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DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Deputy Chief's Office| Deck 07] Attn: ThanIda zh'Wann

A short while after his meeting with his new squadron CO, Chris had heard something that made him very concerned and wasn't sure if it was a rumor or not..but Chris had to make sure because of what had happened the previous day.

The rumor was that ThanIda zh'Wann, Ida, was going to go out on a short away mission to recover those of the Harbinger's crew that was still floating around in space and then bring them back here to the Theurgy...the same crew members that Ida, Amyela and Chris himself had shot at and fought the very day before.

Normally Chris would've let something like that go as Ida was a very strong example of a Zhen, but there was something that was nagging at him that made him want to go and check up on her and to see how she was doing in the aftermath of the two situations that the ship had been involved in.

Once he reached her office, Chris quickly walked into the room and looked around for her. "Ida..I mean Lieutenant zh'Wann, are you about?"

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy Chief's Office | Deck 07 ] Attn: CJ "Husker" Slayton

Moving with brisk efficiency, Ida was packing a large duffel bag in the private study adjacent to the Deputy's Office, but she paused when she heard someone out there. Frowning, antennae angling forth, she stopped what she was doing and walked back into the larger office of hers, eyes falling upon the fighter pilot that she had fought alongside with on the Harbinger.

"Ensign Slayton," she said, her consternation plain on her face, "why are you here?"

Time was short, and she needed to finish getting her gear together before going to the Allegiant's launching bay. The sight of the pinkskin was not unwelcome, but inconvenient. She had much rather spoken with him under circumstances more fortunate, so she continued before he could reply. "I was just on my way," she said, feeling that the resourceful pilot deserved to know why she had to dismiss him. "I have been picked by the Captain for a mission to find and restore your old crew to their rightful minds. Honestly, they might not be too keen on seeing me, of all people, but I have confidence in the success of the mission. We have the right people assembled for the task."

The golden collar of her uniform unzipped while she got her gear together, she regarded the man. She remembered how he had kissed her, but she was not inclined to bring that up right then, for more than the aforementioned reason. "I hope you are settling in here, but we will have to speak some other time."

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #2
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Deputy Chief's Office| Deck 07] Attn: ThanIda zh'Wann

"Your mission is exactly why I'm here, zh'Wann." Chris stated respectfully as he tried to ignore how he was feeling when he was around her again but he pushed that into the back of his mind. "I have faith in your abilities but I'm not too sure about some of my former crew mates..I'm the last person that some of the security detail will want to see due to my actions that day but they did deserve it."

Chris' face then took on a slightly more guarded look as he moved closer to where she was standing but still gave her enough room. "I am settling in well, Ida, and I hope that we can talk some more later. I just want you to come back in one piece." he added with a faint smile.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy Chief's Office | Deck 07 ] Attn: CJ "Husker" Slayton

The feeling of confusion about why Slayton had come to her office lingered even after he answered, so she slowly cocked a hip and folded her arms underneath her chest - regarding Slayton as he moved inside the confines of her office. He spoke of his uncertainty about his former crew, his lack of faith in their abilities, and that they would not be too keen to see him if they were brought back to the Theurgy. Or at least that was what she thought he meant. It was when he said he wanted her back in one piece that it dawned on Ida that Husker was actually worried on her behalf, and that made her chuckle. Surely he was jesting. He had just said he had faith in her, so why would he..?

"I'm not sure why you are here," she said with a lopsided smile, and her antennae turned to face each other briefly. "But after what we were through together, I don't know if I should feel offended by your doubt in my ability to accomplish the mission, or quaintly flattered because you think me some delicate woman that needs protecting."

Either notion was strange, but given the fact that he had the bloody nerve to kiss her just because he might never get another chance before he died, it spoke volumes to her about the audacity that he hid behind those eyes of his. She realised that she was feeling cor'sala - the thrill of engaging the enemy - when he ambled through the room. Yet he was no enemy, so the thrill made her antennae curve towards him -  a sign of polite interest.

"If you have an ulterior motive for coming here, then you should sheathe your sword and begone. I don't have time for you," she said with a hint of mixed reproach and ruefulness. Then, she realised that the expression to 'sheathe one's sword' only applied to Andorian thaan and chan, and that humans such as Husker couldn't. They wore their endowment freely and plain, as if bragging about it. Filthy, male mammals... She might have indicated his crotch with a glance when she made her comment, but she looked the pilot dead in the eye afterwards, not shifting an inch away from him.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #4
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Deputy Chief's Office| Deck 07] Attn: ThanIda zh'Wann

Chris's eyes narrowed when he heard that phrase. "You should not feel offended because I did not come here to jest words about like some frail Tellerite and nor do I think that you are some delicate pinkskin flower. I came here to offer up some advice about how to deal with possible actions if some particular members of the Harbingers' security detail is still alive. My late captain was keen on recruiting from the truly darker officers, ones that could give the Cardassian Central Command a moment to think." he said in a serious tone.

Chris's gaze never left her's. "I have ever faith in your abilities because I have seen them as I know that the mission will be a success but if you run into a bajoran male who seems to be a little bit more twitchy for the lack of a better word, use a heavy stun setting because that's Kalen Jinnai and he's stronger then he looks and if you run into a vulcan and there's an odor of something sickly sweet, that's Ere'Ket and you need to take him down quickly." he said plainly.

Paran had taught him many things about his people, such as the motions of the antenna as the Andorian people as it gave them a better "view" of the surrounding occurrences while some people were arrogant enough to assume that since their attitudes and speech may make them seem to be humble and kind. "I was attempting to show respect to your status as the deputy chief of this ship's security, I did not come here to brandy words that I did not mean." he said firmly with his gaze firmly locked onto her's.


Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy Chief's Office | Deck 07 ] Attn: CJ "Husker" Slayton

The pinkskin's reply was unexpected, but quite becoming of him. He offered the third and only - to her - viable option for his presence, and that was tactical information for her mission. The small surprise made her raise her antennae, only to find herself compelled to like the pilot for his discretion and foresight. Most of all, she appreciated how he stood his ground and did not shy away from her when faced with such an emasculating comment. She realised that it was not at all cor'sala that she felt, but an altogether different thrill, only elevated when he stood his ground.

She remembered, suddenly, the several occasions on the Harbinger where he had alluded to some kind of connection to her homeworld of Andoria. She tilted her head and peered at him, the minute writhing of her antennae stilling in caution to this realisation. Had his fighting style truly been native to the home she was exiled from, or had it been her imagination? While she listened to his suggestions about his former crew, she wondered just how much he knew about her species, and how much did he not let on. The hints were inconclusive, but nonetheless there, and until she knew where he was coming from, she did not know how to meet him.

"Who are you, Ensign?" she asked quietly, perhaps even cautiously. "You are not like the other pinkskins."

She did not have time to speak with him, but the intrigue got the better of her. Or perhaps the unease about his mysterious demeanour, and what it might represent. She left her home a long time ago, never meaning to return, and now, it was as if the past had come to visit her, wearing a mask that she had thought she knew - that she believed she could deal with. She did not know how to deal with other Andorians. Not after her disgrace.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #6
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Deputy Chief's Office| Deck 07] Attn: ThanIda zh'Wann

When he heard that question leave Ida's lips, he couldn't believe it as it in combination with the writhing of her antennae combined with the tone of her voice made him realize that the question was honest. "I am Christopher J. Slayton, a simple man trying to make his way in the universe and I'm not like the other pinkskins because it is who I am, Ida." he said with the honesty that he'd always shown her.

Chris kept his gaze locked on her eyes, not moving or anything for the moment. "This is not some game to catch your attention, ThanIda zh'Wann." he said before he motioned at how she was standing. "I am also not a hostile mystery, so you need not worry about that either. Just remember my words and be careful, ThanIda."

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy Chief's Office | Deck 07 ] Attn: CJ "Husker" Slayton

Ida did not know how to interpret his retort, other than to take Husker for his word. She lacked answers to her real questions, though they had been questions not truly voiced. She had hoped he would divulge more and shed some light upon why he acted like one of her native people, but instead he nothing of consequence in reply, merely reassuring Ida that he bore no ill intent, and again telling her to be careful and to heed his warnings about some of the skeleton crew that awaited the away-team - stranded out there.

"If you say so," she could but answer, inclining her head to the man, "and I will. We'll speak again upon my return."

That being said, she turned and walked towards her back room so that she could resume packing her things for the mission, letting the man see himself out of her office... but while she turned to leave, she watched him out of the corner of her eye - doubt and intrigue mixed into something that could either be seen as a furtive glance, or eyeing a puzzle which she meant to solve at some point.

While she filled her duffel bag, her thoughts kept returning to the brief exchange she'd had with Husker, and yet she still couldn't determine what his intentions had been, or if she was right in her assumption that the man had a past closely affiliated with Andoria. There was no use in speculation, so eventually, she put it aside so that she might focus on the onset of the away-mission.

OOC: Sorry for the slight delay, busy weekend. I will set the scene in the Hydroponics Bay after your next post.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #8
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Deputy Chief's Office| Deck 07] Attn: Auctor Lucan

After ThanIda left her office, he stayed there for a few more seconds as the stress of the day was already starting to add up to something major in his head.

His meeting with Lieutenant Commander Renard had gone well and he'd been issued both a squadron callsign and a bird of his own of the new new Mark Three Valkyries, but from his brief interaction with a woman who must have been a woman in turn that Phanatos had mentioned in passing as a "Lieutenant Rawley" had already made it clear by her body posture that she didn't know him, trust him or want either to happen which meant that he would eventually have to earn their trust or to force the issue to prove that he wasn't like the others from the Harbinger's wing.

Either way it could be fun.

But once again there was that one simple thing that was hanging over his head in that he was a former member of the Harbinger's squadron and while the rest of them had done some truly disturbing things (well except in Riptor's case as that fucker was already pretty disturbing to begin with before T'Rena ever got her claws into him), he was still being targeted as the odd man out because of his connection to Phanatos but he had no real way of showing that he wasn't responsible for the deaths caused by his now late squadron.

Chris pinched the bridge of his nose firmly as he closed in his eyes in thought as he tried to figure out what to do on that one.

Then a thought came to mind as he said "Thea, are you available?"

[Yes, Ensign Slayton?]

"Yeah, I'm curious if there was anyone on the ship capable of scanning a person's mind in order to clear them of any possible mental corruption following the events of what recently happened?" Chris asked as he looked to the ceiling.

[Yes actually. At present Ensign Cir'Cie has been helping to scan and clear those who have been influenced by the late first officer of the USS Harbinger.]

Chris smiled honestly for the first time today. "That's some good news then, can you tell me where she is please?"

[The Ensign is in the Hydroponics Bay, Deck Five of Vector Two, Primary Hull. Does that help?]

"Yes it does, Thank you Thea." Chris said as he started to make his way out of Ida's office and towards the nearest turbolift.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Hydroponics Bay | Deck 05 ]  Attn: CJ "Husker" Slayton

The role Cir'Cie had played during and after the mutiny and the battle made it quite soothing to return to her regular duties. She was Vulcan, so it ought to have mattered naught, but the fact remained that it was a relief to return to her projects. Doctor Maya might have cleansed her mental palette after treating the crew that had suffered T'Rena's touch, but after the experience, she still needed time to meditate.

One kind of meditation for her was to be in the Hydroponics Bay. In her uniform, she stepped and knelt along the pathways - getting her knees wet. For in natural conditions, soil acted as a mineral nutrient reservoir for all kinds of terrestrial plants all over the Galaxy, but the soil itself was not essential to plant growth. Here, the Science Department was growing plants in mediums other than soil, such as the nutrient-rich liquid she got on her clothes. The tall plants, roots submerged in different mineral nutrient solution mediums, lined the straight pathways. In some sections, water in a vaporised form transfered nutrients and oxygen to suspended plant roots. Rotary sections of greenery - grown within circular frames - spun continuously in the centre of the area. There was no nutrition pollution because of the controlled system, so her arrangement yielded stable and high growth without pesticide damage.

It was also a naturally exotic environment. The damp and warm air felt like a home away from Vulcan to her, reminiscent of her grandfather's green house. The artificially and carefully nurtured canopy above the pathways gave the illusion that she was not on a persecuted starship. The play of light danced across the wet gravel flowerbeds as the fans recreated the wind - a necessity to cultivate the strength of the stems. The misty air that clung to her short hair and skin left her uniform's outer layer damp. The cleanliness of the walls was an abstract backdrop to the savage growth and nature's presence - life of its kind growing most unlikely of places. The rich green hues of the flora were in contrast to the crystal clear glass of spheres and cylinders - odd compared to the brute titanium alloys. It was not a large hydroponics bay, given the purpose of the Theurgy-class ship, but it remained nonetheless state-of-the-art.

Turning her head, Cir'Cie heard the sliding doors admit someone, and her green eyes spotted a human through the foilage. "May I be of assistance?" she asked, not knowing the man and guessing that he was from the Harbinger. Having touched the minds of many from the destroyed Akira-class ship, she had a guess at his name and his profession through the memories of others, but she was not entirely certain, "I'm Ensign Cir'Cie. Please make sure to not step outside the pathways."

She was not entirely comfortable with a visitor, since she still needed process her experiences on her own.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #10
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Hydroponics Bay| Deck 05] Attn: Auctor Lucan

Chris had spent a couple of minutes before the vulcan noticed him just watching her work, not wanting to disturb her or startle just in case she would have a reaction like how some of the others would to the former Harbinger officer.

He did however spend a few seconds admiring the things that she did to a uniform but he quickly knocked those thoughts out of his head as he was looking for something other then a "booty call" as his brother Marcus once called a night out in the months before he got married.

Chris could see that while Cir'Cie was a standard Surakist Vulcan, he could see from the slight tightness around her eyes that even a Vulcan's legendary stotic nature had been stressed by Vassar's attempt at taking control of both ships to form a private empire like so many Orions did during their epoch centuries ago.

Chris then stepped forward and held his hands out respectfully to show that he meant her no harm just in case. "My name is Ensign Christopher Slayton of the TacCONN, I was a member of the Harbinger but not apart of the mutiny against the Theurgy." he said respectfully to her in a calm tone. "I've had some recent issues with people who assume that I'm like the others from my former ship, a two faced Janus spawn who'd sooner kill the weak and what not."

Chris took exactly two more steps forward, the bare minimum for what was considered proper for a Vulcan's personal space from the etiquette classes he took at the Academy, then he took a deep breath to cleanse himself for what he was going to ask for next which wasn't something to ask of a Vulcan lightly. "I am formally asking you, Cir'Cie of Vulan, to enter my mind and show that I am of my own mind and that nothing else sits there." he said in a serious, honest manner while keeping his gaze locked onto the Vulcan's. "I will allow you to go as deep as you wish, but not only do I need this to be done to prove myself to my fellow officers and crew...but I want to be certain as well."

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #11
It seemed the human had come to Cir'Cie in order to validate his sanity - against his better knowing having come to doubt whether or not he was affected. The immediate impulse - invisible due to her stoic and halcyon composure - was that she absolutely did not want to touch another mind after the amount of mind-melds she'd had to preform the day before. Moreover, Doctor Maya had cleansed her from the impact, and she was afraid that the joining of another person's thoughts would make the dark deeds resurface to the forefront of her mind again.

Yet she also knew that Doctor Maya had been picked for an away-mission, and she was the only Vulcan left aboard who was familiar with the procedure, and that the human was therefore depending entirely on her to verify his sanity. If he was a crew member from the Harbinger, Cir'Cie supposed that it was only logical that he wanted to ensure that he had not become mind-melded by T'Rena in his sleep - a method she was quite certain that the Harbinger's late First Officer had utilised when applicable.

Therefore, she raised her chin and looked the human square in the eye. He was of adequate physical shape, she noted, but gave it no second thought before speaking to him. Her reply was just as monotonous as when she had asked him to stick to the pathways. "I will acquiesce your request, Ensign Slayton. Please stand still."

She laid her hand against the side of his face, fingers splayed just so, and spoke. "My thoughts... to your thoughts. My mind..."

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #12
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Hydroponics Bay| Deck 05] Attn: Auctor Lucan

As he stood still and felt the slightly smooth, tapered fingertips of the vulcan touch his face and heard the mantra, he forced his mind to relax.

"My thoughts... to your thoughts. My mind..."

His eyes became locked onto her green ones as he fell into the color and found himself watching himself sit in the officer's mess towards the beginning of his time on the Harbinger, watching as Amelya talked with a couple of the other officers before everything went six ways to hell.

The stirrings of feelings and hopes but the sting of self denial. Broken shadows against a pure backdrop.

Finding himself outraged by Riptor's comments about what he had done of the Theurgy to a female officer to the point where he launched himself at his fellow Survivor with his hands around his throat.

"HOLY SHIT!! SOMEONE GET HUSKER OFF OF RIPTOR!!" Freya shouted from somewhere behind him as the man from Asgard could feel Riptor's throat slowly begin to collapse under his fingertips.

Then two sets of arms suddenly grab him and pulled him off of Riptor and he turned to look into the face of Phanatos who looked disappointed at him. "Christopher, I know that you don't understand what we need to do right now, but I need you for our glorious work." the scarred wing commander said in a raspy voice as he put a brotherly hand onto Chris' right shoulder.

"The Commander is busy with the others, put him into the brig for now until she's ready to show him the path to our glorious future." Phantom said to the two security guards but as they turned to take him away, he called out to them with "And check him completely for any and all weapons, he's my stealth combat check him four times then a fifth!"

Laying on the bed in Sniper's quarters with Sniper on one side and Terror on the other, their skins clashing slightly with Andorian blue against Vulcan pale..his head resting on Sniper's bare breast after a long night of love play to celebrate her promotion..

..her leaving.

It was important to get a promotion like this but it still stung-they were partners, lovers, friends...there was no Hunter-Killer operations without Sniper.

He understood the pain all too well.

Back in the klingon prison, younger then and shirtless with less scars. Thrown into a fighting pit with a couple of Targs and nothing but a short knife to defend himself with.

Rage bubbling under the surface but focused with help from Paran.

The blade feels familiar in his hand as he grips it tightly.

The targ charges, the blade flashes and one goes down bleeding from a slashed open eye..

A jaw manages to latch on and sink it's teeth into his flesh around his stomach. Months upon months of hard work and training helped to give him a stronger body but also enough muscle that the targ gets it's teeth caught on his muscles there.

Burning heat from the pain, focused cool from training.

The blade flashes up the targ's noise.

It squelches then dies.

Using the blade to force the jaws open as he stands up and looks at the fight master who is also the head of the guards as several of the prisoners and a few of the guards give him cheers of honor.

But the fight master is not amused...

Rage..quiet rage.

"There is always a Slayton in the fleet!!" his father roars at him while gesturing at the "Wall of Heroes" that show the various Slayton's throughout the Federation's history.

A young Christopher wanting to tell his father that he wanted to be something else..anything else but a soldier or an explorer and being given no choice in the matter.

His oldest brother Marcus standing behind him, hands on his shoulders almost like a protective cloak. "Before you force the family legacy on him...let him see the universe for himself, dad. He'll come around to joining the fleet soon enough."

His brothers words...betraying?

Young Chris looks up into his oldest brother's eyes.

Hunter Green and Ice Blue.

One blue blinks.

Young Chris understands as their father walks off, making comments about Young Chris better..

Other images, wants...needs...desires..all rolling around but no signs of T'Rena's shadowy psychic footprint...

None at all.

A provocative thought about Cir'Cie slips through.



Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #13
At first, the mind-meld was initiated with a degree of suppressed apprehension about what she might find, but gradually, as her mind seeped into his, Cir'Cie began to enjoy the link. She was completely saturated into the pilot's memories, and she roamed the expanse of his experience freely in search for the elusive taint.

Yet she found none, coming to experience a mind free of T'Rena's touch - an experience altogether different than the links she had established the day before. She saw dominant memories of strife and friendship, of coitus and loss. The man had lived a full life, and he was free - not indoctrinated to think like the Master Acolyte had made the others think. Their minds had been perverted, with their sights set on an empire devoted to reproduction and the mobilisation of an army. Completely devoted to Declan Vasser and T'Rena, bent to do their bidding no matter the ethical consequences. Their moral compasses had pointed where the Vulcan had made them. Worst of all was that each mind-meld had been a reminder of her own mind resembling such a state.

Ensign Slayton's mind was a refreshing experience. Human and Andorian values mingled. He was, in general, what might be deemed as a good man and loyal officer.

Then, at the end, the perversion of an unrestrained mind settled into Cir'Cie - his desire for her body shocking her. The raw emotion vaguely resembled the way T'Rena's subjects wished to reproduce, and the effect was twofold upon her when she ripped her hand away from the human. The revulsion of the reminder mixed with the bleeding-effect of his desire - his feelings becoming her own.

With a gasp she fell back into the wet gravel next to the pathway. While the gasp was uncharacteristic of her, the source was undeniable and she took a shuddering breath as she looked up at the human that towered over her. Heart beating fast, she propped herself up on her elbows, legs parted from the fall. She did not trust her voice - unable to look away from the male above her - swallowing with a throat gone dry.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #14
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Hydroponics Bay| Deck 05] Attn: Auctor Lucan

As Cir'Cie worked through his mind, a piece of Chris was aware of what she was doing which was a strange sensation but when the stray thought about her and then a jumble of several images assaulted him before the link between their two minds was abruptly and completely broken without her withdrawing gently.

He stood there for a moment, unable to move as feelings..emotions..memories started to hit him including one that he thought that he had buried deep in his mind, that was slowly mixed with those of someone else.

Chris had to fight to get his mind to stop spinning and when he finally came too he heard a gasp from in front of him as he looked over at Cir'Cie who had fallen onto the ground with herself propped up onto her elbows with her legs parted from her fall as she looked up at him.

Yes she was very attractive for her species, even more so then that historical image that Marcus had found of the first Vulcan to serve in Earth's Starfleet..

Chris' right hand clenched tightly as he closed his eyes as he fought to separate the emotions that were *HIS* from those that were *CIR'CIE'S* which were feelings of actions done while she was not in the right frame of mind but they brought up a need that he had forced down in the last several months.

Once the storm in front of him abide d for a moment, he went down on one knee in front of her and looked deeply into her eyes but kept a respectable distance while remaining close enough to help her up if she requested it. "I apologize if you came across something that caused you to do that, ensign." he said honestly.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #15
The seconds passed after her fall, and gradually, Cir'Cie managed to sort out and understand the onslaught of emotions that she had been left with. The toughest bit for her was to separate the nuances of the innocent desire Slayton held for her with the desires of the mutineers, but when she finally managed to see it for what it was, the fighter pilot had crouched down before her and was apologising for what had happened - as far as he understood what might have happened when she had torn the link ahead of time.

"It is I that shall apologise, since I should not have ended the mind-meld in that abrupt fashion," she said, brow beaded with sweat yet her face blank, and she swallowed as the residues of the human's carnal needs remained with her. "I could have caused damage to us both. As it is, your desire for me has left a lasting impression - the final glimpse through the severed link remaining."

A frozen mental image, permeating her thoughts, and likely the fighter pilot's as well. As to when it might abate, it was an unknown - her experience rendering no answers. There were theories and words of Vulcan scholars, but they held little more than calculated or estimated guesses. This was not Pon Farr either, but a human condition - an emotion she merely had to control. It proved... more difficult, however, since it was not an emotion of her own.

"I suppose I should deem your attention flattering instead of threatening," she said hoarsely, and she could not make herself get up - remaining where she lay since she did not trust herself moving just yet. Why could she not suppress the desire like she suppressed all else? Her control of the residual need was out of her grasp, and it didn't seem to abate either. At least not yet. The possibility that it was permanent was a very real risk, her knowledge of the condition too limited to tell.

The symptoms were keenly felt all through her body, her pulse loud in her ears even if her face was still void of emotion. Why could she not keep her eyes from wandering?

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #16
Chris nodded at what Cir'Cie was saying as he gave her a small, polite smile. "Ah..that thought. I apologize for that, my mind tends to race with all kinds of interesting concepts and while I'm ashamed to say this but you are an attractive woman that I wouldn't mind having a little bit of fun with to help relieve physical tension."

Chris looked at her in the eyes and raised an eyebrow in a very vulcan like manner. "Ensign Cir'Cie, between the two of us on a purely social level..when was the last time that you were able to relieve your..physical tension under your own choice of means?" he asked as some of her memories was still lurking in his mind and while he wasn't able to understand them or their connections, he was able to get the general gist of them. "You don't have to answer the question from the view point of anything really but consider me curious."

Chris then slowly, as to not accidentally cause a negative response from the woman, moved to sit back on his knees and once he was settled. "Before I was an officer in the fleet, I served aboard a freighter as a deck hand because I wanted to see the universe for myself and unadorned by what we see from videos and holosuite programs...I wanted to see, feel, touch and learn for myself things that you can't just find anywhere." he explained, slowly and to the point for the vulcan. "During my time aboard that freighter, I learned a great many things and one of them was that to understand something, you be able to understand what you need."

Chris took a deep breath and let it out, closing his eyes for just a second before opening them again. "I would like to help you relieve the tension, Cir'Cie, if you let me?" he offered as his tone was frank, honest and serious.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #17
Cir'Cie still being unable to rid the desire from her mind did not mean she found his question - about when her last consensual coitus took place - altogether too private. Especially since his question brought to mind both the Niga Incident and how she had been under T'Rena's touch - in both cases engaging in sexual activities when she hadn't been in full possession of her mental faculties.

"Curious or not, that isn't any of your concern," she said, albeit her voice sounded a bit hoarse. Perhaps Ensign Slayton was one of the ignorant humans, who thought Pon farr was the Vulcan imperative to mate. No, that was the imperative to enter total emotional abandon as a result of rigid emotional control, happening every seventh Federation year for male Vulcan. The hormones and other chemical secretions that built in males were taken care of by the female menstruation. She, like all Vulcan, could and did mate whenever they deigned to. Intimacy was a private expression of affection, with reproduction spurring from the need to continue one's self. If the humans bothered to learn, Cir'Cie supposed her people might come off as having 'Victorian' attitude towards copulation, but they just preferred to not talk about their mating habits.

After he settled on his knees before her, showing a respectable passiveness despite the turmoil she was obviously feeling, the human spoke of in past and his inquisitiveness, which was a trait well known to her and her people. He had a taste for the unknown, and she could respect that. His husky voice served to become something of an anchor. She was always watchful of her emotions, reducing them to echoes - vestigial remnants. To feel an emotion such as the desire she felt, unable to quell it, was almost unbearable. Slowly, while he spoke, she climbed up to sit like he did, on her knees below the greenery.

"I would like to help you relieve the tension, Cir'Cie, if you let me?"

Even if her green eyes were unblinking as she looked into his, the offer made her head reel, and her breasts ached in wish to say yes - the desire pulsing through her from the epicentre of her genitalia. "Given the circumstances," she said slowly, articulating her words quite carefully, "I would hardly call this consensual. This is an illusion caused by a minute lapse of control on my part, and a severed link between our minds."

Her green eyes came to wander, and it settled upon his arousal, present to the keen eye despite the way he was seated - spanning the side of his thigh. Seeing it made things all the more worse for her because of his endowment. "That being said," she said, her voice having dropped, "the tension is... troublesome. My mental discipline cannot quench the need, because it was not mine to begin with. I have neither source nor catalyst... merely the effect."

Sitting opposite him, her eyes rose to his. She was unable to make the first move, and her face remained void of emotion, but the sweat beaded on her brow was still there, and a droplet trickled down her temple, vanishing down the side of her neck. "I consent... In the hopes it will succeed."

After speaking, her lips remained pursed, and she breathed slowly though her mouth as she watched him - steeling herself by holding on to the control she still possessed.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #18
Chris heard the vulcan's points and nodded, it wasn't his concern but apart of him could still feel the...*NEED* that she apparently was still feeling and closed his eyes when she accepted.

"Thea, could you secure the doors to the hydroponics bay please?" he asked simply.

There was a moment followed by ^Yes, Ensign Slayton. Bay is now secure for the time being.^ the voice of the ship's AI said seemingly from the air around them.

A small smile crossed Chris' lips as he said "Thank you, Thea." before he slowly and calmly got to his feet and and looked around for a moment as he wasn't that familiar with the ship yet and that's when he saw it which made him smile somewhat as less then six feet from where they were was a nice sized portion of area covered by Katarian emerald grass which was something a lot softer and less muddy for what they needed to do.

Plus the location offered them the most seclusion in the entire bay.

Chris turned back to Cir'Cie and offered her one of his hands. "Then let us begin without delay." he said respectfully, actually feeling more then a little nervous, not because he was about to have a "spot of fun" as Paran once mentioned to him but because he hoped that by doing this, it would actually help Cir'Cie with her own healing as he could only begin to fully understand what the members of his former ship did to so many of this ship's company and he felt it was his place to try and help to the best of his abilities.

"I wish you to understand that I'm not as ignorant as I appear to be, Cir'Cie. But I do hope that this helps you." he said to her respectfully.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #19
Having expected the human to quench her needs right where they were when he asked Thea to seal the doors, Cir'Cie had raised a hand to unzip her uniform jacket, but he was rising to his feet, so he did not follow through with the motion. Instead she took his proffered hand and climbed to her own feet. He suggested to begin without delay, ironically, because she had been ready to copulate with him right where they were.

"Indeed," she managed in agreement, however, and took those few steps after him. Only then did she realise that the fighter pilot had chosen the grass because they were hid from the doors - locked as they were - and she found it prudent. In reflection of this, he made a point about not being ignorant, but she had no answer to that, her heart beating too fast. He hoped it would help her, and so did she, because she was desperate to get her emotional response to him back in control.

In lack of an answer, her green eyes had never left him as they relocated to the grass and as soon as he had faced her, she had stepped right up to him and craned her neck - slanting her lips across his. She kissed him because she let go of the desire - letting it roam free. The front of her body touched his where they stood on the Katarian emerald grass, but the kiss was far from enough for her at that point.

As she began to kiss him, her fingers had begun to work on his belt buckle and zipper. There was no point in delaying the fulfilment of her need, and for that to be accomplished, Ensign Slayton's phallus needed to be freed from the confines of his uniform trousers and underwear. Kissing him, insistently so, she got it out for him and started to rub it from base to head with both of a clenched fist. He was warm, quite hard, and throbbed in her grip.

She was not as ignorant as he might think either, so she parted from his lips - eyes locked on his - as she looked at him. She wet three fingers of her free hand with her mouth. Then, she reached down and switched her dry fingers to her saliva-coated ones, the natural lubricant making the movements both quicker and more enjoyable.

"Tell me when you are ready to copulate," she said quietly as she stared into his eyes. She said this because Cir'Cie knew humans thought Vulcan less appealing because of the rein on their emotions, so she hoped to bridge that as best as she might because she needed him to be able to follow through with the act. Therefore, she sank to her knees in the grass, looking up at him all the while, and began to stimulate him orally as well - mouth and hand working in tandem.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #20
Chris eagerly returned Cir'Cie's kiss but was suddenly at a mental loss when he felt the cool air of the bay hit his cock before her hand gripped it firmly and started to stroke him followed by a moist feeling on it and then she said something but before he could reply to THAT..he felt her mouth engulf his hard shaft, her hand pumping at the base as her tongue ran it's way around the edges of the crown of his cock.

Chris lost himself in the sensations of having a woman please him for the first time in quite a while before he forced himself to focus and gently take her head and pull it off of his cock before looking down into her eyes. "I will be ready when you are, Cir'Cie.." he said before he helped her up to her feet and then pulled into a passionate kiss, letting her feel his desire for her at that moment as he helped undo her uniform jacket, pulling the departmental undershirt out of her pants before he undid them completely before pushing both the departmental shirt and the standard issue bra out of the way as he mentally had to stop to admire her breasts.

"A woman of your beauty should not keep such a lovely pair such as these confined in such a..painful article of clothing, Cir'Cie." Chris said as he gently stroked her left breast before helping to lower her to the ground and working on getting her pants off along with her panties, once they were he quickly moved between her legs and gave her womanhood a single, long lick and found that the taste of her had a unique spiciness to it before he went back to eating her out, his tongue seeking out every inch, nook and cranny of her pussy as he started to stroke her nude upper body with his hands.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #21
As she fellated Ensign Slayton, Cir'Cie could not say the taste of the human and the anticipation did anything to lessen her uncontrollable desire to have him copulate with her. Rather the opposite, in fact, as she felt him harden inside her mouth and throb in her hard grip. He seemed to enjoy her ministrations, at least, since he offered no protest to her technique. That was gratifying, that she - despite her moderate experience whilst being herself and being sane - could excite and maintain his arousal. Meanwhile she continued her insistent rhythm, and he encouraged her motions with his hands raking through her short hair, she found herself closing her eyes and letting her mind stray to imagining him inside her - something soon about to happen unless they were disturbed.

She opened her eyes again when he pulled her off his length, saying that he was ready, and she rose to her feet again with his help. She had thought he'd mount her right away, but instead, she found herself being kissed like she had kissed him before, only with far more passion than her Vulcan restraints had let her. She found herself making sounds in her throat when he kissed her, unaware that she could make such only because of the satisfaction of his lips and tongue waging battle against hers. She had not let go of his manhood yet, her fingers still wrapped around his thick and pulsing girth, so she reciprocated his devoted attention by rubbing his length while they stood there.

The human showed no sign of tearing off her clothes and penetrating her yet, until he finally began to take care of her uniform. He opened it while still the salutation of their lips lasted, shedding her upper body from clothing one piece at the time. When the warm and humid air of the hydroponics bay touched her bare back and front, he finally parted his lips from hers to gaze upon her half-bared form. She opened her green eyes slowly, lips raw and pursed, and accepted his compliment with an inclination of her head. "My thanks." Her body responded more than her tongue did, because when he touched her, and she felt his rough fingers across her puckered areola, it felt so good it almost hurt. She let out a breathless moan before he lowered her unto the grass - lying down on her back. Finally...

She propped herself up on her elbows and stared at him intensely while he helped shed her from uniform trousers and panties - leaving her completely bare upon the soft grass bed. Her skin was not as pale as Vulcan skin used to be, her region of Vulcan inherently a bit darker skinned, so the wet folds of her sex were more dark brown than anything else. Pale Vulcan were, perhaps, more exotic to humans since even their nipples were more olive-coloured - a result of their blood's composition. It seemed that the fighter pilot did not mind Cir'Cie's appearance the least, however, because he soon lowered his face between her parted legs and began to give her the cunnilingus.

At this point, there was no use trying to control her response to his attentions. She found herself making weak sounds of gratification, and to undulate her hips against the lashes and of his tongue. Not just his tongue elicited such a response, though, because his rough hands were right there on her skin, fondling her aching breasts and making her nipples roll across his palms. She leaned her head back and groaned quietly - hips still rolling against his face. She had never imagined herself doing something like this anytime soon, and yet there she was, indulging herself in coitus with a human even if she was technically still on duty. What was happening to her? There were no answers to be found in the excitement that coursed through her body - the first release pending.

"Mr. Slayton," she panted, eyes opening a little to look at him across her undulating body, "Climax is soon upon me. Will you...?"

Too late, she could not ask him to enter her first. She came against his mouth, and her cry of ecstasy was sharp. Her body rolled with the surge of her response, and she lost her breath completely.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #22
As Chris continued his "assault" on Cir'Cie's vagina, he found himself enjoying the taste of her even more as he slowly and patiently stepped up his attack by switching from just her outer lips to as deeply into her as he could which allowed him to massage the spaces within her as deeply as he could as he rolled two of the most amazing breasts around in his calloused hands as he went, feeling her nipples slowly become even harder then Cir'Cie could think possible under his efforts.

As she slowly started allowing herself to feel the passion through her body, Chris stopped for a moment and looked up her body from where he was and saw something that could be incredible to paint if he was that kind of artist as Cir'Cie's hips were thrusting ever so slightly upwards as he could see her face through the valley of her breasts, eyes closed and mouth partially open as she tried not to scream or anything of the like.

It was a beautiful sight.

Chris then lowered his face down and stepped up his "assault" even more as he wondered what kind of moron would willingly just take such a beautiful creature without first enjoying the taste of her and while some viewed Vulcans as not as attractive as say Betazoids or Bajorans or Andorians or even Orions-he found that he wasn't as picky as Cir'Cie was one of the most attractive Vulcans that he'd ever had the pleasure of meeting...

...oh if Terror could see him now, she'd arch an eyebrow and tell him to step up his oral efforts because Cir'Cie wasn't screaming his name yet.

At that thought, Cir'Cie started to try and say "Mr. Slayton, Climax is soon upon me. Will you...?" as she looked at him down her undulating body before she seized up as she came hard against Chris' mouth and finally there it was-the sharp and much needed cry of ecstasy of a person who had never been given a proper orgasm before at which point Chris slowly and quickly removed the rest of his own uniform and pressed himself against the vulcan's shuddering body as she tried to regain her composure from the orgasm as he kissed her deeply while slipping two fingers into her but not thrusting.

Instead of thrusting, he hooked them and started rubbing her inner walls with them with just enough force that her body could relax even more as he knew what was possibly going to be asked of next as the length of an extremely hard cock rested against her bare leg as he kissed her deeply, stroking her tongue with his before he broke off the kiss to whisper "So would you like me to continue, Cir'Cie, and mount you or would you care to explore more options?" he offered up before gently nipping at her tapered ear.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #23
While the euphoria coursed through her, the stimuli having set her nervous system ablaze with pleasure, Cir'Cie's body heaved with the spasms - making her clench her fists in the emerald grass. Her breath came in a series of gasps, and she stared up into the lights in the ceiling. She became vaguely aware that Ensign Slayton was shedding his clothing, a peripheral understanding in the maelstrom that coursed through her, but it was made rather obvious when he lay down right next to her and kissed her. His bared body accosted her sense of smell, keener than that of humans, and the taste of his mouth filled hers. What truly drew her breath out of her lungs was when she felt his hand covering the apex of her legs, and two of his fingers squirming their way inside her twitching, wet sex. Sensitive as she had become in the wake of her climax, she groaned in a mixture of minute pain and she dug her nails into the muscles of his arm, but she did not push him away.

Instead, the discomfort gave away and her hands began to wander his powerful build. She realised he was preparing her for intercourse, so she let him massage the roof of her vaginal passage - rubbing her into readiness and fanning the flames of her desire anew. She realised that the first time had not been enough, so while she kissed him back with the kind of fervour he had inflicted upon her, she really just wanted him inside her - to complete the coitus that they had begun. While the cunnilingus has been stimulating, it was simply not enough. The question came, about what she wished to do next, and she had her answer ready.

She opened her green eyes and pushed him unto his back, quite roughly, and she climbed up to straddle him upon the patch of grass. His phallus still had residues of her saliva on it, and she was sufficiently prepared to accept his thick girth. Therefore, looking down unto him where he lay, she reached down and guided his swollen head towards her dewy nether lips. She placed one hand upon his chest and arched her back - feeling him slide in. Her breathing was shallow as she began to rock her hips - accepting the head of his rigid arousal inside her first. Then, with each rocking motion on top of him, she slid down along his hard length. Her green eyes fluttered and rolled on the waves of desire that coursed through her, and soon, both her hands were on his pectoral muscles, supporting herself as she rode him.

Images flashed before her eyes, even the rare glimpse of memories where she had mounted men during the Niga Incident, but more prominently, while she had been under T'Rena's indoctrination. She had recent practice, churning her hips the way she did, but she did it now of her own free will - albeit the catalyst had not been entirely hers to begin with.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #24
When Cir'Cie slid down onto his cock, Chris' hands went to her hips as the sensations was incredible as she was tight, hot, soaking wet, and so many other things all at once and when she started rolling her hips-he trusted upwards with every roll, letting out a groan as he bottomed out everytime.

He slowly slid his hands up and down her body, amazed at the conflicting differences of her body-she had the beauty of an Orion Woman but oozed sex like one as well but she was unlike any Vulcan that he'd met beforebut these thoughts soon left his mind as he mis-timed a stroke and he almost slid all the way out of her but when she slid back down...

Chris let out a very loud groan as he felt his manhood throb with need at which point he wrapped his arms around her waist and turned the two of the over and started to really fuck her as he bent down and kissed her deeply.

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