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CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

After settling the Klingon matter, Jack or rather Kyle had clung to Samantha throughout the rest of that encounter. The moment she had approached him and called him lover, or fiancee to block out any chance he had with talking to Anh-Le out he had basically been stuck to Samantha, or as he had been calling her 'Kitten' not out of any malicious intent but rather because he found that kind of pet name amusing and they were supposed to work as a loving couple. Walking with her however he was well past his limit, and as they got to her room, it did not take long for Jack to hobble is way to the sofa and drop completely face first onto the comfortable massive senior officer quarters, taking deep breaths that lead into a coughing fit for a moment.

His three lungs burned, his chest felt like he been stabbed by martok again, and he was reminded of just how much Core muscle strength he had lost, on top of that, the worst crime out of all of this he was sober! Once the door was closed he managed to turn himself over so that he could look at the cieling his face was drained of color that slowly returned as he laid on the ground.

"Well... Kitten, that was... a fun... first date." His pauses were caused by slow breaths as he tried to regain himself having three lungs that all felt like they were on fire just meant they hurt like a bitch. "So... Who exactly are you? You came to collect me, so you know me, and you came in uniform so I know you are a commander, but your not one I recognize. I'd remember someone as fun as you Sammy." he kept using pet names he had come up with during the meeting with the klingon guests, he wasn't sure if it was to annoy her, or because he actually liked using them.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Getting the Klingon ‘threat’ under control was tougher than the diplomat had original envisioned. Her education and experience were not very helpful in dealing with this particular race, whom she hadn’t crossed path with many times before. And she slowly came to realize why that was a good thing, probably. They were a violent, emotional and rude people. No wonder Vulcans and Klingons were like water and oil and she doubted she herself would ever mix well into it either. But as a professional she’d have to work on it, acquaint herself with the culture more and give a better impression of understanding and respectfulness towards their customs and characters.

There was so much to think and reflect about on her way back to her quarters, finally, for a little bit of peace until the ship would depart Aldea. But as she arrived there, Samantha was rudely pulled from her long thoughts as an unheeded companion detached from her side and stormed into her apartment. The pirate … damn, she hadn’t even noticed him tagging along. So, what was this going to be, a home invasion but without the added benefit of being allowed to shoot someone?! ‘Kitten’ he said, and she could only imagine he was going to be the ‘dawg’ in this equation. The blonde shuddered lightly, but not quite full of energy enough to boot his ass. After all, it was probably better to have him here under observation than hanging around the Klingons, potentially revealing himself and causing the universe to combust. 

“Let’s put a pin in that nickname, shall we?!” It wasn’t really a question. Walking into her quarters, so the doors could close, the diplomat rubbed the side of her forehead with her fingertips watching the human-looking Klingon roll around on her couch like a stray puppy that had just found comfort for the first time. Raising her brows at his question she supposed it was only fair for him to know as much about her as she did of him. “I am the Chief Diplomat, so you can understand I have a special interest in avoiding a political incident on our tour to unite the Empire.” she explained ominously. Hoping to reciprocate at least the slightest sense of seriousness. “How far do you think it would go, if we handed you over to Martok, as a sign of good will, in terms of strengthening our relationship with the Klingons?” Of course, she wasn’t serious, or was she? It was hard to tell from her contemplative face alone. The prospect, albeit inhumane, was certainly one to entertain. Plus, Jack wasn’t entirely human.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #2
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

"You're the chief diplomatic officer?" For some reason it came out as a question, but his voice was just astonished. She was the chief diplomatic officer, but she had somehow allowed things to get to a full scale riot. He would have assumed that Klingon hospitality was the first thing that most diplomats were trained in second only in how not to get assassinated by Romulans. Considering the Empire was the second closest ally to the Federation, and one that constantly wanted war, it legitimately astounded him how badly she had handled herself.

He closed his eyes still resting on her couch for a moment as she went and asked all of the wrong questions, and tried to get him to put a moratorium on his nicknames for her. "So let me get this straight, your vested interest to keep me safe and out of sight because exposing my identity would be bad, so you went and told the Klingon's and members of the crew that I was your beloved? Even though you knew full well who I was? In the end all that lie does is bind the identity of 'Kyle' directly to you. If any of those Klingons you lied to see us as a non couple you will have created the very incident you were trying to avoid." He let out a soft groan for a moment but that was mostly because he was still very sore and tender.

He sighed for a moment as she threatened to hand him over to Martok he had been over this before in his head, but it was probably best to clear it now and forever. "It wouldn't help your cause, It would show that Ives betrayed Martok by keeping me alive. Yes I would be executed a second time, but Ives would be the next one pulled into the right of vengeance, and while I know our Captain studies a sword... I don't think they want to have to kill their friend, and we can't afford to loose the captain. Execution via right of vengeance is a big deal, it's a two men enter one man leaves sort of ritual. The fact that I lived through it harms Martok's legitimacy as Chancellor, and guarantees that I can never again live among The Empire."

He folded his arms over his chest, it actually helped it stop hurting as his hearts beat inside his ears, he felt a quick shade of shame run over him for a moment. "I was a member of Klingon Intelligence once upon a week ago. I know how to lie, how to craft an identity how to hide within a crowd of faces. The only skill I ever fully cultivated was making myself beneath the notice of others, and yet now my identity is tied with yours, I've been elevated because I'm now dating the chief diplomat, and the Klingons will wonder where your mate is if I am absent from your side while you deal with them."

"Further more I think you need someone who knows the Klingon ways. you seem poorly studied in them." He opened his eyes to look at Rutherford for a moment. "So your stuck with the fake boyfriend, at least until we have united the empire. Won't be so bad, I've got nothing more to live for aside from helping the Theurgy now. My only goal now is that I want to be helpful to this ship, so maybe this is how I can help."

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #3
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Samantha DID catch that subtle disbelieve in his voice and she pushed her fist into the side of her hips while putting all her weight on that one leg. Giving the man on her couch an unwavering glare. If he wanted to elaborate on what he’d meant with that subtle snark, she’d be read to spar. Granted, her most recent decisions, during that weird Below Decks incident, weren’t exactly her crowning achievements. It was evident in the way her blue yes focused on the floor while she pursed her lips as he finished his first observation. “I wasn’t concerned with your safety, but okay.” she interjected, not looking up, merely waving one hand beside her face.

And she hadn’t thought the ‘prisoner exchange’ through all the way. But to be fair she had not been aware of that twisted dynamic. She’d certainly make a point talking to the captain the next time to ask for anymore skeletons in the closet she should know about. Though right now she WISHED it was that, a skeleton in the closet and not a Klingon in a human costume, sitting on her couch. As she caught his defensive posture in the corner of her eyes the blonde felt safe to look back up at him. Spotting what almost seemed like a glimmer of regret washing over his face. Taking a deep breath, however, the diplomat rolled her eyes to the ceiling and to the side, switching her weight to the other leg and now crossing her arms too, as he talked about becoming Theurgy royalty, basically.

Focusing back on him as he made one more -sadly valid – point, Samantha’s hands fell from her chest to her hips as her body lost tension. “I don’t need a boyfriend!” she spoke out, maybe a little too loudly. “Not fake or otherwise. Couples break up all the time. Let’s go down to the bar right now and I’ll throw a drink in your face. Done.” She huffed, not liking this idea one bit, though it had its practical merit. Yes, she needed someone with insight, she was grossly out of her dept with the Klingons. But if admitting that to herself was already a long shot then good luck Jack to get that kind of verbal confirmation.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #4
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

Jack nodded when she said she wasn't concerned with his safety. Few people were these days. It rang a little heavy and close to home for him. No one really cared if he lived or died, what it would have been like to have even just one person on this ship or at any point in his life look at him with genuine concern or care in their eyes. He almost had it once, but he had been foolish enough not to see it for what it could have been.

She exclaimed that they could go stage a public break up. Jack shivered as he tried to bring himself up off the couch where he lay. His face still rather pale his body still fractured and weak. "If that is what you wish commander we can go back. You can throw a drink into my face say a few vile words, and I'll limp away like the small, sad Rafalian Cave Mouse."

He struggled to stand for a moment his legs shaking before he dropped back onto the sofa another coughing fit showing himself as weak. "mu'qaD!" He broke out a Klingon curse word as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Sorry, my injuries suffered, have not fully healed... it will take me a bit before I can actually limp my way back to the bar. If we want the break up to look good for you I need to be able to stand on my own two legs. Otherwise your just kicking a man while hes down." Jack said with a sigh.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #5
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Of course, in her work Samantha had to be relentless and asserting. Else she’d be steamrolled by potential opposition easily. That was even more so true because she didn’t exactly have an imposing stature to instill a sense of respect. Her looks could be beneficial to some negotiations, but detrimental to others. And that’s where her persistence and unwavering nature came into play. But as Jack went and played the poor beaten dog card, she couldn’t help but grumble at her own misguided feelings of sympathy. He was pretty much rolling around on rock bottom. Yet he would’ve probably garnered even more empathy from others if he wasn’t acting like a know-it-all douche regardless.

She wasn’t sure if him getting up like a fragile twig-man was just part of his act or a reason for concern. Hell, it was hard to decide between wanting to kick him down or helping him up. Maybe that was Jack’s charm: His polarizing nature. Taking a deep breath, the blonde sent an irritated glance out the viewports onto Aldea. But she wasn’t as much annoyed with the man as she was with her own contemplations of actually cutting him some slack. Exhaling audibly, the blond decided to go with her human nature on that one, for once. Kicking a man while he was down was not a good look, not even in front of Klingons.

Moving past him towards the replicator she didn’t mind bumping into his foot with hers, potentially giving a little sting and another moan. “Oh you’re fine!” she barked back, pulling down the zipper of her uniform jacket, snacking the fabric off over her shoulders, revealing the fitted red undershirt. Letting the item dissolve before turning to cross her arms once more, leaning against the machine, she watched the man for a moment. “So, you really think you can actually give me an insight on how to get what I want with your people?” she asked, almost rhetorically. Whether he was right was of course an entirely different question.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #6
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

She kicked him, and he glared at her as she told him that he was fine. "Lets be glad you missed your calling in Starfleet medical. I'll be sure to show the same level of care if you ever have 4 feet of your intestinal tract pulled out for the world to see." Jack had survived the Harrowing ordeal, but his body told a few different stories, his pulling off the eye patch Jack did have a second but mechanical eye hidden away under it, his arm was also false, but the injuries that bothered him now were inflicted by Martok himself and while sickbay had stitched him back together they could only do so much at one time. Jack had to have daily progress checks, and was going through physio therapy to fix himself at the moment.

Sitting up he watched her take off her jacket. Jack himself was wearing loose fitting clothing, a hoodie that had the theurgy on it, and sweat pants. Since he was a civilian he didn't have to wear a uniform anymore and it was something he was glad about. He looked at her as she asked if he could actually help her get what she wanted from the empire.

"That entirely depends on what you want." He gave her a smile as she seemed to be more open to having some help. "But I will say this. I was raised on Qo'Nos, Klingon was my first language. Though my father was Human, I was raised by my Klingon Mother and had several full Klingon brothers and sisters. My first fourteen years were on Qo'Nos, before I moved to Earth and joined Starfleet academy my first years of education were spent in the imperial academy in the first city. I also just spent a month living in a klingon barracks, eating Klingon food, and serving among the KDF though my actual job was in Klingon Intellegence."

"All of the cultural knowledge is in my head, I know how to handle my people, and every question you've ever had about Klingon's and were afraid to ask I probably have the answer. I also don't have a duty roster yet or any responsibilities until I have had a meeting with Captain Ives, so... why not use me?"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #7
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Samantha couldn’t even begin to understand the harrowing ordeal one must’ve gone through to come out the other end looking like this. Even more so when you started out an entirely different species. Whoever turned him into this, did either an extremely great job, or a very, very poor one, she wasn’t quite sure yet. Narrowing her eyes as Jack replied in kind to her rude disregard of his health and wellbeing the diplomat did not reply on it. She wasn’t expecting him to run to her aid when she was in trouble. Yet him sitting here on her couch, telling her about how to deal with Klingons, he kind of already was. Sure, her question had been ambiguous, but she hadn’t expected his life’s story for reference. It was an intriguing one, admittedly. She honestly hadn’t read that far back in his file, already gotten to red alert at the first mention of Martok’s heir.

„So, you think this is going to be your part-time job? Your chance at redemption? Dinner with the Captain?!” the blonde replied rather rudely. Only then checking herself, pinching the bridge of her nose. She had to give it to Jack that he wasn’t the one agitating her. It was the mere fact that he had succeeded where she had so colossally failed. And he hadn’t even tried. He wasn’t a career diplomat with ten years of distinguished service and hard work under their belt. It was infuriating, but it also wasn’t his fault. So, Samantha tried that again, calmer this time: “What exactly is your motivation to get a duty roster, responsibilities and a pat on the back by the captain?!” Okay, maybe that last one was a bit self-explanatory. Either way, she couldn’t deny how helpful he could be. Yes, they had a Klingon liaison officer, but she wasn’t Klingon. And even better, Natauna wasn’t a Klingon perfectly disguised as a human. Admittedly, Jack was probably the luckiest strike, what a Klingon advisor was concerned, there was.

But admitting that would certainly explode his ego, and she liked the color of her walls the way they were.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #8
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust  @Auctor Lucan

Of course she had to ask not just a question, but the question that had been plaguing him since the moment he had woken up, and the way she put it made things rather clear. He didn't know if it was a way of her being curious or if it was another weapon to slap him down more or less, but the way she put it sounded mocking and certainly sounded like she didn't care about what happened to him one way or another. The idea that Ives would pat him on the back and say 'good job' the image was laughable because Ives was a captain who was far too busy to notice any accomplishment he may or may not make, and terrifyingly sad how badly he wanted that pat on the back, how badly he wanted anyone to notice him with some level of concern. How much he desired for anyone to care about him on any level.

What was his motivation for wanting anything at this point? What right did he have to ask for anything. He sighed and looked at the ground the broken, miserable creature that once had a purpose just contemplating it over and over in his head. "Because I shouldn't be alive, and I'm too much of a coward to put myself out of everyone else's misery."

"You want my motivation?" He said with a sigh. "I don't know why the captain chose to save my life, it would have been easier and safer to let me die at Martok's hands. The people on this ship blame me for a lot of things, even if I see it as an accident or if I feel I had no other choice but to do what I did I still have to live with the fact that so many are dead because of what I did."

"And what have I lost in return? An arm, an Eye, four feet of intestinal tract, my life's work, any shred of honor I once had among my people, my name and my future... Yet I am alive." He looked at Rutherford sad, but also determined. "What more do I have to live for? Both the Federation, and the Empire would see me dead if they found me alive on one of their worlds, so the best I can ever hope for is that if we succeed and actually do save the world I get to have a comfortable prison sentence in a Federation prison, maybe it will even be a nice one."

"So maybe, just maybe a pat on my back and someone telling me good job would mean everything to me because i have nothing left. If I can't get a duty roster, If I can't get something to do here of all places why was I kept alive?" Tears started to form at the edge of his eyes as he spoke and struggled to choke out what his motivations were. "Even if I can never wear a uniform again... Even if I can never have any level of security clearance or have my name officially put on any project I work on... at least I will have done something. At least when all of this is over I will have been able to say that I did a job to the best of my abilities and maybe I'll finally be able to live with myself because someone will have noticed because I will have done something for someone else for a change."

"I owe it to all the people I failed before to pour what's left of my life into something... and if not here what else could I do?"


Tagging auctor lucan in this post because it touches on something he was rather curious about once upon a time, that being why I try to keep Jack alive.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #9
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Sometimes in her career Samantha had rerated asking the right questions if only for the answers they unleashed. Not in the grander scheme of things, of course, the right question always led to the right answer. But on a more personal note, where she was just one person in a galaxy full of life, she was perfectly content not knowing everything. Sadly though, probably for the both of them, she however needed to know why the man was so seemingly desperate to find a meaning in his life. Which implied he didn’t have any … a theory that was soon reassured.

The blonde could just watch, as she pressed her plump lips thin in between her teeth almost violently. A far cry from the pain he must’ve felt. The crew of the Theurgy was stretched thinner than she had previously anticipated. Prejudice and blame festering like a virus in the altruistic membranes of Starfleet. Just another parasite that they could not control, but just as devious. There were so many feelings emanating from Jack’s speech that the diplomat found it hard to follow with her own emotional metronome. But she was certainly done beating him while he was down. It hadn’t been right. He had been annoying, but he had not deserved for her to be just another dismissive crew member who wanted nothing to do with him. Even more so without even knowing about his past actions and shortcomings.

And while the man sounded almost hopeful, halfway through his monologue, he drifted off to the deepest end, shortly after. Letting the whole thing sink in, Samantha decided there was no harm done making a concession that meant so little to her and apparently so much to Jack. “Alright … well, you haven’t failed me yet, so, we have at least that to look forward to.” She smiled wryly, walking the few steps over to the couch and sinking down on the far end of it. Maybe that small joke had managed to make light of the situation after all, without it becoming too much of a sap fest.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #10
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

Jack actually had to take a moment to dry his eyes, after talking so passionately he had got caught up with his own emotions and struggled to talk for a moment. Dealing with the weight he felt was difficult, and immediately he wished he was still back at the bar so he could get wasted and forget it.  Unfortunately for him that was not something he could allow himself to do at the moment. His injuries required a sober mind to heal, and more than that he was in the presence of another person, so admitting so much personal weakness he had probably admitted to far too much already.

When she cracked her joke he actually laughed for a moment. A genuine moment of levity as he looked at her, though as he laughed he also clutched his chest. "Ha-ha, ow, hurts to laugh." He said pulling at his shirt because it felt too tight in the moment. Her room actually felt a bit too warm for him.

"I'm... trying to change my habits. I guess I could just... not fail someone for once." He gave her a bit of a smile and moved a bit closer to her for a moment. It had gotten way too sappy in this room, he needed to think of something that would clearly change the mood. Looking around he was tired, this was a senior officers quarters, the first thing that slipped into his mind, was unfortunately the first thing past his lips. "So we are supposed to be a couple than?"

He had just brought it back to the full circle the very pit in which they had started it from. He was now sitting next to her, and he looked around the room for a moment trying to see any decorations that lined the commanders room. "I haven't had a girlfriend or fiance or anyone like that before. It's a bit of a new experience, but I can work with it i'm sure... Should probably get some story stuff straight like how we met one another or something."


OOC: Too much of a whiplash emotionally in the midway of the post, so i tried to lighten the mood but went in a different direction with this rewrite.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #11
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

The air had slowly shifted to a quieter, less aggravated sentiment. And Samantha welcomed this switch tremendously, even though she had technically been the one stirring the pot until just seconds ago. It didn’t help that she knew exactly what it was about Jack that riled her up the most. Not his fault, probably, he didn’t seem like the type to be difficult, attached and suffering on purpose. However she appreciated his honesty, even though it had been pretty embarrassingly descriptive by proxy.

As he mockingly laughed, or attempted to, he was instantly struck by karma, and the blonde officer couldn’t help but find that bit amusing. Not that she considered herself that, but she had been occasionally called borderline sociopathic for a reason. But she doubted she would still feel glee if he’d been seriously suffering. Then again, she wasn’t a doctor to suffer the severity of his afflictions. But as long as he could talk and sit upright there didn’t seem any need for concern. She wasn’t quite sure whether his ensuing anxiety came from physical or emotional constriction. But it was good to see Jack relax a bit none the less.

Sighing lightly the diplomat validated his next statement with a slow shrug. Basing your own happiness on the expectations of others, was a house built on sand, doomed to fall apart. But as the man moved a little closer any potential train of thought resulting in an encouraging comeback was scattered quickly. Sizing down the now reduced space between them the blonde’s blue orbs landed on him almost timidly. But as he continued that sentiment grew in befuddled shock. Never? Period?

“Well …” the diplomat cleared her throat, placing her hands clasped together in her lap neatly, watching her thumbs fight for dominance. “… I guess you won’t be surprised to hear that I haven’t actually thought that far ahead.” She finally chuckled, raising her pate so the blonde waves framing her face could fall back like curtains. “I guess we met at Below Decks?” she shrugged, making up false identities was not really her forte. Maybe Commander Fisher could get them one. “You were obviously smitten with me and have been following me around since. So, we don’t have to keep track on too many lies.” A variation of the truth was always preferable.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #12
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

"Considering the last few hours nope that doesn't surprise me at all." Hi'Jak managed to chuckle a soft voice coming out as he laid back resting next to her. His eyes drifting out to the window and the rather beautiful galaxy at large. He looked back at Samantha and started to notice a few small things, like how her blond hair glowed softly in the room's dark twilight, Her form was not really soft, and she had soft plush lips.

He tried not to give her too much credit this was still the worst diplomat in the fleet he was dealing with. Her positive physical short comings did not make up for the number of times she made a fool out of him, and he remembered a certain Orion that was also a touch more attractive than her.

He laughed again when she said that he had followed her as though he was smitten. He shook his head. "Oh, Is that how you remember it dear Sammy?" He said with a rather melodramatic sigh as if recalling some far off event that in reality had only been a few hours ago. "From what I remember you burst into Below decks, demanding to see me, and then just when you were at your lowest that day I swooped in and saved you from making a complete mockery out of your reputation."

"And then, you ran up to me, and publicly claimed me as your mate. You then wouldn't allow me out of your sight for the rest of the day." He didn't sound all that heart broken at it, in fact he was wearing a rather genuine smile in the moment chuckling over it. "For a lady who has no idea what Klingon Culture is supposed to be like, you definitely started a fine mating ritual, and were you doing so intentionally I might even have accepted it."

"Fact is, I was not the one who instigated this little plan, so whom is smitten with who?"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #13
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Samantha couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at his brash remark. This guy certainly had some balls … or he was pretty reckless. She couldn’t quite tell yet. It was one thing to jokingly tease someone who was below their weight class, but it was downright stupid to do the same for someone stronger and smarter. And even though under normal circumstances it might’ve been quite different, as it stood now, almost everyone could’ve been a threat to Jack’s life. Even her.

Raising her brows while pursing her plump lips, the blonde tilted her head to the side in a ‘what have we I been saying about nicknames?’ kind of reminding fashion. Letting his view of the happenings wash over her, however, she stood still and watched him go through slotted eyes. Ultimately letting out a long sigh she readjusted her seat, which sent ripples of motion through the sofa cushions. “First of all: Semantics.” She replied, not validating his side of the story one bit even though it was technically true.

“I am ready to admit I can learn a thing or two about Klingons from you, but it’s also becoming pretty parent that you have to learn a lot about diplomacy.” she stated, trying not to sound as judgmental as her sheer words did. “It’s not as much about reality as it is about what people perceive it to be.” And while she had intended to elaborate on that a little further, she had to go back and double take a statement that had only just sunk in. “Hold on, mating ritual? I didn’t even punch you!” even though she was now close to.

Sure, she threw a bowl of Gach onto his head and slapped a mug of blood-wine out of his hands but that was what wives on earth had been doing for centuries. “My interest in this grand ploy was strictly professional!” she clarified, maybe a little too overzealously, for it to not hold any added meaning.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #14
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

Jack shrugged when she tried to silently remind him about her no nickname rule. He used nicknames with most people so he wasn't about to back down on them. Plus he thought her name was fun to play with, and she made a cute kitten, the idea of the blond with a pair of fake cat ears, or one of those Bordeaux bunny suites was very tempting with her mature elegant frame, and again his mind was going into intimate places that it frankly shouldn't have. It had been far too long since he had any kind of female contact or so it seemed, as he was too easily tantalized and enchanted by her blond hair and crisp blue eyes, especially when she was slightly mad at him.

Something about her when she was slightly annoyed she was really, really cute when she was kinda mad at him. Maybe that spoke to his Klingon nature, that he liked a woman who wouldn't really put up with his shenanigans all the time. If the last month and change had taught him anything it was that he kinda needed someone who would keep him in line.

"Sounds to me like we both have something we can learn from the other than." Of course he didn't know anything about diplomacy. But he knew about illusions, and when she said she hadn't even hit him he once again wanted to laugh for a moment, but couldn't manage more than a chuckle at the moment. "Not everything in Klingon culture is so violent, yes their is a way to hit a klingon that designates interest in sexual matters, but that's more to signify a one night stand. To be honest there are hundreds of ways to hit a klingon to signify a great many things, there is an old saying that goes tlhaw' Hol bID or action is half the language."

"What you did is a bit more traditional, a way to claim a mate publicly, You even warded off another female from your interest when you completely shut down the conversation between me and Anh-Lee." He adjusted himself a little closer to Samantha now, shifting in his seat folding his legs and leaning on the sofa so he could more intimately look at her for a moment as she protested that she had only meant to be professional.

"Professional yes, absolutely that's why I'm currently sitting on your sofa in your quarters, feeling a strong tension, because this is entirely professional. Pretending to be someone's fiance is just what Co workers do." He smiled for a moment.  "Out of curiosity, would you like to know how to hit a klingon to make things... Less proffessional?"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #15
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

In her ten years of service Samantha had learned how to read people, and situations. Sure, it was not always an exact science but her instincts in that regard hardly ever failed her. So, she could very well say that – even though it seemed as if they were getting along nicely, for the first time since they had met – things were drifting in an undesired direction. And fast. It was a development the blonde watched with growing concern, and with increasingly inclined brows. The Vulcan part inside of her wanting to purge all emotional attachments to the situation and merely steering it back into a professional direction. Walking the walk, after she’d already talked the talk.

“It would appear that way.” she replied, to his statement about them both being able to learn from one another, almost as part of his first lesson. When you didn’t want to make any concessions, you answered in a way that was open to interpretation. Then, people would read whatever they wanted into an ambiguous reply like that. Taking a deep breath as Jack continued, the diplomat hoped she would not have to learn which punch indicated a disagreement and which slap was asking for the way to the bathroom. “Huh … humans say, ‘actions speak louder than words’.” she added, beaming with the faintest bit of glee, which she always expressed when discovering similarities in different species.

But of course they could not hold a serious and emotionally pleasant conversation for longer than 5 seconds until she felt a hot surge of embarrassment and anger bubble up in the pit of her stomach again. If there was one talent she’d readily assign to this man it was his neck for stirring up shit. Which, for a Klingon, was probably a shoe-in with the command branch. “Oh, I am sorry I spoiled your chances of spawning into little green Klingon men, tonight.” Sam answered absurdly, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, but just barely. In all honesty, Anh-Le had seemed more interested in her than him. But his ego was already just as frail as his body.

And after he had finished talking, she was seriously considering to give him an ‘A:’ and a ‘B:’ reply like a total bitch. But no, this wasn’t even really worth dignifying with a reply. It was certainly no reason to get agitated over, was her Vulcan take on the moment, barely subduing the raging human beneath. “Stomping on your foot didn’t do it for you either?!” she asked stoically, deciding that the only thing logical about that reply was her tone. “Man, you are quite high maintenance for a Klingon.”

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #16
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

Watching Samantha smile towards him genuinely even for a few seconds was actually rather heart warming, watching her more vulcan features crack into something more genuine hit a strange kind of uncanny valley effect, and it made him enjoy her company a bit more though he was worried that maybe he had misread the tension around them, was he just egging her on and making an ass out of himself? It would not have been the first time, and all things considered he was kinda hopeful that she didn't dislike him.

"Oh no, I saw how she rejects people, I am certainly much better off here than taking that risk may have landed me crashing through a table or two." He said distinctly remembering how Anh-Lee's interactions with the Klingons had gone when they had confused her for a woman of ill repute.

On the other hand he was starting to feel sore from the amount of times she had made him chuckle his lungs had caused his chest to stretch when she made him laugh, and unlike her he wasn't really faking his emotions, he found her rather funny especially her comments about stepping on his foot, and that he was high maintenance. He brushed his hair for a moment trying to sooth those burns a little. "I guess it's a matter of perspective, I've yet to meet a Klingon who wasn't some kind of fuck up your life crazy, and I like to think that my human half reigns it in though I will admit not by much. I tend to think that current injuries and circumstances aside I would have plenty to offer even as a fake boyfriend."

Jack certainly knew his flaws. "So, why don't you teach me about diplomacy then? I think I've shared more than my fair share about Klingon culture for the moment." Besides he had already strayed far too close to mating habits as a cultural exchange, and it seemed Samantha had... Well she hadn't said no, but anything other than a firm yes kinda hurt that road in his mind, so why not steer the conversation somewhere else. "Lets say next time I get to wear a uniform it's red and part of your diplomatic corps, what's the most important thing I need to remember?"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #17
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

“My bad.” Samantha replied, pulling her lips into an awkward posture for a second, which was intended to convey a remorse she wasn’t really feeling. "You made it sound like I willfully, and spitefully, deprived you of a potential soulmate.” She understood why he had said it. A mere pebble of support to the entirety of his fragile construct of blaming the situation they were in on her subconscious desire for a deeper connection with the damaged Klingon. And while to an extent that blame wasn’t entirely unwarranted, the scope and measure of it seemed grossly overstated by his wayward claims. But illusion was a constant threat to reality and barely distinguishable by one’s self. From past experience, the diplomat had learned, that illusion, however, usually came on the coattails of unattended desires.

“You will likely have plenty of time to prove that.” The officer off-handedly qualified, not hinting at any part of his readily stated ambitions specifically. She for herself was however sure that a boyfriend, fake or otherwise, was not a posting she’d put on official request. “Sure.” The blonde took a deep breath, her shoulders rising and only slowly descending, as the expired air escaped her lungs once more in a slow exhale. “If you want to learn diplomacy, don’t say everything that comes to your mind. Say what you have ascertained your counterpart wants to hear. You’re trying to groom a mutually beneficial relationship; not a lifelong, emotional codependency.”

Letting her blue eyes flicker over his trim, broken physique Samantha tried to imagine him in a command uniform and the thoughts was not entirely repulsive. He asked her what the most important part to remember was and the blonde only had to think about it for a second before drawing something from fresh memory. “I’ll be in charge. There will be no nicknames, no ass grabbing, no second guessing. And if you ever truly wanted to spark up a relationship with someone, you’d be wise to remember that just the same.” She told him sternly, though with a brief levity of teasing, lining the edges of the statement. Not betraying its veracity one bit.

“Also, the hair will have to go.” She made one last dig, nodding at the medieval tresses sparking from his head. Probably a distant call to his original heritage.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #18
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

"Rather the opposite actually if you would listen." He was trying to say that her display at the bar was more or less what a Klingon would have done to profess and claim their soul mate, but he didn't think that his voice would really crack through the wall of ice that Samantha just put up, he mocked offense though when she said that there would be no ass grabbing. His doing so had been a situational tactic to sell the idea that he was in love with this queen of winter as it were. A tactical slip of the hand, with no more intent towards her behind than that of a pure gentleman. But he wasn't going to say that, he just rolled his eyes, both natural and artificial as she spoke.

"I'll concede on the ass grab, such public displays of affection do not need to exist, but for a mutually beneficial relationship to prosper, however I will not yield on the use of nicknames kitten. That goes in the social contract between us." He was not above grabbing a pad and actually sketching out a full on negotiation if that was the language he had to speak to keep the use of his nicknames, they were oddly important to him as a method of communication something he hoped would reach past the vulcan side of her, though honestly she was showcasing a side of her that was not exactly the most open or friendly. "I don't mind taking orders, but I would have hoped that a relationship would share the power equally in some regards. I'm not applying to be your house maid, and last I checked I do not actually work for your department... well at the moment, my options are rather open."

He looked at his long bangs for a moment the wiry dirty blond of his hair despite the fact that he washed it every day suddenly made him seem slightly scraggly compared to her blond wavy locks. "I suppose I could go for a hair cut if that is your demand. That is a place where I am willing to yield a bit more of a concession." He was trying to speak more with the language he had seen diplomats use, but it was unclear if he was doing so sincerely or to mock her as he was still wearing a rather large cheshire grin at the moment, looking at her with amused eyes even if the room did seem to get a little colder.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #19
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Brushing her plush lips together Samantha wasn’t really ever above admitting to a mistake, at least to herself. To the world around her, that was an entirely different case. Which was ironically quite the opposite to how many officers handle critique. Feigning acknowledgment on the outside, promising improvement, only to curse and bicker, inside the privacy of their own minds, over the injustice and misunderstanding imposed on them. So, potentially she had taken his words with just a smidge of human overreaction and imposition of her own judgments upon the more obscure aspects of its meanings. And the simple “Perhaps.” that left her lips quietly, was already more than most people could say they had ever gotten, in terms of personal concessions, from the blonde.

Taking a deep breath, letting her shoulders drop after the heave in a dramatic fashion, the officer squinted her eyes at Jack, gaging the value of this next compromise. “Alright, the ass grab goes, the nicknames stay, but I want final approval over what they are.” Raising her brows with a sly smile she let the offer sink in. And while the notion of penning out a formal agreement like some sort of diplomatic resolution was humorous, she supposed that a verbal contract would suffice. And if Jack, at any point, got the impression that she was being overly aloof right now, well, then that was only a brief gleam of her professional demeanor. As soon as someone threw the world ‘diplomatic’ around or posed the prospect of being educated in the matter, that’s the side that came out. The predominantly Vulcan character. Brought forth by a pass phrase like some conjured spirit.

“I am not saying that conversations like this …” Samantha let her index finger trail between them. “… couldn’t be a discussion among equals. But if I ever were to bring you in an official setting those would be the demands imposed upon you.” Which probably was another concession in its own rite. “And as long as you fair on a Starfleet vessel, even as a civilian, or a pariah, you should concede to an officer’s orders.” she winked, instantly re-evaluating the notion in her mind. The diplomat had intended to give the words a lighter air but had probably overcorrected a little.

Ultimately, a wider smile grew on her face as blue eyes began to sparkle with what could be considered joy, breaking through the Vulcan guard. Not only at his agreement to gussy up a little but also at the monikers he had adopted to do so. Utmost impressive. Reaching her hand out to pat the man’s knee, the blonde had to admit she DID notice her restraints melting away in the light of his kind and good-hearted compromises and efforts, before pulling it back casually. “Congratulations to completing your first negotiation.” she smiled.

Of course, Samantha couldn’t take all credit over Jack coming to this point in his recovery from the past. But she liked to think that it had been a good decision to let the professionalisms be bygone for a bit connect on a more personal level that he could more easily relate to.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #20
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

When Samantha said she wanted approval of the nicknames he nodded to her request. "Then I request the chance to defend my chosen names." He said not wanting to loose either of the names he had already been using. One of them already having some importance to him, while the other was probably something he could afford to loose but he would just end up coming up with something different for her in the long run, and continue to come up with more, so many more his eyes seemed to gleam with mischief at the ideas running about his head.

"There is a difference between when we are alone, and when we are in official capacities I agree." Feeling her hand brush his leg he felt rather proud of himself for having managed to speak on her level for as long as he did. Standing slowly he grabbed his cane and hobbled for a moment towards the replicators though to his credit after some grunts he did manage to walk upright with his head held high, it obviously caused him discomfort and pain to walk, but he did so anyway.

"Would you like anything to drink?" He said walking to the replicator and pushing some buttons. "Lemon ginseng tea, cold with ice cubes." He ordered and took a moment to smell the earth beverage before sipping it feeling a little more refreshed.

"So, to the defense of the nicknames." He said turning towards her for a moment a soft smile on his face. "First, the important one, Kitten, When I look at you, I do see a graceful frame, but more to that, Kittens are cute, I picked it in the moment because aside from just being a name that denotes grace, cuteness, but also a sharp claw, just as I felt when you stepped on my foot." He really was trying to justify the nickname he had originally used in gest, but he also wasn't really lying, it did seem to fit her as he understood her.

"Sammy is of course just a youthful shortening of your name, not to make you feel inexperienced or insulted but to keep things light and fun." Jack said with a slight nod as he sipped the drink. "So what say your veto. Can those names stay?"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #21
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Samantha had to let out a subtle, warm laugh at the expense of Jack’s comment about wanting to defend his nickname choices. The lowered angle and slight shake of her pate, accompanying the notion, however, proved that the blonde was feeling slightly bashful about the sentiment. A part of it surely was that, just minutes ago, she’d been stomping on the Klingon’s foot, defying his every notion to get close to her. And now she was so obviously warming up to the potential future presented. Which was, well – not to ever use that word lightly – a little bit emotionally inconsistent. Looking back up at the man’s dainty features, a far cry from his true genealogical heritage, blue eyes glimmered with a faint sense of joy.

“I wasn’t expecting anything less.” she replied, her voice calm. This penchant to stand his ground, no matter how shakily, was an attribute that would fare him well in diplomacy. As much as it was about making concessions it was also about keeping true to your own ideals and demands. More or less about the finer science of finding the compromise within. She had to admit that she enjoyed the little battle, right there. How they had negotiated a common ground they could now tread on almost entirely carefree. Watching the man stand up shakily, she thought better than to assist him, if only as a lesson taught in the dealings with his race. Or men in general. Eyes ultimately staying on the sofa and then the view from the windows beyond, across the yellow and beige hues of Aldea, the diplomat ultimately answered his query.

Looking over her shoulder with a slightly puzzled expression, she couldn’t help but ultimately chuckle at the oddity of it. “Isn’t that drink a little bit weak for a Klingon?” she smiled, challengingly. Sure, they had moved on to discussing suitable nicknames, but the sentiment of Jack teaching her how to deal with his culture remained an omnipotent matter of ongoing education. “It sounds like something I would like, so hit me up.” Samantha waved casually, furthering her point that it sounded like a ‘girly drink’. Adjusting her position slightly, as the man intended to hold their conversation from the replicator, the woman crossed her legs and leaned back into the couch a little more comfortably. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes too obviously, her diplomatic poker face surely helping a bit.

“Fine, fine.” she conceded with a dismissive wave, intent on stopping the argument out of the sheer desire not to hear the names once more, tonight. “Those two can stay.” Receiving the drink from Jack, the blonde placed on hand flat under the chilled glass protectively, as she took a whiff. Oh geez, that was a strong, fruity note. It made her feel like a Klingon herself, actually. Or maybe all those trial Raktajino’s had just desensitized her taste buds at this point. “I hope you don’t expect me to come up with nicknames for you … I am not that creative.” the commander admitted. “Skippy.”

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #22
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

He raised an eyebrow at Skippy, he supposed it was because of his eye, as it was he was wearing an eye patch to hide the rather unique attribute of his eye. All in all it wasn't the worst nickname he had ever heard, but she could have done better. He bit his tongue before he suggested something dumb in return. "We will workshop it, i'm sure you can do better."

"I feel like I should address an Elephant in the room." He made another drink as she requested and handed it too her. He walked back to the sofa sitting down next to her crossing his legs and once again finding himself rather comfortable in her quarters. "I'm not just a Klingon, I'm also half human. I don't just call you out on being Vulcan, so do be mindful that I am more than just one side of my heritage." While the Klingon was most certainly an important part of his life, and the one he had agreed to teach her on, he also wasn't exactly a full Klingon.

"I'm not exactly one to light incense and start honor rituals in the middle of the room, nor do I pray over a Bat'leth before combat." His chosen career of a scientist did after all reflect more on his human herritage than his Klingon one, but he understood where she was going with that. "Nor do I see you as only an emotionless, creature with only logic to drive you, I'm sure there is plenty human about you as well. Every mix has it's sides."

He was one hundred percent sure he had read a trashy novel like this once. Some story he was trying to recall, a Klingon wounded and close to death finds his savior in the calm steady hands of a vulcan doctor during the Federation cold war. Their cultures and minds clashing till eventually the two had fallen into something akin to love. Finding compassion, warmth, and even passion. He struggled to recall the name of the book. "Or would you prefer the more predominantly dominant klingon side of dealing with things."

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #23
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Senior Officer’s Quarters | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin

Skippy was actually something that had only sprung to Samantha’s mind as some sort of ironic jab at his ability NOT to skip. Least it would provide some comic relief if he tried, she assumed. But since Jack didn’t ask, she didn’t want to elaborate on it. They had moved past that passive aggressive level of subtle digs, she felt like. However, the slight narrowing of eyes returned, as the high maintenance Klingon shelved her first – and potentially only – attempt at coming up with a nickname specific to his very own skills, or shortcomings.

Tilting her head slightly, as the half Klingon talked about ‘the elephant in the room’, which made the diplomat anticipate some sort of pickup attempt once more. Something addressing the potential ‘tension’ between them. But now, the conclusion was a far more peculiar one, given the metaphor used to describe it. “I … know?” she reiterated, pulling her brows together in momentary confusion, while Jack elaborated further. Which soon granted her a slight sense of revelation.

“I did not mean any disrespect. But to be fair, in this little arrangement I value your Klingon side. I got a fair share of humanity myself already, thank you.” she mused with a daring, thin-lipped grin. Not even to further that argument did she get into the logistics of her being only one quarter Vulcan whereas he was half and half. There was no point to be made here, she would respect his wishes, even if she didn’t outright say so.

“No … no. That was pretty spot on.” Samantha replied at his proposed NON-judgment of her part Vulcan heritage. Sure, she truly had embraced both sides, in different settings. But she would’ve understood entirely if all Jack had gotten to see so far was the logical, controlled one – if only a small glimmer of humanity scattered throughout the cracks in the veneer. His further posed question left the blonde somewhat pondering.

“If I wanted to learn how to deal with a Klingon, one might surmise it best to actually deal with a Klingon, not a little cute pirate, that cares about my feelings.” The message was relayed in a tone, somewhere caught between seriousness and just the faintest sense of teasing.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool

Reply #24
[Hi'Jak | Deck 07 | Senior officer quarters] attn: @stardust

Hi'Jak had to remind himself that he was being used for the moment because of his Klingon Heritage, it was useful to be reminded that while he didn't particularly like that half of his biology at the moment it had it's uses and she was right that she needed a Klingon advisor at the moment. Not as she put it a pirate, that gave him a chuckle. "Actually that's a fairly good point, there are many people in the Klingon Empire who would look at my use of Prosthetic as a weakness. My eye was taken from me as was my arm, but in Klingon Culture artificial replacement is frowned upon. The old saying goes: puqwI' vIghaj, or I have a limb to spare in Federation common."

Jack however was able to stand tall without the use of his cane for a bit, and brought himself to his full proud height for a moment. "Posture, and the power you project, are far more important than the words you say or what you imply. Actions for a Klingon will always speak louder than words." She was a diplomat, and an experienced one how did she not already know this, but he still went through it.

"Though many from my world would think I am broken, I can at times still command authority and demand respect because I know how to project my voice and power. In short it's about your branding. The reason Vulcan's have a hard time with this is because they don't know how to raise their voices properly, how to shout at someone." He looked at her, gesturing her to get up from the couch.

"Lets see how you brand yourself, command me, not in a Federation tone."

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