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Topic: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children (Read 14977 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #25
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Grunting, Maal had sodomised to Ovri to his full contentment, and the warm friction inside Vinata had helped keep Maal engorged enough. He had stroked that segmented Ovri phallus as if it had been his own, and it seemed the other nurse enjoyed it well enough. The sight of Vinata in the Azure Nebula's light, however, was what truly kept Maal hard enough to finish off what had begun.

Luckily, for his own esteem and the Ovri's delight, Maal lasted all the way, and his eyes widened when Vinata's semen began to pump out through Maal's hand. It landed in thick ropes across the Ovri on the desk, decorating those bouncing breasts and the flat belly. Because of how hard Maal's grip around Vinata's cock was, some even sprayed as far as his neck and chin. As for himself, Maal had been pleased so thoroughly that he finally began to wind down, and vacated the Ovri when his hardness had abated a bit. By that time, the other nurse had stopped chirping, coming down from the heights of euphoria, and spoke to him.

Maal could but smile a little in an embarrassed way. "It was the least I could do," he rumbled quietly, and ran his fist from base to tip a couple of times more, like he used to do himself, and milked out whatever was left inside Vinata's considerable length. "So thank you in kind..."

Having said this, he awkwardly released Vinata and stepped away, glancing towards his clothes. "I do not wish to seem ungrateful, but I am overdue. I need to see Hylota as well, and speak with her about the egg. Will you..." He blinked returning to hold out a hand to the Ovri and to help him up, "Will you be all right if I left you now?"

He wondered also, if he would be late to see her - the mother of his child. It still didn't seem right, what he had just done, but he had to put faith in Vinata's word.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #26
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Panting Vinata was in a muld haze of arousal before he manged to shake his head to regain his focus and composure as he looked to Maal and gave a gentle and warm smile as he nodded. "I assure you I will be quite alright, it is not as though this is the first time I have had sex like this, but it is indeed one of the more pleasant encounters I have ever had." He ran his hand down along his chest and smeared his own seed over his skin before let out a sigh. "I must say I am a glad that I could get you to go this far with me, it felt good for the both of us." As Maal then spoke of having to get going Vinata waved Maal away. "Go, I can take care of this mess on my own, you have your own duties to attend to. Go, if my sister asks what kept you, you can always just say that we had crossed paths and taken some time to smooth out things between us, and hopefully we will be able to spend more time together to make sure that this relationship is quite smooth." Vinata smiled and chirped happily. "On a bit more of a serious tone, if you want to discuss my sister at all we can talk more next time, I am sure that she will be getting under your skin soon enough considering the matters at hand." Vinata sighed as he pushed himself up and began to make his way to his sonic shower to begin cleaning up.

[ Hylota Vojona | Outside Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]

Hylota was waiting outside of Sickbay as she waited for Maal, she had her arguments and plan already laid out, she knew that her child would not be safe on the Theurgy, and she had no emotional ties to it, the wisest thing for her to do was send it away to be raised among her people, she had done research into how the Klingons handled those they deemed weak, and she did not trust the human leadership at this time, it was only logical to go with her choice, but she was sure that logic was not going to win the argument here today, so she was prepared to hammer her points home and hit the emotional points so that Maal came around to seeing things her way.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #27
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Having left Vinata behind, at long last, Maal made his way down to Main Sickbay. In his thoughts, the encounter with Hylota's brother was still at the forefront of his mind. While the stigma of their first encounter had definitely been lifted, he couldn't help but think he had put himself in trouble with Hylota - the mother of his unhatched child.

Therefore, he was a tad startled to find her waiting for him in the corridor, just outside the entrance for medical staff. He had thought to find her inside, and he had yet to collect his thoughts, making him almost stumble when seeing her.

"Hylota," he rumbled, coming to a stop a mere couple of feet in front of her. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck, and decided he definitely had to offer some kind of explanation. "I am sorry I am late for our dat-" Maal stopped himself when he realised it wasn't even considered a date. Well he had thought of it as such, old-fashioned as he was and raised among humans. In truth, this was more like a meeting, wherein they'd decide on the fate of their egg.

Her egg? He was not entirely sure what was correct there.

"I'm sorry I'm late," he amended, keeping it simple and giving her a sharp-toothed, embarrassed smile. "I ran into your brother, and we... And because of Vasser's mutiny, we took the opportunity to talk about what happened, and put it behind us. I think we have, now. I do not think Vinata resents me for my actions any more, at least."

How much should he tell her? He was already babbling like an imbecile. He decided to stop there and let Hylota speak instead.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #28
[ Hylota Vojona | Outside Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As Maal arrived and already seemed to be rather flustered, Hylota chose to just brush it off. Maal was here to talk about the matter of the egg, he had also ended up late, so she was sure that was playing into how he was acting, but as Vinata was brought up in the conversation Hylota had a horrid fear that Maal might have screwed things up and made the matter with her brother far worse than it had been before this with his inability to navigate tense social moments, but as he then spoke of how he believed he had smoothed things over with Vinata, Hylota just blinked, she was a bit surprised at how much had happened, she wondered how males could get along so well...rumor from her youth had it that males resolved matters with sex and a part of her mind imagined it briefly before she chose to move things on.

Closing her eyes Hylota smiled and then nodded before she opened them once more. "To be honest I do not think he ever held anything against you, the way he saw it you were just as raped as he was in a way, you were forced to use him, while he was powerless to help stop it. I am sorry my own vitriolic behavior prevented you from getting closure from him sooner, but  it seems things have worked out in the end." Hylota took a moment to pause, in truth she did not know how to go forward, Maal might see the egg as hers, but to Hylota the egg was just an egg, she had no right to it since she did not wish to raise the child here, as such the choice on what to do with it was less about what she wanted, and more what she felt was the safest bet for the child's future.

Looking into Mall's eyes Hylota spoke. "I know you likely do not want to hear this, but my choice on the matter of the egg is simply this,  at the next port we make, the egg will be cryogenically frozen and transported over to their care with simple instructions. Keep the egg frozen and have it transported to Ovri space. There it will be taken to my home world of Dejino, there it can be safely thawed and cared for as the embryo develops, once hatched you can either choose to have the child frozen to wait for you, or have the raised in the community like all other Ovri until you can come reclaim him. Does this setup suit you Maal?" Hylota was not sure what she would expect in response, but she was prepared to defend her point, Maal needed to see things her way.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #29
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Not knowing for sure what he had expected when telling Hylota immediately about where he'd been, he did know he hadn't expected her to be quite so understanding. That was all because of the aforementioned vitriolic behaviour of hers, perhaps, but then again, he hadn't really told her what he had done to smooth things over with her brother, and he was not entirely certain he'd be able to tell her outright what they had just done. Vinata might have told him he had nothing to fear in that regard, but his own cultural upbringing prevented him from breaching the topic.

Thankfully, Hylota wasted little time before getting to the topic of discussion they had to deal with, and Maal gestured while he listened, suggesting that they'd walk while they spoke of the matter with the unhatched egg. He let Hylota decide if she wanted to venture deeper into Sickbay or leave the area - walking the corridors of the Theurgy.

"I am... of a different opinion," he admitted as they walked, and he thought about his argument - collecting his thoughts despite how much Vinata had managed to distract him. Hylota was distracting in her own right, of course, the female Ovri having been the first of the Vojona siblings to 'distract' him. As it were, he didn't recall exactly how things had developed between Hylota and him back when he'd impregnated her, but he did recall that she was in heat, and there had been a lot of pheromones involved.

"How can we be certain that the egg arrives safely to Dejino if we just hand it over to someone in our next port?" he said, the timbre of his voice echoing lightly between the bulkheads. "What if the Orion Syndicate gets its hands on the egg and subject our child to a life of slavery? An unhatched egg would be highly valuable, since the child would get indoctrinated in its role from the moment it hatches. Would it not be better that the egg remained with us, so that we can personally protect it?"

Maal looked towards Hylota and her silhouette - so different from her brother yet equally appealing in her own right.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #30
[ Hylota Vojona | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Hylota nodded in understanding of Maal's points and she spoke in a very firm tone as made her counters, in truth she had some worry about her child, she knew that Maal likely cared a lot for it, and she wanted this to be as painless for him as she could make it. "I understand that there is a risk of abduction, but as it is the egg might never survive to full development, like a half klingon special steps will likely need to be taken to ensure healthy development. It would be more of an investment than slavers would be willing to make. As a last resort we can make it so that the egg is transported by the Federation, despite our outlaw status the egg would easily be identified with simple scanning. As it is now, no parasite could take it as a host, and the Federation would have no justifiable reason to deny the egg from returning to the Ovri as they are a member race."

Hylota slowed as she looked to Maal, the next point she was making was a bit more cold and she felt eye contact would help smooth things over as they went. "And as for the safety aboard the ship. I recall the birth of the clutch being during a battle, and during conflict both of us are needed for active duty, meaning we would have to leave our infant unattended during every fight, we also risk their death in the crossfire, especially in the very vulnerable stages of development. And what would happen if we died, or if we failed, our child would be far better off away from this ship than stranded here."

Hylota allowed her eyes to roam over Maal, he was a strong man, a proud man, and a caring one. Truth be told he was good material to care for a child, and if she was ever to try being a parent like in the mammalian model he was a good choice for a partner. Sure her interest in him during her heat was very primal and basic, at least Maal had seem some attraction in her after their initial union. It had made her feel as though she should at least give him an attempt to be more than a usual Ovri mother. "I do not know what the future holds for us Maal, but if you choose to become the father of this child one day, I will do what I can to learn to be a mother with you. It is not in my nature, but for you Maal it is something I will try to learn." Hylota hoped Maal would understand that she was doing her best to be more for him.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #31
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
In most matters, Maal was not a quick thinker, but a thorough one. He listened to Hylota when she were offering her arguments in relation to the child being lost in transit to Dejino. She was probably right in how the wellbeing of the child was already in jeopardy to begin with, the chances of its survival low already. Slavers might not be able to care or the eggs, yes, but that was - to Maal - not an argument against keeping the egg in their care. Quite the opposite. Either the slaver could take care of the egg, and the child would be a slave from the moment it hatched, or the slaver couldn't, and the child would die before it hatched.

Would the child not get the proper attention and care, given the best possible survival, if it was taken care of by someone who actually cared? "Starfleet..." Maal mused quietly when Hylota suggested that the very fleet that persecuted them might see the child safely delivered to Dejino since the Ovri were new members of the Federation. "They might, unless these parasites have it sent to the Science Division first, without informing the Ovri, in which case it will grow up in a lab. Perhaps I am being paranoid..."

Of course, there was the matter of how exposed the Theurgy was to danger, how likely it was that the child could suddenly be bereft of either or both of its parents. To this, Maal mumbled in regret, the sound reverberating between the bulkheads of the corridor. "Yet I hear of the makings of a galactic war, and how no planet might be safe," he offered quietly, referring to how the parasites sought to tear down order and structure, and found all societies to be festering wounds on existence, yet Hylota overrode his quiet comment by rounding on him and pinning him there with her adamant stare. She seemed to be studying him, for some reason.

What she said next gave him pause, and he barely dared breathe lest he'd break the spell of the moment. Hylota, this proud, efficient woman of the Ovri race, were offering to adapt to his culture for his sake and the child's. "I do take my responsibility for our unhatched child seriously. Anything else would be without honour," he ventured, wondering if she was truly earnest in her words. Of course she would be, otherwise she'd never say them. She is willing to do it for my sake, to learn and be more than she was raised to be.

In part, it led back to their unfinished argument about what to do with the egg, since she was willing to care for the child like a mother would on Earth, but on the other side of the spectrum was the obvious question of where the two of them stood. Does this mean...?

"So you are willing to be my partner in raising our child, a parent... I thank you, for my concerns have been for the child's parentage since you told me Ovri women didn't raise their children. Yet... where does that leave us?" he asked quietly, looking into her dark eyes. He raised his hand to her face, tracing a rough thumb over her smooth brow, the other fingers running over her cheekbone."What of you and I?"

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #32
[ Hylota Vojona | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Hylota sighed as she looked to Maal as he talked about his paranoid fears. "It would be a risky thing to do something to the egg, and they would know that the only Ovri on these ships were my brother an me. I have no doubt that the Ovri councils have at least made the case that my brother and I are unfortunate bystanders, to withhold the egg would just sour relations, especially since there is no way to justify withholding a child, and even if Starfleet lied and said the egg was without instruction, the Ovri would claim sanctity over the egg." Hylota was very firm in her belief, she knew her people, she knew that they would act a certain way in the matter of children and she was banking on that for her child.

Of course as the topic of a galactic war came up Hylota sighed. "Ok even if a galactic war were to occur, I doubt the Ovri would get involved, we are so distant from the Federation, We have very little claimed along the lines of settlements on planets, most of our territory is in stations  and asteroid colonies. What benefit would there be in coming after the Ovri?" A part of Hylota wanted to believe war would never come to her people, that her home and people would be safe, more of her knowing that at the first signs of a war entire cities would go dark to remain hidden throughout a war.

As the conversation then turned towards the compromise that Hylota was willing to make to be part of her child's life despite her peoples established conventions for child raising, to take part in the small percentage of family groupings. To see Maal soften at the prospect of having an actual family with Hylota. "I would do my best to learn, it is not something I think I will take to easily, but I know the feeling of having a mother who could not be interested in the clutch she birthed, I know the yearning for some level of recognition, to be more than just genetics passed on." As her check was then caressed Hylota looked to Maal with her dark eyes as they moved into the other big question, about where they were, what had become of them as a couple. To this Hylota smiled softly. "I cannot speak to the distant future, Ovri are notorious for having very fluid relationship, moving from one to the next, but I can say that I do enjoy the gruff and rough Klingon personality I have been seeing. You fascinate me, your passion is alluring, and you treat me like a woman despite how I look. Granted I think that could be chalked up to the fact that Klingon women are almost as impressive as the men in their strength." Hylota gave Maal a warm smile.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #33
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Hearing Hylota confirm that he'd understood her right, even if she did mention how Ovri were not the kind to settle down, Maal felt humbled that she was willing to be his mate. To even hear her admitting to attraction, after having been so angry with him because of Vinata and the mutiny, it was as close to a feeling of redemption that Maal could get. It was more profound than the forgiveness of Vinata, and how they had worked out the unsettled matters between them. She was very protective of her brother, and yet she was willing to be with him despite what had happened.

"You have no idea what that means to me," he rumbled, the chest of his uniform creaking as he took a deep breath - his smile earnest in its mix of shared warmth and relief. "And while Klingon women might be formidable... they are nothing compared to you."

He said this, and slowly stepped closer, sealing their understanding - for as long as it may last - with a thorough kiss right there in the corridor. He had put both his hands to the sides of her head, and parted her lips with his own. Kissing her deeply, he felt her unique taste, and he knew that there might be pheromones affecting his judgement, but he did not care. It felt right, and he even stirred in response to her, regardless what had just transpired in her brothers' quarters. That was quite secondary, of course, to what lay between them, and the matter yet settled.

When he finally parted from her, his lips more than anything else since he still stood close, he spoke anew. "I trust your judgement, and I respect your opinion about your people and what they might do," he grated thickly against her lips, breathing hard though his nostrils after the kiss, "would you be willing to see one of the counsellors, though? It is a life, a life we have begotten, and regardless its chances of survival, it could be a good thing to have an objective opinion about this, since ours are not fully aligned. Would you be willing to see one with me?"

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #34
[ Hylota Vojona | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Hylota had not been expecting a kiss; as she was pulled in to share the intimate moment with Maal, Hylota blinked and a moment before allowing her lips to part and she closed her eyes as she savored the moment. Truly she had no idea what agreeing to take on a maternal position entailed, she did not know how much this gesture meant when it was offered, truthfully she had no clue what she was getting into, but she would learn she was committing to taking this seriously, she was committed to becoming what was needed for making things work with Maal, to make things work for her child.

As the two of them broke this kiss Hylota looked into Maal's eyes as he spoke and Hylota nodded in agreement. "As much as I would like for you to just agree with me I do find your point on getting a non biased third party is the best option for getting a conclusive answer to our predicament, I would not like to force you to going with my option and I am certain that I would not stop making the case that your choice was equally as poor in my opinion. In truth we both hold a flawed solution for this situation and both of our solutions have different benefits and drawbacks and a third party will be able to tell us much more definitively what a good choice would be."

In the back of her mind Hylota was telling herself how she was right, she did not believe that Maal's idea held any value, a child was a liability and a hindrance to them, honestly the best outcome would be for the egg to be hatched, genetics corrected and for the child to be frozen, the Ovri part of it would no doubt make that option more stable for an extended period of time. Hylota could tel from what she had seen that most parents loved watching their child grow, to care fr them and to help them develop, sure that had it's appeal, but in their current setting there was just too much risk of that being cut short in some crisis, and Hylota was sure that the counselor would see it her way.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #35
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
It was almost a sense of accomplishment that came to Maal when Hylota didn't just agree with his suggestion to discuss their options with a counselor, but that she approved of it as well.

"Aye," he rumbled and raised a hand to stroke the side of her face with the back of his large hand. "I will submit a request to Hayden O'Connor, and we'll see if she is available. Since she was there, during he battle, I think it would be a good thing she was the one to see us. I understand she was highly involved during your brief pregnancy as well, so I can think of no better counselor to consult in this matter."

Having said this, Maal leaned in to kiss the mother of his future child again, the taste making him want more, even if they were in the middle of the corridor. He put his strong hands on her hips as he did so, and he cared not that a couple of officers walked by them, grinning and chuckling at the sight of the Klingon and the Ovri that had been in their way. Eventually, Maal was able to pull away, or Hylota stopped him. In the haze that followed, he wasn't sure which. Yet either way, he had no regrets.

"How much time before you must be back in Sickbay?" he asked, even though he knew the shift rotations. "I mean... Do you have any patients waiting for you in the Recovery Ward?"

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #36
[ Hylota Vojona | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Hylota listened to Maal's suggestion, the reasoning was sound that they should seek out the third opinion of O'Conner since she had been involved in the pregnancy since the first signs up to the point where Hylota had finally delivered. It was nice to have someone that was informed of the situation stepping in to help sort things out in the end, it would ensure that Hylota would not have to explain her points on the health of the egg and how that was a vital that the egg be allowed to develop while in more close and safe observation. Hylota would have to be careful though, she knew that O'Conner was a much more emotional person and would likely be willing to side with Maal.

Hylota was considering her best course of action to make sure that her appeal would be the one to win out Maal began to turn his attention more towards Hylota, the full depth of her agreement not sinking in for her, but as Maal leaned in and took a passionate kiss Hylota snapped back to reality and leaned into the intimate act, allowing Maal to go as far as he wanted, ignoring the world around them as she just savored the moment in silence. As the two broke their kiss Hylota looked to the passing crew and strained to listen to what they had to say before her attention directed back to Maal once more. As Maal began to ask about Hylota's scheduled and what things she had to do for the day.

Hylota gave a coy little grin and chuckled. "Well I have no real obligations right now, and I have been advised to take my time with my recovery.  If you are insinuating what I think, and you are wanting to take a small little break to share an intimate moment together in private, well I am sure that I can find the time for that Maal." Hylota put a hand on Maal's powerful shoulder and gently rubbed as she smiled to him. "I would also like to hear what you have planned for our future together, seeing as you have clearly put more thought into this than I have at present." Hylota gently slid her hand down along Maal's arm and took his hand in her own as she looked around before she began to walk. Leading Maal towards a more isolated area where they could be alone.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #37
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Evidently, Hylota was not the least opposed to celebrate their new accord, leading him somewhere more private. He let her, still a bit in a haze after that kiss they'd shared. Her grip around his large hand was strong, but she didn't have to pull him along with her. He was keen on following her.

As for her question, what ideas he might have for this relationship between them, he knew that his own preferences - being Terran in his upbringing - would seem strange to her. "Even if I have no House, or even a solid claim on Klingon traditions," he rumbled as he followed Hylota down the corridor, "I would like to name you my Par'Mach'kai."

He knew that it wouldn't say much, so he supposed he had to explain it. "It is a Klingon term of endearment, used to refer to one's partner," he said in his deep voice, finding himself looking at the outline of her uniform as they walked. "I would share quarters with you, if you'd be so inclined, but I know that monogamy is a foreign concept for Ovri... So I would not ask it of you. We share duties in Sickbay already, but now, we'd share a home here on the Theurgy. Do you think you'd be willing to live with me?"

He would understand if she didn't want to, of course. He had great respect for Hylota's integrity.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #38
[ Hylota Vojona | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As Maal began to talk about his hopes an plans, of how he intended to make a life with Hylota as his partner, to commit herself to him and to live with him. It was not that foreign a concept for males and females to pair up together, sticking with a favored partner for a period of time, among the Ovri a woman was often expected to see to the well being of their partners, so she was not having much trouble coming to a conclusion as to what she wanted to do as she looked to Maal. "Well I would not mind sharing quarters with you, the company might do me some good, isolation can be a bit much considering how social Ovri are as a species." There might not be the same level of commitment to a single partner, but they still committed to being with the community.

Hylota let out a sigh and looked to Maal once more as she seemed to study him. "I do not know how things will play out, I know there are some who have adopted the family model that has been seen among humans and other species, but it is hard to break the habit of communal family, to make sure I do not feel overwhelmed you do not mind if I try and keep my brother in the loop with the child?" Hylota was not so hopeful that she would be able to keep a relationship together for decades, but if Maal was as dedicated as he seemed, she figured she could make it work.

As the two of them moved into a private space Hylota smirked slightly and let out chuckle. "My this brings back memories, you, me, a nice quiet place and one moment of passion...of course this time I am not in heat, and I am your superior now." Hylota smiled as she wrapped her arms around Maal in a comforting embrace.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #39
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Maal would, of course, not offer any protest about Vinata Vojona being in the loop about their unhatched child. How could he, and why would he? Vinata was her brother. He just had to figure out how he felt about the earlier... development between himself and the male Ovri. "Of course, I understand if you need someone close to you, and he's the only other Ovri aboard, so he can understand you more than I ever might."

The secluded place they found, after Maal opened a grate in the wall, was a Jefferies tube chute that you could stand tall in, with maintenance tunnels leading in both directions along the bulkhead, which you could only pass through if you crawled. But next to them was a ladder that led to the decks below and above them. The platform they stood upon, right next to the ladder and the gaping hole in the deck plating, was over two square meters wide, and more than enough for them both to face each other and embrace one another.

Her words, they made Maal chuckle deep down in his throat, being reminded about how it all had started. As he reminisced in quietude for a couple of seconds, he ran his large hands up and down her lean back and sides, enjoying the feeling of her strength. As she had said, she might not be as strong as a Klingon woman, but she still reminded him about the women of his home world. Perhaps, in being raised on Earth, there was something primal inside him that compelled him to have fallen in love with the Ovri. The child of theirs, and the conception of hir, that had merely been the catalyst of something far stronger.

At least that was what Maal thought,when he leaned in and kissed Hylota anew. "You are superior in many ways," he said in rueful flattery, hands slowly roaming her body on the outside of her uniform. "Yet off duty, I might not be as inclined to take orders. Then, I might turn the tables on you, as the humans tend to say."

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #40
[ Hylota Vojona | Jefferies Tube | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As the two medical officers ducked back into the jefferies tube and stood together alone in the cramped space and Maal let out a chuckle over what Hylota had to say about their situation, Hylota could not help but chuckle along with him as she leaned into his strong and powerful frame, pushing him towards a wall as she looked him in the eye. "Well if I remember correctly, Klingons like their women to be more defiant and a force to be overcome in their passion, or something like that." Hylota leaned in and kissed along Maal's jawline, eventually licking him playfully before she spoke once more. "I would be rather disappointed if you were to just roll over and let me take you however I wanted. If there is no challenge behind something, what even is the point. That is kind of why I like you Maal, you have a drive to you, a willingness to act, to go head first into a situation and take things head on. It is not the Ovri way, but I am a little tired of the Ovri way, my time with Starfleet has shown me that sometimes a direct method can work out quite well."

Hylota allowed Maal's hands to wander her figure, massaging her gently as she moved her legs independently, her boots moving against each other as Hylota twisted in a strange manner before kicking the locks open, releasing her legs, allowing her to step out of them and rub her legs against Maal as her own hands explored Maa's body, reeling him up and reaching to begin stripping him out of his uniform. "You know Maal I am rather curious, what would you do if you were to come with me back to my worlds instead of going back to earth? Personally I do not feel much interest for remining with Starfleet when all of this comes to an end. There have just been too many situations and problems, I cannot look at the Federation the same any longer, if we were to go back, would you consider living among the Ovri, you would easily be able to find work without a doubt, new ideas and perspectives are always welcome among the Ovri." As Hylota spoke her hand drifted slowly down Maal's body before cradling his groin to begin massaging him through his uniform while her other hand continued to slowly pull the clothes down. "We could buy an estate, something beautiful in the canyon region perhaps." As Hylota opened up to Maal, it was clear from the tone in her voice that she was still dealing with a lot of strain and just wanted to escape. 

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #41
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Feeling Hylota's hands undressing him while they kissed in the confines of the maintenance chute, Maal knew he had to claim what he wanted for himself on his own, since the first time he'd been with Hylota had all been about her needs - her having been in heat. She even encouraged him, wanted that which his blood compelled him to do. Human mating was all about equal footing and equal rights, respect and consideration. It was not in his genes, but he had been raised that way.

Between the greedy exchange of kisses, feeling his upper body being stripped by Hylota - jacket and undershirt open at the front and tugged back behind his shoulders - Maal heard his Ovri mate speak of her homeworld. It was... a lot to consider given the present circumstances, to decide on whether he wanted to leave Starfleet with her, but he did want to see where she and her brother came from. He growled in anticipation when she cupped her webbed, four-fingered hand over his throbbing member, still restricted in the confines of his uniform trousers, and even sore after what had happened between him and Hylota's brother. Sensitive still, he fought to get some skin of Hylota's on display as well, and his answer came as a pleased growl deep down in his throat.

"I crave to be with you, and if that's what you wish, I'll demand shoreleave for months - if we make it through this - to see your home," he grated and was finally able bare the front of Hylota's chest as well, jacket and undershirt opened, and then ran his large hands down to her firm bottom, which he took great pleasure in groping whilst he kissed her. "I will make my mind up then, after you've shown me your world."

Since his arms were restricted by his jacket and undershirt, he paused to yank them off his brawny arms, and then proceeded to unbuckle and open her trousers as well, so that he could resume to run his hands over her bottom, and even stroke her sex in anticipation for it to open for him.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #42
[ Hylota Vojona | Jefferies Tube | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Hylota let out a soft coo as she was rubbed along her smooth crotch, the slowly building pleasure making sure that it would not remain closed for much longer, but as Hylota looked into Maal's eyes she sighed as she reached up to rub her hands over his powerful shoulders, she wished that he would just abandon Starfleet for her, but she knew better, she knew he was a loyal man, one who would not abandon the organization whose ideals he had agreed with long ago. Hylota would just simply have to work hard to show him that she was worth more of his devotion than Starfleet was now.  With a lustful sigh Hylota leaned in for a kiss and leaned her crotch into Maal's caressing hand as she began to open up, her damp slit opening up with desire as she held back on her kiss, she did not want Maal to end up in some lust addled state, she wanted to enjoy her time with him.

As she broke the kiss Hylota spoke in a hushed lustful tone to him. "Oh I am sure I will find a way to convince you to stay with me. Or at the very least convince you that you that the two of us deserve some time off alone and away from all of this when it is over. I swear I will never set foot on another ship again to serve as a medical officer. I will get a respectable lab somewhere, work under a researcher and work my way up into a respectable position. I do not want any more adventures like this if things keep going as they have been." Hylota sighed and kissed Maal once more before she looked deep into his eyes. "But that is enough bellyaching over such things, for now how about we just focus on us, on this moment, and enjoy the pleasure we have earned." Hylota kissed Maal once more, this time slipping her tongue into his mouth as she waited for him to take the next step for them.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #43
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
"Agreed," said Maal, also keen on what they shared in the moment rather than the distant future, and sealed their accord - his lips meeting hers.

Now, the Ovri kiss was deeper, and he felt the familiar sensation of euphoria, knowing at some level about the pheromones but not caring in the slightest. It might not be natural for Humans or Klingon, but in sharing intimacy with an Ovri, it was nothing strange. He knew this from experience and learning, his mind often having dwelt upon Hylota over the past couple of weeks. And her brother, as wrong or odd as it had seemed until not so long ago. He rode the rush of desire that coursed through him, and ran a large hand behind her bare head.

His other hand continued to dwell betwixt her legs, delving inside her more with each rhythmic thrust of his middle finger. Soon, as sweet has her upper lips were, Maal could not restrain himself. He wished to taste her nether ones too. He did not bother to shed the open jacket and undershirt from Hylota's arms, instead crouching down and freeing her legs completely from trousers and any Starfleet underwear alike. Then, he pulled her legs on top of his broad shoulders, and hoisted her up into the opening in the deckhead where the ladder led towards the next deck. He held her steady on top of his shoulders, allowing her to grab a hold on the rungs of the ladder if she so wished, while he applied himself to pleasing her with his mouth.

For oh, how much he ached to join with her, he also wished to linger on her desire, to make her feel good. So with lips and tongue, he prepared her for what was to come, whilst she had to cling on to the ladder.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #44
[ Hylota Vojona | Jefferies Tube | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As Maal seized control of the moment and took hold of Hylota, crouching down and lifting her legs up, Hylota was taken aback a bit as she suddenly found herself off balance and in need of support. Thankfully the ladder did provide ample support as she took hold of it and let out a huff at Maal as she smirked at him. "You know you could of at least warned me of what you were intending to do there Maal." She smiled more as she watched him moving in close, Hylota closed her eyes and tightened her grip on the ladder as Maal went in and began to lick at her slit, her folds swelling with bloodflow as they parted and exposed her sensitive flesh once more to her Klingon lover. As Hylota allowed herself to be licked and kissed by Maal she could not help but thing about how lucky she was to have sorted things out with him. If she had remained angry at him, allowed her spite to keep them apart, it would have kept her from a man that really did care, sure it was a bit much at times, but she could grow used to it, besides she could not go through her live with just her brother forever, they both needed to move on, and perhaps this was the point in their lives when that would happen, she could not force him to raise her child with her, and she did not know if Vinata would remain with the Federation.

Hylota sighed happily as she allowed herself to be eaten out, tightening her grip on the rung of the ladder Hylota felt the tension and the strain in her arms, it felt oddly nice as she controlled her position, shifting her hips to rock them into Maal's face as he licked, savoring the feeling as she relaxed as best she could before she spoke softly to Maal. "You know Maal, despite how things have gone, even with the hell we have had to endure. I am glad we met, you are truly a treasure. I do wish that you will take me up on my offer of coming home with me. I know you are dedicated to the Federation, but I do not want to give you up. I guess I am just selfish, I want everything to go my way, for things to be as I desire. I guess it is part of my impulsive nature." Hylota cooed and tightened her hold on the ladder once more as she opened her eyes and looked to Maal before she shifted her hold, putting more weight on Maal's shoulders and locking one arm around the ladder as she took her other arm and reached down to caress Maal's forehead, running her fingers gingerly over his ridges, it felt odd, so firm and rough, but oddly nice all the same. Hylota hoped Maal would recognize the importance of the action, the recognition of his skills and abilities and the desire to be with him. If there were people among her species who could maintain a family and a healthy relationship, then she would be able to do it as well, or by the Stone Mother she would try.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #45
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Maal knew of the significance of the marks that the Ovri wore on their foreheads, so when he found Hylota touching his, he raised his eyes and looked up upon her without ceasing his ministrations. She appeared earnest in her ambition to have him as a partner, despite how foreign it seemed to be for her. Maal had never expected this when he first met her outside of Sickbay, thinking that he would have been chided for being late and moreover, having his opinions about the egg completely ignored.

Now, instead, he found that he was getting exactly what he wanted. So, perhaps, if he was ready for it, he would give her what she wanted later, when they travelled to the Ovri homeworld.

Eventually, he stopped, having done as best as he might to make her feel good, and with his arms around her to keep her steady, he helped her down so that she might regain her footing. Once they were face to face, his breathing shallow and the lust making his blood run hot, he spoke to her. "By then, I will likely give you anything you want," he rasped in his deep voice, and kissed her. And as he did, he ran his large hand over her forehead as well, stroking her mark while sharing in the moment with her.

Of course, he wished to continue. To claim her, but he would not ruin this affectionate gesture by proceeding too quickly. He was ready to take her right there, without delay, and he would push his uniform trousers down far enough to do so, in case his mate did not reclaim the initiative and wished to do ought else first. For her words, and her show of affection, had made him bold, and he'd seize the opportunity as soon as he might, lest she stopped him for sake of ideas of her own.

"I want you," he growled against her lips, feeling his Klingon passion undermining his Human-taught restraint.

Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #46
[ Hylota Vojona | Jefferies Tube | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As Maal pulled back and slowly helped Hylota back onto her own feet once more she wondered if they were going to be stopping or if they would be taking things further, but as Maal spoke of how he was likely going to do whatever she wanted, Hylota was taken aback for a moment when she realized that she was going to likely have Maal all to herself as she had hoped. Her delight put a smile on her face as Maal came in for a kiss, and Hylota obliged him. As they pressed together Hylota wrapped her arms around Maal in a loving embrace as they kissed and Hylota slipped her tongue into Maal's mouth once more. Hylota chirped happily as she felt Maal rubbing her forehead, she was glad he understood, it made her feel as though they were more than just lovers caught up in the throws of passion.

As Maal stripped himself down and exposed his cock Hylota noticed his movements and she allowed their kiss to be broken as Maal stated his desires, as to how he wanted her and to this Hylota could not help but smile as she licked her lips. It would have been very easy to simply state her intentions, to invite Maal to have his way with her and indulge in the pleasure, but she knew better, Maal was a pure blooded Klingon, he was part of a different culture, but it did not change his baser desires and she was certain he wanted to assert himself. Of course Hylota had looked into Klingon mating out of curiosity after she had first had sex with Maal. So Hylota could not help herself as she reached up and took Maal's right hand in her own and she sniffed it before she. "I want you as well Maal." With that last statement Hylota began to take a long deep breath that swelled her throat before she began to exhale, causing a rumbling croaking sound that was Hylota's best approximation of a growling as she tightened her hold on Maal's hands as she locked eyes with Maal, hoping all the while that she was doing this correctly in accordance with Klingon mating. It was not something that Klingon's did lightly, and considering how things were Hylota was committing to a lot, but if there were Ovri who had been able to commit to a single mate for life, then she could commit to a single mate as well. She just hoped that Maal would not be too rough with her.


Re: Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Think of the Children

Reply #47
[ Nurse Maal | Vinata's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Hearing Hylota's words and the growling sound she made, along with her sniffing his hand, oh, how it stirred Maal. More than she cared to admit, the base nature of his Klingon blood reminding itself keenly. He found himself animated by something more primal than his Human upbringing.

Forcefully, he growled back at her, seizing one of her legs with one arm, and pushed her up hard against the bulkhead. His teeth were at the skin of her beck, rasping at it, but he did not bit her enough to draw blood. Hard and throbbing, driven by a mad need to mate with the Ovri in his arms, he pushed into her - his Klingon girth squirming into her with little delay. His nails were cut, but his hard fingertips drew lines across her flesh, and he surged against her. Driven by his deep passion, he claimed her as his own, and bruised her in the process.

With little restraint, he forced his entire length into her, and he did not cease his heaving movements.

Their bond was sealed in that moment. The accord made. He'd grant her everything, for as long as they both lived.


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