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DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Dr. Nicander, Jien Ives

It had been a rather nervous morning for Amelya Duv. After catching up on some much needed sleep, the doctor had taken the time to look as good as she could be. She had enjoyed the sonic shower and had applied some light make up and mascara. She also tied up her hair a bit so the top half of her hair seemed to go into a tail while the lower half seemed to just follow it's natural flow. She proudly wore her teal colored uniform and checked herself in the mirror before grabbing a decent breakfast.

The former CMO of the Harbinger had checked up on some patients before she went to Dr. Nicander's office to meet Jien Ives again. The reason for this meeting was the fact that there were now technically two CMO's aboard the Theurgy. Nicander being the actual ship's CMO while Duv was only a CMO from on the Harbinger. Amelya had felt nervous like if this was one of her first presentations before superior officers when she got her first assignment from Starfleet. She could feel her stomach churning and at the same time feel vibes go through her body. She already regretted to have eaten more than a quick bite for breakfast and she hoped that it would all stay in during the meeting.

She opened the door to the office and walked in "Lieutenant Amelya Duv reporting for duty." She said and took her place next to Nicander as they both faced Jien. Nicander nodded to Amelya as she looked up at the dark haired doctor before she turned her green/brown eyes towards Ives. "Captain... Thank you for having me aboard your ship. I'd be happy to make myself useful aboard it and I've had a chat with Dr. Nicander." she said as she crossed her hands together before her, letting them rest just under her abdomen. "With your permission, Dr. Nicander would like to appoint me as Asst. CMO. Given my expertise from aboard the Harbinger and the now mixed crews, I feel that I could be a great asset to Sickbay personnel." She glanced over at Lucan for a second before she looked back at Ives "Also, I would very grateful if you would grant me this position Sir, you can count on it that I won't let you down." she concluded.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Captain Ives | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Amelya Duv

Captain Ives was standing with her back towards the door when Dr. Duv entered, but she turned half a step and smiled faintly to the Trill when she made her way to Dr. Nicander's side. They had only met briefly on two occasions, neither under particularly pleasant circumstances.

The first time had been when they interrogated Sonja Acreth in the Harbinger's Bridge after they had landed on Theta Eridani IV - where Acreth had escaped and nearly killed them all - and the second time had been when Jien brought Sarresh Morali's twitching and acid-eaten body into Sickbay. This appointment, however, involved neither the parasitically joined nor crossing fine ethical lines of medical practice.

"Doctor Duv, no need to stand on formality, please," said Lucan with a smile that came far easier than Jien's own, waving the Trill forth, and she joined him seamlessly. She even took the initiative to address the matter at hand, and did so with a practised ease that spoke volumes about her experience and living up to the prerequisites of her rank and former position. She explained the situation and what the two doctors had agreed upon as a solution that would benefit the ship and its crew best. The only thing left was to gain Jien's seal-of-approval, so to speak.

"Amelya was 'trapped' here on the Theurgy for a couple of days after we left Task Force Archeron behind us," said Lucan, chiming in after Dr. Duv. "Already, she knows her way about Sickbay and she has more than a passing knowledge about our staff. Moreover, she is a familiar face for those medical officers that transferred to the Theurgy on Theta Eridani IV. At least two of our nurses hail from the Harbinger. Worth mentioning is also that Dr. Duv was indispensable to achieve the recovery of Junior Lieutenant Morali, who was released today."

So much for avoiding that topic. At least there were no murderous Ensigns present.

The topic of the Ash'reem - former Ash'reem - was a sore one for Jien, feeling that she truly had not done right by him. She kept telling herself that not only was her order justifiable because of the mission's importance, but that the man had volunteered to the MEM treatment. Small consolation when the very same treatment had ended up making him forget about what had compelled him to his current duties. Lucan seemed to pick up on the fact of her discomfort, perhaps because of how expressionless her face had become, so he moved on before the awkward silence became too long.

"While we cannot provide Dr. Duv with an office of her own in this sickbay," continued Lucan and gestured casually towards the room around them with a tattooed hand, "I am perfectly willing to share this space with her, just like I make it available for the rest of the medical team as far as the primary surgical suite is concerned. We have not settled on shift rotations yet since we are still at full activity around the clock since the battle, but eventually - and with Dr. Duv's help - we will be able to restore a semblance of order among the doctors and the nurses."

Arms folded underneath her chest, Jien nodded to this report, but Dr. Nicander wasn't finished.

"You should have received my report concerning Lieutenant Jenkins this morning," he said, and he took a deep breath. "Regrettably, until there is a way in which we can give her the treatment to suppress her Deltan abilities, we will have to put Jenkins into cryogenic stasis. If it was only so easy as to give her the medication she ran out of, it would not have been an issue, but given her present state, she poses a very real danger to everyone around her, and the treatment quite another than just an injection with a hypospray. Six people's brain activities have died from her unrestrained abilities, and she has tried to make advances on the guards outside her isolation ward on several occasions. She is not herself anymore, completely at the mercy of her... inclinations."

A mild way of putting it. In regard to Eve Jenkins, Jien had experienced first hand what her mere presence could do. It had not taken Jien long to realise what had truly happened to her down on Theta Eridani IV when she had come to leave a report in her makeshift office. To this day, Jien remembered every vivid detail of the brief encounter, and it a sobering thought that she had actually been in danger.  "Approved, and hopefully, we will find a way to restore her to her usual self before this voyage is over. Have you named a new Head Nurse yet?"

"I have asked Nurse Hylota Vojona to shoulder the responsibility, but I will not leave a definitive answer until a matter of her personal health has been sorted out. Doctor-Patient confidentiality, Captain."

Jien nodded, and then she looked at Dr. Duv. It seemed the people in Sickbay had things under control, at least given the circumstances. At least things could be far worse. "Welcome aboard, Doctor," she said and held out her hand to shake the other woman's. "Is there anything you want to speak to me about? Otherwise, I mean to visit the patients while I am down here."

OOC: Up to you if you have Jien leave in your next post or if she says to reply to questions and/or comments.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Dr. Nicander, Jien Ives, CJ Husker

It had seemed that the stress and anxiety about the meeting with Amelya's new CMO and captain were totally unplaced. She felt relatively quickly at ease as the two stood even more relaxed that she could imagine before her. Nicander spoke highly it seemed of her and the captain seemed to have no objections with having her on board. She listened silently as the two discussed that matters of former head nurse Eve Jenkins and the seemingly follow up Head nurse issue. Hylota would indeed be the right person in Amelya's eyes since she had worked with the siblings on the Harbinger. Thus she gave a silent nod in agreement out of habit since she used to agree on these matters as well.

As Jien ives extended her hand to welcome her aboard, Amelya smiled confidently and shook her hand in gratitude. "I have no other comments captain. I'll leave you to your visits." she answered Ives as she let go of him and watched her leave the office. After that doors closed again, Amelya turned her face to Nicander and her eyes seemed to sparkle a bit as she felt excited about her new adventure. "As for sharing the office... I wouldn't mind sharing if it's too much of a problem, though I'll mainly use it to update medical records and such. However I might do those from my new quarters as well. In fact, besides that I don't think I'll be sing your office often Doctor Nicander." She replied and smiled.

"As for shift rotations we can work something out once the major critical patients have been treated. Can you agree on this doctor?" she asked with a wink and smiled. She thought about her next course of action already and quickly brought it up to Lucan "Either way, I'll make my way back to Sickbay. You know how to contact me doctor." She grinned and walked out the office of Nicander. She tapped her combadge as she took out her PADD and noticed a pending request for medical checkups. "Thea can you contact Ensign Slayton and tell him to come down to Sickbay for a medical check up? It'll concern his availability to fly with the wolves squadron." And with that she tapped further on her PADD to see what else was on the program for the rest of the day.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #3
[Chris Slayton| CMO's Office| Deck 07] Attn: Amelya Duv

When Thea (that would be something that he'd have to get used to) had alerted him that Amelya had requested his presence in the sickbay, the pilot quickly made his way to the sickbay.

On his way to the sickbay Chris was honestly curious as to why the doctor had called him there because he hadn't been injured during the fighting aboard the Harbinger prior to their escape other then being banged around like a pinball when the escape pod had it's last minutes.

Chris brow furrowed just slightly as he wondered if it could have something to do with the number of scars on his body that both Amelya and Ida saw when he was changing into his own exosuit.

As the Harbinger's former CMO, Amelya would've known about the scars as well as his "colorful" history prior to serving in the fleet and while it was constantly being hinted at him that he should have the scars removed by a number of people ranging from those in his family that knew about them down to the various counselors that he'd seen over the years..the results were still the same.

He'd made some mistakes and while the scars were there, they were only skin deep and not any deeper..except for one.

Chris didn't realize how long he'd been musing until he stepped out of the turbolift and entered into the ship's main sickbay, where he went to the office of the chief medical officer where Thea had asked him to go at which point he looked inside and smiled at the Trill within. "Doctor Duv, you requested my presence, ma'am?" he asked respectfully.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

Amelya had just returned to the CMO's office to grab a new PADD for the check up on Husker as he poked his head in and announced his arrival. Thea had however given her a heads up on his ETA so, Amelya knew when Husker would arrive within moments. Dr Nicander was not in his office anymore and thus, Amelya intended to use his office for the physical exam. She turned her eyes to him and smiled back as she nodded and gestured with her hands to him that he could follow her to the biobed inside the office. "Yes, I did. It's nothing to worry about though. I just need to update your medical chart now that you'll be flying for the wolves. It requires a physical exam to see if you're body and condition still allow you to fly. Your yearly check up on the Harbinger was scheduled for about 4 months from now, so consider it an early check up and you'll be fine for the rest of the year." She smiled as she positioned herself by the bed. Her eyes went over the young pilot as she remembered the scars on the Harbinger bridge.

"Thea please blind the windows a bit so patient privacy is ensured." She said with a calm voice as she looked at the windows as they shaded to a darker tint. "Well you know the drill... You can undress yet leave your undergarments on. I'll start with the examinations momentarily." she said softly to him to put him at ease. The Trill moved around in front of Husker now to prepare herself for the examinations and while she did so she looked over at Husker "So... Aren't you too banged up from the shaky escape?" she asked him a bit concerned while she took out her tri corder and waited for him to set himself down on the bio bed.

As she looked at Husker undress, she let her eyes go over the scars once more. She had noticed them before on the bridge and during earlier medical exams. Yet now she took more time for herself to check each and everyone of them. She had already wondered in the past what the cause of them were and why the pilot was so inclined to keep the scar tissue. Yet from his medical background she had made up that the pilot had refused any treatment to the scars. It wasn't something that bothered her, yet still it had made her curious.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #5
[Chris Slayton| CMO's Office| Deck 07] Attn: Amelya Duv

Chris couldn't help but smile at the Trill's honesty. "So it's my good old friend "Yearly Exam" is it? Well then let's go ahead and get this over with but at least I'll be able to do it in attractive company this time." Chris said with full honesty as he started to remove his uniform, folding just a little before moving it out of the way so that neither one of them knocked any pieces onto the floor.

As requested he kept his standard issue briefs on as well as the small vial that hung around his throat that he took great care in keeping from getting tangled up in his departmental undershirt as he took it off. "I'm telling you something about that last bit of the escape is that I know how one of those old pinball games felt like from the inside out and I'd care not to ever have that happen again." he said jovially as he leaned against the CMO's desk to move the boots out of the way as well.

As Chris sat down on the bio bed, he noticed that she was looking at the various scars that ran across his body at several locations and noticed a slight glint of confusion in the Trill's warm green eyes as she flicked from one to another, scars of various things ranging from teeth marks like something had bit him and refused to let go to cut marks that could've only been made by a Klingon knife that made smooth, hard, well kept muscle uneven and he felt just a little bit amused by how she regarded him with such curiosity.

But then by that same measure, he watched as her body moved underneath the gray, black and teal standard issue uniform and remembered back on the Harbinger's bridge what he saw there and felt a familiar stirring but he ignored it because this wasn't the time nor the place. "You know, Doctor, if you want to touch some of them before you start the exam, you can, and they won't bite." Chris offered up while making sure she understood that he was talking about the scars.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

A smile curled along the lips of the young Trill as Slayton added that he'd at least have attractive for his yearly exam. Her eyes locked into his and she looked deep into them as she replied "Well, were you miscontent with the nurse or doctor aboard the Harbinger then Ensign?" she asked and walked back and forth in the room to get all her equipment ready. She broke contact with his eyes as she waited for him to undress further.

At the comment about the escape from the Harbinger, Amelya could relate to his words. She had heard of this Terran pinball concept on one of the stations she had worked on and she let out a small chuckle as she imagined the ball being shot around. Amelya however was ready now to commence on the exam and she walked back towards Chris. She could feel his eyes go over her and she thought that she saw something stir in the corner of her eye, just under his briefs.

"Hmm, the scar tissue seems healthy enough. I've seen scars before. I just wonder..." she said softly as she reached out with her fingertips yet never actually touched the scars. "I always wonder what the story is behind them." she eventually said and her eyes went over to the vial that hung around his neck. She shook her head slowly eventually as she took out the tricorder and started to scan Chris. "Anyway, I'll start ahead with just scanning your body on preliminary results." she said as her eyes now looked at her tricorder for the readouts while she sometimes looked up at where she was scanning. "Looks like a bit of an elevated pulse, yet no fractures or anything after our little adventure in that escape pod." she murmured to him and couldn't help but grin a bit as she looked up at his face.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #7
[Chris Slayton| CMO's Office| Deck 07] Attn: Amelya Duv

Chris couldn't help but smile at Amelya's question about the medical staff back on the Harbinger. "It wasn't that, just to be truthful under the whole patient and doctor thing, I just wished one in particular was the one who checked me out." he said in an honest tone with the trill.

The truth of the matter was that during the last several months on the Harbinger, Chris had forced himself to turn off certain needs and wants-he relaxed when he had to, he did his duty and everything else that was expected of him by Phanatos..but he never thought that he would have a chance to actually just rest because nobody in the chain of command above him had the understanding of their crew like those on the Theurgy.

So when Amelya stepped closer at his offer to touch the scars that had piqued her interest before the exam actually started, he was already nervous about everything else despite his bravado but that didn't change matters much.

As she ran her fingers across his skin but not touching the scars, he actually felt shivers go across his skin. "I'll tell you the stories sometime, Amelya. You might not like them but I won't bore you with I got this one doing so and so off of some planet." Chris said as he reached up and touched one in particular without thinking. "These are not bragging scars trust me."

At her comment of an elevated pulse, Chris raised his eyes and found himself looking into her eyes, a sparkling green if he'd ever seen one that reminded him of a trip to Betazed when he was a much younger man, and then reached up and gently cupped the right side of her face for a second before leaning down and kissing her on the lips.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

Amelya was glad that Slayton spoke so honestly when he told her he just wished for one person in the staff to check him. She smiled as her mind continued to think further about it. Probably most male crew on the Harbinger would've wanted a check up by Amelya. That much was clear after the intentions of the two security members back in her office.

A cold shudder went over her back as her mind had brought her back to that place, yet she shrugged it off as good as she could. The trauma was still rather raw and still undealt with, yet she was working on it.

Amelya couldn't deny that she wasn't curious to hear about the stories of Chris. She had wondered on some occasions when she saw the pilot yet she never really asked due to not wanting to be unprofessional about it. Yet now, it seemed like something had changed as the pilot seemed to be more loose around her and more open. Perhaps it was the transfer from the Harbinger to the Theurgy that made him feel so, yet Amelya didn't mind that the pilot was more socially open then before. In fact, she embraced it.

Suddenly however the good doctor found the ensign's hand against her face, cupping it so to speak. Yet what happened next was something she wasn't prepared for. She suddenly felt Chris his lips against hers and she just stood there a bit baffled at first. Her eyes just staring at the face of the man kissing her before she slowly felt her legs tremble. Slowly she started to kiss him back now as she closed her eyes and she rested her free hand against his chest, slowly pushing him a bit, breaking the kiss gently.

Once the kiss was broken Amelya slowly licked her lips and looked over at Chris now. A smile covering her face slowly before she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear "I didn't expect this... Don't think that I didn't like it, it just feels a bit awkward in here." She clarified herself to him while her hand still rested on his chest. Her fingertips slowly ran across his skin and she bit her lower lip "Lets just do the physical exam first and we can see what happens next okay?" she suggested and looked him in the eyes, her poisonous green eyes gazing into his.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #9
[Chris Slayton| CMO's Office| Deck 07] Attn: Amelya Duv

When he kissed Amelya, he hadn't meant to but it was something that he'd wanted to do for a while now since he first saw her in the officer's mess back aboard the Harbinger during the first days of his time aboard that ship.

He admired her from a distance and enjoyed how the uniform did impressive things to her already impressive body but they were from two completely different worlds and when he realized that he'd been crushing on her..he buried how he felt deep in his mind and then just threw himself into his work before eventually winding up in a relationship with his wingman Sniper before she transferred off of the ship along with another pilot mere weeks before the Harbinger went rogue.

As he kissed her, he could taste the natural sweetness of her lips and then slowly she started to return the kiss for a few seconds before she gently pushed him back a bit which broke the kiss which didn't help matters much as he felt his pulse in his ears and he was hard, much more so then when he saw her gloriously naked on the bridge of the Harbinger, all he wanted to do in that singular instant was to pull her to him and just hold and kiss her if nothing else was to happen.

He slowly licked his lips as he fought to get himself back under control, the events of earlier that day with Cir'Cie checking his mind for any possible "conditioning" by T'Rena was still fresh there as he nodded and he was curious to see if the Vulcan had informed anyone in the chain higher then him that he wasn't actually a threat to anyone aboard the ship.

"I understand, Amelya, exam first." he said firmly as he noticed something and looked down.

Amelya's hand was still there, gently stroking his chest as he looked back up into her eyes. "It might be awkward, but it'd be interesting." he mused, trying to get a smile from her.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

The good doctor continued to savor the kiss as she pulled her attention back to the exam that she needed to perform. She had taken her distance by saying so to the pilot, yet she felt the walls inside her crumbling down by seeming him pretty much nude. She couldn't lie to herself that the pilot had a pretty exemplary body. Her cheeks flushed a little at the thought of what was behind his briefs and she cleared her throat a little as her eyes drifted off before she checked her scanner.

Amelya's hand slowly swept down the skin of the pilot as her other hand continued to guide the scanner across his torso. Unintentionally her hand rested on his leg, just inches away from his hard on. Her hand remained there as if it was a tease as her fingernails slowly made contact with his skin. She looked him in the eyes as he made his remark and a faint smile covered her lips before she stated the first findings of her exam "Vitals seems alright." She continued scanning towards his abdomen now as she looked down to his briefs.

"Well... At the end of this exam I will need a urine sample pilot." She teased him as she brushed her fingers against his erection before resting her hand against her side. "But you get to do cyclometry first followed by the weights." She said to re assure him. She looked up now in his eyes again and smiled teasingly, wondering how much the pilot could take. In her defense though, she could add stamina to her findings perhaps?

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #11
[Chris Slayton| CMO's Office| Deck 07] Attn: Amelya Duv

Chris watched Amelya intently, wanting to be with her every moment that had passed since the kiss ended but he still paid attention to what she was saying, his skin feeling tingly as her hand swept down as she guided her medical scanner across his body, before her eyes looked down to his standard issue briefs.

She then made the usual "pee in a cup" comment that he'd always ran into during his physicals and hoped that she would soon give him something else to think on for a while as sometimes the standard issue physicals needed a subject to concentrate on..

..the moment that her fingers brushed his already large and hard erection, all trains of thought instantly became derailed as he became even harder under her touch and he wondered what was it about this woman that made him feel this way, yes she'd been a crush of his since he first saw her but nothing like this happened until recently.

"So, Doctor, what kind of weights were are suggesting that I work with for this...exam?" he asked as he looked right into her eyes and finding himself wondering what kind of exam that he could give her in turn. "I can assure you that my strength and stamina are quite up to specs...if you'd care to test them yourself?" he added with a grin.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

Amelya smiled as the ensign made a remark about his excellent strength and stamina levels. "Are they now?" she asked with a sultry tone in her voice. Her eyes locked in his as she felt all sorts of feelings engulf her now. She felt that she'd allow herself to go further yet on the other side there was the fear again from the assault back on the Harbinger. She was torn between two choices and didn't really know for sure which one was the right one. Yet she couldn't just leave the ensign like this.

She cleared her throat once more as she now unmistakably looked down to eye out his hard and enlarged cock. She swallowed for a second before she put the scanner away. "Abdominal organs are fine, so you have no damage after your escape from the Harbinger." she said softly now before her fingers reached out again and ran one digit down from the tip of his member down to his balls. She knew that his briefs must have strained his cock in those confines yet she was feeling playful.

"As for weights... I think we'll use the standard issue ones. The minimum weight that you need to be able to lift with legs and arms." she continued as she made a circular movement with her fingers against his balls before pulling herself away and walking over to the one of the storage containers to retrieve the weights. While doing so she was standing with her back towards the ensign, offering him a decent view on her back.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #13
[Chris Slayton| CMO's Office| Deck 07] Attn: Amelya Duv

*God how I want this woman right now.* Chris thought to himself as the doctor ran a finger from the tip of his cock to his balls as he let out a very pained groan as he felt pre-cum slowly start to leak from his already straining cock as she continued to toy with his balls for a second before turning around to explain what weights he'd be using for the weight test and then she bent over which granted him an incredible view of her ass.

The teasing was finally at it's breaking point as Chris got up and walked up behind Amelya then slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. "Might I suggest a slightly..different method of testing, doctor? One that would be more..beneficial and satisfying to your needs as well as the needs of the physical?" he asked quietly into her left ear, letting his erection gently press against her ass with the only things separating the two being the respective articles of clothing that they wore at that moment. "but I want you to understand one thing, Amelya. I won't push you into doing something that you don't want to, I care and respect you enough too much to do that to *you* of all people." he then whispered into her ear.

Chris then gently kissed the back of her neck tenderly before letting her go slowly.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

While getting the weights out, Amelya suddenly felt the ensign behind her. She felt her body tense up because of it and she gasped a little in response as she felt his hard cock pressed against her round ass cheeks. Her mind went blank and she couldn't reply or say anything to Chris as she just stood there. Her breathing starting to become heavier and more rapidly. It seemed that the effect of the Harbinger still lingered within her and she couldn't counter act to it in any way. Yet she knew she had to break it somehow. Perhaps the ensign could help?

The last sentence however remained to echo in her head as he whispered "...understand one thing, Amelya. I won't push you into doing something that you don't want to, I care and respect you enough too much to do that to *you* of all people." She felt his lips place a kiss against the back of her neck and she closed her eyes slowly as she clenched her fingers into fists.

Amelya Duv turned around now to face the pilot before her as she attempted to regain control of herself. She smiled nervously for a bit before she answered "What sort of method did you have in mind ensign?" she asked innocently, yet she knew perfectly well what he was implying. Besides, the actions of the ensign hadn't left her untouched either as she felt her hardened nipples brush against her standard issue undergarments. She had also grown a bit wet as a small spot would reveal on her briefs.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #15
[Chris Slayton| CMO's Office| Deck 07] Attn: Amelya Duv

"I believe that there might be a setting on your medical scanner for a full course cardo-stamina test that's usually saved for the last half of the exam?" he inquired softly to her as he reached out and gently caressed the left side of her face with the back of his hand. "and what I have in mind would cover at least three or four of the various different tests such as strength, stamina, and flexibility all in one so that would save having to get out various pieces of equipment and thus freeing up the area from having to have such..clutter fill the area."

Chris looked deeply into her eyes as he went quiet for a few moments and then reached down to gently take her clenched hands into his and squeeze them gently. "I know that something horrible happened to you back there, I could see it how you were moving as we were trying to get away, Amelya. Like I said just a few seconds ago, I won't just use you like they wanted to as how I'm feeling is honest and without any taint from that...woman that was the XO. I had my mind scanned and I'm clear so that you don't need to worry about that."

Chris then slid his hands up the Trill's slender arms to her shoulders as he continued to look into her eyes and hoped that she could see the honesty there for her. "I'm sorry if it seems like I'm talking to much, but I wanted you to understand my intentions before this went any further." he added softly before bringing both of his hands then to her face before he kissed her again, this time with a tenderness that was underlined with an honest desire and need for her. 

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #16
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

The good doctor listened to her patient as he brought up the setting for a full cardio and stamina test. She laughed softly as she closed her eyes to the touch of his hand against her cheek. "Computer, lock all entry points to the CMO office." She said just loud enough to hear the order being acknowledged. "We'll have it your way ensign... Don't disappoint me." She said with a devilish smile on her lips as she loosened up her hands a bit.

She looked back in his eyes as he spoke of the cleansing of his mind and he actually meant what he was saying to her. The Trill just smiled as he kept talking, nodding in agreement with him that he was talking too much and she closed her eyes once more when their lips connected with each other. She slowly brought her arms around his neck and pushed her fingers in his hair. She showed him that she was ready for him now by deepening the kiss into a french kiss and she pulled him closer against her. He could feel his chest making contact with the sell of her breasts and his hips came in contact with hers.

Slowly Amelya broke the kiss and she licked her own lips before looking down at Chris his standard issue trousers. "Mind if I peek?" She whispered in his ear while she let her hand slide down in advance to run along the length of his shaft. Her thumb already hooked under the fabric and pulled it down a bit, yet not far enough to see anything.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.]

Reply #17
"Not at all." Chris said quietly before gently brushing his lips against her neck. "You can do what you like to it, Amelya. I also won't disappoint you." while running his hands across the trill's back as he shivered at her touch.

An idea then crossed his mind as he wanted to show her how much he trusted and wanted her as he gently took her hand and moved it to the inside of his briefs, shivering again the moment that he felt her fingers against the heated skin before he brushed his lips against her's again, his hands slipping into her uniform jacket as he kissed her deeply again.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

Reply #18
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

Amelya was a bit surprised when the ensign helped her hand down his briefs. Her fingertips already against the heated flesh now, she made eye contact with him. She could feel him shiver and kept looking in his eyes after he kissed her neck. Her hand dexterously enveloped his cock and she started to stroke up and down in a slow manner. Her mouth opening just a bit as she made sure that each time her hand would go up to the tip of his member, she rotated her hand just a bit to add an extra touch to it.

In the meantime she could feel Husker's rather cool hands going underneath her jacket against her own skin. Amelya wore nothing more but the standard issue undergarments under her uniform and she in response shivered as well while continuing her vertical movement with her hand.

The thought of doing this in the office of technically her boss was so wrong yet it also excited her a bit. Not to mention the short encounter she had with Lucan, it all added up to her own needs while the trauma aboard the Harbinger slowly got pushed to the back of her head.


Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

Reply #19
Chris let out a low groan at Amelya's efforts before he slowly helped her out of her uniform jacket while keeping his eyes on her's before slipping back under her uniform top and her standard issue bra and gently moved them up as some of her well toned torso came into view. "Did you know that you make the most mundane things look fashionable." he commented as he looked at the simple bra there.

Chris took a breath and then moved the cups of her bra upwards and looked at her breasts, admiring how perfectly they were and capped with hardening nipples. "Exquisite.." he whispered softly before taking one of her nipples into his mouth as he slowly started to worship her nipple and it's attached breasts with his tongue.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

Reply #20
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

While continuing the handjob with Chris, the good doctor helped him a bit with removing her clothes. She laughed softly at his remark of making everything looks so fashionable and she shook her head as she squeezed at the head of his cock "So slick with words ensign..." she murmured. Next she felt her bra getting pushed up and her breasts wiggled out by doing so before Chris brought his lips to them and started his worship "So slick indeed..." she moaned softly in response.

Amelya slowly starts to pick the pace up with her hand now and pulls down his briefs with her other hand, allowing her more freedom to manipulate his member. She looks him in the eyes as she does so and feels her nipples grow harder while he licks and sucks them. The desire only increasing in her as her body shows the appreciation of the affection.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

Reply #21
"It's not just words when you mean them." Chris was able to groan out as the trill stepped up her efforts at which point he undid the fastest on her pants and gently slip a hand into them to start stroking her sex through her panties for a few seconds. "And you are to speak as to..slick?" He inquired with a slight smile.

He smiled again before moving just enough to whisper "I would like to get these pants off of you and treat you like the lady that you are, Amelya." before slipping the crotch of her panties aside and slipping a finger into her moist folds.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

Reply #22
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

The hands of Husker quickly made their way past Amelya's pants and she let out a satisfied moan when his fingers started to rub her through her briefs. She couldn't help but chuckle as he replied to her about being slick and she rested her head on his shoulder now as she grew wetter and wetter by his dexterous fingers. In the meantime the Trill's nipples have turned as hard as they could, forming peaks on her breasts.

"Do as you think is right ensign." Amelya replied softly, followed by a loud gasp as the finger of Chris sinks between her moist lips. Her muscles pull together against his finger and even so, Chris can feel how tight the Trill really is. Unable to hold back she starts to push her body against his hand, sinking his finger deeper into her. Soon enough she's slowly humping his hand out of lust and desire while her hands speed up and work fast yet delicately to make it feel just as good for him.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

Reply #23
Chris slowly withdrew his hand from her crotch before lowering her pants with her underwear before moving her to a sitting position on the bio bed that he was just sitting on. "This is how a gentleman treats a lady." he whispered to her before he slowly started to make his way down her body-kissing, liking and gently biting down Amelya's body before finally reaching her sex.

Chris stopped long enough to take in the nearly naked form of the trill before him.

"You are divine, both body and soul." He whispered softly.

Chris then lowered his face to her sex and slowly started to lick at her sex while gently teasing her nipples.

Re: DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.]

Reply #24
[ Amelya Duv | CMO office | Deck 07 ] Attn: Husker

As Amelya got seated onto the biobed she looked at her pilot patient and she chuckled a bit as he spoke. "Oh ensign..." She spoke on a sultry tone before he started to make his way down to her sex. While he did so the doctor appreciated the attention and used her feet to stroke the hips of Chris before eventually needing to spread them. She threw her head back now as she felt contact with the lips of Chris against her moist sex and she let out a gasp. Quickly followed a moan as she closed her eyes shut and she grasped the hair of the pilot while her body reacted by creating even more juices.

Her nipples were hardened peaks and probably couldn't grow any harder while Chris teased them. Amelya underwent the waves of pleasure that the ensign was sending to her, yet she could feel her own climax nearing already. She carried on to moan as the waves of pleasure couldn't be subdued any longer and after a few minutes she moaned out "My... Ensign Slayton... Quit the teasing already... I need you inside of me... Now..."

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