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The year is 2381. They have been betrayed. Outlawed and alienated by Starfleet Command. Yet in times of war and uncertainty, the persecuted must endure. Ready to answer the urgent call for truth, justice and freedom. They are that crew.

After returning to base in San Francisco after a long diplomatic mission to Romulus, it was due to pure happenstance that the crew of the USS Theurgy managed to pick up transmissions that detailed a horrifying change to Starfleet Command. The senior positions of Starfleet Command - Starfleet's operational authority - included the Commander in Chief, the Chief of Staff and the Chief of Starfleet Operations. These three individuals, along with an unknown number of others in the organization, were revealed through the transmissions to be impersonators of the people they once were; replaced by an unknown enemy.

Before the truth came out, the crew's secretive efforts to meet this threat was compromised, and they had to flee Earth in order to save their own lives. The USS Theurgy was hunted by their former collective fleet - the pursuers merely following orders and whatever fabricated truth Command had given them. The Theurgy escaped after an enduring two months gruesome chase through the Alpha Quadrant. Yet the truth be their witness, they would restore Starfleet to the Federation and the President, and enlighten their fellow brothers and sisters in the fleet about the immediate danger they unknowingly were in by carrying out the orders of Starfleet Command. Yet the Theurgy also had to protect the truth they carried at all cost...

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The character images depicted herein are expressly for artistic purposes only. These are manipulated, or are otherwise known as 'fake' pieces of work. There is no intent or implication that these are the actual person's upon which the images are based off of, nor is there any implication that the individuals themselves have dressed in such costumes or behaved in any fashion depicted herein. These are transformative pieces of art for a clearly fictionalised portrayal of characters, not real individuals, and no claim is being made that these in any way relate to individuals they may resemble, and are both easily and reasonably recognised as such.

None of the artwork or content on this site is available for usage on any other sites than Star Trek: Theurgy. This community, however, functions solely as non-profit entertainment for writers where no economic gain is perceived by any of its members as a result of the available media. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Lower Decks, the Star Trek movies, etc. are © Copyright Paramount Pictures & CBS Studios.

  Star Trek News | Ex Astris Scientia

  • More Starship Images: Galaxy and Sovereign - 29 March
  • I have added more images from the Official Starships Collection to several galleries, such as of the Galaxy class and the Sovereign class.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Update: Observations in TNG: "Galaxy's Child" - 22 March
  • Several additions and improvements in Jörg's article on Observations in TNG: "Galaxy's Child".#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Updated Reviews: VOY: "Survival Instinct" and "Barge of the Dead" - 15 March
  • Two more Voyager retro reviews, of Seven's encounter with her past in "Survival Instinct" and B'Elanna's journey to Klingon hell in "Barge of the Dead".#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Update: Starship Size Issues - Nova Class - 09 March
  • I have added considerations on the USS Equinox to the article on Starship Size Issues.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • JoAT Completely Redesigned - 08 March
  • Complete redesign of the Journal of Applied Treknology. Although there have been hardly any updates in recent years, the bad colors and tiny font sizes as well as the ghastly code (thank you, Frontpage!) annoyed me so much that I spent several days to recode it. Please tell me if there are...
  • Links Updated - 02 March
  • I have updated the Links and added a new link for each one I had to remove. Do good and visit another Trek site today!#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Episode Master List & Diagrams - 01 March
  • The Episode Master List now allows to create different forms of diagrams (bar chart, histogram) with filtered or sorted episode data. Let me know if there are any problems with any browser.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Updated Reviews: VOY: "Warhead" and "Equinox I/II" - 25 February
  • Here are two more Voyager retro reviews, of "Warhead" with Harry and the stubborn bomb and of the exciting multilayered conflicts in "Equinox I/II".#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Update: Observations in TNG: "First Contact" - 22 February
  • Find numerous additions and improvements in Jörg's article on Observations in TNG: "First Contact".#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Update: Observations in "Coming of Age" and in "Heart of Glory" - 16 February
  • Two more TNG season 1 observation articles have been upgraded: Observations in TNG: "Coming of Age" and Observations in TNG: "Heart of Glory".#cdata_escape_encode#
  • 100 Starship Model Photos Added - 15 February
  • I have uploaded about 100 high-resolution photos of studio miniatures to the Starship Gallery, such as of several Federation shuttles, of Deep Space 9 or of the USS Yamaguchi. Please follow the "updated" signs to see all updates.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • New Article: Paintings and Photos in Picard's Study - 09 February
  • Jörg identifies the Paintings and Photos in Picard's Study in PIC season 1 in a new article.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Update: Observations in "Home Soil" and in "When the Bough Breaks" - 02 February
  • I have improved two more of Jörg's oldest TNG observation articles with more references and better pictures: Observations in TNG: "Home Soil" and Observations in TNG: "When the Bough Breaks".#cdata_escape_encode#
  • "Section 31" Database Updates - 01 February
  • Just a quick note that I have added the ships and other facts from "Section 31" to various pages of the site.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Final Update to EAS Fleet Yards - 27 January
  • Final update to the EAS Fleet Yards: high-resolution orthos of Asia class, Eclipse class and Asia refit.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Review of "Section 31" - 25 January
  • Here is my full-spoiler review of "Section 31" with Michelle Yeoh. The comments are open, as are the guest reviews. Please share your opinion on the streaming movie. Anyone who thinks it doesn't suck?#cdata_escape_encode#
  • New Ranking: All Star Trek Movies Ranked - 17 January
  • Here is a new list: All Star Trek Movies Ranked. Feel free to post your personal order in the comments.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • Episode Master List Upgraded - 10 January
  • I have added more columns to the Episode Master List, such as "Air date" and "Episode ID", which allow to sort the episodes and movies in still different ways.#cdata_escape_encode#
  • New Episode Master List - 04 January
  • Proud to present the configurable Episode Master List of all currently 907 episode/movie reviews at EAS, with links to the review pages and pictures. I may add more columns and more filter functions in the future. The script is linked from each episode index page, such as the one of Lower Decks...
  • Happy New Year! - 01 January
  • Happy New Year 2025! I haven't prepared new content yet, but here are some highlights from 2024 you may have missed. There is an article identifying the Chinese Writing in Noonien Soong's Labs. Jörg explores The History of the Betazoid Emblem. All Fleet Charts are up to date (for the first time...
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