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Topic: Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games (Read 4768 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games

PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dyan was on the hunt. She'd tracked down a few spies during their last battle and had hunted down that Cardassian scientist but that had been a week ago and she'd had little to do since. Her usual routines at work had been dull and uneventful and while the Cardassian had been an okay experience that had certainly satisfied her at the time, she'd had little action since beyond self pleasure and she wanted more now.

Luckily Aldea was a prime place to find prey. While a good sexual partner was acceptable she'd take a fight too, or both. The Klingon area was always an option for one or both of those but there was no hunting involved in that and for Dyan that was part of the thrill, the experience, the pleasure.

Scanning the crowd as she made her way through the bustling streets, she was rather disappointed at the apparent lack of candidates, perhaps it was due to the time of day? Feeling frustrated in more ways than one, she was about to call it a day and head back to the ship when something...or more accurately someone caught her eye.

Wasn't that the Trill pirate they had captured and had been locked in the Brig only yesterday? The Asurian was pretty sure that it was, what was he doing here? Had he escaped? Surely he must have, there was no way the Captain or anybody else would have let him go, it was possible but unlikely and if they had let him go then surely there would have been a report issued to the Security staff that that had been the case and she certainly hadn't received such a notification.

The Trill was making his way through the crowd, clearly going somewhere and Dyan couldn't afford to lose him. If he had been released and she caught him it was a simple misunderstanding and if it wasn't then she had just caught an escaped prisoner! A smile slowly spread across her lips.

Keeping her distance, Dyan started to follow the Trill, making sure to keep a fair distance between them without falling too far behind to lose sight of him. She pursued him through the streets until they hit the marketplace, where he would stop and look at various stalls, with her pretending to look at stalls close to her as well, just in case he happened to glance around in her direction.

Dyan felt a rush of adrenaline and couldn't help but smile, after nearly calling it a day, the spotted man had unknowingly made her day, she thought. Glancing back, she saw the man stop looking at whatever items that particular stall had been offering and continue his journey.

Resuming her pursuit, she allowed herself another smile. The hunt was on.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #1
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

What a difference a day makes. That was the thought currently running through Zaryn's mind as he wondered the streets of Aldea. After so long being undercover as a pirate on this planet and in this system, he had finally be reassigned. To the Theurgy of all places. After his long talk with Captain Ives, listening to what s/he had to say as well as confirming all of those details with Admiral Andersson he was going to be serving on an actual Starfleet ship for the first time in...he couldn't remember how many years. Although what exactly he would be doing on the ship given his skillset he had no idea.

Regardless, he had been given his new assignment and he would do it, but for now he had to finish securing his safehouse, upload all the information he had collected over the span of his assignment, both to Starfleet and any relevant information to the Theurgy, knowing that there were a few things that they would more than likely need to know about.

He'd been on Aldea long enough that he could walk to most places without actively thinking about where he was going and soon found himself cutting through the marketplace. Occasionally stopping to look at various stalls and what goods they were selling. Zaryn liked Aldea, it reminded him a lot of Risa and as far as assignments went, wasn't a bad one at all. He got a nice beach view, good food, the locals were friendly and plenty of opportunities to surf.

That being said however he had rarely used the SI safehouse he had been assigned once he had integrated himself with the pirates, often staying there. Only really going back there for his scheduled check in's and to upload any new information he had discovered on either the pirates or the Klingons.

Having moved from stall to stall, checking out more knick knacks and trinkets, mostly lost in his own thoughts, he vaguely became aware of a feeling he knew all too well. The feeling that he was being watched. He was a professional however so he played it cool and continued to act normal, approaching another stall and picking up a small statue, rotating it in his hands as he examined it.

The statue was a small wooden carving of an Aldean kneeling, arms spread wide and looking skyward. "Excuse me, could you tell me more about this carving? Why is the Aldean praying? I assume they're praying, or is it something else?" he asked as he repositioned himself next to the stall's owner, allowing him to look out over the marketplace, his eyes scanning the crowd to see if he could spot anybody acting out of the ordinary.

"Well sir you are correct, the figure is praying to the Gods asking for....[/color] the merchant started saying, not that Zaryn was paying him any attention, not that his body reacted that way, nodding almost on instinct to look as though he was hanging on every one.

At first he couldn't see anything that really jumped out at him until he caught the sight of someone in a hooded outfit several stalls back. At first there was nothing unsual about the figure, but every now and then they would look up and over in his direction before looking away again, returning their attention to the stall. Zaryn returned his attention to the merchant occasionally as well to continue his own act, occasionally flicking his gaze back over at the figure he had spotted and sure enough, they glance over again.

"...And by the end of the season he had a full field of crops for the harvest." the merchant finished explaining, blissfully unaware that not a single word he had said had gone into the Trill's head.

"Facinating, I'll take it." Zaryn smiled, letting the merchant wave a device over his Aldean communicator/tricorder/wallet thing attached to his jacket as it deducted the funds from the device.

"Thank you for your custom." the merchant smiled "And feel free to come back again!" he added before moving off to speak with another customer.

Pocketing the small figurine, Zaryn turned on his heel and continued moving through the market, stopping at other stalls and taking the opportunity to look back at his potential stalker. Sure enough a few stalls back, this time on the opposite side of the pathway to him was the hooded figure, again taking a few opportunites to glance over at him. Whether or not the person followed him had seen that he had seen them or not was a different matter entirely, but there was always one way to find that out.

Walking away from the stall, Zaryn maintained a steady pace and smiled as he saw a larger group of people just up ahead and made his way towards them, lowering his head slightly so that could more easily blend in and lose himself within it.

Time to see how good a tracker his new admirer really was.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #2
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

From stall to stall they went, the game of cat and mouse continuing as Dyan followed her prey. She was keeping a good distance from the Trill, while maintaining visual contact at all times. She observed the man as he stopped and examined various trinkets on the stalls. Whenever he stopped, she would stop and pretend to be looking at whatever wares were being peddles by the merchant who owned the stall. Junk mostly as far as she was concerned and flat out ignored any merchant or civilian who tried to engage her in idle chit chat, she was a woman on a mission.

Once or twice during her pursuit, she would see the Trill glance back towards her, wondering if she had been spotted or not, yet so far it didn't appear as though she had. The small smile that spread across her face beneath her hood was most definitely one of pride, the silly pirate had no idea what fate awaited him when she eventually got tired of the game he didn't even know he was playing with her.

No sooner had Dyan had the thought however, and the Trill had taken off again, heading towards a larger group of people. Not only that but he had lowered his head, making it a little harder to spot. She had been made. Despite this however, Dyan simply chuckled and continued the pursuit, feeling a new tingle rush through her entire body. The prey had caught the hunters scent it would seem, this would be fun.

While the Trill had clearly tried to lose her in the crowd, he hadn't made it deep enough within the mass of people before she caught sight of him again, both hunter and prey being absorbed into the larger group.

Dyan would have to give the pirate credit, he was pretty good, several times she had almost lost sight of him. Unfortunately for him however, almost was not good enough when it came to her as both continued to duck and weave through the traffic of bodies, heading deeper and deeper into the marketplace where even larger crowds or people were gathering.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #3
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

As he ducked and weaved through the throngs of people in the marketplace, he was confident that he had managed to give the person following him the slip several times, only to catch sight of them still pursuing him. Whoever his mystery hunter was they were good, another spy perhaps? Although why anybody would be following him, the Trill had no idea.

As far as he knew his cover hadn’t been blown and most of the pirates, he had been working with had been either caught or killed during the Theurgy crew’s rescue mission, the same one that had led to his capture and subsequent reassignment. Zaryn supposed it was possible that one of the pirates had survived and spotted him, but tailing someone with the talents of a fellow spy were most definitely not their style so he doubted it was one of them.

As he continued meandering through various people, he quickly ducked down one of the side streets and quickly sprinted down it, smiling when he saw a small ladder leading to the roof of one of the buildings. Quickly climbing it, he positioned himself on the roof and waited, wondering if his pursuer had spotted him take the turn and would follow him down here, if so, hopefully he would be able to get the drop on them, or perhaps even begin following them instead. The next few moments would certainly give him his answer.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #4
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dyan followed her prey feeling the excitement building within her as she ducked and weaved her way through the people around her, her gaze never leaving her target for the most part, although admittedly there were a few times when she lost him briefly...but only briefly before picking him up again. She had to admit that he was good, really good. The last few people she had hunted down hadn't been nearly as interesting or challenging to track down but this one certainly was making her work for it and she liked that.

Walking through the busy market street however did mean that occasionally some passer by would bump into her or step in her way, obscuring her view causing her to curse under her breath and give said individual a look that would kill, especially if it cost her view of her target. A group of people earned themselves the glare as they walked out in front of her causing her to lose track of the pirate.

Quickly scanning the crowd she was almost positive she had lost him when her eyes caught him ducking down one of the side streets. Making her way through the crowd she entered the smaller streets a few seconds behind him and narrowed her eyes. The street was a rather long one and yet it was empty and there was no way that her prey could have sprinted the entire length of the street in the brief moment it had taken her to enter it.

A grin made it's way onto her face as she slowly started walking down the path, her senses on high alert as her eyes scanned every nook and cranny of the street as she went. Feeling her adrenaline pumping in her veins this was her favourite part of the hunt, knowing that the one she hunted was close by, either hiding or observing her as she stalked him, the game of cat and mouse continuing.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #5
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

From his position on the roof, he watched as the hooded figure made their way into the smaller side street and started slowly and carefully make their way down it. The way they moved told him that whoever they were, they were clearly well trained based on their movments and how they were carefully checking every space they could. All places except above them it seemed.

As the figure got closer, Zaryn noticed that the clothing they wore made it hard to tell whether they were male or female nor what species they were. If he were to take an estimated guess whoever they were were about 5'7 in height but that didn't help much as he knew both men and women who were that height. However as the figure moved below him, he noticed the way their hips swayed as they walked. So it seemed it was a woman following him, interesting.

The spy continued to follow her from above, quietly hopping from rooftop to rooftop observing the woman as she continued carefully making her way down the street. It didn't take long before they reached the end of the street. The figure stopped and glanced to her left and her right, trying to figure out which way to go.

He wondered which way she would go only to curse when she instead look up and spotted him. Crap. he cursed and took off to the left hopping from roof to roof, wondering just how long this chase was going to go on for now.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #6
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dyan's eyes narrowed as she made her way down the small street, she couldn't see her prey but she knew that he was close, every fibre of her being was telling her that, not to mention she hadn't lost sight of him long enough for him to simply disappear completely. There were a few walls and a large dumpster that he could be hiding behind...or even in for that matter.

Creeping quietly forward, she checked behind every wall, dumpster, trash can and everything else that she saw but her target was nowhere to be seen. Despite this she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, even as she reached the end of the street. Glancing to the left and right, she couldn't see him and growled under her breath. She knew he was close by, she just didn't know where.

 Glancing around again, something compelled her instead to look up and couldn't help but smirk under her hood when she saw him looking down at her from the roof of one of the buildings to her left, he'd been watching her the whole time. Impressive.

Her smirk grew even bigger when, upon being discovered the pirate took off running, the chase continued. Keeping her eye on the rooftops she pursued him as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop above her, this was the most fun she had had since the battle on the ship, pirate or not he was worthy prey and one that was giving her a challenge...still despite this he would not win, oh no she would catch him eventually.

As she weaved her way through more people, she again smiled when she noticed that there were only a few more buildings left before he was out of them, in which case he would either have to double back or find a way down, either way she would soon have him.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #7
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

Sprinting along the roof, leaping from rooftop to rooftop wasn't exactly something he hadn't done before, but at least those other times he knew who was chasing him and why, this woman however was an unknown and one that was keeping up with him pretty well, even though the traffic of people down at street level was pretty crowded, at least she had been every time he had spared a glance down there.

It didn’t take him long to realise that he was running out of rooftops and would need to make a decision, either hope there was a way down or double back. If there was a way down, his mystery pursuer would be right on him, if not waiting for him at the bottom, and if he doubled back it could be the same thing at the other end as well. Nor could he simply stay where he was as she could just climb up and meet him and a rooftop fight wasn’t exactly something he wanted.

Landing on the final rooftop he was relieved to spot in front of him a bit of rope hanging loosely from something just out of view just beyond the edge of the roof. Hoping that it was part of a sign or something, he threw caution to the wind and leapt over the edge and reached out for the rope, grabbing it.

Relieved that the rope was in fact connected to another roof on the opposite side of the street below him, holding up a few signs for the marketplace. Unfortunately for him however, it was clearly not designed to take much weight beyond said signs and heard a loud snap, as the end of the rope behind him broke away, dropping him towards the ground.

Lady luck appeared to be on his side however as the other end of the rope remained attached to the other building, allowing him to swing down to ground level. Landing with a grunt, he immediately started sprinting forward, ducking and weaving between the crowd of people, all of whom had turned their attention toward him, some in awe of what they had just witnessed and others cursing him for ruining the sign.

Not that the Trill paid much attention to them as he knew the woman chasing him was hot on his heels as he ducked down another street and continued running, opting to start making his way back towards his safehouse, hopefully he could lose her on the way.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #8
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dyan moved gracefully through the throngs of people while keeping an eye on the figure above her, watching as he leapt from roof to roof and pushed herself a little harder to reach the last building when he did, eager for the end of their little game of cat and mouse. She was a little behind him and was feeling rather angry with herself for failing to match him, although that soon changed when she watched him leap from the last roof and grab hold of the hanging sign, watching him swing down to street level.

Had she been ahead of him she would have stopped and been waiting for him to drop down or turn around, which would have put her at a disadvantage, however since she was a little behind him she managed to maintain her speed and stay in the chase. She also found herself smiling at the display beneath her hood. impressive she thought as he hit the ground running and continued running, at least the gap between them had closed, she was only a few seconds behind him now by her estimation and rounded the corner into the street he ducked down shortly after, managing to keep an eye on him this time.

Down several streets they went and were pretty equally matched for while she wasn't gaining on him at the moment nor was he increasing his lead over her. Evidently they were both matched for stamina which made her smirk at a thought about what other areas stamina related they might match at, too bad he was a filthy pirate...then again she could always use him before handing him over to their security team.

Shaking her head to dismiss those thoughts as they turned another corner she cursed when she ran into several Aldeans, which slowed her down. Ignoring their petty complaints she pushed on, scanning the crowd to spot the illusive pirate, almost missing him before spotting him ahead of her and starting sprinting again, pushing her way through several people to help make up the time she had lost., unfortunately in doing so, she got tangled up in a few of the fools who tripped over right in front of her and by the time she had untangled herself she'd lost sight of him.

Unwilling to give up the hunt just yet however, she pushed forward, hoping to catch sight of him again.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #9
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

Zaryn had to admit that he was getting just a little frustraited by the fact that he couldn't seem to shake his mysterious pursuer, whoever they were and he ducked, twisted and turned his way through the numerous pedestrians that littered his path. Despite the fact the streets were still crowded with people, he couldn't shake the woman behind him.

She was persistant he had to give her that. Persistant and relentless evidently. Managing to manouever his way through another group of people, Zaryn turned down another street and sprinted forward a little, taking a moment to glance over his shoulder to see the hooded figure still on his tail and cursed as he rounded another corner into another street, just narrowly managing to avoid colliding with a large group of people.

With a quick apology he took off running again but heard a commotion behind him and glance over his shoulder, just in time to see his pursuer hit the floor, having been unable to avoid the group of people that he had. Smiling he disappeared into a larger group of people and lowered his head, taking the opportunity to catch his breath.

He watched the woman pick herself up and start moving again, this time though clearly scanning the crowd to try and find him. He allowed himself a small smile when she walked passed him and kept his eye on her as she continued walking forward, allowing a few paces to seperate them before he left the group he was shrouded in and started following her.

It would seem as though the hunter had become the hunted.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #10
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

As she pressed forward, she couldn't see any trace of the pirate. He couldn't have simply disappeared and she was far too good a tracker to simply have missed him, even in the crowd. Pushing her way forward through more and more people, she was thankful that at least for now there were no more side streets or alleyways for the little worm to slip down, which meant that he had to be here somewhere amongst the people.

Not that that helped her too much considering she hadn't caught sight of him yet. It was possible he had ditched a layer of clothing in order to blend in a little more and lose her, in which case it would be like look looking for a proverbial needle in a very big haystack, to coin a Human expression. The longer her search went on the more frustrated and angry she was getting as she somewhat barged people out of the way.

The only thing stopping her from completely snapping was the fact that anybody from the ship who got in trouble could very well end up getting everybody on-board kicked off the planet which wouldn't make her too popular on the ship, that alone was pretty much the only thing keeping her in check. He had to turn up eventually surely?

The thing that frustrated her more than anything however was that she could feel in her bones that he was close by, her senses itched and tingled at the fact he was, it was the one thing that was keeping her from admitting defeat, the only question was where?

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #11
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

Zaryn couldn't help but chuckle at how the worm had turned, to coin a Human expression as he began hunting his pursuer, he still had no idea who the woman was or why she was following him but he was going to find out.  Blending in with the crowd of people behind his mysterious partner, he watched as she made her way through the crowd ahead of him, clearly trying to spot him, too bad she was looking in the wrong direction.

The longer he continued to observe the woman, the more frustraited she was seeming to get based on how she was barging her way through the poor people in front of her. He wasn't sure who this woman was but if she started taking her frustrations out on others because of him...well he wasn't going to let that happen.

Following her a little longer, he waited for the perfect time to pick his move and picked up his speed a little in order to close the distance between them.  When he was almost right behind her, he gave her a little shoulder barge as he passed her by and took a quick glance her way, unable to properly make out any features beneath the long hood she was wearing and gave her an innocent smile.

“Oh I’m terribly sorry miss.” he said innocently as he continued walking away from her, ready to break out into a run when necessary.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #12
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Whatever sexual thrill she had started getting at the hunt was slowly souring and replaced with angered frustration, the little pirate worm had it seemed given her the slip. As she continued moving through the what seemed like thickening crowd, she growled under her breath and started pushing her way through people, perhaps a little more aggressively than she should have. In the back of her mind however, she maintained just enough composure to remember not to cause any trouble that would get everybody booted off planet.

As she continued moving, eyes scanning the crowd hoping to pick up signs of her prey she felt someone bump into her and apologise for doing so, even calling her miss. She turned her head to look at him, ready to say something to the fool, only to realise how it was. Him! Somehow he'd gotten behind her, which had pissed her off even more than she had already been, how'd he managed to become the hunter? That was unacceptable.

[color= DarkViolet]"You!"[/color] she snarled and lunged for him only to curse as he twisted away from her clutches, apparently prepared for that reaction and took off running. So the hunt was back on. "Get back here Pirate scum!" she yelled as she took off after that spotted pain in her ass.

At least the people before her scattered, clearing a path for both of them so that she wouldn't have to push them out of the way and cause any trouble for herself or the crew. It also meant that for now there was no way that she would lose him again as they headed towards the outskirts of the City, which suited Dyan just fine. The further outside the City they went, the less people...and the fewer witnesses as well.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #13
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

Sprinting through the streets, Zaryn heard the woman yell out after him and smirked. Pirate scum? That's a little harsh I don't even know this woman. he thought as he ducked and weaved through various least he was pretty certain he didn't know her, he definately didn't recognise her voice but that didn't mean he hadn't ran into her during his undercover time as a pirate.

As he ran down several more streets, he silently cursed himself when he realised he was right near his safehouse. Glancing over his shoulder, the woman had just rounded the corner after him. If he pushed himself a little harder, he might just be able to slip into the building a few corners away without her spotting him, but then he wouldn't know who his mystery stalker was and he was more than a little curious.

Slipping down another alleyway, he spotted a man just ahead of him walking casually and jogged over to him. The man was one of the poorer people in the area and patted him on the shoulder. "Hello friend, how about I trade you my jacket for yours? You need it more than I do." The Trill said with a smile as he removed his own jacket and offered it to the man.

"Thank you sir, that's very generous of you." the Aldean replied without hesitating as he snatched the jacket out of the alien's hand before he could take it back and quickly handed his ragged old one over. Putting the fancy new jacket on, he started walking away at quite a fast pace, in case this was some kind of trick.

Zaryn simply smiled and wished the man a good day as he slipped on the jacket, wincing slightly at the stench coming from it and sat down behind a dumpster, burying his head in his hands, thankful that he'd put a little bit of distance between himself and his pursuer, not to mention the poor sod who was now his oblivious decoy.

It only took a few minutes before the woman, clearly focused on the man wearing his jacket sprinted past him, paying him no mind. Jumping to his feet, Zaryn quickly closed the gap between them and threw her against the wall.

"Why hello there. Who the hell are you and why are you chasing me?" he demanded as he pulled off the woman's hood, seeing a beautiful woman with...were those horns poking out through her white hair, looking back at him. "Because I sure as hell don't know you or why you've been hunting me and I'd really like to know."

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #14
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Chasing the man through the streets, Dyan vowed not to lose the Trill again, nor would she allow him to get the drop on her again either. While she was indeed angry that both things had occurred, the thrill of the hunt was back in her system.

Ducking and weaving through people, she made sure to keep her eye on the man as they moved through several more streets. Watching him turn down another street she pushed herself to not losing him again, and growled under her breath when she turned the corner, expecting to see that he had vanished yet again. This time however, she was going to check above, below and all around her so that he wouldn’t pull the same trick on him that he had before.

Luckily however, she saw him just ahead of her and he was walking rather slowly. Smirking under her hood, she rushed towards him, ready to react if he spun around to attack her, he wasn’t going to slip out of her grasp again. She had almost reached him when someone grabbed her from behind and spun her around, pressing her against the wall.

Cursing herself for not sensing someone else, she cursed herself again when she realised that it was the pirate who had grabbed her. Getting a proper look at him in person now she had to admit he was a handsome man and being pinned against the wall as she was definitely had her arousal spiking again.

"Why hello there yourself handsome." she replied as she curled her first ready to strike "I'm just a girl looking for a good time with a handsome man and you caught my eye." she grinned, keeping it plasted on her face until he yanked her hood down, revealing her face and features.

Raising a foot against the wall, she pushed off from it, sending them across the alleyway, reversing their roles as she pinned him against the wall. Feeling her arousal spike again as his scent hit her nose. Ignoring it however, in the blink of an eye she had a blade at his throat and glanced around the alleyway to make sure nobody else was around.

"Dyan Cardamone, I serve on the ship you just escaped from pirate filth. I don't know how you did it but I'm taking you back and will make sure to guard your cell all day and all night to make sure you don't get out again." she replied with a smirk, feeling oh so pleased with herself for capturing the escaped prisoner.

Re: Day 10 [1300 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #15
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

Zaryn grinned at the woman "Is that a fact? Well you've got a funny way of introducing yourself, stalking and chasing me across the market." he replied, only to be taking by surprise when the woman pushed off of the wall and drove him back across the small allyway, pinning him to the other wall. Internally the Trill cursed under his breath, he really should have anticipated something like that happening.

Before he could even react, he felt the blade at his throat and internally cursed, this had turned on him rather quickly hadn't it. Fuck. At least his mystery stalker introduced herself, that was something. Dyan Cardamone and she served on the Theurgy, well that made a little more sense. Based on the fact she said that she would take him back and guard his cell it was a safe bet that she was a security officer. It also made sense that she wouldn't know that he had been released or reassigned to the ship, although it was clear she knew of his as his pirate identity. So there was a pretty good chance at least that he wasn't going to get his throat slit in this alleyway.

"Well it's nice to meet you Dyan Cardamone, it seems there's been a bit of a misunderstanding. I'm not actually a pirate, my name is Zaryn Kolari, I work for Starfleet Intelligence. I was undercover on this planet posing as a pirate and well encountering you and your crew wasn't exactly part of the plan but your Captain spoke to my boss and I've been reassigned to the Theurgy which I guess makes us shipmates, so if you could remove the blade from my throat I'd appreciate it." he replied, flashing her a smile.

Re: Day 9 [0700 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #16
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dyan listened to the Trill speak and cursed under her breath. So apparently he wasn't a filthy pirate but a filthy spy instead. She wasn't entirely sure which was worse. Narrowing her eyes, she looked into his, trying to read him. She didn't see any signs of deception but if he was indeed a spy they were good liars...well some of them were anyway.

Keeping the blade at his throat, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her Aldean communicator. Glancing around to make sure they were still alone she opened a channel to the ship.

=^="Cardamone to Theurgy."=^=

=^="Go ahead Petty Officer."=^= came the reply of whoever was working the comms on the ship.

=^="Can you check the ship's manifest for me, see if a Zaryn Kolari is on there?"=^= she asked, keeping her eyes locked on the Trill as she waited. Her eyes scanned his features and had to admit he was pretty attractive and he smelt pretty good too. The thrill of the chase had started peaking her arousal again and if the spy was telling the truth she wouldn't be burning that off with a fight unfortunately . She was pulled out of her thoughts by the reply from her fellow crewmate on the ship through her communicator.

=^="Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari was added to the ship manifest a few hours ago. He's an Intelligence Officer. Hope that helps."=^=  came the reply.

=^="Yes it does, Cardamone out."=^= she said, closing the channel and looking at the Trill for a moment before removing the blade from his throat and slipping it back into it's hiding place.

"So you we're telling the truth little spy, I suppose it's nice to meet you, even though you did make me chase you across Aldea. You have no idea what that did to me." she said, allowing her eyes to look over him like a predator looking at her prey as she licked her lips.

Re: Day 9 [0700 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #17
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

There wasn't much the Trill could do, pinned against the wall as he was. Well there was a few things he could do actually, but considering he was now serving on this ship and she was his shipmate it probably wouldn't go over too well. Plus he wasn't entirely sure she wouldn't kill him if he did. At the very least he could tell she was a very good fighter and in this confined space one of both of them would be hurt.

Instead he remained quiet, watching and listening to the Petty Officer and whoever the crewman was on the ship, checking on him for her, he just hoped that he'd been added to the crew roster already otherwise this could go south very quickly, especially since he had only been released an hour or so ago so it was entirely possible that it hadn't been done yet.

Luckily after a few moments of silence in which case the two stared at each other the officer on duty confirmed that he had indeed been added to the roster. Thank fuck for that he thought, letting out a soft sigh.

When he felt the blade pull away from his throat he tilted his head from side to side and rubbed the area as Dyan slipped the knife back into whatever hidey hole she was kept it in.

When she spoke he couldn't help but smirk "We tell the truth...on occasion." he replied and chuckled when she said that she supposed it was nice to meet him although he arched an eyebrow at her next sentence "Excuse me but I didn't make you do anything. You're the one that started chasing me remember, I was minding my own business when you started chasing me, that's not my fault." he replied.

He was feeling pretty pleased with himself at his retort although he did wonder just what she meant by what it had done to her, as far as he could recall he hadn't injured her nor did she appear to have injured herself at any point. Even more so he was a little concerned by the way she was currently looking at him with a hungry look, still his instincts told him that she wasn't going to kill him...probably.

"I have no idea what you're talking about I'm afraid but I would apprecite it if you stopped looking at me like I was lunch."  

Re: Day 9 [0700 Hours.] Spy Games

Reply #18
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Dyan failed to see the humour in his words, spies couldn't be trusted, they lived a life of lies and deception, the only way to know if where they were saying was true for them to prove it and even then a great spy would be able to falsify any evidence they needed, which made them completely untrustworthy in her eyes.  She doubt it would be any different with this one, still he was a shipmate now so she wouldn't bring any harm to him. Of course they didn't mean she wouldn't keep an eye on the spotted one either, he was a spy after all.

She narrowed her eyes slightly at his comment about her chasing him. "How was I supposed to know who you were? As far as I was concerned you were a prisoner now roaming free, I did what I had too." she replied.

"Oh I don't know, you could have thought for a second and considered exactly how I would have managed to escape from my cell, evade capture from every crew member on the ship and get off of it for one. You can simply called the ship and informed them you'd spotted me and therefore been told that I wasn't a prisoner. I would say you could have asked me but you don't exactly come across as the talkative type." the Trill countered.

Dyan narrowed her eyes as she listened to the Trill speak. As much as she felt she had done the right thing, she also, reluctantly couldn't also admit that she could have done both of those things instead of immediately assuming the worst, especially considering the fact it would have been hard enough for him to escape his cell yet alone get off the ship undetected, in which case she would have most definitely had been informed of an escaped prisoner. Somewhere deep down, she heard her old self chastise her for letting her anger drive her. That listening to her bloodlust instead of her brain was now affecting her work. Yet still she chose to ignore it. He had been a prisoner, it was easier to hunt him down and sort it out later, which they had instead of risking him actually being an escapee and letting him get away with knowledge of where who they were and where they were, dangerous information to be let out into the galaxy. What she had did was entirely justifiable as far as she was concerned.

"You know the situation we're in, if you were a pirate and had escaped the information of our whereabouts was too great to let go. I did my job, you would have done the same thing little spy." she countered although she knew that hadn't covered why she hadn't contacted the ship during the chase to confirm anything, or to get help or to perhaps beam him up even. Deep down she knew why, she wanted to hunt him down and capture him herself, to not share her prize bounty with anybody else. She wanted the thrill of the hunt and he'd certainly given her that.

She smirked at his comment about her looking at him like he was lunch, but that was exactly what he was, only now that his true identity had been revealed he was simply a different type of lunch. Licking her lips hungrily, she stepped up to him, pressing her body up against his, her face inches from his. His scent filling her nostrils and had to admit that he did smell nice. A bigger turn on for her however was that he showed no signs of fear or being intimidated by her after the closed distance.

"I enjoy the hunt, it gives me great pleasure in more ways than one and you were certainly a worthy prey, a frustrating one but fun. However it has left me worked up and needing to badly scratch that itch." she added as she made a show of running her eyes down over his body and back up again as she licked her lips.

"The way I see it, you helped cause my current predicament and since we're all buddy, buddy ship mates now how about you help me scratch it? It will be a fun way to blow off some steam and I guarantee you it will be a great experience for you and hopefully a great one for me too." she added with a grin as she pressed herself up against him, her arousal climbing even higher.

OOC: Thanks @Revan for the little bit of Zaryn dialogue for the post :)

Re: Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games

Reply #19
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

After countering her point, Zaryn watched as the woman narrowed her eyes at him as she thought about what he had said. It was clear it wasn't the answer she had necessarily wanted to hear but she hadn't tried to rip his throat out either so that was good he supposed. He remained where he stood as he watched her, practically seeing the wheels turning in her head as she thought about what he'd said.

After a few minutes silence she spoke up, her gaze beneath her hood never leaving his as she justified her actions and perhaps she had a bit of a point. "Perhaps, I still would have checked in with the ship first to make sure such prisoner had in fact escaped and not just ran after them, especially without checking in and informing my ship that I'd seen the escaped prisoner and was pursuing them, even if I was confident I could catch them. After all if I was chasing smeone and lost them then it's my ass on the line for not calling it in so that the ship could track them. Unless of course I was either too arrogant to even consider that I'd fail in catching my target or I didn't care if I potentially lost my job because of it." he countered.

As their conversation continued, he couldn't help but notice that she had yet to stop looking at him as if he was her next meal, especially when she closed the distance between them, pressing her body up against his which was certainly sending a somewhat different message now, but surely she couldn't have meant what he thought it did?

As she spoke however it was clear that that was exactly what she was meaning. This woman was crazy, although on the other hand she was incredibly beautiful from what he could see of her face through the open hood and admittedly it had been a little bit of a while for him too and she was clearly more than willing. On the flip side she was clearly bat shit crazy but she did serve on the ship, there were so many outcomes to this including what she might do to him if he said no.

"What makes you think you can handle me?" he found himself asking her with a smirk, not backing down from her even as she pressed herself harder against him, feeling the curves of her breasts pressing into him as her scent assaulted his senses.

Re: Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games

Reply #20
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

The Trill was a stubborn one, countering her point and yet while it would usually anger her and end with him suffering at least a broken nose, she was enjoying the fact he was challenging her, others would have accepted whatever she said out of fear by now but no, this one was standing his ground, she liked that. Still somewhere deep down her old self agreed with the Trill, if he had indeed escaped and she had indeed lost him then it would have been on her, something even the new Dyan reluctantly admitted to briefly before pushing the thought aside. No she wasn't going back to her old self, she was weak and failed to protect those she cared for what did she know?

Luckily his challenging ways had moved on to more fun exploits, evidently he wasn't going to back down in this regard either, the dynamic of their exchange now moving into the game of flirtation, something she was great at and certainly wasn't going to back down from now. Smirking at him as she pressed herself harder against him, smelling his scent.

"I can handle anything and in more ways than one." she replied, her face inches from his "If anything I don't think you could handle me...assuming I were to let you of course, I prefer to be the one doing the handling after all, it takes quite the person to change that..." she added, her eyes locked on his as they continued the dance, feeling her arousal continuing to jump higher with each breath and exchanged word.

Re: Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games

Reply #21
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @CorruptedCookie

Well this certainly wasn't the way he was expecting his day to go, being pinned to the wall by an attractive, horny woman and he most certainly wasn't expecting it to be the same person who just a few short minutes ago had been chasing him through the streets and yet here they were. They're game of cat and mouse having evolved to this dance.

Of course as a spy he'd had his fair share of sleeping with the enemy although this wasn't one of those situations but in terms of encounters with people you didn't know or only just met that was something he was familar with. The Trill arched his eyebrown when she said she could handle anything and in more than one way as she face inched closer to his. Feeling her warm breath on his face, he smirked at her as she reveresed his words back at him, she clearly enjoyed the game and admittedly he was too.

Their eyes locked and the sexual tension between the two of them so thick you could cut it with a knife, he kept the smirk on his face as he spoke "Is that a fact?" he asked and watched as she opened her mouth to reply only to press his lips against hers for a kiss, his hands gripping her hips as he used the distraction to push her back across the allyway and up against the opposite wall and he could have sworn he'd heard her moan at some point too.

Whatever game they were playing, he seemed to have the advantage for now at least. Breaking the kiss he grinned at her "I'm sorry what was that you were saying?"

Re: Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games

Reply #22
PO1 Dyan Cardamone | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]
Attn: @Revan

Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]

Dyan had to admit she was enjoying the game with the little spy. There was definately sexual tension between the two of them and he certainly seemed to want to play the game with her. Although she wasn't necessarily a fan of the arrogant smirk on his face, like he was the one in control here. No, no that that wasn't the case at all. She was one in charge here.

She was about to tell him that it was indeed a fact when he pressed his lips against her for a kiss, feeling his hands grip her hips before she was pushed across the allyway and up against the other wall. He tasted great and the kiss was equally as good, causing her to moan slightly at it before she grunted slightly as her back hit the wall.

Oh he had a wild side to him, this was going to be fun! She thought as she kissed him back only for it to end prematurely when he broke the kiss and grinned at her. Oh he thought he had the advantage did he? Well he was sorely mistaken, she wasn't going to give it to him easily, if he wanted to be the dominate one in their little exchange he would have to earn it.

With a hunger in her eyes she grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him back across the alley, pinning him against the other wall and kissed him back, biting hard on his lip as she did. "I was going to say you have to do better than that." she muttered against his lips before biting his lower one again and tugging on it. "Much, much better and I don't think you have it in you."

She didn't actually believe the statement but she wanted to rile him up and see if he rose to the bait. She got the feeling he would be one hell of a good fuck, especially in comparison to her recent exploits but for what she wanted wasn't some lame assed love making she wanted something rough and hard and while she was pretty sure the spy could deliver she wanted to really make sure he was motivated to do so.

The tension between the two of them continued to rise between them but she smirked at him and took a step back "Because I'm certainly not impressed right now. Is that all you've got?" 

Zaryn knew she was just trying to get a rise out of him and while he wasn't easily going to rise to the bait he could certainly act like he had. He could tell by the hunger in her eyes what she wanted and grabbed her by her hips. Raising her up off the ground he carried her across the alleyway and pinned her against the wall again and pressed his lips against hers, biting and tugging on her lip as their tongues danced together. With her body held up by his own and the wall, he allowed a hand to slip between them and grab her breast, giving it a firm squeeze.

Admittedly she hadn't been expecting to be picked up and carried across the small alley and usually she would never allow such a thing to happen, but this time she was perfectly fine with it. Evidently she had indeed gotten what she wanted as he pushed her back against the wall and kissed her, licking and biting her lip as their tongues ravaged each other.

A long half moan, half growl of pleasure escaped her lips at the feel of his hand grabbing her breast. Yes! This was just what she wanted. "That's more like it but unless you're planning on taking me right here, right now I suggest we go back to the ship, or to your place since I assume you have one here, whatever is quicker to get too."

Zaryn smirked at her "Somebody is eager to get fucked aren't they? he grinned only to groan a second later when he felt her hand on his groin, rubbing his hard cock through his pants.

"You're one to talk." Dyan countered.

Zaryn grinned and pressed his lips against hers for another kiss before pulling away and walking them down the street. "Can't argue with you there. And this building is my place." he grinned as he carried them around the corner and up to the door, briefly putting Dyan down to open it and let them inside.

So this was his place all along, well that was just perfect. She was already riled up as it was but feeling his cock through his pants and it's size had driven her wild. The fact she hadn't simply shoved him to the ground and fucked his brains out then and there was something that had taken all of her willpower.

Nor did she care she was being carried by the spy at the moment either, not when the fun was soon to begin. She actually felt a little disappointed when she was placed on her own feet when he had to open the door, and licked her lips hungrily as she watched him work the door.

The second she saw it start to swing open, she pounced and tackled him through it, both of them falling to the floor just inside the entrance way to the hideout. With an almost feral grin, she tore his shirt off, then his pants and her own while kicking the door closed with her foot. This was going to be fun...



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