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Topic: Day 33 [1000 hrs.] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck! (Read 4070 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 33 [1000 hrs.] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!
Stardate: 57639.08
April 12, 2381
1000 Hours | Fighter Bay

[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Top Hat

Sithick continued to manipulate the holographic display hovering above the holotable in the Fighter Bay Operations Office. The image depicted a standard work bee attached to a heavily weaponized warp sled. It was small, hard to detect, and had the firepower of a light fighter. For some time Sithick has been wondering what would happen if the ship's current fighter inventory suffered major losses.  The Theurgy had already lost have its Valkyries and had gotten lucky with the acquisition of the Valravns. As fugitives of the Federation, they couldn't just drop in on the nearest starbase and ask for more. They would have to be ready to be creative and take every advantage they could.  With 30 work bees onboard, all they would have to do is build the sleds.

Sithick was about to continue examining the Killer Bee Schematics he had found in the archives when PO De Serres ran into the room in a sweat.

"Sir! Sir! Kl... Kl... Klingon sir! There is a Klingon officer on deck tinkering with Wolf-12!"

"Crrrewsssman whysss did yousss not ssstopsss themsss?"

"Well.....errr..." It had only been a few weeks since De Serres and other members of the deck crew had been attacked by Klingon boarders on the flight deck. The physical wounds had healed but the mental ones were still causing problems. "I... I... figured she would be more intimidated by you."

A female? Why did it have to be another female? thought the Gorn. Sithick was still suffering from his own mental wounds from recent events and everywhere he turn he encountered more women. Was S'Yahazah throwing potential mates in front of him as a way for him to heal from the loss of his Lahkesis? If so he wished she would stop.

"Verrriesss wellsss, crrrewsssman. Eyesss will dealsss with itsss."

Walking out onto the flight deck Sithick took a direct path to the intruder in his territory. With each forceful step, his clawed toes clicked and echoes across the deck. "Gggrrrrr" was the sound that started to rumble in his chest as his instinctual Gorn nature began to assert itself.

"nooksssnaysss tlhIgansss!" The Universal translated tried its best to convert Sithick's Gorn tongues attempt at the usual Klingon greeting 'nuqneH' or 'What do you want?"
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #1
[ Lt Valkra | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | 'etlhQorghHa'lu'chughragh 'etlhnIvqu' 'ejjejHa'choH ] attn: @jreeves1701

Valkra was getting used to the labyrinthine layout of this vessel, after a few days' occupation. At least getting between her quarters and most of the workshop spaces, anyway. Thankfully, her clearance let her go to most of the places on the ship that she might desire to go, with only a few sensible objections. Mostly her only obstacles were sidelong glances from those of the crew that had yet to grow accustomed to the presence of a KDF soldier among their company so soon after Martok's forces had boarded the vessel.

At any rate, none had yet challenged her.

However, the previous night's exertions aside, she was growing ever more restless. She was mostly settled in, had developed an exercise routine between the ship's gymnasia and holodecks, and her quarters were now suitably comfortable once she had covered up the entirely bland Starfleet design. She required something to do.

Her requests to join various armoury or training teams had so far been (politely) declined, in true insufferable Federation fashion. More pro-active attempts of just sending her suggestions to the relevant people had been roundly ignored. Thus her current plan: do the thing, then show it to them as a proof-of-concept in order to get the idea rolled out. She'd heard that Starfleet was generally far less direct than the KDF, but this, frankly, took the piss.

The Klingon held a slender tool between her teeth while her hands wrestled with a stubborn component in the guts of the fighter's wing she was working on, the muscles of her forearms standing out like steel cables under the bare skin of her arms. She'd foregone the heavy fur smock and cuirass, wearing instead a plain black gambeson-vest while she worked. "Come on, you pig-headed-" she growled, the words muffled by the spanner in her mouth.

The regulator she was trying to remove finally came free, and she turned it over in one hand as she spat the spanner into the other before depositing it on the little tool trolley she'd liberated from one of the workshops adjacent to the bay. Her now free hand snagged the metal flask standing on it, and took a long draught of the wine therein. If the infernal holograms running the bar wouldn't let her have it, she'd drink it here. Besides, it helped take the edge off the hangover.

What was her name? Zynia? Xelia. Something. Things got hazy towards the end.

"nooksssnaysss tlhIgansss!" hissed something large behind her. Valkra glanced over her shoulder, and set the flask down as she turned.

"maj maghom," she replied, neutrally. The Klingon looked over the Gorn - taller than her, powerfully-built... injured hand. Starfleet pyjamas. "I am adding a regenerative nadion loop into the phaser coupling," she said without preamble, pointing into the underside of the wing. "A higher-power beam for given input from the capacitor, at the cost of increased wear on the emitters. But as your battles will end sooner, the change earns its worth."

It was adapted from the recent changes made to capital disruptor banks on the ships of her own fleet, but the principle held. The main difference was the relative... delicateness of the Starfleet equivalent. Phasers were very fancy and versatile, of course, but Klingon weapons could function through all sorts of abuse before failure.

"Who are you?" she challenged, one hand reaching up to lean on the leading edge of the wing.

ooc: maj maghom - lit. 'well met'; greeting
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #2
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Top Hat

It had taken weeks to get the Valkyries and Valravns fitted with and back to operational status following the installation of the Mark IIb Aldean cloaks and now a rogue Klingon female had gone and gutted one. She had explained her actions and wanted him to identify himself. Sithick knew that he needed to establish his authority or lose any chance for respect and corporation with this yet identified intruder.

(**Spoken in Klingon**) "Don'tsss ssspeaksss! Eyesss isss Chiefsss Sssithicksss, Headsss of Weaponsss and Orrrdinansssesss, Ssshiftsss Chiefsss of Decksss. Eyesss neverrrsss ssseensss ussse beforrresss. Yourrrsss rrrepairrrsss arrre unknownsss to meesss. Identifiesss yourrrssselfsss andsss whosss aurrrthorrrisssesss" (**Spoken in Klingon**)

The Gorn were a protective race. This ridge headed mammal had invaded his nest and broke one of his eggs.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #3
[ Lt Valkra | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | 'etlhQorghHa'lu'chughragh 'etlhnIvqu' 'ejjejHa'choH ] attn: @jreeves1701

Valkra's arm slid off the wing's forward cowling and fell to her side as her posture straightened and her expression hardened. In her experience the Gorn might be slow to rouse, but once they were good and angry you generally didn't want to be in their way. What was the insult, however, was the content of his response. She had acquiesced to his initial demand without the protest to which she was entitled, and she had been careful to avoid any direct provocation that might have been misconstrued.

And yet.

'Don't speak' followed by an answer to her own question, followed by a conflicting order to actually speak in order to introduce herself. By the terms of her (formal) exchange to the Theurgy's crew, she was transferred aboard at her existing rank and would work in the chain of command at that level. The vagaries of Starfleet rank/role structure aside (she was technically in Security, while the flight deck was under Ops, but both departments were under the wider Operations division) she was fairly sure she outranked him - were this a KDF vessel she would not allow such a display of disrespect.

But this was a Starfleet ship, with Starfleet sensibilities, and she was sure it wouldn't be looked favourably upon if she got involved in pointless duels a week into her involvement with their struggle.

"I am Lieutenant Valkra," she replied in Standard, deciding it was wiser to answer his question than obey his instruction not to speak to him. "I have been seconded to your crew to aid your fight against the parasite. I have the same authority as any lieutenant aboard this ship."
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #4
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Top Hat

Sithick listened to the Klingon's answer. She had switched to Standard which he found odd. It was possible she had honest intentions. His tongue flicked the air and sensed the shift in her emotions. Her confidence wavered ever so slightly but remained strong. The Gorn knew that this Valkra would pounce at his first sign of weakness. Without taking his eyes off her, he reached into the cargo pocket of his uniform, Sithick pulled out his PADD. With a few clicking taps of his talons, he was able to verify her words. His lips began to curl displaying his sharp teeth.

"Thatsss maysss verrry wellsss beesss, Lieutenantsss." He scrolled through the available information regarding her service record and attachment to Theurgy. Sithick was not overly impressed. It was standard fare for a Klingon warrior. "Ussse ssstillsss havesss notsss esssplainsss thisss." The Gorn pointed at the gutted weapons array. "Thisss isss notsss a tlhIngansss vessssssel. Weesss doossse notsss makesss unssschedulesss modificasssionsss withoutsss clearrrancesss. Therrresss arrre prrrotocalsss andsss prrrosssedurrresss."

Sithick remembered serving on a KDF vessel. Klingon officers didn't need permission to make modifications that made the vessel stronger. Consequences only occurred if there was a failure. Like entering battle without weapons because a technician had decided to tinker with the plasma cannons.

"Asss a forrrmerrrsss memberrrsss ofsss a tlhIngan vessssssel, eyesss cansss helpsss ussse acclimatesss toosss thessse waysss thessse 'ejyo'sss doosss thingsss."

Sithick offered Valkra a nonaggression pact so to speak. Now that he was aware she was cleared to be here, he needed to address her need to follow Starfleet protocol. That would be easier with an ally rather than an enemy.

'ejyo' = Klingon for Starfleet
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #5
[ Lt Valkra | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | 'etlhQorghHa'lu'chughragh 'etlhnIvqu' 'ejjejHa'choH ] attn: @jreeves1701

"I told you what I'm doing," she said, stubbornly. Should not an improvement to a weapon system speak for itself? Doubly so, given that it was unlikely that this particular adjustment would be found among the wider proportion of Starfleet. This vessel was grievously outnumbered - mythically so, even; these were the sort of odds that would appear in some great poem or opera immortalising an ancient hero. Any advantage should be seized. "As for clearance, I had none," she declared, unashamed.

Her own weapons were in perfect working order, blades sharpened now she was going to war once again, and the rest of her effects were in their proper places. But there had still only been so much for her to do, while awaiting departure from Aldea. The alternative, in her mind, was a thoroughly bored officer of the KDF walking the halls of this ship. Surely, that was an outcome they wished to avoid as well. The strategist, Zyrao, knew well how to interact with Klingons. But the ship's first officer was so very Starfleet. No doubt he'd have some meticulously-prepared lecture for her should she step on anyone's toes.

Like now, perhaps.

So, to Sithick's offer of acclimatisation, she nodded once. "We are allies, Chief of Weapons. There is little need for friction between us when there are so many enemies to share." Valkra ducked back under the wing as took up the regulator she had removed before being interrupted and ran a graviton caliper over it. "If you could show me what I missed in my prior, ah, suggestions-" she looked over her shoulder at the towering Gorn, wondering for the first time if her prior wording hadn't been part of the problem "- for improvements to your arsenal, I'm sure we could work to the common good."

There. That sounded suitably 'ejyo'.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #6
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Top Hat

The Klingon in front of him was taxing Sithick's patience. She had trespassed into his territory. She had willfully broken an egg in his clutch. His Gorn primal instinct urged him to rip her arms off and bite into her skull. Thankfully his more civilized higher brain suppressed those urges thereby preserving his career in Starfleet.

Sithick's eyes then widened in predatory intensity as Valkra ducked behind Wolf-12's wing and continued her desecration of his nest. "Was she crazy taunting a dangerous predator?" Sithick thought. No. Her actions were normal for a Klingon he told himself. They lived for dangerous excitement. The greater the risk of death the more pleasure they obtained. "Was she flirting with him?"

The Gorn's thoughts were interrupted by Valkra's question "If you could show me what I missed in my prior, ah, suggestions for improvements to your arsenal, I'm sure we could work to the common good."

"Come with me." was his response. A direct command. Very Klingon. He needed to get her away from the fighter craft. Through his wide peripheral vision, Sithick could see that other technicians were starting to stop work and focus on the confrontation happening on deck.

"Allies weeze ares. Eyes wills instructs yous ons hows tooz makes upgrades ons Theurgys."

Sithick turned and headed back toward his office. It was a test of how willing this Klingon female, though apparently his superior in rank, would go to make a place here. For both their sakes, he hoped she would follow. As difficult as Klingons could be their weapon engineering was some of the best in the two quadrants. Valkra's proposed improvements had merit... if they didn't cause other issues. It had taken Sithick weeks to work out the problems with installing the Aldean cloaks and making them compatible. He didn't need Klingon jerry-rigging undoing all of that.  
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #7
[ Lt Valkra | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | 'etlhQorghHa'lu'chughragh 'etlhnIvqu' 'ejjejHa'choH ] attn: @jreeves1701

Sithick had certainly spent some time around Klingons. At least as their inferior, given how well he obviously knew to imitate the usual command style of one's average Klingon officer. But what he wasn't was Klingon. Or KDF. Or her superior. Her hands paused for a second as he commanded her to walk with him, before she set the regulator and the caliper back down. Unbidden, a grin spread across her face. How amusing!

He went on to agree that they were allies and announced his intention to educate her on local procedure, before stomping off in the direction of some of the crew doors against the bulkhead. Valkra spent a moment watching him go, to see if he'd turn around and check if she planned to follow him. Predictably, he didn't. She chuckled to herself - on even the Qigh'YoD his behaviour would have amounted to a challenge, but this Starfleet place was different. He was brave though, she had to give him that. Not many would turn their back on a Klingon with whom they had tried to start an argument.

She picked up a rag and scrubbed some carbon residue from her fingers, then tossed it onto the tool trolley and stepped out from under the fighter's wing. Movement off to the side betrayed the intention of one of the more enterprising technicians to take her place. "If you touch that, you will get hurt," she informed her, though neglected to clarify whether she meant there was a risk of injury by the partially-disassembled array or by Valkra upon her return to the work.

The Klingon followed the Gorn into what turned out to be an office - though quite what use for one these engineers and technicians might have was beyond her. PADDs were portable, if one's fetish for paperwork was truly insatiable.

"Instruct me," she said, simply. If she was to waste time at all, she'd rather it be as short as possible.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #8
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Top Hat

Before Sithick entered the Fighter Bay Ops Office, he overheard Valkra's threat of one of the flight deck crew. "Papa Bear" Sten Covington would have set her straight immediately. He refused to allow commissioned officers to disrespect non-coms. But like his Lahkesis, Covington died in recent conflicts. The emotional tension Sithick was feeling caused his predator instincts to tingle. Valkra's compliance in following him was the only thing holding him at bay. Duty on the Theurgy was beginning to feel like serving onboard a Klingon vessel.

Once in the office, Sithick went to the opposite side of the ops table making sure he was facing the door when Valkra entered. It would take him a moment to clear the holographic display above the table. It currently showed the schematics of the old Killer Bee weapons pod that he wanted to refit. His proposed idea had gotten some snickers from the design team. They did not see why weaponizing service pods were needed when they had fully operational fighters and a fully repaired Theurgy. To Sithick, who had worked Klingons where every available weapon was invested in. Even aboard Orion vessels, weapons, though canceled, where a chief investment.

Valkra made her way through the doors, as the hologram above the table shifted from the Killer Bee schematic to a model of the Theurgy Flight Deck, accompanied by a scrolling readout of policies and procedures. At their core, they were textbook Starfleet, albeit heavily amended and annotated by "Papa Bear." When Sithick met him he told him, "There is the Starfleet Way, and then there's the right way. My way. If you are looking for an explanation as to why I run things counter to the book, I can tell you I don't have one. But, what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills, I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me the best at what I do."

"Lessons ones," Sithick began once he obtained eye contact with Valkra, "Alls maintenances, repairs, upgrades, ares toos bees approves bys Decks Chiefs ons Duties. Theurgys unables toos makes ports ats Starbases. Yous breaks a fighters, we's can'ts justs picks ups a news ones. The rests yous cans learns froms readings this." Sithick hands the Klingon a PADD with the contents of "Papa Bear's" Rule for Flight Deck Operations. "Nows shows me's yours proposers upgrades." Sithick pulled up a schematic of Valkryie-12."
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #9
[ Lt Valkra | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | 'etlhQorghHa'lu'chughragh 'etlhnIvqu' 'ejjejHa'choH ] attn: @jreeves1701

There were floating holograms over the desk of some single-seater auxiliary craft that looked similar to the KDF's own mover pods. Before she could cast more than cursory eye over it (mere curiosity, of course) the Gorn wiped the display in favour of a deck plan of the launch bay. She supposed the crew of this ship were entitled to their secrets, but there was little about the vessel in which the Klingon Empire was interested beyond what it already knew. And if nothing else, they had enjoyed access to the Theurgy's tactical systems during the upgrade.

She listened through Sithick's opener, but couldn't help a blink of surprise. No wonder these people had had such a hard time of it. "You produce weapons that aren't all replicatable parts? All your logistics chain would need is reactor fuel to provide the requisite energy to your industrial replicators. And that can be farmed readily from the wash of any main-sequence star."

Valkra took the proffered PADD, and briefly scrolled through it. All very 'Starfleet', according to her own biases. Lots of words and rules of, she assumed, great importance to their author and little if any relation to the circumstances of their implementation. And plenty of references to 'The Book'. More reading, no doubt. Her sneer was invisible, her face didn't move, but it was all too evident in her stillness and perfectly-controlled expression. It was amazing that anyone got anything done.

"Now, show me your proposed upgrades."

Relishing the opportunity to put the PADD back down, she dropped it on the desk before taking hold of the hologram and exploding the schematic of the wing she was working on. "I am removing this limiter, and adding a nadion resonator coil here," she said, highlighting the relevant components. "A modification of the emitter shroud will recapture wasted energy and feed it back through the crystal array. Depending on yield, impact energy should increase between four and seven percent."

The Klingon straightened. "Starfleet machinery is famously overdesigned. I checked the ratings. This small increase in power will not appreciably increase the risk of failure, but the trade-off is a shorter maintenance cycle. Three months rather than one year."

Which was, of course, irrelevant if they or the fighter in question didn't live that long anyway.

"Also, according to the roster, that vessel is currently unassigned. I wanted to prove the design before submitting it to be rolled out."
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #10
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Top Hat

Sithick glared at the Klingon as she explained her butchery of Wolf-12. He could honestly say he had never seen a Klingon so animated about their work. It impressed Sithick to find a kindred spirit in weapons design, even more so one of Klingon persuasion. Then she crossed a line by insulting Starfleet engineering, then the excuse that it was ok to rip apart a fighter that wasn't assigned and in use. Sithick mused about it for a moment. If Valkra was going to play experiment, it might have well been on Wolf-12. It had quickly become known as being plagued with gremlins, whatever those were. Sithick never bothered to look up the reference.

"Impressives toos says these leasts." It was Sithick's turn to talk.  "Starfleets designs are sometimes overs engineers however that's dues toos these fragiles natures ofs its members." The Gorn hoped that would satisfy Valkra's distaste for Starfleet engineering. On a Klingon vessel safeties and redundancies were often a luxury they did not have time for. As long as the ship worked and death came in battle, they were content with simple designs.

"Ands hows does alls this yous dones affects these Aldeans cloaks heres." Sithick pointed a sharp talon at the thoron generator embedded in the fighter craft hologram. The thing had taken him weeks to perfect. It had drained countless power cells, fried a few bio-neural gel packs, and succeeded in killing at least one crewman in the process to get it operational. Now a Klingon's desire to make the Valkyrie's teeth sharper risked sending it all back to the drawing board. "Theys weres nots a simples plugs ands goes device."
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #11
[ Lt Valkra | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | 'etlhQorghHa'lu'chughragh 'etlhnIvqu' 'ejjejHa'choH ] attn: @jreeves1701

The 'fragile nature of its members'. She mulled that one over for a moment, wondering if her words had been taken as an insult. They could have been, she supposed; an old habit of stating a fact directly could often backfire. It was mostly a difference in culture, she thought. The Federation required its ridiculous two-hundred percent safety margins because it routinely threw its ships into situations that might require them, rather than just engineering things to be as robust and reliable as possible and using them to their full. In sensible, non-shenanigan ways.

This was why a Negh'var or Vor'cha was a match (more than a match, with an adequate Daa'maq crew!) for any equivalent-tonnage Starfleet vessel in battle, despite not having the same deflector output or number of science palettes or graviton projectors or whatever. Simply different focus.

Valkra looked over the diagram at Sithick's final question, checking if she'd missed anything.

"The modifications draw no extra power from the ship's reactor. No increase in signature. The systems are unrelated. Aldean 'cloaks'," she emphasised the word, "aren't much like their proper counterparts. If you fire an unmodified cannon while under one you'll be just as detectable as with this one," she gestured at the emitter diagram, and half-shrugged. "The enemy will know you're there anyway, one way or another."

Valkra wondered how delicate a balance Federation technology was actually in if this small adjustment - in her mind - was enough to throw it so badly out of alignment. She gave the NCO a moment to look over and make his decision.

"What say you, Chief of Weapons?"
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #12
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Top Hat

Sithick's eyes ticked back and forth over the data, his reptilian brain running calculations. Finally a decision.

"Verys wells Lieutenants. Yous mays proceeds." Sithick had other duties to attend to now that his primary concerns were dealt with. "Lets meeze knows whens yous readys toos tests these weapons. Eyes woulds likes toos sees thems ins actions." Sithick was prepared to dismiss the Klingon and then remembered. "Ands pleases trys nots toos intimidates these crews toos muches. Its hards enough ons thems withs a murders lizards ons decks."

Sithick's nickname from his days on the U.S.S. El Dorado, 'murder lizard.' Why would he refer to himself as such now? Was it his own attempt at indicating the Klingons? Surely the crew of the Roc'Tar saw him as such during his service with the KDF.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 33 [1000 HRS] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!

Reply #13
[ Lt Valkra | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | 'etlhQorghHa'lu'chughragh 'etlhnIvqu' 'ejjejHa'choH ] attn: @jreeves1701

Valkra grinned when the Gorn finally saw sense. "They will not disappoint," she promised. And she had a project at last to which she could devote her mind and avoid boredom! Glory day.

"Ands pleases trys nots toos intimidates these crews toos muches. Its hards enough ons thems withs a murders lizards ons decks."

She blinked. First at 'murder lizard', though that one seemed simple enough to work out that he was talking about himself (and what a story that implied), and then at 'avoiding intimidation'. "If they find me intimidating," she said, "that is entirely their problem. I struggle to imagine a circumstance in which I am a threat to them."

And her ancestors knew she wasn't about to modify her behaviour for the sake of some pyjama-clad 'ejyo'.

The Klingon turned to leave and return to her work, before reaching back to the desk and picking up the PADD of Rules. Unlikely though she was to bend to someone's Starfleet sensibilities, it still didn't hurt to show willing.

"Until next time, Chief."

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