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Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 14, Corridor  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel had just said his good bye to his long time friend and RIO Uriah Ahern, callsign Knight.  The two had just shared a few drinks toasting to the men and women of the Resolve who hadn’t made it, in particular to Chief Erik Randall, the Resolve’s Deck Chief.  Daniel had had more alcohol in the past two days than he’d had during the Resolve’s last month in Romulan territory.  He wasn’t drunk by any means but he wasn’t sober either.  As he walked down the corridor he saw a face that he recognized from last night, the nice young brunette who had given him a tour of the ship yesterday, Petty Officer Riley Patterson.

He approached the young woman as she stood by the turbolift door.  “Good evening Petty Officer, where are you headed?”  He asked her as he stood next to her waiting for the turbolift to open, depending on where she was going he might tag along or might suggest an alternative venue.  Even though he had only spent a short amount of time with her he felt a connection, not romantic per se but friendly at least.  She was an attractive woman and he wouldn’t say no if she proposed something but for right now he was quite comfortable with just being friends.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #1
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 14 | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

The argument with Faye was still bouncing around in Riley's head as she jogged through the corridors of the Theurgy. Wearing her gym outfit, which wasn't standard attire, she made her way to the nearest Turbolift. The outfit consisted out a pair of black leggings with teal striping reaching along her legs to her hips. The jogging vest was clinging perfectly to her figure as it had the same color scheme as her pants. Her sneakers however were bright red and white. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun as she passed Havenborn without paying attention to him. It wasn't exactly like she on purposely ignored him, it was just that her focus was still stuck on the argument in her head.

As the good lieutenant addressed her at the lift, she almost jumped a feet in the air as she seemed spooked by his voice and laughed it off once she turned her head to him and realized who it was. "Oh, snap, sorry..." she smiled good heartedly as she placed her hands on her hips. the sheen of sweat covering her skin as she looked the pilot in the eyes "Daniel right?" she asked as she had clearly remembered his name from last night.

The question to where she was heading made her doubt as it was obvious she didn't have a certain destination in mind. The Gym would've been a logical step. "Nowhere in particular. What about you?" she asked and effectively bounced the question back to Daniel. If he'd be going somewhere interesting she might've well tagged along as it was good to run off the annoyance from earlier that morning.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #2
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 14, Corridor  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

"Daniel right?"

Daniel smiled and nodded as she remembered his name.  Her outfit was certainly not the duty uniform and looked more like she had been coming from or going to the gym. “Well I was going to stop by the holodeck before hitting the gym.  Would you care to join me?”  He asked her.  As he reached into his pocket he felt the isolinear chip that contained a holoprogram of his home.  It was one of the few items that he kept with him at all times.

While he normally didn’t like to bring people with when he loaded the program he was feeling the need for some company tonight after the long day he’d had and the even longer day that he was going to have tomorrow during the away mission.  His need to go to the gym was less so about recreation and more so about his need to keep in peak physical condition so that his enhancements would remain active, plus he was never one to just sit idly doing nothing which was one reason he hated escort details.

He still hadn’t forgotten about his promise to take her up in his fighter for a joyride, maybe once the away mission was over and after his fighter was retrofitted he’d be able to slip her in and make good on his promise.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #3
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 14 -> Deck 08| Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

"The holodeck?" she asked as the lift arrived and the doors opened, the petty officer stepped inside as she turned around to face Daniel "Sure, I guess I could tag along if you don't mind." she answered with a vibrant smile on her lips. Once Daniel had stepped in she added "I wouldn't mind even to tag along to the gym. I was just jogging around the ship really." she admitted as she waited for the lift to move to their designated deck.

"How has your day been going so far lieutenant?" she inquired with a curious tone to it as she leaned against the back of the lift and just placed her hands in the pockets of her jogging vest. She waited patiently for the answer of Daniel as she eyed him, up and down. A thought crossed her mind as she wondered what Faye would think if she caught a glimpse of what Riley was thinking while looking the good looking lieutenant over. A slight blush covered her cheeks yet Riley was quick enough to subdue it as the lift arrived on deck 8.

"Do you know the ways to the holodecks?" she asked as she stepped out of the lift "If not, I could show you?" she suggested as she playfully reached out her hand for him to drag him along. It was a few minutes to walk to it, yet she felt like running and she sure as hell hoped the fighter boy could keep up with her when she'd start running. The plan was, the moment he'd take a hold of her hand that she'd start running and not let go of Daniel unless he couldn't keep up. He could probably tell that the nurse had something special in store for him as her eyes were sparkling with mischief.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #4
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

“I don’t mind at all.”  Daniel said as he followed her into the turbolift.  “Well then after a few minutes in the holodeck we shall head to the gym and get some good exercise in.”  He said, he was looking forward to getting back into a training regime onboard his new home.  When she mentioned jogging around the ship he found that to be an odd way to work out when there was a gym and holodecks to use.  He wished that his people had technology this advanced, maybe it’d make his people less isolationist or at least more open to the idea of working with the Federation. 

“My day has been interesting so far, shared a few drinks with my RIO as we toasted to fallen comrades and my fighter is being prepped for tomorrow’s away mission.”  Daniel said as he felt the turbolift arrived at deck eight.  While he wasn’t normally attracted to women who didn’t hold a commission, there was something about the young woman that he couldn’t quite shake.  He suddenly realized she was asking him a question.  “I’ve never been to them, but I did read about their location in the ship’s directory.”  Daniel replied as he took hold of her hand.  “I would welcome your personal instruction on how to get there.”  He said as he felt her hand close around his she took to running as the turbolift door opened.

Daniel had no trouble keeping up with her as she ran down the corridor with his hand in hers.  He just hoped that no one from TacConn or Fighter Bay Ops, or the senior staff would see this display of frivolity.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #5
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

To Riley's enjoyment the pilot made no fuss about running as she pulled him along for a run. They passed a few red shirts and members from engineering and science on their way to the holodeck. Most of them had to jump out of the way for the nurse and her pilot as she did take it up to a rather sprinting speed. The good lieutenant did get a perfect view on the ass of the nurse as her bottom bounced at each step she took. Yet after a few minutes they arrived at the wider corridors which lead them to the holodecks. Coming to a full stop, Riley let go of Daniel's hand as she caught her breath. She panted a little and licked her lips before she poked her thumb to the door "Here you go Daniel... Holodeck." she panted with a smirk as she peeked over his shoulder for a second before she laughed "Thank God you can keep up! Most people let go and just get left behind." she teased him before she opened the door and the big empty room greeted her as she stepped in.

Inside the holodeck she zipped open her jacket and took it off as the sprint did make her feel rather warm. As she didn't intend to actually do any sprinting, the attire she wore underneath was entirely not standard outfit. A blank and yellow sports bra was the only thing that she wore underneath which in addition also served as her top. The modest chest of the nurse tucked away nicely by the tight fitting piece of clothing, it did however cover up her skin halfway between her breast and her belly button. The back of the top looked more like a maze of strips which in fact provided for enough stability. It did diminish the size of her breasts as it just pressed them flat, yet Riley assumed the pilot wouldn't mind the view. The coolness of the empty holodeck however did cause for two nubs to slightly grow and become somewhat apparent through the fabric as she waved her hand at her face to cool down.

"I was meaning to ask by the way... Why do you intend to just stay here for a couple of minutes? I mean, you can just as easily do your exercise here while you're at it? Or do you have a sort of special program you'd like to run?" she asked the pilot with a burning curiosity while the doors closed behind him.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #6
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

As they ran through the corridors Daniel’s eyes glanced down to her ass and he was glad that she wasn’t looking because he blushed a little at first before regaining his composure.  He had to admit again that she was incredibly good looking, it was too bad that she wasn’t an officer.  As she came to a full stop she introduced him to the holodeck and he smiled.  “That wasn’t quite what I was expecting, although I’d never let go of a beautiful woman’s hand.”  He said with a smirk as he stepped inside the holodeck with her.

He reached into his pocket and stepped over to the control console as he glanced at her trying to catch her breath and smiled again.  That run hadn’t even worn him out, it was more like a warm up, although he was also used to an environment that had less oxygen than Federation Standard.  He took the isolinear chip out of his pocket and inserted it into a slot and began to access the program.  He glanced at her again and took notice of the cool air and the effect it was having on her body.  “I’ve got a special program, I don’t like to spend a lot of time in it but every so often I get homesick and this helps.”  He said as he activated the holoprogram and the scenery changed.

Before them laid two large domed cities surrounded by red sand, red rocks and little to no vegetation.  They stood atop a large cliff and Daniel stepped forward towards the edge of the cliff, stopping just inches from the edge.  He slumped his shoulders and suddenly looked very relaxed.  In the distance small craft seemed to be engaged in what looked like aerial maneuvers and Daniel watched them intently.  In between the two cities sat a large plateau with what looked like missile silos built into the ground and dozens of smaller settlements could be seen between the cities.

Daniel sighed as he stood there watching.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #7
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

The words Daniel had slipped to her as she had guided him to the holodeck made the bubbly nurse giggle a little before she watched him take out the isolinear chip. Her eyes trained on him as he walked over to the controls and she ventured closer to him as she would have not the faintest idea of what the program would entail. Maybe it was a space action kind of thing or something more frightening? Regardless Patterson took post to Daniel's left flank, standing a bit more behind him as the program got loaded.

As the cliffside began to form and the domed cities showed themselves, Riley looked around her as she knelt down and touched the familiar red sands. She had been to Mars a few times, with her family, yet also with the Federation. She stood back up as she looked around as if trying to get her bearings as Daniel walked over to the cliff side edge. She could tell the more relaxed state he was in and she smiled as she moved over to him. She looked at the spacecraft doing their aerial maneuvers before looking down at the rest of the surrounding things between the domed cities.

It seemed the nurse was speechless at first as she just took in the entire scenery. Eventually she placed her hand on Daniel's shoulder, a soft  squeeze followed by her sweet voice as she asked softly "Is that home for you?" She probably could've guessed the answer, yet she'd not seen this part of Mars before. She waited for his answer before she smiled a bit more broader "It looks beautiful... Can you tell me more about it?" she asked soft and with humble in her voice. She knew better than to react like an overstimulated and over bubbly person at that time. She knew that this was time for respect and serenity. After all, not many people carried a chip of home around the entire time.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #8
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel stood silently as he felt her touch his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze.  How many times had he stood on this cliff side for real, a hundred, a thousand, he couldn’t remember.  All he knew was that it felt like a lifetime ago since he had last breathed the Martian air.  He wrapped his arm around her and held her against him.  “Yes, this was my home.”  Daniel said placing a slight bit of emphasis on the word ‘was’.

He stood silently as he tried to think about how to best describe his home to an outsider.  Even those people who had been born on Mars knew very little about his people, the most anyone really knew was that they were isolationists and very territorial having caused several disputes before the Federation began to send diplomats to reach an agreement, not that he saw his people ever coming to terms with a society that they despised.

“I grew up here and was trained for war here.”  Daniel said slowly.  He didn’t normally talk about his childhood so he wasn’t sure why he was talking about it now, Only four people on the Resolve had been privy to his past on Mars and only two of them now served on the Theurgy; Krystal and Uriah.  “I grew up in that dome, Ouranos.”  Daniel said as he pointed to the one on the right.  “The other one is Daedalus, where I spent time learning how to kill and fly.”  He said as he again looked up to the aerial craft which if one looked hard enough they could make out that they were a type of fighter aircraft.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #9
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

The breath of the nurse hitched as Daniel took her by her side and held her against him. The lean body of the nurse pressed against his as she placed her bands on his shoulder and rested her head against his chest as she listened intently to the words of the Martian. She had picked up on his emphasis on 'was' yet decided to not pry further just yet as he continued to talk about it. It was odd to feel like she was back on Mars and she looked up at the sky before looking back to the settlement as Daniel started to explain what was what.

Her eyes followed the domes he pointed at and she frowned a little as she chewed on the lower part of her lip. "Hmm." she answered at first before she looked up at Daniel "For what war were you training?" she asked as she remained still and just leaned a bit against Daniel. "I mean, it sounds really... Spartan. Like in the early days of men where only those who were deemed fit for a good life were groomed to warriors or a certain aspect in their way of life." she left out that those deemed unworthy were killed off. Though, she wasn't entirely sure if it were a myth or an actual way of life.

"Also, you mentioned that this was home? May I ask what happened to it?" she asked with a careful voice. She didn't want to offend or upset the pilot who clearly shared something with her. It felt personal, so she figured he wouldn't be showing the scene to just about anyone. Which in turn made the nurse feel somewhat happier that he trusted her.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #10
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

For what war, those words hung in Daniel’s mind.  If he was being honest he had no idea really, he knew that his people hated Earth and by extension the Federation but there was never any indication that his people were in any position to actually go to war with them, nor any inclination to.   “I don’t know really.  I suppose the war against Earth but I never asked those kinds of questions.”  He had known of friends who had and they had been punished for it but he had always done what was required of him until he had left.

“I suppose in some ways my people’s society is like that, though everyone has a purpose and those that fail in their purpose get sent to live out in the frontier or sent to a labor camp.”  Daniel replied as he pointed out the frontier between the two domed cities and a pair of labor camps circling the domed cities.  Daniel sighed at her next question, that one would be a little more difficult to explain.  How does one explain that they’re exiled and forbidden to ever return to their home; their family?

“Nothing, at least nothing that I know of.”  Daniel stated before pausing to look again at the scene before him, the aerial fighters were now making their way toward the Ouranos dome.  In the sky a Starfleet runabout could be seen flying towards the Daedalus dome and a trio of aerial fighters flying in escort formation with it.  The formation looked more of aggression than of protection.  “I…”  Daniel started to say then stopped and paused.  “…can never return home.”  He said, his voice just above a whisper.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #11
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn  

It as a bit shocking for Riley to hear that Daniel got trained for a war which he didn't even know was against. It was a bit mind blowing that he'd follow orders without second guessing them. History was filled with various examples of soldier and men and women following their leaders blindly. Most cases weren't the prettiest or most beautiful ones in human history. It made Riley wonder what she would do. She'd oppose them and probably face the consequences, regardless of the cost. Although it was easy to think or say that without being placed in that predicament.

The similarities that Daniel pointed out to Riley made her watch the scenery intently as she felt a shiver run over her back. She could only imagine what sort of conditions the labor camps or the frontier would entail. She remained silent after that and just clung on to Daniel as he spoke further. Her face turned his way as he confessed to her that he could never return back to this place. Which meant that he had fallen from grace of those in charge in the domes. She wanted to know more, yet she wouldn't pry for matters that he wasn't comfortable with.

"I... I can't imagine what it must feel like... To be..." She paused as she weighed her words carefully and in the end decided to not speak out any harsh words. Daniel was a strong man though, surely he could deal with roughness and the sorts, yet Patterson had learned that mental scarring or pain was the worst kind. Pain that couldn't be healed by shots or regenerators. Her fingers gave a gentle squeeze once more as she gazed back to the scenery. "Do you want to talk about it Daniel?" she asked softly and with care interlaced in her voice.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #12
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel shook his head.  Of course he wanted to talk about it, but the person he wanted to talk about it with was now dead and it wasn’t that he didn’t trust Riley, it was more so that he didn’t know her that well yet and wasn’t ready to divulge that much information as of yet.  After all he had told her about as much as he’d told Uriah and he’d served alongside the man for longer than anyone else in his career.  The only person he had divulged more to was Lieutenant Demetria Daniels but that was also because they had been far closer than he would ever admit to anyone.  Even his lover onboard the Resolve, Lieutenant Krissy Williams, didn’t know the truly intimate details of his past.

“Maybe another time.”  Daniel said as he turned his back on the scene in front of him.  He stepped away from Riley as the scenery began to change from an exterior view to an interior view of one of the domes, more specifically to what looked like a hangar bay.  The cliff turned into an overlook which now showed a Starfleet Runabout and a pair of heavily armed aerial craft materialized below and a young man, no more than 18 years old being escorted to the Runabout by half a dozen armed guards, all of whom wore black armor with a single red stripe on their shoulder pads.

As Daniel reached the console he began to input information into the computer, then spoke.  “Computer, save and end program.”  He said as the computer chirped and acknowledged him.  He sighed as he waited for the program to come to an end and once the room had returned to its original state he removed the isolinear chip from the socket and placed it back in his pocket.  He turned back to Riley and smiled.  “So to the gym?”
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #13
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 08 | Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn  

Riley's eyes continued to observe the scenery as Daniel let go of her, she trusted him as he told her he might indulge her with more information on another occasion. It was something she could live with. The change of scenery however had Riley thinking as she watched the guards escort the young man to the runabout. She placed her hands against the railing of the overlook. Her eyes narrowed at the guards and their distinctive uniform.

It didn't take long though before the image faded and the surroundings changed back to the its original shape. She glanced around before she turned herself back to Daniel and walked over to him. She wasn't sure whether she should hug him or not for showing her what he did. Her features could probably show her train of thoughts as she grabbed her jacket once more and zipped it on. A smile slowly formed on her lips as she nodded "Sure, gym sounds nice. Anything in particular you'd want to do there?" she asked him as she walked over to him and came to a stop in front of him. Daniel was taller than she was and without waiting for his answer, she simply gave him a hug. It wasn't the kind of hug that would strangle the air out of someone, yet more like a sympathetic hug that didn't mean anything more than it was.

It lasted for a second or two before she broke it off and walked over to the door. She waited for him to follow her and once he did, she opened the door and lead the way through the corridors "Thanks again for showing me a bit of your home... I know a lot of people aren't to keen on sharing it. Mostly because it hurts to think back about them... But, I can show you mine later on if you'd like?" she suggested as the walked side by side.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #14
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 > Deck 06, Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

As he thought about an answer to her question he quickly realized that she had wrapped her arms around him in an embrace, it took him a moment but he returned her hug and as she broke it off he smiled.  “Well I’ve got a training regime that I like to do, think you’d be up for it?”  He asked her as she led the way through the corridors, walking beside her.  He still wasn’t sure why he had shown her his home, there was just something calming about being around her, Lieutenant Daniels had been like that too.

He nodded as she thanked him for showing his home, it was definitely true that he didn’t show it to a lot of people which was something he was attempting to change, after all the crew of the Resolve had become his new family and now the Theurgy was likely going to become a permanent home, it was time to share more of his past since he’d never be able to go home ever again.  “I’d like to see your home.”  Daniel replied as they continued their walk down the corridor towards the turbolift.  “Also the next time we have some downtime I’d like to show you a holonovel that I’ve been working on, if you’d be interested in that sort of thing?”  He said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #15
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 06 | Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

"Well..." Riley thought about the suggestion to follow Daniels training regime "I might give it a shot." she said ambitious as she laughed while they took the lift back to deck 06. Once arrived at the gymnasium the two of them began the program Daniel did routinely. It was a harsh and demanding program and Riley managed to complete the first three exercises before the physical work out began to take its toll on her. She was panting, heaving and back in a state of undress as pearls of sweat rolled down her skin. The sports bra she was wearing getting a bit damp from sweating yet no drenched as well as the rest of her attire. She tapped out then and just hydrated as she watched Daniel work out and just smiled as she admired his physical shape and condition as he was clearly training himself to the fullest.

Once he had completed his training, Riley handed him a water bottle and shook her head "Geez, you're trained... I don't think most people could keep up with you." she laughed softly and shook her head. She looked up at him in the eyes before she seemed to ponder about her next suggestion "You know, since you showed me your home... And well after a work out like that." she giggled a little before continuing "I should show you mine and invite you over for some iced tea. Don't expect too much of it though." she shrugged before she took the jacket once more, yet didn't bother to wear it since she still felt too warm from Daniel's workout.

As they'd walk to the exit she asked him "Do you want me to tell you a bit about home? Or would you rather be surprised by it on the holodeck?" she offered him as she made her way back over to the turbolift. 

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #16
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 06, Gymnasium | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel smiled as she said she’d give it a shot.  His training regime generally required one to be in peak physical shape, besides himself only Knight could keep up with him.  As they entered the gym he watched as Riley managed to keep pace with him for awhile, he had to give her credit, she was definitely tougher than she looked, and he couldn’t help but enjoy the view though he did his best to keep from staring too long.  It was too bad that she wasn’t an officer.

He nodded as he continued his workout.  “Most people can’t, only my RIO can really keep up with me.”  He left out the fact that he was also genetically enhanced so that helped, though to keep his enhancements he had to maintain peak physical condition since he no longer had access to Neo-ECON medical facilities.  As he finished up he found her looking into his eyes and he looked back into hers.  “I’d like that.”  He said as he grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat off his body.

Walking towards the exit he looked at her and smiled.  “I wouldn’t mind hearing a little about it before we get there.”  He said as they walked down the corridor towards the turbolift.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #17
[ PO Riley Patterson | Deck 06 -> Deck 08 | Corridors -> Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

During the demanding training program, Riley had noticed the longer lasting glances from the pilot as they worked out. She didn't really mind as she felt the looks of other male crewmen scanning over as well before she finally stepped down and just hydrated while watching Daniel. "Oh?" Riley brought out when informed that most people couldn't keep up with the work out "Are people that out of shape in that case? Or is it just a very demanding program which allows the best to complete it?" she asked with a snicker. After a few moments Daniel completed his training and wiped off his body from sweat. He did come close enough for her to actually smell it and to her surprise it didn't smell all too bad. Yet he didn't need to know that...

A smile and a joyous expression came across Riley's features as she jumped up and started walking. The truth was however that Riley had known a lot of homes. Her family had friends and relatives where Riley would stay over for days or sometimes even months. Yet the place she really called home was the place she grew up in. The residence in California by a cliff side that overlooked the great Pacific. The green grass, the warm sun, the cool sea breeze... It all just felt right there...

"How much do you know about Earth?" she asked him first to see if he had a clue about how life was there considering his time on Mars. After hearing his answer she nodded "Well I grew up near an ocean... Our house was on top of a cliff, two story building with downstairs the kitchen, living room, garage, dining place and storage and upstairs the bathroom and our rooms. The outside look of the cottage was preserved as in the late twenty first century. Some could call it a monument to the past, yet we did some future tech advancements inside. The house had a grind path leading up to it yet all around the house was just green grass. We usually had the sun shining down on us and occasionally we had rain and thunderstorms which just looked even more amazing on there." she told him as they made their way to the lift and took it back up to Deck 08.

She walked him back over to the same holodeck they had used and once they were inside Riley waited for the doors to close. "Computer, activate program Patterson Home Echo Epsilon." With a chirp the room faded and Daniel was met by the warm rays of sunlight that shone down on him as a refreshing breeze prevented them from overheating. The sky was as clear blue as it could ever be, no single cloud tainting it. The salty smell of the ocean met his nostrils and in front of them was the cottage in the original wood color of the boars that gave shape to the look of the structure. Steps leading up to a porch where there were two rocking chairs and a swing seat for two or three persons. Riley's form relaxed entirely as she felt herself at home entirely. Her shoulders slumping down a little as she inhaled the air, almost remembering it perfectly "Home..." she whispered before she looked back over at Daniel "What do you think of it?" she asked him softly, yet curiously.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #18
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 06, Gymnasium > Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

“I suppose it’s just that demanding.”  Daniel said as he thought about it some.  “Although I’ve never really noticed it myself, this is the same program that I was trained on.”  He added as he drank some water rehydrating himself.  When she asked about his knowledge of Earth he shrugged his shoulders.  “Not much, the only time I’ve spent there was during my Academy years but I didn’t really explore the planet.”  Daniel said.  Truth was he didn’t explore the planet because he had been raised to hate Earth and while he knew now that Earth wasn’t planning an offensive against his people he still wasn't fond of the place so he hadn't left the Starfleet Academy during his four years.

He nodded as they walked through the corridors and into the turbolift, taking it to Deck 08.  He smiled as she spoke about the ocean and the house, he had never experienced an ocean until he had spent time on Earth but hearing her talk about it he could almost imagine it in his head.  When she spoke of the rain and thunderstorms he again imagined what that must have been like, the domes didn’t have any sort of weather patterns as everything was self contained.  It was only on Earth when he experienced much of what she was talking about now.

As they entered the same holodeck as before he stood near the entrance as she took the lead.  She gave the computer an order and the scenery changed from the blank room into a full canvas of color, a blue sky dominated the ceiling with sunlight shining upon them, and a refreshing breeze to keep them cool.  He immediately saw the house and the ocean behind it.  He noticed that she was suddenly far more relaxed now than she was before.  “This is beautiful.”  He said as took in the entire sight of it.  He could see why her family chose to live here of all places.  Although he wasn’t quite sure why one would want to leave this beautiful place.

Daniel took a few steps forward toward the house.  “Why would you ever want to leave?”  He asked her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #19
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

Riley had been a bit surprised to hear the reply from Daniel, she'd have expected him to do some sightseeing when he was on Earth with the Academy, yet she couldn't exactly blame him either. Considering where he came from, she gathered as much as he'd been raised to see Terrans as a threat. Regardless, she looked at him as the scenery formed itself in the holodeck and she wasn't disappointed by his reaction. A broad smile covering her lips as he confirmed to her that it was beautiful. She laughed and spread her arms to feel the wind breeze past her extremities and she swirled ab it before letting Daniel catch up.

"Because..." she answered and looked at the house "If you'd grow up here... And well in different locations around the world at some point, you kind of wonder what else there is out there." she answered him. Riley would probably have a happy and traditional life if she had remained on Earth. Probably got engaged, married, had children, get her own place and grow old with the one she built her life with. However, Patterson wanted to explore, see what reached behind the blue planet. "It's not that I don't want to return here, it's home after all." she replied as she looked at the house and the ocean "But I'm young... I should at least explore, see more of the galaxy while I'm able to do so. Not when I'm old and brittle, when I get to that stage, I can grow old here... Home." she answered with a faint smile.

The was of course if they ever made it home, if they managed to clear their names. Realistically... She might be floating lifeless in space if the wrong bulkhead ruptured, taken into Federation prison or some labor camp. There were so many fates sh could undergo where she'd never see her home with her own eyes for real. The thought alone made her smile fade a little as her eyes got a bit watery. She tried to shake the thought, but it had taken hold of her as she looked over at Daniel. "Would you drop everything you had and never leave if you were here?" she asked softly, her voice trembling a little. Was she a fool to leave Earth?

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #20
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel let himself smile a little as the holographic wind breezed by him and watched as she spread her arms and swirled around laughing.  He kept a moderate pace as he looked at all of the surroundings.  The first part of her answer made him smile some more, that was part of the reason he wanted to leave his home, he had wanted to see the galaxy but his people didn’t have plans to leave Mars.  He understood the rest of her answer as well and he quite agreed with her.

He walked closer to her as he saw her expression change from one of happiness to one of sadness.  “I’m not sure really, the only life I knew before Starfleet was of duty to my family and my people.  Leaving my home was my first decision, everything before then had been planned for me.”  Daniel replied.  He hadn’t known anything else and had no problem with his life at the time, even who he dated had been approved by his family in some way; there had been girls that he hadn’t been allowed to date or even socialize with.  “Although if I had to do it again, I would.”  He said hoping that would answer her question as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close in a hug, hoping it would make her feel a little better.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #21
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

She listened to the words of the pilot before her as he came closer step by step. How could his life been predetermined entirely? she wondered yet understood that some cultures on Earth did the same. It was saddening to know that these traditions were transferred to Mars as well. However, it was perhaps a good thing as it lead Daniel to where he was now. She looked up at him as he stood before her, a smile as faint as it was on her lips as he mentioned he'd do so again if given the chance. She nodded slowly before she felt the strong arms of the pilot wrap around her. Despite it being a warm day with the sun, the extra warmth, real physical warmth of Daniel made Riley relax even more as she felt her body slumped against his as she nuzzled her head against his chest.

A soft sigh was exhaled before she wrapped her arms around Daniel in response. This man was so kind, understanding and friendly despite the harsh conditions he must've been raised in. The nurse pressed her body against his for more affection, affection she'd easily receive from Faye if she simply asked for it, yet the diplomat had been called away by high command. The reason why Riley had gone running to clear her mind about it after the discussion the two had about work after cryogenic stasis. "Thank you Daniel... I needed this." she whispered softly against him as she slowly looked up to meet his eyes.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #22
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

“You’re welcome.”  He replied as he stared back into her blue eyes.  He felt like he could get lost staring into her eyes, as he leaned forward and kissed her lips, the elitist part of him screamed not to do it, but it was drowned out by the part of him that just didn’t care.  It wasn’t a very long kiss only lasting a couple seconds but when he pulled away his internal conflict had settled.  He’d never kissed a female NCO before, normally he didn’t associate with those of the lower ranks but there was something about Riley that made her feel like she should have been an officer.

He decided that he’d wait for her reaction to the kiss before he said anything, as it suddenly dawned on him that he might have crossed a line and he might have read the situation wrong.  He hoped that he hadn’t but it was entirely possible that he had.  He was used to courting a woman as per the traditions of his people, although that in itself was a complicated matter as well since women had to be chosen and accepted by one’s parents before any sort of courting could begin.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #23
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Deck 08 |  Holodeck | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

It all happened in a daze and before Riley realized it, she felt the lips of the handsome pilot on hers. Her eyes drifted shut as she kissed him back in the last two seconds of the kiss. Suddenly though it was over and the brick of doubt hit her. Was she even supposed to do this? Whilst she was sort of together with Faye? She had read up a bit on Betazoid culture and knew they were rather open. Talking with Faye had also given her that idea, yet they never really got to talking about relationships and such.

The eyes of Riley opened up and looked at Daniel's as she smiled a little and bit her lower lip "That felt... Really good..." she whispered as she kept holding herself close against Daniel. She tried to figure out how to mention the Faye dilemma as she rested her head against his chest. The wind caused her to chill a little as she rested against Daniel. She felt stupid for bringing it up and she just closed her eyes as she exhaled slowly, figuring she could just as well not tell him about it. The pilot had enough troubles on his mind as it was. She didn't need to saddle him with whatever this was or wasn't.

Slowly she broke the embrace and looked up at him again "Would... You like to come in for a drink? Or should we save it for a later time?" she asked softly. She sure did wanted him to show the life she had, a glimpse on life on Earth as he probably never saw it before. Maybe it would change his vision about Earth even more, in a good way of course.

Re: Day 02 [1700 Hours] New Friends

Reply #24
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

As their kiss ended Daniel smiled as she commented on how good the kiss was.  He’d never had any complaints about being romantic with a woman, although that could probably be attributed to the fact that he always did his research on a potential paramour before committing to any sort of courtship.   He always liked to think that he was great at kissing, though there were other aspects of a courtship that he needed to know about, he’d have to consult his homeworld program some more since it wasn’t just a look into his old life, it also contained cultural information that he had smuggled off world before he was escorted out of the colonies.

Feeling her rest against him relaxed him quite a bit and he was really content to just stay here but he would need some food soon since his enhancements only worked so long as he kept in peak physical shape and ate regularly.  “I think we should save that for a later date, I do have a mission in the morning and I’ve already had a fair amount to drink the past couple of days.”  He said remembering the hangover he had this morning and the drinks that he had already had with Knight just a bit ago.  “Maybe tomorrow evening if all goes well with the away mission we could meet here again at say 2100?”  He asked her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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