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Topic: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion  (Read 8860 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

Reply #25
My character idea would be a loyalist to the Empire. I plan to write up something in a bit. Not sure when as I am still fighting the flu and it is hard to keep my energy up.

Re: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

Reply #26
For those that are looking to join, keep in mind the time period is just days after the end of the Clone Wars and the Empire has just risen to power.  Most people are happy for the newly formed Empire having just had a long and horrible war.  Many see the Empire as a saving grace if you will that is replacing what was once a corrupted Republic.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

Reply #27
Looks like this project is back online :)
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

Reply #28
Name: Mariner Triton
Species: Human
Age: Late 30s/early 40s
Sex: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthworld: Kuat
Height: 6'2
Weight:210 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Avatar: Kiefer Sutherland

Rank: General/Admiral
Position: Jedi Master
Service Record:
Clone Wars - Akula Squadron - BT-7A Thunderclap squadron CO.
Background: Trained in the same Jedi Clan as Rahm Kota, proven Fighter pilot in Jedi interceptors and Old Republic History, fought on Kamino after spending a decade on Rishi training with the Matukai and in turn, adopting one as his Padawan.
Personality: Uncompromising, Dogged, Unusually Warlike for a Jedi, but keeps his calm in a fight and has a reputation for fighting cleverly, but with honor and emphatic commitment to justice and the Republic.
Physical Profile:
Special Notes: (if applicable)
Strong physically and in the Force, Master Mariner spent a decade training with the physically-adept Matukai and despite their makeshift praxeum wandering the pirate-addled cities of Rishi fighting injustice, Mariner uncovered secret meetings between eventual separatist factions and allies arranging for secession from the Senate in exchange for favors in the rising threat of Count Dooku. Sensing his and Rahm Kota's mutual friend had become a Sith, Mariner trained with the Matukai in the event he was the one who could use Dooku to uncover who the Dark Lord of the Sith was so that Mariner could defeat or arrest him some day. In addition to having practiced variants of known core force abilities, his martial mind has permitted him to tap into Vaapad or Ataru into combat as well as 'electric judgment', something of note when he underwent his Masters Trials just a week before the raid on Dantooine. Known Force abilities - Force 'punch', wall-scaling, Force-Jump/Guardian-Leap, Small-scale Battle Meditation, Telekinesis, Electric Judgement. Saber Style(s)- Vaapad-Juyo & Ataru. Proficient in Soresu and Makashi.

Name: Risha Eclipse
Species: Human
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Birthworld: Corulag
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color: Blue
Avatar: Bridget Reagan

Rank: Captain (Independent, Deputized)
Position: Hired Pilot, Mercenary for the Republic's Akula-Squadron
Service Record:
Clone Wars - Akula Squadron - BT-7A Thunderclap squadron Pilot & Team Sniper.
Experience as a smuggler and freelance cargo operator has given her a unique insight into the Galactic underworld. Particularly vengeful against the Trade Federation for destroying a diplomatic courier transport after one of Viceroy Gunray's Senate hearings.
Background: Despite hailing from a prestigious military family, Captain Eclipse never graduated despite being in the upper echelon of her class. The reason being that her father was killed bringing witnesses that would expose the Viceroy's past dealings with criminal organizations that were involved with the Federation's blockade of Naboo. Mariner Triton's master had investigated this case and kept the two in contact during the decade leading up to the clone wars. She made a living running blockades and offering her services to fight slavers and rob corrupt institutions for their opressed citizens before she was ultimately arrested by the Jedi. Mariner, now a knight had called for her release and pardon in exchange for services rendered.
Personality: Elara is quite intelligent and speaks at least a dozen languages. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty or defy orders in a tight spot if given opportunity. She is quite fond of blasters and combat equipment and is eager for what money she needs to live day by day. Despite this, she has a name to live up to to impress her family despite taking the mantle of family rebel.
Physical Profile:Brunette, Pale-skinned, blue-eyed, athletic and flexible. She is not unknown to don a dancer's bikini from time to time in off hours where she and her crew collect victories.
Special Notes: (if applicable)

Name: Cassian Thorvald
Species: Human (Matukai)
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthworld: Rishi
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Brown
Avatar: Saul "Canelo" Alvarez

Rank: Commander
Position: Jedi Apprentice
Service Record: (if applicable)

Background: Born on Rishi to force-sensitive Matukai parents wandering the jungle island planet Rishi, which had long been a haven for smugglers, pirates and outlaws from all over the galaxy to the indifference of the native species, the Matukai of this world acted as vigilantes and watchmen for any sleight against the Natives or against families. By the time he himself was a young man, the young Cassian tried his hand at pickpocketing, only to cross paths with a quartet of Jedi. One of the padawans was Mariner Triton whose master, impressed by the Matukai boy's force sensitivity and acrobatics which even many masters took years to practice. Mariner later took Cassian under his wing as his master when he was knighted. Spending the next decade bridging a gap between the Jedi Order and the wayward Matukai, Mariner followed their ways in the hopes that further evidence would emerge on one of the Trade Federations' underworld contacts.
Personality: Strong, Silent type, easy-going, mellow but tenacious and aggressive when on the offensive.
Physical Profile: Muscular, long-legged and stout-hearted, the young man is an impressive model of his species
Special Notes: (if applicable)
Cassian sports twin viridian-green Lightsabers and is an Ataru expert first and foremost, though like with many Matukai, he was trained to fight with polearms from childhood. Having the twin sabers means he can summarily fight as if wielding a dual saber if given the option, favoring acrobatics and force-aided acts of gravity-defiance, a skill matched by his master. While Cassian struggles with electric judgement, he can superheat his hands to give him the capability to heat metals or even punch through them in some cases, Cassian's Matukai training and conditioning are used mainly for combat, given his Jedi Shadow nature. Unlike his Master, he is not a great pilot, but like him, is no stranger to using blasters or any other non-lightsaber weapon availible, making the duo impeccable at infiltrating underworld organizations in their time together.

Name: Elara Zaarin
Species: Human
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthworld: Carida
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Avatar: Georgina Campbell

Rank: Captain (Republic Navy)
Position: Republic Liaison Officer, Akula-Squadron XO
Service Record:
-Clone Wars: Akula Squadron, XO/CAG and Akula-4 Captain
Background:Risha Zaarin was a graduate of the Republic Navy Academy on the Citadel on Carida, where she spent four years training for combat in a de-militarized Republic, where she could hope to serve in her Planet's defense force if no other Navy was to have the pilot prodigy and combat tactics expert. Risha was intelligent and dilligent, and was one of the youngest to serve aboard a Republic Warships as an officer in generations. As skilled with any Blaster type as well as any starfighter or ship, Zaarin had been assigned to Kuat to help the Core Worlds rebuild the Galaxy's finest navy. Upon meeting Mariner Triton, Then-Lieutenant Zaarin was instrumental in helping the Jedi Admiral construct what he called a 'wolf-pack' squadron of a handful of small but tight-knit rapid attack craft capable of placing a Republic squad could accomplish what a fleet of venators could not. As Triton's very first recruit, she had also grown to be fond of his Padawan Cassian as well, doing missions together with some details left out of their post-action reports.

Personality: Patriotic, Loyal, Stalwart and Strong-willed
Physical Profile: Athletic and acrobatic, Zaarin was on the academy's martial arts team and is at the peak of military martial arts training for a force sensitive, hoping she could someday have qualified to serve in the Senate Guard, she underwent Officer Training School on Kamino, where she trained alongside Clone and non-clone trainees before seing combat in the first months after Kamino before being reassigned to Kuat.
Special Notes: (if applicable)
-Open-use Character. She's interested in Cassian Thorvald, despite that 'Jedi-don't-love' concept

Name: Jaden Forrester
Species: Human (Corellian)
Age: Early 40s
Sex: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthworld: Corellia
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Avatar: Bren Foster

Rank: Major (Former Senate Guardsman)
Position: Mercenary, Hired Captain in Akula Squadron
Service Record:
-Senate Guard, Chancellor Valorum's personal security detail; Retired one week into Chancellor Palpatine's term.
-Fugitive/Vigilante 10 years ABN,
-Clone Wars Bounty Hunter-turned-Republic Mercenary. Provisional Rank of Major restored, Akula Squadron Co-pilot/Commando

Background: A native of Corellia, Jaden was accepted into the Senate Guard after spending his youth towards a career in galactic law enforcement in the era of peace in the Galaxy. Serving as the Bodyguard for the Chancellor was one duty respective to investigating the well being and safety of the Senate, Forrester once discovered a transmission from Naboo to a nearly-undiscovered classified diplomatic channel regarding the invasion of Naboo during Valorum's final days in power. Upon bringing this to the attention of the incoming Chancellor, Jaden was permitted a promotion and a sudden retirement with the advent of the Red Guards. Fearing that the Naboo Senator would have him killed, Jaden Forrester fled Coruscant, never to return. Years later, he emerged with a Black Hood and draping robe dispensing justice on lawless outer rim worlds or hutt-controled space. Upon building a team for his Akula Squadron, Mariner Triton tracked this man down with a lead on their mutual target: Whoever the hooded man was the Viceroy had dealings with.

Personality: Major Forrester is a solder, through and through, though he is also a skilled pilot, he's more of a gunner and a commander than a pilot per se, though when it comes to gear, armor or weapons, he's got almost 2 decades' experience in policework and gunplay.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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