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EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

[ Amelya Rez | Turbolift | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn 

It had been a long if not several days in a row for Amelya Rez. She hadn't remembered when she had gotten some sleep in the past cycles and her mind was yearning to finally find some rest after constant worry for crew in Sickbay. She loved her job, there was no denying that. Though at times like these, the job could take a toll on one. She sighed as the Turbolift doors shut and took her to the desired deck.

After the ship wide call it was made clear that Rez would no longer be the acting CMO aboard the ship. She'd be placed back in the assistant Chief role and was grateful for it as it meant to lessen the burden on her shoulders by just a bit. Her back rested against the wall of the lift as she ran her hands through her hair and scratched the scalp of her head. She figured she could use some of the free time to look up on the rituals Trills would have to connect with their former hosts. She was curious to the symbiont inside of her. She had of course already tapped into their knowledge and feelings, though she wanted to finish this up by tradition.

The lift came to a sudden stop as she looked up at which deck they were. They weren't on deck thirteen yet and the doors opened to another passenger. A male human. Her eyes took in a quick glimpse of him, yet she didn't give it any further attention as she simply straightened herself from the leaning position and gave a nod with a warm smile. Her eyes averted from him and she sunk back in thoughts. Whetstone lounge wasn't exactly her go to place when she needed a nightcap. She'd usually head to the spearhead lounge or take a drink in her room. Though she had to go out, be in a space larger than her quarters and just unwind after what had been one of the busiest days in her life.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #1
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

After Daniel had returned from the Allegiant’s away mission he decided that he needed some sleep, his body had still been coursing with adrenaline after he had landed during the Borg fight and he knew he wouldn’t be able to rest, so he had volunteered for CONN duty, once they had returned to the ship however he was finally ready to rest, he grabbed a bite to eat then stripped out of his exosuit and fell asleep in his quarters.  As he awoke again he felt the need to eat again so he got up and as he walked to the replicator decided that he also wanted to be around people, he stripped off the rest of his clothes stepped into the sonic shower and cleaned off the day’s sweat and grit.  He put on a clean uniform and then headed towards the nearest turbolift.

He stood waiting for the turbolift to arrive and a moment later the doors opened to reveal an blonde female officer in teal, Daniel stepped into the turbolift and stated his destination.  “Deck 13.”  As the doors closed he looked back over at the woman, for a moment he didn’t recognize her then he suddenly remembered her.  “Lieutenant Amelya Rez?”  He asked, he knew for a fact that was her name since she had introduced herself to him just a day ago in the FAB.  She had actually introduced herself as Doctor but he could tell from her rank pins that she was a full Lieutenant like he was, and Daniel always preferred to refer to others by their rank rather than their position.  “Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn, we met a day or so ago in the Fighter Assault Bay, just after the Klingon boarders had been dealt with.”  He said, he wasn't sure if she would remember him so he figured he should mention where they had first met.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #2
[ Amelya Rez | Turbolift | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn

Whilst the lift made its way to deck thirteen it made a stop on a different deck and Amelya looked up to see one of the Tac Conn pilots step in. He stated his destination, yet she didn't think more of it as the lift started moving again. She didn't recognize Daniel directly yet when he called out her rank and name, her head lifted up slightly as her eyes searched for the face of the man who had called her. She gave a slight nod as her tired brain began to work overtime to remember where she had seen him before. He wasn't one of her patients, she'd remember them, maybe someone she passed by during shift? Though she passed by a million faces especially during the battles.

Thankfully the pilot made it easier for her as he introduced himself and informed her where they had met even. Still it took the Trill a few moments to recollect the memory. A smile appeared on her face, a kind one as she nodded "Ah yes... You were the one to give me initial information about Krystal's head." she said softly as she straightened up her slouched posture. Her back straightened up and she almost stood in attention as she looked the pilot over "I'm glad to see you are still with us lieutenant Havenborn. I believe you and your squadron were faced with impossible odds against the Borg?" she inquired as the lift chimed.

The doors opened up and Amelya looked at the deck number before she realized that it was the same deck Daniel had wanted to go to. "This is us." she said with a sweet tone to her voice as she gestured to Daniel to head out first. She did wonder where the pilot was going to, regardless, she doubted it really mattered.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #3
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel nodded as she recalled him, as she mentioned Meony however Daniel flashed back to when he last saw her being tended to by Commander Carrigan, that was just as he was leaving to volunteer for CONN duty and after Knight had been beamed to sickbay.  He had heard that Knight was doing better now and he planned on checking up on him later, right now he focused his attention back on the Trill in front of him.

“Yes I was in that battle and we managed to accomplish our mission and prevent the Borg from invading.  I take it things in sickbay have been busy as well?”  He asked, part of him wondered if she had worked on Knight or not.  As the lift chimed indicating that they had arrived at Deck 13 he smiled at her.  “Ladies first.”  He said to her as he motioned for her to exit first.  As she left the turbolift he followed after her. 

“So do you mind if I ask where you might be headed to?”  He asked as he fell into step alongside her.  There wasn’t much on Deck 13 that she could be going to, NCO and Enlisted quarters, various storage rooms, a couple of small armories with some weapons lockers, an auxiliary deflector and the Whetstone Lounge.  He was pretty sure that the lounge was her destination as it was his, but it was possible that she was going to see a storage room or someone’s quarters.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #4
[ Amelya Rez | Turbolift | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn

"Beyond busy... One of the most hectic and chaotic one of my life." she nodded to his question. It seemed like Daniel was a gentleman as he let her exit the lift first. She nodded at him and wondered where the man had to go himself as he caught up with her to converse. He beat her to it as she asked where she was heading and she smiled "Whetstone lounge. Just grab a snack maybe and something to drink before I retire to my quarters. Yourself?" she asked curiously as she continued the relaxed pace towards the lounge.

It would only take a few minutes for them to reach the Whetstone lounge. It wasn't one of the most visited lounges throughout the ship, yet it held a nice atmosphere and ambiance in it. As they reached the doors of it she looked around in the lounge, only seeing five or six more people in it. Considering that she had been wanting to have some social interaction, it might as well come from the male she met in the lift prior to her arrival "Would you care to join me lieutenant?" she asked friendly as she looked him in the eyes.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #5
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel nodded as she answered his question about how sickbay had been.  It was one of the reasons as to why he hadn’t went to visit Knight yet, he figured that the infirmary was likely still busy with active patients, not to mention he wasn’t really sure which infirmary he had been sent to but he’d find that out later.  He smiled as she mentioned that she was going to the lounge as well.  “That’s actually where I was headed myself.  I wasn’t feeling quite up to having dinner in my quarters after the past couple of days.”  Daniel said.

As they reached the Whetstone Lounge she asked him another question and when he looked into the lounge he understood the reason.  “I’d be honored to join you Lieutenant.”  Daniel said as he smiled and looked back into her green eyes.  He was more than happy to spend some more time getting to know her, he’d have to speak to Riley later and seen if she knew anything about the beautiful blonde Doctor Lieutenant he thought to himself.

“Well shall we take a seat and get something ordered?”  He asked with a smile as he motioned towards a table and escorted her inside.  As the approached the table he pulled the chair out for her and waited for her to sit then took a seat across the table from her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #6
[ Amelya Rez | Whetsone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn

A genuine smile was brought to Amelya's face as the pilot indicated he was heading to the Whetstone lounge himself. For almost an identical reason as hers. Loneliness was a great demotivator, yet they both seemed to counter it. When they arrived to said lounge Daniel seemed more than thrilled to join her at a table and the Trill gave a short nod as she was undecided where to sit. Thankfully Daniel took the lead as he motioned her to a table and gallantly escorted her to it.

"Such a gentleman." she snickered as he pulled out the chair for her and gave her a seat before positioning himself across from her "I'll look over the menu first if you don't mind. Did you have anything in mind already for what you wanted?" she asked Daniel as her green eyes looked into his before she took the menu PADD and scrolled through it. It was a welcome change to take her time to decide what she wanted. The past few days were such a rush, grabbing whatever she could out of a replicator, missing meals all together or only consuming a fraction of it before having to move on. Though such was the life of a doctor...

Her eyes were just phasing out as she scrolled through the menu yet she brought herself back as one of the holowaiters arrived at the table to take their order. She looked up at the waiter and thought over her order "I'll have some spice tea and.... Maybe just a slice of apple pie." she gave in to one of the Terran dessert like treats. Once the waiter took Daniels order she turned her attention to him after placing the PADD down "Is it okay if I call you Daniel, Lieutenant?" she asked almost officially as she shifted in her seat "Tell me a bit more about yourself." she inquired.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #7
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

“My Aunt Larice always taught me that politeness would open many doors.”  He said with a smirk as she took the menu PADD.  “I already know what I want, but please take your time in your decision.”  He said as she began to scroll through the menu.  He really needed something that would provide a lot of sustenance at the moment and he had decided on a dish that he had at the Academy a lot an ancient Terran meal from the Italian peninsula called lasagna.  While lasagna was a meal that his people had access to, it was typically a meal that the noble elite ate.

As the holowaiter arrived and Amelya placed her order he smiled, apple pie was another recipe that his people had access to and it was one that was common enough that everyone on his world would eat it.  While it wasn’t Daniel’s favorite desert by any means it was a delicious desert none the less.  Daniel nodded at the holowaiter as it turned to him.  “I’ll have a 5 layer lasagna, a silce of ciabatta bread and a caesar salad on the side.  I’d also like a glass of raspberry flavored water, thank you.”  Daniel said as the holowaiter took his orders then left.

As she asked her next question he had to give it some thought, he technically wasn’t on duty and they were in an informal setting and he did enjoy the way she said his name.  “I would like that.”  He said.  When she posed her next question he was unsure of where to start but decided to keep it simple for now, he could always go into detail later, especially if she seemed to be open for a courtship.  “Well I was born on Mars in an isolated community, enlisted in Starfleet after I turned 18, was sponsored to go to the Academy in ’70 and graduated in ’74, served as a pilot during the war, then transferred into TacCONN and have been a fighter pilot ever since and for the most part I’ve loved every minute of it.” Daniel stated, that was probably the most basic he could get about his life.

“That’s the barebones, I could go into further detail if you’d like, although I to would like to know a little about yourself Lieutenant Rez.” Daniel said with a smile as he stared into her eyes.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #8
[ Amelya Rez | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn 

Rez had never heard of a dish called lasagna before, she did feel curious about it, though didn't let it shine through as she looked back at Daniel when he started to talk about his origins. She came to learn that he was a Martian, just like some of the crew members aboard the ship, she mused to herself as she nodded and kept looking at him as he gave a simple yet informative intro about himself. She frowned slightly "Sponsored? How do you get sponsored to go to the Academy?" she asked curiously as the waiter returned with the drinks already. Amelya began to prepare her tea while she listened further and as Daniel asked for some more history on her behalf she chuckled "Please, call me Amelya."

She placed the bag of tea herbs in the glass of hot water and watched the aromas break free and spread in the liquid as she stirred it and looked back up to Daniel "Well, where do I start... I was raised aboard Deep Space Three. I never knew my father and my mother died during labor. I was raised aboard the station and joined a special program for Deep Space Academy training. I started at the age of fifteen and graduated four years later. I spent most of my time aboard the space station as a medical officer and after a good couple of years I transferred to my first ship. All in all it lead me here and thus here I am." she explained to him shortly where she came from and how she got here.

The waiter returned with Daniel's order and it seemed quite extensive in Amelya's eyes. She got her plate with a corner of apple pie, it was even warmed up for her and had a great scent to it as it smoked just that tiny bit. She removed the tea bag out of her glass and took a sip and added some sugar to her drink to flavor it more to her liking before she smiled and laughed a little "Well, enjoy your meal Daniel. I don't think I'd ever be able to finish all of that... What does it taste like though? That... Lasagna?"

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #9
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

“The commanding officer of the ship I was serving on felt that I had more to offer Starfleet as an commissioned officer but because I wasn’t a Federation citizen he sponsored my application to the Academy.”  Daniel explained as the waiter brought their drinks.  Daniel took his glass of flavored water and took a sip before setting the glass back down.  “As you wish Amelya.”  Daniel said with a smile looking into her eyes again.

Daniel listened as she explained a bit about her background and nodded as she finished.  “I didn’t know that they have Deep Space Academy training, I thought all applicants had to go to Starfleet Academy on Terra.”  Daniel said.  He’d never heard of any sort of Deep Space Academy training.  Tactical CONN training was probably the closest that he could think of that would compare, but that had been based out of a starbase for commissioned and non-commissioned officers that had been selected for the duty.

As the meal arrived Daniel pulled the salad in front of him first and poured the caesar dressing on the salad.  “Well I tend to have a larger appetite thanks to my genetics.”  He said.  “Would you like to try a bite of it?”  He asked as he began to cut a small corner of the lasagna in case she wanted to.  He took a quick couple bites of his salad and then took another drink of water.  “It is quite delicious and I don’t have it all that often.”  He had tried to break a lot of the cultural taboos that his people had but some had stuck with him all his life and eating lasagna was one of those taboos since he wasn’t born into the noble elite.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #10
[ Amelya Rez | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn

"Oh, well that's quite an honor I must imagine?" she said softly as she studied the features of Daniel. As he told her that he thought that all applicants had to go to Starfleet Academy, she nodded "Oh yes, normally they do. This was a pilot project, prototype testing." she explained "It did entail quite some classes being delivered through holographic classes. So whilst I never actually was on Terra, some classes were attended in the Academy classrooms. Other subjects were given on Deep Space 3." she explained while she warmed her hands up with the tea cup.

Next the meals arrived and Daniel caught the interest of the doctor across from him as he mentioned his genetics "What do you mean with that?" she asked him inquisitively as she toyed around with the slice of pie in her plate. He offered her a bite of the lasagna and Amelya was rather curious about the taste and consistency of the dish. She gave a nod to the pilot as he already began to cut a small corner out of it for her "What does it taste like?" she asked him curiously as her eyes went over the cheesy texture of the dish and as he sliced it open, she could see the various layers. She leaned in to take a bite and chewed on it as she let it roll over her tongue and stimulated her taste buds.

She gave a nod as she watched him eat, her eyes following each slice before she turned her attention back to the pie. She sliced of small pieces before picking them up and started to chew on it as she savored the taste of it. This way by far one of her favorite desserts. The conversation fell silent for a bit as both of them were eating and Amelya looked around to the other people while she finished up on her treat. When she was done she placed the fork sideways on the small plate as she looked back to Daniel as he was eating.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #11
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel nodded as she asked her question.  “I suppose it is, I’ve never really thought about it before.”  He said.  Daniel had never really considered it to be an honor to go to the Academy considering how many applicants were accepted.  The issues that had consistently plagued him during his time at the Academy weren’t academic; they were more practical, such as his morality and his ability to follow Starfleet Rules and Regulations which had taken quite some time for him to become accustomed to.  Trying to break a lot of the conditioning he had undergone as a child was the hardest part but he had done it for the most part.

“I bet that was quite an interesting experience.”  Daniel said.  “Were there a lot of midshipman in your class?”  He asked her.  As she asked what he meant about his genetics he paused for a moment, he knew that as a medical officer she could go to the CMO and have his record unsealed, so he figured the best way for her to find out would be for him to reveal it himself.  “I’ve been genetically enhanced not to the extent of the Augments from the Eugenics Wars however.”  Daniel said as he paused to think of how to explain it to her.  He had at first considered mentioning the Great Khan and how his people revered him, Daniel did too but not to the extent that his people did, not after he’d read reports from a different point of view.  “From the moment I was born my parents selected genetic enhancements for me, they chose specific enhancements that would have me excel as a pilot.”  He stated as he paused again and took a drink from his glass.  “The enhancement process is less refined than the Augment process, there are several side effects, for me one of those is a larger appetite and another requires me to maintain a strict physical training regimen but the more intensive the enhancements the more demanding the side effects.”  Daniel said, in a way he was lucky that his parents had wanted him to be a pilot and not a special forces operator or an ground forces trooper, he knew that the side effects for maintaining those enhancements were far more intense that his.

Daniel stopped talking to eat some more of his salad and with his other hand he speared the lasagna with his fork held it up for her to grab.  “It’s got a creamy taste thanks to the two cheeses, the sauce is slightly spicy and when you add in the sausage it all combines into a delicious blend of tastes.”  He said with a smile.

As she finished her pie he started on his lasagna. “So what do you like to do for fun?”  He asked her as he took a bite of his lasagna.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #12
[ Amelya Rez | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn

Amelya chuckled lightly as the man hadn't even looked at it from that point of view. To see it an an honor, it was funny how sometimes people's view on things could change from just a simple comment like hers. Her eyes kept gazing to the officer as he asked her about her own training "Oh, it was interesting alright, a bit weird at times. I think we had four more on the station who ambitioned a Starfleet career." she informed him. She thought about those people and smiled "We all graduated too, the three of them hopped onto a shuttle when they graduated to go get assigned to a ship."

Daniel opened up about his enhancements and genetically altered form. Amelya could indeed have easily accessed all this data on her own. She was glad however that he spoke of it openly to her instead of her having to find out. She was intrigued by the side effects raised by the enhancements. Increased appetite and a strict working out schedule didn't sound that bad compared to other side effects some enhancements could join. In the early days, a lot of nasty side effects were caused by the early use of enhancements. "What happens when you can't fulfill your regime? Say you're stuck in a confined space or situation?"

As she heard his explanation about what lasagna was she frowned and furrowed her brows. It sounded odd, weird and was unsure if she even wanted to taste it. She knew some of the ingredients and she leaned in to take in the offered piece between her teeth before slipping it into her mouth. It didn't taste bad per se and it had quite a unique flavor as she eventually swallowed it and rinsed her mouth with the tea before digging in to her pie. She smiled at Daniel "Well, it certainly has a distinct taste... Does taste good though."

As he asked her about what she did in her free time, Amelya had to laugh "Oh... Fun... I've not had any of that in I think forever... At least not in the past few days or weeks." she chuckled before she gave it some thought "Well, I do enjoy reading and dancing. Occasionally I'd sing under the shower or try and compose songs..." she offered as she shrugged "Otherwise I do enjoy a good work  out, like running or swimming." she concluded as she crossed her legs and straightened up in her chair as her hands came to rest on her lap "What about you?"

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #13
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel listened to her explain her Academy experience.  “It seems like they wanted to get out and see the galaxy, I can relate with that.”  He said with a smile.  “When I had learned about space travel I found that I wanted to travel the stars, much to the dismay of my father.”  Daniel said, his father had declared that he was no longer his son but honestly Daniel felt that his Uncle Emile was far more of a father to him anyways.  “Any particular reason you didn’t want to leave DS-Three?”  He asked her.

“Eventually my enhancements would become defunct but for that to happen it would take would at least a few weeks to a couple months with limited to no physical training or food.”  Daniel said, his enhancements were designed with the mindset that if he was shot down that he could go for awhile to make it back to an operational base.  His people did have the invasion of Earth in their minds when the enhancement program began.

Daniel continued to eat his lasagna he listened to her opinion of the pasta and what she liked to do for fun.  “I bet you’re an amazing singer.”  He said with a smile.  “Well I prefer to spend my free time working on my holonovels and I do enjoy reading about ancient Earth history.”  He said taking another bite of his food.  “Would you be interested in going for a run or swim, after you’ve had some rest, maybe tomorrow after your shift?”  He asked as he finished his lasagna and drank the rest of his water.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #14
[ Amelya Rez | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn 

The female Trill shrugged "I guess they got that bug to explore and see new things." she answered and she smiled again with a shrug as she thought about her answer "DS three was home, plus it felt like the right place to start building up some experience. A familiar place, yet with a lot of variable medical issues that come along with intergalactic trade and such. she explained. She neglected to mention the part of curing an epidemic that raged through the station, it didn't matter to boast now.

She nodded with a certain fascination in her eyes as he explained how the enhancements could last for a while "Interesting... I take it they aren't Starfleet licensed?" she asked with a slight grin on her face as she would like to look into them, yet wasn't sure if he'd let her. Regardless, the Trill just watched the pilot eat his meal in peace as she studied his features.

When he praised her to be a great singer she laughed "I don't think you've ever heard me sing Daniel." she answered as she leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms. She was about to comment about his interest for Terran history when he suggested if they could go for a swim or a walk tomorrow after shift. It was a request the Trill wasn't expecting and she gave it a few seconds to think it over "I was going to do a jog before my shift started. I suppose you're free to join me if you're available." she answered before she joked "Just don't exhaust me with those enhancements of yours. Morning jogs are mostly just to clear my head, get some sports done, but not to exhaust myself on long fast laps." she chuckled "I'll start my jog at 0700 usually." she informed him further. "What other sports do you practice?" she asked curiously to the pilot as she leaned back in.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #15
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

“I can understand that, had I not learned about my people’s past history I might have never left home.  I wanted to learn more about the galaxy.”  He said, although part him felt that might not have been a bad thing.  Had he not left home he likely would have had a successful career in the military, maybe even later in the political arena.  He never would have been eligible for Chancellor but a Tribune hadn’t been out of the picture, however that all changed when he left turned his back on his people.

He nodded at her question.  “As far as I know they aren’t licensed, the Medical officers who examined me decided that my enhancements weren’t extreme enough to prohibit me from service.  From what I’ve gathered I’m not like the Augments my people were trying to recreate.”  Daniel explained.

He chuckled at her answer about hearing her sing.  “You’re right I haven’t, but sitting here and talking with you I can imagine you singing beautifully.”  Daniel said with a smile.  “I do hope that one day I a granted the honor of hearing you sing.”  He added playfully.

“0700 it is.  I should be able to keep a steady pace; I try not to wear myself out in the morning as well, being a pilot after all.”  He said with a smile.  If he wanted to really exercise he’d have Knight help him out, but he decided that for the next couple days he was going to break from his regular routine and take it a slow.  Once they arrived at Aldea he’d start a new training regimen with Knight, maybe he could convince Meony and K’Ren to join them.

Daniel shook his head.  “I don’t really practice any other sports, mostly just running or swimming or a weight training program.” He wasn’t an avid fan of Federation sports, his own people had their version of sports but he was pretty sure that she wouldn’t want to hear about his people’s version of sports.  “Although I do have to say that if you really want a workout you should give one of my holonovel stories a try, they can get pretty intense and physical depending on the role you choose.”  Daniel said, the primary role was as the Executive Officer of the USS Vendetta but he had designed it so that if someone wanted they could choose other roles as well.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #16
[ Amelya Rez | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn  

Having her curiosity sated with what Daniel had to say, the doctor gave a nod as she sipped from her drink and kept listening to what the man had left to say. A slight blush roses her cheeks as he praised her singing even though the man had not heard her sing for a second. The blonde Trill looked down at her lap for a second as she shook her head "Perhaps, one day... Who knows." she answered.

Her eyes glanced back up to him as he announced he'd be ready at 0700 for her daily run. She was surprised by the eagerness of the pilot. Wouldn't she be too slow for him? It was a problem for tomorrow... She pushed some of her long blonde hair behind one of her ears as she bit her lip "I doubt I'll be able to wear you out with my jogs... I think you fighter folk, regardless of the augments, have quite a good condition." she voiced out softly. Surely her condition was above average after having been trained by Zaraq, keeping up the exercises he had drafted for her. Though these exercises didn't only stop at cardio and muscle training. They were meant to increase her stamina.

The holonovel suggestion made Amelya frown "How's that?" she asked curiously as she sipped again from her drink and adjusted her position in her seat. She had tried out a few holonovels on her own, yet never really got captivated by them.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #17
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13, Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

“I look forward to that day.”  Daniel said with a smile.  That did give him the thought that he could with her permission create a holo-scenario for her to sing in, that would be a subject he’d approach later however, right now however he was enjoying getting to know her.

“You’re right physically I likely won’t be worn out, but I could get mentally worn out.  Although the past few days have had me sitting in a fighter and have kept me from my regular schedule so it’ll be good to ease back into training.”  Daniel said.  For most of his time spent on Theurgy his training regime had been disrupted and it would be good to ease back into it.

“Well the primary role is that of the Executive Officer, however the way that I designed it, you could potentially choose any position.  You could be a Medical officer, or a Security officer, or an Engineer and depending on the position the program corresponds giving you different tasks to perform.”  Daniel said with a smile.  “A quick example for instance, is that an Engineer might have to proceed with damage control but would have to climb through the maintenance access ways instead of using the turbolift.”  The program was very sophisticated having gone through hundreds of revisions as he got criticisms and pointers on how to improve it.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #18
[ Amelya Rez | Whetstone Lounge | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Havenborn

"Well, I hope I won't wear you out mentally in that case if we go on a run." Amelya answered with a smirk as she took her cup of spice tea and nipped from the hot beverage. Her eyes rested on the pilot now, giving him her undivided attention as he spoke of his holonovel. She gave a few nods before shrugging slightly "It sounds... Like you've put quite a bit of work in it." she answered carefully as she looked for the right words "Though to me... It really sounds like... Work?" she admitted honestly "Don't get me wrong, I imagine it'll be a wonderful place, but when I'm heading to the holodecks... I think the last thing I'd want to be on would be a serious simulator." she shrugged as she hide her lips with the cup once more as she drank the tea.

She placed the beverage down on the table again as she closed her eyes for a second "I'd want to visit worlds I've not been to before. Catch the sights so to speak and just relax fully... To empty my head entirely and just come to peace in the moment. You know?" she said softly, her voice low and almost dreamy as she could find herself in just a spot like that. Her eyes opened once more as she took in a deep breath "That said... It is getting pretty late." she offered to him as she took the mug back in her hands and worked on getting the last of her tea in her "Especially if I need to be ready for a run in the morning." she chuckled as she gave Daniel a wink.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps

Reply #19
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 13, Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel smiled at her, he was fairly sure he wouldn’t get mentally tired but it was always a possibility.  He thanked the waiter as he cleared their dishes and refilled his flavored water.  “I have and sometimes it can be more work but I intend to someday release it for the public.”  Daniel said, that was if they managed to live that long.  “That’s true and I do have two other holoprograms that are for relaxation rather than simulation, I could show you one of those if you’d be so inclined at some point.”  Daniel offered.

“I understand that, one of my other holoprograms is a recreation of Mars and there are times where I enjoy just sitting in that one and looking at my homeland.”  Daniel said.  He left out that it had an interactive story as well because that was a secondary feature of that program.

Daniel smirked at her and nodded as he took another drink from his glass.  “Well then I guess I will see you in the morning.”  Daniel said as he stood up and waited for her to stand.  Once she had he smiled at her and looked into her eyes.  “Sleep well Amelya.”  Daniel said as he watched her leave.  He sat back down for a moment more to just relax before he too went to his quarters for some rest.

Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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