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Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As the shift wrapped up Vinata groaned as he walked into the corridor outside of the Sickbay, his muscle tingled and spasumed as he took a deep breath, his chest filling as he kept in haling, eventually he let it all go with a relieved ribbiting, it was just so good to know that he was no needing to take care of anything else for the night. He had spent so much time going from patient to patient seeing to the treatment of simple injuries he was beginning to have them blur together in his mind, hells with how many people were coming in with blurry vision and slight swelling he was beginning to get tired of telling patients they had to prioritize more serious problems first. He still remembered the crewman who had wandered in during the fighting carrying their own severed arm, it was indeed a hectic day. A slight smiled spread across Vinata's face as he remembered the brief time he had spent with Nolak in the decon room, it had been an amazingly relieving moment during the chaos after the battle. It might not have been orthodox, but it had been just what he had needed to get through the shift.

Arriving at the turbolift Vinata pressed the call button and waited, with a groan he shifted the weaight he was putting on his feet, he was usually pretty good with standing for hours on end, but today had almost been a double shift for him, his feet were sore and legs irritated, he had spent too much time in recovery...okay he needed to stop thinking that, he took the time he needed, if he had ignored his recovery he would not have made it through a shift like this. Eventually Viniata nodded to himself as he concluded that he needed to stop being so harsh over the events that were behind him, as the doors to the turbolift opened Vinata let out a sigh, he was glad he did not have to wait too long, walking into the lift Vinata turned around to select Deck 8 so he could turn in for the night, but as he looked back out the door he spotted Doctor Nicander coming down the corridor and Vinata stopped. Moving back to the door Vinata kept the lift open.

As Dr. Nicander drew closer Vinata waved hello and gave a slightly tired smile. "Hello doctor, almost left without you." Stepping away from the doorway Vinata kept holding the lift door open for his superior. "I would imagine your day has been no better than my own doctor, would hate for you to be stuck waiting for the lift, especially this late." Vinata could tell even from the distance that his commanding officer was tired, Lucan had no doubt been in surgury for hours on end, even treating the patients Vinata had stabilized no doubt. As Doctor Nicander drew closer Vinata could not help, but remember previous events, the secret moment he had shared with the doctor within his office, the intimacy they had in that moment, and then there was what Vinata had felt today...well yesterday with Nolak...perhaps he could ask Doctor Nicander if he would like to get some would certainly help him relax no doubt...but how to go about saying it?"

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #1
[ Dr. Nicander | Turbolifts | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Considering the outcome of his check-up on Nator 159, and the disregard she held both sickbay and her health in, Lucan had been forced to return yet again to his office and make notes about the Hermat's condition. He had meant to send Natalie Stark an update as well, but as he had stated on the glowing text of his computer console, he had resolutely decided against it and stalked off. He was far too weary to complete both the report and the message to Nator's superior officer, decided that enough simply had to be enough. His medication was starting to wear off, and he needed to retire for the evening; to sleep and be ready for another day akin to the one he'd just suffered.

Well, not quite just like it, since hopefully, the Theurgy was not about to infiltrate another bloody starbase.

As he walked towards the turbolifts, eyes lowered and steps slow, weary beyond words, he had already discarded his lab coat back in sickbay. His uniform was just as rumpled as his chin was stubbled. Upon hearing someone addressing him, his red-rimmed, pale grey eyes rose to see Nurse Vojona. The male Ovri. From somewhere, he managed to find a grateful smile and entered the turbolift with the alien from the Harbinger. "Thank you, you're most kind."

His head aching worse, Lucan knew that medicating himself in order to deal with the aftermath of the battle had not been advisable, but he knew what he was about, and he'd had no choice. Having used his Câroon abilities in the Temporal Observatory Lab, he had almost drained himself completely. He had tried to stop the cycle from beginning anew, and yet he had failed. In his lethargic state, he realised he had been trying to compensate for his failure, preformed surgery on countless patients out of choice. Choice, that - until Heather McMillan had touched him with her powers - had not been his own. The parasite a dark spectre in the back of his mind, he had tried to make up for all the grief and death he had caused. It was a sobering realisation, that he truly had begun to care.

Slowly, he raised his eyes and looked towards Vinata in the turbolift, not even thinking of saying which deck he should be going to. He found himself able to smile a second time, the expression belying his fatigue. "How did you fare today?" he asked, barely recognising his own voice, "and how is your sister? Is it true she had a viable egg from her clutch mid-battle?"

Looking at Vinata, it was hard not to let himself get lost in those big, dark eyes - remembering what they'd shared. He still hadn't asked for his own deck, and unwittingly accompanied Vinata instead.

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #2
[ Vinata Vojona | Turbolift | Deck 11 - Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Lucan managed to get within the lift Vinata smiled to his commanding officer and let go of the door. "You are most welcome sir, you are lucky I looked back, almost left without you." Allowing the door to finally slide shut Vinata stepped back to the side and waited a second to see if Nicander would give him a floor that he was wanting to go to, but instead as he was instead greeted with a wide selection of questions, Vinata just smiled softly and nodded before he responded, pressing the button to deck 8.

Looking to Nicander and locking eyes Vinata began to respond to the questions. "I must admit doctor that I fared a lot better than I feared I might. With some of the jumpiness remaining I was afraid I might have to retire from duty to collect myself, thankfully that did not happen." Vinata looked off to the side and rubbed the back of his neck. "I must admit thought that I did choose to handle the less critical issues for most of the shift, before things got too harsh I was the one treating simple injuries and seeing to clearing out sickbay so we had room for the more critical patients. Of course in the end we all ended up caring for critical patients, I myself ended up having to clean up and care for a crewman who had their arm blown off at the elbow, I almost losing on that one...but I managed to pull through and maintain my composure." Vinata gave a sincere smile to his commander. "From there I ended up helping ensure that Nolak did not escape the decon room after being transported over. Towards the end though I was mostly dealing with small cases again, numbness, small cuts, minor burns, bruising and swelling, most likely results from being knocked about the ship and people not noticing they had been hurt I am sure."

As things changed towards a focus on his sister Vinata rubbed the back of his neck. "As for Hylota, she did indeed have her clutch during the fighting, thankfully Maal was able to assist in moving her out of the main sickbay before things got too chaotic. Aside form some minor pain from the failed eggs things apparently went well. Hylota was sent to quarters to let her rest, Maal escorted her to ensure she made it safely. As for the eggs, the way I heard it there are three that are sustaining life...but by the looks of it there is only one egg that has any serious chance of surviving to hatching, the others from what I can see, might not be able to survive." Vinata shook his head. "If we were back within Ovri space they could have been taken care of by professionals, genetiecists could have worked to clean up the genetics so more than one might survive...but that is neither here nor there, I am sure Hylota will be writing extensively about this and sending preparing to send her thoughts on hybrids to the Ovri councils." Vinata got a bit of a concerned look to his face as the lift slowed and arrived on deck 8 . "I fear that despite the excitement of much of the crew, Hylota will want to send this child away as soon as it hatches, she is no mother, and I am not trained as a full fledged care giver, I doubt she will want to keep the child."

As the doors to the lift opened Vinata looked out to his deck and then back to Nicander as he remembered the events that unfolded only a few hours, he saw how tired Nicander looked and how drained he seemed, perhaps he could just make the offer, if it was too presumptuous of him he could always just laugh it off and blame being tired. Swallowing hard Vinata stepped to the door and put his hand on it to keep it open once more as he turned to look Nicander in the eyes. "This is my deck, I guess this is where we part...b-but it doesn't have to be. I know it is highly unprofessional to ask sir, but seeing you as you are...w-would you like to return to my quarters with me, it is not that far, you could come in and rest there, and I could perhaps help you like we had done that one time in your office.  After the day you have had I assume you could use some...well relief." Vinata blushed heavily as he held the door open and waited for Nicander's reply, prepared to apologize for his suggestion if needed.

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #3
[ Dr. Nicander | Turbolifts | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Even is he was weary, Lucan tried to follow what Vinata talked about when he detailed how he'd fared during the commotion of the battle and the aftermath. Evidently, despite his recovery from the mutiny, the nurse had fared more than well. Battle situations were always straining for the staff, critical choices about who to treat first commonplace. Still, Lucan smiled faintly and nodded in approval of what he'd heart.

As for what had happened to Hylota, and the choices she'd have to make concerning her likely single surviving child, Lucan did not know how to comment on it. It seemed obvious that the child would be transferred of the ship somehow for its own good, hybrid and all, if the two Ovri were to make the call. Vinata did not say what the father - Maal - had to say about that resolution, and he suspected that it was yet to be resolved. Listening, he found himself caught up in thoughts about how it had almost been his own child that Hylota given birth to, the timing of her ovulation so close to the time when he had...

...the parasite. He closed his eyes, pushing away the memories of what he had almost done. How little he had been able to control the presence inside. Images still flashed before his eyes, where he choked Hylota, ravished her in the holographic examination chair. Electrocuted her, only to treat her and give her MEM treatment to remove the memory engrams of what the parasite had done to her. It made him sick to think about, and yet it also lent him perspective. He opened his eyes, knowing that he had to see Heather McMillan again, and learn more about her Radiant abilities, and how they could possibly be connected to the parasite threat.

The turbolift had stopped, and Lucan realised that Vinata was talking about rest in his quarters, and how it might be a relief. He did not catch on to the Ovri's meaning, his mind leaden with dire implications and fatigue, and yet he stepped out of the turbolift to walk at Vinata's side towards the nurse's quarters, putting one foot before the other as he attempted to make conversation. "It will truly be a relief to rest after a day such as this one," he said, as if on auto-pilot while approaching the Ovri's accommodations aboard the Theurgy, "and thank you. For what it's worth, since I can imagine that today has been a trial for you, I think you have stepped up and preformed exemplary. You have already heard about the reason why I vanished from sickbay in the middle of the battle, along with the accusations towards Doctor Maya that has her locked up in the brig. On top of it all, your former CMO - Amelya Duv - was rushed into surgery to have the Rez symbiont joined to her. At least Doctor Lahkesis was available, but I can imagine the situation for you and the other nurses were... less than ideal."

When arriving at the door to Vinata's quarters, Lucan waited for the Ovri to open the sliding doors before he entered. Only once he was there, he began to wonder why he hadn't decided to go to his own quarters to rest. Only then, blinking in realisation, he caught on to what the nurse had meant, and turned towards the Ovri - unable to offer any protest. The light from the Azure Nebula outside the window made the nurse glow in ethereal light, and it was a sight that robbed Lucan of any further words.

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #4
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Nicander just seemed to follow along Vinata jumped to conclusions and decided to just head to his quarters anyways, if things didn't work out it would be best if his commander was not left to wander the ship in his addled state. As they walked from the turbolift back to Vinata's quarters he could not help, but smile proudly about what Nicander had to say to him, praising him for his performance and how he had risen to the occasion, it was truly high praise to receive indeed. Although as he was given the more recent news on current events the smille faded slightly, although he had not been under Doctor Duv and Maya, he just looked off and blinked before raising a hand to the side of his head and rubbing. "I actually did not know, I kept myself busy and did not focus on anything that was not essential to the patients...up perhaps you could fill me in, I am actually in the dark on this. Doctor Maya in the Brig...I greeted her as I came in before the"

As they arrived at Vinata's room and he opened the door Vinata smiled warmly to Nicander and motioned into his room. "We can talk more inside, I would hate to have some of the others overhearing such information." It was only after Nicander got a few steps in and got a good look that his gears began to start moving. In truth the quarters were quite barren, there were some padds on the desk with work information and updates on the state of the ship since he had been brought over to the Theurgy. With his entry into the entire situation being more an accident Vinata and his sister did not have anything to bring along with them. As Nicander turned around and looked at Vinata as he was caught in the bright glow Vinata smiled and walked into the room and let the door close behind him.

Stretching out Vinata looked around his rather spartan space and motioned to his small private bathroom. "If you would like you may use my sonic shower doctor, it is on a lower setting and takes a bit longer, but it would help you feel clean." He then motioned to his bed and gave a inviting smile. "If you do not have any interest in taking a sonic shower we could move on to helping you relax, I would be more than happy to help massage and work out any strain you have accumulated through the day. Meanwhile you could tell me more about what I have missed with current events, I would very much like to know what happened with Doctor Duv."  Vinata blushed as he tugged at his uniform. "Also if you would like I could make things more appealing for you and get undressed for you...I do know how much you seemed to like the way I looked during that one time in your office sir, and I know I am overstepping my bounds, but I would love to have a chance to please you like that once more, I am sure it would help you unwind after such a stressful day especially after venting your thoughts on the current situation." Vinata smiled as he hoped he made a decent case and managed to get Nicander to stay and not just walk out the door on him.

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #5
[ Dr. Nicander | Turbolifts | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
It was not that surprising that Nurse Vojona had not been briefed about what Doctor Maya had done. At some level, it remained hearsay, and with so many lost or injured, it was not immediately apparent that someone had vanished because they had betrayed the crew. Of course, Lucan knew exactly what had happened to Doctor Maya, only he could not tell anyone what the parasite had done lest he'd compromise his own ability to aid the mission.

All thoughts of Maya and Amelya Duv left him when Vinata gave him a few options, realising that it would not only be rude to reject the Ovri at this point. No, not just that, for he found that while he had not expected to end his long day in the fashion described, he welcomed the distraction from all that had gone down that day. The memories of their first encounter in his office were fond to him. So, he found himself chuckling quietly when Vinata suggested he'd undress too, and walked up to the Nurse.

"Thank you," he said quietly and looked him in the eye even though he was weary. He ran a tattooed hand behind Vinata's neck, giving him a deep kiss. He enjoyed the feelings that coursed through him when those pheromones affected him, and he lingered for some time before parting with the Ovri. In a way, he gain incentive from the kiss, some energy returning to him. "After a day such as this, I would want nothing rather than shed my clothes and shower. Then, we can do the massage, and I will tell you what I know. Please, if you want, I think there is room for us both in the shower as well."

Having said this, Lucan smiled despite himself, and undid his own uniform jacket. Getting ready to borrow the Ovri's shower, he shed his clothes on his way towards the shower, and before entering it, he put his clothes in a small pile on the floor. The light from the Nebula rippled across his frame before he stepped into the opening of the small washroom. Before he entered, he glanced towards Vinata, seeing if the Ovri would accompany him into the shower. He looked forward to them rinsing each other in the sonic waves, and to what might follow. The kiss had already affected him, as he was twitching in response to the pheromones and the sight of the alien body.

He held out a hand to Vinata to courteously help him into the glass stall as well.

OOC: Image of Vinata's kind of quarters:

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #6
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

        As the two men entered Vinata's bathroom and the door closed behind them, Vinata could feel his heart pounding in his chest, it had been a long while since he had last had company...well not that long, but still the last visitor had been dragged into a very sexual encounter when they had shared his sonic shower, this made it all the more flustering as Nicander suggested that Vinata should join him in the shower. Taking a deep breath Vinata could not deny that the idea of a sonic shower did make him feel a bit better, in truth he wanted to wash and ensure that his body was clean after his actions that day, remove any possible evidence of his actions earlier with Nolak. Taking a deep breath Vinata nodded and quickly stripped off his uniform, with a groan Vinata had to stop and begin stretching out as he was starting to feel the strain on his body after the long day of work.

Looking to Nicander's hand Vinata smiled softly and pulled his feet from his boots before he walked to the shower, accepting Nicander's hand into the booth. "Sorry about this, but it is going to be getting cramped in here for a moment." Vinata chuckled as he turned his back to Nicander and crouched down and began to poke at the humidifier in his sonic shower. It took a few seconds, but soon enough the machine hummed to life and Vinata stood up. "There, I find it much more comfortable to shower with a bit of damp air to make my skin feel soft after a long day." Leaning into Nicander, Vinata's bosom pressed into the other man's side as he activated the sonic shower, the lower setting emitting a dull audible humm. As the shower activated Vinata shuddered as he felt the sonic waves over his skin.

Letting out a shudder Vinata took a long deep breath before looking to Nicander. "I would not mind putting off the conversation about what happened today with doctor Maya, because while we are in here I have something I want to put out there, something I want to get off my chest and just air the idea." Vinata took a deep breath once more before he looked up into Nicander's eyes. "For pretty much all the time I have been among mammalian races I have been struggling to assert myself as male, to maintain some level or consistency between my life back home and my life here. After some events I am thinking of just giving up on that and moving out of my own culture and accepting a more mammalian female position, letting myself be seen as a woman, enjoying the lifestyle that comes with it, maybe even exploring the fashion of other races. I know I might be going a bit hard into this, but I feel it might make like a bit easier for my if I just try going with the flow, play the part that would be easier and happier for me." Vinata looked into Nicander's eyes, it was clear that he wanted the opinion of someone who he looked up to, to either talk him out of his idea, or to give him the confidence to go the rest of the way and follow through with his idea.

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #7
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
The hum of the humidifier was hardly any louder than the quiet hum of the sonic shower itself, and Lucan closed his eyes in contentment when he felt the sonic waves course over his body. The dampness rose from the direction of their feet, and when he opened his eyes, he saw vapour rising from his own skin as well as Vinata.

The Ovri seemed to have something on his mind, beginning to talk, and Lucan turned to face him while he raised his hands. Quietly, he ran his fingers and palms across the alien's skin, rinsing his shoulders and neck, arms and sides while he listened to what he said. Vinata seemed to have embraced a choice about his gender in his service alongside mammals, something Lucan hadn't been told was any greater issue for the Ovri. Yet as he listened, he could hear in that chirping, exotic voice how this was indeed something that had been bothering Vinata, and while he was weary, Lucan smiled to the nurse and answered him.

"I cannot answer in regard to your personal preferences," he said with a smile and ran his palms up Vinata's abdomen, "yet regardless what your choice in this matter is, you should know you have my full support. If you wish me to change your personnel file to list you as female, I can do that, but by the winds, that is hardly of import to you, is it?"

Running his tattooed hands over the Ovri's globated breasts, Lucan watched the vapour rise in the wake of his fingers. Vinata certainly had female attributes, and it was not strange if he had come to identify himself more with the female mammals around him. When his hands returned to the nurse's neck, he leaned in to kiss Vinata. It was in the wake - and euphoria - of this kiss that Lucan continued.

"You are asking me if I think it is a good idea, and I can certainly understand that you want to adapt to the life you lead aboard this ship. In the end, gender is hardly of the greatest consequence, and should reflect the kind of individual you identify yourself to be. If you find kinship in mammal women here, in your service in Starfleet, what is the harm in accepting who you're perceived to be? I'd say you are merely adapting to your current environment, in a way that you want to do. No one is forcing you, and yet you entertain the idea. That is firm evidence that you want this... so perhaps you should listen to this need of yours, and let it be so? If you are uncomfortable, you can stop at any moment, can't you?"

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #8
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata was silent the entire time that Nicander spoke, he listened to what his superior had to say, the things he said did make sense, it was a different way of thinking about things than he had considered, but it was a welcome difference, with only his own thoughts on the matter for quite some time it had begun to get taxing to constantly struggle withe the internal stalemate. It had been slightly disheartening to hear that he had to sort this out himself, but to then have a new perspective on the matter finally gave Vinata the answer he was looking for, and the kiss that Nicnder stole in the moment was also a welcome little pleasure, his commander certainly knew how to kiss. With a nod Vinata looked up into Nicander's eyes as he smiled softly to his commanding officer as they shared Vinata's shower. "Thank you doctor, your insight has helped me a lot with this decision."

Vinata let out a soft chuckle and nodded to himself. "You do  not need to change my medical file, I am not looking to be registered as a woman, I am just looking to indulge in the position people are putting me in. If a crewman buys the "exotic beauty" a drink I would accept it and enjoy myself rather than decline and correct. I also am curious about your fashions, since there are dresses that are for women that would fit me easily, and I would not need special tailored men's clothing to wear. It just seems a bit practical for me. You also make a wonderful point about how I would not be giving this so much thought if I was not considering it seriously,  besides a male of the Ovri is fairly close to a female in most of the other races I have encountered, outside of gender that is."

Vinata closed his eyes and reached to rub his head, rubbing his hands along his brow before moving up to his forehead and tracing his fingers over the pentagon, his fingers moving with practiced memorization over the perimeter of the mark. "As for the company I like to keep, well back at the academy I was with more women, but since then I have not socialized that much, the whole almost dying thing and the rape left me wanting space for a while, but as things go forward I will try and get a more balanced group of associates it would do me some good to have a diverse group of friends I feel."

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #9
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
As weary as he was, Vinata's pheromone kiss had sustained Lucan as he listened to the Ovri talking about his life-choice - how he chose to be when when living among mammals. The vibrations of the sonic shower washed over them both, the vapour of shed grim caressing their skin as it rose, and the humidifier pearling warm water on their skin, which ran in rivulets across their bodies from the sonic waves.

"Being a representative of those who call you an exotic beauty," he said in his deep voice, smiling as he ran a tattooed hand up Vinata's neck, "and also one of the men that you have come closer to lately, I am happy for you - that you have managed to sort out what you truly want right now. It is a shame you had to suffer through something like you did before then, but at least you are here, now, with a lot more experience than you had before. For better or worse, we grown when faced with adversity, and I reckon that Ovri are no exceptions to that. This voyage we are on is bringing a lot of ourselves into light, and as difficult as it may be, we cannot ignore what we find. Should I look back to how I was before we were all branded traitors, I know I was naive in my complacency, thinking that my time on Aldea made me better than most Medical Officers in Starfleet. Now, I cringe when I think of my bygone arrogance. Too many patients have been lost aboard this ship, and while I was under orders, I desecrated my oath as a doctor with the Phoenix Project. Sarresh Morali may be alive... but at what cost?"

Having said this, Lucan slowly leaned forward to kiss Vinata's mark - his warm lips against the pentagon. Then he smiled to him, hands having come to rest on his spotted red and blue hips. "Shall we retreat to the bed? You said something about a massage?"

OOC: A skirt uniform option, perhaps? :) [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #10
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata smiled as he let himself be kissed on the forehead, it was always so nice to get his commander's praise and have his mark touched, it made him feel so special. His heart fluttered as Vinata looked up to Nicander and spoke softly, he was almost afraid to take away from the moment with his words, after all it was clear that the things Nicander had shared were things he held close to his chest. "You should not let such thoughts linger doctor, arrogance and the like are akin to mud in a stream, it mires and obscures what you can see and grasp, but it washes away with time, things might not be as pure any longer, but things settle with time." Vinata felt foolish bringing up old proverbs, rarely did they translate well, but it had been a phrase that had stuck with him. He still remembered when one of the nurses had said it to his sister after an incident in their youth.

Vinata had to admit though it was a bit corny how many of the Ovri proverbs revolved around water, rivers and the like, it was rather silly in his opinion, but as they moved out from the home world it seemed to be how ties were kept to the tropical origins of their kind. Of course this mattered little at this point in time as Vinata and Nicander finished up in the sonic shower and Lucan mused about the massage he had been promised, this made Vinata smile as he nodded. "Of course, I have a fairly decent understanding of the mammalian muscle structure and how to massage it, I am sure I could use my understanding to help you relax after such a harsh shift, meanwhile you can follow through with what you had brought up and explain the events that have recently unfolded that I missed out on. It sounds fairly important and like it is being kept quiet." With that Vinata opened the door to the shower and picked up a small towel that he used to wipe himself down before turning and smiling to Nicander as he offered silently to wipe him off as well.

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #11
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Lucan followed Vinata out of the sonic shower, and was rewarded by the sight of the Ovri towelling himself down in the small room.

"Indeed. By the winds, it has been quite a day," he said as his pale grey eyes wandered the Ensign's body, and he couldn't help - despite his weariness - to stir at the sight. When the Ovri offered to towel off the residual dampness from the sonic shower they'd shared, Lucan smiled and nodded in gratitude. He felt quite pampered already by Vinata's attention to his comfort, and just a tad self-conscious about how his body had reacted to the Nurse already. If he was being towelled down too, his blatant attraction to the Ovri would be... unmistakable.

"You might have noticed me vanishing in the middle of the battle, and it was because Doctor Maya attacked me in one of the surgical suites. I was struck down, and then she vanished off through the Jefferies tubes. Fortunately, Warrant Officer McMillan found me - the Radiant - and she could tend to the wounds I sustained from the Vulcan's attack. At this point, no one knows what truly happened, but I didn't even know she was in the surgical suite before I was pummelled and left on the deck. The winds know what motivated her to attack me, but my best guess is that she didn't want to be seen leaving when she did."

When Vinata had finished with the towel, Lucan let the Ovri lead the way and instruct him as to whether he'd lie down on his back or not. He continued to speak of what happened next, and for the sake of helping the crew, he told Vinata what he was supposed to know about the events.... even if he knew a great deal more. "Whatever Maya planned to do after her attempt to kill me, I didn't know until I asked the computer where she was heading, and Thea revealed that she was heading for the security center and the brig. I felt compelled to stop her, knowing that the only prisoner we had was Sonja Acreth. The human with the parasite that I have been scanning off and on for the last couple of weeks. I had no idea what to expect, but we could neither have Maya kill Acreth nor set her free, so McMillan and I went after Maya, trying to stop her. We were, unfortunately, too late by the time we reached the brig..."

Lucan paused there, the story half-finished, adhering to the Ovri's instructions about the massage.

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #12
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Vinata listened to Nicander as he spoke of the events of the day and how things had devolved into chaos at one point, this was news to Vinata to say the least, granted he had been a bit preoccupied with the care and management of patients on his own end. "I honestly had no idea such things unfolded, I was a bit preoccupied with the patients. I was mainly rushing about taking care of small afflictions and sending crew back out or to their quarters to keep things from getting too crowded...I also ended up having to clean up a patient who had their arm blown off...I think that was the biggest struggle of the day for me."

As Nicander brought McMillan and how she had helped him Vinata gave a sly smirk. "Well I am glad that our Radiant cremate was able to help you. So, which limb did she paralyze for you doctor." Vinata chuckled and chirped lightly. "I do believe Hylota's exact words when she learned what the Warrant Officer's race was were, "She is probably the dimmest light in the galaxy." Vinata chuckled his chirping laugh once more before waving dismissively. "Do not worry about Hylota's words though, I think she was just sour that she had been paralyzed and was unable to see your plan to the end that day."

As they got to his bed Vinata said nothing as he quickly moved the covers from his bed and he guided Lucan to lay down on the bed.  "Just lay on your chest, you just let yourself get comfortable and I will see to massaging the stress of the day away for you doctor." As Nicander got into position Vinata stood beside the bed as he placed his hands on Nicander's back and began to rub over the surface of his back, feeling around and just getting used to the feel before she started to massage and rub at the small of Lucan's back, rubbing out any strain that might remain while Lucan continued his story. To hear how things had ended up going made Vinata stop and stare for a moment before taking a deep breath. "That is rather unfortunate to hear doctor, what happened from there?"

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #13
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Lying down naked on the bed, and with the bare Ovri beginning to massage him, Lucan certainly didn't regret accepting Vinata's offer. While on his chest, he rested his head on top of his hands, and made a sound of contentment deep down in his throat. Briefly, he'd chuckled about what Hylota had said, knowing Vinata's sister was likely to hold a grudge about that had happened, yet he was glad to hear Vinata had been up to the burdens of the battle despite how he'd so recently returned to full duties. "I regret I could not have been in two places at once, and given Sickbay my full attention. I read in a report that your patient will make a full recovery thanks to you."

The continuation of his story was a grim one, and he opened his pale grey eyes as he spoke - eyes idly trailing the sight of Vinata's body next to him. "When McMillan and I reached the Security Center through the Jefferies tubes, we found the officer at the aide's station subdued, likely from a Vulcan nerve pinch. Obviously, it was likely Maya who'd done that, but we also saw that the brig has been compromised, and Thea told us Sonja Acreth had been set free. We didn't spot Maya at the time, but apparently, she had been left behind in the brig by Acreth, injured, and the Brig Officer named Devon Striker had been killed. I want to think Acreth was responsible for that, and it seemed likely, since we found a lot of dead officers in the corridors between the Brig and the Temporal Observatory Lab."

Taking a deep breath, pausing as Vinata's large fingertips worked the musculature of his back, Lucan wondered how many Acreth had killed, since it had been difficult to tell what body parts had belonged to together when he'd stepped through the carnage with McMillan. He'd failed to follow up on how much of it had reached the Morgue during the day too. "When we got there, having seen the atrocities committed upon the living flesh of our fellow officers, Acreth had sealed the door to the Observatory. I had to use my Câroon abilities to fuse the door mechanism, and we pushed ourselves inside. It might seem mad we did it, but if the parasite enemies managed to deploy the USS Calamity from the future into our time, it stood to reason we had to stop Acreth from whatever she was trying to do in that Observatory. Once we were inside... our fears were confirmed."

Vinata's hands were doing wonders all over his back, and Lucan could not help but shift slightly in answer to the ministrations. Feeling those hands massaging his gluteus maximus musculature, he was silently hoping that the Ovri would do something bold, but he would not ask for an internal massage aloud, not when there was more to be said about the fateful events during the battle. He kept looking at the Ovri's body as he spoke.

"Acreth had created some kind of portal, and Thea told us it was a temporal breach. There was no telling what she was about to summon, just that we had arrived shortly after the breach opened," he said, even if he knew that Acreth was not about to summon anything. She was supposed to enter the breach together with him. She might even have been waiting for his arrival. In other cycles, they had gone to Niga together, as much the parasite had revealed. This time, however, Heather had cleared his mind from the foul thing's influence, and he had done something new.

"I used my abilities again, breaking my Hypocratic oath to attack Acreth. Yet  I did it in defence of the ship and the crew," he said, and it was no lie. "I failed, however... Acreth had anticipated opposition and raised a forcefield between us and her. I could not make my fire reach her. Acreth went for a phaser, about to kill us both. Heather, however... Her light shone right through the force field. Blinded Acreth and made her stumble. She fell into the temporal breach... and it shut once she was through it."

He did not tell Vinata what Acreth held in her hand. The stasis chamber. The seed child of Niga. Amikris' daughter, whom his parasite had nurtured until it was strong enough to be put into that stasis unit. Acreth had held on to it as she fell through the breach, and unless the child died, it would have started the cycles again. Lucan had failed to stop Acreth, despite his intentions, and only he knew how that child would have seeded the planet Niga.

He... and Sarresh Morali.

OOC: Please, no need for an equal-length reply on this one, lol. I just wanted Nicander to finish the story.

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #14
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Lucan began to go more in depth with his story, revealing further events and how things had progressed on his adventure, it was a rather unfortunate tale to say the least. It was clear enough that Lucan was under a lot more stress than it had first seemed, so Vinata began to up his efforts as he massage more and more. He ran his hands over any knots he could feel and worked to ease any tension and discomfort that Lucan had. Vinata might not have been the best at massage, but his large sensitive fingertips did give him some added assistance in seeking out the tension where he could rub it out gingerly. A part of Vinata did indeed want to touch Nicander more intimately, but at the same time he did not want to overstep his bounds and turn something relaxing into something sexual.

As Lucan kept looking to Vinata he eventually did catch a few of the glanced to which Vinata returned them with gentle smiles as he spent a lot of his time on Nicander's shoulders, working out tension from the long day of work and also from the crawling in the jefferies tubes that Lucan had to do. Vinata had just begun to focus on Lucan's neck when he spoke about the time anomaly that had been opened on the ship, this was certainly news to Vinata, to the Ovri time manipulation was still well out of their reach, to hear that Starfleet had the capabilities to create rough openings certainly did make him feel a bit worried. "Well I have to admit this is quite the fantastical story, if it was not you doctor I would seriously wonder if this was the actual is just...well it is amazing to say the least doctor."

As Vinata worked on Nicander's neck he spoke softly ton his commanding officer. "As for your oath doctor, among the Ovri there is a similar oath that ensures that we do not abuse our knowledge to harm others, but we also pledge to defend those in our charge, for sometimes all people must take up arms to defend those who cannot save themselves, I honestly feel your oath is a bit limited, making your doctors too afraid to take extreme actions at times, but it is a cultural difference I guess." As he finished working on Nicander's neck he moved down to his legs and massaged there, working out the last bits of tension before he found himself jut a bit too tempted as he finished up he massage of Nicander's thighs and Vinata moved his hands up to Nicander's ass ans let them rest there. "L-Look I know you had a rough day, and the stress has likely left you craving a decent night's rest, but perhaps you would not mind me taking this further, and giving you some sexual relief before we retire for the night?" Vinata swallowed hard as he waited for a response, it was mildly embarrassing to ask if he could pleasure his commanding officer, if felt so unprofessional.

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #15
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
"Your people are, perchance, wiser than mine," he mumbled to Vinata in answer to the standpoints of the oaths sworn.

Lying naked on the bed, and with the careful attentions of the bare Ovri massaging him, Lucan had still not drifted off to sleep, and he likely couldn't sleep for some time yet because of the experiences of the day. Ranging from the things told to Vinata, and the following hours of surgery and efforts to handle the ones coming out of stasis, not to mention what Heather McMillan's light had done for him... No, it would keep him without sleep for some time, his mind yet to process it all.

So when Vinata made his offer, Lucan knew that he shouldn't. He wanted the Ovri, knew that the distraction would help him come to terms with all the events, but he also knew.... Knew better than ever what he had almost done to the nurse's sister, and how his intentions in approaching both the Ovri siblings hadn't been pure. His motivations might have changed now, but back then? When the parasite had dictated his will and efforts? Was it more right to dismiss Vinata now, since the foundation of their casual companionship off-duty had been formed in falsehood?

"I..." he swallowed, because he did not wish to hurt the Ovri's feelings. Judging by what he had said in the sonic shower, he was still in a frail place after what had happened during the mutiny. He did not pause for long, slowly propping himself up on his arms where he laid so that he could look back at him - feeling those fantastic hands of his on his bare skin. "I don't think I'll be able to..."

Right or wrong... if the desire was mutual, was there truly harm in it, regardless the initial deceit?

"...Sleep," he admitted, smiling quietly at the Nurse. "I could really need the distraction, honestly, to rinse my mind of this day."

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #16
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Vinata kept up his massage and he was taken up on his offer Vinata smiled as he cleared his throat and continued his work, without the context as to why Nicander had been so open and sexual with him before Vinata had been a little spoiled, he had found a lot of comfort in the pairing with his commander, to be desired by someone superior to himself, to an Ovri it was a huge confidence boost. To have Nicander willingly to have him working to sooth the stress of the long day out of him. "Well sir I am glad that you are willing to trust me like this, it has certainly helped me feel more confident in my abilities, I was kind of afraid that I was just a casual fling." Unintentionally Vinata was probably making things harder on his commander.

Moving his hand down Vinata pushed Nicander's cheeks apart as she groped more firmly before he moved his hand down to let his fingers tease over his testicles, Vinata's large fingertips gingerly massaging along the surface of Nicander's sack and slowly applying more pressure as he worked, stimulating and arousing Nicander in a bid to make him get fully erect faster. As Vinata still massaged he moved his other hand down to Nicander's cock and began to rub his opened palm on the length, massaging it by pressing it into the soft bed while Vinata's warm hand massaged the length to full erection. "You know, among the Ovri our youths are encouraged to explore their sexuality, it is not uncommon to see it used to relax after long hard days."

As Nicander was made fully erect and his cock throbbed under Vinata's hand, the Ovri kept up his massaging of Nicander's balls while his other hand switched to wrapping around the length of his cock and  slowly beginning to jerk the length, moving form the base to the tip of Nicander's cock where he twisted his hand gingerly around the tip before he began to move back down the length of the cock in a sensual and repetitive motion. "I am glad you are willing to explore other cultures doctor." Vinata gave a teasing smile as he continued.

Re: Day 2 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #17
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
Still lying with his head on top of his crossed arms, looking back over his shoulder at the Ovri, Lucan couldn't help the small sound that escaped his throat when Vinata began his more intimate ministrations. Truthfully, the pang of guilt remained, especially when Vinata put it like that, but there was naught he could do to make it right, the only one-sided boon being that the Ovri remained oblivious to all the things that he had every right to be horrified about. "You have every reason to be confident in your abilities..." he said, however, his eyes fluttering shut because of what Vinata did to him, "and I am not just talking about these... distractions. You are a resourceful officer in sickbay too."

Yet the nurse had barely begun, and Lucan slowly spread his legs a bit where he laid on the bed to give him access. Being groped and having his hardening phallus stroked made him breathe heavily - enjoying it to the fullest. He couldn't keep himself from raising his hips a bit against those large fingers too, making both his hard length and his sphincter more available. "If this is an Ovri tradition..." he said quietly, voice shuddering a little from the pleasure, "then I should start studying more of your culture..."

It was hard to keep entirely still, wanting more, and he began to wonder if he could not make this a bit easier for Vinata. "Just let me know if you want me to turn over..." he murmured with another shiver or delight, but wouldn't mind remaining as he were, as long as the Ovri did't stop. It was so easy to forget the life-changing events of the day, being so physically pampered by one of the most beautiful species in the Galaxy.

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #18
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata smiled softly to his commander as he kept massaging Nicander's cock. It is very kind of you to say such things about me doctor, but you must keep in mind that I struggled with learning how to properly treat many wounds on mammalian beings, my sister and I were brought out here on the Harbinger as some hands on learning to help give us a better grasp on how to serve and apply our practice. To then be thrust into such turmoil and chaos over and made me feel so small, so weak, to see people die and sip from my life, to sleep and wake to find so many gone and my life shake apart. I began to question if I could keep this up, if I could keep going, I did not know for a while, but I managed to pull myself together, I managed to keep going, but I sometimes feel...inadequate, like I could fail and fall apart again."

Vinata took a deep breath and sighed. "I am sorry, I am being melodramatic. I am mostly alright sir, I was able to sort out a lot of my pain before I returned to service, it is feels better to let someone know how I feel, to let you know the truth. Of course you do not need to worry about me doctor, I just gt a bit flustered today with that patient missing their arm, I am keeping myself paced and I will be alright." Vinata was feeling more confident, he did not know why he spilt his guts there as he just felt comforting to share with Nicander, he felt close to him and it made him feel better. Of course as Nicander spoke of Vinata's culture and the pleasuring of males Vinata chuckled and shook his head. "Well it is more the teenage culture, there is no stigma to sexual experimentation, it is almost expected of males to have an understanding of sex and no one judges when we pursue experimentation.

Vinata smiled to himself. "There are a few interesting papers written on the subject, they compare it to pleasure world cultures and how there are parallels between the two. Some speculate that having been so roughly introduced to first contact with a hostile race we chose to change our focus and goals a species, and that we might not have chosen this path if that had never happened." Vinata had slowed in his ministrations, but as he felt Nicander's cock throbbing in his hand Vinata bit his lip as he spoke up. "A-Alright, now you can roll over, I think I am ready to push you over the edge." As Nicander rolled onto his back Vinata moved to stradle his commander, his own cock was pushing out as Vinata leaned in and focused on jerking Nicander off more quickly, his hand tighting ever so slightly as he moved up along Nicander's length, It looked as though Vinata was wanting Nicander to blow his load over his chest.

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #19
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
It was so utterly distracting, what the Ovri did to him.

So distracting that Lucan could barely follow what Vinata was saying. He did understand the importance the nurse held to the confession, and had his mind not been addled with pleasure, he might have found more words to offer the Ovri. As it were, his breathing heavy and stimulated as thoroughly as he was, he could but offer what came closest to mind. "Thank you for being so honest... and I am sure there is no cause for concern. By the winds, you are... quite excellent."

It might be his meaning was twain, because of what Vinata was doing to him, but if this was anything like Ovri experimentation between males, he did not wish it to stop. So when bidden, limbs leaden with pleasure, he turned over on the bed, granted the exquisite sight of Vinata in the light of the Azure Nebula. He could see the Ovri's arousal as he laid there, and when the ministrations began anew, he had to grip the sheets with his tattooed hands - looking into those impossible large, dark eyes. He wasn't sure how close he was, but he knew he would likely shed his seed soon if the nurse kept up his treatment.

"Please," he had to admit, not sure if it was too untoward of him to ask it, but not able to stop himself. "I want you inside me too, Vinata..."

It was, perhaps, the first time he used the Ovri's first name.

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #20
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata did not fully realize that Lucan was not able to focus on what h was saying, the words that Lucan did share made Vinata smile proudly as he felt that he had managed to make a recovery in his life, felt as though he was not the same person he was after the mutiny, that he had made it back to being himself, and that he had the confidence of his commanding officer to achieve his goals. He also felt that he was able to apply his sexual knowledge for the first time in his life with someone that he felt some sexual interest for, after all Lucan had a beautiful muscular figure, so strong and defined, it was truly a wonderful sight.

As VInata was asked to put his cock inside of Nicander though he did stop suddenly and he just held Lucan's cock for a moment before he smiled and began to move his hips. "Of course doctor, I will do as you wish." He did resume the movements of his hands, not moving them from Nicander's cock as he began to line up his hips. The upside of a prehensile cock slowly becoming apparent as Lucan was able to look down at Vinata. the length began to lower, flexing and swaying as Vinata clenched at his groin, moving his cock with surprising skill to line up with Nicander's asshole and beginning to push forward. His cock slowly and gently pushing in as it's natural lube allowed it to slip in more smoothly.

As his cock slipped the first segment into Lucan, Vinata let out a grunt as he pushed his hips forward, sliding his cock firmly into Lucan while it flexed and wiggled slowly and methodically inside of Lucan's ass, giving added stimulation while Vinata kept rubbing Lucan's cock. "Doctor...Nicander, I hope that you do not just think of me as some kind of fling, among the Ovri it is not that uncommon, b-but I would hope that you might want to do more than just have these private encounters, even if it is not any kind of relationship, perhaps we might share a drink after work, or a meal together from time to time. Th-That is if I am not overstepping my bounds."

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #21
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
That momentary pause had made Lucan think he'd overstepped, hurting the nurse in some fashion, yet it seemed that his request had merely been sudden, since Vinata acquiesced soon enough. The male Ovri had already been inside him the first time they were intimate, so he had been fairly confident that it was within the bounds of what the nurse enjoyed.

"Thank y-you," he breathed, in earnest gratitude, when the Ovri shifted down and got into position. Lucan spread his legs and wrapped them around Vinata's waist, pulling himself closer in anticipation. To the Ovri's credit, he never removed his hands either, the twisting, firm motions of those hands never leaving Lucan. When he felt it, squirming inside, He gasped, eyes wide, and arched his back. The feeling, however divine, summoned an unwanted memory from a distant past, in his early years of the Academy.

He was blind-sided, captured, and locked away in a nameless cave, held someplace that did not have the same air as Earth. He was sedated too, drugged in order to keep him from using his powers - his affinity for the elements. He was also restrained, blind-folded, and suspended into the humid, alien air of the place. He eventually heard footsteps echo around him, guttural noises. He tried to scream against the gag in his mouth. Then, the chanting began, and he was spread horizontally like an X - his bare back towards the ground.

Something suddenly fell down upon his chiselled abdomen with a wet slap - cold and writhing. He cried out in horror, feeling legs upon it, small acetabuluma preventing it from being thrown off by Lucan's wild trashing. The creature crept towards his groin, grazed the side of his flaccid member, and wriggled down towards his tight sphincter.

Then, this alien symbiont entered him, forcing his anus open and squirming inside - worming up into his rectum. Lucan cried and kicked, mortified when he felt his manhood stiffening - growing rigid at the slithering feeling against his prostate. He had a lot in means of pride and dignity to be violated, and he was utterly so, to his sheer abject terror. In Lucan's mind, images of his life flashed by, and predominant was the smiling face of Kisane.

All the while the symbiont melded into his body and mind, and he gradually returned to his own reality, the chanting continued.
Yet despite the memory, having relived it before in dreams of late, it did not take away from the pleasure derived by having Vinata push inside him. Perhaps he was a wretched being, finding enjoyment in the act nonetheless, regardless how the feeling reminded him about the moment when he lost his sanity and all personal ambition. Distracted, however, he almost didn't catch on to what the Ovri was saying. It took him a moment, breath shallow as he laid on the sheets, before he spoke.

"Though it would be wrong to call it a relationship on the t-terms Starfleet define it, because of protocol and all that," he breathed, beginning to squirm in anticipation for more of Vinata to enter him, "of course I would like to see you... even in less private encounters... Nothing forbids us from socialising... in a less intimate manner."

Perhaps it was a bit unfair, because right then, Lucan could have promised every mountain on Câroon to the Ovri, as long as he continued what he was doing.

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #22
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          As Vinata got his cock into Lucan and his superior relived his rather traumatic past, Vinata was completely oblivious to it as he made his cock twist and pull itself fully into Lucan's ass, it was a mixture of motions that Vinata was using, half working to push his cock deeper into Lucan, while at the same time he was taking advantage of his prehensile cock and twisting it to give himself added pleasure as he got into a proper position.

As Vinata got himself where he wanted to be he kept his cock flexing inside of Lucan while he listened to his superior talk about not having a real relationship as most would define it, but to hear that he could spend time with Lucan, that he could socialize and be with him in a less intimate manner made Vinata smile. "Thank you doc...Thank you...Lucan." Vinata seemed hesitant abut not calling Lucan by his title, the rigid culture of Ovri social status was something Vinata had learned was not universal, and he knew that using more personal names was a way to make a person closer, so the least he could do was attempt to be closer. "It is more than I could hope for, of course it does not mean we cannot keep things up in secret as we do." Vinata blushed as he kept massaging Lucan's cock before he took a deep breath.

Vinata's deep breath seemed out of placed until he suddenly started to move, his hips pulling back and his cock tensing, it shortened slightly but it felt more rigid and firm as Vinata pulled each segment from Lucan's ass, letting four pull out before he thrust back into Lucan, letting out his breath a he thrust Vinata let out a pleased chirping as he pushed his cock into Lucan's ass, letting his cock ride over Lucan's prostate before pulling back out, his hands moved less as he focused on his thrusts and avoiding accidentally pulling Lucan's cock for leverage. Vinata remembered how much Lucan liked for them both to be satisfied at the end, so this time he was aiming for them to cum closer together.

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #23
[ Dr. Nicander | Junior Officers' Quarters | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Zenozine 
The prehensile nature of Vinata's Ovri phallus made intercourse with him that more intense, and as he laid there, eyes hooded and withing on the sheets in pleasure, the sight of him made the experience even better. "Indeed, I have no i-intention of refusing this..."

It felt like he was getting an internal massage, the way it twisted and churned inside him, and the edges of each section squirmed past his prostate with each rhythmic thrust. The Ovri member had its own, natural lubricant when unsheathed, and there was no greater pain, just straining and a feeling of euphoria. He accommodated all he could from Vinata, feeling him embedding himself deeply. His breathing came in shallow gasps, and he could feel the onset of his climax building, feeling it coming in the tightness of his abdomen, with small beads of perspiration forming on the muscles of his chest. All the while, the hard pulse of his own arousal was in the Ovri's firm grip.

Yet Lucan's pale grey eyes lingered on the alien between his legs, seeing how he also enjoyed himself to the fullest. The Azure Nebula outside the viewport cast its light upon Vinata's face and body. The Ovri's beautifully formed, rounded breasts were jiggling a bit with each thrust, and Lucan could not help himself from reaching for his exotic lover. Instead of gripping the sheets, he cupped a breast in each tattooed hand. Even though they had no hardened peaks, they were a part of Vinata that Lucan liked from when they had been intimate before.

It didn't take too long until the pending climax had built to a point where he could no longer hold it back. He hardened inside Vinata's grip, and used his legs to make the Ovri thrust a bit harder. Eventually, he'd crossed the point of no return, and he threw his head back, crying out hoarsely as he came.

Re: Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite

Reply #24
[ Vinata Vojona | Vinata's Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

          Vinata smiled as Lucan said he would not refuse this, it made Vinata feel special, made him feel important to Lucan, it made him want to do better. With a happy smiled Vinata also watched as Lucan moved his hands up to grasp at Vinata's bosom, this made him smile and blush a little. "I know you realize that does nothing really for me, but I am glad you enjoy my bosom, it does make it feel like I have a good reason to have them." Vinata smiled more warmly as he leaned towards Lucan, pushing his cock in more slowly as he did, adjusting his position so that Lucan would have a better hold while also maintaining Vinata's position so he could keep thrusting.

As Vinata took his new position his cock tensed and moved, aligning to the new angle so that as Vinata began to thrust his cock continued to rub firmly over Lucan's cock, stimulating him and pleasuring Lucan as each segment of the cock rubbed firmly over his prostate, the tensing of the cock making it quiver every now an then as Vinata strained to keep things going, he was afraid that he was going too give out and would end up having to either jerk Lucan off or suck him awkwardly at the end after having blown his own load. As Lucan began to show signs that he was close to cumming Vinata began to pick up the pace.

Thrustingn more quickly Vinata moved his hands a little slower as he tried to get things close, he needed to work himself to his own peak. With each short and swift movement Vinata grunted and huffed as he went, he strained as he began to thrust more quickly, pulling out less as his cock rubbed only a pair of segments over Lucan's prostate over and over as Vinata worked to push himself over the edge. It did not take all that much longer as Vinata's cock throbbed and swelled slightly, Vinata leaned forward as he moaned, his body shuddering as his cock let loose, his warm thick cum shooting deep into Lucan's ass, Vinata himself losing his strength as his orgasm washed over his body. It was only as he felt the hot seed from Lucan's cock splattering against his own chest that Vinata realized how close he had time it, as his mind pulled back Vinata bit his lip as he listened to Lucan's moans. Vinata loved this, this was true sexual bliss, happily Vinata began to chirp as he relaxed, slowly laying down on Lucan's chest. 

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