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Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ]
Last post by joshs1000 -
[CPO Avander Lok | Port Upper Nacelle Pylon Trunking | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @rae  @Number6  @Nero  @Nolan  @Havenborn  @tongieboi  @chXinya  @Brutus  @Ellen Fitz  @Pierce  @RyeTanker @Dumedion

The small team busied themselves with the reinforcing that was requested. For Lok’s part he was not exactly certain why they would be doing this except if they were venting the plasma out of the nacelles, which would be well within tolerances of the system and could be done with a few button presses…unless of course there was something else being vented as well. In his brief visit to main engineering he had heard talk of some sort of radiation leak into the system. In his experience this could “dirty” the plasma reducing its efficiency, but it didn’t normally require such dramatics of emergency stops and venting. Lok mentally submitted however that he did not have a full idea of what was going on or the nature of the radiation that was in the system. This thought formed a nervous knot in his stomach, he hated not having the full picture with which to work with, not so much of an issue on a small craft, but on a ship this big, half of it could be on fire and you wouldn’t even know without an alert.

Normally Lok preferred to talk with his team whenever performing duties like their current one but with time being of the essence it was only the business of handing tools and giving instructions. “Put that there. Tighten that. Modulate that up a bit. Modulate that one down. Size twenty spanner please”, and so on. They had worked their way up the trunking for the port upper nacelle installing the polarizers and portable forcefields. Once they were fully installed Lok would tie them together into the ship’s forcefield controller program that would allow the main computer to handle most of the heavy lifting in terms of modulation, output, and power consumption. With the possibility that the mysterious radiation was far worse than Lok thought, he wanted as much extra help as he could get to avoid the risk of him manually compensating causing its own disaster. There was still the concern that whatever this mystery radiation was it could still play havoc with their equipment and cause failures, some unique radiations could easily strip the interior cladding of the plasma conduits and cause a whole mess of problems.

The group finished their task just in time as reports came in over the comms that the ship was about to fully drop out of warp. Lok descended a ladder down to a lower level, along with a length of opti-cable that was attached to their string of portable forcefields, that had a computer interface. Upon reaching the interface he put the other end of the opti-cable, which had a isolinear adapter, into one of the aux isolinear chip slots. A few button presses on the computer console and the ship instantly recognized the new forcefield additions and powered them up and set them to the most optimal settings. About a minute later the unmistakable sound of a silent engine filled the space followed by the energetic sound of plasma transiting through the main conduit just meters away. Satisfied that everything was in order, Lok ascended the ladder to see his conscripted helpers packing up tools and monitoring the progress of the venting via tricorder.

“Hey Chief, can you hand me that please?” asked Mark while gesturing to a diagnostic probe on the floor near the hatch Lok was sticking his big fuzzy head out of. Lok smiled and climbed a bit higher to grab it, he could sense the satisfaction of a job well done coming from both Mark and Dalani and was happy for them. Mark leaned forward to grab the probe when suddenly there was a metallic bang, followed in short order by terrific sound of raw energy as a massive green arc of plasma exited out of one of the constrictor rings of the main conduit. The arc caught Mark across the back and continued across the compartment to strike a large hydrogen expansion tank for the bussard helium collection line, something it shouldn’t have been able to do, which promptly exploded.

This all happened in the span of perhaps a couple seconds. Lok barely had time to react as he watched the brilliant arc streak across the room followed by another flash and a sheet of red flame whooshing its way toward him. Not wanting to be hit by the flames Lok let go of the ladder and fell back through the hatch into the lower level, only getting a little singed in the process. What hurt more was the unmistakable sound of a hydrogen explosion to his highly sensitive ears, leaving him unable to hear apart from a loud ringing. Momentarily dazed, Lok reached up to gingerly feel his face and ears, ensuring they hadn’t been burned or blown off before his senses recovered enough to remember that Mark and Dalani were still in the compartment above.

Lok ascended the ladder once more into the now smoke filled and on fire compartment. Luckily the main plasma conduit appeared to have automatically been sealed off by the computer, otherwise they would have most likely all been killed by now from the torrent of charged plasma filling the small space, but the explosion did rupture a nearby EPS conduit and started a small fire. Mark was laying face down on the deck, thankfully still alive, but in a bad way; he had minor burns all over and his uniform was singed but most noticeably he had a large burn across his back from the arc that appeared to have burned quite deep, possibly causing not only third degree burns but fourth degree as well. Dalani was in the corner of the compartment and appeared relatively okay, she had some minor burns on her hands and face as well as being a little dazed but was already in the process of getting to her feet.

Finally getting his wits fully about him, Lok, still unable to really hear anything, tapped his combadge rapidly three times to put him on the emergency channel. [This is Chief Lok, there has been an explosion in Section 16-25 Beta, main plasma conduit ruptured and fire in the compartment, we have a medical emergency and are evacuating the section!] Lok reported emphatically over the emergency comms, he noted that he could barely hear himself and was probably shouting rather loudly. He then turned and, using hand signals gestured for Dalani to help him move Mark out of the compartment, the young man had by this point fallen unconscious by this point, no doubt from the pain and shock. A further concern was the presence of radiation, a partially damaged tricorder at Lok’s feet was showing high levels, no doubt from the main conduit when it ruptured, the irradiated plasma gas that they had been trying to vent had partially vented into their compartment. Strangely though, Lok noted several sparkles in the air, a phenomena he had never seen before.

Carefully, Lok and Dalani picked Mark up off the deck and made their way back through to the main jefferies tube access that they had come from. Getting the poor guy through the tube without injuring him further would be difficult but luckily Dalani found a nearby mechanic’s anit-gravity sledge* and put Mark on it in order to push him easily along in the tube. As Dalani pushed, Lok sealed off the hatches behind them to prevent any gas or smoke from penetrating the rest of the section.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: CH 2: S [Day 01 | 1700hrs] Cross on the Titan
Last post by Krajin -
[ Dominic Winters | Lower Gymnasium | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | The Ranger ATTN: @Ellen Fitz

Dominick's features shifted to that of a Kzint frown as Cross explained himself. His lack of inclination to pursue a proper diet or hydration or anything of the sort. Not a good sign if the officers cannot get a proper meal or otherwise in. Atlas did want to give the vulcan a good earful for it as he placed considerable value on getting a good feed and proper hydration into the system. "Then take the time to have solid meals and hydrate. Read up on what you need, explore more of the culinary side of things. Every Vulcan is different in tastes and preferences. You'll find things you enjoy that also meet your nutritional needs. Don't be a walking logic bomb about it though. Don't lean into what is 'adequate' like many do." he lectured lightly.

At the mention of showers and food on the Arboretum, Dom's ears pricked up. "I should do the same to. I have a flight sim soon and it'll be running a solid chunk of the evening. I might see you down there." he replied. The Kzint standing up and stretching himself out a bit, his tail tensing and body fuzzing slightly. Only to relax as he did.

"I'll join you for meals when I catch you. I don't always eat at the pilots mess on my postings if there are options. I'd like this to be a thing we do, sparring, workouts. I can show you ways to counter the tail a bit too."

Dominic gave a slight incline of his head. "You go shower and get a meal, I'll clean up and catch you around eh?" he offered and then went about to get everything put away.

Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: CH2: S [Day1|1900hrs] Show us what you got!
Last post by Krajin -
[ Dominic Winters | Holodeck 3 | Vector 2 | Deck 21 | The Ranger ATTN: @Pierce @Dumedion

Atlas found himself rather comfortable as he began to adapt to the controls, the personality of this ship and all its tweaks and conponents. It was considerably more enjoyable than a 307 and he could freely stretch out and enjoy the space inside. He still had to force himself to react slower than he actually could to avoid suspicion of course. Last thing he needed was to be shoved in a locker for what he is. Or msybe they were desperate enough to overlook it?

He chuckled slightly at Tessa's pirate attempt, having been one himself for several months the young man knew how they talked. How they could fly and how they lived. It was a life unlike that of Starfleet thats for sure. As soon as Tessa went full impulse, he followed suit and shifted the throttle to full. The Valkyrie was faster than a Gryphon, but to him as he took turns and corners well, flying between large asteroids and through gaps. It felt different, like it was missing a little something. It needs customization, tweaking to my feeling. he thought to himself. The young man began to hum a tune to himself as he flew with the two women. Taking turns, pulling off an aileron roll almost perfectly as if to show off a little.

"Certainly have done it before. Its like getting a new set of boots. You gotta wear them in a bit to get the fit you want. Controls aren't as I'd like but that I can tweak." He responded to Shadow.

When his eyes fixed on the moon ahead that they were spproaching it turned to be a beautiful sight. The glowing hot heart of its core, the magma of the mantle that still stayed hot. Beautiful. Part of him was worried about the coming trial by fire the two had cooked up. Dom had avoided many of the Dominion pilot training sims that were used as several of them had been built off of missions he had done. The memories, the emotions, they all came back like wrathful spectres keen to claw him back in. The tune, the humming.. he began to hum his tune again to get his mind off of that train of thought. Even if it went through the comm when it was opened to him, he didnt care. The tune was something from older, classical earth music. A tune of old warriors. Very few could place it but it was one of many he knew.

Then Shadow brought up the little blue button. Hos ears perked at that one and a grin formed on Dominics face. His thumb shifted to the blue button and taking the fighter out of position and hit that button, performing that micro-warp jump up and boosting away from them. He hit the proverbial breaks, pitched the nose up, punched the ship to full impulse and rotated its axis to be on the correct level with the others and rejoined the formation.

"I've gotten the hang of it. What's next eh?" he sounded excited for sure as he continued matching thier maneuvers. Yeah its jerky, a little twitchy here and some correction or over correction there but the man is adapting fairly well. Things that wlll certainly iron themselves out with time and experience.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 3 : The Meeting of Heroes (or Villains) [ Day 1 | 1500+]
Last post by Eirual -
[Kelistina Kavot Droga | Bridge Crew Mess Hall | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | 2000hrs]
ATTN:  @Nesota Kynnovan  @AbsintheDeux @Brutus @Stegro88 @Ellen Fitz @GroundPetrel  @P.C. Haring @Nolan @Juzzie @JacenSoloDjo 

Kelistina was uncomfortable, there was no denying that fact. She was actually debating with herself whether or not she should just go back and stay in her assigned room. Just as she was about to move someone walked over and stood next to her.  She looked down at the female, at first a little afraid, but the female seemed most friendly. Like her new friend Ni-Sar-i. She gave a small smile to the shorter woman.

”Hello there!” As she held her pace right next to Kelestina, Jaya actually had to look up just so she could look the other woman in the eyes. ”I saw you were standing here by yourself so I thought I’d say hi. I’m Jaya!” While she spoke, Jaya’s initial annoyance over being forced to attend the diplomatic gathering was completely replaced by a genuinely friendly smirk which was only further accentuated by the friendly tone of her voice while she held out her hand in a friendly handshake. ”I don’t think I’ve seen you around before, it’s nice to meet you!”

Kelistina looked at the offered hand a moment in confusion and then remembered seeing other of the crew use this as a greeting. She gave a slight bow and extended her hand as well. “I Kelistina Kavot Droga. I am…” Kelistina tried to find the correct phrase, “honored to meet you.” She still had some difficulty with words not quite matching her spoken language at times, but she tried to figure out what was being said. “Stand apart, yes, I here. Ship come me help, no more mine. No other place I go can I.”

She hoped her words were making sense. She glanced back at the roomful of people, “You no friends here too?”

She frowned slightly and leaned down to speak quietly, “Klin-onz no like me. Me no like Kling-onz.” She pointed slightly towards the Romulans , “Kelistina not know of those with pointed ears, though I see some like them, but not, on this ship. What they name?”
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: The (hopefully) Great Romulan Smash and Grab [Day 1 | 1800hrs ]
Last post by RyeTanker -
[ CPO Dominic Lau | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ] [Show/Hide]
It was fair to say they were making a spectacle with no intention of being at all subtle about being on the station at all. It was not surprising that the Romulans were resisting intensely. His vision suddenly changed to the inside of a multi faceted gem stone and his memory carried him to a door frame where he had to pause as his vision became one of lights and colours. Whoa! he thought to himself as the hallucination registered. It didn't last long as the air cleared and the vision dissolved. He was going to ask Cheung what went down when he heard the Trill officer clarify the situation. "Chief, wasn't this like that time when passed that station near Palijas 5?" Bessir asked and Chief Lao wanted to agree with the sniper and tell him to shut up. The tech assured everyone the situation was under control, which was well timed as soon as the sound of heavy mechanical thumps could be heard.

There was no frame of reference for what they were hearing, but it did sound ominous and a collective 'Oh Shit!' took over the group. Hulking metal cyclops rounded the corner. "Cover!" The Chief yelled and people dove in all directions as green enegy blasted the hallway. The Chief tripped over his own feat as the door behind him suddenly opened. There was a scream outside, but it didn't match the scream of indignant terror from inside the room. Nor did it match the screech of a disruptor beam flying over his head and splashing the hallway outside, and tingling his nerves. The operative tilted his head back and hugged the rifle in his hands to his chest and pulled the trigger. Whoever the shooter was screamed as a pair of bolts from the second burst blasted his sternum to burned ruin and he flopped back lifeless on the ground.

The Chief rolled over as Bessir fired a burst down the hall before diving into the room. Green energy and fire chased the hybrid sniper into the room. "Run Chief!" the sharpshooter grabbed his leader's vest and ran towards the back as he gave the room a quick scan. "Bessir! Go right! Panel on the corner wall!" The Chief threw a grenade into the hall as he scrambled up. Bessir was unlocking the panel when a loud bang! could be heard outside followed by a clang as something fell over. The clack of the panel lock coming off was quickly followed with a metallic thunk as the panel was dropped Bessir quickly dove in. The Chief saw a metallic arm reach around the door frame and fire poured into the room, lacing the air with ozone.

'Chunk Chunk'

The metal behemoth rounded the door frame and the Chief fired a pair of bursts, the scowled when the protective shield flared to to life. The robot didn't seem to notice as it arm aimed at him with the Chief back peddling into the maintenance tube as fire shredded his firing spot. Cradling his rifle close to him, beads of sweat began to form on the Chief's head as his mind raced to figure out how to get out of their predicament.  First was the simplest way as the sound of metal grinding could be heard where the mecha was trying to force its way into the room.  Checking the charge on his rifle, he set it to maximum and leaned out.  It was still a snap shot, but a well aimed snap shot as a much brighter bolt struck the droid and the shield flared to life.  It was still more than what the robot had been designed to deal with and it staggered backwards from the hit.  Smoke and steam were violently ejected from heat sinks in the rear as the system worked to dissipate the sudden blast of energy.  Another shot was fired and the robot staggered again, regenerating its shields at a ridiculous rate.  "I just hit the thing twice and it barely budged!"  Lau called.  Then the free flow comm link let him know what Pren had in mind and in that moment, it seemed like a good idea.  "Bessir, set a grenade for full yield and toss it when I get across to that door. Makr sure it lands behind the robot!"  There wasn't even a pause as the sniper replied. "What door?"  The Chief responded by lowering the power then firing across the room and obliterating a door that led to a bed room.  Changing settings once more, the Chief began spraying fire at the mecha.  The robot responded by raising its arm and chasing the human with fire which barely missed his head as he dove into the bed room.

"Grenade!"  Could be heard from behind Chief Lau as a beeping sound got slightly dimmer.  There wasn't much time as the Chief dropped the power cell and inserted a new one.  A massive explosion could be heard then the high powered roar of venting plasma jets as EPS relays vented themselves into the atmosphere.  Changing the power setting back to maximum, the Chief rounded the corner and swung the rifle towards the mecha.  The first shot hit the eye area and the shield flared to life.  Another shot from Bessir quickly followed and the staggered shots pushed the mecha backwards. The robot tried to avoid the gaping hole behind and leaned forward as if to ram the door frame.  Two more shots put an end to that idea as the shield had to be used.  Briliant orrange could be seen radiating from the back of the mecha as it tried to dispel the built up energy in its systems, but there were too many threats and an arc of energy crashed against the shield, making the mecha an energy circuit.  Another shot and the robot's shields flashed, then faltered under a local failure, blasting off chunks of metal chassis.  The robot staggered backwards again, right into a plasma fire jet.  A leg quickly melted and the two operatives fired off another pair of shots as the robot slipped backwards into the plasma fire.

One second, the pair of Operatives were looking at a mech in the throes of death with an arm sticking out like the mast of a sinking ship, then suddenly both men were slammed back against the wall as the reactor suffered a catastrophic failure and exploded.  More emergency alarms wailed as the section was torn apart.  A Romulan security team on the floor below didn't even have time to scream as the ceiling exploded, venting shrapnel on them a second before the fireball removed them from corporeal existence.

Shaking his head, Chief Lau grunted as he picked himself up off the deck.  His ears were ringing and he shook them to get rid of the sound that was preventing him from thinking.  An echoey voice could be heard and the Chief closed his eyes as he tried to focus. Soon the voice began to register.  "Chief! Boss! Are you there?  Please respond!"  Cheung called out in a voice of worry.  The Chief grunted as he felt pain all over his body.  "Oof, yeah. I'm here."  The breath of relief was audible over the comm link.  "That was too close.  I don't know what you did, but I can't find the mech on sensors, but there's also raging plasma fires in that section, and a few decks up and down."  Lau took a minute to digest this.  "I take it the direct way out is blocked. Do you have a way for everyone to rendevous?"  There was a moments delay.  "Yes Chief.  There's going to be some crawling through maintenance tubes, but I can get everyone together."
Director's Cut / Re: [2381 USS Theurgy] Cohabitation
Last post by Dumedion -
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Personal Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Okay, essentials only, Kino told herself. Moving in with someone wasn’t exactly new, insofar as she remembered how it worked thanks to all the other lifetimes Jeen had lived, but that didn’t stop a bubbly feeling of excitement and anticipation from filling her up. She already knew that there wasn’t much in her room that was “essential”; almost everything she owned could easily be replaced via replicator, and the things that had once held value to her as Kino Taer – especially after recent events – didn’t seem so important after all.

I’m still me though, Kino grew still, and blinked. A shake of her head dismissed the moment of introspection, and she moved again without further hesitation – but the feeling lingered. The bow, her medals and clothes, the odds and ends of EDDI scattered over the desk; these were the possessions Kino valued, but none of it seemed to really matter. None of it had ever brought as much joy into her life as Reika did; truthfully, some of it carried a great deal of pain. Do I really need any of it, the non-com wondered, even as she moved with such purpose to gather the items up, like a stage performer collecting his props after a show – an act of muscle memory with no greater emotional resonance than a beggar collecting scattered coins.

A stack of her favorite tee’s, tanks, cargo shorts and jeans was set on the bed; Kino let her hand rest on the faded cotton of a smiley face with a bullet hole in its head, a nostalgic smirk on her lips – it was Taer’s, her style, her attitude – but it was also very much Kino’s. How odd, it seemed, how so much could change in such a short amount of time, yet still remain the same.

Reika drew close then, and the Trill’s face turned to her with a smile, knowing the Andorian had been watching the whole time – because if the roles had been reversed, that’s exactly what Kino would have done. In those loving orbs of glacial cerulean, Kino saw her whole life. It wasn’t the words she spoke that seemed to dilate time; it wasn’t the way her platinum locks fell and framed the infinite shades of blue skin – it wasn’t even the way her beautifully sculpted form leaned in close to fill the air with her heated scent, like air charged with electricity before a storm.

It was the effortless sincerity in her voice, the warmth promised in her touch, the loving promise in her eyes; it was just...Reika– loving her, Kino, in a simple, adorable, but oh so meaningful way – just one moment of all the future moments to come. Kino raised her hand to cup the Andorian’s cheek while she moved to close the small distance between them; an instant before their lips met. The kiss was gentle, earnest; filled with all the emotions the non-com felt but could never find the right words to express: gratitude, longing, adoration, wonderment – topped off with a dimpled smile that lit Kino's face up. The touch and taste of Reika’s lips lingered as Kino pulled away, just far enough for them to gaze into each others eyes. 

“Stop being so damn sweet – it’s very distracting,” the Trill purred through a grin, then then tilted her head a bit as if she reconsidered. “Actually, no, don’t listen to me. Do that again, please, I’d like more of that; like...a lot more,” Kino nodded enthusiastically. “A lifetime more,” she whispered through a smile and cradled Reika’s face with both hands, and spoke between the series of soft kisses that followed. “This is...not it?”
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 4 S [ Day 01 | 1915 ] The Remains of a Crew
Last post by Dree -
Ensign Sash Kreshkova | Unnamed Cell | Alternative Asteroid Station | Romulan Space | Attention @Ellen Fitz

Sach had never been prone to panic.  Instead, the recent Academy graduate, had thrived on the thrill of the chase, the adrenaline rush of pushing the inertial dampeners in her fighter to the max.  Those things focused her.  And that focus brought a sense of calm even if she thought she was fighting for her life.

This was exactly the same and at the same time, completely different.  She was in a life or death situation.  But she had no focus and because of her lack of focus, she had lost any of the sense of calm that always washed over her when she was in a fighter.

She continued to struggle for air.  She was no longer aware of anything going on around her.  The room had begun to spin.  Her stomach had decided to summersault in time with her head.  And then, her eyesight began to close in on her from the sides of her eyes and moved inward.

But during that time, though she wasn’t even aware of it, Sach heard something in the recesses of her mind.  A rhythmic incantation began to beat inside her head.  The darkness that was encroaching from the sides of her eyes stopped - though it did not yet recede.  But the intonation grew within her and began to radiate outward.  First through her head, then down through her shoulders, across her chest, down her torso, through her fingers which began moving in a a similar timing.

As the mantra spread throughout her body several things happened simultaneously.  Her breathing eased - partially because the graduate wasn’t focusing on that anymore.  The chant distracted her, but it did more than that.  There was something in the chat that soothed her spirit, that placated her fears, and slowed the tears that had fallen.  The blackness in her sight also receded and though her sight was blurry, it was no longer black.

Once her body began to relax from the rigidity of the position she had taken up, Sash was able to lean against the wall and once again lower herself to the floor into a semi-seated position.  She closed her eyes and her head slumped back against the hard surface of the wall. 

“Saahssshh.  You beettttter?”

It was all she could do to open her eyes and look into Ehfva’s.  The young woman nodded once.  “Thank you…”  Tears nearly welled up in Kreshkova’s eyes again, but the chant still played in her own head and she was able to focus on that - those rhythmic intonations and that made all of the difference for the youngster.

Once the girl with green hair had better control over her own faculties, she looked over at her companion.  “What was it that you were singing?  Where did you learn that?
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: Triggered Much? [ Day 1 | 1800hrs ]
Last post by Dree -
Lt Reika Sh’Laan | Maintenance Corridor | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ]
@Stegro88  @Number6  @Nesota Kynnovan  @Ellen Fitz  @RyeTanker  @P.C. Haring  @Hans Applegate

Reika had methodically been making her way through the large storage room.  She was aware that others had entered the room behind her.  From her days in Tactical, she knew that she had to continuously be aware of the location of all friendlies at any given moment.  To not do so, could have disastrous consequences.  But while making mental notes of the different locations of the others in the room, everything seemed to happen at once.

Something hissed through the ventilation system on the station along with the breathable air.  Some of the others had removed their helmets.  While Reika hadn’t, she could still hear the serpentine sound that was produced.  Before she could wonder what it was and how it could or would affect the others, she heard Cameron yell, “Contact.”  She and Okafor had engaged with … what was that thing?  A Mech? It was a large metallic creature.  It wasn’t a humanoid - or one at least as she understood it.  The lone feature on its head was one large red eye in its center.  The eye seemed to have the ability to do more than see the visible light spectrum.  It likely had heat sensors and infrared capabilities. 

She watched it fire something from its hand into Okafor’s body which fell limp to the ground.  She wanted to yell at the creature - not that it would do any good.  But she would be damned if she let the man whose life she had recently saved, die in such a manner if she could help it.  ‘Okay,’ she thought, ‘The thing has a type of energy cannon in its hands.  Lovely.’ 

But while her brain was processing what happened.  She once again heard Henshaw yell.  This time it was, “Okafor is down.  Need backup.”  Reika was already on her way.  But as she moved both Rez and Ashby opened fire on the monstrosity.  So Reika took the opportunity to grab Okafor by his EV suit and drag him into the corridor.

Chaos reigned.  Voices cried out.  “I need more firepower in here.”  “3-2-1 NOW.” Phaser fire flew in against the creature from every direction.  Maybe it was slowed, but it wasn’t taken down.  Once Reika had Okafor out of the room into the relative safety of the corridor, she returned. 

The OPS officer had a thought.  Creeping back into the room while the firestorm was still underway, Reika sought concealment that would allow her to stay hidden until she was ready.  Crouched behind some kind of metal storage container, Sh’laan leaned her head back against the crate.  The move she was about to make was risky, and it was taking her a moment to psyche herself into action.   A picture of Kino popped into the Andorian’s mind, but she pushed it away.  ‘No,’ she told herself trying not to dwell on the picture of the voluptuous Trill with creamy skin and spots that wanted to fill her mind and thoughts.  Reika took a deep breath, and from her position, the OPS officer stood with her phaser rifle at the ready.  Taking careful aim for the creature’s eye.

As Sh’laan stood and raised her rifle, the monstrosity was alerted to her presence and raised a hand once again - this time toward her.  But the Andorian wasn’t paying attention to that.  Training took over.  Slow steady breath.  Place a finger on the trigger.  Gently squeeze.  And breathe again.  Two things happened at virtually the same time.  Reika hit the creature’s eye dead on, blinding it.  Whether permanently or temporarily, she didn’t know.  But at the same time, the creature fired on the Andorian.  Reika tried to dodge its shot - and almost did, but it tore through her suit and caught the outside of her left arm which went limp and her suit was now exposed to whatever the toxin in the air was.

The Andorian never cried out despite the searing pain that radiated throughout her whole arm.  She tried to inch her way toward safety once again, but she wasn’t sure if she would make it.  Blue blood flowed freely from the wound.  Through her microphone on her helmet, with tremendous effort Sh’laan called out, “A little help?

Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: Theurgy: What If...? Below Decks Lounge
Last post by RyeTanker -
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy] @AbsintheDeux @Dumedion @Juzzie @Dree

Zark didn't quite breathe a sigh of relief, but the sexual tension was definitely running high and as much as she'd tried to leave the ball in Reika's court, she was more interested in jumping the Shen's bones to be honest.  Still, Jeen's interruption was a little inopportune and the Zhen pouted a bit.  She grinned though at the display that Reika had given of her smooth legs and linked her arm around Kino's. "I'd be happy to Reika."  A hand gestured in an airy manner at the white haired Trill.  "This here is Kino Jeen, explosives Petty Officer extraordinaire.  If there's an obstacle in the way and you want to use straight line to get to your destination, you set her to making that straight line through all the impediments."  Zark gave Jeen a smile then took a sip of her sapphire coloured ale.

"She's also a smooth talker, and that comes from having and unfair number of lifetimes stuck inside her in the form of a symbiote. Technically it should give her an advantage in fisticuffs, but like my bruised self, she hasn't managed to best totally best our esteemed boss yet."  Zark shrugged since this was normal. "The closest we could get in an argument is who got closer to getting a tie."  The medic looked at Kino contemplatively for a moment as she rummaged through her memory. "Yeah, hard to say. I think you're technically ahead though. Was there that one time she sent you to sickbay with a broken nose?  I don't think you've been knocked out yet."

The Zhen continued grinning as she took a bigger sip of her drink. "I think we got carried away since I broke her nose that time." Zark rubbed the tip of her nose in embarrassment. "Anyway, that's not genial to the conversation about Kino here. " Zark turned her attention back to the Trill, but also sparing a glance to to see how Rhys was doing in his darts game.  "So, what have you been up to?"
Alternate Universe Stories / Hobbit Meals for a Day - A LB3 Drabble Saga
Last post by AbsintheDeux -
New crew, I've been mulling over. I cheated and made the base images for the crew with a cheap AI, but it helped me start to visualize the characters. You can check out the image I made here. Please keep in mind it's very rough and not worthy of any real critique.

The basic pitch is as follows: Outpost LB3, lovingly called Lebowski, is a supply beacon located near the neutral zone with the Klingon Empire. It has a small crew of 6; A Commanding Officer, 2 Communications Officers, An Engineering Chief, and 2 Technicians. It is a dull and nearly pointless posting, but every once in a while something interesting happens! It is set in the rising tensions right between seasons 4 and 5 of DS9 (so 2372 for you nerds).

- Hobbit Meals for a Day -

1 - Breakfast Coffee

Captain Ryana LaCrosse stepped onto the tiny bridge holding two cups of coffee. “You’re up early.”

“Got a receiver down and I want to get it up before noon,” Crew Cheif Jonathan McHowle replied looking up.

“Sounds like you’ve got a busy day,” Ryana said walking over to him and holding out a cup.

Here? Busy? Nah, I have a day in which I have something to do, so that’s a bonus.” Jonathan gladly took the offered beverage.

“You make it sound like this is a boring posting,” Ryana snorted in laughter.

What? Me? Say that?” Jonathan replied sardonically. “Never!”

2 - Second Breakfast Croissant

“Right, we have a receiver down, so we have a volunteer to go on a spacewalk,” Jonathan said walking up and clapping his two young technicians on the shoulders.

2nd Tech Mikey Howard and 1st Tech Heather Jovanka looked away nervously.

“Okay, sounds like you both get to do it!” Jonathan exclaimed and shoved a box of croissants at them. “Eat up!”

That’s not fair!” Heather complained taking a croissant.

You’ve got to be kidding!” Mikey said in between bites of pastry.

“Safer this way. Glad you had the idea!” Jonathan chuckled.

The two humphed and ate in angry silence.

3 - Static for Elevensies

“Anything new to report?” Ryana said walking over to the comm officer.

Taikutsushita Hana looked up. He was called Taiku by the crew, for somewhat obvious reasons. “She is quiet today, only humming her sad song...”

“Does she really sound sad today?” Ryana asked.

“Only in that she sings of longing and fulfillment,” Taiku replied.

“You hear all that on those things?”

“One hears many things when one listens for them,” Taiku imparted wanly.

“If you hear her sing of any Klingons in the area, you let me know, okay?” Ryana nodded and turned.

“I most certainly will,” Taiku intoned.

4 - Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch

“Was it really that bad?” Charlie asked grabbing her tray and turning to look at the only other woman on the outpost her age.

“He hummed the whole time!” Heather huffed and grabbed her tray.

Hummed?” Charlie asked looking for a place to sit.

“With the comm line open.” Heather quickly found an open spot and sat.

“And what did you do?” Charlie asked as she followed.

“Well, nothing, but I’m telling you, if he had kept humming a minute longer, I tell you what, I would do it.”

“You would do what?” Charlie asked quietly.

Heather muttered, “Well, something.”

5 - A Drop of Afternoon Tea

Ryana sat down in her tiny quarters with a steaming cup.

"Computer, begin recording," she said calmly taking a sip of her tea.

"Dear Dad,

"I know there was a lot of hope I'd get a better command than this, but let's face it, any command is something that looks good on a record form.

"And it's only for a few more rotations.

"Very little is going on out here. We're lucky if we see freighter a week come by. But I have a good crew, a little odd, but what else can you expect?"

She leaned back and smiled.

6 - A Typical Family Dinner

"Can you not do that?" Heather scowled.

"Do what?" Mikey complained.

"You're humming again."

Mikey retorted. "Am I not allowed to hum?"

"You know what?" Heather snapped.

"Children, peace!" Jonathan interjected, holding up three containers of steaming food. "I've got takeout."

"Why do I have to work with such a twerp?" Heather asked as she took her food.

Mikey took his and gave her a look. "Why do I have to work with such a bit-"

"Hey! No! We're a family here!" Jonathan said sternly. "Like all families, we didn't choose the one we got, but it's still our family."

7 - Soup for Supper

"Soup again?" Charlie asked walking up to the table.

"There a four hundred types of soup in that dispenser, I have had a different soup every evening and not sampled half of them," Taiku replied not looking up from his bowl.

"So... A long way left to go?" Charlie took a seat.

"A very long way," Taiku replied and at last looked up. "I see you are having dessert for supper again."

"Hey, it's nutrient enriched, it's not terrible for me," Charlie shot back.

"You should try soup."

Charlie shrugged. "Make me a chicken soup mousse and I just might."

8 - A Bite Before Bed

Jonathan was on the observation deck absently looking out at the stars when Ryana found him.

"Did you get it all accomplished?" Ryana inquired as she walked over to him.

"What all?" Jonathan asked turning to face her.

"All that you set out to do today," Ryana pressed gently.

"Oh, that? Yeah, I got it all done," Jonathan nodded.

"That's good," Ryana hummed softly. "Got big plans tomorrow?"

"Same thing I do every day," replied a shrugging Jonathan.


Jonathan smirked. "Keep her royal highness's castle from springing a leak."

Ryana could not help but smile, at least a little.
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