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Topic: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date (Read 6385 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #25
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

Rhys was surprised by being pulled up into a hug. He had not been sure what he had been expecting. He was worried about having to explain it, about having a soul-destroying conversation about what had happened. Sometimes it was best just to get comfort from someone who was listening not interjecting. Adam on some level had understood that was what Rhys needed, or perhaps he was not that comfortable discussing it himself.  Which ever was the case Rhys was grateful for it.

 Rhys allowed himself to be buried in Adam’s chest. Hearing the other man’s breathing and heartbeat, which was comforting. It was good just to be held by someone so affectionate. There were no tears for Rhys, he had cried all that he could on this subject long before. He did however blush at being called sweetie.

He put his hand on Adam’s cheek and kissed him softly and affectionately. “Thank you, this is just what I needed.” Rhys was increasingly finding that for such a shy person he was very physically affectionate. Not simply in a sexual way, but he was often happiest in someone’s arms or vice versa.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #26
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie sorry for the delay

It was easy to simply be there for someone that one cared for and Adam was doing that for Rhys. He didn't need to offer words of advice, although the desire to know the reason behind the Counselor's being taken off duty had crossed his mind but that was simple human curiosity.

Adam was brought back to the moment by Rhys putting his hand on the Master-At-Arms' face followed by a soft and affectionate kiss. ”You are most welcome.” A chirp from his combadge alerted him to the time that he'd been given to spend freely and now it was back to work.

”I'm afraid we must continue this another time because I have to get back to work.” Adam said as he released Rhys and held him at arm's length. ”Let me know if you want to hang out tomorrow at the same time.” He grinned before planting a kiss on Rhys' cheek and then quickly gathered up the picnic and offered it to Rhys. ”Please take the leftovers as a gift,” he suggested with a smile.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #27
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

It was all of course too good to be true. Rhys had felt like they had been stuck in their own little happy bubble where the outside world was not really there. The Arboretum of course had helped with that illusion, it was possible to believe you were in a park on Earth on a pleasant summer’s day. However, in the end reality was battering down the door in the less dramatic form of Adam’s com badge. It seemed it was time for Adam to return to work.

Rhys was surprised at how well he was able to keep the sense of disappointment from his face. Considering his recent fragile mental state that was a positive. The offer of hanging out again the next day bought a smile to his face at least. That did sound good. Rhys’ cheeks coloured a little at the kiss planted on his cheek and gladly took the rest of the picnic in his hands.

It was a jarring sensation Adam was going to work and Rhys wasn’t. He felt a strange determination steel over him. He was going to get back to work somehow someway. It was time to put in a request to see a counsellor. He could not take much longer of this not working thing. Rhys was not built to sit idly by and do nothing. He smiled back at Adam. “Take care.” He said emphatically.


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