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Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

[ LT Daniel Havenborn, callsign Salvo | Deck 14, Running Track Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel was keeping pace with Amelya on their now daily runs and he was quite enjoying it.  His daily routine consisted of physical training with Knight then running with Amelya and then off to breakfast and afterwards getting ready for his patrol route with his flight.  The first two days of that had been interesting, now it was routine and boring.  Daniel almost wished for something to happen to break the monotony of their boring patrol.  However right now he was enjoying spending time with the lovely doctor next to him.  “Two on your right.” he called out to a crewman in front of them that they were about to pass.  For Daniel the challenge was not outrunning her but keeping to her pace, considering that he was in peak physical condition and barring anything drastic happening to him he’d likely remain that way for several years longer than most humans thanks to his enhanced genes.

As they neared the end of the corridor on their fourth lap Daniel spotted another pair of crewmen that were setting up for a run as well, it seemed that this particular corridor was a popular one.  As they finally came to the end of the track, Daniel grabbed a pair of water bottles and handed her one as he took a quick drink from his.  “I’m quite enjoying these runs with you Lieutenant.”  He said.  “I was wondering however if you’d like to go out for dinner tonight, say 1800?”  He asked her.

Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 Hours] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #1
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Running Track Corridor | Deck 14 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn had offered himself up to become a running partner to Amelya and the Trill had not refused the offer. The Tac Conn officer was easy on the eyes which was always nice and he was just a good man to have around for talking whilst doing their now morning routine jogs. Their runs weren't designed to wear one or the other out, it was just fast enough to stay in shape and maintain muscle mass while keeping condition in a prime form. It'd be dramatic if Amelya would we out of breath before shift.

The end was in sight though and as the both of them came to a step, a slight sheen of sweat was covering the Trill's cool skin. Starting to stretch, she watched Daniel take a few water bottle and she suspended her stretching as she took the bottle in hand and took a sip from it as the man spoke up. She quenched her thirst first before answering "Likewise lieutenant." she answered with a smile, still finding it funny that he called her by rank still. The next suggestion however was something she hadn't quite expected from the man as he asked her out for dinner and she narrowed her eyes slightly as she took another sip, letting him wait for his answer.

"What kind of dinner are we talking about here? A quick snack between friends in simple clothes or something more refined that requires a bit more planning?" she asked him, her voice just teasing a little to see if she could bring the pilot off balance. She placed the bottle down at the floor and continued the rest of her stretching routines as she awaited his answer and grinned.

Re: Day 05 [1800 Hours] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #2
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 14, Running Track Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel thought about the question that she had posed to him in response to his question.  In his mind he had imagined something romantic, it hadn’t occurred to him that she might not be thinking along those lines until she mentioned the word friends.  Daniel never really prescribed to being friends with women.  Meony and K’Ren were women yes, but they were more like his sisters rather than women he might court, although he and Meony had courted at one time but that felt like a lifetime ago.  ”Well I was thinking of maybe a nice quiet beach side dinner in the holodeck.”  Daniel said as he took another drink from his water bottle.

The one place he really didn’t want to go was to the planet, he’d be fine if she wanted to go to the station because he could still be in his uniform, but there were rules for visiting the planet and one of those rules stated no uniforms, plus they had to wear local clothing which he also didn’t want to have to wear.  As grateful as he was to the Aldeans for helping them out, their fashion sense left much to be desired.

”Unless the Klingon station sounds better.  He added as another suggestion, anywhere but the damned planet that they were orbiting he thought to himself.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 Hours] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #3
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Running Track Corridor | Deck 14 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

The pilot seemed in thought at her question and Rez finished up on her stretching exercises before drinking more water herself. Her eyes moving over Daniel as he replied eventually with an answer she hadn't exactly expected. A nice quiet beach side dinner... On a holodeck. The doctor's face remained rather neutral as if she was weighing the options before she smiled and shook her head "On the holodeck?" she repeated as she ran her tongue over her teeth and against her gums as she looked out the windows to the planet they were orbiting.

She longed for some fresh air, real sand underneath her feet and the sound of an actual ocean or sea. Plus if the pilot wanted a nice setting, Aldea would provide him with plenty of that. Her eyes turned back to him as she wondered why he didn't gave up the planet as a viable option and he added a new suggestion right then to go to the station instead. Rez had to laugh this time as she shook her head and pushed a stray lock of hair back behind her ear.

"I think I'd have to decline both offers Daniel." she stated as she tried to see what kind of reaction that would bring to him "If you're insisting to take me out for dinner, I'll have it no other way than down there." she replied as she nodded to the planet outside. She walked over to the window and rested  both her hands against the ship's plating "I long for fresh air.. I'm curious about the people down on the planet, the food, their customs... We'll be on board for months to come I reckon." she thought out loud as she turned to face him again "What do you say?"

Re: Day 05 [1800 Hours] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #4
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 14, Running Track Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

As he was waiting for her answer he couldn’t help but run his eyes over her for a moment.  She had a very fit body; she quite clearly took the time to keep herself in shape which he could relate to and he did enjoy watching her stretch.  However he realized that he needed to stretch as well.  He took a few moments himself to stretch while he waited for her to answer his question.  He didn’t have to wait long however as she spoke, thought it wasn’t quite the answer he was expecting.  As she declined both offers, Daniel began to think to himself, he supposed that they could go to one of the lounges, but before he could finish the thought she stated where he could take her and it was the one place he didn’t want to go.

She wanted him to take her down to the planet, and not just anywhere on the planet but around the locals.  Daniel had no wish or cares to see the locals, he’d thankfully had little dealings with them thus far and he really wanted it to remain that way.  However he was developing strong feelings for Amelya and he didn’t want to ruin any chance he had of being able to court her so he would do what she wanted.  “If the planet is where you want to go then that is where we shall go.”  He said with a smile, thankfully she wasn’t a telepath so she couldn’t hear his thoughts.  “I shall make the arrangements at once, would you like to meet in Transporter Bay 3 in say fifteen-twenty minutes?” He asked her.  If he was going to do this he was going to go into it one hundred percent even though he didn’t want to; besides there was a strong chance that he could like it with her as his company he thought to himself.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 Hours] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #5
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Running Track Corridor | Deck 14 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

Awaiting the response of the pilot, Rez finished up on her stretching exercises and took another sip from the bottle of water. Her eyes observing Daniel before he answered her. He agreed to it and she smiled contently about it as he went on about making any arrangements needed and the good doctor nodded slowly before shaking her head about the time where they'd meet "Fifteen to twenty minutes will be insufficient for me to prepare myself." she stated, knowing she had to shower first and find a fitting attire to travel down to the planet. Plus as Daniel had intended to call her out for dinner and thought about a dinner side beach, she assumed this wasn't to discuss Starfleet regulations.

This would be a proper date? In which case she had to pretty herself up at least. It had been a while since she had done so, thus she'd have to take her time and effort in it to do so. "Say one our and a half at the transporter bay." she offered him with a smile, even that would be cutting it close really, but she would see what the pilot would make of it. Awaiting his confirmation or decline, she'd reply to him and say her goodbyes before returning to her quarters to prepare herself for the enjoyable downtime on the planet. While she stood under the sonic shower, she wondered what the people down there would be like, what food they'd have as specialties and her whole mind and body soon longed to be down on Aldea.

Re: Day 05 [1800 Hours] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #6
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 14, Running Track Corridor | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

“One hour and a half it is.”  Daniel repeated confirming their meet up time.  He himself didn’t really need that much time.  A quick sonic shower and making the arrangements for their visit; but he knew that women felt the need to take longer time than was really necessary, Valerie had been like that, he remembered their time together and how sometimes it could take her up to two or three hours to get ready.  “See you in Transporter Room 3 in an hour and a half then.”  Daniel said as he finished up and said his good bye to her for now.

[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 16, Vector 2, Senior Officer’s Quarters | LT Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters | USS Theurgy ]

Daniel walked into his quarters, and stripped off his clothes.  “Computer replicate an Aldean Chlamys fit to my measurements.  Also set a timer for 1915.”  He said as he took a step into his bathroom and as he finally disrobed he stepped into the sonic shower and activated it.  Feeling his sweat and grime just melt off his body felt great and a few short minutes later he turned it off and stepped out and back into his quarters.  He took the Chlamys from the replicator and set it down on his bed.  He looked it over and sighed.  “Such horrible fashion sense, and little to no practical usage.”  He said to no one in particular.  “And the colors; I cannot fathom why they think these colors mesh well.”  He said.

“Computer replicate standard Starfleet underwear, white undershirt and black boxers please.”  He said as he watched the undergarments materialize.  He picked them up and put them on, then he walked over to his bed and put on the Chlamys.  “Computer time?”  He asked.  “The current ship time is 1836.”  Daniel sighed, sixteen minutes had passed since he had entered his quarters. 

“Computer access the Aldean network and request two communicators with life-sign masks and idents for a medical professional, a doctor, and a holographic novelist.”  Daniel said as the computer acknowledged his request.  A few moments later and the Aldean communicators appeared along with a PADD that contained the idents he had requested.  The manually loaded them onto both of the communicators.  He’d let her read through the PADD so she could see her new ident.  "Computer time?"  He asked again.  "The current ship time is 1859."  Daniel sighed again, he had really hoped that getting all that set up would have taken more time.  He walked back into his bathroom and frowned at the Chlamys, he really didn't like the way the clothing looked on him.  He turned back into his room and picked up the PADD and communicators, there was nothing stopping him from leaving now and taking the scenic route to Deck 12's transporter room.  Before he exited his room he asked the computer for the time one more time.

"The current ship time is 1904."  Responded the computer.  Daniel shrugged his shoulders and made his way towards the turbolift, he decided that while he could take the scenic route he really wasn't interested in walking the ship alone.  "Computer, cancel timer."  Daniel said as he walked down the corridor, thankfully no one was around to hear him.

[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 12, Transporter Room 3 | USS Theurgy ]

Dressed in Aldean garb and holding a PADD with a pair of Aldean communicators attached to it, Daniel walked into the transporter room to wait for Amelya.  The Aldean comm-badges contained not only their funds for their trip down to the planet but they also contained their Aldea identities, both their Aldean professions and their names, etc.  He attached his Aldean comm-badge on his right upper arm as was the custom.  He had arrived a few minutes early so he stood quietly waiting for Amelya to arrive, choosing not to really interact with the transporter operator beyond informing them of the destination he wanted to beam down to.

A few minutes later she walked in and he smiled at her.  While he didn’t like the way he looked in the Aldean clothing, she managed to wear it much better.  “You look lovely Amelya.”  He said as he handed her the PADD and her Aldean comm-badge.  “Your communicator and new ident for our visit to the planet.”  Daniel said as he motioned for her to step up onto the transporter pad then followed after her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 Hours] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #7
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Running Track Corridor > Lt Amelya Rez's Quarters > Transporter Room 3 | Deck 14 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

Rez waved the pilot off as he confirmed the date and time of their next meeting. The Trill physician couldn't help but shake her head slightly as she watched him go, emptying the bottle of water she had before putting it back in the replicator to salvage what could be returned. She made her way back to her quarters now, thinking slightly of what Daniel had in mind for them. She opted to not brainstorm too much about it as she reached her quarters.

Once inside of her quarters Amelya set on some music before heading towards the bathroom section to use the sonic shower. She spent a tad longer than she expected underneath the shower as the vibrations hit some of her muscles just in the right spot. She enjoyed it as much as one could enjoy a sonic shower before stepping out of it and strolled nude through her quarters before coming to a stop at her wardrobe. She had gone down to the station to fit a few Chlamys and had them tailor made. The replicated forms tended to be a bit loose around certain places and felt more like draped or curtains at times.

After taking all of the robes out she looked over them, eliminating one by one. Eventually she had a dark blue Chlamys left, it had hightlights with tints of black and several decorations in the form of symbols and small jewels on the black fabric. The Chlamys felt like second skin for her as it would fit just nicely against her skin. Before putting it on she walked over to her room to first do her hair and apply some light make up and mascara. She colored her lips in a light red color and went through her jewelry box to wear something simple. A necklace, a few rings and a pair of earrings. After that she replicated herself some personalized underwear which she had designed herself and added to the personal library. The doctor took her time to get dressed, making sure there was nothing missing or out of place.

She didn't check the time and just made sure the pilot would get an appearance he wouldn't forget. She had first opted for heels yet chose for something more easier as she wasn't sure where they'd end up eventually. She was promised a beach dinner, though it could be something else entirely perhaps. With everything done she glanced around in her quarters one last time before she left it and made her way over to the transporter room. She had neglected to look at the time, running late by a good ten minutes.

When she arrived she got a look from the transporter pad operator and she smiled at the man before looking to Daniel as he complimented her looks "Why thank you Daniel." she answered as she smiled and took the PADD and communicator "Thought of everything hmm?" she quickly read over the identity and was grateful she didn't need to change too much to her own backstory. She stepped up on the transporter pad and waited for Daniel to join her before they materialized and reappeared on the planet.

They weren't that far from the beach and close enough to the line of shops, restaurants and nightlife by the coastline. The city lights just over the road where they had been dropped off. The temperature was muggy and slightly humid, though Amelya didn't mind. The fresh ocean air reached her nostrils and she inhaled it along with the faint smell of fresh food and the life of Aldea. A smile on her lips appeared as she reached for Daniel's hand "Oh, isn't it lovely... So much life here, carefree and so exotic." she looked at him and tugged at his hand as she wanted to explore, her stomach growling lightly as she really was getting hungry "Come on, relax... It'll be fun." she encouraged him.

Re: Day 05 [1800 Hours] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #8
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Beaches | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel smiled as she thanked him and if he was being honest with himself he did have to say that the wait was definitely worth it.  As he stepped onto the transporter pad he nodded to the operator and he activated the transporter, soon enough he found himself next to Amelya on the planet, he could see the beach not to far away and could smell the different smells that made up the planet, some were pleasant others weren’t and his Chlamys was just so damned uncomfortable, he missed his Starfleet uniform.

As he was lost in his thought he suddenly felt her take his hand and he looked over at her and all his thoughts about the conditions of the planet, the smells and his issues with the Chlamys melted away as he saw how much she was enjoying herself just in this moment alone.  He smiled back at her and as she tugged at his hand he followed after her. 

When she told him to relax and that it would be fun, he actually felt his body respond to her, he felt his muscles relax and he found himself smiling at her again.  “Where would you like to go first Amelya?”  He asked, he wanted tonight to be special and he wanted her to feel special so he would do everything in his power to make that happen.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #9
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn

She placed her arm around his as they made their way down to the promenade that overlooked the coastline. Little food vendors, shops and even restaurants along the way as the other side held Aldea's mighty ocean as the waves died off against the sand. Rez shrugged as he had asked her where she'd want to go "Nowhere in particular, though you did promise me a meal by the beach." she answered with a smirk as she let go of his arms and drew to one of the shops, looking at different chlamys and some other items on display.

Amelya took her time, knowing all too well that this probably would make the pilot bored at some point. She glanced over at him as she asked "See anything around that you like?" she asked with a coy grin as she stepped inside the store she was browsing in. It wasn't a high end store, perhaps something for the Aldean middle class. Amelya explored the various aisles, noticing some snacks and typical Aldean things that gave her a bit more sense to their culture. The lights in the shop were providing enough light though it made everything look bland.

After a good ten minutes of browsing Amelya stepped back out and asked Daniel "Feeling hungry for anything in specific?" she asked as her eyes went over the beach and the ocean. She made her way over to it, kicking off her shoes and stepping down onto the sand. Whether Daniel joined her or not was his choice entirely as she was simply drawn to the soft sand and beelined her way over to the water.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #10
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Beaches | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Daniel smiled as she placed her arm in his and as they walked down the promenade he took stock of the shops and vendors that they passed, he might have to come back here and properly look at some of these shops later, maybe he could find a gift to give Amelya.  As she responded to his question he grinned at her.  “As soon as you're ready to eat, we can find something.”  He said as she was suddenly distracted by one of the shops.  It was a clothing shop that had different versions of the Chlamys, all of them were odd color combinations and he had to shake his head again at their terrible sense of fashion not that he was a fashion guru by any means.

As she asked him if he saw anything he liked he kind of shrugged his shoulders.  Although as he pondered her question he smirked, there was one thing that he liked in the store.  “I do see something I like.”  He said with a grin.  He followed her around the aisles doing his best to not look bored, he wasn’t really that fond of clothing, he didn’t really own any other clothes beyond his uniforms, even the Chlamys he was wearing would be recycled as soon as their date was over.

As they exited the shop she asked him if he was feeling hungry.  “I’m open to trying something new.”  He said.  “Maybe something Aldean?”  He asked her as he watched as she took off her shoes and stepped onto the sand, he grabbed her shoes as she kicked them off and followed after her.  As she went towards the ocean he stopped and sat down, placing her shoes next to him.  He’d never been in an ocean before, at least not a real one so he wasn’t really sure what to do.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #11
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn

As the pilot lined up his reply that he saw something he liked, the doctor had rolled her eyes at him for the cliché answer. She didn't comment on it any further though as she kept browsing the stores. When they eventually left the store and headed for the beach, she looked over her shoulder to see the man pick up her shoes behind her before following her. He did stop however a good distance away from the water as she let her feet and ankles get wet by the ocean. The water was nice, not too cold.

She wondered why he just sat there in the sand and called out to him "Come on, feel the water! It's really nice." she lifted her chlamys up slightly, just above her knees as she stepped in a bit deeper. Her eyes gazing up as she looked up at the night sky, the busy sounds of Aldea Prime in the distant as she gazed up to the stars. The constellations were all different yet it felt nice to look at the stars from here. To not actually be in between them, but with solid ground underneath her feet.

She waited for Daniel as she wasn't going to walk out of the water until he had joined her. The pilot seemed to be... Alien to planetary life. She had noticed how he had walked through the store with little interest and how he was unsure how to behave here on the beach as well, she turned to face him as she cocked her head "I swear the water won't kill you." she teased him with a grin as she crossed her arms just under her breasts.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #12
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Beaches | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

As she told him to feel the water he was still unsure, he’d never been in a real ocean before, every ocean he’d ever been in had been holographic and the water hadn’t been real so there was no chance of drowning; heck he could even breathe normally in the holographic ocean.  As much as he was enjoying himself on the planet he would still rather be on the holodeck where he could control every aspect of the environment.

He slowly took his own shoes off placing them next to hers and as he felt the coarse sand on his feet he slowly stood up.  She then swore that the water wouldn’t kill him and while he felt like giving her the smart ass answer that he knew that the water wouldn’t kill him, it was the things in the water that would he decided that might not be the best thing to say.  If it had been almost anyone else who said that he’d definitely have told them that but his relationship with Amelya was still new and he didn’t want to jeopardize the fragile courtship.

He stood up and walked towards her, doing his best to keep the water level below his ankles.  Maybe some truth would help her understand.  “I’ve never been in a real ocean before.”  He said as he took another step towards her, he wasn’t enjoying how unstable the sand was, his foot would sink into the sand with each step.  “This is a first for me.”  He said.  He was definitely outside of his comfort zone right now.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #13
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn

Whilst Rez was having fun in the water, Daniel seemed to be far less excited to get into the water. It only took Amelya the time for him to not show up instantly to look back at him and run her eyes over him. She inspected his posture, general stance and reaction as he was just done with pulling his own shoes off. It was noticeable how he wasn't talking and she frowned slightly as if to try and figure out what was going on with him.

He finally began to move towards her, his features showing all the signs of discomfort or something along those lines. Rez moved back in the meantime, hoisting her dress up so the water reached her to just under her knees. Daniel seemed to stop at just the ankle deep water line which caused Rez to laugh a little. He finally explained though that this was his first time on a real sea or ocean. Rez nodding more understandingly now as she shook her head "Trust me, you can't get hurt here."

She held one hand out as the other did it's utmost best to keep the underside of her chlamys dry. She stimulated him to come deeper, a thought of skinny dipping, as the Terrans called it, rose in her mind yet was equally quickly discarded. She wondered if he could actually swim "So what do you think for a first time? Not that bad right?" she asked him with a teasing tone to it as she wanted to see how far she could get him into the water.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #14
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Beaches | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

Hearing her words he nodded, he stepped forwards a little more waiting until his foot stopped and stabilized before taking another step.  As he closed the distance he reached his hand out to take hold of hers.  He didn’t really care if his Chlamys got wet at this point, he was far more concerned with his balance and making sure that his feet were stable with each and every step.  “I trust you.”  Daniel said as he felt the water getting deeper until he was standing right next to her.  Even with his genetic enhancements he felt uncomfortable here, his physical enhancements were focused primarily on stamina and endurance with only a minor focus on strength, just enough to be able to carry a survival pack and still be an effective combatant.

“I’m doing alright, this is a very strange feeling though.”  Daniel said.  “It’s not like the holodeck at all, I don’t know if I would have been able to do this on my own.”  He confessed to her as he kept hold of her hand.  If she hadn’t been here and hadn’t offered her trust he likely never would have experienced this.  “Thank you for this.”  He said to her as he smiled.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #15
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn

She smiled as the man took her hand and ventured closer, his chlamys getting wet rather quickly as the fabric soaked up the water. It wouldn't take long before the entire attire would be damp. Luckily for him the Aldean temperatures were favorable and still rather warm. She snickered as he thanked her "Not a problem. I take it you'd never swam before either? Can you swim for that matter?" she inquired curiously as she looked around them as the waves caused the water to ride up to the upper sides of her legs.

As he had to admit that it felt strange she smiled broader "Explain to me why this feel strange?" she asked him, curious to know the how and why. She was surprised when he admitted that he'd probably never had done this on his own given the opportunity. She nodded "My pleasure." she answered warmly as she looked up to the night sky again. More stars visible now as they were a slightly longer distance away from the lit up city "I always forgot how much nicer it is to gaze up the stars from on a planet." she whispered.

Unbeknownst to her the fauna and flora began to wash in with the waves. A string of seaweed brushed against Daniel's ankles and wrapped around his skin.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #16
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Beaches | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

“I can swim.  I’ve swam in pools and in the holodeck where everything could be controlled, never out in a real ocean where I didn’t have control over the environment.”  Daniel explained as he was slowly starting to get a better balance against the waves as they came in.  He was enjoying holding her hand though.  As they stood out in the water he felt the breeze and relaxed, he didn’t realize that he really needed this, as much as he enjoyed the holodeck and his ability to control every aspect he felt far more relaxed here with her in the Aldean ocean.

“I’ve never been in an real ocean before, my life growing up was spent in military schools in the domes, the closest we had to an ocean was the training pools, and every aspect of that was controlled through sophisticated machinery; after I left my home I mostly spent my time in holodecks or other pools or baths.”  Daniel explained to her.  He looked up at the stars from their location and smiled.  “It is quite a beautiful sight.”  Daniel said.  “But not as beautiful as you.”  He added as he suddenly felt something wrap around his leg, he suddenly felt himself pulled under water as the current dragged the seaweed attached to his leg, he let go of Amelya’s hand as he attempted to reach down and grab the seaweed.

Daniel hadn’t been able to take a deep breath before being plunged underwater but thankfully his enhancements came in handy as he was able to hold his breath for longer.  It took him a few moments to finally untangle himself from the seaweed and he swam upwards, then he realized he could just stand up.  As he was finally above the water he took a deep breath then looked around for Amelya, hoping she hadn’t gotten dragged by the seaweed either.  He spotted her a few feet away from him, the current had dragged him away and behind her.  “Over here!”  He spoke loudly to her as she hadn’t quite spotted him yet.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #17
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn 

Daniel seemed to relax slightly in the water as she smiled at him. He could swim, so that was a good thing. He started to share about his life on Mars. She could only nod and look at him before gazing back up at the stars. The pilot made the cheeky comment of her being more beautiful then the stars and she had to laugh at the words as she shook her head and looked at him "Cheeky lieutenant." Without a proper warning Daniel let go of her hand as he suddenly fell in the water and didn't immediately resurface.

The Trill physician wondering if he was pulling a prank on her before she heard him call out when he resurfaced, several feet away. He was in deeper water, just about his waist in as his chlamys was soaked. Rez was slightly surprised that he was that far out and asked "You alright? What happened? Do you want to head out the water?" his outfit would be soaked and she didn't quite figure out directly what had just happened. She would've gone deeper, yet figured he'd be alright to swim back to her.

When he did reach her she looked him over, noticing no real problems with him and when he told her what happened she looked a bit surprised "No idea the current was that strong here... I can barely feel it." she answered him as she took his hand again and guided him back to shore "Not too cold?" she asked with a certain degree of professionalism in her voice as her first instinct was to make sure he was alright.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #18
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Beaches | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

As he slowly began to make his way back to her, carefully making sure that his feet were stable as he walked through the wet sand.  "I’m fine, the current caught me off guard.”  He stated as he was getting closer.  “The current must have dragged the seaweed in from deeper water and it wrapped itself around my leg dragging me with it.”  He explained, he couldn’t be one hundred percent sure of what had happened but he could guess.  “That might be best.”  He said as he finally closed the distance and was once again next to her.

“I’ve never been in an non-holographic ocean before, I wasn’t sure what to expect.”  He said as she mentioned that he could barely feel the current.  As she took his hand he smiled and as she guided him back to shore he enjoyed the physical contact.  “No, I’m fine, wet, but fine.”  Daniel said with a little chuckle.  He was considering contacting Knight and having him replicate another outfit for him and then sending it down to him to change into but he’d wait and see what she had in mind first.  Either way he wasn’t about to let this ruin his date with her.  “What about you, are you enjoying our date so far?”  He asked.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #19
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn

The concerned look on Rez's face softened with a nod as he said he was fine. Perhaps it was somewhat of a silly thing to have him wade with her if he had no prior experience in an actual sea. Regardless, he was fine and he seemed to be just as assured of himself as he was before. She had to laugh as he asked how she was enjoying the date and she looked him in the eyes, waiting a few more seconds to reply before she cocked her head to the side "Oh, is this a date than?" she asked him teasingly before letting go of his hand.

"In that case, I'm fine really. Just fine." she answered with a coy grin as if to inform the dear man that he had to step up his game to charm and convince her of his intentions. She was starting to feel hungry and could certainly go for a bit, though she wouldn't mind strolling through the streets and catch up on more cultural things and typical Aldean products. Amelya had to chuckle a bit more, reminding herself how she had changed over the past time. The Rez symbiont giving her more life perspective and making her less naive as it were "How about you decide what we do next Daniel?" she suggested, possibly even testing him.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #20
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Beaches | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

As Amelya stared into his eyes, he stared back into her green eyes.  He quite enjoyed the moment of silence between them and when she spoke she teased him.  He smirked and let go of his hand and as she answered her question stating that she was fine he smiled.   "I'm glad."  He said, although her grin left him wondering about what she had in mind next.  He wouldn’t have to wait long as to what she was thinking.  She asked him what he thought they should do next and he wondered to himself.  Amazingly the planet wasn’t all that bad and he had actually begun to enjoy himself down on solid ground again.

“Well I think that we should get something to eat, I’m actually interested in trying some Aldean cuisine.  How about yourself?”  He asked, there was plenty to do on the planet, even along the coast, but he was starting to get hungry and this wouldn’t be a proper date unless they had a meal to go along with it, any kind of meal would work really.  He wasn’t sure what they could find along the coast, maybe a confectionary vendor or a delicatessen vendor, he’d be surprised if there was an actual restaurant along the coastline.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #21
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn

"Oh, are you feeling adventurous Daniel?" she teased him as he opted for Aldean cuisine "I can agree to that idea. Although I doubt they'll let you in any of the restaurants with that soaking outfit." she grinned as she looked at the promenade just behind the beach and closer to the city. She would be fine with just some of the delicatessen they'd sell on the promenade. it would provide for a good and sincere taste of what Aldea had to offer. She left the choice to Daniel though as he had opted for this date. Should he insist on going to a restaurant deeper in the city, she wouldn't be against it either.

The two did start to make their way up the beach again, away from the water as Amelya simply enjoyed the temperature and the feeling of fresh air. The feeling of the sand underneath her feed and the way the wind blew against her skin and clothes. It had all been things she missed while being aboard the ship. It reminded her a little of Theta Eridani, besides the chaos and violence that followed. She grew silent again in Daniel's presence as her thoughts moved around in her head. The sound of the waves crashing behind them making her relax though as the sounds of Aldea Prime drew closer.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #22
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Beaches | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

“I am feeling quite adventurous, but I think that may be because of the company.”  He said with a smile.  As she commented on his current state of wetness he chuckled.  “I suppose you’re right, maybe we should visit that shop we were at before and you can pick out a new outfit for me?”  He asked her as they began their way back up the beach.  “I would like to go to an actual restaurant.”  He added.

As they made their way away from the ocean Daniel took a look back at it, he’d have to come back to this ocean and try again, after all he couldn’t let this ocean best him.  He could just imagine hearing his instructors admonish him for not maintaining his balance.  He’d have to come back and try again if only to prove to himself, and in some way them, that he was still just as good a soldier now as he was then.  He realized that there was a quiet between them and as he looked over at her she looked as though she were in deep thought as well.  “Denarii for your thoughts?”  Daniel asked her as they continued their way up the beach.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.


Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #23
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Aldea Prime | Coastline ] Attn: @Havenborn

The Trill doctor looked into Havenborn's eyes as he suggested to go back to the Chlamys shop they had visited earlier to pick out an new one for him. She had to chuckle a little as she shrugged "You sure you want me to pick out what you need to wear?" she teased him, not quite sure if he'd agree to the choice she'd make. Though curious to the reaction he'd give when she would present him with options that would unlikely not be his taste.

They started to walk away from the shoreline and as there grew a silence between them, the pilot was the first one to break it as he asked for her thoughts. She was brought out of her thoughts and she smiled yet shook her head "Oh, nothing particular." she informed him "Come on lets go into that shop again." she smiled as they soon reached it once more. They were being eyed due to his soaked garments and her partially damp chlamys.

Amelya began to search through the racks once more as her eyes looked over the outfits, yet she didn't find exactly what she was looking for. Eventually she settled for three chlamys with various designs, the first one was a turquoise blue one with golden accents to it. The second was a sun yellow one with blue highlights to it though the patterns were more tribal by design. Lastly she had picked out a purple Chlamys with red touches to it. She handed them over to Daniel "Go try them out." she instructed him.

Re: Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight

Reply #24
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Aldea Prime, Coastline Clothing Shoppe | Aldea ] Attn: @Nolan

“I’m not good at picking out clothing.”  Daniel admitted.  “I’ve never really been good at it either to be honest.”  He added.  Before he had joined Starfleet he wore uniforms to school and had his clothing choices picked out for him by his parents and guardians.  It wasn’t until he had joined Starfleet that he actually had to make his own decisions regarding his off duty clothing.  Daniel preferred wearing the uniform as he felt more comfortable in it.  During his time on the Resolve, his lover Krissy had been more than delighted to choose clothes for him to wear while they were courting.

As she informed him that she wasn’t thinking of anything in particular he nodded and after a moments they reached the shop again.  He smiled at her enthusiasm as they entered the shop.  He was keenly aware that they were being watched as they walked through the shop.  Daniel watched as Amelya set to work, she looked to be searching for particular colors as uncomfortable as the Chlamys were he was really enjoying watching her pick out three different outfits.

As she presented the three Chlamys to him he smiled as he took them from her.  “Yes ma’am.”  He said with a smirk as he made his way towards one of the dressing rooms.  When he was in the dressing room he hung the three up and removed his wet Chlamys.  He tried on the first one she had selected for him but he wasn’t fond of the turquoise, the gold accents looked nice though.  After he removed that one he tried on the second outfit but again he wasn’t really fond of the overall color scheme and pattern.  So he tried on the third one and while he wasn’t fond of the purple he did like the red pattern.  He decided that he’d get Amelya’s opinion on which one she liked.  He walked out with the third one on first.  “Well what do you think?”  He said letting her look him over.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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