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Topic: Day 27 [17:30 hrs.] Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan! (Read 2267 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 27 [17:30 hrs.] Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan!

CPO Sithick | Klingon Recreation Deck | Aldea Prime Shipyards

Sithick stood inside the station turbolift. He was not prepared for what awaited him on the other side. It had been over 5 years since he had stepped foot on a Klingon station, not since the Dominion War. Then he was a jeghpu'wI, a conquered people. The smell/taste of the air sent a flood of memories back to him. They were hard memories, memories that he had worked hard to suppress. He had turned down every invite to go on shore leave with the rest of the crew while the Theurgy was under repair. Mainly because he wanted to focus on his work, his promotion came with new responsibilities, and he wanted to make sure he could fulfill the task. But deep down, Sithick knew that there was an underlying cause. He wanted to avoid the Klingons.

Not an easy task since Jaya's promotion and room reassignment. Sithick's new roommate was a gift from "The Great Father," sent as punishment for some misdeed he must have committed in his past. Chief MacGregor was not only female, a gender Sithick was not prepared to share space with after so many relationship failures, but she was also a Klingon. From what he could tell from their first contact, she was all Klingon.

Sithick's thoughts were interrupted by the door chime and rapid pounding on the doors in front of him. He must have subconsciously pressed the turbolift hold button as a way to prolong his journey. It had been the frequent presence of MacGregor that kept reminding him of his time as a Klingon servitor. They worked together. They roomed together. She was constantly present at some point in his day. Even when she wasn't present, her scent/taste lingered in the space she recently occupied. That along with the frequent presence of Klingon technicians helping with repairs meant it was only a matter of time before Sithick encountered it.

He had noticed it faintly one day and the craving started to grow exponentially with each passing day. Today he could resist it no longer, bIreQtagh or bregit lung. One of the few things he missed from serving the Klingons, the food. Federation replicators couldn't compete with the carnivorous delight of Klingon cuisine. The temptation of sinking his teeth into a fresh plate of Klingon meat finally convinced him to remove his uniform and don his leather civilian attire.

Another rap on the doors and Sithick released the lock. The two Klingons on the other side stepped back wide-eyed at the sight of Sithick. Gorn were not a common sight outside the Hegemony. "ghor'Ingan!" they exclaimed.

"nusssqnessssH," Sithick attempted to respond in Klingon. Even with his universal translator the usual Klingon greeting came out slurred. "nussshhhqDasssq 'osssH Qe' ssshhhQassshhhQ'e'" He watched as the Klingon paired tried to parse what he said. Their final response was to laugh and walk away, abandoning their journey into the turbolift.

Giving out a low rumbled growl, Sithick stuck out his tongue in a quick flick and tasted the air. It was all he needed, food was in that direction. Sithick hoped his dinner would be easy enough to obtain. Klingon mess halls were not known for being peaceful and according to the station directory he was about to enter the Klingon Recreation Complex. The Klingons idea of recreation typically involved combat. Sithick was not in the mood for a fight.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 27 [17:30 hrs.] Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan!

Reply #1
CPO Sithick | Klingon Recreation Deck | Aldea Prime Shipyards

Sithick followed the scent directly to the nearest Klingon bar. The room reeked of bloodline, warnog, and a conglomeration of Klingon mixology. The clientele consisted of mostly Klingons, many consuming this or that various of gagh, a dish Sithick had become used to about the Roc'tar but not one he craved. Like his predator ancestors, he was on the hunt for something with more meat.

Reaching the bar, Sitick slams his massive right fist on the counter. Those nearest him turn to star as he gives his demand. "BIrrrre Qtaaagh" Federation standard was difficult enough to speak unaided, Klingon was almost impossible.

The bartender didn't have time for Sithick's difficulties. "Bah.... Who let this giant petaQ durani lizard in? Was it you Kor'Nel? You know I don't allow pets in here! Not since that Tar Chop infestation you caused. Take it away!"

Two muscular Klingons grabbed Sithick by the shoulders and attempted to carry him out. With a shrug, Sithick brushed them off.

"No petsss am I. Sssithick, Ssstarfleetsss Offissser. Come heresss to eatsss." the universal translator finally beginning to decipher the Gorn accented Klingon Sithick spoke.

The two Klingons were joined by two more in an effort to remove the Gorn. The server held a hand up to pause them in their herculean task. "Very well, but first you must prove yourself worthy. I only serve the most honorable warriors "Blerg Taag." the bartender responded, mocking Sithick's speech. "Go one round with my champion S'Lotlh and I'll present you with the best "Blerg Taag" you have ever had."

Someone at the end of the bar yelled in response to that... "It will be the last "Blerg Taag" you ever have." A round of laughter filled the room until the bartender pulled out his d'k tahg and gave them all an evil look. The room quieted and then began to chant "S'Lotlh...... S'Lotlh........ S'Lotlh!!!"

"What do you say Ghor'Ingan? Are you honorable enough to dine with Klingons? "

Sithick paused and let out a low rumble in his chest. Thinking what his best course of action should be. He did not want to fight, but these Klingons were going to make him dance for his dinner.

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna


Re: Day 27 [17:30 hrs.] Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan!

Reply #2
CPO Sithick | Klingon Recreation Deck | Aldea Prime Shipyards @Stegro88

A slow rumble built up in Sithick's throat. He wanted to eat, not participate in Klingon games. "Verrriesss wellsss. I'sss expects tankarrrdsss of bloodssswinesss uponsss my victorrriesss."

"If you last a full minute with S'Lotlh I'll give you a barrel of my finest. 2309." the Klingon behind the bar bosted.

The room parted creating a path for Sithick to cross toward the Ha'batlh Arena. As he navigated across the deck, Sithick could hear the cheering of the crowd that quickly closed the gap behind him. It seemed that these Klingons were bored of watching warrior after warrior fight and were ready for some real entertainment. For Sithick this was just a reminder of his times as a Klingon servitor, forced into challenge after challenge from Klingon after Klingon that felt that they could take down a Gorn in hand to hand combat. Each trying to live out some personal James T. Kirk death match wet dream. Like those before it, this match would be over in soon after it started.

Stepping into the Ha'batlh Arena, Sithick watched as the seats around it quickly filled to capacity. He secretly hoped that none of the crew of the Theurgy was present but knew that one way or another word of this would reach them in time. Starfleet called what was about to happen hand to hand combat readiness training. For the Klingons, it was fun. Sithick could hear the sounds of bets being made, and more and more not in his favor. Who was this S'Lotlh?

As if fate had heard his question, a diminutive figure entered the ring opposite Sithick. It had to be one of the shortest Klingons he had ever seen. Sithick was aware that genetic defects existed in most sentient races including genes regarding height. The miniature Klingon passed no threat to Sithick. This would be a very short fight.

Sithick was prepared to square off when the Klingon spoke to the crowd.

"Warriors of the Empire! As many of you know greatness and honor in this ring can only be earned by victorious combat!"

The Klingon had to pause as he was interrupted by loud cheers.

Raising his hands, the Klingon managed to silence them. "And there is no one greater and more honorable than the undefeated colossus we know as S'Lotlh!" The crowd once more erupted into cheers, this time with a chant of S'Lotlh!.

Once the crowd settled once more the Klingon continued. "To think he was once considered the runt of his House." A few in the crowd laughed at that. "He has a combat record filled with notable honor. He once defeated a Mugato barehanded. He served with distinction in the Dominion War taking on cadre after cadre of Jem'Hadar soldiers. And let us not forget the time he overcame a pack of grishnar cats." The crowd started to chant again.

Sithick began to wonder if the short Klingon wasn't S'Lotlh who was. His answer was soon revealed when a towering figure of near 8-foot stature, taller than the average Gorn. Entering with a roar, garnering the volume of the crowd to increase even more. "S'Lotlh! S'Lotlh! S'Lotlh!"

"Warriors, select your weapons! To the victor goes the honor!"

S'Lotlh quickly grabbed a batleth from the rank on his side of the circle. "I will gut you like a serpent eel green skin!," he said spitting drool.

Sithick did not respond save for flicking his tongue to taste/smell the air. It was clouded with the musk of so many Klingons and it was difficult to determine which one was S'Loth's. Regardless there was no fear among them. Glancing at his weapon options, Sithick picked up two mek'leths and took up a fighting stance.

"Pathetic petaQ!" S'Lotlh rushed forward to attack.

Sithick was pleased that Klingon environmental settings were ideal for Gorn physiologies. The heat made the Gorn's reflexes quick, the subdued lighting increased his visual acuity. Like a matador from an old Terran bullfighting holoprogram, Sithick sidestepped the attack. Yet the successful dodge, S'Lotlh was quicker than Klingons Sithick had faced before, he had quickly recovered from the Gorn's feint and was pressing the attack again.

Sithick barely managed to throw his mek'leths up to stopped S'Lotlh's batleth from decapitating him. "We don't pull punches here Ghor'Ingan! We fight for honor. To quote the Jem'Hadar I defeated before you, 'Victory is Life!"

And so it was for the next minute and a half. Attack and counter-attack. Defense and Offense. Sithick and S'Lotlh were roughly evenly matched. The question of victory would depend on whose stamina gave out first. That would be determined toward the end of minute two of the intense sparing. In a final barbaric rage to end the battle that went on far longer than S'Lotlh thought it should he swung wildly catching Sithick off guard severing two fingers off his left hand causing him to drop one of his mek'leths.

The audience roared with applause for their champion. The sound in addition to the pain emanating from his hand triggered an instinctual part of Sithick's brain, a part of his brain that had been honed by the Syndicate in an effort to train elite soldiers and assassins. Sithick's slitted pupils snapped into focus on S'Lotlh. His tongue flicking rapidly honing in on the Klingon's scent. What was indistinguishable in the beginning was overwhelmingly obvious after minutes of fighting. The Gorn's lips began to curl revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth.

"That got your attention! Maybe now you'll put up a real fight!"

Sithick threw the mek'leth in his right hand to the ground. "Rrrealsss warrriorrrsss don'tsss needsss weapons, theysss arrresss weaponsss!" Sithick hoped the Klingon would call his challenge.

"Very well!" S'Lotlh tosses his batleth.

Equally disarmed both combatants lunged at each other initiating a grapple. Sithick and S'Lotlh bear-hugged each other in an effort to gain an advantage. S'Lotlh had a slight height advantage and was beginning to push Sithick toward the edge of the circle. But Sithick had a strategic advantage S'Lotlh had overlooked. Sithick wanted to make sure that this was the last time any of the Klingons present would challenge him, especially when he was hungry.

Seconds before he would have been pushed out of bounds, Sithick flexed his toes and sank a claw into each of S'Lotlh's feet. The pain it caused forced S'Lotlh to loosen his hold providing the opening Sithick needed for his next move. Using the full force of his neck muscles, Sithick jerked his head forward and up into S'Lotlh windpipe forcing the giant Klingon to stumble back gasping for breath. With the fight now in his favor, Sithick began swinging punch after punch until S'Lotlh was flat on his back on the ground.

Sithick pounced at this snapping his jaws with loud click beside S'Lotlh's head. It would have clearly been a killing blow had he done so over the Klingon's jugular. "Therrre isss nothingsss ssshameful in fallingsss beforrre a sssuperrriorrr enemy andsss therrre isss no honorrr in attackingsss the weaksss. Agrrreedsss?" Sithick whispered into S'Loth's ear.

S'Lotlh hesitated in responding. Finally taking a deep labored breath and through gritted teeth, he responded, "Agreed."

With the matter of honor resolved, Sithick stood and examined his bleeding hand. Tearing off a strip of leather from his pants he wrapped it to prevent the bleeding. The regenerative nature of his reptilian DNA would heal his hand and in time regrow his missing digits. An inconvenient price for his dinner but with victory came the spoils and in this case, it was a barrel of 2309 bloodline. Perhaps his new roommate would be interested in helping to consume it.

As Sithick left the Ring of Honor he could hear the crowds chant. "Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan!"

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

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