managed to talk one of the engineers with a grav lift to help him get it to the right deck, but then he’d been abandoned in trying to get the couch through the door. It kept getting stuck in trying to make the turn, which now seemed impossible, and now the door kept trying to close on him if he went out of the way to the outside to move the couch from the other end.

Somewhere amid moving the damn thing, he’d taken off his uniform top because he’d been sweating so much, leaving him in the black tank top he normally wore underneath. So here he was, getting strange looks from other crewmembers who of course didn’t stop to help because they were all busy. Just had to have the damn couch today, Derik, you couldn’t just wait like everyone else. Now you’re a half-dressed crazy person looking like they’re about to have an argument with a couch in the middle of a corridor, he thought to himself.

Sighing in temporary defeat, he just plopped himself down on the couch, laying down and closing his eyes. Not knowing someone else had stopped to see what was going on.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #1
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis

It had been a long day of checking in supervising the retraining of several Resolve folk as they were being introduced to the Mk III Valkyrie project. The holodecks had been the perfect place for simulations for hours after hours. He had pushed his pilots to the edge and congratulated them on the results. He felt that they were ready and able to fly the Valkyries to his content, yet simulation battles could only prepare one for so much. His mind was sunken in thoughts as he strolled through the junior officer's quarters section of the ship before a semi corridor roadblock appeared.

A frown appeared on Thomas his brows as he wasn't sure what exactly was going on as nobody could be seen around the piece of furniture. "Odd..." he murmured to himself as he came closer to inspect it. To his amusement he found a Trill slumped on the couch with his eyes closed. His uniform jacket nowhere to be seen thus Thomas couldn't quite guess to which department the Trill belonged to, let alone guess his rank besides it being a junior officer.

"Expanding the confines of your quarters?" he spoke up to the man as he stood against the back of the couch and just towered up behind him. Thomas had been in his standard uniform and did have a quite stern look on his face. The idea of scaring the crap of a crewman who seemingly wanted to take a nap whilst blocking half the corridor making him smirk on the inside.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
Derik’s eyes popped open and he jumped up off the couch with an almost impressive hangtime. An attractive, but currently stern-faced officer was staring at him. Derik was more groggy than he imagined. He’d just laid down for a second, had he actually fallen asleep? “I…uh…, no, sir, Commander,” noticing the number of pips on the man’s uniform. “I’m, uh, I was losing the battle of getting this couch into my quarters, sir.” He looked down at the couch, realizing the oddness of his situation, and a little embarrassed suddenly at being somewhat underdressed.

“Junior Lieutenant Derik Veradin, sir, recently arrived from The Resolve. Acting Chief CONN. I just barely got my quarters and they were quite bare, so I thought I’d get me an extra couch, and it and the door and me are having a bit of a disagreement. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble, I just meant to rest for a moment…” as he broke off he just saw the other man still staring at him. “…my apologies, sir. I’ll get this out of the way right away.” He reached down and tried to lift the couch up again, but despite his good physical shape, he still wasn’t able to get it quite through the door. He strained a few more times before letting the couch settle again, looking defeated for a second time.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #3
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis 

The reaction of the Trill before him wasn't bad at all. Thomas remained at ease as he eyed the helmsman it seemed as he came up with an explanation as to why and how the couch had been gotten stuck in that position. "Mhm..." was the unimpressed response of the senior officer before he had to break the facade and smile as he heard and saw the lieutenant make haste to move the piece of furniture into the room. "Lieutenant..." he started "One might expect a man of your position to be accustomed to parking large objects in tight spots." he studied the couch before looking at the opening "Why don't you get into your quarters first and I'll help you twist it to its side before we can shove it in." he offered before rolling up his sleeves.

As he waited for the Trill to get in position he introduced himself "Lieutenant commander Thoams Ravon, nice to meet you Derik." he continued "Welcome aboard our ship, what's your first impression so far?" he asked curiously as the two of them started to push the piece in bit by bit until it slipped in entirely "Where do you want to put it down?" he asked while giving the room a first glance.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
The tension eased out of Derik’s shoulders once Thomas finally smiled, both because he knew he wasn’t going to have his balls busted, but also because, damn, the man had a handsome smile. He went to get into position behind the couch so the two of them could move it in. The possible double meaning of the commander’s ‘tight spots’ comment wasn’t lost on Derik, and he caused his mind to race. Did he mean it that way? If he did, was it a joke, or possibly a kind of flirtation? He’d have to play this one out. “It’s been a bit of a whirlwind so far, to be honest, but so far so good. Thea is a real dream to fly.”

The two of them were able to finally manage to twist the couch as needed and get it inside, maneuvering it to where Derik was more or less happy with it, the door closing behind them. Finally able to relax, Derik pulled up the bottom of his tank top to wipe some sweat from his forehead. It was a normal thing he did, so it wouldn’t seem out of place, but he also did it to gauge Ravon’s reaction to seeing a bit of skin, to test his hunch and that joke from earlier. The guy was damn sexy, so Derik certainly wouldn’t mind if he was interested. “Have you been on here for the whole voyage then?”

He made his way over to the little kitchenette and opened a cupboard to pull out two glasses. “Drink? I’ve got something we picked up out past Romulan space that tastes almost like bourbon." He poured himself one waiting for the commander’s response.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #5
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis  

Once the couch was pushed inside the quarters and positioned to a spot that the junior lieutenant approved, Thomas stretched himself a little as he watched the Trill helmsman wipe some sweat off his forehead. By doing so, the young helmsman exposed quite a bit of flesh and Thomas glanced over at him, inspecting, studying the Trill spots that covered his skin before the tank top covered it all up. "Haven't flown Thea yet, but I bet she flies like a dream." he replied eventually before looking Veradin in the eyes.

As Thomas strolled around in the room and looked around for any specifics from Derik like pictures or the sort he nodded to his next question "Boarded the ship before it left Sol, been on here ever since. Well... I'd lie, I was MIA for a while after coming in rough contact with Calamity's fighters. Earned me some alone time on an icy rock." he smirked before he shook his head "If it can be any advise, don't do it, not worth it." he added jokingly before turning back around to face Derik. "You were from the Resolve right?" he inquired as his eyes narrowed to make sure.

In the meantime Derik had made his way over to another section as he suggested a drink, Thomas could only grin and nod "I can't turn down a drink." he kept his eyes on the helmsman and studied his frame for a second before he looked around in his quarters once more "Mind if I take the vest off?" he asked the host as he wasn't sure if he was overdressed or not for the occasion, regardless, the moving had caused for a heat surge and Thomas wouldn't mind to lose some garments to cool down a tad. 

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
Derik opened the bottle and put a single, small block of ice each into two glasses as the commander spoke about his time alone on an icy rock. Derik’s mind went immediately to the time he and Liam had been stranded in their shuttle on the shore of the cold, mountain lake. He was glad he was facing away as the blush of just the memory turned his cheeks red.  “Right? If you’re going to be stranded on a cold rock, alone is not ideal. The only ice I prefer is the kind in my drinks.”

He poured the golden brown liquid into the glasses as Ravon asked about the Resolve. He grabbed the two drinks and started walking back over to the living room area. “Yeah, fresh off one nightmare adventure to another,” he said with a chuckle. “It was a good ship with a good crew. We lost way too many, and that was before we even got home and had the shit show of Starbase 84.” Derik tried to keep his tone light, but didn't cover the pain of it fully. His expression remained warm and easy though.

Finally, in response to the pilot taking off his vest, Derik smiled warmly as he finished crossing the distance back to the couch. Now that's a good sign, he thought to himself, trying not to grin too broadly. “By all means. Get comfortable. I already feel overdressed.” Derik held the pilot’s drink as he removed his vest, not hiding that he was watching Thomas take the vest off, before handing it to him and clinking the glasses together. “Cheers.”

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #7
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis

A laugh was heard behind Derik as Thomas could taste the joke about ice in a drink "I usually enjoy my drinks neat to be fair." he mentioned though didn't mind the dealers choice. The eyes of the senior officer dropping to the filled glass as the junior officer walked over to him and handed him over the drink. He nodded in the meantime as he could only try to fathom what kind of hell the Resolve must've gone through. "Well, if it's worth anything... I'm glad we managed to hook you guys with a new ship. I mean, no disrespect to your former captain, but I rather see people alive than dead in space." he clarified as he brought the drink closer to his face and took a whiff of it.

After placing the drink down, Thomas worked himself out of the vest and remained with simply the standard issue undergarments on his chest. Usually he'd wear something of his own, though he was in a hurry this morning. Regardless though the standard clothing stuck close to his frame, showing off the rather trained torso of the pilot, though his skin was still perfectly hidden. He placed his vest on a chair near the door and eventually walked back to the couch as he picked up his drink and dropped down on it.

"Cheers." he replies to Veradin as they clinked their glasses together and Thomas sipped from the drink. The taste of it was rather powerful and the pilot smirked as he took a new gulp "My my, you have some good stuff stashed away here lieutenant." he laughed as he took a more relaxed pose. He did keep his space from the Trill as he didn't want to come over as too intimidating nor did he want to make the other feel the difference in rank. "When's your next duty cycle?" he asked casually as he played with the glass in his hand.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan

The drink burned in a pleasant way as it went down, and Derik could feel himself physically relax a bit in response, sighing lightly as he did so. “Yeah, this is good stuff. I’m surprised much of anything was salvaged, let alone this. Given our situation, who knows when I’ll have another chance to procure more?”

Derik took notice of Thomas’ impressive body as his uniform’s undergarment clung perfectly in all the right places. Not wanting to stare too long, he took another swig of his drink and continued the conversation. He wanted the pilot to know he noticed, but not be overbearing about it. “I’m glad we ended up here too, to be honest. While it’s a bit of a crazy situation, at least I’m not gonna be bored.”

Derik had a hard time reading the man. He’d relaxed since coming in and taking off his vest, but Derik could tell the man was used to command and keeping things close to his vest, as the saying went. “In the morning. I have my new department to get up to speed on as the new acting chief, which is a touch nerve-wracking if I can be honest. It’s the same role I had on Resolve, but Theurgy is a different animal and a lot more crew.” He paused to take another sip. “Given your rank and uniform color, am I right in guessing you’re the head of Tac-Conn?”

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #9
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis 

"You got more things that got salvaged besides good booze and couch?" Ravon asked with a smirk as he took another gulp of the drink. The sensation of it running down his esophagus making him feel very much alive. A sensation he'd been looking for after the events of the fast few months. There was just so much death around him...

A chuckle was noticed at the remark of Derik not going to be bored, Thomas idly swung his glass in the air before snickering. The alcohol working in on him, though it would take a whole lot more to get the fighter pilot tipsy or drunk. As Veradin began to talk about his new position and the anticipation if not stress about it. The senior officer glanced over at the Conn officer as he kept the satisfied smirk. Eventually he nodded as Derik guessed his position "Yes sir, freshly appointed myself. We lost our SCO at the battle for SB 84." He kept quiet for a few seconds before emptying the glass "I just returned from being MIA, to hear you're in command of a full squadron and then some..." he paused as he placed the glass down "Trust me, I know what you're feeling." he smirked as he slumped himself into the couch and placed his head down on the rest.

"Oh, if I'm keeping you from any sleep or rituals you need to do before the big day tomorrow, just let me know. I'll be out of your way if that's the case." he said jokingly before he looked back at Derik. He had a hunch though that the man wouldn't send him away that easily.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
The not-quite-bourbon was providing a nice warmth in his stomach and throat as Derik drank, fueling him with some liquid courage. “They weren’t able to beam much out, unfortunately. We hadn’t been planning to evacuate until the last minute. I can recreate or replace just about everything I lost though, so I’m not overly worried.” He listened to the other man talk about his own recent appointment as he finished his own drink, noticing Thomas had done the same.

He stood up and grabbed the glass and went over to pour two more, bringing the bottle back with him to put on the little side table as he poured them each another glass. Thomas didn’t protest the second drink, which Derik took as a good sign. As Derik made his way back, he looked at the fighter pilot slumped back on the couch, relaxing for what looked like the first time in days, weeks, or longer. He still couldn’t not look at how tightly the man’s tight under uniform accentuated his physique perfectly. He handed the man his second drink and sat back down on the couch next to him, but this time closer, their legs and knees touching. The contact was electric to Derik and he wondered how Thomas would take the more overt flirting, powered by that liquid courage he was already feeling. He took another large swig of his drink.

“I usually work out before bed, but you’re not keeping me from that or anything else. You definitely don’t need to leave on my account,” Derik said, keeping eye contact with Thomas, the meaning plain in his face. He didn’t know if this was a good idea or not, flirting with a much higher ranking officer, a fellow department head, not knowing for sure if the man was even interested, but when had that stopped him in the past?

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #11
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis 

Thomas let out a small laugh as Derik mentioned he could replicate most of his belongings. He didn't say anything yet his eyes followed the Trill as he made his way over to the bottle to refill the both of them. Obviously the TACC CONN officer didn't object for more drinks and he could catch a few more glimpses that the man offered him as he came back with the drinks. The pilot had seen that sort of glimpses before. Mostly from interested female parties in him and a faint smirk crossed his features as he reached out for the glass Derik brought closer. As Derik took a seat next to him, Thomas could feel the minute friction against his leg and knee.

Derik sat closer to him than before and Thomas nudged his glass lightly against Derik's "Drink up." he smiled as he watched Derik take in another swig. Nipping from his own drink Thomas laughed softly "Work out huh?" he asked before nodding that he didn't have to leave on his accord. Thomas thought about what he should say next, he could feel the tension in the air rising. He drank up the rest of his drink and he closed his eyes for a second as he looked Derik in the eye "You know... Guys don't usually give me that look." he said out of the blue, clearly confronting the junior officer with his earlier glimpses at his body "Or I've not noticed it before.. It's a bit of uncharted space really." he smirked as he gazed into Derik's eyes.

The liquid warming his throat and stomach surely helped. Yet it was true that Thomas never did anything before with a person of the same sex. Yet with everything that had happened in the past months, he felt like he shouldn't take life for granted anymore. The point of planning ahead and working towards a long term idea was bound to be wiped away. He had to live in the moment, in the now. He had to seize the best of what every day had to offer as the odds were always stacked against them. He had lost so much already that Thomas was just tired of it all. Perhaps it was the drinks clouding his judgment as it really did have a stronger kick than he had expected, yet he was curious to see where this would lead. How far it would go...

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
The tension in the room wasn’t lost on Derik. It was almost tangible between them right now, he felt like this was the moment things would turn definitively one way or another. Thomas was keeping his cards close to the vest and Derik still wasn’t sure what to make of it. He hadn’t pulled away, but he wasn’t giving any clear signs to go ahead either. Derik did as Ravon suggested and drank, downing his drink in one go and setting it off to the side before returning his eyes to Thomas’. He’d already started down this road, might as well see how far it would go.

Derik placed a hand on Thomas’ shoulder, massaging it lightly as he grinned at the other man’s comment of not getting that look from guys, “With how sexy you are, I’m sure you just didn’t notice. As for uncharted space, isn’t that why we joined Starfleet, something about boldly going to unexplored places?” He smirked at Thomas as he said the pun, but he couldn’t resist.

He leaned in closer, their faces now close enough for one of them to make a move if desired. “For real though, if at any point this isn’t something you want to do, we stop, period, no problem, no judgment. I know what it’s like to explore something new.” Derik might be a cocky asshole sometimes, and a certified man-slut most of the time, and maybe even because of those, consent was non-negotiable to him. When Thomas didn’t move back, stop him, or say anything, Derik leaned in the rest of the way, ran a hand through the pilot’s hair above his ear, and kissed him softly but with intent. Derik’s body thrilled at the contact and he let out a small breath after the kiss in reaction. He opened his eyes again, searching Thomas’ face for a reaction.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #13
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis

The lieutenant downed his drink as well before he turned over to Thomas and started to lightly massage his shoulder. The pun about exploring uncharted territory made him smirk as he nodded whilst the Trill moved closer. It was odd to see another man make a move on him. He felt his heartbeat kick up a notch as he could only compare it to his first time that he kissed a girl. The nerves and jitters not obviously there, but the core feeling of it coming back to him.

Ravon's eyes were fixed on Derik's as he nodded once more, he had no aversion or complaints so far. If anything it served as an extra edge, to try out something that he hadn't done before. Perhaps it was something that most pilots chased, a new thrill, that rush of adrenaline that could be so addictive at times. Suddenly though whilst everything played out in front of him Derik made his move. Thomas didn't stop him and when their lips connected he answered the kiss as his hands instinctively took their places. One on his side, just under his ribcage and the other raking through his hair before he pulled back.

Thomas could feel the eyes of the Trill burning on him as he pressed his lips together and he finally laughed softly before looking back to Derik "Well... That was new." he smirked before shaking his head "New but not bad..." he continued before he leaned in closer and kissed Derik in the neck, creeping his kisses up to the Trill's signature spots. His hands slid down the tank top Derik was wearing, moving its way under the fabric and feeling up on the well toned body of the Trill now. He pulled back a little and withdrew his hands as well as he frowned and laughed "Feels a bit weird though... But, lets see how far this can go..."

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
Derik let out small gasps of pleasure as Thomas kissed at his neck, moving out to the spots. Non-trills always loved the spots, it was almost a guarantee. He smiled at Thomas as the man’s hands found their way under his tank top, touch like electricity as his hands felt their way across his skin. Derik reached down and pulled the tank top off over his head, getting it out of the way for Thomas to explore as he liked. He moved slowly, swinging around to straddle Thomas as he sat there on the couch, giving them both easier access to each other. “It can go… as far as you want it to go,” he got out between the heavy breathing that Thomas still kissing his neck was doing to him.

Derik’s hands roamed Thomas’ body, feeling the physique of his arms, back, and chest. He caught Thomas’ mouth in another kiss as he explored lower, grabbing at the bottom of the shirt and tugging upwards, wanting it off. The kiss broke just long enough to get the shirt off, Derik finally getting to feel the man’s muscled skin. He began trailing kisses down Thomas’ neck down to his collar bone enjoying the feel of all of it.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #15
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis 

The sensation of hearing a man gasp and moan out at actions that Thomas usually reserved for females was a fresh change. It was weird, but not in a bad way. Derik surely helped along as he removed the tank top over his his head and exposed the well shaped body to him. A smile engulfed Thomas' lips as Derek managed to bring out that it could end as far as he wanted. "Hm..." was the simply reply of the SCO as he had trailed his kisses further.

Thomas could feel Derik explore more of him and as his shirt was raised he simply aided in removing the garment. The more rugged hands of the man felt good on his body and he closed his eyes as the tantalizing feeling of exploring hands was more than enjoyable. The kisses felt a bit stingy thanks to the stubbled beard of Derik. Again, that was a new sensation all together. The pilot smirked as he let Derik carry on and whispered in his ear "How about we lock the door to your quarters and get rid of the rest of our clothing lieutenant?"

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #16
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
Derik enjoyed the feeling of Thomas’ muscled frame as his hands explored further down while he kissed from his collar bone to the man’s chest and nipples. At his suggestion Derik grinned wickedly at him, “Yes sir,” he said half-jokingly at being called by his rank. “Computer, lock the door and silence any non-essential alerts or communications.” He didn’t wait to hear the acknowledging tone before going back to kissing down Thomas’ chest, teasing at his nipples with his mouth and tongue. His hands had explored their way down and one now started rubbing the pilot’s hardness through the fabric of his pants. He smiled up at Thomas at the feeling of it and the size, more eager now than he already was.

He didn’t want to give the man any reason to start thinking too much and change his mind. Derik loved the reactions he was getting from his ministrations, getting hard himself, feeling it straining in his pants. Kneeling in front of the couch, he reached down and undid Thomas’ boots, removing them and his socks before making quick work of the man’s pants and underwear, returning to kissing at the man’s chest and stomach in the process. With a single fluid motion, with some help from Thomas lifting his hips, Derik grabbed the waist of his pants and underwear and slid them all the way too the floor where the bunched up at his ankles, freeing the man’s cock in the process, Thomas now mostly naked in front of him. He took the sight in for a moment, enjoying the muscled lines and form of the attractive man before him.

Derik took the shaft in his hand and started to stroke it slowly, leaning down and kissing at the head and down the shaft before licking up the length of it. He grinned up once more before taking the head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before starting to take more of it in, up and down. He looked up at Thomas, locking eyes as he did so.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #17
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis

Hearing the lieutenant silence non essential alerts and locking the door, Thomas knew things were going to get serious. The delightful tease of his chest made him breathe faster and a low groan slipped past his lips as he felt up his arousal through the fabric of his pants. How weird it was to feel aroused by a person of the same gender... he thought to himself as his jaws clenched together and his body clearly showed that it wanted more. The graze of the stubble beard against his skin made a chill run down his spine as his skin shivered a little in the process.

When Derik made work of removing his boots and socks, Thomas couldn't help but laugh softly as he felt the helmsman work his way further as he pushed his hips up a little in order to remove his clothing further. By doing so, Thomas' erection jumped free and an audible gasp was heard from the senior officer as he watched the Trill take out the rest before he observed him. Thomas removed the rest of his clothing and kicked himself free of any other clothes restraining him "Should I help you out of your clothes?" he asked lowly.

Yet the reply of the lieutenant could wait as he leaned down and started to stroke the SCO's cock with a slow rhythm. The pilot just parted his lips as he saw the man  kiss the head of the cock and lick the length of it before he grinned up and took him in his mouth. Ravon closed his eyes in delight as the tongue swirled around his tip and slowly the lips pushes further down as the bobbing began. His eyes drifted open as he looked at Derik and he groaned in pleasure as he looked right into his eyes. The hands of Thomas running through his hair as he moved his hips lightly in sync with him. "Do you welcome every man in your quarters like this?" Thomas asked teasingly as he wanted to help the man with his undoubtedly own burning desire.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #18
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
Derik reveled in the moans he was eliciting from the pilot in front of him as he serviced his incredible cock. He loved that Thomas started actively participating, running his hand through Derik's hair and starting to thrust into his mouth in response. Derik moaned in pleasure around the shaft, slowing down his bobbing movements to encourage Thomas to continue his active role. Derik had found that guys who were new to being with men often needed to ‘enjoy the ride’ their first few times and be led through it, more or less, something he was very willing to do.

Derik pulled off momentarily to answer Thomas’ joking question but used a free hand to continue stroking the now-lubricated shaft, not wanting to let off on the man’s building pleasure. "Only to the really hot ones who seem like they might be interested,” he said with a wink, using his other hand to reach up and lightly tweak a nipple playfully as he lowered his head, taking time to tease the pilot’s balls with his mouth and tongue while continuing to stroke. As he could tell that Thomas would be getting close soon, he went back to using his hand and mouth to work the entire length of Ravon’s cock, taking him all the way down to the hilt, wanting to push the man over the edge.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #19
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Mathis 

Bucking his hips on a nice and steady pace he pushed his cock deeper into Derik's mouth as the moans of pleasure caused for a cascade of vibrations along his length. Thomas was surely enjoying the treat before Veradin slowly pull his mouth off his girth to answer his questions. He had to laugh at the reply yet bit his lower lip as the pleasuring never stopped. The tweak made the pilot squirm lightly before he slapped Derik's ass, followed by a groan as the junior officer tended to the pilot's genitals once more.

The climax surely started to build up now with Thomas as his breathing became more rapid and he raked his fingers over the scalp of Derik. He groaned out as his bucks became more erratic, needy and demanding. He pushed the head of his impromptu lover down on his length as he fucked the mouth and by now throat of the man. It didn't take that long before a warm rush of thick fluids coaxed Veradin's throat and mouth. Ravon came plenty and let go once he reached his orgasm, spurting what he had. He leaned back once he was done and felt his cock twitch as he breathed deep and satisfied "Well, that was... New..." he grinned.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #20
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
When Ravon had become more insistent in his movements, Veradin had kept up the pace with his fellatio, giving the pilot as much as his urgent motions demanded. Derik enjoyed it, despite how he'd gagged on the warm, hard length when it hit the back of his throat, finding gratification in making the otherwise straight man come that fast in his mouth. He drank it down, almost feeling privileged that he'd been the first guy for the fighter pilot, and eventually, he pulled his head back, licking his lips a bit while he stroked Ravon throughout his aftermath.

"Discoveries often are," he murmured, eyes hooded in enjoyment. With a rueful smile, he slowly rose to his feet, standing in front of the naked man on the couch. While his upper torso was bared, he now, unbuckled his belt and pulled down both his pants, underwear and socks, stepping out of his last remaining clothes. He kicked the discarded clothing aside a little, standing fully naked before the human. His spots ran down his sides and his legs, and the experience so far had made Derik hard - throbbing in front of the fighter pilot.

"Want to try it yourself?" he asked, tilting his head a bit as he reached out to run his hand through Ravon's hair.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #21
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan  

If anything the Trill pilot knew exactly what to do after making Ravon reach his climax, the minute ministrations enough to keep him semi erect and a pleasurable feeling coursed through his body as the aftershocks of pleasure rocked through him. Thomas was breathing deep and hard as he calmed down eventually and he watched the Trill stand up lowly as he smiled and made quite the quirky comment "Fair point."

Thomas looked up at the man as he stood before him, the bulge in his pants rather obvious before he unbuckled himself and freed himself from his final restraints. Seeing a naked Trill never got old for sure. The way their spots simply coursed further along their body made them just that tad enticing. Of course, Thomas had only had sexual interactions with female Trill and as the man's throbbing erection came into sight, he smirked as he felt his heart rate pick up. Was he really going for this?"

Derik asked if Thomas wanted to try it out himself, the pilot simply looked up as he shrugged lightly "I don't know... It looks... Feels a bit strange.." he admitted as he reached out with his hand. His right hand running from the base to tip with just his fingertips, before making the cock bounce a bit in front of him. He brought his face closer as he felt the hands of the junior lieutenant through his hair. His fingers ran back down along the length, slowly feeling up the sack first before wrapping around the base. Thomas looked up and began to stroke the man's organ slowly but with a tight hold. His left hand moving to the tip of Derik's cock and toying with the slit, running over it with his index finger gently. "Just tell me if it hurts or you know, doesn't feel good..." he whispered as he started to pick up the pace and properly began to pump his length as he'd do so to himself.

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #22
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
The uncertainty in Ravon’s eyes as he laced his thick fingers around Veradin’s girth seemed to make the pulsing shaft grow even further, leaving the Trill intoxicated in the pride of being his first male partner... the first cock in front of his face. He chuckled as the Lieutenant Commander played with his hardened flesh, most likely the result of his exploring the male genitalia for the first time, other than what swung between his own legs. The two pilots were both impressive and comparable in size - unforgiving in length and thickness in whatever orifice they came in contact with, yet he could only imagine the wonder in Ravon’s mind as he ran his hands around the alien phallus, a different sensation all together than the human one he was accustomed to. He couldn’t help but smirk at his comment that it felt a bit strange, and he couldn't blame him. He remembered the strangeness he felt after his first time with a human penis.

“That’s to be expected,” he commented to the Herculean man on the couch. “I can’t imagine you’ve been jacking off any Trills recently,” he joked running his fingers through his partner’s hair softly, allowing him to gently explore, and marveling in the bewilderment he was inspiring with his length.

He let out a soft moan and tilted his head back as Ravon’s callused fingers massaged his balls before grabbing the meaty base of his shaft, knowing the fighter pilot was going to strike at any moment. The adventure of his fingertips had teased him, yes, but a full, strong, manly hand around his cock encouraged much more sexual energy in him, wanting to get more aggressive in his endeavors, while it was all, figuratively and literally, in the first-timer’s hands. He cooed as the finger nudged at his opening, sending a golden warmth through his shaft and into his body, biting his lip as he looked back down at the beautiful man pleasuring him.

"Just tell me if it hurts or you know, doesn't feel good…”

“Oh, I promise you, there aren’t any complaints, sir,” he retorted, mixing his words with breathy moans as the department head continued to thrill his manhood. “You have no clue how sexy you are with my dick in your hand,” he continued, his erection stiffening as he could feel his sack ready to climax. Through more incoherent curses and moans, he grabbed Ravon’s hand to keep him from pumping his hardness one more time, threatening to blow his load unannounced. He wanted more.

He tightened his grip on the man’s brown hair, making their eye contact more direct, “But it’d be sexier in your throat.”

Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #23
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @JayLatte

The Trill surely was well endowed as Thomas pumped the length quicker and quicker. There came no complaints of the Trill as he continued to rub the length of the man. He enjoyed the touch of his hands roaming through his hair as the junior lieutenant got cocky. First by just pointing out what he was doing before pointing out how much he'd enjoy some oral pleasure from the senior officer. Ravon smirked as he winked "Sure you can keep it in for that long?"

He looked up at the junior officer as he grabbed hold of his hand to stop pumping him. Ravon knew that look on his face as he grinned "Problem lieutenant?" he asked while looking him straight in the eye. He licked his lips as he drew nearer to the Trill cock. He blew against the tip as he looked back at the girth of it. His heart was racing as he used his other hand that moved away from his tip to his balls. Massaging the sack as he opened his mouth and almost taking the cock in before he freed his hand from Derik's grip. He licked the tip teasingly before he pumped him hard and fast as he grinned.


Re: Day 2 [1900 hrs.] Moving Troubles

Reply #24
[Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Junior Officers' Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy] @Nolan
Upon Thomas asking if Derik could “keep it in that long,” he couldn’t help but grin as his thickness was jerked, lowering his voice in a playful, sultry tone of “The way it’s going so far, I don’t know if I want to. You seem to be enjoying yourself, too, so I’d hate to keep you waiting for the big finale.” His hands continued to roam through the other’s hair, softly massaging his head in between squeezing in bouts of assertive pleasure.

As his length was pumped, growing warmer and more rigid by the moment, Veradin met eyes with the Lieutenant Commander below him, admiring the fire in his expression reflected in the strong hands that were wrapped around him. When he looked up at the Veradin, the Trill was sure of what was to come next, yet somehow managed to still moan a sweet surprise as his hardness came in contact with his senior officer’s lips. Derik’s breath hitched upon feeling the warmth of Ravon’s breath, the wetness of his tongue on the head of manhood electric as its tip disappeared into the skeptical, curious, mouth, shocking tendrils coursing from its girth through his spine and exciting the hairs of his toned body.

“Oh, believe me, there’s no problem at all,” he rasped through warm moans.

In an unintended fervor of pleasure, he muttered a soft curse from his throat, breathing sharply through his teeth when the coldness of the air caught the wetness of his tip as Ravon pulled away. He was unfortunately aware that his growing fantasy to take the man’s oral virginity was, at the current, but a fantasy, but it hadn’t stopped the pleasure resonating from the pulsing hand on his cock. Maybe it would meet his throat another time, he thought, wickedly amused by the hetero, burly man pleasuring him.

The pressure within his sack continued to build, as did the Lieutenant’s fascination with the beautiful man, the warmness of Ravon’s touch beginning to illicit a growing flame of ecstasy in his steed. Fire began to pool in his abdomen, guttural moans escaping his mouth as his heart rate matched his excitement. He threw his hands up behind his head, locking them on his crown and leaving his anterior to the whims of the exploratory human, whose hands became slick with the leaking Trill precome.

He couldn’t bare to keep his eyes open any longer, as his vision was only blurred with the lights of exhilaration, his head cocked back against his hands as this dick was jerked to fulfillment. He felt the climax boiling within him, threatening to burst from his opening any moment, coaxed into the air by Ravon’s scorching touch.

Derik tried to hold in his release, but couldn’t resist any longer, clearing his throat and baring his teeth before grunting, “I’m gonna-“

Upon the burst of his euphoria, the climax of his cock erupted threads of molten seed over the contours of Ravon’s masculine face, continuing to drip onto his naked, sculpted body as wave after wave of white fluid plunged from the Trill’s turgid flesh. His release mirrored an eruptive roar, his knees quaking as he was drained of come. The lieutenant’s hands fell to his side as Ravon relentlessly pulled at his hypersensitive phallus, leaving a purr of splendor on both of the pilot’s lips.

Drawing back into reality, his vision beginning to fade back into the visual spectrum, Derik wiped a glob of his sticky aftermath from Thomas’s eyebrow, placing the messy thumb in his mouth before removing the liquid with his tongue. He smiled at the taste of his own fluids, and smirked down at the awestruck senior officer.

His length continued to pulse in tempo with his thrilled heartbeat, slowly retreating as the blood from his erection circulated to other parts of his body. He leaned down to kiss the glazed lips of the Commander, moaning softly at their contact before falling onto the couch, exhausted from the affair. Derik sized up the man across from him, admiring how his bulging chest muscles still heaved, and his face was lit with joy, mirroring his own, content face.

The Trill giggled quietly, eyes tracing the pools of semen rolling off of Thomas’s torso, offering a suggestion to finalize their frenzied interaction, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”


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