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Topic: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations (Read 3231 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari/Arn | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Go to sickbay, they said. It's just a standard checkup, they said. Oh how wrong they were on that front. He'd been on this ship for 6 days now and this new assignment absoultely sucked so far. First it had started with him in jail, that was fun. Then he was chased half way around Aldea's streets by a somewhat psychotic yet horny security officer and now he had a damn worm in his gut.

A worm that apparently wanted to be inside him about as much as he wanted it to be, which was to say not at all. Oh he'd done the research into the joining when he was a kid, despite the fact he'd had absolutely zero intention of being joined but if you were chosen for selection, you were chosen for selection. That combined with the indoctrination about how joining was a true honour and vital to the Trill life and blah blah blah   he knew all about it. So he'd known that some joinings didn't work and that a symbiont could reject a host or the other way around, he didn't know he wasn't a doctor but he knew it was a thing that could happen. He of course had never expected to deal with it since he's responce to being joined would have always been "Uh no way in hell thank you very much."

The thing about having opinions like is that it usually ends with life deciding to kick you in the balls and giving you that very thing you don't want, which is what led him to his current situation. Of course the only symbiont in stasis would start dying at the exact time he was in Sickbay and of course he just so happened to be the only Trill avaliable to undergo the procedure and of course it would end up nearly killing him in the process, because again life likes to kick people in the balls.

Six days. That's how long he'd been stuck in here now. Granted the first three of them he'd mostly been unconcious walking that fine line between life and death, which to be honest he was kinda glad he'd missed but still. The following three days hadn't exactly been sunshine and rainbows as the Humans would say. He'd been told they'd mostly managed to calm the worm down or whatever the hell it was they did to avoid rejection, to be honest he hadn't entirely been listening.

In his defence however that was due to him being flooded with several hundred years worth of memories flooding his mind that he 100% knew weren't his and yet sure as hell felt like they were, that was one hell of a mind fuck. One that was still going on now to the point he wasn't entirely sure it wouldn't end up driving him mad. This is why potential hosts went through the training they did, so they could handle this stuff. It was also why he was entirely the wrong choice for it but here he was. Or was it here they were? The worm was a seperate entity in it's own right with it's own lifesigns, biology, brainwaves and yet being a symbiont the two became one so what was it? He didn't know and in the end it probably didn't matter, he was what he was.

Today, like the last few days he'd mostly been silent, lost in his own head, only really talking to the medical staff whenever they asked how he was doing whenever they came by to poke, prod and scan him to make sure the worm wasn't going to randomly decide to try and kill him again. Which was always fun.

Somewhere in the outskirts of his mind he heard someone say something that snapped him out of his current train of thought. "Huh?" he said, snapping his head to the right, seeing the rather beautiful blonde haired Doctor standing beside his bed. He vaguely remembered seeing her walking around sickbay every now and then although if he'd spoken to her before or not he couldn't quite remember the last few days being what they were. What was her name again? Uh Rad? Rev? Red? No it wouldn't be red you idiot. It was something like that though...Rez! That was it. Sounds like a joined name, if so at least he wondered if she was one of the ones who helped convince the worm to not kill him? Focus and say something fool! he thought in quick succession.

"Sorry Doc, I was lost in my own world for a while there, did you say something?"

Re: Day 15 - [0930 Hours] Trials and Trillations

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

After completing her rounds, Rez had been asked to consult a certain patient called Zaryn Arn. Having read up on the patient's chart, she had been surprised to read that Zaryn had been linked up with a symbiont after the stasis fields around the former Arn's host had started to show vital distress signs. She had heard about the case, yet hadn't been available to perform the surgery. The fact that Zaryn had been in Sickbay this long would have to show that things hadn't been transitioned swimmingly or perhaps that the joiningh ad brought in more complications than expected.

Stepping into the room in her teal skirted uniform, she read the last few entries in the PADD before announcing her presence "Lieutneant Zaryn Arn?" she asked, using the symbiont's name deliberately to see if it would cause any reaction from the joining. She herself had been joined only recently with the Rez symbiont. A joining that had been proving full of risk considering the faulty joining of the Rez symbiont with Edena Lal.

In her case however, there didn't seem to be a mismatched joining where one host would usurp control over the body of the host. On the other hand, the joining had not been perfect either as most memories and key details of certain hosts had still been locked away it seemed. Amelya had considered doing the Trill ritual that had been co noted with Trill joining. Time however had not been at her side to execute the ritual and thus she simply continued with her work as good as she could.

The reaction of Zaryn had been somewhat curious as he simply snapped his head towards her direction. Not exactly agreeing or identifying himself as Zaryn Arn. She kept looking at him with a curious look on her features before the man seemed to just stare at her while sunken in thoughts. She was about to rephrase her opening line once more before Zaryn opened his mouth and apologized for not replying properly. When asked if she had said something she nodded "Just asked for your identity lieutenant." she clarified, curious to see what he'd reply.

Upon hearing his reply she nodded "How are you feeling? Any discomfort after the joining?" she asked as she stepped closer and placed her hand against his wrist to feel his pulse manually. It was technically an obsolete way of examining, though the cool skin of the Trill was a welcome change from the generally warmer skin of Terrans.

Re: Day 15 - [0930 Hours] Trials and Trillations

Reply #2
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari/Arn | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Looking up at the Doctor from his bed he forced himself to focus on her and what she was saying and nodded "Zaryn Kola..." he started saying before cutting himself off and frowning "....well I guess it's Arn now isn't it?" he somewhat stated and asked in once sentence. "That gonna take some getting used to." he added, more to himself than anything before giving her a smile. "So uh yet Lieutenant Zaryn Arn, that's me. Nice to meet you Doctor..." the Trill replied, leaving the opening for her to introduce herself properly.

Upon her own reply she asked him how he was feeling and if there was any discomfort post joining causing him to smile a mischevious grin at her "Well I suppose that's a matter of perspective Doc, I mean the first three days it sounded like I was on death's door from what I was told, so compared to that I guess I'm doing pretty good in comparison." he told her. Of course he also knew that she'd want more than that causing him to shrug "I get the odd bout of nausea every now and then but other than that not much and that's slowly gotten better over the last day or so." the spy added then smiled "Then again I'm not a Doctor, so shouldn't I be asking you that question?"

Pausing a moment, he chuckled and shook his head "If you're asking how I'm feeling mentally then that...that is a different matter entirely." he muttered, although he didn't expand on it any further. The woman was a physician after all, not a psychologist and even if she was Zaryn wasn't entirely sure if he'd ever stop if got going on what was going through his mind and the poor Doctor would probably not want to deal with that for the next few hours.

Re: Day 15 - [0930 Hours] Trials and Trillations

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

It was rather amusing to see that the man on his biobed choose his old name before correcting himself to his new name. She had to smile as he mentioned that he'd have to get used to it. A slight nod was given at his new response and as he fished for her name she answered with a smirk "Rez. Lieutenant Amelya Rez, formerly Duv." she entered a few things in the PADD before placing the device aside and leaning forward to check his pupils and wound dressing.

Physically Zaryn complained of slight nausea that seemed to be passing by and Amelya felt around his abdominal region before seeming to be content with the result "You're indeed in good health, considering the circumstances." she answered him with a wink before taking her PADD back in her hands and inserting some new data "The first few days always seem crucial, I've been joined recently myself and turns out I had been in coma for quite a while." she shared with the Trill in front of her.

As he spoke of the mental aspect, she looked more concerned, yet her facial features softened as she gave a nod "I can understand I think, although... Most of my memories from my previous hosts are still locked or hidden away from me. Perhaps because the correct rituals hadn't been followed or perhaps because the joining with the former host had been faulty. Regardless, from what I've managed to look up in the databases, you should have been overwhelmed with prior memories and feelings that feel alien as they aren't truly yours, yet are yours now in a way." she spoke up before smiling and shaking a head "Which in some cases, when one is not Trill would be considered to be a psychiatric disorder."

The Trill finished up on her notes before looking back to Zaryn "I think lieutenant Arn, that you're ready for discharge." she broke the news to him as she gauged for his reaction "Would there be anything else lieutenant?" she asked further after having heard his reaction.

Re: Day 15 - [0930 Hours] Trials and Trillations

Reply #4
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari/Arn | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Smiling Zaryn gave the blonde a nod "Nice to meet you Doctor Rez." he replied as she tapped a few things onto her PADD before leaning forward to check his pupils and wound dressing. Pretty standard Doctor stuff he thought.

When she told him that he was in good health considering the circumstances he couldn't help but chuckle "Well that's good to hear. I risk my life often enough don't get me wrong but going out laying on a biobed is not how I want to go out, that's too boring." he replied with a grin. Still when she said that she too was recently joined he felt a little better that he wasn't the only one.

The look of concern that crossed her face before they softened slightly almost had him going to reassure her that he would be fine, even if he wasn't entirely sure if that would be the case. However that quickly went away when she started talking about her own experience or somewhat lack of. He'd never heard of host and symbiont memories not being shared before, not that he'd admittedly done much research into it but given how big of a deal joining was for the Trill it certainly seemed like something unusual.

"Well It's nice to know I'm not the only newly joined Trill on this ship, although given the starship crash sized mess in my head right now you might be better off having those memories locked for now, the "traditional" way isn't really fun." he told her and nodded when she mentioned being overwhelemd with memories and feelings that aren't yours but are. "Oh yeah that's something alright. I can distinctly remember attending an opera on Telos IV and enjoying myself quite well. Only thing is I wasn't even born then. Having memories of lives I know I didn't live and yet remember them as if I did, while at the same time vividly remembering my actual life is very...disconcerting. I get now why potential hosts go through years of training before being joined."

Shaking his head as he realised he'd gone off on a little bit of a tangent, he smiled somewhat shyly "Sorry it's a lot to process." he said before she informed him that he was read for discharge. Finally! he thought and glanced down at his gut where his new worm resided [color]crimson]"Ah so you've finally decided to stop trying to kill me huh? Appreciate that."[/color] he said before she asked if there would be anything else.

"Is there anything I should look out for over the next few days? Symptoms of rejection or anything that just screams get your ass back to sickbay? I will admit I never really had much interest in becoming joined so beyond the stuff all Trill have to learn about joining I have no idea what it entails." he asked.  

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

As the man before her mentioned that going out on a biobed was far too boring, she had to chuckle "I don't know really... Most people end up on biobeds before they die... Unless..." she paused for a second to collect her thoughts it seemed as if something had come to mind.

She had to smile when he mentioned what a clutter it had caused in his head. The particular memory that had come too mind for him had been most interesting to hear. She nodded as she had a couple of memories herself that she distinctly remembered, yet not had lived by, not at least in her life. Some of Kiya's memories had come to mind much easier as they were medically inclined. Conflicting thoughts about things she had learned in the Academy medically wise, things that had been rendered obsolete but felt all to natural.

His apology about it being a lot to process was waved off by the doctor "Oh, not at all. I know how it feels from time to time. Not as overwhelming as it was with you perhaps." she answered before looking him in his eyes "I mean... If you'd like we could try and dig up the specifics for the Trill ritual when one is joined? she suggested "I've not had the time or need to do so for myself, but now that we're with two, perhaps the time to do it properly is now?" she suggested.

As he asked if there was something to look out for, she shook her head "No, simply come back when you feel ill or when you think something is wrong with the symbiont. It's somewhat uncharted territory for me, just basing on what I've learned in the books." she admitted "Though once the joining is complete, there have been very few cases where anything goes wrong." she assured him with a warm and vibrant smile "Would there be anything else I could do for you lieutenant?"

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #6
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari/Arn | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Sat on the biobed, he watched the Doctor as she spoke, starting to say that most people ended up on biobeds before they died and was going to say something esle before taking a pause, giving him the opportunity to smirk and interject "Perhaps that's true but in my line of work it's generally not the way it goes." he said, which was true. The life of a spy was a dangerous one that had a lot of playing chicken with death moments or as some recruiters he knew phrased it "A career of high risk enounters" which was a nicely worded way of saying every day could well be your last.

As their conversation continued, he noticed the way she smiled when he mentioned the memory he remembered and smiled back, he supposed on some level it was somewhat funny. The thing that seemed to bring him comfort though wasn't the smile, but her nod of understanding, it gave him some comfort to know he wasn't the only person who'd had to deal with...or he supposed more accurately to some extent was also dealing with this new life change as well.

Zaryn gave her a smile and a nod of thanks at her understanding but was admittedly a little suprised when she asked if he would like to dig up the specifics for the Trill ritual when one is joined but found himself nodding. "I'd like that, like you said now that we're with two we should do things properly. Although I do wonder why we don't already have that knowledge considering it's clearly not the first time the Symbiont has been through it." he said, although it was more a worded through than an actual question. "Well in my case at least since I apparently got all my memories at once..." he added before pausing and snorting a chuckle as he looked at her "I just said my memories didn't I? I mean they are my memories now I guess, but they aren't yet they are...." he said before cutting himself off and shaking his head, as if to banish that train of though. "Careful Zaryn that's a circle of thought you don't want to get stuck in, will drive yourself crazy."

Shaking his head again to focus, he remembered the good doctor was still standing there look at him and grinned "If I may ask, I'm finding it disconcerting dealing with all these memories that aren't mine but are but I always knew that was part of the price of being joined. I imagine it much equally as disconcerting to know you should have more memories than you do yet not have them?" he asked, admittedly curious what it was like on the other side of the memory having fence.

When she told him to simply come back if he felt ill or when he thought something was wrong with the Symbiont he nodded "WIll do Doc, although it's good to know there's few things where anything goes wrong once joining is complete...apart from rejection that is and hey I've already been through that so there you go." he grinned back at her. When she asked him if there was anything else she could do for him, he shook his head. "Not that I can think of. Just let me know when you're free to start our little research project and I'll be there."  

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

As Zaryn mentioned that in his line of work it would not be the way that he ended up dying on a biobed. She had wondered what exactly he did as his medical records only showed him as a command/tactical officer. Perhaps he meant that being a tactical officer would greatly increase his risk of dying. A slight stir in the back of her head made her wonder if he was an intelligence officer, like Donna was. Her experience with intelligence officers had been... Interesting to say the least. Though she felt like she knew more about the covert branch of Starfleet for some reason, perhaps it was the Rez symbiont that gave her more insight or a more soothing feeling about it all.

"Well, perhaps we do have the memories, mine are blocked mostly so... Unless you know so from the Arn symbiont, we might have to do some research." she answered him "Plus, I think the symbiont will only have memories of undergoing the ritual right? Since you have all your memories." she asked him with a smile. She had to laugh as the man on the bed caught himself calling the symbiont's memories his and she nodded as he corrected himself a couple of times and tried to keep his head sane "I suppose that accepting the situation as it is will be the best course of action. otherwise, you might indeed find yourself overthinking and disassociating your core person."  she said with slight concern.

As he asked her if it was disconcerting to have a little to no memories from the symbiont, she nodded "Yes, very peculiar. It feels like I'm having blackouts on some parts of my memory. As if I remember there should be stuff there, yet I can't remember. Sometimes things look familiar and memories would come to the tip of my tongue, yet won't get filled in. At times though, memories wash over me. Which causes for slight shock at times." she sighed as she looked down at her PADD. Some of the memories she had to unlock had to deal with Jona Rez's antics at the Starbase. The message he had spread and the reason why, those memories were still locked away tightly though. On the other hand she had gotten various other memories of Edena and Kiya, a few from Illya but nothing to say that she lived their lives. "I have to admit that it feels... Annoying and troubling to not remember stuff."

"I'll see when I can make some room in my schedule. I'll let you know lieutenant." she smiled with a nod to him. She turned around and made her way to the door before she stopped and turned her head slightly over to him "If you do need someone to talk to about the memory issues, let me know as well Zaryn."

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #8
Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari/Arn | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

As Zaryn listened to the good doctor speak he tried to pick through the mass of new memories he had for any on the ritual and could pick out bits and pieces but nothing really concrete they could use or explain away what might be going on and shook his head "I remember the odd thing or two about going through the ritual...well a ritual at least I assume it's the same one but it's a bit of a blur at the moment. I know it's in there but it's all jumbled up with other memories I think. It feels like my brains filing system is out of order at the moment, hopefully everything will end up in the right place eventually, it's very disconcerting." he replied. Still the Trill couldn't help but nod in agreement at accepting their situation as it is and chuckled "Well Doc right now I'm not entirely sure who my core person is anymore, I used to but now I feel off, like I'm me but I'm not me so if that's disassociating or not I have no idea but I don't think I'm going to crazy and starting bouncing of the walls or anything." he added with a smirk.

As Amelya described what it felt like to have the blackouts he found himself nodded in understanding "I've had a few concussions that felt similar when it came to short memory loss so I know how you feel in that regard, although admittedly it's not exactly the same thing since I at least knew the reason I couldn't remember certain things." he said before frowning and looking up at her with a smirk "Granted that reason was traumatic brain injury but still...when they started randomly started flashing back in it was quite the shock."

Watching as she sighed and looked down at her PADD he couldnt help but feel sympathy for her, while his own mass dump of new memories had been confusing the hell out of him, deep down a part of him knew that it was at least somewhat normal, which was a comfort. Much like he knew that her lack of memories was certainly something not entirely normal for a joining although he couldn't say why he knew or if there was a solution, perhaps once his brain had processed all the new memories he'd have something. He was brought out of his own thoughts when he heard her admit that it was both annoying and troubling to not remember stuff. "I'm sure it is but there has to be a reason for it, even if we don't know what it is off the top of our heads, especially if the Rez symbiont is healthy, perhaps the ritual will help when you eventually do it, or during our eventual research we'll find out causes or at the very least other instances of this happening during a joining and can go from there."  he told her with a smile.

He gave her a nod when she told him that she would make some room in her schedule and let him know and smiled "Looking forward to it Doc." he said. As she turned and made her way to the door, he hopped off the biobed, since he had been given the all clear to leave he was more than ready to get out of sickbay and take in a different set of walls. When she stopped and turned back to look at him, he smiled "Thanks Doc I appreciate it and uh the same goes for you if you want to talk. We might be on opposite ends of the memory issue scale but you know..." he said with a smile. 

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Whetstone lounge| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

It had been two days since she had discharged Zaryn Arn from Sickbay. The two of them hadn't run into one another since then, nor did they manage to communicate to one another. As many things in Amelya's life, there was a problem with following things up. Though she always intended for the best and such, time never really seemed to be on her side when she actually wanted to push those ideas through. Today for example had been one of those days, she had worked her shift in Sickbay yet lingered longer than she should as she had some appointments and follow ups with crewmembers that had left her going for a few hours post shift.

On the way back to her quarters she decided to make a stop in the whetstone lounge. The lounge offered the possibility for a snack and a drink which was exactly what the doctor would've ordered for herself after skipping lunch this afternoon. She took residency by the bar itself and placed her order as she cracked her neck a little and let herself unwind from the day. She rubbed the back of her neck and looked at the other occupants of the lounge as she crossed her legs, tugging at the skirt slightly to keep it in place as she straightened her uniform as the barkeep delivered her drink.

She nipped from the beverage as her eyes kept moving over the present people. Attention drawn to the new guest that entered the lounge. The man easily recognizable as Zaryn Arn. She waved over at him when she caught him looking her direction. If he were alone perhaps they could share a meal, if he was meeting someone they could just say hello to one another and perhaps follow up on that idea to look up the ritual which came with a traditional Trill joining. Then again, she wasn't going to run ahead with ideas, perhaps the man would have lost interest in the latter subject. Either way, Zaryn was easy on the eyes and a fellow Trill so it was always nice to have a small chat.

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #10
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

After being cooped up in Sickbay for nearly a week, Zaryn had enjoyed the change of scenery the last two days. Granted that change had just been a different part of the ship but it was a welcome change. That being said his life was one big series of changes nowadays. First there was the whole being joined thing, that was an experience. He was still remembering memories from his...Arn's past lives, some good, some bad but he still hadn't gone crazy so that was a good sign. He'd also noticed a few personality changes that he hadn't done before. It had started small at first, like the way he now popped his neck from side to side, that was new, something he'd evidently picked up from one his previous hosts, it was a somewhat interesting thing that made him wonder what else would change.

Beyond the personal adjustments he was also adjusting to life on a starship again, it had been a long time since he had been confined to a ship instead of being planetside, not to mention being himself and not another cover identy, it was somewhat disconcerting to not pretend to be somebody else, a fact that both amused and worried him slightly, after all the one thing you should be comfrortable with was yourself, still that was the life of a spy he supposed, especially after ending a deep cover assignment, that awkward transition period back to being oneself. Of course in Zaryn's case, he'd spent so long pretending to be other people he wasn't really sure who the real Zaryn was anymore and that was before the joining, now with this new personality and memories of his he really didn't know who he was, what the predicament to find oneself it.

Finally there was the fact that he still didn't really know what his job was around here, as an Intelligence Officer there wasn't currently much for him to do, he certainly wasn't the Chief Intelligence Officer, not that this ship currently had one of those, in fact he was pretty sure he was currently the only one aboard and even then he was an undercover operative not a paper pusher so what the hell was he doing here?

Having spent the last two days trying to figure all that stuff out and coming up with very little, he decided that the best course of action was to drink, that would help and as luck would have it this ship had two of them. He'd decided on the Whetstone Lounge as his destination as it seemed as though the other one was more for the TAC CONN pilots, which was fair enough, he'd heard about them and what riskes they faced, if anybody deserved their own bar it was those guys.

Making his way into the bar, he looked around trying to find a place to sit when he spotted the cute blonde Doctor from a few days ago. Amelya his mind reminded him and evidently it seemed as though she had spotted him too based on the fact she was waving him over. Being alone and not at all adverse to the company of a beautiful woman and his potential research buddy and fellow newly joined Trill there was no way he was turning down that invitation and made his way over to her.

"Hey Doc it's nice to see you again, especially out of Sickbay, don't take it the wrong way but I think I've had my share of that place for a while." he said with a warm smile. "How have you been? No more implant emergencies or anything I hope. As memorable a welcome aboard as my joning was, I wouldn't recommend you make it a new tradition." he added with another grin. 

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Whetstone lounge| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

"It is nice to see you as well mister Arn." she answered, deliberately using his new surname on him as she had to admit that it quite fitted him. She had to laugh as he had mentioned that he was happy to not have met her in Sickbay and she nodded understandingly as she gestured to the seat besides her for him to take a seat. She looked into his eyes as he asked how she had been and she shrugged lightly "Nothing special, work and relaxation are in balance at the moment, which is a welcome change than just work." she offered him before she looked at the bartender "So no, I haven't implanted anyone with new hosts if you must know. If I did though, we might be able to start a club for Trill rituals." she joked and snickered a little before taking a sip from her drink.

She looked back to Zaryn as she thought about it for a moment yet asked regardless "I have ordered myself a meal just a few minutes ago. Would you like to join me for it?" she suggested, not sure if the man had anywhere else to be or had other obligations to attend to. If not, the two could perhaps talk without her having to see him as a patient. She still knew very little of Zaryn besides what she had learned from his medical graph. It never hurt to get to know more people.

"What about you? Any special intelligence stuff going on?" she asked with a slight smirk as she sipped again from her drink. She took  more relaxed posture as he sat there with her and let her eyes move over his features. Whilst he talked, she let her eyes wander over him subtly. Whilst she and Daniel were trying out dating, the Trill seemed to not be adverse to looking what other male figures roamed the ship. A thing Amelya Duv might not have done in the past, yet with the Rez symbiont, there were these small differences that usually went unnoticed to the blonde woman.

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #12
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

"Thanks and you can call me Zaryn if you like, I'm not used to mister Arn just yet." he smiled only to pause "Although I suppose people calling me it will help with that adjustment." he added although it was more a thought said aloud than part of the conversation. Shaking his head, he took the seat next to her when she offered it up to him and found her eyes meeting his as she spoke. "Well that's good, my own experience with balancing work and relaxation is flux you could say." Truth be told it tended to be either all work and not relaxation, all relaxation and no work or a strange combo of the two at the same time but never had there seemed to be a good harmony between them. "A club for Trill rituals eh? That would be one interesting club to say the least." he smiled, chuckling along with her.

At the offer to join her for a meal he smiled "I'd like that, would be shame for you to eat alone. Plus you're pretty much the only person I know on board at the moment." he said before his thoughts went to that security officer Dyan but that was...something and he'd not seen her since so who knew how that would have played out. Luckily he heard Amelya speak again which brought him out of his thought and grinned.

"What makes you think I'm in Intelligence? Command and Tactical wear the same red you know." he countered, deflecting the question although there was a definate sense of humour to the tone of his voice, making sure to have just enough to tease her with while leaving just enough sincerity mixed in to somewhat pass as a denial, albeit not as good an effect as he would have done were to actually try and deny his profession.

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Whetstone lounge| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

She had to snicker a little as he offered her to call him Zaryn instead of mister Arn. His logical deduction being called mister Arn made her laugh though as she nodded though didn't comment it further. He took his seat besides her and her eyes kept following his every action and move. She frowned a little as he mentioned that his own experience was mostly in flux between work and relaxation "In flux?" she asked further upon it.

Her joke about having a club for Trill rituals seemingly was met by amusement on his side and it made her smirk slightly. She gave a shrug with a wink before he seemed to be on board to share a meal with her. She let him order first before turning her attention back on him "You don't know anyone?" she asked somewhat surprised before looking back into his eyes "Well, you sort of know me now." she mused "Is it because you haven't found the time to socially interact with the rest of the crew or are you just a shy person?" she asked him curiously, adding a thought out loud of her own to that "Cause, you don't strike me as the shy kind of guy." she did wink to let him know it was more a teasing remark.

He asked her why she thought he was intelligence and she had to laugh a little as he attempted to deflect the question. The tone he said it though made it quite hard to distinguish if he was for real or just teasing her. Perhaps both. "Just a thought... Medical records are quite handy for that."  she winked at him "But don't worry Zaryn, your secret is safe with me." she nearly purred as she tapped his leg with her hand and poked her tongue out before laughing and feeling quite at ease around the man.

"Anyway, how has your day been?" she asked as she sipped from her drink and let him answer first before giving her own answer. She looked down for a second as she more seriously asked "Have you further considered what we talked about in Sickbay? About the joining ritual?" if he hadn't it wouldn't be a problem for her, though she had given it some further thought and was probably going to push through with it, whether he was on board for it or not.

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #14
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Zaryn had to admit to himself that he liked the sound of Amelya's laugh although it took him a minute or two to think about the last time he'd actually heard someone least in a humourous way and not a sadistic one it was quite a nice change. He also noticed how her eyes followed his every action and movement as he made it and wondered if one of her previous hosts was a spy or something because she was certainly observing him like one, perhaps he'd ask one day? Still his thoughts turned to her question about his own work and relaxation being in flux and grinned.

"Yeah well when you're a..." he started saying before pausing and made an exaggerated display of looking around to make sure nobody was listening in before leaning in closer to her to speak "...spy. he whispered before giving her a playful wink and leaning back in his chair "There's sometimes a lot more work than relaxation, other times there's more relaxation than work and sometimes you have to spend your day say lounging on a beach because that's where your target is, making it a bit of both so overall the balance between the two is often in flux." he answered, still smiling. "Then again maybe I'm just teasing you, who knows?" he added.

After ordering a relatively simple salad he nodded when she asked him, somewhat surprisedly that he didn't know anybody. "Not really. I mean my first day on board I started out as a prisoner in the brig, then I was implanted with the Symbiont which kept in unconcious for 3 days and under observation for another couple after that so I haven't really had much time to socialise." he said before pausing and frowning. "Well I mean technically you could say I'm acquainted with the crewmembers I kidnapped and locked in a cell down on Aldea and there's one Security officer I'm...famililar with." he added with a pause, thinking about Dyan and that whole crazy event before shaking his head. "But in terms of really knowing anybody not really." he added and smiled when she told him that she sort of knew her now "That I do and I look forward to getting to know you better as well." he added. Only to laugh a few moments later when she asked if it was because he was shy only to follow it up with a statement that he didn't strike her as a shy guy and shook his head "No not shy, I'd have made a terrible career choice if that were the case." he chuckled.

He kept his playful attitude up as she laughed in response to his questioning of why she thought he was in Intelligence and frowned "I highly doubt it would say spy in my medical record and if it did somebody's getting fired....assuming of course I was in Intelligence, which I am neither confirming or denying." he grinned. Deciding to play with her a little more when she told him that his secret was safe with her, he allowed the grin to drop from his face as he took on a serious expression and tone to his voice when he spoke "Well good otherwise I'd have to kill you." he told her, holding his serious face for a few seconds before snorting and laughing "Sorry I've always wanted to say that." he laughed before shaking his head "In all seriousness though you are correct although sadly I can't tell you many stories thought since most of them are either classified or "never officially happened." he added then grinned "Which is a real shame because those are the good ones."

"My day has been pretty good, mostly exploring the ship, getting a feel for the place and the layout. It's been....a long time since I served on a ship so that's an adjustment. Also been a while since I've been myself too thinking about it, of course I'm not really sure who myself is anymore since I got my new house guest." He answered watching as she seemed to look down away from him for a moment before asking him if he had considered what they had talked about in sickbay and nodded "I have and I'm up for it. It could help me understand a few things and come to terms with a few others that's great. If it doesn't however then at least we can hopefully help you and that would be good enough for me." he answered honestly. "What about you? Have you had any more thoughts on it?"

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Whetstone lounge| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Zaryn had a sense of humor which always scored well with Amelya. She had to laugh as he had leaned in to tell her he was a spy after exaggeratedly having looked around for any suspects. Whilst he did his best to cover up what role he had aboard the ship, he did give her hypothetical explanations like why pleasure and work seemed to be that far apart or unevenly balanced. The Trill doctor couldn't help but look amused at him and could understand what he meant as he put on his charade.

He also explained why he didn't know anyone aboard the ship and she listened intrigued to his story. Wondering why he had been placed in the brig in the first place. He did mention that he knew one of the crew members that worked in security, yet she didn't chase it down to find out who it was. He seemed to be quite keen on getting to know her better and she had to laugh as he mentioned he'd have made a terrible career choice if he were shy.

He kept the playful act of leaving it open whether or not he was intelligence and Amelya couldn't help but roll her eyes and laugh with it. The threat of having to kill her being laughed away on his end as it was a one liner he always had wanted to use. Amelya could laugh about it and she caught herself having quite some fun with the man in front of her. She sipped again from her drink, emptying by now though as she ordered a second one.

He finally did admit that he was Intelligence and she nodded as he mentioned that he couldn't share his adventures or stories with her on the count of them being classified. Mentioning that brought back the memory of her own with Donna Peterson, whom had enlisted her for a covert mission years back. Amelya's cheeks flushed slightly at the memory of it and the things they'd done and gone through. She seemed slightly sunken in thoughts before she brought her attention back to Arn as he spoke of his day aboard the ship and what his thoughts were about the Trill rituals they'd try to study.

A genuine smile formed at her lips again as he positively wanted to dig into the matter. They would both probably get some more information through it. Although the end results were undetermined, one of them would have to at least have been aided by it. If not, they would have given it all they had. Amelya looked forward to know more about her prior hosts, yet she was unsure if it was a good thing to access the memories of Jona. The shards and figments she got of him had not painted a pretty picture.

"I think we should push through with it to find out as much as we can about the ritual and perform it when we have enough information. Like you said, we could benefit from the end result. Put our state of minds at ease I suppose." she answered him with a smile. She doubted for a second before adding her concern though "Although, as much as I want to know more about my prior hosts... I fear at what I might uncover at the same time." she confessed to him as she looked Zaryn in the eyes. Their meals were delivered at the same time and Amelya turned towards the dish as she smiled "Oh wow..." her stomach rumbling "Seems like I really do need to eat... Enjoy your meal." she wished him before she started herself as her body craved for the much needed nutrients.

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #16
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

As the two spoke Zaryn found himself enjoying Amelya's company and the fact that she laughed at his jokes, especially the one about having to kill her, that would have been awkward otherwise although he did notice a slight reaction when he had mentioned being in the brig and briefly wondered why she hadn't asked him about it. Perhaps she had already heard the story? Or maybe she didn't want to be rude. Either way the fact that she didn't say anything was interesting, not maybe people would ignore that.

As they talked and drank it seemed like she was enjoying his company and when he did finally admit to being in Intelligence he noticed how she both nodded in understanding but also seemed to be remembering something as well. Her own experience perhaps or maybe a memory of a prior host? Either way it certainly added another minor intrigue to the woman and the slight flushing of her cheeks was interesting too although he could imagine what that might have meant.

When he told her that he wanted to dig into the Trill rituals a smile beamed across her face at the news and that made him smile too. Considering how new he was to the whole joining thing, even more so than she was to an extent he could certainly understand the joy at not having to go it alone.

Nodding in agreement with her he smiled "Absolutely. Plus we're already two pretty messed up joined Trills to being with, the last thing we want to do is get the ritual wrong and makes things even worse for ourselfs, that memory will live on long after we're gone and I'm not sure I want that kind of embarssment sticking around for a few more centuries." he replied with a grin. He watched Amelya as she seemed to hesitate before speaking again and nodded in understanding. "I can understand that apprehension. I have Arn's memories and there are a few that aren't too pleasant. Dying being one of them and that feeling of it happening to you yet not at the same time though, they're a part of the Symbiont and I guess that's part of the deal when being joined. You take the good and the bad." he said before taking a breath. "I know for a fact that I've done some rather questionable things in my time that while I have accepted and justified as being a part of the job the next host of Arn after me could be a non-violent, peaceful gardener or something, with no experience of the things I've seen, done and endured. Might never want to know those things and yet he'll have all of those memories of mine as well as the other hosts before me... he said, going quiet briefly as few of his more questionable actions flashed through his mind before he shook his head to banish them and focus on the conversation again. "...So yeah I get it." he said, his gaze never leaving hers. Still he gave her a warm smile "That being said however, we're doing this together right? So whatever you have to face and whatever you uncover, when that time comes I'll be there so at least you won't be facing it alone right?"

Their food arrived shortly after they were done speaking and smiled as she confessed that she really did need to eat and heard his own stomach growl slightly and chuckled "Evidently I do too. Thank you, enjoy yours too." he replied as he took a bite. So far this was turning out to be a good evening, a good meal and good company, it was a long time since Zaryn could remember doing anything so...normal. It was nice.


Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Whetstone lounge| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Revans words about the both of them being two messed up Trills made Amelya chuckle a little, perhaps somewhat sour at the realization that the Rez symbiont had been joined faulty once before. It made her feel like there was a chunk stuck in her throat as her smile faded and she looked a bit absently at Zaryn's chest. She snapped out of it after a few seconds and listened back to him.

His words were comforting, making things look more in perspective. There were probably quite some questionable memories that would surface by unlocking the memories of all her hosts. The fact that Zaryn said that they'd go through this together made her feel somewhat more at ease. She nodded at him before informing him of Rez's history that she knew off. "The Rez symbiont prior to being implanted in me was... Faulty." she said as she toyed around with the food on her plate "The hosts would come to power and take over the physical form of the host, thus getting a chance to live on beyond their past lives. It has caused quite some problems and..." she paused as she remembered her interactions with Ida a few days ago "Created some interesting interactions... Though those personalities taking over. It feels like I have that aspect under control now. That I'm in full control of my actions and decisions." she looked back at Zaryn with perhaps some fear and anxiety in her eyes "I just hope the ritual won't revert it to the previous kind of situation."

Amelya would have a problem if those hosts would resurface and be able to manifest. She would become a liability, a problem even to some as she might do things against her better judgment. It made her wonder if she did have to pursue the joining ritual. Of course Ives was counting on her to discover what and why Jona Rez had done hat he did during the simulcast, but was it worth the risk of losing herself?

Amelya became somewhat more silent, cascading herself in these thoughts and being unable to drag herself out of it.

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #18
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

At first the good Doctor had chuckled a little at his joke about them both being messed up but it quickly vanished as she started somewhat at his chest before snapping out of it. Evidently the woman had a lot on her mind when it came to this, almost as much as he did it seemed.

Still she continued listening to him and seemed to be getting a little more relaxed as their conversation continued. Eventually she spoke revealing that the symbiont was faulty to which he didn't even know was possible. Then again he didn't really know much about the Symbionts to be honest, at least not until now anyway and even then all he really knew was the snippets of information his newly joined knowlege gave him, which wasn't much. Still he could certainly understand Amelya's fear, the idea of one of his former hosts taking over him was a terrifying thought, and he'd already had reservations about joining and the whole becoming a different personality post joining before he was joined yet alone losing himself completely to a former host.

When she looked up at him with a fearful anxiety in her eyes he truly felt for the poor woman and the conflict she was going through as she hoped the ritual wouldn't revert the symbiont to a former personality, especially one of the ones that had caused issues in the past.

Amelya went silent after that as she thought about who knew what and he gave her some time to think about things as he tried to force his own memories to pluck anything the Arn symbiont might have known on the subject but came up empty. After a few minutes of both of them thinking, it seemed clear that the Doctor was lost in her own worried thoughts and couldn't seem to drag herself out of them and with the confidence that he was pretty sure came from one of his former hosts slowly reached across the table and rested his hand on hers.

"Hey Amelya don't worry, we'll do our best to find out everything we possibly can about this ritual, what it entails and what might happen before we even attempt doing it to minimise the risks. I know what how I'd feel if I lost myself to one of my previous hosts....and I'm still getting used to the fact I have previous hosts." he told her and patted her hand gently "Tell you what once we've done the research, if you're still unsure about it, I'll do it first. That way I can tell you what my experience was like and how I feel afterward and you can make your decision based on that." he added, giving her a warm smile.

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Whetstone lounge| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

As doom scenarios began to form in her head, Amelya had succumbed into a vicious circle of sorts. It was only when Zaryn called out to her and made contact by placing his hand on hers that she warped back to reality and looked up at him. He assured her that they'd find out everything there was to find out about the Trill ritual and that they'd check what it would entail and what the effects of it would be. He even suggested to put himself up first for the ritual so they could see what the experience would be if she'd still be uncertain about it. She could decide afterwards what to do with the ritual and the consequences that might follow.

She truly felt appreciation for the man in front of her for trying to sooth her thoughts and being so understanding. Come to think of it, any other man or non Trill for that matter would perhaps not have been able to to talk into her like he did. He knew what he was talking about since he was, just like her... A joined Trill. His smile made her lips curl into one as well as she turned her hand around so she could hold his hand and squeeze it gently "Thank you Zaryn... For everything." she said softly.

Not sure if it were appropriate or why she did it though, she slid off her chair and stepped over to him. The distance between them wasn't that great either way so it made it quite easy for her to just wrap her free arm around him for a hug. She found that there'd be no better way to show how much she appreciated his gesture. She did feel some concern for his chivalry, to put himself at 'risk' of the ritual before her. However, it would give her the best kind of opinion if she'd still have doubts about it. The hug lasted for a good few seconds before she pulled back and sat back in her seat.

She let out a long sigh before she continued eating the rest of her meal "Do you have any suggestions when we should start? Or if there are certain things I need to keep into account?" she asked him before chewing on a piece of food. A slight smirk appearing on her lips as she swallowed "I mean, I don't want to comm with you while you're in deep cover or something..." she teased a little.

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #20
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

He was glad that he managed to pull Amelya out of whatever thoughts were running through her head and gave her a warm smile when she flipped her hand over in his and gave it a squeeze and thanked him. Before he could say anything however, she slid off her chair and made her way across to him, wrapping an arm around him in a hug. He certainly hadn't been expecting that although perhaps the good doctor was simply a hugger and he didn't mind that. "You're very welcome." he replied with a smile.

Watching as she returned to her meal he chuckled at what she said next "Don't worry if I am in deep cover I probably won't be on the ship so you should be fine. Although if you ever see me walking the halls in a wig and wearing a fake moustache then I might working on something and hold off on any comms." he added with a grin.

"In all seriousness though I haven't got much work going on at the moment so we can start the next time you're free and when I know I'm busy I'll let you know so that you won't have to worry about interrupting anything, how's that sound?" he replied as he took another bite of his own meal. 

Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Whetstone lounge| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

He informed her that he probably wouldn't be aboard the ship if he'd be doing deep cover. She nodded as the thought did cross his mind that he might be gone if they'd work on the ritual. The possibility of him going missing or worse in action was quite a factor she'd have to take into account. Which brought her to her next question, should they do so now while he was out of an assignment or could they take their time about it.

It was funny how the Trill managed to make her laugh with a simple joke. His disguises would probably make her snicker, though she nodded quite seriously, trying to keep her lips under control instead of forming a grin. He filled in the previous question that lingered in her mind, when they were supposed to start. He proposed to do so the next time they would be free and she had to think when she'd have an opening in her schedule.

Amelya could agree to what Zaryn had proposed and she nodded "I can send you my schedule if it would be more convenient for you to check what times we're free together?" she offered up the idea. She finished up on her meal in the meantime and shoved it back to the barkeep to collect as she turned her eyes back to Zaryn.


Re: Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Trials and Trillations

Reply #22
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Whetstone Lounge | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
The conversation seemed to be going well and he'd managed to make her laugh with some of his jokes, that was always a plus. Still given the task they were undertaking and the somewhat high risk nature of his typical line of work it was a possibility that he might be away on assignment for an extended period of time if not killed in action and he wondered how that might affect the Doctor should their task not be finished first.

On the other hand, that was all speculation and the job hadn't killed him yet so there was that, even Arn had survived its fair share of near-death experiences so luck would seem to be on his side, still it was something worth considering. Perhaps the sooner they got started the better? Even if was to avoid such a potential future in the long run.

As they continued speaking and considering out of the two of them, Amelya was currently the far busier of the two, it was her who suggested forwarding him her schedule so that it would be more convenient for him to check what times they were both free to meet up.

“Sure, that works for me.” he replied with a smile. Especially considering the fact that even though he didn’t have much work going on at the moment, that didn’t mean something wouldn’t pop up a day or two from now and then suddenly he’s busy. “Hopefully the end results will be good for both of us.”


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