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Award Poll: The Golden Chevron 2021

This award is nominated by anyone, but only handed out once every second year to the most outstanding writers in the sim.

The poll will run for 3 days, in which those who cast their vote should always take their time to read the linked scenes first. The award should be based on the award criteria and not because you personally like the nominee(s) overall. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Golden Chevron. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on yourself.

Here are the nominations, with more information on the nominated writers & threads:


Forum Name of Nominee: @P.C. Haring
Reason for Nomination: "For being a great writer and an even better bloke."
Motivation & Links (by nominator):
"It seems like so much longer than a year since P.C joined us here aboard the Theurgy. And it certainly hasn't been an easy year, as all of us can attest too. And yet, throughout it all, P.C, from the moment of his arrival and adoption of Hathev, and written to a standard, and maintained that standard, that we should all aspire too. His efforts over the past 365 days are, by the very definition of the word, OUTSTANDING! "


Forum Name of Nominee: @stardust
Reason for Nomination: "For bringing so much to Theurgy that it's hard to quantify." Additionally: "For acting as an inspiration and incentive for her writing partners to want to improve their own contributions."
Motivation & Links (by nominator):
"I think it's clear that my estimation of Stardust as a writer is unparalleled, and that I genuinely believe her stewardship of the written English language to be beyond the measure of any of us. Her use of often-times poetic description to affect a profound visualization in whatever scene or interaction she is writing is truly uncanny, and really lends itself to the story being told. You find yourself lost in the words as you're reading them and awe-struck by how they so effectively encapsulate the scenery and emotionality of the moment. I find myself learning new and intriguing symbolism whenever I read her writing, which in turn inspires me to want to discover and create my own unique symbolism for whatever it is I'm in turn writing. I've seen a similar effect as I read the posts that her various partners have made, wherein you can see how the wheels are turning on their end to try and experiment and explore the depths of their own mind and vocabulary. It's awesome! It's the kind of presence that you absolutely have to have in a SIM of any kind, and I'm forever grateful that I've had an opportunity to write opposite her in a number of threads, just as I think many others are. But the effect that Stardust has on this SIM goes way beyond the profundity of her writing, for instance the characters she's brought to bear; each very unique and fulfilling a very different but important role. I can't even imagine where or how the story of the previous episode would've ended up without her willingness to at times direct it in a meaningful direction with the use of Samantha Rutherford; and Stellan, he's the sort of pseudo-villain that will be paying dividends for years thanks to the manner in which he's paired with other characters, I can only hope we will someday get to see the ultimate pay-off that he represents. But again, Stardust's contributions go even further; her creation of an intricate design of the interior of a Type-10 Shuttle, the illustration of a number of characters in images she herself has made and contributed, the always fun presence she provides on the Discord server. She's an asset to the SIM worth mention, and well worth the recognition of being nominated, if not awarded the Golden Chevron.

Seriously, just take a few minutes look through Samantha Rutherford, Stellan Foster, or the backlog of Discord."

Thank you in advance for your voting in this award category!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

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