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Topic: Day 30 [1400 hrs.] Waking up from a cold sleep (Read 7459 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 30 [1400 hrs.] Waking up from a cold sleep

[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward] Attn: @Nolan

Drugged sleep didn't involve a lot of memories or dreams. In and out of pain, circling death, freezing cold to finally being warm some time later, by the time he was awake he was unsure what was real. Waking up in the recovery ward as life returned to him after multiple surgeries he wasn't sure what was going on. He felt like he was still half dead. Still he was able to explore himself a bit, and looking around his surroundings as he came too he noticed he was in a Starfleet medical facility.

So he was aboard the Theurgy? He was alive? So many questions raced through his mind, as he started to set up he felt pain shoot through his abdomin. A nurse came over to him to inform him the extent of damage due to the botched execution. His body had been cut almost in half, breaking several of his key organs. The process of reviving him had taken two days, with a dip into suspension in order to repair some of the more extreme damage while he was stable, but he was still recovering. He had lost a lot of strength in his core, the muscles had been reattatched and his organs repaired but regeneration did not repair a muscle to it's former strength he would need weeks of physical therapy in order to get back on his feet.

But he was alive physically. Legally not so much the klingnon empire had declared him dead by martok's hand in the right of vengeance, the Federation had considered him dead since starbase 84's explosion.

Both Hi'Jak and Jack were legally dead, yet somehow the man had managed to dodge death twice.

So he laid back on the bed, told that he needed to take things easy for the moment. "someone will be along to explain the legalities now that you are awake, for now these are your medications for the pain, and to encourage muscle growth, You will also have two hours physio in our rehab gym every day for the foreseeable future. However we don't need to keep you under observation. You will be free to go."

Go where? Jack was a phantom now, he officially had nothing not even his name.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #1
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward] Attn: @Masorin 

Having started her shift with standard paperwork, Kythalie didn't have much on her plate other then that. One of her senior officers asked if she were up for a trivial task. The Betazoid had agreed to it as everything was better than sitting at a desk in the security center. She had som downtime on Aldea and had enjoyed the free time, yet on a work level, things were quite dull for the moment. With a PADD in hand she moved away from the security center to move over to Sickbay.

The trip to it was quite uneventful. Crew that she often met in the corridors greeted her warmly now and she greeted them back in similar fashion. Some of the male crew did keep looking at her and even when she had passed them they'd look after her as she knew that she was easy on the eyes. Even more so for the males when she was wearing the skirted uniform instead of the pants edition. Again, she favored them for freedom and to feel less confined in the tight fabric of the standard uniform, nothing more to it really. Her hair had been put into braids and hung loosely along her shoulders and back.

When the Turbo stopped at deck 11, she stepped out and was greeted by the buzz that always seem to hang around Sickbay. She walked over to the nurse's station to inquire where she might find this Hi'Jak that she was meant to inform and when given the directions she thanked the woman before walking further.

Sickbay had memories, good and bad ones. The last memory that stuck with her of this place was one of the back rooms. The room where she had seen Eboh die in the end to Borg corruption. She moved her hand over her neck, feeling the spot where she had been inoculated as a result of being attacked by Borg herself while trying to protect those that were working for a cure. A chill ran down her spine and she looked away from the corridor as she made her way over to the recovery ward.

Speaking to one of the nurses in said ward she was given clearance to enter and speak to Hi'Jak. She walked over to his biobed and stopped at the feet end of it as she smiled professionally "Good afternoon. Are you Hi'Jak?" she inquired before introducing herself "My name is PO2 Kythalie Benmual, Security. I was sent over to walk you through your new privileges as a civilian as well as to assign you to new quarters." she said almost as if it were rehearsed, though still with a certain warmth in her voice. She could easily continue to make this a formality, yet the warm Betazoid chose to stop there and ask "How are you holding up?" her eyes moving over his features as well as the bandages that hid his severe injuries.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #2
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward] Attn: @Nolan

With no reason to get up and nowhere to go Jack laid back down on the recovery bed, looking at the cieling and trying his best to rethink his life at this point. If he was on the Theurgy he would likely be with them till they reached a port that wasn't allied with either the Federation, or Empire. Where or when that would be was a mystery but it was clear whatever career he had would likely be over. He sighed why let him live if he was going to just hold everyone else back? He had to find some way to be helpful, he desired to be useful more than anything, but honestly he wasn't sure what that would look like anymore.

He was awoken from his thoughts by someone asking his name. "Please call me Jack." He said stretching out for a moment and trying his best to draw himself up to the point where he could sit, it took a considerable amount of effort to meet her face.  He struggled for a moment his face was pale and sickly from the pain, his breath a touch ragged as he clutched his side that had been torn open by Martok's bat'leth. His mind was occupied with physical pain, emotional misery. "I feel like food that has survived well past its expiration date."

He just felt lost at the moment, he couldn't comprehend why he was alive it was a mix of shock and disbleif with a taste of shame along with it. Especially when she mentioned he was a civilian he sighed for a moment. "Civilian, yeah that's a word for it, more like shamed exile, or legally dead. Either way I'm mostly confused, You said I was getting quarters? last time I was here I was in the brig, I kinda thought I'd be going back there... not that i'll complain."

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #3
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward ] Attn: @Masorin

The patient she was visiting had seemingly dozed off in a nap, though when addressed, life seemed to run back into him. He did still seem in a pretty bad shape though as she could tell by the efforts it took to draw himself up to sit. Kythalie didn't exactly know who he was, though she had heard rumors. He told her to call him Jack and she nodded. He seemed to still feel the pain from whatever injuries he had gone through and she kept her eyes trained on him.

She didn't need to be a Betazoid to tell the man felt bad and as he spoke up again and voiced out that he felt like he was shame exiled into a civilian status, she frowned slightly. He had been in the brig before it seemed and it only sparked Kythalie's curiosity as she looked at the Klingon. Although he didn't look one hundred percent Klingon. She let him come to a somewhat more comfortable position before she spoke up "I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way Jack. I've not been informed that you needed to be brought back to the brig." she glanced him over before continuing "Although ship access will be rather limited for you."

She walked over to stand besides him before crouching down a little to get on head height with him. She turned the PADD for him to see "You'll be situated on Vector 02, not too far from Sickbay. In fact it'll be a ten minutes walk." she explained to him as she showed him the basic civilian quarters lay out. She had to lean in again, which in turn would grant him the chance to smell her perfume or deodorant she had been using "Of course, all your access has been revoked. This means you'll be able to visit the common areas, yet nothing like the research labs, or any other areas that require Starfleet identification. I'm obliged to say that if you are found in one of these areas that you will be detained in the brig." she said softly, not trying to sound rude or denigrating.

"This PADD is now your property. If you have any questions you can always contact security." she smiled before standing up again "Would there be anything else that I can do for you Jack?" she asked as she went back to stand at the foot end of his bed. Curiosity still burning in the back of her mind. She waited for his answer before asking it, unable to retain herself "May I ask why you were stripped off your rank? If you don't want to answer, it's fine though"

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #4
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward] Attn: @Nolan

Well the good news came with the bad. The good was that he wouldn't be returning to the Brig, he wasn't a prisoner on this ship, he was just not important enough to monitor. He sighed for a moment hearing about his reduced capabilities she mentioned that he wouldn't have access to any research lab and he just took the pad with a sigh. How the hell did he fail so completely? He blinked for a moment. "I'm a scientest, how am I supposed to contribute anything without a lab?"

He honestly didn't even know what he could contribute but at this point it was the last thing he really had to his name. He may have been an exile but he could still call himself a doctor in the scientific sense of things he had two different PHD's and that was something his name could not be stripped of, the last real shred of his personal achievements he still had. He sighed and slowly started to get up from his bed drawing himself up and onto his feet he was unsteady, and had to reach for a cane with his robotic arm so that he could steady himself and try his best to stay upright.

She asked him if there was anything else she could do for him and he sighed. "Walk with me for a bit, my legs aren't steady enough for me to manage a ten minute walk on my own. I don't want to fall over and have to end up back here." He said through partially grit teeth as he got up she asked him why he had been stripped of his rank he glanced at her for a moment trying to think of how to answer. "It's a long story. The bullet point version is I... was a member of Klingon Intelligence, I believe that assignment concluded with my execution. The captain has this andorian dog as a security member... half surprised it wasn't them i'm dealing with right now. The dog held me at gun point and tried to force me to send a message to the Klingon High Chancellor. Considering this was a day after the broadcast that proclaimed the theurgy were working with the romulans and I had only just been aboard for as much time, I did not trust the captain, and I tried to funnel the message through another route, that ended up costing a lot of people their lives including Chancellor Martok's only Son."

"The to long did not read version of my story is I second guessed captain Ives orders and ended up causing more death and destruction than I ever thought possible." Jack's voice reflected his shame, he wasn't proud of what he had done, and laying it out he could honestly say he felt miserable about what had happened.  He also felt a spike of real hatred and disgust when he mentioned Ida, not really realizing that he was essentially talking shit about her boss.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #5
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward ] Attn: @Masorin

Jack seemed to be mildly in shock and disappointed as he asked her how he was supposed to contribute to his field. The Betazoid looked at him, unable to give an answer to him as she simply looked at him with an apologetic look on her face "I'm... I'm afraid I don't know how I can help you Jack."

Her eyes followed him as he got up and reached for a cane as he hoisted himself out of his bio bed. He looked rather unsteady, unstable and she lunged forward just a bit before he seemed to straighten himself. He looked so helpless, she almost felt sorry for him. Yet to be stripped of rank and station, he must've done something atrocious. Her eyes remained on the half Klingon when he sighed to answer her what he had done.

She listened to him as he asked her to walk with him. She wasn't sure if she was authorized to do so, though as it was back along the way towards the Turbo she nodded and remained by his side "Should I get a grav chair?" she suggested before letting him continue with his story. It was quite a big story to grasp and she could puzzle the pieces together as it made sense with what she had heard from the reports on the Coreless moon. She hadn't been able to read them, though she had heard the whispers about it.

It was quite hard to grasp that this man was responsible for the death of Martok's son and the fact that the Klingons were against them at first. She could however relate to his reasoning behind it, the fact that he was a Klingon infiltrator one of the few things that bothered her. Why was there a need to put spies in the Federation? However, these were things that were beyond her paygrade and she didn't ask further into it as well. The whole situation had lead to this moment. A broken man with no rank or any promise to the future.

They had left Sickbay in the meantime, be it at a turtle pace and some crew members looked at Hi'Jak with a certain look. Perhaps it wasn't a bad thing that Kythalie was standing besides him on his way to his quarters. He was talking crap about Ida, that much Kythalie knew, yet she didn't let herself get provoked because of it. She could understand the grudge he was possibly holding against her and she couldn't help but smile slightly "You know, deputy Zh'Wann is harsh... And she could be rough around the edges. But... She is a righteous kind of person, she'll do anything for this ship." she stated calmly.

"Would you change your decision if you were placed in the same situation?" she asked him curiously "Because if you would do the exact same thing. Despite what the consequences were... You should live on with your head held high. As odd as it may sound... You acted on your code and your judgement. The stars may know how many mistakes I made throughout my life with bad choices..." she concluded.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #6
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward] Attn: @Nolan

"I believe that there is only one person on this ship who can help me, but I find myself a touch too afraid to ask." Jack struggled as he walked, but scoffed at the idea of a grav chair. He wanted nothing to do with so much weakness. Jack may be alive and a dishonor to most if not everything a Klingon stood for but he would not allow himself to fall directly to weakness.

He would struggle even if it winded him or took him a week to walk he would struggle to walk. He laughed a little when she mentioned how loyal Ida was to the ship. "Yes loyalty is the best trait of a dog, but I find little to respect in someone who follows orders shoots first and does not think to the consequences of those orders." He was sure that those words passing from his lips made for a rather odd experience as the traitor who got a bunch of people killed talked about the consequences of his actions, consequences that had cost him everything but these were consequences he had to live wth, he saw the way the crew looked at him, like he was an animal or something to be hated, he did not mind them much. He was already miserable, there was little more they could do aside from the affliction of personal injury which he already sustained much of.

She asked him if he would do it all again, and he nodded. "Given what I knew of the situation at the time, I can see no other path I could have taken. I made mistakes, and I do genuinely regret the life lost that day, what happened at SuD Lang was a tragic accident born from miscommunication and my own actions. I instructed only that the moon be destroyed, and did not check the distance between Drax's ship and the moon, I also did not know about the ancient Radiant weapon that was used against the carrier upon it's arrival. The loss of Drax's ship, and the loss of life with the battle between the Klingons and the Theurgy is my fault, and I will not back down from my responsibility in them, but I do not apologize for sending the message that I did."

He stopped for a moment due to the pain, but also to better gather his words about him as he breathed through grit teeth for a moment. "Some will ask why I saw the right to second guess such an order, why sending a message to the high chancellor would be dangerous, but when you consider where I was. On a ship with questionable loyalty, held at gun point to deliver a message that could easily break apart the fragile peace between the Empire and the Federation, how could I not? I do not know what the consequences of sending the message as ordered would have been, no one does, but in the moment I saw the millions of lives lost between my two home worlds, earth and Qo'NoS locked again in war, I truly believed everything would burn if I did so I could not in good consciousness follow that order. so I handed the message to a middle man I could trust to vet it as i could not read or listen to it then and there, and ordered the destruction of it's origin point in the hopes that it be buried forever should the information it contained be dangerous."

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #7
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward ] Attn: @Masorin

The suggestion for the grav chair was met by a scoff and Kythalie figured the man still had his pride. Whether it was a wise decision, she left out there and she'd see if they'd make it to the quarters.

He did continue to call Ida a dog though and Kythalie chewed on the inside of her cheek slightly as she kept up with him. He was mad at her and she could understand why, which didn't mean she had to agree with his train of thought. His words could so easily be turned against him, though Benmual knew that the man was at a low point. Kicking him down now so to speak would hold little merit. Thus she refrained from latching onto his words and simply escorted him silently for now as he vented.

He admitted to probably doing the exact same thing given the situation and Kythalie had to smile faintly as she looked at him. He did show regret for the loss of life it seemed, he could even feel remorse for it. What he didn't feel bad for though was the message he had sent and Kythalie looked interested at the subject. He had to stop walking now as talking seemed to get harder as he walked and he grit his teeth for a moment before he continued talking.

Kythalie looked into his eyes and searched them for something, yet she didn't even know what she was looking for. She didn't even know what to say to the half Klingon at the moment as she looked to his left and right before simply nodding in silence. They continued their walk and Kythalie stopped at the doors of the designated quarters "This is your stop." she stated as she opened the doors for him and peeked inside before looking back at him "I wish you the best Jack and a speedy recovery." she smiled as she stood around for him to get inside. She'd ask if he needed anything else, though figured the man might need his rest and she didn't want to be a burden.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #8
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan

Jack held his head high even if he couldn't make up for what had happened previously the conversation with Kythalie had at least given him some hope for his future. He had one and he could start putting it together, with fewer regrets with someone having at least heard his side of events, of course she only knew his side of things, and Jack had one advantage, he was a very good liar. He had after all been a spy hidden in plane sight for the Klingon Empire for a number of years, but those years were behind him, his assignment and any need to lie had of course died with him when Martok's blade had sunk into his stomach.

Looking at his quarters he nodded for a moment opening the door to inspect them. It was far better than the brig. He used his cane for a moment to step inside and look around. Looking around for a moment he frowned for a moment. "I suppose this is a stupid question but when I awoke I was wearing this." He gestured to the Theurgy track suit mostly used for Gyms.

"But when I died I was wearing a KDF uniform, and had several items among them, I suppose they were either taken to the security center or recycled, but among my items I had a small puzzle box. Also, My arm is lighter than I remembered it being." He gestured to the fake arm. "It was either replaced or either far more likely the smugglers compartment it contains was emptied. I'd confirm that, but honestly it takes a lot to remove the arm and get access to the compartment in question. I'd guess that while they cloned my body to fake a corps for the empire, they had to remove my arm to get it measured and replicated at which point the compartment and modifications i made to the arm were discovered and the items taken out. Either way there was a small bottle of bloodwine I seem to be missing, and it's the good stuff. I won it off a commanding officer."

"I'd offer to share it with you when you get off duty... honestly being here I feel like I will need a few people I can call friend, and you have been plenty nice. Which is more than I have gotten from most."

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #9
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Sickbay | Recovery ward ] Attn: @Masorin

Jack stepped inside and looked around in his room before he made a request. He had asked her if she knew what had happened to his personal belongings. Frankly the Security officer didn't know, yet she figured she could find out. He spoke of hidden compartments in the arm and how it would contain a puzzle box with a bottle of blood wine inside of it. The Betazoid nodded and had to smile a little as she was even invited to share the bottle should she find it. She kept looking at Jack from in the doorway, seemingly thinking about her reply.

"I shall make some inquiries about your belongings. I can't promise however that I'll find them or that I'll be granted to return them to you. It's something that needs to be processed." she explained it to him as she looked into his eyes. She kept looking at him for a little while longer before continuing "My shift ends in a few hours. Regardless of what I find, I'll drop by and bring you something to eat. You don't seem to be in any position to cook for yourself and I suppose it'd be unwise to go to any of the lounges considering how some people might feel about you." she said softly before giving him a nod "That is of course if you'd find that suggestion agreeable."

She waited for his reply before nodding at his reply and saying her goodbye. She'd leave the scientist to his own devices for now as she began to search for his belongings. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to find it, but she'd do her best.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #10
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan

Jack sighed and brushed a hand along his chin honestly he probably couldn't make it all the way down to the security center and back to inquire about his own objects, and the idea of going to a lounge while delightful was probably also beyond him. Honestly a few hours of sleep while he healed would do him well. He stretched for a moment looking at the bed for a moment he walked over to it.

He yawned slightly as he breathed heavily groaning as he was finally able to sit down and lean back resting his wounded body. "I would appreciate that. It will be very difficult for me to get around and you may well be right about how people feel. I don't blame them I hate me too." He joked but she would get a small taste of his own self loathing, he was at the lowest point in his life he had very little to live for, any proper klingon would choose some ritualistic suicide or murder go out on their own terms, but Jack ever the coward could not bring himself to think like that anymore.

"I would very much enjoy your company for dinner." He spoke with a genuine eagerness. And at the time lethargy was setting in, a deep tiredness in his bones. "Till you return I'm gonna get some rest. It seems the walk from the medbay to my room has left me rather exausted must be the drugs still in my system." He worked on on removing his arm, as it was never a good idea to sleep with it attatched it lead to his shoulder going numb from the pressure. The arm hissed and detached with a not so suft thunk and a shiver through his body he thought he had gotten used to it. He set it aside. the flesh part of his arm stopped existing just above where his elbow had been.  Doing a quick check of the arm sure enough the smugglers compartment was indeed empty.

He gave Kythalie his thanks, and had the door close and lock after she left, laying down and taking deep breaths for a moment he turned out the lights, and decided that he would sleep for the next few hours till Kythalie returned with some food after her shift was done.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #11
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Civilian Quarters | Jacks Quarters ] Attn: @Masorin

There seemed to be a certain degree of self loathing going on with the resurrected male and Kythalie simply looked at him as she seemed to be searching for the right words to send his way. He did agree to her bringing him something to eat later on and the Betazoid nodded with a faint smile. She still couldn't quite find the words to get the man out of his negative spiral and she simply kept looking at him with those black eyes.

He did however surprise her somewhat by asking her if she'd join him for dinner. Kythalie kept her eyes on the man and she nodded as she figured she could spare some time presumably to share a meal with him. Jack would rest in the meantime and Kythalie finally managed to part her lips to answer him "Alright, rest well. I'll see you later." she gave him another short nod before she closed the door and effectively vanished out of sight, leaving the man alone in his new quarters.

The rest of her shift, Kythalie did make inquiries about Jack's stuff, yet it came with little success. Aside from that, she did get tasked with new jobs and things to do. It rendered her rather tied up with other work to actually fully pursue it. The rest of the shift was rather uneventful and when she clocked out, Kythalie returned to her quarters first to get changed. She opted for something easier to wear and replicated a pair of black leggings and a simply yellow tank top that showed some amount of skin around her stomach and left her from the shoulders to her arms bare.

She wondered what Jack would enjoy and choose for a typical Betazoid dish. It was a simple meal as it was a pie of sorts. Filled with vegetables, some meat and flour. It was easy enough to carry to his quarters and she made her way over to them with a smile on her face, curious what the man would think of it. She chimed at the door and awaited his reply.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #12
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan

Between the drugs, and having to walk so far he honestly just kinda fell asleep as soon as he was laying naked in his bed. Falling unconcious behind the locked door feeling sick, and in pain. Sleep came easy in his condition and passed hours without so much as a passing thought, the soft hum of the starship reminding him where he was as he slept for as long as he needed. When he woke he dragged himself out of bed, and over to the bathroom, looking at himself feeling his body for a moment he looked himself over.

Every time he looked at himself in the mirror he seemed to have more marks, and cuts, the newest though was the most ugly. Martok's blade had left a deep gash along his stomach where the blade had ripped into him and cut him so badly. It was discolored and vibrant against the rest of his pale skin. There was the stub of an arm, but he was getting used to that, and then there was the eye, it stuck out like a sore thumb as artifical.

Aparently 2 feet of his intestinal tract had to be replaced with some kind of artificial replacement. He was starting to become more machine than man at this point. How many months would it take till he was just a brain in a jar, or some other amalgimation of body horror amalgimation of flesh and metal. He shrugged off that thought and walked into the shower, getting the sweat off his body, and finally feeling refreshed.

With that sense of freshness came with it some gained strength, a more awake alive version of him at the moment. He walked with his cane, attaching his arm once it he was able to do so. He flexed for a moment checking that it was fully connected and was pulling on a shirt right as Kythalie was arriving, he took a moment to put on some shorts, and checked himself over. Aside from his physical weakness he felt somewhat more alive, in better spirits. So opening the door he was actually able to smile even if he still looked pale and had bags under his eyes for a moment.

"Please come in." He gestured to the table. The nice thing about civilian quarters meant he didn't need to share the space and would eventually be able to decorate it the way he desired. "How was your shift?" He said before looking at the meal. "I don't recognize the meal what's it from?"

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #13
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Civilian Quarters | Jacks Quarters ] Attn: @Masorin

The doors whizzed open for her as she saw Jack once again, still rather weak and tired, but definitely better than when she had left him earlier that day. He welcomed her in and Kythalie smiled as she took a step into the civilian quarters. It was a surprise to see how much more freedom civilians got over enlisted. Not like the room was decorated or such, but seeing it bare bones as it was, the Betazoid sure could get ideas about decorating it should she ever get such a thing.

She almost missed Jack's question as she nodded "Pretty standard security stuff. I tried to look for your stuff, but I got sidetracked with other assignments. So no luck there." she offered him before she turned around to face him once more and presented the meal to him. She smiled as he couldn't quite recognize it "It's a traditional Betazoid dish, I'll spare you the name." she informed him and had to think about it "In fact, it was a dish my grandmother used to make. She said one couldn't ever find it in a traditional cooking book. We have the recipe and the ingredients, but I did never come across it on Betazed."

"It basically holds all the nutrients one needs for a proper meal. So you should get some energy out of it." she concluded and seemed rather proud of it as she looked at Jack "What about you? Did you manage to rest a little?" she listened to him reply first before asking further "How are you feeling?"

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #14
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan

"Well I appreciate your attempt." He walked to the chair and set himself down, thanking her for the dish, when she mentioned it was a betazoid dish, he stopped moving for a moment. There was a moment of hesitation, before he adjusted himself and shook it off, though he felt well and truly embarrassed because he had let his emotions wonder about feeling like shit for himself in the presence of someone who could ease drop on his emotions. He gestured towards the seat across from him. "You must be tired after your shift."

"Well I thank you for that. Maybe one day I'll get you some Gagh since we are trading home world cooking." He smiled at the fond memories, but he realized that he would never see Qo'Nos again, never step foot on the world he loved again, but he kept his emotions in check this time, and made sure to focus on the good. "I appreciate you spending as much time on me as you have."

"I slept for the majority of the day, but honestly having just come out of stasis even in my condition I feel restless, my physical limits aside after a nap and a shower I feel much more awake and alive. The drugs are out of my system." He took a deep breath and winced slightly as it moved the scar along his chest to breath in filling all three of his lungs.

"Aside from some pain when I walk, breath or exist I am much more lively than I thought I would be after being murdered." He tried to joke as he stretched and took a few bites of the meal he actually enjoyed the taste of it, and closed his eyes for a moment more relaxed.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #15
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Civilian Quarters | Jacks Quarters ] Attn: @Masorin

She smiled as he thanked her for the dish, yet noticed a moment o hesitation. Whilst Kythalie was a full blood Betazoid, her mental barriers had been kept in check. Sure she'd be able to feel the general mood Jack would be in, yet intruding his mind to find out more would just be rude and not done. Thus she moved further without a care in the world as she walked around in the room and listened to him.

A shrug was given "I'm not exhausted from my shift. Considering the last month... Nothing has been rather exhausting." she answered him as she looked back at him again and she wrinkled her nose "I've tried Gagh here on the drydock station. It has quite a specific taste that I'm afraid I won't try again any time soon." she admitted with a smirk. She gave him a nod as she told her how his nap and shower made him feel more alive, she took the seat across from him and placed her elbows on the table as she rested her chin in between her hands as she waited for him to try out the pie.

She had to chuckle a little at his attempt of a joke and she watch him relax slightly as she couldn't help but tease "I think you ought to work on your comedian side before you take it down to the lounge." She felt a yawn bubble up and covered her mouth for it as she did seem more tired than she'd like to admit. She stretched herself a little, almost like how a cat would do it before she groaned a little and shook her head, the curls moving all over the place before they returned to their original position "Okay, I might be a bit more tired than I expected." she grinned as she looked apologetic to him.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #16
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan

Jack sighed nodding for a moment as she said that she had tried it and found it to be an aquired taste he didn't really disagree. He looked out towards the window for a moment a bit of meloncholy struck him in the moment. "I'm never going to be able to see my home world again. Qo'Nos, has a beauty to it that I know like Gagh is an acquired taste, but I'm going to miss those green skies, the remnants of Praxis floating over head, the beauty of the first city. I spent all my life working for the empire, I hoped that one day I would get to go back, and maybe have a bit of honor at the end. I think I'm just in shock that I'm still alive and that all of this hasn't really sunk in yet."

He tried her food and it tasted good, he enjoyed the flavor of it. He watched her stretch out and seemed more tired than she anticipated, the way she moved it was cat like and paired with her yawn he thought she was completely adorable in the moment. It made him want to pet her, or perhaps even just put a set of cat ears on her. He sighed and stretched himself but felt more pain when he tried to straighten his back, as much as it hurt he knew knew he had to draw in full breaths and work on keeping his posture correct otherwise he would heal incorrectly or fail to rebuild his core muscles. She appologized for being tired and he smiled at her. "No your fine, I don't exactly have a ton of energy either, I've slept off the drugs, but I still died earlier today, I think the next week will be mostly bed rest for me."

"Tell me about your world? I don't know a ton about Betazed well aside from the dress code of their weddings."

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #17
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Civilian Quarters | Jacks Quarters ] Attn: @Masorin

She could understand why the male in front of her felt melancholic. How he already missed to see or be able to set foot on his home world. Perhaps it was a similar feeling when she returned to Betazed for the war. Perhaps she was more driven to save her family in their struggle for survival. Regardless, she couldn't fathom the idea to never set foot on Betazed again. It would literally break her heart and spiral her out of control into darker thoughts. Or so she believed.

Jack stretched as well, though if she could rust his facial expressions it probably hurt more. She kept on snacking on the meal she had brought along. She looked back to Jack as he asked her about Betazed and she had to laugh even when he brought up the dress code for marriages. She shook her head "I suppose we are infamous for those." she snickered before humming.

"Well, what would you like to know? I mean, there's a lot I can tell you about Betazed." she inquired as she continued eating at a leisurely pace. She could tell him about where she came from or if he wanted about the more bigger cities on Betazed. She didn't mind sharing and it was a pleasant change of pace for her really. She never talked a lot about Betazed in hindsight.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #18
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan

He considered what did he want to know about Betazed. He mulled it over as he chewed through the meal for a moment it was nice food and he enjoyed just having any conversation at the moment. It helped him to breath, and remind him that he had survived the entire ordeal, as well that he was for the moment anyway among people that he was safe with. He sighed for the moment relaxing and thought about what he wanted to know.

"What was your favorite place?" He said thinking of the example that came to his own mind when he spoke about this. "I miss the first city, I grew up in that place, at night the torches were all lit up, you could see the green and blue sky, everything had this beautiful glow to it. The stone work made the entire city feel like it was from another era." He spoke out of nostalgia and love for a world he hadn't seen in years, and would never get to set foot on again.

"Ancient buildings, standing and rebuilt time and time again making the entire city an interconnected blend of new technology and ancient architecture really. Hard to describe, but I miss that places energy. Do you have any place like that on your world?"

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #19
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Civilian Quarters | Jacks Quarters ] Attn: @Masorin

Kythalie worked her food in quite easily and she looked at Jack as he pondered about what he wanted to know about Betazed. When she got the question she thought over her reply while listening to him talk about the first city. She smiled at how he described the place, how he admired it. How sad it was that he'd never get there anymore did make her smile lose some momentum. He told her it was a mix of old and new and Kythalie nodded, her volumunous hair bouncing a little bit with her movements.

"I have a few spots on Betazed like that." she started as she put her cutlery down on the plate. Sated by the meal she had consumed "I think... Out of everything on Betazed..." she said slowly as she looked up at the ceiling as if she was seeing the images of her mind projected on them, her eyes eventually came back on Jack "I like my home isles the best. Blue oceans that felt just nice to swim in with or without clothing. Mountainous slopes of the islands which caused a challenge for any climber. Come to think of it, anything I'd want to do was there." she snickered.

"I was raised in a simple village. Basic tech, yet nothing fancy." she smiled and shook her head "Guess I couldn't appreciate that when I was young. I wanted to head out for adventure, explore new things. Now at times, I just miss home."

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #20
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan
Finding himself treated to insights about Betazed, Hi'Jak also found himself swallowing when he heard the comment about bathing without clothes - the cultural nuance of Betazoid ease about nudity dawning on him.

He had known, of course, about the whole wedding arrangements on Betazed, but in speaking with the Security officer in his quarters, he had just come to understand that the lack of such inhibitions ran through more facets that such ceremonies. Then again, many species had less of a stigma when it came to bareness. Klingon culture was not of such nature. Paradoxically, warriors of his blood were not as promiscuous. As for himself, he had been introduced to such concepts at the Academy, when he had left the First City behind.

"I thought I missed home," he found himself saying, while his eyes had dropped to the outline of her body in the light from the Aldean surface - shining in through the viewport in the wall. He had trouble concentrating, realising that in the rush of revival, he had also come to realise that it was a long time since he was with a woman. Of course, his body was not in a prime state for exertions... but it felt like he was still in the aftermath of battle, the rush of the duel still coursing through his veins. In a way, it felt like a victory that he was still alive, but the complexity of his survival and the doubts about his place on the ship had dampened his mood. His body cared not for the intricacies of his fate, however. His Klingon blood was stirring to claim the spoils of battle, and he swallowed.

He realised he had trailed off, looking at her.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted by these blue ocean you spoke of, and how you enjoyed swimming without clothes. I know it is crude of me, but after my recent bout with death, my weariness makes my mind wander where it shouldn't," he said and laughed, shaking his head a little. "Thank you for speaking with me, a pariah as I've become."

OOC: With Maso leaving, I thought you might still want some more screen time with your awesome Kythalie character! :)

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #21
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Civilian Quarters | Jacks Quarters ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Kythalie look up from her plate when Jack mentioned that he thought that he missed home. The security officer simply looking at him while he seemed to looking just to the side of her, gazing at the viewport behind her. She left him in his thoughts, wondering if he'd say something more about home or not. She kept peering at him, almost easily enough tempted to peer into his mind to wonder what he was thinking about.

her mental barriers were raised and it'd be considered rude if she were to pry without his consent. His thoughts did feel rather loud though, despite the fact that she was shielding herself from them. Curiosity got the better of the Betazoid as she allowed fragments to seep in from what he was thinking. Mere images of what his mind was playing with. She could see typical Klingon victories, how they feasted, catching on to the sentiment of laying with a female. She didn't quite blush, yet tilted her head at picking these emotions up and looked deeply at the man before her.

He apologized for being distracted by the way she spoke of the ocean and how she'd be in it without clothing. His words in relevance to his thoughts brought Kythalie to the conclusion that he might be aiming or imagining the possibility to lay with her. A notion that whilst she didn't exactly dispel entirely, seemed highly unprobable since the man could barely make it through a corridor without the help of his cane. She did feel perhaps flattered at the thought, though most races might be offended by the notion. It seemed Kythalie was rather easy going.

He did thank her for speaking to him as he had become a pariah, a smile gracing the lips of the caramel skinned woman "No need to thank me Jack. You were pleasant company and we need to look out for one another as a crew. I'd imagine someone doing the same for me if the roles were reversed." she answered him with a warm smile.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #22
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan
If Hi'Jak had been of the mind to deflect his own mounting feelings in regard to the Betazoid female in his quarters, the warm way in which she smiled to him did nothing to help him. Instead, he was getting the impression that she was leading him on, and that she knew a bit more where his mind had went than she necessarily let on in words. Indeed, that smile spoke more than her words might.

"I am.... unsure if I actually qualify as a member of the crew," he said, adjusting himself in his seat a little and trying to ignore the pain it brought. "I feel like I am a trespasser, or a passenger, before someone higher up in the chain-of-command actually give me some kind of task. I wouldn't dare dream of getting a commission in the Science Department again... but that would be my highest wish."

Swallowing, he looked into her black eyes, and felt his pains abate a bit in the radiance of that look she gave him.

"I stand corrected," he added, feeling both his hearts beat in his ears a bit, as he found distraction in her. "Right now, it is my second highest wish, though I fear that given my current disposition, I may not be perfectly able to help out in making that wish come true."

He let that linger in the air for a while, perfectly aware that she may not be the least interested since she would likely have to be the active party - indisposed as he remained. He did believe that any ideas of physical excursions would be frowned upon by the medical officers he'd just left behind in sickbay... but be that as it may, that smile of Kythalie Benmual made him forget any such restrictions.

"In fact, you are correct," he continued, remaining where he was in case she'd rather leave, "in how I would certainly be looking after you too, if I were so able."

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #23
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Deck 11 | Civilian Quarters | Jacks Quarters ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

He spoke of his wishes and how he would yearn to be back at work as a science officer. Kythalie could only feel a sense of admiration for the way Jack seemed to be so dedicated to get back to work. Perhaps it was the Klingon way and their whole honor system, perhaps it was that that drove him into wanted to return to his daily activities. For now though, he had to recover and abide his time. Who knew when or if he would ever be appointed to a commission, much less as an officer or as a crewman. He did mention that he didn't see himself as a member of the crew and Kythalie's eyes remained on his now as she shifted in her seat herself.

He corrected himself though and the Betazoid frowned slightly before she could puzzle together what he had meant. She laughed now and shook her head as her mental barriers lowered a little to pick up to what he had been hinting about. From what she had seen of him physically, she doubted he'd be up for any task that would entail her giving herself to him fully. She didn't shy away the idea entirely though as Jack was rather easy on the eyes.

She weighed her words a little before she parted her lips "Jack." she addressed him "I had to nearly carry you to this room. As much as I am... Honored by the offer, I'm afraid you wouldn't survive it if I were to give into that wish of yours." she answered to him with a giggle. Her eyes looking back at his again though as she had let them travel over his weakened frame "Plus... I don't shy away from physical contact but... You'll have to be more... Seductive if you'd want me to share a bed with you." she answered, leaning forward now and folding her hands together as she peered at him "I'm not that easy."

Her eyes kept lingering on him though when he told her that he'd certainly look after her if the roles were reversed. She bit her lip and slowly got up from her seat and walked over to him, sitting at the edge of the table in front of him, just slightly to his left. She placed her lithe fingers on his shoulder "Besides, I doubt you'd want your first impression on me to be in this weakened state..." she whispered as she had leaned in to his ear.

Re: Day 30 [1400] Waking up from a cold sleep

Reply #24
[Hi'Jak | Deck 11 | civilian quarters] Attn: @Nolan
The Betazoid seemed amused by the innuendos he gave her, knowing that it was a high stake gamble to even bespeak the idea of indulgence given his poor physical state.

"Perhaps you are right," he said, and chuckled when she objected on the grounds she'd almost carried him to his quarters - the undercurrent of bitterness merely there since he was actually trying to loose his anxieties and doubts in her. She called him out on not being seductive enough, and that made him chuckle in earnest. He could understand her sentiment.

But then she came over, approaching him where he sat, and his eyebrows rose a little, along with his gaze. Looking into her eyes, he heard her talk about how he'd likely want to impress her rather than not, were they to indulge themselves carnally, and he could see what she meant. She was leaning closer as she said it, even whispering in his ear.

"Well," he said quietly, and he'd already raised his real hand - putting his fingers behind her head, "how do you like this as a first impression?"

And then he kissed her, slanting his lips across hers. Perhaps it was just a foretaste of a later day, but be that as it may... he enjoyed it all the same.

OOC: Sorry, I missed this email notification! My bad!

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