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DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

[ Dr. Nicander | Sickbay | Deck 07 ] Attn: Zenozine

"He is awake."

"Who is?" asked Doctor Nicander after a long pause. Sickbay was still busy all around them. It had been one of the younger nurses that said it, and Nicander raised his eyebrows first, then his eyes - looking up from his PADD with his opaque gaze to fix it on the Cadet.

The obvious error made the young man clear his throat in slight embarrassment. "Nurse Maal, Doctor," said the crewman, wetting his lips before continuing, "Doctor Maya managed to do... something. I was there, but she was just holding the side of his head. Was that one of those mind-melds that made the crew turn on Captain Ives? Can we... I mean... Should we make sure that... Is it safe?"

In his mind's eye, Lucan fished out the exoscalpel in his pocket. Stepping past the Cadet, he sliced his throat just to make the stupidity of his words come to an end. It was just a fleeting thought, but he could almost feel the warm spatter of blood against his face. He left the Cadet behind, writhing and tossing like a fish on the deck plating. People started to scream around him.

Pausing his step, Lucan did a double-take, and it felt like a cold shiver climb his spine. Had he really...?

He turned his head with eyes wide, expecting to see the Cadet actually dying from a cut he made, and half his staff panicking. Yet when he laid his eyes on the young man again... he was on his feet with a PADD of his own in his hand, waiting for Doctor Nicander to answer his worried question. Lucan swallowed, and looked down. His tattooed hand was indeed inside his pocket, fingers wrapped around the deadly medical instrument. He blinked the images from his eyes, mind racing, and spoke up. "There is no cause for concern, Nurse. Doctor Maya knows what she's doing. Please go and see to the patients in the recovery ward. I will go to the ICU to speak with Maal."

"Yes, Doctor," said the young man, and if he thought Lucan had acted strange, it did not show. Perhaps the hallucination and the impact it left on Lucan was more evident in his own mind than in his actions.

Keeping his gait unhurried and his pale grey eyes ahead, he made his way towards the ICU, but no more had he passed through the sliding doors than he espied Nurse Hylota reaching Maal's side before he could. Lucan paused, seeing the Klingon young man shift on the biobed and focus his brown eyes upon the exotic Ovri by his side. Respectfully, he hung back, not yet approaching the two.

"Hylota," said the injured Nurse, the thick and burly voice now a weak rasp. "What h-happened? The mutiny... Who is in command?"

Lucan stepped towards the duty station in the ICU and began to check on the status of the resident patients. He had a few things to sort out with the Ovri nurse. A wide range of items on the agenda, but he could wait for her, letting her speak with the man who - if rumour was to be believed - had overpowered her brothers' assailant. Just like Lucan had some pointed questions for Hylota regarding the unsightly fate of Patrick Andersson, she might - in turn - have a few ones for Maal as well.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Hylota Vojona | Sickbay | USS Theurgy | Deck 07 ] Attn: Auctor Lucan

As Maal began to wake Hylota looked to them and then to the Cadet that was assisting her with her rounds. "It appears that the patient is waking up, please go and inform Dr. Nicander of the patients condition. I will remain here and see to him if he has any needs, now go." She encourage the Cadet to go as she stood beside the bio bed and waited for Maal to return to full consciousness.

As Maal fully woke up and began to panic Hylota turn to look to him and she sighed. "It is alright Maal, Declan Vasser and his mutiny were put down, there is no reason to gt yourself all worked up." Hylota turned to face Maal, her arm still in a sling to help encourage a smooth recovery for her injuries. In her hand Hylota had a tricorder that she began to slowly wave over Maal as he laid on the Bio Bed. "Pleas remain still, you took a close range stun blast to the sternum, if not for your bodies surplus of redundant systems  might have lost you like we did your attacker...after you were shot my brother managed to take the phaser and attack his...rapist...Mr. Anderson did not survive his wound and passed away several hours ago."

Finishing her scan Hylota reviewed the scan data and then walked over to a PADD she had set out on a tray an began to type in her findings with her good hand, she was not in any way happy for Maal, she had been fill in on what he had done to her brother, he might have been at phaser point, but that did not excuse the fact that Maal ha raped his brother, top all of this off with the fact that she had a pregnancy on hand that was a result of her one time fling with Maal. In all fairness she was not going to tell Maal anything, the possible fertilized eggs would not likely last beyond the early stages of development, there was no real reason to bring this up at all, no she would just pass this off as a sterile development.

Finishing with her data input Hylota walked back to Maal and spoke to him in her slightly cold tone."s for my brother things did not improve past what happened to you. He was still recovering from that incident when the Sickbay was hit by another raid...Vinata attempted to stop it and ended up stuck in the crossfire of the incident when things got hectic...he will not be seeing any visitors or service for a while...he is in a state of severe mental distress." With a sigh she got back to her duty. "Now we must go over procedure, can you tell me ho you are feeling, any pain or discomfort?"

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #2
Watching from the duty station behind Hylota's back, Dr. Nicander heard the Ovri speak to Maal. The diagnosis was good, it seemed, but Hylota did not seem too pleased. Narrowing his eyes in thought, Lucan wondered what was afoot between the two nurses. Of course, Nicander had been briefed about the female Ovri's pregnancy, and while an errant thought went to the possibility of him being the father, he had seen the readings himself when he had examined her before the Festival of the Moon. His seed should not have taken root. Perhaps it was a hormonal behaviour he was seeing, this cold way Hylota conducted herself in Maal's presence. It made him wonder if Dr. O'Connor had found something wrong with the preg-

But of course! Lucan had not confirmed the hearsay that travelled Sickbay. He had not reviewed the all the personal reports about the events of the mutiny, but he remembered that Maal had been involved in the violation of Vinata. What had actually happened was unclear, as of yet, but in addition to overpowering Patrick Andersson, Maal had been forced to receive oral stimulation from the Ovri. The beast inside chuckled, imagination illustrating the events clearly in Lucan's mind. Whether or not the Klingon nurse had enjoyed himself or not was impossible to say, but Lucan had seen Vinata, and it was difficult to imagine that Maal had not enjoyed himself to some degree.

Maal did not answer Hylota's questions. With difficulty, grimacing, he propped himself up where he lay on the biobed and tried to make eye-contact with Nurse Vojona. "Hylota, your brother. I am so sorry. I had no options. Doctor Maya urged me to try and disarm the human, to use a hypospray, but he did not allow me to get close enough. He forced your brother to... do things to me, and I..." It seemed that even if the Klingon youth was raised among humans, the dishonour almost made him react like one of his native people. "I have shamed myself in my inaction. I tried to be rational, waiting until the opportune moment to lash out against the human. There was a sound from he corridor outside, and his phaser's aim strayed. So I hurled myself at the man, seizing his weapon. After that, I do not remember, but you have given me the answers I lacked... I failed. It was only fortunate that your brother seized the opportunity I couldn't."

Running a coarse hand over his ow face, Maal's stubble had grown thick since he had not been able to shave, and Lucan wondered if he had ever seen Maal look more Klingon than he did right then. A defeated Klingon hanging his head in shame. "Looking back, I don't know what I could have done differently, but I regret everything I did because of my failure. I am not raised a warrior like my people, that much is certain. I wish there was something I could do for your brother."

Hylota had never got the answers she wanted, and Lucan turned to another nurse that came and asked him for a second opinion, which he gave readily. If Hylota was not too focused on what Maal had just said, dealing her reply, she would likely notice his arrival. Given the state in which she had left the body of Patrick Andersson, Lucan wondered if she would avoid him... slinking away instead of facing up to the potential consequences.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #3
Hylota took a deep breath and let out a sigh.  She took her PADD in hand and she looked away from Maal as he began to go off about how he felt about what he had done to Vinata and how he had failed, it was good that he felt bad, but at the same time Hylota got nothing out of seeing him this way, and she knew he was of no use to the ship as he was, Maal needed to gather himself up and recover, not wallow in his own shame and guilt over something that was arguably out of his control.

Hylota noticed as Dr. Nicander came in to the ward and she locked eyes with him for a moment, her dark eyes gave nothing away and she did not address her CO instead turning her focus back to Maal as he called himself a failure. It was at this point Hylota had had enough and she wapped Maal on the head with her PADD with enough force to make him stop talking but not enough to damage Maal or the PADD. Hylota looked down to Maal and she spoke in her same cold tone. "Maal, you a of no use to anyone if you keep that up. You failed, but I want you to focus on making it not happen again. You at least did something, most of the staff during this situation had done nothing to help my brother, they had him working after being pined under a person who died on top of him. I do no hate you, I am angered that you could do nothing to save him."

Hylota took a deep breath. "But we do not have the staff for me to have a grudge forever, and you did not willingly do what you did, and my brother was able to go on and save lives after what you did for him, so consider yourself forgiven by me and move on. If you want to make up for your failings put yourself into getting better and saving lives, we need every hand we can get Maal" She look back to Lucan. "It also appears that Dr. Nicander is here so we will be able to get the final verdict on your physical health, hopefully you will be able to get back to our quarters to calm down before returning to work, we do need you here." Hylota waited for Lucan to come over to hand over the PADD with Maal's information on it.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #4
Outwardly, Lucan raised his eyebrows when Hylota rapped the Klingon nurse over the head with her PADD, and it drew some looks and gasps from others too, but inside, he was deeply amused - especially when the Ovri chided the young man for obsessing over his failures from the moment he had come to. She spoke truly, however, because they needed Maal back on his feet, and he was no use to them wallowing in his own shortcomings.

Hylota turned to await Lucan, leaving Maal opening and closing his mouth like a fish, probably unsure what he might say after the verbal lashings Hylota had given him. It was one hell of an 'apology accepted' Lucan had witnessed, and he was not entirely sure how he might transition into a diagnosis as he walked over there. As it were, he merely gave Hylota a small, knowing smile and then took a deep breath before looking at the Klingon's journal. The PADD told him quite enough at a first glance. "There is no need for you to stay here, Nurse Maal. There is nothing more we can give you than an opportunity to rest and to attend to the usual rehabilitation exercises. The internal and external injuries are treated, so what you are feeling now is merely the aftermath. You will reach adequate recovery within a couple of days... That is, unless you upset Nurse Vojona again."

A joke, which mostly fell on deaf ears - Maal not entirely out of the sink-hole he had gotten himself into. After an awkward pause, the Klingon replied. "I won't. I mean, I will do as told, Doctor."

"Excellent, glad to have you back among the living, Maal. Make sure to collect a few replicator rations and get yourself a new uniform. It won't do to waltz around here with a burn-hole across half your uniform jacket. Nurse? Will you please accompany me to my office?"

His question was for Hylota, and he began to lead the way towards the CMO office. "How's the arm, Vojona? Still troublesome?"

Also being inured since the mutiny and the battle, Lucan's own ribs hurt from time to time during the day, but not in a way that restricted him too much. He favoured his unhurt side when he moved - leading the way into the circular heart of Sickbay. Soon, he addressed one of the real reasons he had asked her to come. "I read a report about one of the bodies at the Morgue this morning. It says you were the one that brought the body in... So I just wanted to hear what your take of it is..."

His tone was not challenging, but concerned. He gave her another PADD to read, detailing the state of Patrick Andersson's body.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #5
As Lucan came over Hylota let him take charge of the mater and stood by waiting to see if she as needed for anything else. As Maal was given his clean bill of health, Hylota nodded to Lucan's request for her to join him and gave one last look to Maal and spoke to him. "If you have any wish to talk with me I would not be opposed to you coming and talking to me when I am off duty... We all have issue after that incident, it would be unfair to not allow you any closure." With that Hylota turned and walked after Lucan as he went to his office.

As Dr.Nicander asked about her arm, Hylota shrugged."It is fine for the most part, my injuries were easily healed, but due to the location I decided to take the safe route and give my arm an extra day of rest, to allow things to heal before I begin to put it to use again. I should be able to use it tomorrow, or the day after that at the latest depending on how things are recovering. All in all I am faring better than many others."

As they arrived in Lucan's office, Hylota took a seat across from Lucan and looked to him as he spoke of the body she had transported to the morgue the other day. It was at this moment Hylota began to go into her routine, and to her credit, she looked and sounded convincing. "Did I fail to seal up the capsule before I stored it away Doctor?" As she was offered the PADD to read, Hylota took it and began to read it over, internally she felt a bit of glee for her work, but externally she progressively got more and more confused an irritated looking before letting out a groan and hitting herself in the face with the PADD.

With a deep breath Hylota began her prepared apology. "I am sorry Doctor, there is no excuse for this mistake." She set the PADD back down on the desk. "The only justification I can give for how this happened is my own feelings. I must have confused what chemicals are used for what." She shook her head. "This could have been catastrophic if I had made this mistake on a live patient... This mistake should never have happened." Hylota was selling that she felt guilty, but deep down she did not care, and if not for Lucan's own feelings, anyone else might not have seen that she didn't care about what had happened to Patrick Anderson, if anything it made her glad, a look Lucan also knew well.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #6
Seated across from the Ovri, Lucan studied her act in quietude. The discrepancies in his otherwise accurate deduction skills lay in her species' unique behavioural patterns. The minute way Ovri conducted themselves differently than other species. These unique signs in body language were not privy to Lucan, but the universal translator did pick up intonation and nuances in speech otherwise lost. So, it was with great difficulty that Lucan saw through her act, but did so nonetheless. Perhaps, if he was completely honest with himself about it, he only did so because he had just learned from the conversation between her and Maal that Hylota knew Patrick Andersson was her brother's assailant.

"I am as surprised as you that you made this kind of mistake, especially since you never seemed to be shaken by the mutiny that we fought off together. Always, you were the lasting wind, even when injured and when your aim failed. Your spirit did not fall even if your body did. Normally, I would account this grievous mistake in the morgue to the fact that you are pregnant, that the hormonal levels in your body affected your judgement... but I reckon that might not be the whole story. Not after having seen the way you flawlessly conduct yourself in this medical environment and in carrying out your duties."

Pausing, Lucan watched Hylota as if they were playing a game of cards, and the look he gave her was as unreadable as a Vulcan's. It was Hylota's interpretation of the look that might make her say something, confess something more. Lucan let her doubt herself, let her think that either he knew exactly what she had done because he knew what Patrick had done to her brother, or he didn't, and merely contemplated what kind of disciplinary action - if any - he might chose for her. Either she would think he chose to not bespeak her evident crime, or the look merely said 'do you think me a fool, Ensign?' Yet he spoke before she might give voice to his comment.

"I told you that you were due for a promotion before we parted ways on Deck 02," he said suddenly, the silence broken, "and with Eve Jenkins being in the state she is, it would not only entail a promotion to Junior Lieutenant, but to Head Nurse. Yet now I wonder... if I have been too hasty in my judgement. I suppose it depends on the true reason behind your misconduct, whether or not it should be attributed to an oversight on your part, to the state your body and mind is at, or some other reason yet to be suggested. So. what do you think happened when that chemical was chosen over the right one?"

He did not accuse her of violating the mutineer's dead body in the way that she did, because it would have undermined his official position on the matter and her possibility to gain her promotion. What would be evident, though, was that just as Hylota had learned who her brother's assailant had been, so could Lucan have learned the same fact. The choice Hylota now faced was whether to dissemble and lie again, or confess. Of course, Lucan did not reveal to her what would be the right choice if she wanted her promotion. So Hylota would have to ask herself if Lucan had seen through her act, and if he had, if her new Chief Medical Officer would grant her the promotion if she lied again... or if she confessed the truth.

Perhaps most importantly, she had to decide if he would - or even could - promote her if she did confess to her actions. Was he then, the impeccable CMO of such great repute, not obligated to report her? But if she lied again, and he knew it, would her words become an unspoken agreement of silence between them? Her promotion... perhaps even a debt to pay?

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #7
And this was what Hylota expected to happen, she did not for one moment believe that Lucan would trust her, he did not seem the type of man to buy what she had said, thus she had prepare a secondary argument for her cause. Hylota start by leaning back in hr chair and letting out a sigh before she looked down to the desk and spoke in a resigned tone. "I was able to hold myself together while I was with you sir because I was fighting to keep my brother safe, to ensure that we would be able to keep on living, I did my duty knowing it would all pay off in the end. There was no way I was going to give up and let my brother, my only family out here, suffer at the hands of others."

Hylota rubbed her face. "I held out as best as I could, but when I returned here, when I saw my brother in the state he had been put in, saw him fill with fear and scram in terror..." She looked to Lucan. "To say I was shaken would not do it justice sir. My world was falling apart, the only reason I was willing to go with you was because I thought my brother would be safe, he was not, in fact he fared worse than most of the people who had taken shelter here. I thought that my family would be looked after and I felt betrayed when he was not." Hylota took a deep breath.

"Doctor I will not blame hormones on a mistake I made, I was angry, stressed and not thinking straight. Under any other circumstance I would have been but in a bed myself, but I had to work, I had to keep moving or else I would have fallen apart. I all the stress, of having lose the use of one arm, of fining my brother damaged, of feeling betrayed and I learned I was pregnant on top of it all, it was just too much, I made a mistake and it should never of happened." Hylota shook her head. "If you do not wish to promote me I understand, but this was a most extreme case, I do not think I will encounter such a situation again and I feel I can handle such a promotion and I will prove it through my future actions." Hylota straightened herself in her chair. "But it does all come down to you Doctor, and I will always trust your judgment no matter what."

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #8
Sitting across the desk from the exotic Ovri, Lucan was not surprised by her choice, and while the responsibility might fall on him to make the right call, he was not the least concerned about how his decision would reflect on him. He already had contingency plans for all outcomes. As it were, her choice was quite fortunate in the grander scheme of things. Instead of addressing the misconduct in her medical practice, he chose another entry-point to the thorny mess Hylota has made for the both of them.

"Nurses," he said quietly, "are always on the front-lines, administering and evaluating the treatment of all patients. You are their advocates because they spend more time with you. Only you can comprehensively moderate the progress of their treatment. You are the whistle-blowers in how you know what symptoms might be red flags, and can assess the effectiveness of the treatment we administer. Ceaselessly, you monitor, assess, and intervene in reaction to changes in patient conditions. Without nurses, this Sickbay would fall apart, for you are the glue that makes all everyday operations possible. You are also a team, where all of you - individually - function as a part of a unit. So when you act as a team, the overall treatment is more effective. It is what saves lives."

Rising from his chair, Lucan put his tattooed hands in his lab coat's pockets, and the austere frown on his brow became more prominent. "What you have done is no mere misdemeanour, not something idly brushed aside because of the extreme circumstances we faced yesterday. Not something forgiven because your Brother suffered because of the mutiny. We face extreme conditions every other day in this place, and that you would desecrate the corpse of a patient because you were angry about what he had done whilst he was still alive," Lucan paused, walking around the desk towards Hylota as he searched for any other justification, "it is nothing short of the third degree felony that it is, which in peacetime would constitute in your Federation nursing licence revoked and you being court-martialled, your name the bane of all the Ovri that would seek to join Starfleet Medical in your wake."

Lucan came to lean against the edge of the desk, right next to Hylota, and he folded his arms across his chest as he looked straight ahead - relieving her from his scowl as he continued. "Yet this is not peace-time. We are at war with our own fleet because we need to survive, and we cannot do that without a functioning Sickbay. You are also my only viable candidate to take charge of our nurses. Your brother is in no state to lead, and Maal is not a Line Officer. I like you, Vojona, but because of what you have done, I would rather have offered the position to someone else. The main reason being that the nursing team will suffer if the Head Nurse can't lead by example - the truth of what you did in the Morgue remaining an infectious wound that will not only contaminate your leadership but also the patients that rely on your team."

Turning his head down to look at her with his pale grey eyes, he dealt his verdict unto her. "Your nursing licence on this ship is hereby placed on a two month probation for the desecration of Patrick Andersson, and for failing to answer truthfully when first asked about the incident. Should you commit another offence, you have no place in this Sickbay, and I will be forced to promote someone else on the team - praying for the winds to be fortunate and that no patients will die because you could not live up to the demands of your new position. Congratulations, Junior Lieutenant Vojona."

There was no mistaking the disappointment in his tone when he addressed her by her new rank.

"The question is now," he continued quietly, bitterly, as he remained next to her chair, "whether or not it is better for me to jeopardise myself for sake of your mistake; if I should cover your tracks just for the sake of preserving your name in the eyes of your new subordinates. Should your probation be made unofficial and the body sealed away from all eyes save my own? Can you give me any reason why I should grant you the mercy of keeping a lid on all of this for your sake... after you have betrayed my confidence in you?"


Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #9
As Lucan began to play his hand and revealed that he was not buying Hylota's story and that he had clearly seen through her attempt at a lie. As Lucan explained the gravity of her situation Hylota felt her insides sink s she realized just how much of a mistake she had made, and how much trouble she had put herself in for her petty revenge...she h truly made an absolute error this time. But it was well beyond the point of pulling out on her lie, she had to just keep going or she would be worse off than before.

As Hylota was asked about hat she was going to offer to get Lucan to keep her secret and help her out, Hylota sighed and nodded reluctantly. "Well since it has no real value with you, I will never attempt to lie to you ever again Doctor, aside from instances where you are needed to not know the information." She then raised one hand and continued. "And no that is not all that I am offering. Since I am unable to offer you anything of any real material value I can only present you with free reign over my body, I do not know what you would do with it but it is the only thing I can offer."

Hylota rubbed the back of her neck ad sighed. "Aside from that I cannot really offer anything you could not get on your own. if you do not feel that this is worthy of your assistance and silence I will take my luck in an investigation and present my side of the story in a hope that I will be allowed to continue my work here Doctor." It was clear that Hylota wanted to keep working, but she had played her path and was committed to it now.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #10
When Hylota began to offer him things for him to help her, Lucan was silent while he regarded her - his austere frown remaining at first. That she would be truthful with him was a given, and he had expected as much, even that she would do so in adherence to security protocols and orders from the Captain to be quiet about certain facts for sake of the mission.

Yet when she raised her hand and offered him free reign of her body, he had to react in a way that would fit his public image. Even while the darkness inside laughed in malicious intent and images of what Lucan might do to her flashed before his eyes, he let his eyebrows climb in surprise, and he even shifted his weight - clearing his throat at the implication of what she said. It was evident that he was thinking of the incident before the Festival of the Moon, where the examination of her had led to them being intimate in the very same office in which there were. His reaction was meant to show that it had not been his intention at all to take advantage of her. At the same time, he did not want to project any revulsion towards the idea - mere surprise that she would go so far.

"There is no need for that," he said, swallowing in pretence of searching for words, blinking away the persistent image of her fellating him where he stood, "neither the investigation nor the offer of your body. Don't get me wrong, I cherish the memory of what we ended up doing that evening - very much so - but my question about a reason was meant rhetorically and not as a demand for compensation. Like I said, it is important that the nurses have adequate leadership and work as a team, and that is reason enough for me to be silent about this and withhold the information from the rest of the staff."

Taking a breath, Lucan let his authoritative stance completely dissipate, transitioning into a more weary expression. Still, the demon inside made him think of her offer, and made him see her ride him on the desk. He had trouble keeping himself from being aroused, the mere implication making him rigid. The images were quite compelling. He made himself sound tired nonetheless. "Just... don't let me down again, that's all. I believe in you still, as long as you keep your word. For the greater good of the crew and this damned voyage we are on, it is not like I have much of a choice in the matter. Your qualifications overshadow the felony, so I am better off hiding the incriminating evidence than undermining your new position. If you do something like this again, however, then no qualifications matter since I won't be able to trust you. There is no reason to thank me either, just... do your best with your new responsibilities."

Why wouldn't the images go away?

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #11
Hylota listened to Lucan as he spoke of how he felt about hr offer and how he wanted to have Hylota kept around to just keep her position because she was that valuable. The entire thing just did no sound right at all, Lucan had spoken of how Hylota had not been worth the risk and how she should not have doe what she ha, but the things that Lucan was saying now made her question him. This made Hylota a bit cautious, but she id no vice it, she was in no position to make any accusations.

Of course there was a decent amount of flattery at play and Hylota did not mind it a all an she was quite alright with the way that things were playing out, and with how Lucan was talking about how he did not want Hylota to spoil the moment that they shared, moment that she had to admit was something that she did enjoy. With a gentle sigh Hylota nodded and looked back to Lucan. "Alright then are very kind to me, thank you...I Promise I ill not let you own with this time to come and with my duty....Anderson was just a mishap along the road and something I promise will not see a repeat."

But there was something more that Hylota felt, and as she stood up she looked at Lucan, worry etched into her brow as she spoke again. "I would also like to say now that I would like to keep from working with Doctor Maya, of all the staff here during the incident, I have trouble not blaming her for what happened with Phantom. After he was taken down Dr. Maya apparently cut open his arm and left him to bleed out while he still had a hold on my brother, had the shooting not happened I would not have been surprise if Vinata had suffered more. And on top of all of this, instead of remaining here to provide care an take charge, she instead headed out on a mission that did not require her skills."Hylota was obviously still holding a grudge aginst the poor management of the medical staff during the crisis.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #12
Gratified that Hylota understood that his silence about her misconduct would save lives during their continued voyage, and how despite her mistake, she was the one best suited to be the next Head Nurse, Lucan returned the nod of accord. A seal of silence for the greater good, and one shared between just the two of them.

She stood up, and Lucan looked into her dark eyes as her face levelled with his own. The close proximity to the exotic alien made the darkness inside beget malign thoughts and envision more graphic deeds. Memory of the episode where he had almost strangled her to death aroused him - against his better reasoning - yet he pretended to not feel the attraction that she stirred in him.

Though when she spoke of the possibility to not have to work with one of the Doctors - Doctor Maya - Lucan knew that he ought to be firm with her again. He should be telling her that given the medical demands of the crew, they could not afford any such petty arrangements. He had read the reports, and he had an opinion of his own about how things had been handled, but regardless of the outcome, it would seem the Ovri had made up her mind. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, and chose his words in a more diplomatic way in respect to her situation and her brother's ill fate. "The care of the patients come first, and as Head Nurse, you don't really have the luxury to not have to work together with someone on the medical staff." He looked up, and with compassion towards her feelings on the matter, he laid a tattooed hand to the side of her head - rubbing a thumb over the edge of her mark. "For you, I will do what I can. But at the same time, I trust you can be professional when you do work with Doctor Maya."

Removing his fingers, he put his hands on the edge of his desk and leaned back against it as he continued. "I do think your grievances are partially unmerited, however, because Maya was outranked by Doctor Hayden O'Connor - who did take charge in my absence - and Doctor Maya's task was arguably one of the most important ones in the wake of the mutiny. She and Ensign Cir'Cie were uniquely capable for removing the mind-meld from the affected mutineers, so she was required to leave with Cir'Cie to the ICU and to examine the mind-melded mutineers there."

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #13
As Dr. Nicander caved slightly and let Hylota have some of her way Hylota decided that the matter at hand was going to be reason for her to give in and do as he wanted down the line without question, and this was not something that she believed would ever be a problem down the line. "Thank you sir, I will remember your kindness and generosity down the line sir." Of course she still have saving his life on hand to throw around if there ever came a moment that things were too much trouble for her to take.

As Dr. Nicander then began to talk about how Hylota did not know all of the facts, Hylota sighed an nodded and rubbed the side of her head. "Of course Doctor, I did not know the facts of the matter, I am just going off what I know and felt from what I saw at the time of the incidents. An I completely understand that as the new Head Nurse ore is require of me, but the time you will be giving me should be enough to get through my hormonal stages for my pregnancy and avoid possibly lashing out at Dr. Maya."

Hylota took a deep breath and looked to Lucan, for om reason she could not help, but remember the rubbing of her mark, such an intimate gesture, and she had just let it happen. But there was time for that stuff later, right now she needed to focus on important information. "Just so you know sir, over the next week or so I will visibly change due to this pregnancy, and I will likely have mood swings as well as some sire to keep male, or possibly women close to myself as my birthing tie comes close, so eventually I will have to take my leave to take care of this matter, but I do not believe that any child will come out of this, nor do I intend to take steps to increase the chances of a child surviving. It is the last thing we need right now."

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #14
Hearing Hylota concede to the circumstances regarding her rank and her own present condition, Lucan was confident she would not make too much of a scene if she encountered Doctor Maya before she had come to terms with what had happened to her brother. Hopefully, he would be feeling better as well, returning to duty before too long. He was a case for the Counsellor at that point.

Why did he care, though? Did the fate and well-being of the Ovri suddenly matter to him? Was it not by design that he said such words? All his actions were bent on furthering his own goals, so what gain - beyond tying their loyalties closer to himself - did he see in them? Had he a subconscious, illusive idea for what he might do to them sometime? If he had, those ideas escaped him.

When Hylota spoke of her due pregnancy and its development, Lucan cleared his confusing thoughts from his mind and listened in great interest to what was to be expected. It was a short gestation period, that was certain, and an interesting one too. "Please keep me informed as the pregnancy develops so that I am aware about what I should expect. I confess that I know too little to make educated guesses ahead of time, even if I am confident I will be able to monitor and support you as best as I can medically during this week ahead of you. I will, of course, be there as much as you need me to outside of my duties here."

He supposed he should not be so disrespectful as to ask who the father was, but given what had happened between them, he supposed that it would be even more strange if he didn't ask. He was confident in his readings of her that day, but it served him better to develop the rapport between them - duty-wise and off duty.

"Against my better knowledge, I must ask the obvious... given the time we enjoyed here in this office," he said and chuckled at the absurdity of the situation, "Is there any chance that I am the father? You were about to ovulate, that much was certain, so is there a chance that male seed might have survived... until you did?"

He was not asking out of trepidation, and he made sure to convey that with his relaxed stance against the desk, and the way his pale grey eyes pulled at her.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #15
As Lucan asked about the father of her possible children, and the potability that he might be the father of the clutch. "As interesting as that predicament would be Doctor, I can say with certainty that you and I had sexual interactions the night before my sexual heat came into full swing, it was a good 24 hours before my eggs were ready to be fertilized, and after that I had sex with Maal and I am fairly certain that he is the only one who could be the father." She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "I know that Klingon hybrids seem to survived better than most, but I do not know if these possible children will survive." She waved her hand in the air dismissively, she was already writing off the children and was distancing herself emotionally from the pregnancy.

Standing up Hylota sighed and looked to Lucan. "You are not going to have to worry bout any child belonging to you. And unless I take some action I doubt that any child will fully develop." She rubbed the back of her neck and shuddered. "B-But there is something more I would like to talk about along the lines of my offer...I-I am still feeling the residuals of my sexual heat, and I am feeling a desire an I have been fighting it off since thee mutiny...I know I have no right, but I wish to show that I am dedicated to you, I want to service you in some manner, to provide sexual pleasure and allow me to get the last of these irritating urges from my body."

Hylota fidgeted with her hands she shook her head. "I know this is a strange time to ask, but I figure that you are stressed after what transpired with the mutiny, and I am seeking to get rid of my sexual urges, and I figured that this could be something positive for us both." In her mind Hylota figured that she would be doing something like going under Lucan's desk and giving him a blowjob or something if Lucan agreed.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #16
Remaining where he stood, Lucan watched Hylota rise from her chair - standing less than arm's length away. She told him not to worry about being the father, and while he had not been altogether concerned to begin with, he felt a modicum of relief to have his estimation confirmed. Him being the father would have caused complications in regard to his public image aboard the ship, and he would have had to deal with it somehow before it became known. That understanding of his did not hold the exact measures intended, but the darkness inside provided the images of what it wanted him to do. Chaotic imagery, distorted and waking nightmares of him crouching naked over Hylota's dead body, eating the extracted clutch of eggs from his bloodied hands to get rid the evidence.

Blinking away the notion, Lucan caught on to the present, and before he could make a falsely surprised comment on Maal's involvement, Hylota was explaining that she... that she was still somewhat in heat, and that she wanted to indulge herself with his company - nervously hoping to service him sexually in order to take the edge off her residual needs.

"Hylota, I..." He had begun to protest - as he should have done for sake of appearance - before she said that she knew it was an odd time to make the request, but that she thought it would be beneficial for them both. Lucan watched her body's movements, and realised that as tough as the Ovri made herself out to be, she was actually quite nervous about giving voice to her own needs. On his own part, he remembered the outcome of their last meeting in that very office, and how the beast had managed to seize control and ruin everything for him. Years of planning in the making, and the exotic allure of one Ovri had almost managed to topple the whole house of cards that he had built - the pheromones of the alien woman having made the thing crawling inside him uncontrollable. She posed a very real risk to all that he endeavoured to do, and yet there he was... not sending her away. He had no idea why he didn't shut her down immediately and reduced their affiliation to a very platonic working relationship. It would have been the smartest thing, and in line with her misconduct and the way he had been forced to cover her tracks.

But those four-fingered hands fidgeting, and her unique appeal, they shed caution from his shoulders, and he took her hands into his own - his inked fists forming loosely around her fingers. He sought her gaze and smiled to her, a somewhat rueful expression to quell her anxiety. "You know, embarrassingly enough, I fractured a couple of ribs on that security guard's fists down in Waste Management - just before you sedated him. So while you might have expectations on my... performance since last we ended up enjoying ourselves together, I am not sure I will be able to preform quite so well now. It would likely count as 'strenuous activity', wouldn't you say?"

That being said, he let go of her hands and lay his own against the sides of her head, looking into those large, dark eyes of hers while he rubbed the edges of her mark with his thumbs. He emphasised his statement by showing Hylota that he was not rejecting her, and he did so by slanting his lips across hers - kissing her deeply in acceptance to her request for her sake as much as his own. It was daring madness to indulge himself again with her, but he told himself that if he tread carefully, he would not repeat his mistakes. The reward of the taste of her mouth was too compelling to refuse, and she was already arousing him with her mere presence.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #17
As Hylota asked for sex she was internally starting to work out what to say as she would apologize and back away, but to her surprise that plan was not what ended up needed. Lucan took her hands in his own and stopped her fidgeting, looking up she locked eyes with her commanding officer and listened to what he had to say. As he spoke of how he was in rough shape from their adventure and how he would not be able to "perform" at his best if they did indeed do anything. This news just made Hylota nod, it all sounded reasonable enough and like good enough reason for her to give up on her sexual advances.

Before Hylota could even respond to what Lucan had to say he placed his hands on Hylota's head and began to rub along her mark, one of the most sexually intimate thing one could do to an Ovri...she was going to have to tell Lucan about this at some point, but not now as she was kissed again by her commanding officer. As Lucan locked lips with her Hylota just relaxed and enjoyed it, but soon Lucan was pressing to further the kiss with some tongue and Hylota could not help but oblige.

Opening her mouth Hylota pressed her thick tongue into Lucan's mouth and swirled her tongue around in his mouth and actually pushing some of the last remnants of her pheromones into Lucan giving the familiar tingle to his body. As she kissed Hylota was slightly misunderstanding the intentions as she leaned in closer and pressed her tongue into Lucan's mouth further, as she kissed she thought of what she could do to keep this going. She then stopped fidgeting with her hands and reach out to rub her own thumbs long Lucan's forehead before she pulled her tongue back and pulled away.

Smiling at Lucan she breathed a little more heavily as her big dark eyes stared back into Lucan's. "I do not need to give you that level of strenuous activity, I could kneel under your desk and pleasure you Doctor." She blushed slightly as she spoke a bit more softly. "I would be just fine if I were to pleasure myself while servicing you, I just want to have some intimate interactions with another person while relieving these urges." She shuddered and looked down to Lucan's groin and then back up to his eyes again.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #18
Lucan had almost forgotten the unique taste of the Ovri woman, but he was quickly reminded as their kiss deepened - Hylota leaning into him where he stood against the edge of his own desk. His tongue was answered by hers, albeit hers was larger - filling his mouth.

It was an extraordinary rush that came over Lucan with the introduction of her tongue, thick enough to make him seal his lips around it and pull back - sucking the nectar off it. He knew it was pheromone-laced, almost able to taste it, but as light-headed as he became, there was no attempt to seize control rising from the abyss in his heart. In part kissing her and also stroking her tongue with his own, waging war with her inside their sealed lips. His hands came to wander down her neck and shoulders, soon slipping around her waist. He felt Hylota stroking his forehead with her rounded fingertips, like he had touched her mark, and he wondered if it held any particular meaning.

Once their mouths parted, Lucan was breathing every bit as hard as Hylota did, and he searched her large, mysterious eyes for her intentions. There would be no guesswork, however, because she told him plainly what she desired given the circumstances and his injuries. "Underneath my..?" His voice was thick. The pheromones must have made his reaction-time slower, but the understanding settled soon enough. Given how Hylota was due with children, he would not object to fulfil her very specific request. Her needy glance towards the large bulge at the front of his uniform trousers had settled it. "If that is what you wish, I won't be the one to object."

Taking her hand with her four webbed fingers into his tattooed one, he led the way around the desk and sat down in his chair. He watched her movements, her digitigrade legs actually being perfect to support her when crouching down. He let her get where she wanted to be, and undress as much as she wanted to, and then he adjusted the placement of his chair to accommodate her impulsive idea. Fingers trembling from the pheromones in his system, he started to try and undo his own trousers. "If you want more, and we are careful, I think you should come up here and straddle this chair whenever you are ready. As I remember the last time with you fondly, I wouldn't miss the opportunity just because of a few fractured ribs."

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #19
As Lucan accepted her advances Hylota smiled and tightened her grip on his hand as she felt more confident about what she was doing and she walked around his desk and stood beside him. As she moved she let out a gentle chirp as she worked to rein in her emotions, but once she stood there at Lucan's side and he told her to prepare herself as much as she felt need and then set about working to open his trousers Hylota reached down ans stopped him and smiled softly while looking down. "If it is all the same to you doctor, I would rather you allow me to take care of that for you."

Hylota took her hands back and raised them to the collar of her uniform and undid it to allow her uniform to slip off all the way down to her metallic boots where the uniform collected around her legs, exposing her rusty red body and already glistening slit that indicted that her vagina was close to opening up. As Lucan offered for the to go further Hylota smiled a bit more. "Doctor I would hardly be a good Head Nurse if I was allowing you to risk injury for the sake of sex, and I would be rather hard to explain away the degeneration of the wound when you have undoubtedly been taking things easy after the mutiny. No I think I will stick with servicing you under your desk."

With a playful grin Hylota scooted into place as she crouched down into place under Lucan's desk and raising one hand she beckoned him closer. Once Lucan was in place she reached out and undid his trousers, her fingers teasing around the perimeter of his bulge before she slipped her hands into his trousers, one work the cock itself free and cradled it gentle while guiding it out into the air to be greeted by Hylota's warm breaths. Meanwhile her other hand slipped down to Lucan's balls and cupped them and she smiled."You know, we Ovri never developed a need for externalized sexual organs, but I must say I like the way that they feel." She smiled as she began to massage Lucan's balls with her large soft figertips.

Hylota allowed for a few moments of foreplay before she let out a chirp and leaned in close to Lucan's cock and kissed the tip of it. As she kissed she slowly pressed forward and allowed her mouth to be opened for the cock to pass into the warm,moist inviting space of her mouth where Hylota's tongue immediately set about exploring the cock, swirling around the tip and then slowly wrapping around the length as it pressed further and further in, wrestling with the phallic member as she had Lucan's tongue.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #20
The pang of disappointment when Hylota denied him completed intercourse - at least up front - was not so much his own as it was the dark surge of the being inside. Lucan did not let it show, of course, letting himself be led on by the wishes of the Theurgy's new Head Nurse. Seated at his desk, he supposed he should at least appear to be working in case someone barged in, so he opened his computer console - unable to entirely remove the rueful smile on his lips when Hylota freed his rigid arousal from its confines. He started to browse the messages he'd got since before his round of Sickbay.

Oh, but it was not so easy to focus on the monitor, and just when he was about to read a message from Captain Ives, Hylota commented on her fascination for his mammalian genitals. Such a carefree and playful observation, and it drew a low chuckle from Lucan. In answer, he reached down into his lap and stroked her bare head with his fingers and his palm - unwittingly rubbing her mark as well.

He started over reading his messages, scrolling back to where he was, and he saw that Ives had an order for Doctor Maya to attend to an away-mission on the Allegiant if she was able and ready. The Allegiant was to leave at 1200 hrs., which was less than an hour away. He tapped his combadge. "Dr. Nicander to Dr. Maya," he said, and that was when Hylota engulfed his throbbing hardness with her extraordinary mouth - tongue sliding along the shaft. He blinked, and he had to pause and swallow before continuing. "I have been checking on all our patients the whole morning, and it has just come to my attention that Captain Ives has an assignment for you. You are to report to the Allegiant for an away-mission, making yourself available to Lieutenant Commander Stark so that you can lift the mind-meld from the lost skeleton crew of the USS Harbinger. It says here that within the duration of the mission you should expect to spend one night on the Allegiant."

Having to pause again, Lucan found his heart beating fast in response to Hylota's ministrations. "My apologies for the late notice, but if you leave right away, you will have time for preparations and packing whatever you need. The medical bay of the Allegiant, however, has been restocked with medical supplies. Good luck, Doctor."

Ending the message, Lucan sucked a deep breath through his teeth and leaned back in his chair, still stroking Hylota's head in appreciation as he watched her. "I suppose... the problem of keeping the two of you apart... was easier than I thought."

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #21
Hylota was not familiar with oral sex, but she was still capable of doing her best and performing what she believe would be the a good job. Her tongue was agile an strong, and she was more than capable of using her tongue to massage Lucan's cock. But as Lucan tapped his combadge and began to talk to Maya, Hylota held off on her oral stimulation and just wrapped her tongue around Lucan, letting the warmth of her tongue throb alongside Lucan's cock as he spoke.

As Lucan finished with his message to Doctor Maya, Hylota decided that it as time to get back to the oral that she had been asking for. Closing her mouth firmly around Lucan she let out a chirp as she returned to swirling her tongue around the length. Teasing along the length, teasing the tip, the base and using her slightly adhesive tongue to tug the skin of Lucan's cock and she hoped that her tongue would be more than satisfactory for Lucan. She gazed up at Lucan as he rubbed her forehead and Hylota felt oddly comforted and as though she were being recognized and validated.

Letting out a moan, Hylota let the vibrations stimulate the cock that was held in her mouth. As she kept working and sucking Hylota began to bob her head, moving closer and further away, her tongue still wrapped firmly around Lucan. With each movement her tongue slid along the length of Lucan's cock, massaging it and stimulating it. Meanwhile, her hand that had a hold of Lucan's balls began to add a bit more pressure into the massage, not going to painful levels, but enough that it would be a bit more stimulating.

Hylota was beginning to get into a rhythm with her work, but deep down she felt desire welling up. Her slit began to grow warmer and warmer until it swelled open and exposed her sensitive flesh to the cool air, prompting Hylota to shudder and moan around Lucan's cock as she just kept sucking at an ever quickening pace as her arousal grew.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #22
Just as much as Lucan enjoyed the chirping sounds of enjoyment that Hylota made, he also liked the way they thrummed around his hardness. More so, he relished the sight of her face and her mysterious eyes. He had only met two of them, but he thought the Ovri were a beautiful species, both the male and female versions of their physiology. As brightly lit as the room was, he could see the shadows underneath the desk move over her bare form - dancing in rhythm to the movements of her head - teasing down her sculpted body and abdomen.

When her sex swelled and opened, the light cast her preparatory secretions into light. The sight stirred him, almost had him lose himself in the maelstrom of pleasure from below his desk, and it was all he could do to let out a low, hoarse moan that caught in his throat. Breathing quickened, he lavished her with his most charming smile and caressed her head - outlining her mark with his thumb. The only thing he could do to please her, was to pry off his shoes against the floor. Being Câroon, he did not wear socks... so he began to rub her sex with the top of his foot - feeling the wetness coating it with each slow stroke.

She had completely engulfed his cock in her mouth. Inside was a smooth and damp warmth, a sticky tongue that milked his whole length. As endowed as he was, more than most species, her lips were still pressing against his base insistently before each time that she pulled back her head. Oh, but he revelled in the feeling of how she rolled her dexterous tongue around his pulsating girth, a unique trait of their kind. The made slick sounds of her slurping motions reached his ears, and her grip around his testicles were firming up. He could not help but reach further down, stroking the side of her neck while she kept on sucking - her cheeks caved inwards with the force of it. Unable to help himself, he reached further, stroking her tenacious chest and shoulder. She reminded Lucan about when they'd had sex in the gynaecological examination chair, and how he had pressed his cock inside her exotic body. Feeling her pulse around him, hearing her chirp in ecstasy. It almost made him come far too early, cock twitching on the brink of releasing his semen down her throat.

Still reeling from the after-images of Hyota with her legs spread and him pumping his cock into her - the memory replaying in his head like a holo-vid trailer - Lucan could not help but move his hips in answer to her quick pace. Light-headed and more than a little overwhelmed, Lucan bit his lip as she pumped the shaft at a ferocious pace - her sealed lips creating a vacuum that tugged insistently on him. He was soon going to spurt his thick, hot semen like a geyser if she kept on sucking. Stroking her forehead again, he caught her staring up at him with that hungry look in her eyes. His cock felt raw, his legs in a gelatinous state.

"Hylota... I'm going to..." he rasped in fair warning if she did not care for the taste of Câroon seed. "There will be a lot, you might choke..."

Fair warning indeed. Because of the harsh environment on his home planet, men of his species ejaculated a large volume of semen in order to increase the chance of fertilising the wombs of their women. Just like the head of of his cock was pointed and the ridge at the back of the glans was more raised - evolution favouring penetration and resistance towards slipping - the seed being exposed to the weather conditions.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #23
As Hylota sucked Lucan's cock she could not help but think about how she felt kind of gay with what she was doing, going after someone with a womanly body, and instead of having actual sex she was fine with just sucking him off and stooping to oral pleasure, she had never done this type of thing before, and it just felt so exotic and strange...why did the men of other races turn her on so much, it wasn't just their cocks...Oh fuck it what did she care, it felt good to her pheromone addled mind ad she did not give a damn if this made her gay.

As she worked with her tongue to tease and stimulate Lucan's cock, but at the same time her actions rewarded her with his strong musky taste a she washed his length clean and lapped up any and all of the pre that oozed from his stimulated and fully erect cock. the entire ordeal as so pleasureful that Hylota began to let out roused chirps at a more frequent basis as she work her head back an forth along the length of Lucan's cock. But as Lucan moved about his foot Hylota began to wonder what he was up to until she felt his foot press up against her glistening sex and began to gently rub her pussy.

As her sex was rubbed with Lucan's foot Hylota began to chirp more powerfully as her arousal grew even more and more, but at he same time Hylota wanted more. Closing her eyes Hylota let go of herself and let herself just enjoy the moment and let her body do as it pleased. Bobbing her had back an forth along the length of Lucan's cock, while at the same time her hips began to rock against Lucan's foot as she started to hump him and her body began to move in an oddly alluring motions as she moved to stimulate Lucan while also pleasuring herself at the same time.

Lucan's hands did not come into play that much as he ran them along Hylota's body, as soon as he stopped touching the mark and moved to her shoulders and chest he entered territory that had no heightened sensitivity and Hylota just ignored it as she focused on her humping and oral stimulation as she twisted and twirled her tongue about and pushed Lucan to his climax. And as it happened Hylota opened her dark eyes and looked up to Lucan as he tried to warn her about the sheer volume there would be and she smiled around his cock as she felt she could handle anything he could dish out.

As Lucan rached his climax and blew his load, Hylota was slightly shocked how much thee was as she quickly felt her cheeks filled up and swell as her mouth was filled to capacity. Acting Quickly Hylota began to swallow he cum and pressed Lucan deeper into her mouth a back to her throat to allow him to pump his load directly into her stomach. All the while Hylota kept massaging Lucan's balls with her hand as she tried to keep his load flowing as her eyes fluttered shut as she felt her pussy beginning to spasm as she brought herself to a small climax by humping Lucan's foot. Hr sexual juices dripping out all over Lucann's foot as she rode out her climax.

Re: DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.]

Reply #24
His breath hissing through his teeth, the sensations were intense - the unbearably constricted, wet heat of the Ovri's mouth made all the better by the way her pheromones were affecting him. Lucan's eyes fell shut and his hips kept rocking in synchronisation with Hylota's lips going back and forth up and down my cock. His balls had contracted into their firing position; the pressure building up; muscles throughout his body starting to tense. Hylota had continued despite his warning, chirping in delight as she undulated her lower body against the back of his foot - knowing that he was building up to a rapidly approaching climax. He did his best to rub her sex for her, yet she made up for his shortcomings by the lithe way her aroused body moved.

The end was rapidly arriving. Lucan felt his head fall back, eyes closed, mouth open - his chiselled features tense as though in pain. His breath was rasping forth from him shallowly as his hips twitched, his body wrecked with sporadic trembling. He stopped breathing. He felt the orgasm hit, the joyous euphoria arriving. Hylota continued to bob her head swiftly, sucking firmly each time she reared back. His hands found the sides of her head, his thumbs on her mark. Gasping hard, he felt himself filling Hylota's mouth full of hot semen. She had trouble at first, but she swallowed it down, taking his cock as far back into her throat as she could. The remaining gushes of cum hit the back of her oral cavity, and he groaned tightly through his release.

When he opened his eyes, the office was spinning slightly from the incredible sensation. He opened them just in time to hear her voice her own climax, and feel her gushing her alien secretions against the back of his foot. He was panting from the ordeal, and his cock felt raw as it was twitching between her lips, and thankfully, the thing inside had not chosen to steal his body and turn his weakness into his own chance to murder the Hylota like it had the last time. Perhaps it had learned something, or perhaps it was not as intrigued by the Ovri as it had been the first time. Either way, Lucan was grateful that Hylota's pheromones and his own desire for her had not posed a complication for his plans.

If anything, they shared a mutual guilt in what they were doing again, and the silent accord concerning Patrick Andersson's body. The situation was under control, even if sex with the Ovri was anything but controlled. Hence the allure, Lucan thought in the immediate aftermath, while Hylota was still riding out her climax upon his bare foot. Could she be my means to remain sane... My anchor, now that Eve Jenkins is gone?

"You are incredible," he said unevenly, chuckling as he stroked her head and her mark with a tattooed hand - looking down upon her where she was enjoying herself underneath his desk. "I hope I have alleviated some of your urgent needs as well, and that while I could not finish that ovulation inhibitor in time, I can do some things to help you through these comings weeks."

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