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Topic: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String (Read 8909 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Anyone from Security?

From inside the jefferies tubes the ships sounded very different. F'Rell had once attempted to describe the sounds, but the language of the humanoids was sloppy when it came to such things. She felt at peace working in the tightly confined space, her appendages passing tools as they were needed, one pressed against a touch pane, activating the correct places so she could continue her work when the times came.

Because of the power demands of reconfiguring the holoprojectors in the cargo bay she had taken up residence in, a number of subsystems would need to be either modified or strengthened in and around the adjoining compartments. It was a task likely best suited for someone in the maintenance department, but she was just as able to complete the task as any of them.

She had just reached a point where she would need to return to her trove of supplies for additional parts when she heard voices down one of the jefferies tubes. Knowing that this part of the ship did not see many people doing maintenance, not when more critical systems were still non-functional, she could not help but be curious about it.

Slowly she moved toward the source of the voices. It was not long before she could make them out more clearly.

"Did you put the phaser in in the closet?" one voice said.

"No, but I heard Sam did, he's the one working in that area," came the reply from another voice.

F'Rell moved as quietly as she could manage toward the voices, which was indeed quite quietly at that. Finally she came to a juncture and could see three figures. Two of them were huddled near what looked like the primary EPS conduit and the third seemed to be sitting near a support beam.

"Sam is a good woman, she'll get the job done," the sandy haired one said. "But we need to get our job done too."

"Yeah..." the dusty haired one replied. "How long did they say this would take before it. . . you know."

"Ten minutes and then this whole section goes boom," the sandy haired one replied with a laugh. "Just cross your fingers and hope it hits the cargo bay as planned."

"Yeah, about that," the dusty one replied. "Why are we trying to kill the alien thing?"

"Have you seen that freakish thing. I don't know why we were told to get rid of it, but I'd be happy to see it gone," the sandy one said with a note of pleasure in his voice.

"Right, and what about that one?" the dusty one asked gesturing to the third one, who had not moved.

"Gotta make it look like an accident, now don't me?" the sandy one said with a laugh. "We kill a couple of freaks and make everyone think the one fucked up and blew them both to kingdom come. Makes perfect sense."

"I guess so," the dusty one said with a shrug.

"Enough chit chat, you got that thing ready?" the sandy one demanded.

"Almost, give me a minute," the dusty one said.

F'Rell had heard all she needed to at that point. Carefully she climbed a short distance from the juncture and moved her heavily modified tricorder from one of her lower appendages up to one of the ones closer to her head. She activated it and set it to one of it's more silent settings.

"<F'Rell to security, there is a problem in juncture number 4-MMR,>" she intoned quietly. With her new translation matrix functioning the voice heard in security would not be the one most often heard from her translator, but she hoped they would still respond. She did not know how long she had and she did not feel like taking chances or engaging the men by herself as she remained, as always, without a weapon.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #1
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Transporter Room 3 | Deck 12 | Vector 2 > Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
Varder had been headed to Vector one via Transporter room 3, having only recently finished assisting and providing security to Chief Petty Officer O'Connell when F'Rell's call to security went out. It was a matter of convenience that the young Bajoran was so close to a transporter room at the time, a curt and professional voice sounded over Varders combadge from main security "[... Head to the middle cargo bay, level one and check out this call. Attempt to contact F'Rell for more information.]" At these words Varder threw a brief look towards the transporter operator whom had no doubt heard the desired destination before speaking his reply, "[Instructions acknowledged, heading out now.]" Having said his part Varder stepped onto the transport pad and offered a short nod towards the operator, letting him know that he was indeed ready for transportation. A few moments later Varder was de-materialized from Vector 2 and materialized at his destination upon Vector 3.

Immediately upon arrival Varder hit his combadge "[Varder to F'Rell, responding to your call. What is it that is happening?]" Even as he spoke Varder was scanning the room he had arrived in, looking for any already opened accesses to the jefferies tubes, although his eye was also looking for anything out of place or suspicious. At this point he had no particular reason to be overly alarmed or to make particular haste.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #2
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

Within the cramped confines of the jefferies tube network F'Rell had to be careful to not allow her long whisker like tendrils used for communication to touch the sides of the tube, lest they create even more sound. As such she limited her movement as much as possible, her translator interpreted this as a hushed whisper and made the translation sound as such. The result was her already new husky voice took on an even huskier quality, as if she were holding the comm closer and whispering into it.

"<I have observed a couple of crew members working in juncture number 4-MMR, I do not believe are authorized to do the modifications they appear to be doing>," she intoned into her translator, holding one of her appendages over the output speaker to further muffle the sound of it. She carefully maneuvered herself along the jefferies tube as to be able to return to the juncture, though remaining still just out of earshot of the men working there. "<As I doubt there is a procedure that would allow for the placement of explosives along a primary EPS conduit.>"

She was being needlessly sardonic at this point, but she did not feel like being very polite, though she knew there was time enough to waste a little.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #3
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
At F'Rell's first words Varders expression was of mild confusion, although that quickly changed to one of alarm. Quickly and in a hushed tone he replied "[Moving now, are you in immediate danger?]" There might be a bomb, but Varder had no means of seeing how armed the individuals were or where F'Rell was in regards to them and information, however seemingly irreverent might help. Varder quickly spoke into his combadge again, this time to security, although F'Rell was still left on. "[Bomb situation, probable devoted within the Jefferies tubes, 4-MMR, two suspects. Advised evacuation of the area.]" As Varder spoke he was crawling his way into the Jefferies tubes, attempting to be as quiet as he could manage. His phaser was drawn and held ready before him as he advanced in a crawl.

The pace at which Varder could advance was stunted, both by his attempts at quiet and the very confined nature of the jefferies tubes themselves. Eventually however the young Bajoran was able to near the specified junction, being just down a ladder from the reported position. From there he started to slowly and quietly climb, phaser ready should someone peer over the edge and spot him. Every little movement made just to much sound to his own ears, each little scuffing of shoes or ruffle of material sounded just to loud. Perhaps the worst part of that was not knowing if it really was as loud as it seemed, or it was all in his own head.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #4
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

Though the situation was grave and she was aware of the danger, F'Rell could also still here the men in the juncture working, so she knew she had time. Without much doubt she was pretty sure they would leave the bomb with enough time for themselves to get away from the blast, their plans had not seemed to include suicidal intent. Given that she was all but certain she could disable the bomb once the situation was less dangerous, or at least once the men had been disabled.

"<I am in no immediate risk, they have not noticed my presence as of yet>," she replied softly, again her whiskers barely moved, making it sound as if her voice was nothing more than a husky hushed whisper. She twisted her long body carefully to turn herself back toward the juncture and eased her way toward it. She needed to be able to provide more information, and she could not do that if she could not see what was going on.

As she reached the juncture again she spotted the men and moved to be as hidden as possible.

"Come on, hurry it up," the sandy haired one said sounding as if he was getting more annoyed than panicked.

"Chill man, no one knows we are here, and it's not like the freak is gonna be able to put up much of a fight," the dusty haired one retorted and gestured from the device to the figure leaning against the wall.

Peering out from the shadows F'Rell moved to get a slightly better look, trying to identify the third one. The small figure did look familiar, though F'Rell could not place a name to the just seeing the frame and hair, and not being able to get a good look at the face. She was pretty sure they, whoever they were, was from the Resolve, which gave her an added need to get them out of their safe. F'Rell had come to think of the crew of the Resolve much like an extended family, one she was adopted into.

"Ok, there done," the dusty one said and stepped back. "Now let's get out of here."

And with that F'Rell knew she had to do something, but she was unarmed and if she did attempt to take them on alone, there was very little chance for her to be of any use. She needed that security officer to hurry.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #5
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
As Varder neared the top of the ladder he was climbing voices suddenly emerged from the silence above, "Come on, hurry it up," followed by "Chill man, no one knows we are here, and it's not like the freak is gonna be able to put up much of a fight," from a different voice. Talking was good, people tend not to talk when waiting in ambush, talking meant he had the first move the only question now was what move that would be. More noises, that of work being done metallic clicks and scratches, small scuffing noises as footing was adjusted.

The sounds were not immediately beside the exit above Varder, perhaps this was an opportunity?
The ladder itself might be of use, the tube its in is narrow enough for a person to simply reach out behind them and touch the opposite wall. An idea formed within the young bajorans head within moments, another few rungs up and he turned himself to be facing roughly where the voices came from. His back was against the ladder, a single foot under a bent leg held him up, the other was pressed against the opposite wall for leverage and support.

"Ok, there done," the dusty one said and stepped back. "Now let's get out of here."
Now or never, Varder pushed upwards, his legs pushing his torso up and out of the ladder space. His arms were held up against his chest to prevent them catching on anything as he ascended. Enough of him was exposed above the ladder for him to extend his arms, pulse phaser aimed at the first of two surprised faces.
Two shots, the first mans arm is hit then his chest as he drops under the high stun slumping forward from his crawl.
Tracking to the second man, harder to hit behind the first, two more shots. One just high before the second finds its mark.
Varder tossed his gaze around, looking for anyone more that may be a threat.

One hand left the phaser, pressing onto the flat surface infront of him to assist with his crawling shuffle fully out of the ladder space.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #6
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

Violence was not a way of life for the T’Fanrell, it never had been. Their home world have never been as lush in bio diversity as other worlds had and thus never developed predators as most would see them. Thus violent instincts never formed within them. Indeed it was not until they began to observe other races out in the cosmos that traits of violence and aggression were noted. These traits, likened to the impulsiveness of youth, made the T’Fanrell people believe that most other races were simply more immature or youthful than their own. it was this principal, as well as their design to not involve themselves in the childish squabbles of the other races that led them to close their borders and not make contact with the outside races.

In seeing the brutality of other races first hand F’Rell had come to understand that while as some of the conflict could be put simply into the category of childish squabbles, there was a deeper meaning at times. A deeper cause.

Her thoughts drifted to her peaceful home and of the way she had once seen such acts of violence as she watched the security officer shoot down the two men. It was clear to her, being as close as she was, that violence begat violence and the solution was not so simple as to deny violence and hope for a positive outcome. The solution was action.

And she acted.

In a swift movement she moved into the juncture and up to the device and began to assess it. Though her skills lay in propulsion engineering, the device was not in fact very complicated. She was pretty sure she could disarm it, though being no expert in the technology she did have her doubts.

<Can you make it to me?>” she asked, the voice of her translator speaking loudly enough she hoped the security officer could hear. She had yet to properly learn the mans name, so she did not use it, but she had limited time should her attempt to disarm the device fail. “<They seem to have a hostage of a sort.>” She glanced to the figure against the bulkhead, now getting a better looks she could not recognize the species. 

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #7
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
As Varder shuffled himself up and towards the junction he caught a full look at the being whom had called in the security alert, the sight was briefly surprising. He had heard of and even seen her before, but only from a distance, although her appearance was hardly the most important thing to be occupied with at this moment and the young Bajoran quickly pushed such thoughts from his mind. The two men he had stunned were slumped and unconscious in-front of him, making passage difficult. But not impossible, especially if little care was taken regarding where one placed weight.

Even as he had those thoughts F'Rell had reached and quickly looked over the device, before speaking to Varder with the voice of her translator. "<Can you make it to me?>", her question was met with a swift look around from the Bajoran before he holstered his pulse phaser and gave her a nod "I can, give me a moment.", having said what was needed Varder began a reasonably quick paced crawl over the unconscious men with little regard for what minor injury they may sustain.

"How bad is it?", was the question Varder directed towards F'Rell once he reached the far side of the downed men. Whilst he directed his attention towards the third unconscious crew-member, one he had not rendered in such a state himself. A quick check of his vitals revealed nothing more that he was alive no visible injury or any other such thing could be identified, Varder then took a brief couple of seconds to sit the man up in as much of an out of the way position as possible given the cramped conditions of the Jefferies tubes.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #8
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

The device, a makeshift explosive if ever there was one, was not overly complicated, but because of it’s crude design it was also not entirely stable to be manipulated once it had been armed. Thus the process of disarming it would be a delicate one, not something F’Rell would trust with anyone but herself.

<The explosive appears to be primitive enough, designed to cause a rupture in the electro-plasma system conduit,>” she murmured through her translator as she carefully examined it. “<The charge is non-directional, quite probably in hopes of destroying any evidence of the device itself in the blast.>

She moved her translator to one of her lower appendages and pulled from it a few small tools tucked into a small compartment. The tools were to make modifications to the translator if she needed to, but they would do just as well to work on the explosive device.

The process was not complex, but it was time consuming and the device gave no outward sign of how long it’s delay was and every second she took working on it was a second closer to her running out of time. The balance of caution and speed propelled her forward all the same.

On the other side of the juncture as he felt someone move him, Petya began to rouse. The last thing he recalled was getting off of his shift in the science lab. Sure they were on the run, but he had managed to get a couple of his coral samples from the Resolve, having taken them with him to the station and eventually the Theurgy, so he was going to keep doing his research. He had heard a voice behind him and then blackness.

As he came to he was aware of being sore and having an ice pick headache. “Wha-?” he wheezed weakly blinking.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #9
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
A wheezed attempt at a word came from the downed crewman Varder was tending to, ["Wha-?"]. The noise prompted the Bajoran to step back slightly, a supporting arm holding the crewman steady as he assumed a low crouch from his previous elbow crawling position. The crewman did not look to be in immediate danger of dying, not that Varder was in any way capable of dealing with such an occurrence. First aid was more or less what one could sum up his expertise to in the medical field.

He offered a small nod of reassurance towards the now sitting Crewman, whom he was not entirely sure he recognized, before turning back towards the two men whom he had stunned earlier. His movement was quick and unimpeded, once at his goal he quickly tapped his comm-badge. "[Varder to security, two subdued Devoted for transportation to the brig on my location. Bomb threat is still active.]" It only took a matter of moments after the young Bajoran finished talking before the two men he had positioned himself above were transported away, along with a portion of the mans concerns in the present. At least they now posed no threat to this situation any longer, even if the chances of them waking were small.

With the position now secured Varder returned his attentions to the crewman he had earlier propped up against the wall, it was only a short way to move before he was once again crouching before the injured crewman. Varder then spoke, in a slower and more deliberate tone of voice than was normal of him, taking short pauses between each question he gave to allow for an answer. "I am Petty Officer Varder, are you able to tell me your name?.. Are you able to move?"

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #10
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

As she worked F'Rell paid little attention to the details of the world around her. It mattered not what the security officer was doing, the entirety of her focus needed to remain on the task before her. She carefully began to remove the housing unit to get access to the inner mechanisms of the device. She took her time, but not too much of it.

Against the wall of the jefferies tube, Petya did his best to focus. He felt as if his head was spinning. Like all members of the fleet he had been hit by the stun setting on a phaser during basic training, but he had never been hit by one at as close a range as the men had attacked him before. Not even on the Resolve, even in the heat of battle.

"I'm... I'm Petya... Petya Narrith," he said weakly, blinking his eyes and trying to stay focused. He felt somehow both incredibly drunk and incredibly drugged, and neither in a very good way. He knew both feelings well enough thanks to the brutal dark days on the Resolve, when alcohol and other contraband flowed freely in the noncommissioned officer's lounge. "I think I can move." He tried but found that he was sore all over. With a grunt, he fell back into the bulkhead. "On second thought..." He began and looked around. "Where... where am I?"

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #11
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
Varder tilted his head ever so slightly to the side as he listened to the man, whom turned out to be one Petya Narrith. A newer face to the crew, one just barely remembered from personnel records. The young Bajoran spoke his second question while his eyes scanned over the man, confirming what small details he could, J'naii race, Science department, Rank of crewman. When Petya fell back from his attempt to move, Varder reached to steady him, "Easy, easy. You are in the jefferies tubes, vector three. I can get you transported out of here and to the sickbay."

Once again the words Varder spoke were slow, clear and deliberate, he kept his stare on the other crewman's eyes to command his attention until he had finished speaking. Varder then briefly directed his attention towards F'Rell to see what progress was hopefully being made, the case was off and the floating being seemed hard at work. Hopefully they knew what they were doing, but he was in no position to stop and ask her qualifications regarding IED's. No, there was nothing more that he could do aside from tend to this crewman for now. With that thought buzzing through his mind his attention once again returned to Crewman Petya, whom he maintained a firm supporting grip on.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #12
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

Seconds ticked by and more and more F'Rell was seeing how the device was built. A power cell was feeding into a primary control unit which was designed to load up a capacitor and send a surge into the power cell which would cause it to rupture explosively. The effect would be that the weakest spot of the cell would allow the explosion to be directed, and in this case that was all directed toward the EPS conduit, it was attached to.

To make the situation worse the power cell had been fused into the housing and the housing fused into the casing. There were no exposed wires or control surfaces and time was running out.

This left her one option and she did it.

With a sudden yank, she pulled the power cell free from the housing, snapping the plastics and cables that held it in place. The sudden yank caused the connections to slip and as they tapped against each other the charge held in the capacitor connected and with a bang the device shorted out.

The result was a snapping followed almost instantly by a loud bang.

This made Narrith screech in terror and jump, clinging to the man near him in sheer horror, instantly believing the bomb had gone off and that was going to be the last second of his life.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #13
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
That feeling of sheer cold, the disbelief and surprise.
The uncertainty.
All bundled together, a blanket of death. A strangely familiar sensation to the Petty Officer, and yet it was always foreign, unwelcome and hushed.

A bang was all he heard, rapidly muted out by the feelings that washed over him. His breath immediately caught in his throat, his eyes closed as his grip upon Petya changed. Loosening, allowing him to push the other man back in a vain and instinctual act to protect and preserve others.

Varder waited in this huddled position, braced for what seemed like an eternity. The reality was only mere moments, seconds, his eyes slowly opening as once tense limbs turned to jelly at his attempts to push himself up and off Petya. His mind in a sea of Adrenalin as he attempted to piece together what had just occurred, there was no secondary. Did the device fail?
Questions that briefly flickered through his mind before he found the ability within himself to turn and see what had happened, he had no thought or time to remove the shaken expression upon his face.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #14
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

With the power cell removed the device was now all but inert. F'Rell undid the clamps and removed it from the EPS conduit before at last turning her attention to the others. She had not paid them any mind during the process of disarming the device, even going so far as to ignore the shriek of terror when she had yanked the power cell.

<And with that this little crisis has been averted,>” F'Rell said with the sound of a little too much pride. In truth, she had been just as terrified as Petya looked like he had been, but she was able to hide it, and it wasn’t like many humanoids could really read her body language all that well. Instead, she could play it off with what she thought was confidence.

"What!?" Petya asked all but freaking out at this point. He was not good in stressful situations. He let go of the security officer and tried to be okay, but it was clear he was pretty close to breaking down. On the Resolve he had hidden when things had gotten hard, staying in his lab. It was safe enough in his lab. But now, now he was on a different ship and seemed like things were just as fucked up here as they had been at there worst there.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #15
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 

Ridun held a rather blank, almost glazed stare towards F'Rell as it spoke. The tone she had taken was a little to self praising for his own tastes, but given the circumstances he made no comment, instead choosing to fully push himself up and off the other unfortunate humanoid whom seemed far more shaken than the young Bajoran. With his posture now corrected to a low crouch, all that the cramped jefferies tubes would allow Ridun offered a comment towards the floating F'Rell. "Good work.." A brief pause as he looked at her appendages and lack of what he would describe as hands, "..Normally I would shake your hand, but, uh..".

The petty officer offered a small indifferent shrug before adjusting his attentions towards Petya, whom seemed incredibly distraught. This gave Ridun pause before he, in a surprisingly gentle manner, placed a hand on the other mans shoulder. "Everything is alright, you still have your badge. Request transport to sickbay, can you do that?". The Bajoran was attempting to keep the freaked Petya's attention on him, applying what experience and training he had in dealing with this sort of thing. Just show that you are calm, give them something to focus on that is not going wrong, give them a goal to achieve.

Now to see if the man still had his reason.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #16
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

To have actually done something of aide again gave F'Rell a feeling of great pride, even if it was a bit overly self-congratulatory, it was still a big thing for her. She was not well adapted to a more sedentary lifestyle, she desired to feel productive, yet recently that had not been entirely possible. True she had done much to help with her own comfort, but it had done nothing to help the crew as a whole. It had been to selfish ends and she could not feel good about doing anything for strictly selfish reasons.

This had been different, she had done what was needed to not just save her own life, but also the lives of others. She figured she could be forgiven in indulging a little pride, but she said nothing more of it. Instead, she simply watched the two humanoids interact. Though she had heard both of their names, this had given her little sense of their identities or gender. In addition, she could not read to much of their body language, it was indeed quite alien to her.

She wanted to see if her guess was correct and this was an encounter between a masculine humanoid and a feminine one. She had identified a few characteristics that gave her at least the hints as to which was masculine and which was feminine.

"I... I think I can do that..." Petya said as he looked down at his combadge. Though it looked like the problem was over and he could flee, he still felt a pang of fear about leaving the two of them there by themselves. "Are you sure you'll be okay if I go?" His voice hid none of his concern and worry. Petya seemed to be the sort to wear his feelings on his sleeve.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #17
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
Ridun threw a cursory look around for other devices or threats before he replied to the question posed to him, more as a gesture to assure Petya that the situation was indeed under control, if not resolved in its entirety. "We will be fine, just clean up, a member of security will join you in sickbay to debrief you after any treatment." Having spoken the young Bajoran moved back from the crewman and offered him a small nod, his attention would remain on them until they were transported away or they raised some other point.

When that situation was resolved his attention and form would turn towards F'Rell, the foot bearing his weight moving while his knee supported the movement to allow for a crouched position to be maintained throughout. "Is there anything else immediate? Or shall we have a cleanup crew come through and ensure no further surprises? You're the one with hands on." After he spoke his attention changed focus from the floating F'Rell to the now, hopefully, disarmed device. It was certainly a curious looking thing, although, not too dissimilar to devices used by his own people not too long ago.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #18
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

With the nod from the security officer, Petya swallowed hard and tapped his combadge. "Narrith to Sickbay, one to transport," he said and then disappeared in a field of shimmering light.

For her part, F'Rell was now examining the device. It was crude, very crude. It had no real timer, instead a simple surge generator that would accumulate charge in a capacitor until it began to overheat and then it would cause a power surge which would have ruptured the battery and in turn ruptured the EPS conduit. Simple, yet inelegant.

It was, in her mind, exactly why the T'Fanrell had avoided the humanoids for so long. Not because of their fears and reactions to the unknown, but instead because they were without a thought in the field of battle. They would get as brutal as anatomy would allow, inventing weapons for no other purpose than to end life in more violent and bloody ways. She had seen the best of the humanoids while on the Resolve, but this, this put her face to face with why she distrusted them, to begin with. They were immature and dangerous.

"<We are lucky the capacitor was properly manufactured, if it had been even a little out of tolerance we would not be here now,>" she said, her voice sounding oddly disappointed. And she was, not that she had survived, but in the crew of the ship, she now called home. They were frayed and some were so far gone all they could do was violence and harm. Evidence of some innate cruelty of the species perhaps. She had seen even the kindest of the crew on the Resolve turn cruel if they felt justified. All it ever took was a little justification.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #19
[ PO1 Varder Ridun | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn @Absinthe 
The mention of luck coming into play irked the Young Bajoran, one should not place the lives of others on the slim chances luck provides. Especially not when other options exist. This irritation was furthered by the tone within this floating creatures words, were they unhappy at the device being disarmed? Questions, questions, and no interest in asking at that moment. Instead, the lighter expression he held on his face faded into one of mild distaste.

Ridun then directed his attention to his combadge, palming it lightly before speaking in a clear voice "Varder to security, the threat is neutralized. Requesting a team for a sweep and grab, might as well find out where the parts to this bomb came from." With a small sigh after his transmission was over and confirmations received he directed a look towards F'Rell, "I think that wraps things up here, if we need you for anything more, you will be made aware of this fact." The tone adopted by Ridun for these words was not near as caring or friendly as when he was speaking earlier, indeed it seemed almost cold by comparison.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] To Pluck a Single String

Reply #20
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Jefferies Tube near Middle Cargo Bay Level 1 | Deck 21 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Jm Von Cat

This was clearly the end of this particular interaction, or at least F'Rell guessed that based on the shift in the man's demeanor. Humanoids made for such an odd creature. She found it difficult to understand them at times, their motivations and their feelings were lost on her. Yet she was certain that the man likely was not outwardly hostile, despite his shift in temperament.

She gave him a small nod, acknowledging that there would be more security personnel in the jefferies tube network soon. "<Then I shall return to my work, I have much left to do,>" she said flatly, her translator carrying the detached note in her voice. She didn't really care if he was upset or not, she had done her job and saved them. With that accomplished she saw no reason to remain, so she moved her long body into one of the branching junctures. She saw no need to linger, no need to departing words. They would only serve a trivial purpose given she had no need of a social relationship with the man, the incident was resolved and now she could return to the task she was more concerned with, prepping power conduits to handle the increased load the projectors would need to generate an environment within her cargo bay.


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