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Topic: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes (Read 4054 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

The pain was a little stabby when Adam woke up this morning. The injury only happened 3 days ago but it seemed tension and stiffness remained in the area. His other shoulder, the prosthetic one always felt weird every morning after the surgery he got it. He wished he could have avoided it somehow but duty prevented it.

Now with both shoulders been injured and giving extra care to them was only now starting to frustrate Adam. He may have to see a counselor about it to see if he can get into a rhythm where he can live but keep the same amount of care to his shoulder. He'd met Lieutenant Rhys Williams at Deacon's party and he is a counselor so he should book a session.

Meanwhile he had to get something of a routine in place but knew it best not to push himself too far and the only best way to see himself still get the exercise he wanted but not put too much pressure on his shoulders was swimming as the nice Doctor George Hernandez suggested to him.

After a quick checkup George advised Adam to use the public baths and steam room often to keep the muscles warm so they don't seize too badly when on away missions, as the cold could make movement somewhat robotic. Adam had laughed when he mentioned doing the robot at Deacon's party, George had laughed as well.

Adam was all too happy to oblige as he entered the Public Baths swimming pool area in only his purple speedo tightish shorts and a towel around his neck. He thought it best to warm up first, so he went to one of the benches along the pool length and put his towel on the bench. Adam started to stretch his shoulders, arms and legs several times and in several different ways. Some of them hurt a dull ache but nothing too painful, once he felt loose he jumped into an empty lane and started swimming slowly to let his muscles warm up further.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hours?] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #1
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Derik awoke to his usual alarms despite the fact he had the day off. There goes me sleeping in late… He groggily thought to himself. Sighing in defeat, he went about his standard morning routine. He took his time however as he was in no particular rush. Indeed, he had a completely open schedule which felt a little odd considering his position as a department head. There was always something.

Not bothering to get dressed, he sat down at the table with a light breakfast of coffee and cereal with blueberries in it, flipping through the news to find little of interest. His day was shipping up to be quite laid back. The Trill’s gaze drifted down to his body, taking a closer look at himself than he had in a while. He’d done his best to keep up his physique despite everything that had been going on, yet felt like he was losing definition despite no discernable change.

“Let’s wage war on this gut eh?” He joked to himself, slapping tight muscles of his stomach playfully.

Throwing on a shirt, shorts, and some comfortable shoes, the Trill went about putting a gym bag together. The pool sounded like the best option. It had been awhile since he had last swum and it was a good way work out most muscle groups. Rummaging through one of his drawers, Derik located a swimsuit he hadn’t worn in ages, and one of his favorites at that. An almost entirely black speedo save for a section of red along the left hip. It also had an interesting, if never used before, feature of a hidden clip concealed in the red fabric, allowing it to be taken off faster than simply pulling it down. Or to open up his hip area if he was in a rush. The thought brought soft laughter. Into his bag he also threw a towel, water bottle, a change of clothes including underwear even though he wasn’t wearing any at the moment, and his badge in case he needed to be reached. The walk to the pool was uneventful for the most part, only a few crew members crossing his path here and there. Everyone was either at their station or taking full advantage of the shore leave. 

The locker room was blissfully empty upon his arrival, a good sign that he would be alone. Veradin took it upon himself to change without modesty, standing bare skinned as he dug out and donned his swimsuit. Retrieving his towel, he stowed everything else in a locker. The doors to the pool hissed open, soft sounds of splashing reaching his ears a mere moment before his eyes found the source. A man, fair skinned, good build even from a distance, in a pair of purple speedo shorts, was gingerly making his way down on of the lanes. Intrigued, Veradin dropped his towel off on the other end of the bench his counterpoint had chosen to lay his own towel, and slipped into the pool on an adjacent lane.

Derik filled his lungs to capacity, sunk beneath the surface, and pushed off hard. His slim figure and the power of his legs shot him forth like bullet from a rail gun. He caught up quickly and thanks to the water’s composition, he could keep his eyes open without discomfort. He was rewarded with a passing but rather close view of muscular legs, a tight waist, and a more than fair abdomen. Yet even as he passed, the Helmsman couldn’t help notice that they man’s arms were swimming slightly out of synch, like he was favoring one shoulder over another. Old injury perhaps?

Something about this seemed familiar, but his brief view as he snuck by underneath didn’t afford him a decent view of the swimmer’s face. His lungs slowly began to burn from staying under too long, fighting for a fresh intake of oxygen. Refocusing on his lane, Derik pushed his body to finish the lap. Reaching the other side, his head broke the surface first, instinctively drawing a fresh intake of air within him to appease his aching lungs. He used one of his hands to steady himself on the pools edge while the other wiped away the excess water upon his face. He turned, just in time for the other swimmer to reach his side of the pool.

“Adam!” Derik greeted, offering an open hand for a handshake from the Master-at-arms that he’d met just two days prior at the barkeeps’ party. The Trill did his best to keep his eyes upon Kingston’s yet the lack of clothes was alluring as always.

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Taking his time with every stroke and his normal arm did go a little faster then his prosthetic shouldered one, Adam moved through the water at a medium speed, it was important that he allow his shoulder to warm up slowly.

Really what was the rush? He mused as he was using freestyle, he didn't like butterfly his body just wouldn't move like that and that would upset his shoulder too much. Breaststroke, wasn't his favourite but he'd use it maybe after doggy paddle. Backstroke made his shoulder a little stiff so he didn't use it often, maybe just have his arms above his head so he didn't hit his head.

He spotted a Trill man come in and use the same bench he himself put his towel on. Interesting, Adam mused as he continued down the lane. The Trill had caught up to him then passed which Adam didn't mind, though he would have like to of been a little competitive but he was only here to relax but warm up. When he got to the end, he had to hold onto the edge of the pool to stay up with his good arm.

He faced the Trill man when he said his name and Adam smiled as he recognized the acting helmsman Junior Lieutenant Derik Veradin. They'd met at Deacon's party as well which went rather swimmingly as the two had many in common. After catching his breath Adam smiled. "Well hello Derik," he accepted the pilot's hand and shook a few times before releasing. "Fancy meeting you here," he said with a playful smirk.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #3
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Derik chuckled. “Yea apologies if I kinda just dropped in on you. Haven’t been able to go swimming for a while now and I wanted to take the opportunity while I had it. Figured I might be the only one here but this is definitely a pleasant surprise.” The Trill smiled rubbing a hand through his wet hair. His tone was quite playful. “I’m gonna pound out a few laps, try to work my whole body over. Let me know if you wanna talk more okay?” There would be time for conversation later. Right now, all he wanted to do was swim.

Satisfied, Veradin sunk below the surface again, throwing his body into one of his favorite hobbies. The cool water was bliss upon his skin like being submerged in gentle silk. He pushed his body hard, trying to faster and faster with each lap back and forth, or trying to stay underwater for as much of the length of the pool as his lungs could handle.  The movement, the raw power of his form, the environment, just felt so right. Might as well have been born as one of those River Otters from Earth He mused.

The Trill stole glances as he worked out, checking on Adam. He wasn’t particularly worried about the man, but he was aware of his relatively recent replacements. Derik’s worries seemed for naught though as it seemed like Kingston was doing just fine. The remainder of Veradin’s swim time was spent pushing himself hard, until his body began to ache. He didn’t pay attention to the time but eventually he was ready to rest. When he finally climbed out of the pool and grabbed his towel, Adam was still going back and forth. Stretching the helmsman headed for the jacuzzies.

After a moment of consideration, Derik decided on the one along the back of the room. He folded his towel, placing it on the corner of the tub next to the pile of spare ones. He’d need it later. A short climb and once again Derik’s body was partially submerged in water, this time of a much warmer and more comfortable temperature. A few quick taps of the nearby screen pulled up an ocean vista from his homeworld, the accompanying sounds following a mere second later. The view and the tub almost made him feel as if he was there, lounging on the cliffside, watching the waves crash gently upon the beach. Yet even as he lounged there, facing the screen, something seemed a little uncomfortable. It was the clasp on his hip, which was rubbing the skin since it’s covering had somehow been pulled back. Odd but not a problem. Looking around, and shrugging he simply popped the clasp open, the tightness of the speedo significantly decreasing. It didn’t remove the garment, nor expose his more sensitive areas even beneath the bubbling water thankfully. it did expose his hip though. Ah well. Adam’s in the pool still. Not like anybody is likely to notice anyway.

Rolling his shoulders against the pad along the edge of the tub, Derik settled in and let his eyes drift shut for a time. 

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #4
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Adam smiled as the younger man spoke. "No need to apologise, sure." he grinned and watched Derik speed off, he sighed as he had to do several more laps before he could talk more with the Trill helmsman. Adam then began his next lap, though since his muscles had warmed up he sped up a little and just relaxed as he swam up and down his lane.

After some time he started a lap he saw out of the corner of his eye Derik get out of the pool. He slowed a little to spy on the helmsman's sexiness before he carried on doing his laps. The Trill man was heading to the adjoining room when Adam looked up again on his return to finish that lap.

He wondered how long Derik will be around for so Adam decided two more laps but quicker and completed them rather faster then he expected he could. Always warm up, many people told him when he was getting into the whole fitness thing. Sometimes he ignore it and paid for it later.

Adam smiled inwardly as he ended his final lap, breathing hard, once he returned to a stable rhythm he swam to the ladder and climbed out. His short shorts a little lower on him, he didn't care. He went to his towel, he heard the pool forcefield engage as no one else was swimming, and picked it up, threw one end over his shoulder and made his way over to the Jacuzzi Area. He stopped by the entry, leaned against the frame and watched Derik relaxing, the display showed a world with purple oceans - Trill - Adam recognised it immediately as not many other worlds had that colour. He smiled, he'd like to visit Trill.

The problem now was how to get very close without alerting the helmsman to his presence until he wanted it to be known. Derik had to be with his back to the wall didn't he? Adam thought annoyed, but then decided to just get to the Jacuzzi quietly but then get it with some noise.

He put his towel, unused, on the block next to the small ladder and adjusted himself inside his shorts so it was just peeking out the top. Semi to the side like he wasn't aware of it, like any man wouldn't be aware. He mused with a smirk then grunted as he swung a leg over the edge of the Jacuzzi, sat on the edge like he was riding a horse and when the hotter temperature stung as more of his leg went deeper, Adam hissed.

He looked up to see if Derik heard.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #5
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Derik breathed deeply of the warm, humid air as he relaxed in the Jacuzzi. The bubbling, delightfully warm water gently vibrating against him under the power of the submerged jets. As a Trill, Derik was bound to getting cold easily, for their natural body temperature ran slightly higher than humans. With the settings he had selected the water might have been a tad high for anyone else but he figured he’d be alone. Combined with the sounds from the beach however, it created the perfect environment for him to let his thoughts wander, to journey wherever they might please.

His mind indeed drifted there amongst turbulent currents soon after. He thought of home, so very far away now, the purple oceans that he missed so dearly, had spent a fair amount of time at with his late brother Tehren, sloshing gently against the rocks on the beach. He so wanted to lay out on one of the more private beaches, sunbathing in some shallow water. The helmsman also thought of his parents, and what they must be thinking. He hadn’t talked to them since joining the crew of the Theurgy. He’d felt it was best not to draw attention to his loved ones should the parasites seek alternate ways of hurting them. No. The Trill would reach out them as soon as it was safe enough to do so.

A hiss swept across his ears in contrast to the sounds of the beach. A little hissing from the jets wasn’t new, but this was louder, more directional. Amongst the water movements he’d would have hardly felt someone get in with him if they were slow enough not to splash. With his eyes closed, he also couldn’t see anyone approaching. Yet despite the unease such a situation of someone sneaking up on him could have caused, Derik didn’t feel threatened. The only other person in the area was Adam, and the Trill hadn’t gotten the impression that the man meant him harm in any way. It must be the Master-At-Arms that was joining him. A part of the helmsman wanted to reach beneath the surface to re-clasp his speedo, just for modesty’s sake in the clear water, but the movement would have surely informed Adam that Derik knew he was there, as well as simply draw attention to the fact it was open.  No Derik thought, Let’s allow this one to play out. You could have chosen any other tub but you opted to join me. If you were simply after some pleasant conversation, you’d have announced yourself. Why don’t we find out what you’re after then eh?

Veradin rolled his shoulders and hips slightly like he was adjusting against the cushion and bench, remaining as close to the way he was before Adam started climbing in as he could.

Your move Mr. Kingston.

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #6
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Well the helmsman didn’t open his eyes, only shifted somewhat. Adam had a feeling the Trill knew he was there but didn’t object to the situation as he would have acted. Though the Jacuzzi was inviting, Adam really wanted to go into the Steam room.

Maybe that can be his reward? He smiled as he simply brought his other leg over and into the hotish water. Another hiss escaping his slightly parted lips but he thought he had them closed. This movement allowed his now semi hardened joystick to stick out further at the top of his short shorts band, it felt amazing but he tried to hide that as he now faced a new dilemma.

Of course Adam was aware of it, honestly he didn’t care and something told him Derik wouldn’t either. He was a little unsure how to start anything. Coughing? Just charge ahead and speak? Or nudge him with a foot? What to do?

Then a question came to mind. "Hey," he said softly but firmly so not to startle. "Besides swimming what else do you like to do in your off hours?" Adam asked curious as to Derik’s other pastimes though they had talked about such things back at Deacon’s party, though he’d mostly forgotten much of what Derik had said. "I seem to recall you like sparring?" He added a moment later after some reflection on the party.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #7
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Derik did his best to keep any semblance of a grin off his face as the Master-at-Arms continued climbing in. The waters would shift differently as more of the man’s body slipped beneath the surface, informing the Trill as to his slow progress. Only when the other man finally spoke, breaking their careful little silent dance, did Derik allow his smile to finally cross his lips.

“Yes.” Veradin responded. “Very much so. Who doesn’t live a good wrestle every now and then?” A thought occurred to the helmsman. He certainly didn’t need to go into extra detail but what would happen if he did? Something that may make things more…interesting? “The tight clothing accentuating body lines, heavy breathing as both exert themselves, the sheer amount of physical contact,” Time to test a theory… “Pinning each other to the mat…”

The last bit was well over the top of necessary, but Veradin figured it would certainly make things more personal. He picked his head up, opening his eyes slowly. Adam was sitting playfully on the edge of the jacuzzi, legs dipped into the bubbling water. As his eyes descended over the man’s body, it was only then did he notice Kingston’s partially engorged organ protruding out of the top of his swim shorts. Certainly, Adam knew what was going on, had to. How could he not feel it, pressed as it was? Or he knows and did so intentionally. Derik’s eyes perhaps lingered too long on the area, quickly shifting them back up to the man’s face. He could feel his own manhood stir, pressing a little harder against the pouch of his speedo. 

“Well?” Derik asked, trying to play it cool and keep his eyes off what Adam was clearly trying to get him to look at. “Are you just going to hang out there or are you going to come in?” He accentuated those two words, intentionally teasing the man back. It was a genuine offer, and one the Trill was interested to see what the human might do with.

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #8
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

"That does sound like fun." Adam said as his mind daydreamed them doing just as Derik had said and his manhood pulsed hard for a solid 2 seconds as this daydreamed played out. He quickly then focused and smirked as he did clock Derik having observed a certain area of his body a little longer than decency dictated.

Though he frowned with a single head shake. "I’m not particularly a Jacuzzi type, I prefer the Steam room." Adam said though he knew he may have caused some disappointment but smiled again. "Do you like Steam rooms?" He asked as an invitation.

He slowly got back out of the Jacuzzi one leg at a time. Once standing again next to the side of the Jacuzzi Adam bent over to grab his towel and as he did so his hardness managed to push his short shorts further downwards but not completely as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

Did he want to go into a sexual encounter so quickly with Derik? It had been a while anyway, maybe not to full on sex yet. A steam room would be easier to clean up then a Jacuzzi, he smirked at the image of them trying to clean up any non-water substances in the Jacuzzi water in a hurry.

What the hell. He thought and right in front of Derik but under the towel secured around his waist pulled down his short shorts. He put them on the side of the Jacuzzi. Adam winked at Derik. "When you’re ready," he said and made his way into the steam room.

He got the steam going with a few cup fulls of water and loosened his towel as he sat down on the first step level. As he leaned back against the second step, closed his eyes and enjoyed the heat, the towel did cover his semi hardness as it lay, freed from his short shorts, on his upper left thigh while his right thigh was fully exposed. Adam listened hard to hear any of Derik’s movements, he had a strong feeling that he will get to lick those sexy spots soon.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #9
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“Do you like Steam rooms?”

The question…did not come across as just a question. It was without a doubt an invitation, a sincere one, almost…insistent. The Trill watched with unshielded interested as the man climbed back out of the tub slowly. The Master-At-Arms was making a show of bending to retrieve his towel, his member even noticeably moving the band of those small shorts down.

Yet the performance wasn’t done, as Adam wrapped his towel around his waist, reached under the cloth, and pulled his shorts off. One of Derik’s eyebrows raised, curious as to the reason. He needn’t have even bothered wondering. Kingston draped the small bit of clothing over the edge of Jacuzzi, a token, an answer to the helmsman’s unasked question.

“When you’re ready.”

Oh good lord. The Trill thought as the man walked away into to the steam room, his form an enticing sight as it passed.  Derik’s lips parted slightly as a huge grin formed across his face. His hand lifted out of the bubbling water, playing with the stubble of his beard. Teasing the man just a minute ago had been a spur of the moment decision, simply to see what would happen. Now he was being actively invited into an even more enticing environment. Adam’s no longer just teasing. He’s wanting me to join him. And if it was just teasing, why leave his clothing behind? Why not take it with him? Is that an offer for potentially more?

The questions kept popping up like the bubbles in the Jacuzzi, one after another in an endless stream. But a decision had to be made: to accept the invitation or leave it? Derik gnawed at the choice for a few moments, his groin aching for attention. Nothing to lose right? The Trill got out of the tub; the cooler air prickly across his skin. Following Adam’s example, he removed his speedo and slipped his own towel around his waist, at least for modesty’s sake. 

He slipped into the sauna, Adam in plain sight even amongst the wisps of steam. His eyes were closed and Derik took advantage of it. He quietly made his to the bench opposite the human, leaning up against the wall. Veradin couldn’t help but notice Kingston’s towel was barely covering his hard organ laying against his left thigh. Deciding to play along, Derik pulled his towel off, covering his crotch and twitching organ only. No need to keep himself covered much longer. One leg rested on the bench while the other rested on the floor, legs slightly spread. He balled the his speedo in his hand when an idea struck him. 

He looked over at Adam, pulled his arm back, aimed, and threw his speedo at the man. It slapped loudly against the man’s stomach, jolting his eyes open. With a big mischievous grin, he raised his throwing arm above his head, tucking it between his skull and the wall, presenting his entire body for review. “Ready enough for you?”

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #10
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

"Ou-hey." Adam grunted out as his hands came up to his stomach, his eyes snapping open to look down at the, to now what he realised was, Derik’s swimmers. The clip was what had dinged him the hardest. Though it was a short lived pang of hurt, Adam glanced up to see a naked, save the towel, Derik lounging opposite him. Immediately all the pleasurable things that he liked torturing his few lovers over the years sprang to mind as did his hardness bounce a few times.

"You have to ask." Adam replied with a lustful smirk as he placed the swimmers behind him. "I’m sorry but you’ll have to come over here to get your swimmers back." Adam cooed as he shifted his right leg outwards a bit and his towel went with it revealing his sex in all its thick and not too long glory. "So how do you like to start situations like this?" He asked, he did like to know what his lovers liked to do, any fantasies they wanted to play out.

He resisted the urge to grab himself as it continued to bounce of its own accord, occasionally he made it harder then let the seemingly automation take over as he surveyed Derik’s sexy body. Though he’d have to move soon as the bench was starting to feel uncomfortable.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #11
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
The Trill ran a hand through his hair, laughing at not only the way Adam was looking at him but the question that he wonderful specimen of the male form presented to him. “Who says I want them back?” He started. “I like to give my partners the opportunity to get up nice and close. Let them do a thorough…” The hand on in his hair trailed over the back of his head, finger tips softly pressing into the skin as his hand moved down onto his neck, “…inspection….” that same hand came over his collar bone onto the trail of spots along the right side, “…of anywhere they might want to explore.” He ended the enticing statement by pushing the side of the over his crotch to the side a little. Not enough to expose what was between his legs but enough to expose the faint line of spots moving toward his visibly pulsating organ under the cloth.

“Perhaps they might want to touch…” Veradin dragged his nails gently up his right thigh, “or to taste…” He flourished the last word, making it even more of an offer. Cmon big guy. Get over here and take a peek. I’m waiting. The towel on his groin was starting to slip from all the activity going on down there, barely holding on because Derik’s leg was still pushing up against it. “What about you? How do you like to kick off festivities?”

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #12
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston AND LT. JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ]

Not exactly the way Adam had envisioned what would happen but Derik was here so that part had gone to plan. He watched as the flyboy’s fingertips as he seductively caressed his spots all the way to the point of no return, Adam’s eyes widened a little when he saw spots at the base of Derik’s organ. He wasn’t aware that spots could be there, he’d only been with one Trill male back at the Academy when he experimented but that guy didn’t have the spots like Derik’s. Oh the things he would do with his tongue to the Trill’s pulsing organ.

First things first, wordlessly Adam got to his feet but by putting his naked back to Derik, obviously showing off his assets while semi bent over to pick up Derik’s swimmers. In a few moments Adam put his foot through the one leg hole and pulled it up to cover his exposed rear, straightened then did the clip up. He arranged his hardness to the non-clip side and the swimmers were tight as he turned around. "Are you sure you don’t want these back now?" He said as he approached Derik, his left hand gently squeezing and rubbing his hardness.

Once, nice and close as Derik said, Adam began using his right hand and fingertips, starting at Derik’s forehead, tracing the line of spots, very slowly, down the Trill’s neck. He leaned in and planted a kiss to where his fingertips had just been and while his hand continued downwards he straightened a bit and looked up to see how Derik was responding to his touch.

The Trill raised an eyebrow and laughed as Adam picked up his speedo. The Master-at-arms made a show of it, turning around so Derik would more of his fine rear. He slipped the waistband of it over those perfect hemispheres, Veradin’s eyes watching as his toned ass bounced ever so lightly. Derik’s mouth was starting to water, from the point Kingston clipped the Trill’s speedo closed, to the moment he turned around and began walking confidently towards him. He was even stroking himself through the fabric, just to emphasize the display. Such was the distraction that Derik nearly misses the question. “I’m sure I can find some way to reclaim them…. even if I have to tussle for it”

When the human drew close, he wasn’t shy about touching the helmsman. Derik breathed heavily, playfully, intentionally, into the man’s ear as he began his exploratory examination of the Trill’s form. “Besides,” He continued, his voice low, practically whispering in Adam’s ear, “wouldn’t be very fair if I was the only one to remain bare…” His hand reached down, sliding over the human’s hip as he spoke, easily popping the clasp. He didn’t try to remove it just yet but he also wanted to have access easily. The Trill softly nipped at Kingston’s ear.

In the heat of the moment he forgot to hold his towel, leaving it completely open to being stolen at a moment’s notice. His other hand was already reaching up to scratch along the man’s scalp playfully, a gentle gesture but one that would encourage him to keep going. When Adam looked up to check on Derik, the Trill brushed their lips together, not so much kissing but inviting it nonetheless. They had plenty of time to explore and things were just getting started.

Adam moaned into the touching of their lips, his left hand still playing with his hardness even though with the clip undone more of the fabric rubbed it causing more moans to come forth. He was going to reply but decided to just explore the Helmsman as much time between sexual release has been long, he wanted this. However, he’d let Derik take back his swimmers just for the shear pleasure of watching him take it from him turned on the Master-At-Arms greatly.

Now however was his turn as he slowly traced the spots down, down, planting a following kiss after breaking the one Derik started on their lips, and his fingertips converged on Derik’s left nipple. Gently squeezing, tweeking and rolling the nub as Adam planted his tongue just above the nub and licked, slowly, up to the base of Derik’s neck before following them over the Helmsman’s beard but instead of going to the Trill’s forehead Adam following the jawline to lips again and licked them.

Adam certainly wasn’t shy about his tastes, and Derik was more than happy about that. Uncensored, it was the truest path to mutual heaven. While Adam playing with his nipples wasn’t anything super special to the Trill, as the nubs weren’t very sensitive, the texture of his tongue was something else entirely. It felt good, REALLY good as the spongy appendage dragged up his body. He felt himself jump under the towel, body reacting instinctively. The Trill’s lips parted slightly, breath hot and heavy. Adam continued on, over his jawline, right onto and over lips.

Okay. Fuck it. I need this. The thought happened so fast, and the action didn’t wait either. Derik’s right hand slipped into his own speedo around Adam’s hips, He gripped the man’s ass enthusiastically, half squeezing, half pulling the man forward. Their bodies pressed more and more skin together in the action, a sensation most welcome. His left, still scratching Kingston’s scalp, pulled him in closer, closer, closer, until only the slightest of spaces existed between them. Without a word Veradin eliminated the remaining distance, pressing their lips together roughly, tongue not shy about invading the other man’s mouth. His taste was awesome, the Trill’s chest beating with excitement.

The Master-At-Arms grinned into the kiss as he moaned after. Adam was the Master at not just arms but pleasure as well, he knew the tension and slowness he was putting on Derik would eventually force the Helmsman to simply take what he wanted. Men are sexual, practical, and in the moment beings so he wrapped his arms around Derik the moment the two had been pressed together.

He loved the feeling of his head being scratched, he had an itching sensation there when the two had faced off seemingly both unsure of who would start things off.

Adam began arching his back a bit so Derik’s hands had less distance to go to feel in his cleftal horizon for his entrance, he loved being touched there and in all sorts of ways. He hoped Derik did too, so one of his hands flowed down to cup, fingers spread out, Derik’s cheek and he squeezed. He could feel the towel between them and now wanted to play with what it covered.

Without warning Adam broke the kissing and planted his tongue again to the other side of spots and licked all the way, as he lowered himself to his knees, to the spots at the base of Derik’s hard organ. Adam pulled the towel away and although his eyes slightly widened at the size, his mouth a moment later was on Derik’s member’s gland. He sucked and sucked, occasionally his tongue would circle around the gland. Adam’s hands now squeezing Derik’s cheeks with a finger or two swiping over the Helmsman’s entrance. Dammit I need to put some liquid on my fingers, Adam thought as he sucked, slowly taking the length in.

Adam looked up to see how Derik was taking this shift in festivities so quickly.

Kingston apparently did not like to waste time. Wrapping his arms around the Trill, Adam kept them close, his back arching forward so they were pushed chest to chest. Derik’s left hand slipped from the man’s scalp, trailing fingernails softly down his back until slipping into the speedo like the other. The way the human’s body was pressing against him spoke quite a lot to what he was looking for. With two hands now inside the unclasped garment, it was starting to fall off his hips, the man’s butt exposed, and the front loose but straining with Kingston’s organ trying to escape. Derik didn’t mind, he’d get a front row seat to what Adam was packing again, and thanks to the angle his fingers were slowly slipping towards that hidden space.

Adam however, had other ideas. As their tongues played tug-of war for dominance, the Master-at-arms own hand found purchase upon the Trill’s posterior, no surprise, that was not all. Kingston broke their war of lips, to Derik’s temporary disappointment, only to place his tongue along one of the Trill’s lines of spots. Down, down, down, he went, tasting his way across the helmsman’s form, every hill, every valley, every spot a feast for his taste buds. Finally, he was kneeling before Veradin, tongue trailing all the way to the base of the man’s sword. He wasted no time dispensing with the towel, tossing it onto the bench next to Derik. Adam’s eyes flickered across the finally exposed area, eyes hungrily taking in the faint trails of spots along its length. Derik chuckled at the sight, which was quickly replaced by a gasp and a moan as Kingston popped the Trill’s crown past his lips. So much for foreplay! Veradin didn’t mind honestly. They were both fired and it wasn’t from the Sauna.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #13
Joint Post
[ LT JG Derik Veradin & Lt JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

The Human was experienced, there was no doubt about it. He would suckle upon Derik’s glans only to flick his tongue in quick circles around it. Derik’s mouth hung open, chest rising and falling in deep breaths as he tried to control the uncontrollable twitching his member was dancing with. Adam’s assault was not limited to Derik’s front either. His fingers had found their way between Derik’s own rump. The tips of his fingers circled Veradin’s entrance with gusto, playfully making rings. Oh, how it felt good. He didn’t press inside, thankfully, since those appendages were absent any sort of lube, but it was certainly an enjoyable experience. Like the bliss of a scratch you couldn’t really itch yourself.

Adam enjoyed the scratching of fingernails softly down his back to his butt, he moaned more at that, though now being told to go for the rest, he rolled his eyes as if to say well dah, I’m already attempting that. The break in concentration caused a gag so he took a breath around Derik’s member to calm down the reflex, he wondered did Derik feel the air around the skin of his member. He took this as an opportunity to put saliva on his fingers, he had made a lot of it on the pulsing organ, he quickly lubed up his fingers by pressing the tips along the length and inside his mouth before sucking on Derik again. Going further and further every few moments as the back of his throat adapted to having something there.

His fingers at the same time returned, slimed up, to Derik’s hole and rubbing it with the occasional pulsing press that didn’t penetrate but played the hole edges in different directions each time. His own hardness hardening and pulsing and bouncing demanding attention.

Derik felt a little more of his length slip into Adam’s mouth and he decided if they were going to do this, Adam might as well try to take the whole thing. Adam was looking up at him, silently checking how Derik was handling this. “Don’t stop now…” The Trill’s fingers gently scratched along the upper left and right sides of Kingston’s head, playing with his hair in encouragement. ”Might as well go for the rest! he teased with a big grin.  He was carful not to pull the hair, so as not to seem like he was forcing himself upon the man. Like a ruler, measuring how much of Veradin’s length yet exposed to open air, more and more of the spots on either side started disappearing into the man’s warm, wet mouth as Adam swallowed him.
Adam enjoyed the scratching of fingernails softly down his back to his butt, he moaned more at that, though now being told to go for the rest, he rolled his eyes as if to say well dah, I’m already attempting that. The break in concentration caused a gag so he took a breath around Derik’s member to calm down the reflex, he wondered did Derik feel the air around the skin of his member. He took this as an opportunity to put saliva on his fingers, he had made a lot of it on the pulsing organ, he quickly lubed up his fingers by pressing the tips along the length and inside his mouth before sucking on Derik again. Going further and further every few moments as the back of his throat adapted to having something there.

His fingers at the same time returned, slimed up, to Derik’s hole and rubbing it with the occasional pulsing press that didn’t penetrate but played the hole edges in different directions each time. His own hardness hardening and pulsing and bouncing demanding attention.

Derik groaned, the feeling of cool air rushing along his slick member sending a variety of sensations jolting up through his body. The heat of the man’s breath fought against by the slightly cooler air of the sauna was becoming intense. He closed his eyes focusing on those jolts as his hands tried to help steady himself using Adam’s head for a little extra balance support. His own head lulled back, mouth hanging open as more and more of himself disappeared into Kingston’s waiting cave. He bit his lip, the pleasure starting to affect his knees. In all the action, Veradin hardly noticed the fingers assaulting his rear disappear for a brief moment.

He didn’t have to wait long to find out why. The Trill gasped loudly as those fingers returned to his tight entrance, now wet and sliding so easily over the delicate flesh. Kingston didn’t try to push inside him really, only tease and tease and tease. His ring flexed accordingly, as the near intrusions came from different angles, causing him to jump a little as he was stuck between a warm embrace and an invading force. Derik’s mouth hung open, salivating as he too felt the need to play with something growing and growing. If Adam didn’t hold him still, he might just have to give in.

Finally Adam’s throat relaxed a little and he swallowed several times with Derik in all way, the Master-At-Arms’ tongue poked out and diddled with the skin between the hardness and balls. This lasted about 6 seconds before Adam had to pull off to take a deep breath, his fingers started to push in, just their tips and then began the circles again.

He looked up at Derik and opened his mouth with his tongue out, slowly licking the underside of Derik’s fading spotted gloriousness, the first thought was to ask if he liked what he was doing but seriously it is a stupid question. Adam smiled as he brought one hand from Derik’s butt to cup and massage the Helmsman’s balls.

”OH FUCK!” The helmsman moaned loudly, eyes shooting  open as Adam swallowed the rest of his length. It felt absolutely amazing to be so deep inside of another being that the Trill’s legs nearly gave out for a moment. Adam wasn’t done either as a familiar spongey texture that had been running along the underside of his length now extended out, flickering against the transitional space between root and stem. It was short lived though, as a few seconds later the human pulled back, chest dragging in some desperately needed air. The loss left the Trill speechless, that hot embrace replaced with cooler air.

Despite needing to release Derik’s straining organ to fill his lungs, Adam’s fingers didn’t let up. Derik leaned forward, balance off a little at no longer being held in place from both sides. His hand slipped down onto Kingston’s shoulders, steadying himself as a fingertip or two played with and gently began gaining entrance to his body. His ring was tightening instinctually against such and intrusion but Trill didn’t mind. Adam would work him loose in due time if he kept it up.

Not content to let the Master-at-Arms have all the fun, Veradin took a deep breath and gently pushed against the man’s shoulders. He wasn’t rough, but the man seemed to be alarmed slightly at the sudden change in attitude. ’It’s okay. Trust me. I just want to level the playing field.” Derik leaned in, kissing the man gently to help ease his mind. Down the two went slowly, but the Trill was determined as he gently got the man onto his back. Finally, down under the helmsman, Derik leaned in and kissed him again this time even more tenderly. Their lips pressed against each other with no more force than one might pick up an extremely delicate flower. He parted his lips, playing with the man’s mouth in moaning thanks, faint wisps of his own taste upon the man’s tongue. They stayed there like that for a moment, chest to chest, mouth to mouth, until most of the tension left his friend’s body.

Hopeful that Kingston would better handle the next part, Derik began the slow work of kissing his way down the man’s body. He didn’t go as fast Adam had done with him, but he did want to show his appreciation. Lower he traveled, under the jaw, tracing the collar bone all the way from shoulder to the nape of his neck, onto the rib cage, over his right sternal pectoral, across the nipple, down onto the abs upon which he made sure to spend a little more time and finally onto his lower stomach. The taste was intoxicating. He made a show to look up the man’s body, locking eyes with him as he moved even lower. Without hesitation Derik playfully bit the edge of his own speedo, pulling the loose garment down. His right hand moved up, resting on Adam’s stomach gently, a silent show of asking him to trust him and not move.

Dismayed that he was interrupted enjoying sucking the delicious organ of Derik’s, Adam realized what was going to happen and quickly checked the floor where they were going to be on for anything that may hurt. He spotted the heat bucket just half a meter away so all was good. "Okay." Adam replied though a little still upset he couldn’t keep sucking but he wondered what Derik had planned as he used his arms to get onto the floor at the same pace Derik pushed him to the new position.

He smiled when the kissing started and allowed Derik’s tongue to enter his mouth, most of the stiffness left him when it seemed Derik wanted to stay on top of him for now. Adam’s hands roamed around Derik’s back, butt, and tracing the spots all the way he could reach then up to Derik’s forehead. The tracing was slow with the back of his hands and nails making the feather like touch, Adam moaned much as their hard, pulsing organs rubbed together though his was still inside Derik’s speedo.

Adam wondered when Derik would take it off him. Then the trail of Derik’s mouth and wet tongue left behind as he went down his body had the areas touched twitching a little as Adam’s moans became groans of restrained desire. The speedo was suddenly gone as Adam caught up and looked down at Derik as eye contact was made between them. "Fuck." He moaned, he left his arms beside him, he’d let Derik decide where he wanted them. His skin was responsive to light and wet touches, he wondered if Derik picked up on that. Derik’s hand on his stomach was so nice, Adam put his left hand on top he hoped Derik would see it as a trust, connection and perhaps not so obvious but something he can do to cope.

Derik rode his own momentum, taking his que from Adam’s obvious interest. The human’s breathing was short and quick, making the helmsman wonder if it was only excitement or if there were underlying causes. He made sure to go slow, pulling the speedo the rest of the way off with his left hand. Pulled by the vanishing garment for a moment, Derik smiled as the man’s marble phallus slapped loudly against his lower stomach. He didn’t touch it yet though, instead interested in teasing.

Licking his lips, he turned his head a little to the side, kissing very gently down Kingston’s thigh. He made sure to keep very close to the skin, using his scratchy beard to tease the skin as he went down and around the ample flesh. The Trill would continue to play with his sensitive areas, doing his best to cause the muscles underneath to twitch and flex as the slow passes of his lips. Sure he could go for gold with what was sitting just a few centimeters above his head, but this was more fun in his opinion.  If Adam’s breath got faster, he’d slow down, as the man’s breathing would settle, he’d renew his attacks upon the soft epidermis.

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #14
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Adam grunted in pain only for a moment as his hard bulb hit. "Man I didn’t realise how hard you got me til just then." He chuckled, moaned and could feel the silk his body released as the tip rubbed against where it hit.

There wasn’t much time to do anything like think or grab himself, which his body was screaming at him to do, as Derik teased him with his beard inside Adam’s legs, soft touch and even light touch were Adam’s undoing. He hoped Derik wouldn’t figure that out too quickly then he had an idea. He lifted his head and looked down as with one hand fingered the ooze on his belly.

"Hey." Adam said and once eye contact was made, he would put his own precum in his mouth and wanted to see what that did to the Trill.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #15
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
The Trill chuckled against Adam’s skin at the man’s surprise. He continued to rub his beard and lips around the soft dermis, continuing to hold the man as still as possible with the hand now resting on his hip. But perhaps the torture was going on for too long, and he didn’t want the man to suffer too much with all the little twinges going on under the surface. So his free hand gently came over the man’s thigh, pulling his leg gently outwards. He then started kissing up and up, fingers just ahead of where his lips were touching.

Finally, after what probably seemed like an eternity from the way Adam was moving under him, Veradin reached the arch between his legs. He rubbed two fingers up over the shaft while his lips gently pressed against his scrotum, two lovely sized balls moving from the pressure. Kingston was apparently a leaker, as he drug a finger through his own fluids, licking it as their eyes met. Derik simply raised an eyebrow, indifferent about the action.

Yet then his ears picked up something that seemed out of place for the sauna. A hiss that wasn’t from steam. Pat. Pat. Pat. Was that someone walking in the next room?!? The Trill raised his head and held a finger over his lips, quickly mouthing “I think I hear something” slowly enough to be understood. He got up slowly, manhood still raging, slipped to the door and listened hard for any more sounds. A few moments later there was a soft splash, as if someone had gotten into the pool.

“Fuck.” He whispered. “Company.” This was by far not what he had wanted.

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #16
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Well this ruined the fun, they should move this to a more private place. Adam quickly looked around for their swimwear, he silently cursed himself for leaving his on the rim of the Jacuzzi Derik was in before this all started. Derik’s was at his feet however but their towels were on opposite benches, so they had a choice to make.

1. Hope that whoever wasn’t going to want to join them in the Sauna and slip into the Showers to carry on while leaving their swimwear as evidence something sexy was going on. Or 2. Somehow retrieve Adam’s swimwear and escape the Baths to either his or Derik’s quarters to finish this encounter. Or 3 which just occurred to Adam, they leave one at a time and meet up later.

Adam quickly snatched up his towel anyway then sneaked back to behind Derik who was attempting to hear any sounds that may indicate that their guest was coming to the Sauna. That’s when he found the view of Derik’s beautiful asshole. He could have sworn it twitched and that made him immediately not care if they were discovered for he had to carry out his first thought that came to him.

He dropped his towel and considering that Derik was occupied by listening for whoever was nearby the Trill couldn’t see Adam, he would be able to catch that beautiful sensitive place completely by surprise. Thankfully the Sauna door was one of those doors that only opened when triggered at the panel next to it. He hoped that Derik had locked it when he had joined Adam inside, if not, it wasn’t a major problem. Yet.

Adam put his hand out and repositioned himself so he was comfortably behind Derik, his hands made contact and spread apart Derik’s fine glutes. A second later his tongue and mouth were covering, moistening and flicking Derik’s asshole with gusto. Adam moaned as he snapped his eyes up to look at Derik waiting for when the Trill processed what was happening and would look back at him.

Since they were next to the door it would have to take the newcomer to actually enter the Sauna to see them. Though Derik was next to the door controls so he could engage the lock if he recalled it was there. Adam wondered as he sucked and tongued if the Trill could process thought while his hole was being assaulted*.

His second thought registered and that was to grab the Trill's manhood once he secured the hole.

* OOC: BAHAHAHA PUN! (laugh)
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #17
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Perhaps it was the shift in Derik’s focus that gave Adam all the opening he ever needed. Perhaps his stance next to the door. Or maybe it was simply the desire to continue what they started despite the potential risk of discovery. At this point the “why” didn’t matter. Here he was having his glutes spread wide, and a very soft but very warm tongue exploring a space most would normally just enjoy with their eyes. It has been quite some time since anyone had rimmed him. Sure, he’d offered it to others, even though it wasn’t his favorite thing to do really. But somehow this just felt... weird. They should have been trying to find a way to prevent discovery. “Should” being the key word. 

Adam’s swimsuit was still on the jacuzzi outside, a dead giveaway for what the two men were up to. Derik prayed that whomever was currently running laps wouldn’t notice it. Yet just as he was trying to devise some sort of plan, despite the face buried between his cheeks, Kingston decided some tongue wasn’t enough. The Trill felt his member grabbed firmly.

“D…damnit Adam. We nee….need to focus on not bein…ing caught!” The Helmsman spoke with some difficulty. He quickly bit the inside of his cheek. Not enough to bleed or anything but enough that it hurt and gave him something other to focus on rather than the torture Adam was providing.  It proved sufficient, even if only for a couple of moments. “I get that you want to continue but I’d rather not end up putting on a show for some random crewman. I think we both would like to avoid any unpleasant gossip going around on the ship?” Reaching behind him he gently pushed the man’s head away from his rear, turning so it was pressed against the wall behind him.

He wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, far from it. Here they were through, fooling around in the sauna. It was…. less than tactful. Of course, the move to get Kingston to stop left his front wide open, so he let his right hand drift down over it. He didn’t need to cover up or anything given the human had seen everything. He merely wanted to discourage any further attempt at distractions until their immediate issue was addressed.

Derik’s eyes shifted to his swimwear on the floor, squatting down to retrieve them. They’d need to be dressed if they were going to slip past their uninvited guest. As a sign that he wasn’t trying to just cut Adam off from their fun, he kissed the man on his forehead quickly. ”C’mon. Let’s try to take this party somewhere quieter eh?”

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Adam knew Derik was right, and really it wasn’t like neither of them were going to be transferred off Theurgy anytime soon. So they had plenty of time for exploration and playtime so Adam smiled a dopey grin when Derik kissed him on the forehead. It felt like they were in an actual relationship and had him having the feels.

He nodded and quickly jumped trains of thought away from that relationship stuff. Dangerous for that considering how much risk they are in with seemingly everyone after them. Adam recalled the door behind them leading to the showers and an exit door there but either direction had an opening to the pool.

If they timed it well both could get out in no time but Adam had to get his swimmers. So he decided to see how much his sexual partner in crime was willing to resist as he stood, his semi hard joystick now within direct eye level with Derik as Adam leaned forward to see around the door and into the pool. He hoped he could spot their third wheel.

A quick shake of his head buried that line of thoughts fast as he spotted the other crew member but they were swimming laps. If he was quick he could dash out, snatch his swimmers then dash back into the sauna. From there they could return to modesty before discussing how to leave. One thing at a time Adam told himself, of course his rod stiffening further as he recalled his position in relation to Derik.

Okay, no they had to leave. Adam decided after a moment of consideration. Though they didn’t have to leave together or at the same time. He grinned as he spotted the swimming crew member heading towards the other end of the pool.

He stepped back and lowered himself to Derik’s eyes again. "I’ll grab my swimmers and come back." Adam said and stood directly against the door as he tapped the panel. It opened and with one hand covering his crotch he took a few leaps over to his swimmers, grabbed them and turned. His eyes immediately went to the pool, so far no sign of anyone.

Adam wasted no time and rushed back into the sauna. "You know we don’t have to leave at the same time or same direction Derik." He offered and put one foot into the swimmer’s leg hole then the other foot in the other hole and pulled them over his crotch in a practiced ‘you-saw-nothing’ fluid movement. A moment later, made one adjustment to his now slowly softening joystick.

"I can go that way back through the pool door and you could go through the showers door, casually." Adam said and as if he had eyewear looked over them at Derik as if to say. ‘I said casually okay!’ He couldn’t help but smirk after that.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #19
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
Derik’s raised an eyebrow as Adam stood, obviously attempting to goad him into more play. It seemed more and more apparent by the second that the man’s mind was still in the wrong headspace. Definitely at the forefront of his thoughts too with how much the organ was stiffening from whatever he was thinking about. The more he considered it, the more this little dalliance might have been foolish. Though it wouldn’t have been the first time this had happened to him.

When Kingston moved back, stating that he’d finally go get his swimsuit from the jacuzzi, Derik was admittedly a little relieved. At least the man had the decency to cover himself as best he could as he quickly ran to the tub and back. The Trill had to admit it was a rather amusing sight. The shake of his hips, the tight form, subtle sheen of sweat… Just no. Derik shook his head, dispelling the thoughts. Don’t fall down that damn rabbit hole. You literally were just mentally chastising him for the same thing.

”You know we don’t have to leave at the same time or same direction Derik.”

Caught in his own thoughts, the helmsman almost missed what Adam said. The man slipped on his purple short shorts again, and Derik was grateful for the reduction in distractions.

”I can go that way back through the pool door and you could go through the showers door, casually.” Happy with his own suggestion, he even smirked.

Derik took a deep breath. ”Such things may no longer be necessary. I was anticipating more trouble retrieving your speedo, but now that we are both dressed, there really isn’t a reason to worry. We can stroll out as if nothing was amiss. It’s not like we are trying to sneak down the corridors naked now or anything.” As amusing as that last thought was, he didn’t want to give Adam any ideas. ”To any outside observer, as long as we are behaving ourselves, we would appear as nothing more than a couple of friends leaving the pool after using the facilities. We just don’t need to be projecting anything different is all.” He stood, grabbing the towel off the bench and walking to the showers door.

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #20
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Yeah right, like they’d completely ignore both their bulges and not immediately deduce what was going on? Adam mused as he grabbed his towel and decided to wrap it around his waist. Though his short shorts still felt tight and it was not only the rampant sexual ideas running around his head but the friction his swimmers were providing him. "Sure, keep thinking that." Adam said with a smirk as he walked behind Derik but before they passed through the showers door back into the Pool area he groped and squeezed Derik’s butt and walked, passing Derik, to the corridor door, he ignored whoever was in the Pool, he pretended he was late for duty somewhere. Adam had recalled a few times he had been late and those were all before they found out about the Infested.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes

Reply #21
[ LT JG Derik Veradin | Public Baths | Deck 06 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle
”Sure, keep thinking that.”

Maybe if you stopped thinking with your dick for ten seconds it might not seem so improbable. The Trill was really starting to get annoyed at this point by the man’s one track mind. So instead of falling further down the rabbit hole, he let Adam has his fun while he passed and followed. When they made it to the corridors outside the pool area however, Veradin slowly stopped walking behind Kingston, gradually coming to a halt and letting the man pass around the curve absent his company. Given the decking it was relatively easy since their footfalls made barely any sound. He then turned and headed the opposite direction, passing through the decks alone on his way back to his quarters.

Man wants to play the tease game but decides to go and go and go. Little more than I signed up for honestly. Might as well just go back to my quarters and clean up alone. With so many crewmembers on leave, Derik was thankful that his trip home was uneventful and spent in solace. He really didn’t want to run into anyone at this point.

Stepping into his quarters, the Trill had a nagging thought that he was forgetting something. He tapped the screen above the replicator to check his schedule and almost freaked when the reminder that he was to take part in the tests integrating the Aldean Cloaking devices into the Valkyries popped up. An appointment, that was only fifteen minutes away.  He hurriedly showered, got dressed, grabbed a PADD and headed for the nearest transporter room. As he walked, Veradin typed up a message and sent it to Kingston’s quarters.

TO: Adam Kingston
FROM: Derik Veradin


Thanks for the spot of fun but I have to dash. Duty as a department head never stops screaming your name.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I would recommend finding a way to focus on things other than….you know….in your off hours. Remember we are all stuck on this boat together. Tons of people to hang out with for more than just a tussle. Learned that one the hard way. Doesn't mean I didn't have fun though. Because I did.

Until our next encounter,

Derik Veradin

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