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Topic: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Salaam Namaste (Read 13556 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Salaam Namaste

Reply #25
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage

[ USS Vendetta | Deck 01: Bridge ]

Sayid nodded with a smile at her and then turned his chair back towards the viewscreen as he continued to read through the PADD.  Daniel saluted bringing his hand up to his chest, closing his fist and pounding it against his chest over his heart.  Once the two of them were back in the turbolift and as she began to ask questions he smirked.  “Well firstly, while we’re in the program refer to me as Major around the NPCs, when we’re alone you can just call me Daniel.  As for why the Commodore was glaring at me, well that’s because he’s designed not to like the Havenborn Foundation which is what my character belongs to.  There is a longer story to that but that is the gist of it.”  Daniel said.  “Meanwhile the Broadsword was a Nebula-class starship that was heavily modified to serve as fighter-carrier.  She was destroyed when the Borg attacked her, only about a fifth of the crew managed to escape, you included.”  Daniel said.

“And yes there is a great deal to catch up on, that is what the dinner will be for, it’ll help lay out the situation but we’ll get to that in just a few minutes.  First I’ll show you to your quarters then we’ll go to the dinner.”  Daniel had designed it so that the player could if they wanted to spend as much time as they wanted in their quarters either reading up on the lore or doing whatever.  Usually his position was played by the NPC he had created but sometimes he felt the urge to want to play his own self in the game.

[ USS Vendetta | Deck 11: Executive Officer's Quarters ]

As the turbolift stopped and they exited, he showed her to her quarters on the ship.  As they entered the room it looked pretty standard to normal Starfleet quarters, a bed, a bathroom with sonic shower, a couch, ottoman and small table plus a table for four people near the replicator.  “Any other questions before dinner?”
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Salaam Namaste

Reply #26
[ Kamila Patel | Holodeck 01 | Deck 8 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn
It took Kamila a moment to understand what NPCs stood for, or remember, rather, as she was not accustomed to using the words and the acronym, but she caught on and nodded, quietly saying, “Ah, yes, Major.” Correcting herself and watching him as he explained to her about the lore of this holonovel. She knew a little about the Nebula-class, and its function, but if he had modified it for this story, she supposed she could toss whatever she knew out the window, as it wouldn't really apply.

She remained quiet, following him to the quarters, it looked quite the same as her own, if with slightly less amenities than what was accorded to her, and she smiled, inspecting the place with some interest, as she considered that this was was most personnel of the actual rank that she bore would have. “I commend your work and attention to detail again, Daniel. This is truly incredible.”

She sat down on the edge of the bed for a moment, then rose when asked about questions, “I do not have any at the moment, and we can proceed to the next part if you are ready too.” She gestured towards the door, “Please.” She was eager to see what came next.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Salaam Namaste

Reply #27
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Deck 08, Holodeck 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage

[ USS Vendetta | Deck 11: Executive Officer’s Quarters ]

Daniel nodded at her.  “Thank you, it has taken many revisions to get to this point however.  The Broadsword originally was an Akira-class before I changed my mind.”  Daniel stated.  “Excellent then let us be off.”  He said with a smile as he opened the door for her and motioned for her to lead the way to the turbolift.  Once they entered the turbolift Daniel told it where to go and the lift began to move.

Suddenly just as quickly as it had begun to move it stopped and then the turbolift fell into a dead drop then stopped again.  Daniel held Kamila close to him to keep her from falling, although this was not part of the program and as soon as the turbolift stopped Daniel opened the door and pulled her out of it.  “That wasn’t supposed to happen.  Computer, arch.”  Daniel said as he let her go and walked over to the arch that appeared behind them.  He tapped the console and opened the diagnostic program, after a bit of searching he found a new problem.

“Well it seems as though the program has been slightly corrupted.”  He said.  “Computer, exit.  I’m afraid that we’re going to have to cut it short here so I can make repairs to it.”  He continued as he began to close the program, the corridor around them returning to the holodeck’s original setting.  “When I get it repaired, I’ll have to have you back so you can at least see the next scenes, even if you don’t feel like participating in the program.” He stated as he pulled the isolinear chip from the socket and pocketed it.

“It was good to meet you, Miss Kamila, and I hope to see you later.”  Daniel said.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Salaam Namaste

Reply #28
[ Kamila Patel | Holodeck 01 | Deck 8 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn
There were so many ship designs these days that Kamila could barely keep up with the names, but she recognized the Akira-class a little, and knew it was a more dedicated combat vessel rather than the more multi-roled types that the Federation tended to favour. She followed Daniel and stood next to him as he gave instructions to the turbolift. She was about to laugh and tell him how strange it felt to be in a turbolift that was actually a hologram when it shook and would have knocked the young woman to the ground if not for Daniel's swift action of catching her.

She had been about to ask if that was part of the novel when he answered for her. Watching him inspect the program, she arched an eyebrow and her eyes widened. She didn't know that the novel could get corrupted and do something like that. It was honestly a little jarring, but he didn't seem too worried, and she took reassurance from that. She smiled when he spoke, and clasped her hands together in a prayerful manner, bowing her head slightly, “It was a pleasure getting to know you, and experiencing this holonovel, Lieutenant Havenborn. I look forward to when we meet again. Good evening.”

She straightened up again and made her way out, thinking to herself that it really was quite the meeting, and a most interesting day.


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