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Topic: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends (Read 10735 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Prologue 02: Loose Ends | Day 01 [1600 hrs.]

Reply #25
[ Nurse Maal | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Zenozine & The Counselor

When his direct help wasn't required any more, Maal had let O'Connor finish up, but he had now went far. He had sat down on the floor next to the birthing pool, wet from head to toe, and tried to collect himself. The singing of the Warrior's Anthem had given him courage, and he liked to think his people's old song had helped Hylota too. He was not well versed in his native people's customs, but whenever he applied himself to honour them... it felt right.

Upon hearing what Hylota said, he was reminded that he was not on a Klingon world or ship, but the Theurgy.

After all he had witnessed aboard, before and after Hylota came aboard from the Harbinger, he was not entirely sure that raising children aboard was a good idea. He was no father material, and judging by what Hylota said, nor did she think she was up to it. He did not have the courage to suggest they leave the eggs in the care of someone they could trust. How? He had no idea, but all he knew was that he would not advocate keeping the children on a ship heading into new battles - future as grim as could be imagined.

He was, however, heartened to hear Hylota wished to know him better. Perhaps they could find some way to handle it all. He smiled to her in answer, but could not find any words.


Re: Prologue 02: Loose Ends | Day 01 [1600 hrs.]

Reply #26
[MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Zenozine

Nolak smiled, and watched Vinata’s expression light up. He was pleased that his suggestion caused the Ovri to feel more comfortable around him. The stress and tension from the battle earlier had dwindled away while he enjoyed the mood of this medical checkup. Nolak’s eyes followed Vinata’s slender fingers as he ran them along his remaining uniform down to his boots. He perched his head up with his hand and elbow and watched Vinata’s fingers dance with the straps of the magnetic boots, lightly chuckling as they were tossed aside. He glanced at the large feet as they spread out and connected with the deck of the ship. He sense the relief Nurse Vinata felt being freed from he stuffy confines of the cramped footwear before continuing his quiet game of removing the remaining garments. 

Vinata then began to wiggle and slid the material downward exposing even more colorful flesh away from his waist, and hips. The uniform continued to inch it’s way exposing more of the pigmented patches of orange, and blues which highlighted the natural curves and contours of his whole body. The nurse showed off his dexterous fine toned body as he crouched down and removed the remaining uniform in an exotic display of Yoga like poses until finally the entire uniform jumpsuit lied crumpled up upon the examining room pale blue floor next to them both.

The hairless brow of Nolak arched up slightly as the slit between Vinata’s legs parted open and his own cock slipped out from the folds, before curling around out of sight behind his thighs. Amused by how even the Nurse’s penis was just as dexterous as the owner he spoke up, “Interesting. I see your male member is far more flexible than that of my own species. I’m sort of envious in a way, that your equipped with a pecker that can move in such a way. I can only imagine the pleasure and joy you can bring to the other female members of your race.” He adds in a wink and said jokingly, “This gives a new meaning to the Human phase, A Third Arm.” He then wiggles his waist a bit and lets his own harden cock standing upright rock back and forth a bit teasingly from the movement.

“Don’t be dishearten from your physical features. As I said, Deltan’s are considered a highly evolved sexual culture, and we view all bodies as artwork by the greatest creator of all, Mother Nature, regardless of what our personal faiths may be.” Then he felt Vinata hands upon his skin again and his face turned a shade of red as Vinata asked, “[b]I-If you would permit me, I would like to give you a bit more pleasure than just my hands can provide.[/b]”  This caused him to pause for a moment, had his own pheromones his race is known for, been effecting the entire event here in the containment room. It doesn’t affect his own judgment but might bring out the more sexual urges of others around him. An internal struggle as his internal speak argued with himself over his Federation Oath before he finally came to an answer.

Looking up at Vinata he responded, “Only if this is a decision of your making on your own accord. Deltans are known to have strong pheromones which can heighten the sexual nature of others, and may cloud your judgment. Personally, I think we’ve already violated my ‘Oath’, although it was only a safe guard and not an actual law or order. I just want to be sure your aware of all the factors. Because somehow I feel you were the first available medical personal for my treatment, were as the Doc, would have been very careful whom handled with a race with powerful pheromones. Then again perhaps I’m wrong along. I’ll add, I am enjoying this encounter if you do wish to proceed.

OOC:   Sorry for the delay, work; the heat wave; and my POS computer, have been bad to me lately. Temps in the triple digits fahrenheit, Not fun.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #27
[ Vinata Vojona | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay |Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: MasterRat

          As he presented himself fully nude before Nolak, Vinata could feel his heart fluttering, but he did not feel the panic he had once harbored, no instead his mind felt calmer, more focused on the sexual task at hand, it was unusual for him, he could only assume he was getting more aroused and his inhibitions lowering. However his mind drifted from these thoughts as he was complimented on his rather unusual member, on its size and flexible capabilities. Vinata could not help but blush a little and let out a chirp as he looked down at himself and to his cock. "I guess, of course it does lack firmness like a normal cock, but I feel mine makes up for it with its ability to flex and rub specific spots in my lovers." Vinata smiled a bit and then blinked as Nolak began to comment on his question about taking things to a further level, to be informed that Nolak had pheromones made him blink as he considered things for just a second before smiling.

Pulling his hand back from Nolak's cock Vinata changed his position and actually began to stretch himself out. "Well despite choosing the first available option it seems that we have indeed gone with the right choice. You see Ovri use strong pheromones to enhance mating, all our females go into a heat that causes them to develop a kiss that pushes a male into an aroused state. You see our pheromones are produced close to our salivary glands, males also have their own to gain attention outside of mating seasons. So to put things bluntly, I am more tolerant to what you are putting out, of course this does explain the aroused calm I have been feeling." He began to scoot back from Nolak, his hands moving to Nolak's thighs as he smirked. "But I must admit I am loving the feeling." Vinata's eyes drifted to Nolak's cock as a more neutral expression moved over his face. "It is nice to not feel a stressful knot in your chest when confronting anything sexual, it is nice to feel comfortable around another male again."  Vinata smirked and let out a soft chuckle. "Trust me, I will be able to resist my urges, I really do not know what convinced me to go this far, but I do not regret it, and from all I observed, it seems you could use the relief, it has already kept you from trying to escape the room."

With a smile he chuckled and moved between Nolak's thighs and he moved his hands to massage Nolak's soft gentle skin as he leaned in and opened his mouth, his tongue stretching out as he let his tongue reach out and tease around the head of the cock with his tongue, Vinata looked up at Nolak as his tongue kept teasing, his tongue pushing further and wrapping once and then twice around Nolak's cock as Vinata leaned forward as he allowed his tongue to squeeze and massage Nolak's cock, rubbing the full length with his tongue Vinata kept up his stimulation as he leaned to take Nolak's cock into his mouth, wrapping the length fully in the warmth fo his mouth before closing around it and allowing his tongue to massage and milk Nolak's length.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #28
[MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Zenozine

The stimulating massage of his upper thighs from Vinata’s fingers and hands as they worked over his soft skin caused him to let out a pleasant moan. Nolak spread his legs out giving more room as Vinata maneuvered his body between them and spread out upon the floor. He looked down across his breathing chest and into Vinata’s eyes and face and let out another louder audible moan as his tongue started to tease the throbbing head of his cock. His legs instinctively clinched against the smooth skin, and sides of Vinata’s body while he wrapped his legs around the slender body. His feet and toes sliding and massaging downward over the colorful body until his feet are rubbing over the rounded mounds of Vinata’s butt cheek while he wiggled his toes against it.

Vinata’s tongue teased the head of his cock and aroused Nolak causing his body to react. Grinding slowly against Vinata’s body nestled between his legs. He reached down with his hands and gently placed them on the top of Vinata’s head and with his fingertips rubbed the smooth bald head being very careful to not apply pressure that could interfere with his oral actions. The more his tongue explored the entire length of his throbbing member the farther into bliss it sent him, leaving him speechless.

ooc Sorry this took so long, my computer is now on the verge of joining the dodo bird. *grumble grumble*

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #29
[ Vinata Vojona | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay |Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: MasterRat

          As Vinata's ass began to be rubbed by Nolak's feet he could not help but smile as he began to feel pleasure, his cock throbbing a he sucked more firmly and moved his tongue more firmly around the cock. As his tongue moved Nolak could feel the slightly bumpy surface as it rubbed along Nokal's shaft, stretching and contracting as it moved along the length and Vinata began to make his next move. Pulling back Vinata dragged his tongue along the length of Nolak's shaft, and he drew back the coils of the tongue began to pull back, rubbing along the length of the shaft before whipping around the underside of Nolak's cock head, giving added pleasure as Vinata drew back all the way, pulling his tongue off before giving a playful smile as he flicked his long tongue about and leaned in to wrap his tongue around the length of Nolak's cock once more as he repeated the process.

As he kept licking and teasing the length of the cock Vinata suddenly began to change things up as he bobbed his head, letting his tongue stimulate Nolak before he began to inhale, his neck swelling up as he seemed to be preparing something before he began to let out a croaking, the vibrations stimulating the length and making it tingle before he the tongue moved back over the length and soothed the vibrations, giving added stimulation.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #30
[ MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
By each turn of the development in the Decontamination Chamber, the beautiful Ovri male kept surprising Nolak, who gasped in reaction when Vinata began to vibrate around his hardened arousal.

With wide eyes, he looked down the muscles of his own chest, the tightness of his abdomen, and while he could still feel the Ovri making sweeping, swirling motions inside his mouth with his dexterous tongue, the vibration could be felt in his whole pelvic area. "Mother of..." he groaned, the Deltan saying lost to him because of what he felt, gratified that his pheromones were lending the Ovri the kind of relaxed confidence to indulge in the kind of exotic techniques he employed to stimulate him. Panting, Nolak watched his glistening member and the coil of the Ovri tongue  slide between Vinata's parted lips, and he realised he was due to spend himself down the Ovri's throat soon lest he'd say something.

"I-I wish," he began, mouth dry, and the euphoria making him loose his words. He could feel the Ovri's smoother-than-silk skin between his thighs; the Nurse's rounded breasts skimming tantalisingly along his own skin with each rhythmic movement made. All he could do was to run his bare feet up and down Vinata's bare bottom and lower back, and to run a hand over the side of the rare alien's head. "I wish to please you in t-turn, lest I might come very soon... You are magnificent..."

OOC: MasterRat has decided to bow out of the story, so I would be happy to finish this scene whilst writing Nolak as an NPC. :)

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #31
[ Vinata Vojona | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay |Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan

          Vinata had to admit that Nolak was showing a lot more restraint than most, by this time he would have cum by now for sure, yet Nolak was still holding out and had focus enough to still string together a coherent sentence, it was truly impressive, but could anything less be expected from someone born of a world that was dedicated to pleasure, it was almost to be expected. For Nolak this could be felt through his slight psychic link as reverence and respect towards him massaging Nolak's ego in tandem with his thick throbbing member. Thankfully Nolak made it clear that he was almost done and this gave Vinata the motivation to keep going, he wanted to make Nolak cum, it might be be the pheromones effecting him slightly, but he still wanted to get this done for his own motivations, to show he could, to show he was not terrified of sex.

As the feet rubbed over his lower body Vinata blushed warmly, it was kind of arousing to think that he was doing such a good job that the other was doing everything that they could to pleasure him back. So in turn Vinata redoubled his efforts pulling back over the cock, letting his tongue swirl back off of the length once more as he pulled up and to one side before slowly circling to the opposite direction before beginning his decent once more. Moving his head in one orderly circle swirling his tongue off of the cock on the way up and coiling it back around the cock as he pushed back down, stimulating Nolak as best he could while one hand massaged Nolak's thigh while the other gently massaged Nolak's balls, seeking to coax the load out of him more quickly and more fully in one go.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #32
[ MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
When Nolak suggested that he'd please Vinata too before it was too late, the Ovri did not cease his thorough ministrations. Quite the opposite, the Nurse seemed intent on making him cum, his thick fingertips running over Nolak's thigh and cupping his heavy sac. The exotic alien's bare head bobbed more quickly, that coiled tongue of his coaxing Nolak to come in his mouth, and soon, Nolak forgot his impulse to stop the Ovri.

Instead, his hips began to undulate, as if on their own accord, and his breathing became more rapid. There was no point in warning Vinata, since it was quite evident that he was close. He believed his Deltan pheromones made it clear as well, not to mention the way his phallus grew even harder before his imminent release.

When his climax came, his whole body convulsed, his gel-covered musculature catching the artificial light in the decontamination chamber. He cried out, a hoarse sound, and he felt his warm semen being milked out of him by the Nurse. When he thought himself drained, it seemed the Ovri managed to get even more out of him with his technique -  drawing every little drop there was to find inside him. In the end, as sensitive as he had become, he propped himself up on his elbows and chuckled, putting a trembling hand against Vinata's cheek - signalling that it was time to show mercy.

"That was definitely the best kind of irradiation treatment I've had the pleasure to endure," he said, smiling with his lips pursed, breathing uneven and his whole body still trembling in the aftermath. "Had I known, I would not have been so mad about returning to sickbay. In fact, I should thank Thea the next time I see her."

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #33
[ Vinata Vojona | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay |Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan

          As Nolak climaxed and came inside of Vinata's mouth his eyes widened slightly as he realized his mistake, he was not going to be able to dispose of Nolak's cum, he needed to clean it all up and keep licking and sucking, he could not risk letting the cum get into the room for someone to look into how it got there, even if this could be deemed as conforming to Nolak's traditions it was highly unprofessional, and after what had happened to Vinata this could likely be labeled as him being unstable and seeking to regain some control over his sexuality. So with no other real choice Vinata swallowed and drank Nolak's cum, letting it side over his tongue, filling his mouth with the taste of the other man's musky seed.

As things wrapped up Vinata pulled back and wiped the corner of his mouth as he smiled to Nolak, as he spoke of how he might of been willing to get treated Vinata shook his head. "Alright I do doubt that one, considering what I saw you doing to try and get out of here, I get the feeling you are just letting your own pleasure talk right now." Vinata stretched out and let out a sigh of satisfaction as his own cock wiggled as Vinata tensed the different segments, showing off the prehensile nature of his cock. Moving to a seated position Vinata licked his lips and looked to the timer for how long Nolak needed to remain inside the room to be cleared of radiation."Well it looks like we still have some time, so if you would like to talk I would be more than willing to help pass the rest of the time with you."

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #34
[ MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
When Nolak heard Vinata's comment about his previous demeanour, he could but chuckle a bit self-consciously. Perhaps it was the pleasure talking, but he also felt a bit less at odds with Thea beaming him into the decontamination chamber. After all, she had mere merely looking after him, even trying to save his life. It had just been his own regrets about having to remain in sickbay during the battle that had persisted, and finding himself returned there had not exactly been the most ideal situation.

As it were, it appeared the Theurgy had pulled through, and that meant his efforts had not been in vain, even without medical leave.

It also meant that his irradiation treatment was relevant, and that it was ideal that it ran its course. He had been prepared to die for the crew and the mission, but now, it seemed they were still alive. He thought of this as he watched the exotic Ovri move, and his eyes returned to the alien's prehensile member. Even in a seated position, it was evident that the Nurse was still aroused, and Nolak chuckled in answer to what the Ovri suggested.

"You know what I think?" he said ruefully and pushed himself up from his prone position, leaning in closer to Vinata where he sat on the floor. It was a long time since he'd done it, but remembering his Deltan youth and his past antics, he wrapped his fingers around the Ovri's hardened phallus. "I think it's quite evident you want to do a whole lot more than talking..."

Having said this, he hoped he was not being too presumptuous as he leaned in and kissed the Ovri. To him, and especially concerning the Ovri, male and female were second to personhood, and this Nurse had just done him a huge kindness in getting over himself and his attitude. While it had been some time he'd been with a man, he did believe he remembered enough to try and make the Ovri feel good too. Thus, he began to stroke the alien member with his hand, while the other began to chart Vinata's unique breasts. This, before ending up behind his neck, deepening the kiss.

Once their lips parted, his hand still stroking Vinata, he met the Ovri's eyes and spoke. "How do you want me?"

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #35
[ Vinata Vojona | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay |Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he collected himself, the taste of cum was still lingering in his mouth. Of course as Nolak spoke of how Vinata had clearly been wanting more he could not help but feel his face getting warm as he blushed. Pushing himself up on his elbows as he remained mostly laying down Vinata smiled at the other man and gave a weak chuckle. "Well I cannot say that the idea of having something a bit more than a conversation has not crossed my mind, I am quite interested in having a brief respite so that I might be able to let my stomach settle before we continue, after all I am fairly certain that I have gotten to enjoy a small bit of the radiation you were purging there." Vinata found it a mildly amusing thought that the cum he had just consumed was likely irradiated...he would need to take care of that discreetly later.

As Nolak moved to position himself over Vinata and pulled him in for a kiss, Vinata blinked and slowly leaned into the kiss, feeding his own pheromones into the situation, no doubt enough to get the mood going again, but nowhere near the effect seen against Lucan and others before. Vinata allowed his tongue to slip deep into Nolak's mouth and swirl about within, wrapping around and wrestling with the other man's tongue before pulling back with a long breathy moan. "If you really want to go this far into going around your vow I will not stop you, if you want to repay me for the pleasures that I showed you, I would not mind it if you were to show me how to handle a cock outside of orally as I do not think there is anyone who can compare to my physical abilities." Vinata gave a bit of a cocky grin as he shuddered and cooed as his cock was stroked and stimulated.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #36
[ MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
That was when Nolak got to experience the taste of the Ovri, but perhaps more importantly, how the alien's pheromones affected him.  The effect was like being inoculated by some kind of aphrodisiac, and he made a unintentional sound of contentment when Vinata answered his kiss with his tongue. Feeling the Ovri tongue swirling against his own, Nolak continued to stroke the Nurse's flexible member with his hand, which was calloused from years of engineering work. Coming to lean over Vinata, Nolak supported himself on his free hand, until their lips finally parted. When the alien tongue vacated his mouth, Nolak could not help but feeling a sense of loss at the taste - even if he suspected that it was an effect of the Ovri pheromones.

"That's a bold claim," he said in jest, even if he was willing to concede the claim of the Ovri's technique as truth. "As for my oath... I think we are beyond that point already... That being said..."

Sitting back a bit so that he did not have to support himself on his free hand, he reached for the iodine gel canister and popped the lid with his thumb. With a rueful smile, he scooped up some of the gel and proceeded to stroke it along the Ovri's rigid length. Thus lubricated, both his hands worked in tandem to please the Nurse as best as he remembered from how it was done in his younger days, before Starfleet and his oath of celibacy. Yet the point he was about to make did not involve his hands...

"...I think you missed a spot," he said, eyes hooded in anticipation. The newly felt excitement from the Ovri pheromones had almost made him hard anew, yet his turgid length would have to wait, because he was keen on doing something he'd done with a dear friend back on his homeworld too many years ago.

He slowly moved up Vinata's thighs to straddle him, and with one hand guiding the Ovri phallus, he lowered himself down unto it. He let out a shuddering breath as he felt the head push against his tight sphincter. The iodine gel did help a lot, removing any pain as the head finally popped inside him. His heart thundering in his chest, Nolak began to slowly ride the alien on the floor, and with his hands free and covered in the gel, her ran his palms and fingers up and down Vinata's torso and neck. Inch by inch for each push, the sectioned length traversed his depths. The sensation of fulfilment was better than he remembered it from his youth. and especially since the sectioned member teased the rubbery surface of his prostate with each slow, rhythmic motion.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #37
[ Vinata Vojona | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay |Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata panted and smiled as his cock was massaged, the feeling of the strong fingers rubbing over each segment of his cock made Vinata gasp as he made his cock as big as possible, swelling each segment so the movement's of Nolak's fingers were more pronounced as he moved. Of course the one drawback was that Vinata had to tense his cock, keeping the few muscles tense to that blood flow would be increased as Nolak massaged his length. Of course as Nolak commented about how he had log since passed the point of violating his vow of celibacy Vinata could not help but chuckle and shake his head. "Yeah I guess so, but it is not like anyone needs to know about it, and after the amount of stress you have been dealing with I think that you needed something like this to take the edge off the stress of almost dying." Vinata chuckled and let out a sigh before moaning as he savored the feeling of the iodine gel being rubbed over his length.

As Vinata was told that he had missed a spot he blinked and looked to Nolak before he cocked his head to the side and smirked. "I missed a spot did I? Well I will have to remedy that one now wont I." Vinata gave a playful wink before he cocked his head as Nolak climbed into place. "Oh my, what is it that you are planning to do to me?" Vinata began to breath more quickly with anticipation as he began to expect what was coming next, he might not be with a woman, but to him Nolak's build was feminine to him, and it made him all the more aroused to see Nolak lining himself up. As Nolak lowered himself down onto Vinata he allowed his cock to relax so that he could slip more smoothly into Nolak's ass, letting his member slide past the tight ring of the other man's ass, it felt so warm and tight around his bulbous cock, to a point where Vinata began to wiggle his cock helping it work it's way into Nolak.

As he watched Nolak ride his cock to the floor Vinata licked his lips and panted lustfully as Nolak's hand slid along his body. Reaching out Vinata took hold of one of Nolak's hands and guided it to his chest before encouraging him to to squeeze. "Feel free to play with them all you like, they are quite soft and they do feel a little nice when they are massaged." He shuddered and moaned as he wiggled his cock about inside of Nolak, looking for sensitive places to focus his attention. Panting heavily Vinata reached out and began to massage Nolak's thighs and chirped happily as he was ridden. "By the mother you are amazing, your body so beautiful and strong, and you feel so good!" Vinata shuddered and panted as he waited for things to pick up.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #38
[ MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Nolak took Vinata's cue when directed to his globated breasts, and ran his hands over them - coating them with the iodine gel. Meanwhile, his heart beat faster too, feeling the alien's member wriggle and push against his inner walls. He groaned, eyes rolling on the waves of pleasure, and began to build up a better rhythm as he rode the Ovri.

"By the Deltan plains," he said, moaning as the Ovri cock happened to rub firmly against his prostate gland. At this point, his own cock was beginning to throb in response too, the combination of the alien pheromones and the sensation of the sectioned phallus making him hard again. It was not long since he came in Vinata's mouth, nonetheless his turgid member was soon slapping against the Ovri's flat abdomen.

"Please," he said, and took one of the Ovri's four-fingered hands and moved it to his hardening organ, encouraging Vinata to stroke it while he rode him.

The feeling of having a prehensile member inside him, riding it as he did, it was indescribable. While he had to take care not to make a motion that were too at odds with the Ovri's internal motions, it was also far superior in sensation to just having an inanimate, hard length inside him. The Deltan friend he had engaged in phallic play with in his youth had been a good lover, but this was something completely else. With his gel-covered hands running all over the Ovri, he panted in pleasure, hoping he was giving the Nurse as good a time as he was having.

It was, definitely, a fine way to take the edge off after a battle.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #39
[ Vinata Vojona | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay |Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As his cock rubbed on the inside of Nolak's behind the Ovri male could not help but shudder and chirp happily as his cock pressed into the prostate. It might be feeling good for Nolak, but for Vinata, the feeling of his sensitive member rubbing along the smooth warm insides of the other man made his cock throb and tingle with pleasure. Truthfully as it was he could get off without even needing to thrust, but with Nolak riding him it did make things so much easier for him as his coherent thoughts began to leave him as pleasure began to take a firm hold of his mind.

As his hand was gripped and simply guided to Nolak's cock Vinata looked to the engineer and smiled dully as he let out a moan and nodded. "Yeah I get it, want to make it feel extra good since you just came." Vinata smiled and gripped the cock firmly before he began to massage up and down the length of the cock, rotating his hold as he moved to give more stimulation before he began to move his hand more quickly, his wrist slowly starting to go limp while his arm began to move more quickly, jerking off Nolak more quickly.

Panting Vinata began to rock his hips into Nolak, his body shuddering as he felt his climax quickly building, his cock began to tense and pull in a way that made his length rub itself firmly against Nolak's walls, giving them both stimulation as Vinata rubbed one of his faux breasts with his free hand, he was so close now as his eyes fluttered shut and he moaned again with his aroused chirps mixing at the end of each lustful moan. As Vinata struggled to reach his climax he began to jerk Nolak more quickly as his hips kept bucking into Nolak in a desperate attempt to bring out his climax. "I-I am so close."

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #40

[ MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Oh, but it was not just the Ovri that was close to coming, even a second time. While Nolak had set out to please the nurse in kind, he felt their exchange of pheromones pushed him towards a second climax.

The pleasure was, of course, only heightened when Vinata began to buck his hips beneath him, and stroked his thick phallus with the same rhythm. Nolak groaned and began to undulate his hips to meet the harder thrusts of the other male, and to push his hardness through the four-fingered hand. He groaned, breath lost, and ground himself down upon the joining of their bodies - able to fit the entirety of that wriggling cock inside him when applying himself to the motions of their dance.

"Likew-wise," he managed, his breathing getting more rapid as he felt the burning sensation of his imminent release. No more had he said it before it hit him, a wild rush through his veins. To have his prostate massaged might have been enough to come eventually, but with the Ovri's hand wrapped around him? He stood no chance to prolong it any further.

He cried out hoarsely, and he began to buck hard against their joining. Ropes of semen began to land across Vinata's breasts and abdomen, the warmth in contrast to the air and the sweat on their bodies. He shuddered as he came, breath hitching, and hoped to bring the Ovri across the threshold as well.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #41
[ Vinata Vojona | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay |Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Nolak was brought to a sudden climax Vinata gasped as he felt the cock throbbing in his grip, as he felt the cum surging up through the length Vinata prepared himself for what was to come, as the cum spurted forth and rained down on his chest Vinata shuddered as he felt the warm fluid on his skin, spreading over his faux bosom, it was so oddly arousing and made his own cock throb with a new desire as he began to pant and shudder, his own climax could not be held back as Vinata threw his head back in ecstasy as he climaxed.

As Vinata came his cock swelled slightly as cum surged up the length, the thicker load spraying from the tip of his cock and being forced with surprising force deep into Nolak as Vinata moaned and shuddered, his climax was quite intense, but not more so than what he had felt with Nicander, it was a bit shameful for Vinata to find himself comparing one man to another in terms of sexual performance, especially with how intense things had been with Nicander. Thankfully these thoughts did not linger as VInata finished letting loose, his load finished Vinata relaxed and shuddered with satisfaction as he began to come down.

Looking down at his cum splattered bosom Vinata panted and let out satisfied chirps as he reached up and began to rub his chest, spreading the cum over his faux breasts and causing his skin to glisten as Vinata chuckled softly. "Well that got to be quite messy, I hope that you enjoyed yourself as much as I did." With a smile Vinata gently ran his hand along Nolak's cock, working out any remaining cum.


Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends

Reply #42
[ MCPO Nolak Kamil | Decontamination Chamber | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
When he felt the alien climaxing as well, Nolak made sure to continue moving on top of him as best as he might, and the molten, warm feeling of the Ovri's semen filling him up was indescribable. He felt like he was being filled up by the Nurse, and as hard as he was riding him, some of it escaped where their bodies were joined.

Then, when the Ovri finally settled back on the deck plating, Nolak was shivering in the aftermath, and convulsions of pleasure coursed through his body. The sensations were made even better when the Ovri continued to stroke him. The Nurse was milking out the last dregs of semen from him, and as sensitive as he had become, he chuckled and gasped at the attention he was getting. The sight of him rubbing his exotic body was quite a welcome one too, and as foul as his mood had been when he returned to Sickbay, his feelings towards medical practice had been somewhat improved.

"I most certainly did," he said and leaned down over the alien Nurse, the front of their bodies touching. He slanted his lips across Vinata's kissing him in deep gratitude for the shared experience of the irradiation treatment. "And I would not mind doing it again, should I ever have the same kind of affliction."


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