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Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?


STARDATE 57627.71
APRIL 7, 2381
2130 HRS

[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Unlike many of the other new transfers to the Theurgy that had traveled aboard the IKS Vor’Nak out of Deep Space K-7, Kate Foster hadn’t exactly been as thrilled to be surrounded by so many Klingons. There was a general fascination among Starfleet Officers, which Kate did not possess, that was born out of a naive admiration of how simplistic Klingon culture was on the surface, but once you dove beneath that surface you discovered rather quickly how it was far more complicated. Her patience had been more than contested on the prolonged journey, as each night she’d faced a litany of boorish Warriors that had sought to add the young human to their list of conquered women. In turn, she’d offered each of them the same rebuke, lamenting that her preference for non-human males, usually entailed a distinctive forehead feature other than those of Klingon ridges. It was often met with looks of confusion, or outright drunken scorn, or it went so completely over their heads that they’d simply continued to push for relations in futility. It was taxing to say the least, but thankfully it had come to an end upon her arrival at the Aldean Shipyards.

Upon disembarking from the Vor’Nak, Kate had made for Theurgy immediately, not wishing to waste any additional time fending off further aggressive passes made her way, and also in desperate need to wash the stench of grubby hands from her body. Klingons weren’t exactly graceful in their sexual advances. Thankfully, on-boarding procedures weren’t overly complicated, though they did entail some form of a body scan that she’d not experienced prior to her arrival aboard Theurgy, which she imagined had something to do with the situation facing the rogue starship. After being assigned some quarters on Deck-11, and that much needed shower, she’d slipped her slender lithe body into a freshly replicated uniform and made for a scheduled briefing with the ship’s Executive Officer, Commander Ducote. A briefing that was relatively hasty, and which hadn’t afforded her much of an idea of what it was she’d even be doing aboard Theurgy, other than that she was instructed to seek out Lieutenant Elro Kobol , the ship’s Chief Medical Officer for the next part of her acclimatization. An easier said than done task, as the man was busy with something of an emergency medical procedure unfolding in main Med-Bay. Rather politely, given the crisis he was dealing with; patching up some sad man that had been gutted like a fish during some fracas with the Klingons, he’d instructed Kate to meet him in the ship’s ‘Spearhead Lounge’ at 2130 for something of an informal meeting.

The deferral only continued to bother her however, as she went about finding some means to kill some time; yet no one was willing to tell her where her half-brother was. She’d still not been given access to personnel files, and thus far, everyone she’d asked had been unable to tell her where he was, and on a ship as big as Theurgy was, he could’ve been anywhere. Though, she was starting to worry that maybe she wasn’t finding him, because he wasn’t there after all; that maybe Admiral Anderson had simply told her exactly what he needed in order to get her to accept the posting. Truth be told, she would have likely still accepted the posting regardless of Stellan’s involvement but getting the chance to at least see and hear from her half-brother once more, was an important benefit. Even if they never really got along very well, and hadn’t also parted on the best of terms, some three years earlier when she had rather indelicately told him to ‘Fuck off and die!’ Words that at the time she’d felt adamantly comfortable with but had since grown increasingly regretful over. It hadn’t helped as the silence permeated between them, until she lost all track of him entirely as Theurgy was declared rogue.

At least maybe now, with a moment to speak with Lieutenant Kobol , she’d be able to figure out what she was doing here. Where Stellan was, and why everyone had been so hush-hush about him so far. Had he done something wrong? Had he pissed the people of this ship off, the way he could seemingly piss anyone off? Or, had her painfully scornful sentiment transpired into a reality, and he was dead? The thought had crossed her mind, and she was steadying herself for that possibility.

“No... there’s no way that asshole is dead before my career is entirely ruined. He’s too stubborn to allow that.” She said to herself as she stared down into the glass of kanar set on the table before her, delicately slender fingers spinning it absently as she waited for Kobol  to arrive. It was a quietly peaceful late-evening in the lounge, as only a few other Officers she’d not yet had the chance to meet were milling about. The Aldean planet scape back-dropped among a billion pinpricks of light only added to the overall soothing ambiance of the lounge. Maybe she’d frequent this place a little during her stay aboard ship. Though, there may yet have been other facilities that were just as conducive to a peaceful evening. Maybe even a few that weren’t, which also piqued her interest. A thought which passed as she saw the handsome Chief Medical Officer emerge through one of the sets of double-doors, causing her to sit up a little more straightly. A curious eyebrow raising over one of her tangerine-hued eyes as she felt a cursory attraction to the man from the get-go. Raising her hand, she waved him over so as join her at the table she’d been seated at.

“Dr. Kobol , thank you.” She greeted him, standing to offer him a professional handshake before she re-took her seat.

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Office of the Chief Medical Officer | Deck 11, Main Sickbay | "The Sword" USS Theurgy ]

He glanced up to see the main surgical bay and frowned. Why put an office and a main surgical bay in the same room? It was a question he’d ask himself every time he entered. Elro read over the initial medical reports of medical files updated for those who had been in Main Sickbay or one of the Battle Sickbays over the last day or so. He still needed to assign a Head Nurse and have a new Multi-Vector Assault Mode roster, so that should the Captain decide to go multiple vectors again, his department would know who went where.

This also would give his staff the option of requesting which vector they’d serve on the next time. Just then he recalled that a new surgeon had come aboard from being ferried to Aldea by the Klingons from their sponsor Admiral Anderson. If Elro ever meets the man he would give him a hug, protocol be damned. He’d be forever grateful to the Director of Covert Operations for helping the Theurgy crew with their mission and sending personnel as the ship will always need crew. A side effect was that sending personnel also put them out of the possibility of becoming Infested, after his brief reflection on his experience with Nicander he could understand now that it is not something he’d wish upon anyone.

Elro had been assisting where he could with the klingon’s treatment, the new officer had come in during the early stages of surgery and while Doctor Hernandez had all in hand, Elro wanted to observe. He asked the new officer to meet him later. Now was later and Elro frowned, he better go and so left his office. He greeted every single crew member on the way to the lounge, Elro had received some double takes as he continued on his way. Some of them may have heard he was a cold man but now they weren’t so sure.

[ Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | "The Helmet" ] Attn: @Swift

Once inside the lounge Elro looked around for the woman who had come during the surgery and it didn’t take long as she waved him over upon the two making eye contact. Elro walked over, she thanked him, probably for opportunity to joining the crew he supposed.

Elro accepted her hand, and a brief shake later he gestured to the empty chair. ”May I join you?” Of course after her permission was given did the Betazoid sit down, he gently opened his extrasensory receptors allowing him to pick up surface thoughts and any emotions that were plugged into those thoughts. He was still actively in the process of remaking himself into a better man, before he’d point his telepathy at whoever he was talking to and read thoughts but now he endeavoured to take someone at their word but if he detected a lie that could affect the crew or the ship he’d have to confront them about it.

He produced a padd from his Teal coat pocket and tapped at the control. ”Now, I must advise against thanking me just yet,” Elro smirked. ”For we must chat and you may not like where it goes.”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“Please.” She beckoned him to take a seat opposite of her at the table, before settling back down softly, her hands interlacing themselves as they came to a rest on the surface, and she leant forward to offer him an attentive ear.

She hadn’t yet been overtly on guard around him, despite his Betazoid nature, as she hadn’t found it immediately necessary to be so. As far as she was concerned, he was a colleague whom she could trust to be respectful with his telepathic abilities. Abilities which would have detected a mild-surface attraction, which was understandable given his handsome stature, physique, and features. Especially given the facet that Kate was seemingly unaware of his alternative preference when it came to romantic matters. Regardless of all of that, that mild attraction was not of an unprofessional kind, as Kate knew there were restrictions and protocols that would have been at play between them, even if she wasn’t to be a member of his Medical staff, though she had an idea that she would, and had hoped that idea was correct. With a deep exhale she let herself relax a little, expecting an exchange of some parliamentary pleasantries before indulging into the matter most directly at hand, but it was evident that Kobol  wasn’t of the same mind.

Raising one of her sharp brows, Kate was a little taken aback by the advisement, a sense of nervousness coming to her as he seemed intent on inspecting the more controversial aspects of her past.

“Umm, yeah sure... sorry, I just meant to thank you for seeing me.” She tried to explain.

Whatever comfort there had been, was now suddenly gone from her as she instinctively tensioned her delicate fingers together and braced for whatever admonishing questions, he might raise of her. It wasn’t the first time she’d faced such scrutiny, and certainly wouldn’t be the last time either, but it didn’t change the fact that each time her troubled past was brought up it only added to the guilt, and regret that was harbored within. She knew she’d never escape that damaged personal record, but she also reminded herself that she didn’t need to. That everyone made mistakes in life, and that she shouldn’t let someone judge her unfairly because of them. Shifting her weight in her seat, she suddenly seemed a little more guarded now, as if ready to be somewhat defiant in her responses if she so needed to be. There was a reminder in the back of her mind however, that was warning her to keep her contentious nature at bay, as Kobol  was the Chief Medical Officer, and if she were going to find a position of work aboard, she’d need to get it from him.

Also, if she wanted to find out where her brother was, she was going to need to remain amicable with someone in the know.

“I understand, Sir.” The formality of her tone already having shifted away from the overtly cordial one it had originally consisted of. “I’ll try and answer any questions or concerns you may have. To the best of my ability.” She swallowed audibly at the lump in her throat, suddenly wishing she had ordered something a little lighter than a Kanar, as her throat felt dry, and the thicker Cardassian syntheholic-beverage wouldn’t do her any favors if she indulged. There was a momentary silence as he appraised his PADD, and Kate noticed the manner in which her hands were fidgeting. Stopping herself, she withdrew them from the table and offered a bit of an awkward smile, trying to appear less nervous than she was, but failing to do so. This was starting off just wonderfully, she thought to herself, realizing that maybe she’d have been better off staying back within the fold, instead of coming all the way out here to be shut down, and told off by yet another superior Officer that wanted nothing to do with her.

Visibly she shook her head in an effort to dismiss the thought, realizing how unfair she was being in her immediate assessment of things. She’d not even known the man two minutes, and she was ready to ascribe all the other negative interactions she’d had with superiors upon him. It wasn’t fair of her, and she needed to correct the measure immediately, or it might have leant itself to her contentiousness.

“Sorry...” she apologized again, realizing how oddly she was behaving.

“...please go on.”

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | "The Helmet" USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Unfortunately now was not the time to inform his newest medical officer about his romantic preferences as he had picked up on the mild attraction at the beginning of the meeting. Who wouldn’t find him attractive? Elro mused as he took very good care of his body to be the best he can be, well within his schedule.

”Ah,” Elro frowned. ”I do apologise then Lieutenant Foster for my misinterpreting your gratitude.” He smiled again as it meant he was not relying on his telepathy but he could have avoided such a grievance to Kate as she had seemed to become more nervous and tense. Hopefully his apology may put that all to rest again.

Elro didn’t want their first meeting filled with negativity. He made a quick read of her service record and while there was unpleasantness there, that was the past and right now that did not matter. Well in his opinion as they needed as much help as they could get to expose the Parasites, defeating them was a different matter entirely. Though he did notice something, she had a relative onboard, Counselor Stellan Foster? He was in Stasis due to injuries that his staff didn’t know how to mend.

Though he decided to let that subject come up naturally, when he looked up he found Kate shaking her head. It seemed that her thoughts were running away with her. He had to smile at how humans often allowed that to happen. Betazoids were more disciplined of mind and body, of course because they had to deal with them being psionics and being careless or not knowing they are being careless while among other cultures. That could lead to lots of issues for both sides. Elro cleared his thoughts and returned to Kate.

He raised an eyebrow as he watched her. She quickly apologised again and pleaded for the meeting to continue. ”No need to apologise, I thank you for your cooperative spirit, while we are quite an intense crew once you get to know everyone I can assure you that many will become friends.” He said hoping to alleviate some of her concerns that she may not be aware of soon. ”Now, I hope Admiral Anderson had informed you of all the details of our mission?”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Simply put, Kate didn’t know what all to expect from this little interview/discussion with the ship’s Chief Medical Officer. Of course she’d hoped that maybe he would reveal the information relevant to the whereabouts of her brother, and maybe even offer her a position as a surgeon aboard Theurgy, but when he seemed almost reticent upon finding her in the ‘Spearhead Lounge’, those hopes diminished somewhat. At least until he could sense the confusion, and the concern apparent in her face, and perhaps even on the surface of her emotions. He was after all, a Betazoid and could detect such things, if he so chose to, and she wasn’t so sure as to how strong her emotionality was coming across from a peripheral standpoint. All the same, she was nervous about where this might go, even after he had tried to disarm that nerve with an apology of his own, and a reassurance that he’d appreciated her cooperation thus far.

“Of course. Thank you, Sir.” She said simply, offering a genuinely appreciative smile to him.

Whether or not she would get the opportunity to truly get to know the crew, as he so described them, was up to him. She was at his mercy now, after having been passed off by the ship’s Executive Officer. Whatever was to become of her, would have to come at his behest.

“Yes. The Admiral, who... umm, well is something of an intense individual himself, described the situation. I... have to be honest, I was a little... hesitant... to believe it all at first. Because it seemed so fantastical in scope. But his conviction was clear.” She took a moment to herself, tangerine-eyes averting their focus of him for the slightest of moments as she tried to find the right way of explaining it. “And I guess... I mean, when I could sense that conviction in his voice, it just kind of convinced me. Is that strange?” she asked rhetorically, her fingers finding that same neglected glass of kanar on the table before her. She contemplated taking a sip, though against remembered how dry her throat was already. “I don’t know, I guess that probably seems crazy, right?” Sensing herself rambling, she looked to digress back to the point at hand. “But. Yes, to answer your question. I’m... aware... of the details of the mission.” Those details were of course something rather frightful to her, which sent a shiver up her back.

“He, however, wasn’t exactly clear on what I would be doing here when I arrived. I mean, I’m a surgeon. No doubt your report explains that, as well as some other... aspects... of my life.” She averted her gaze again. “But it was never made implicitly, or even explicitly clear that I would pick up that position upon my arrival here.” There was a truth to that, as the Admiral had been overtly vague about her duties, if any, when she arrived. All that he offered was the ‘truth’ of the situation facing Theurgy, and the promise that she’d discover the fate of her brother when she got there. Of which, she had yet to ascertain. “I would like to think, that you would have use of my skills as a surgeon but understand if you have some reservations.” She knew her reputation and knew how other Medical professionals viewed what she had done, and how she had done it. Performing surgeries on members of the Ontario’s crew, while under the influence of narcotics was brazenly stupid, and outright reprehensible. But it didn’t change the fact that it had happened, and Kate knew it as such. She simply couldn’t change her past to escape it. She could only accept the consequences of her actions, which she had, and move forward, which she was.

Looking to him again, she awaited the next part of their interaction, ready to face his judgements if necessary. Though, she had a feeling they were to be far more fair in scope, than she had perhaps originally theorized.

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | "The Helmet" Vector 01 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Elro didn’t like that he was causing his newest recruit to be so nervous. He had picked up on one reason and that was her brother but he didn’t feel like it was his place to bring that up. He had an idea that may help her as she spoke about the Admiral.

The Betazoid hoped that he’d meet the Director of Covert Operations one day to know, hopefully without too much chaos caused by the Parasites in the meantime. He already planned to hug Anderson anyway. He mentally grinned at how that may play out in a few moments before he returned to their conversation.

”Lieutenant, please speak honestly and whatever is on your mind. I appreciate when my staff are honest with me and share their thoughts,” Elro chuckled as he realised what he just said. ”You know what I mean,” he added then became serious again and addressed things Kate spoke of.

”If you wish for proof of the Parasites and the threat they pose, I can introduce you to what visual feeds we have of an Infested. Though I may have to clear it with the Captain first,” Elro frowned. ”We all were shocked and unbelievers when we found out.” He smiled then.

”Believe me, it is all true and we are now running out of time,” desperation bloomed on his face as he replayed the multiple memories of the feed of Nicander’s Parasite speaking through him, twice, the Parasite saving his predecessor and Elro performing surgery on him, all the events they all had endured, after he joined Theurgy, may have been at the machinations of the Parasites and the pressure of saving the galaxy began to force the Betazoid to slouch and a tear fell down his cheek. It was a larger scope of what he could process as the concept came to him but he is mind was too jumbled up in that moment to really come to terms with it all. The wetness on his face he focused on and mentally gave those who they lost a moment of respectful silence. He didn't wipe it away, he felt it was to honor those lost to fuel the darkness.

His imagination immediately went to the worst thing and that was a flash of Derik killed somehow then worse, Infested in the same way Nicander had described. That only reinforced his decision about the Trill and would not waste any more time and put those decisions into actions. Elro blinked as he realised he let his imagination grab him and was pulling him with it. He quickly refocused and emptied his mind of all but the current situation.

Then Kate’s words registered, Anderson didn’t tell whoever he sent the positions they were expecting to serve as? Elro wondered why. Perhaps he wanted to leave some discretion up to the Captain and maybe there might not be a lot of options for what professions officers had that weren’t compromised by the Parasites. It made sense so the Admiral sent whoever he could save.

”Apologies, you have joined us at a trying time and it will get more intense. Please, you are welcome to talk to me or, meet with a counselor about anything as soon as it starts to hinder you in any way. We are all in this together and I'm sure you can appreciate how glad we all are for your help. We need as much as we can get. As for your past, as long as it doesn't interfere with your duties here on Theurgy then that is where it will stay, in the past. We lost our Chief Surgeon so if you agree I’d like you to fill the position Lieutenant Foster.” Elro smiled. He sat back attempting to relax and find the joy in life in the face of so much darkness that was coming otherwise what was the point of fighting.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Though she’d been a little taken aback by the bluntness of the Chief Medical Officer upon his initial arrival, Kate had started to ease up and relax somewhat, in no small part by his own easing and relaxed notion. She appreciated the fact that he had picked up her discomfort and was trying to try and ease the tension that had settled within her mind. The perception of which, at least as far as she was concerned, leant itself to his status as a dutiful healer in his own right. That it wasn’t just the physical well-being of his fellows that he sought to ensure, but also their mental well-being too.

“No, it’s not that I don’t believe it. I mean, at first, I had trouble with it, but... since then I’ve read through some reports that were forwarded onto me by the Admiral, and it just like... it all makes sense... the strange things happening at Command.” She attempted to explain how she had come to terms with the overall gravity of the situation back at Starfleet Command, and how she would factor into it. It all read like some crazed conspiracy theorists jumbled up puzzle, except the pieces of this one actually seemed to fit when you laid them all out before you. Even if she hadn’t been coaxed into joining Theurgy by the added benefit of reconnecting with Stellan, she might well have still opted into such an assignment. If anything, Kate had an appreciation for unconventional postings, as evidenced by the three-years she’s spent on Cardassia Prime, following the end of the Dominion War.

She could see a similar internal conflict within the man as he sat across from her, and though he could read her thoughts at will, given his telepathic abilities, she felt as though in the moment she could at least gather an idea as to his own, just by how outwardly they were affecting him. A subtle tear streaming down one of his cheeks may well have been an anthology on which she could base some sentiment of commonality with him. Yet in a heroic sense, he seemed to ignore his own struggles, and instead offered to return the focus to hers. A genuinely touching consideration on his part, and one that instantly endeared Kobol  to her, as again it further compounded her perception of him as a dutiful healer. A most admirable of traits, and one that brought with it a profound sense of respect for the man.

“I appreciate your concern, truly.” She said sweetly, one of her delicate hands reaching out to gently touch against his his more masculine ones, not out of any forward gesture, but one meant to extol some semblance of comfort, and that commonality she felt a moment earlier.

“...and I more than appreciate not having had to actually probe you on the matter; not having to flat-out ask ‘Do I get the Job?’ or any some such thing. But I can promise you that my past will not interfere with my ability in serving this crew, or its mission.” The opportunity to serve as Chief Surgeon was something, she was more than appreciative to embrace and accept, as it represented another chance to further distance herself from a past full of mistakes. If she was ever going to repay the considerable debt that she felt she had owed to fate for having allowed her to make it this far in life, then she’d need opportunities like the one Elro Kobol  had just extended to her. But most of all, she needed to live up to expectations. No small task, but Kate felt confident that she could continue to evolve and grow as a person, leaving behind that old damaged self to be eventually forgotten.

Withdrawing her hand a moment later, Kate leant back a little in her chair as she took a second to compose herself, and determine how best to approach the subject she still needed answers to. “I do however have... one question... since you made the offer to field them earlier. So far, everyone has been kind of... hush-hush... regarding my brother, Stellan, who as far as I know, is a member of this crew.” Finally finding a needed to indulge in a sip of her beverage for some liquid courage, and reassurance that she could deal with whatever the reality of the situation truly was, Kate hastily brought her glass of Kanar to her lips, and downed what was left of the nectar-thick Cardassian beverage.

Clearing her throat audibly, though not entirely of the dryness held within it, her voice came with a slight ras“But I haven’t been able to find him yet. Is there something I’m missing? Like... is he dead?” It was certainly a possibility, but something told her he wasn’t. She was hoping that Kobol  might confirm that assumption for her, and perhaps explain what had happened to Stellan.

“Or is there something else I need to know?”

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | "The Helmet" Vector 01 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

”I wish we knew the extent of the Parasites’ infestation on Starfleet Command, any scope of their corruption could help us figure out some plan of attack.” Elro said as his hands on the tabletop became fists. A sign of anger and powerlessness warred inside the Chief Medical Officer as his fresh revelations about his life and decisions to change himself also battled with how he was with what he wanted to be. Though his journey of personal growth was his own path, though he could get help along the way, he could only do it alone.

When Kate’s hand touched his Elro smiled at her in appreciation that he now felt to match hers, ”I only want to make it very clear that joining us has now, effectively, cut off your life back home and any advancement in Starfleet until we can figure out a way to defeat our enemy. The Parasites could do just about anything to punish us for giving them resistance and I think it will be worse than exile which they have already done to us.” Elro said though quickly added. ”It’s not too late to just run and find somewhere safe for yourself and anyone you can save along the way, unless you are sure you want to fight with us, we have a partial method of detecting the Parasites it can be fatal to the hosts.”

He wanted to give anyone new to Theurgy the option of early escape from a life on the run and constant battle against not only their own forces but other powers being manipulated by the Parasites that are now after them. The Captain had given that same option to him and his fellow Endeavour crewmates, looking back he may have taken that option, though he realised that not only he wanted to fight back but Derik may have been part of that reason as well. Elro didn’t want to lose the only person that he’d had, no has, feelings for and being a medical officer he could heal the Trill flyboi.

The departure of Kate’s hand brought Elro’s focus back to the meeting. He chastised himself for not devoting his full attention on the new Chief Surgeon. ”Ah yes, I regret that it wasn’t something they felt they could tell you. It was my duty to do so. Counselor Stellan Foster sustained heavy injuries during the Theurgy's initial escape from the Parasites that control Starfleet Command, none of our current skill levels in surgery or knowledge of his injuries were enough to heal him. So the former Chief Medical Officer put him into Stasis alive, then I took over as Chief Medical Officer, recently, we have to be certain that we can operate quickly to save him if we thaw him. I have yet to determine that.” That’s when he realised that this couldn’t be a coincidence, Stellan’s sister coming aboard and being a skilled Surgeon. Elro began to wonder about Anderson’s choice in Kate, he probably knew about their list of Stasis occupancy and, in two birds with one stone style, set it up to be a surprise for Kate that she could save her brother as well as the other crew members awaiting medical attention that was out of reach at the moment.

Elro smiled, the Rear Admiral seemed to have everything in hand. The Betazoid wondered when Kate would come to the same conclusion as to her purpose for being sent to the Theurgy, he kept his smile on but didn’t say anything about it.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

The offer had been made; Kate would have a definitive role to play in helping the Theurgy and its mission. The fact of which was fine, but where or how they were to go about stymying their enigmatic opposition wasn’t exactly something that she had much expertise in, not to mention it was a bit above her paygrade. If anything, such determinations would come at the behest of the man sitting before, and the rest of the Senior Staff. Kate of course wished she could offer him the answers that he, and likely many others were seeking, but the simple truth of the matter was that she knew just as little, if not less than any of them. The gravity of the situation was something that had yet to truly sink in for her, though in due time it would. She imagined that when that time came, she would find herself in as aggravated a mood as Elro had seemed. It must have been awful to know an indisputable proof of great magnitude, yet have been wholly unable to share that proof, and in fact be on the run for your very life because of it.

It was utterly confounding to the odds of their mission, and how they were stacked woefully against them.

Still, as she listened to the handsome Chief Medical Officer attempt to explain the realities of his situation, and by extension what would amount to hers if she so accepted his offer, Kate found herself feeling more determined in her decision, than she had prior to it. Only the good made such considerations for others in times of such trouble and need; effectively trying to shield others from the harshness of the reality that they existed within. It was an endearing effort, that had was already benefitting the young woman with confidence in the decision she was making. She knew, that even if she could have gone back, and perhaps maybe she could have, that she wouldn’t be able to live with herself, knowing that she’d turned away from such truth. To have let the fate of the Federation, and in fact the whole of Galactic Civilization face an impending doom without aiding in that effort. She wasn’t necessarily a fighter by trade, but she was in spirit, and that facet of who she was reinforcing her as she approached an acceptance of fate.

“I... appreciate your sentiment, Doctor Kobol . I do.” She began, taking a moment to look about the immediate confines of the ‘Spearhead Lounge’ and the few other patrons that were within it. “But, what kind of a person would I be, if I ran and hid from the truth? If I let you, and everyone else fight for me, without offering my hand in support?” The question of course rhetorical, as he could have sensed her feelings on the matter, either through his empathic abilities, or by the look of wariness that was beheld on the sharp features of her face. “I suppose I would be the kind of person that isn’t a welcome part of your staff, and considering I’m going to take you up that offer, it be an utter impossibility for me to fit that description.” She smiled, happy to officially acknowledge and accept Elro’s offer to serve as the new Chief Surgeon of the Theurgy. A position that she’d fulfilled in previous assignments and was more than capable of fulfilling here and now.

Grasping her glass of kanar once more, Kate threw back the last of the viscous beverage as a pseudo-salute to the man, and as a means of cementing her decision to accept the posting.

Yet the conversation soon shifted to that of what had been a primary motivator in getting Kate to come to the Theurgy, that of discovering the fate of her estranged half-brother. Though only after the Doctor tore himself away from a momentary distraction, of which she hadn’t the slightest clue to, but she imagined there were more than a few deep thoughts that pervaded his Betazoid mind. Bracing herself as he began to detail the matter of Stellan for her, Kate held her breath expecting the worst, but somehow hopeful for the best. Of course, reality lay somewhere in the midst, as Elro explained how Stellan had been severely wounded when the rogue-starship had been attacked; that his injuries were of the sort which demanded a decidedly skilled an practiced pair of hands that they had been without, and also the time necessary to make such a procedure. There were no guarantees that Kate represented that set of hands either, as skilled as she was, some injuries were still beyond the scope of only the very best and brightest in Starfleet Medical.

Taking a moment to exhale at the revelation that at least Stellan wasn’t outright dead, Kate immediately began to formulate plans as to how she might go about assessing his situation, and whether or not she could actually intervene and potentially bring him out of Cryostasis. The immediate memory of her 'parting-words' came to mind for a moment, before she dismissed them, as it was an exceedingly hurtful thing to think of. “I understand. I am... relieved that he’s not dead.” She said, honestly a little surprised by how genuine that sense of relief was, as Kate and her brother had never truly been close. In fact, as a person she had generally disliked or even flat-out hated him. But he was family, and she loved him all the same because of it. “I’d like to explore his status, and if possible, schedule the procedure necessary to bring him out of it. Once I have access to the Medical Database that is.” A matter that would need to be seen to by Elro, but which wouldn’t taken much more than making her position aboard Theurgy a formality.

It hadn’t yet dawned on her, the duality of why she had come to Theurgy, but it would eventually.

“With your permission of course, Sir?”

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | "The Helmet" Vector 01 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

”I am glad that you still wish to join us.” Elro said as his hands on the tabletop relaxed and the Betazoid leaned back in his chair. He knew he couldn’t solve all their problems, well medical ones, quickly so decided to just take it one day at a time.

Now it was about her brother, if he had one he’d probably do the same thing she has done. Elro realised he had the wish that he had siblings, maybe he’d be a different man if that was the case. They could have helped him with all the social stuff, maybe.

”About your brother, I suggest you read over the medical files and we can look into the operation for tomorrow, it is late now and you just arrived.” Elro said. ”He’s not going anywhere, rest up and we will brief the nurses in the morning.” He knew the anticipation from her was high, though that would be how he’d be if his sibling was alive but needed his help to save.

”I will formally report you are now Chief Surgeon and organise your access after this, as I said I suggest you settle into your quarters. Thea can assist you with the medical files if you cannot sleep, I know I wouldn’t be able to if I could save my sibling.” Elro said as if waiting for the AI to appear at the sound of her name and offer help.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Kate offered something of a reassuring and appreciative smile to Elro as he made the suggestion that she try and put it out of mind until at least the morning, as indeed she’d been running on little sleep as it was. With a nod, she tilted the pate of her head ever so slightly to admire the general beauty of the ‘Spearhead Lounge’ and the aesthetic of Theurgy. She found herself enamored with the feeling already, and if anything felt a welcoming, which she hadn’t encountered in a rather surprisingly long time. Either Kobol  was a genuinely nice man, and willing to give Kate the opportunity to prove herself, or he and the Theurgy were so desperate that her checkered past hadn’t even registered enough to warrant extensive inspection. Or both, she pondered. Either way, she was at ease finally, and indeed was glad to have accepted the offer/assignment that Admiral Anderson had forwarded to her.

“Yeah, I suppose he’s kind of staying put. True enough, I could really use a good night’s rest. Klingon beds really aren’t meant for me.” She mused.

“I’ll review the relevant files, and also get to know the Surgical staff tomorrow. I may wait until at least Tuesday to perform the operation. An extra day to run through a practice run in one of the holodecks it probably a good idea.” Kate had run through a plethora of surgical procedures during her career, but she imagined that whatever was ailing her step-brother was of the degree that merited dutiful preparation on her part. Monday would be best served getting up to speed with what the medical records revealed, as well as coming to an understanding with the team that she’d be working with from now on. She likely only had one opportunity to save Stellan’s life, and though she didn’t necessarily like the man, she did love him as a sibling. She’d already experienced the guilt of having directly caused the death of her sister, and it had nearly undone her entirely. Going through it all over again would have likely been an end to her.

“I will of course keep you apprised of the situation as I review it and ensure that you approve any procedures before I go through them.” She took a moment to touch at her empty glass and thought better about ordering a second round. “I look forward to working with you, and the rest of the team, Lieutenant Kobol . I think I’m going to like it here.” She smiled to him once more.

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | "The Helmet" Vector 01 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

”As do I, you Lieutenant and I’m glad you remember we still follow Starfleet protocols and regulations even though we are considered traitors and no longer officially part of the fleet.” Elro said as he wanted to make sure that while they did now seem to take on a more roguish lifestyle, it was not.

He smiled a moment later. ”Have you been given your quarters yet? In the morning we can tour the medical facilities onboard then organise your brother.” Elro said as he stood and offered his hand as if to make it feel more official of an appointment.

Well this went well and they now have a surgeon specialist, another idea came to mind. ”If you wish to see your brother, I can authorise that, but you’ll have to go with one of the support staff?” Elro asked with soft eyes and sympathetic expression.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Kate nodded as Kobol  echoed her sentiment before expanding on and re-iterating his intent to remain in adherence of Starfleet guidelines and protocol. She expected nothing less and was hoping for exactly that when she’d accepted the posting. Structure was a good thing, especially in times of great calamity and crisis, as the Galaxy so seemed to be in the moment. It offered something that she, and others could latch onto for support when things grew their most difficult, and when you were tested the most. “Uhh, yes sir. The quarter-master put me up on deck eight.” She explained, smiling sweetly. “I haven’t yet had a chance to meet my neighbor, but at some point, I’m sure I’ll happen across them. Whoever they are.” Overcome with a sudden yawn of exhaustion, Kate was relatively surprised to feel so tired, though perhaps the level of comfort that Elro had helped establish with this meeting would mean she’d actually be able to find a modicum of rest this evening.

“That sounds good, Sir. Thank you. I’ll try and get an early rise and get acquainted with the ship then. For now, I think I’ll retire for the night.” She breathed in deeply, looking about the lounge once more. “Unless there’s something more you wish to discuss, or convey?” There truthfully wasn’t much more that she imagined she could accomplish with regards to her brother or his situation this evening, and the more she thought about it, a good night’s sleep was something she desperately needed and in fact wanted. “Or is there something you need from me?” She brought one of her delicate hands to the back of her neck as she tilted the pate of her head, stretching out a muscle gently, while her tangerine-eyes shifted to catch glimpse of a passing Klingon cruiser as it moved by one of the viewports.

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | "The Helmet" Vector 01 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Elro had to ponder on the question for a few moments. There wasn’t really anything he could think he wanted from Kate, it was latish now so he should let her go and go to bed himself. ”Nothing really,” Elro said as he stood and offered his hand.

He smiled. ”Welcome aboard again and I’ll see you in the morning.” Elro added.

Elro’s thoughts wandered into the consideration of going to Derik’s quarters unannounced instead of his own, to see the Trill. Was he actually ready for such an encounter? Would Derik take him back after Elro had dropped the relationship for career?

The thoughts of what ifs and hopes continued to play around in his head as he stood there, not being aware of his surroundings. He blinked a few times as he realised he was paused in place a little too long. ”Yeah I think I need sleep. Sweet dreams Lieutenant.” He smiled embarrassedly and walked off into the corridor heading to his quarters.

There will be time later to think about Derik.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 28 [2130 hrs.] - Do I get the job?

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Spearhead Lounge | Deck 14 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Kate could see that there was a thought bothering the Lieutenant, though he didn’t seem comfortable elaborating on it. Understandable, given how new she was, and how personal a matter it clearly was. She just hoped that whatever it was, it was something that he could cope with, and would resolve itself in due time. Indeed, the blonde surgeon had only just met her new Chief of Medicine, but she had an intuition that she would grow to like and appreciate Dr. Kobol  as her immediate superior.

“Thank you, Doctor Kobol . I’m glad to be here.” It was an odd thing to admit to, but seemed genuine enough, which surprised her a little.

As he hovered above where he had been seated for a long moment, contemplating further on whatever it was which harangued his consciousness, Kate had considered to ask him directly about it, but when he wished her a good evening, she instead opted to let it rest. Perhaps later on, when they were more familiar with each other, maybe even friendly, she would seek to inspect that which he was lost in thought over. But for now, it was better to let the man have the peace of his thoughts. “Thanks. Umm... sleep well, Doctor.” She echoed the warmth of his sentiment as he turned about to leave her be, one of the last few still lingering in the quiet confines of the ‘Spearhead Lounge’. Peering about a moment, she suddenly felt a loneness settle in, as the unfamiliar surroundings felt daunting to her. She had left her life behind, what little of it she hadn’t destroyed anyway; and traveled halfway across Federation space to join this rogue starship on their insane mission. The thought was terrifying, and sent a chill throughout Kate’s lithe form, prompting her to cross her arms over her chest.

A minute or so later, after the bar steward had retrieved the pair of empty glasses from her table, Kate felt the impetus to call it a night and stood from her seat, timidly leaving the lounge as she considered the uncertain future that awaited her aboard the USS Theurgy.


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