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Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #25
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley | Mess Hall | USS Resolve ] Attn: @CanadianVet & @Absinthe
Sinead's eyes followed B'Nila as she got up and announced her departure from the hall. The Bringloidi's expression was as readable as a stone, and she offered nothing for or against the decision. They'd said all that they could possibly say to persuade the Elsarian for overt support on dealing with Michal. She lowered her head ever-so slightly as the counsellor walked past her. She had given Eliska another acknowledging nod at the woman's second glance, not missing the fury in her eyes, which matched the subtle ice in her own. Michal would be dealt with, immediately. One way or another, the safety of ship. The needs of the many outweighed the needs of this one woman.

Before either of them could go anywhere though, Keval ch'Rayya stopped them.

At first, she considered legal loopholes that she could use to get to Michal since the Andorian had effectively stonewalled them, and Sinead was honour-bound to obey the executive officer. She would not use deceit or lies to draw the woman in, or alternatively, she could violate a direct order and deal with her, regardless of the consequences. It would disappoint Tristan, but that could not be avoided. Michal was that big a threat now as far as Sineead was concerned. However, what Keval followed up with next had her arching one eyebrow, as the only hint of any emotion or expression. She didn't see the point of offering such subterfuge, seeing as almost no one was here, but she understood enough the concept of "keeping up appearances" to somewhat appreciate the Andorian's position and choice.

Her own cold eyes met his and she answered simply with, “Yes sir, it be clear t'me.”

She turned to look at Eliska and added, still addressing Keval, “Good times do be hard t' be had these days, but we will be lettin' ye know if we do. Permission t'be dismissed?”

Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #26
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Cargo Bay | U.S.S. Resolve ] attn: @FollowTomorrow

As he lay on the floor, much like a child over emphasizing some make believe depression, F'Rell moved along the shelf, coiling her body around one the the storage drums. It was clear to her that he was likely going to remain unless she either ignored him or gave him a task. She would do neither, so she figured she would simply outlast him. She was after all somewhat older and in no real hurry to get anywhere. Indeed every step they took closer to their home was one step further from hers.

"<If I do thing, thing will not be attempt till when I have train thing with I language>," she said in her broken english translation. There really was no point in building a more advanced translator if the translation matrix had yet to learn the subtleties of her natural speech. Though it would likely be a good idea to build a more advanced translator eventually, it was still far to earlier into her attempting to get her language translating well to bother.

It was this above all else that frustrated her, it added to her isolation so. She could not speak and be understood, instead she had to limit her speech all in an attempt to ensure that the fragile programing that translated her did not get confused and cause additional errors.

"<You be kind to offer, but I no be able to take offer now>," she tried to explain, doing her best to be perhaps more gentle with her words, what words she could use. She was uncertain why he was so determined to spend time with her, help her, and get her affection. In struck her as an odd thing, though she had only ever had limited exposure to cultures outside her own. Still it seemed much of the crew had a quiet curiosity toward her and would only gawk from a distance. Being approached like this was different. She wondered if it  "<Why do you need I to touch>?"

Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #27
[ Lt. Jg. Suq | Cargo Bay | U.S.S. Resolve ] ATTN: @Absinthe

Suq, being Efrosian, was normally very good with language, word meaning and the like, but F’rell’s wonky translator gave him pause. He had to go over the words a few times, repeating them himself in quiet mumbles as he parsed through the peculiarities of a language that wasn’t even his mother tongue. He wasn’t quite sure what she had said exactly, but he had an idea, so he nodded his head to acknowledge that she had said it. He could figure out at least that she would implement the idea later, though he couldn’t figure out why.

Then, she asked a question that was much easier for him to understand. He was all smiles again. He could tell her he needed a hug because he loved her or because she was just so squishy and delightful, or any other number of silly-but-true reasons, but he had a feeling she wanted to know why touch was so important in general. He was more than happy to explain.

“Most humanoids like touch. It helps them form bonds with others, I think it releases some happy chemicals in our brains. Efrosians like touch especially for some reason. We like to hug and cuddle and touch each other’s faces more often than other races do, it helps us feel closer to each other and makes us all feel happy. I’m an Efrosian, by the way. In case you forgot.” He added the last part just in case. He remembered being so confused by the sheer variety of races when he first left home, he could only imagine how confusing it must be for F’rell. All humanoids probably look the same to her.

“I want a hug from you because I like you and want to be your friend, and I also want you to feel like you have friends too. I don’t want you to feel lonely. I might be pretty weird, but I make a good friend. Honest.” He offered her an award-winning smile. He really hoped she’d indulge him, if not because she wanted to be friends, then because having an armfull of squishy F’rell would probably feel awesome.

Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #28
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Cargo Bay | U.S.S. Resolve ] attn: @FollowTomorrow

For not the first or last time, F'Rell was struck by how odd humanoids were. Given her races more delicate skin physical contact was not something engaged in often, and when it was it was out of necessity or for sexual intercourse. Casual touch was not an activity F'Rell was at all familiar with. Yet it seemed to be an everyday sort of thing for humanoids, up to the point that Suq even seemed to desire physical affection from her. And given it did seem to have a place within social constructs and would allow for familiar bonds in between people, it did make some vague sort of sense, even if it was not part of her own racial culture.

"<You make interest point,>" came the response from the translator, far less refined or fluid sounding than her natural language, but there were still many limitations. She could only do her best to try and make sense, and even then it seemed as if much of what she said fell apart because of the limitations of the translation matrix. "<I touch you now.>"

And with that she moved down the shelves, her long body snaking it's way down. She prefered to keep her body anchored most of the time. If she was not in an enclosed space, she would hold onto the walls or ceiling. The Resolve had been in enough fights that she disliked the notion of not being anchored to something, at least in so much as that most of the rest of the crew was anchored to the floor.

As she drew nearer to him, she extended her body away from the shelf, letting it stretch out a little, her many appendages moving lightly in some imagined wind, keeping her body stable. She extended an appendage and made contact with his forehead, the complex network of inflating and deflating cells that made up the gripping part of her appendage moving easily over his skin. Her skin had a slightly oily feel and smelled distinctly of ozone and nitrogen, though it was not an unpleasant odor and the oily feeling did not seem to leave a residue. She was hardly any warmer than the air around her, though the slightly slick nature of her skin made her feel perhaps a little cooler. If she wished it with just that grip she could have lifted him into the air, creating enough suction with her grip to hold him by the forehead.

Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #29
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Mess hall | USS Resolve ] attn: @Absinthe @Triage  @DocReno

B'Nila leaving was not the result either Eliska nor Sinead wanted, but there was nothing else to be done about it.  Well, at least so far as the counselor was immediately concerned.  And that left both women with a chance to plan their next move. 

That is, until Lieutenant ch'Rayya, who apparently hadn't left when the room was cleared by Sinead, spoke up.  And his tone was one that spoke of disapproval in great amounts.  He was the acting chief of Security, that made him her boss.  And, in a roundabout way, Sinead's as well when she was working as an auxiliary to the Security department; and with her skills, and given the toll their voyage had taken on the crew, that was a lot of the time. 

But what he said next?  That was not the sort of thing Bremmer would have expected from an officer.  Maybe one who'd commissioned from the ranks, or some old Chief.  But never from someone who took his commission from the get-go.  Because no one would ever expect an officer to just give out all the information that was needed to do exactly what was 'not' to be done...

Unfortunately, it would seem that Sinead could not read between the lines...

"Of course, Sir," replied the Petty Officer.  And, as she turned to leave, she placed one hand onto her old friend's shoulder as they walked.  "So, Sin, what are you doing tomorrow morning?"

[Exeunt Bremmer]

Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #30
[ Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley | Mess Hall | USS Resolve ] Attn: @CanadianVet, @Absinthe & @DocReno
Sinead's resolve to break rank and defy orders grew stronger by the second as she replayed in her head all the horror stories that she had gathered on Michal so far since her assignment to the Luna-class starship. There were plenty of rumors, whispered tales of hearsay, nothing on record. Depraved as the woman was, Michal was somehow clever enough to keep her hands clean, mostly through intimidation, implied or otherwise, and playing on the emotions of the people, much like she was doing with B'nila. The only evidence would be on the very people she abused, but thus far, not one soul had come forward to testify. And Michal had never tried with Sinead, mostly because the Bringloidi's reputation for dealing out death and excruciating pain was near-legendary, along with a nickname she struggled to not live-up to: The Grim Reaper.

That, and the fact that Sinead was also quite the ninja, capable of sneaking up on people unnoticed, moving siilently as a ghost, and since she had a reputation for taking things quite literally, she'd have registered an offhand threat as an overt threat and act to eliminate it before it could come to fruition. As it was, she was finally coming to a point where she felt Michal needed dealing with immediately before she had further opportunities.

She almost gave a start when Eliska inquired so innocently as to what she would be doing. With Keval still so near, the redhead did not want to say anything just yet. She never told lies. So she excused herself wordlessly from the Andorian's presence, and brushed her hand over the other woman's, indicating for her to follow, and once they were out of earshot of anyone, Sinead answered her friend, “I will be defyin' orders and riskin' a court martial t' put a stop t' Michal Silika tomorrow morning when th' bay is not being monitored.” She kept her eyes fixed ahead of her, and kept her voice low enough so that only Eliska could hear her, even though there was no one else nearby.

Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #31
[ Suq | Cargo Bay | U.S.S. Resolve ] attn: @Absinthe

Suq awaited F’rell’s approach with delight that probably outweighed the situation at hand. The anticipation of a real hug from someone as ephemeral as F’rell was delightful. It’d be like touching a cloud, he imagined, or feeling the wind. He closed his eyes and awaited the touch.

In reality, it felt a lot more some species of mollusk, he supposed, but less wet nor did she smell of algae. He had felt something similarly suction-y when he waded out into a tide pool by a beach on Efros once, and he bothered the local fauna. Eventually, he bothered something just enough that it jumped at his face and latched on with a myriad of slimy-but-not-slimy tentacles. His entire face went numb about an hour later and he spent the rest of his day with green fungal pastey medicine on his face, drooling in front of his space heater. He had a gut feeling that the same thing might happen this evening, but decided that this moment was worth it.

“I am blessed!”
He whispered, as if he were in awe, “I have been blessed by my dear lady F’rell. I’ll never wash my forehead again.”

He made it a point to sit still, since he did not yet know the power of her suction, nor did he wish to hurt her in any way. Her...membrane? skin? Whatever it was, it felt so delicate. This is the best, he thought, this is the absolute best. It's not a hug, but I will totally take it.

Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #32
[ F'Rell of the 12th House | Cargo Bay | U.S.S. Resolve ] attn: @FollowTomorrow

She held her appendage to his forehead for only a moment longer before she moved it away. For her part F'Rell got little from the brief moment of contact. Her race was not as touch focused as humanoid species seemed to be and were not as sensitive to it. The membrane of her skin was too thin to allow for as many nerve endings as most humanoid races had in their skin. But she had been aware that he was warmer than the air around him and she had felt the density of his body, or more specifically his head.

As she pulled her long body back up, coiling around a large storage drum, her silvery eyes gazed down at him. His choice of words was somewhat confusing to her, seeming to imply some sort of spiritual encounter had taken place. Though that was based off of only her own understanding of the language he spoke. The translator was, at least now, only actively translating her speech and not translating his speech as well.

"<You be fool if you not wash all you body>," F'Rell replied, her inflect returning to a more paternal tone. "<You be fool man, like the young>." Though her words did seem to castigate, something about the look she gave did seems to imply she meant them now a bit more endearing. As she spoke she moved her long body down the shelving unit, until she was closer to the floor, still anchoring her body against the cool metal of it. She hung in the air above him, only a few of her appendages gripping the shelving unit. "<You need touch to learn how other feeling and make friend>."

Re: USS Resolve: Things left Unresolved

Reply #33
[ Suq | Cargo Bay | U.S.S. Resolve ] attn: @Absinthe

The dense-headed Efrosian appeared to fully enjoy the touch, the smile he wore never left his face. She felt weird, but he didn’t feel himself going numb yet, so he assumed that he would not be harmed by her tendrils.

It didn’t last forever though, soon she was coiling up and he was watching her with his smile still there. He patiently listened to her, even if he was insulted it did not stop him from enjoying the moment. In fact, he almost seemed to like it when she scolded him. To him, it felt like she cared about him quite a bit, if she was trying to correct him like that. It was as if she was family, and Suq instinctively sought out and created family from his peers. In context, her response felt extremely rewarding.

“Don’t worry, I wash myself every day.” He assured her. “I’d be a stinky fool man if I didn’t. And then nobody would touch me.” He beamed, but was interrupted by chatter from his combadge.
“Lt. Suq, to engineering.” He glanced down at his chest, as if surprised to hear it go off. He tapped it and replied “On my way,” as he stood up on his own short two legs.
“They’re calling me away again. When we get to the space station, let’s find someplace quiet and just hang out, alright?” He smiled again, and started to trot off. He assumed that the hanging out appointment was a given, probably because it was. Even if F’rell wasn’t intending on hanging out, Suq would probably find her and remain near her until she shoo’d him away. That’s just how he was.


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