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Topic: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak (Read 2673 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Valkyries' Got a Brand New Cloak
Stardate: 57561.04
March 12, 2381
0859 Hours | Fighter Bay Operations Office

[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ 

Sithick stood staring at the chair behind the Chief of Deck desk in the Fighter Bay Ops Office. He would not be able to spend much time behind it during his shifts. Not because there was more than enough work to do, but because it would be physically difficult for him to sit in it. It was not designed for Gorn physiology. He would have to requisition a square stool for him to kneel on. Or perhaps he would just stand. He had been standing for the past forty-five minutes.

He had reported to duty early this day. There was much to do and he also wanted to make sure Herrold knew that Sithick was someone he could count on on the flight deck. Sithick clicked through the list of repairs and upgrades on his PADD. Besides the expected routine maintenance and repairs, there were a few items on the list that intrigued him. Integrating Klingon repair components into Federation equivalents was one that struck a chord. Damage control was easy. Reading Klingon, that's hard, he thought.

Then came an item with priority markings...  Install Aldean Sensor Scramblers. Sithick pondered how compatible Aldea Tech would be with Starfleet's, but before he could ponder on it further the office door swished open. It was time for the Bay Opps staff meeting and the rest of the Deck Chiefs had arrived. It was time to get to work.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #1
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @jreeves1701 @BZ
[Show/Hide]Stepping inside the office, Liam smiled and inclined his head to Sithick. It was a brief acknowledgement, however, for the circumstances they were left in two days prior dampened a lot of the interactions between the members of the deck crew.

Indeed, the death of Sten Covington still lay heavy on most minds. Regardless the circumstances between Papa Bear and Liam - not to mention Ji - the loss of such a veteran in their field wouldn't just affect them, but Starfleet as a whole. Covington had been around long enough that he'd likely forgotten more than Liam had ever learned about warp fighters. As it were, the survivors on the Theurgy would have to make due without him, and as it were, Liam knew what to say in that regard. For while Stark hadn't confirmed it yet, and might have suggested that his role could become permanent, Liam knew that the deck needed a Chief. Temporary as his role as COD was, or not, he could still speak from his own experiences.

"Yesterday," he began and cleared his throat, the silence having fallen over the attending Chiefs, "we were still cleaning up the mess that the Asurians, the Savi, the Klingons and the Borg left behind... and took away from us. Papa Bear might not be here, but we still have our tasks waiting. I can say this, that through the three-year voyage of the Resolve, the losses of those around us became something expected, and I feel like the Theurgy has suffered the same since she fled Earth, five months ago. As hard as it might be, we have to continue, for what's the alternative?"

He looked around at those present, but it was a rhetorical question. "For the Resolve, the only alternative was to not get home. See, if we gave up, we gave up on everyone we sought to see again. For the Theurgy, the same applies, doesn't it? Unless we continue, the parasites that have infested Starfleet Command will silence the truth of all of this. Every loss we've suffered, and every hardship we've endured will have been for nothing, right? No one will know, and they will be allowed to start the war they want. Dividing everyone so that there is no one there to fight what's coming."

Liam wasn't one for speeches, so he stopped there, hoping it was enough. The people present was a pragmatic bunch, he figured, so what use would there be to just talk about things they couldn't do anything about? Instead, he fished up a PADD from the thigh-pocket of his jumpsuit. "We have a safe port, for now, and time to repair. You've all got the specs for the new tech the brass wants us to use for repairs and the light cloaks that the Aldeans have provided us with. The latter seems the biggest challenge since Federation tech have different interfaces than the Aldean kind, so we'll have to jerry rig some kind of switch for the pilots. We just have to dumb down the... psionic-whatever to something they know how to use safely. Ideas?"

Safe port, indeed. If only there was shore leave as well.

Not so likely for those present just yet, with the whole squadron of Valkyries and Valravns needing these scramblers.

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #2
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ

Sithick listened to Herrold's speech. Then came the assignment, a mission for him to focus on. The Aldean Light Cloak was not a true cloak like those on Klingon ships. Sithick was familiar with Klingon cloaking technology having worked on a few.

Why couldn't they just borrow a Klingon cloaking device. Or, obtain the parts and I can build one. thought the Gorn.

The Aldean cloak worked like a sensor scrambler, similar to Gorn sensor jammers but more advanced. Sithick understood the mechanics. They blinded the sensors around them, masking the ship's presence to all but the naked eye. The Gorn began to digest the tech mechanics.

"Sssirrr, sssyonicsss trrricksssy."

Aldean technology tended to be thought activated. The task of installing these cloaks would not be as simple as building a connector and plugging them up. They would need a whole new interface to make them compatible.

"Don'tsss wantsss pilotsss thinkingsss weaponsss andsss they firesss earrrliesss orrrsss at wrrrongsss tarrrgetsss."

Sithick had other concerns regarding this new technology. Would the scramblers also affect the Theurgy and the fighters? Was there a way to insolate their systems from the cloaks?

"Will needsss to looksss at ssschematicsss. Andsss requessstsss worksss bee or pod to tessstsss onsss beforrrsss pilotsss tessstsss." Sithick had a vision but needed material to make it a reality.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #3
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @jreeves1701 @BZ
[Show/Hide]Nodding, Liam saw the same difficulties that Sithick mentioned. He glanced towards the table with the holographic interface and sent the schematics they'd been sent by the Aldeans. The air above the table shimmered and displayed the drawings and power circuitry, but all the texts were still in Aldean.

"Thea, could you please translate the schematics here?" he asked after glancing towards the deckhead.

After the time since Starbase 84, where Liam had come aboard, he was gradually getting used to not calling the shipboard computer 'computer'. Not that he'd heard Thea ever minding the epithet, of course, but it just didn't feel... right to normalise her in that fashion. As extraordinary as she seemed to him, the least he could do was to use her name, right?

[Translation complete,] said Thea within a second, and all the texts were in Federation Standard.

Liam walked over to the schematics as he spoke, having a rudimentary idea of what, essentially, had to be done to let the pilots use the sensor scramblers safely. "We need to locate the activation relay, and remove whatever apparatus is connected to it. Given the need for haste, I think we should just replace the Aldean activation mechanism entirely and wire a simple mechanical switch to the cockpit. It won't be the prettiest, seamless solution, for we'll bypass the LCARS computer interface. At leas to begin with."

Taking a deep breath, Liam scratched the back of his neck while he looked at the schematics, and his eyebrows were raised in thought. "If possible, I think the initial software integration will be simple status indications. Error log output. Whatever we can get wirelessly, but if need to hardwire the cloak to the computer, I prefer it's with minimal modifications. If we'll be able to stay at this port for a while, we can do this job properly soon enough. The brass wants the Wolves out on patrol today, or tomorrow at the latest, so we can just say the initial solutions won't be pretty."

Turning to the present people, Liam hiked up the sleeves of his jumpsuit. "Thoughts? I can get started on mounting the new emitters on the hulls, unless someone want to leave the schematics to me. Sithick, it sounded like you wanted to work on the blueprints for these things. Is that okay with you?"

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #4
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ

To Sithick's disappointment, Herrold had not mentioned the use of a test pod. His feelings didn't show on his face, only other Gorn would have picked up on the emotional shift in his phenomenal secretions. The mammals in the room would only smell the scent of a typical Gorn. Herrold's omission was understandable, however. The brass required urgency. The Valkyries were needed on patrol. The need for security negated the traditional process of exponential testing. This was going to be what the Terrans called a duct tape and chewing gum job. Whatever that was supposed to mean. Sithick thought it meant the Theurgy had already spent too much time amongst the Klingons. Their presence seemed to contaminate peoples minds with rash decision making.

Responding to Herrold's closing remark and questions, "Yesss sssirrr. Familiarrrsss with cloaksss amsss eyesss. Knowsss ofsss a fewsss bypassssssesss to masssimisssesss affisssionsssesss."

When Herrold pulled up the schematic, Sithick's brain had already begun mentally disassembling the cloaking device and overlaying it onto and into a disassembled schematic of the Valkyries. All Sithick would need is confirmation for him to begin working not he holotable turning that vision into reality.

"Eyesss havesss an idea ofsss whatsss kindsss ofsss adapterrrsss will beesss needesss andsss wherrresss to inssstallsss itsss for pilotsss to sssimpleiesss ssswitchesss onsss thesss cloak."

The Aldean Cloaking Device was a simple cylinder, practically a miniature version of their massive power supply device on the planet. Sithick would have to bypass its neural interface and install an Aldean touchpad activator. It was a dirty hack job the, kind he heard talked about from one of the officers on the Black Opal that was obsessed with vehicles known as RAT RODS on ancient Terra. The officer had even recreated one in a holodeck street racing program. Earthers could be weird sometimes.

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #5
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @jreeves1701 @BZ
[Show/Hide]Nodding to the Gorn present in the room, Liam felt like there was little reason to tarry. "Perfect, good luck, Chief. You and you over there, come with me. We need to get the emitters mounted on the hulls. You two over there, help Chief Sithick in any way he needs. Let's get this done, people."

The brief meeting was effectively adjourned, and the deck crews set to the task of preparing the Valkyries and Valravns for the new assignments they'd have at Aldea. The Lone Wolves Squadron was supposed to help the Aldeans defend their city and the planet as a whole, complementing the present KDF forces in the system, and this had to be done without the wrong people recognising the warp signatures or sensor readings of the two different kinds of prototype warp fighters they had in the fighter bay.

At least there was a chance for shoreleave, whenever they managed to catch a break.

[ Later That Day ]

With the top of his jumpsuit unzipped and hanging loosely around his waist, and covered in grime and sweat from the hard work he and his team had done on preparing the fighters in the bay, Liam was beginning to feel confident that there was a chance they could actually manage to get the Lone Wolves ready to leave their den.

"How's progress, Chief?" he asked Sithick, finding him hard at work with his side of the installation.

Could one actually get used to having a Gorn in the deck team? Sithick certainly stood out like a sore thumb because of his size, but despite the difficulty of hearing what he said unless he used his translator, Liam didn't regret offering his old position to the reptilian. As much help as Sithick had been when they had been boarded by Asurians, Savi and Klingons, his fighting prowess was still secondary to his effectiveness and experience - unorthodox as his origins might be compared to others in Starfleet.

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #6
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ

It had been a long shift. Sithick had downloaded a scanned schematic of the Aldean cloaking device and replicated one to work on. He had designed a jerry-rigged coupler to attach them to the fighters' power supply and installed an activation switch pilots can use to activate them in the cockpits. The first test was successful. Once activated all attempts to scan the device with a tricorder failed to register it. Visually the device was sitting on the workbench but completely undetectable by sensors.

Sithick was about to take a break when Ensign Herrold returned.

"Eyes haves builts a couplers toos connects withs Valkyries powers cells as wells as a switches toos activates devices." reported Sithick. "Onlys concerns is a slows powers drains. Aldeans cloaks pulls mores thans reactors cans generates. Rates of drains suggests cloaks wills depletes cores ins tens toos twelves hours. Mores withs others systems activatez."

Sithick noticed the power drain issue in one of his initial formulas. It was a common issue in all cloaking devices despite designs. Klingon and Romulan vessels sacrificed weapons and shields while cloaked because of their device's energy demands. It was expected that similar issues would be present in the Aldean model. The Valkyries would need both weapons and shields while cloaked. It didn't make them invisible to visual scans. Which made the fighters vulnerable without defenses. The Gorn had already started to visualize an upgrade to the cloaks that would incorporate a transformer that would compensate for the power issue.

"Eyes haves a solutions buts wills takes mores times ands tests toos constructs." Sithick knew that Herrold wanted the cloaks active today and they were. However, their flaw would be a liability.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #7
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @jreeves1701 @BZ
[Show/Hide]Listening to Sithick, a minute frown touched Liam's brow while he ponded the energy expenditure for this first solution they've come up with for the Aldean cloaks. The amount of hours available was enough for the shift rotations, but if the warp fighters were to serve in extended periods actively dealing with pirate ships, then there would be a bit of an issue.

"All right," he said and picked up a PADD, his arms aching while he wiped his brow and did a quick calculation on present systems and how much they consumed during active flight hours. "Let's see if we can't get a little bit more juice..."

Taking a deep breath, he glanced at the life support systems, which consumed quite a lot if counting all the hours. Of course...

"I'll speak with Commander Ravon," he said and made the adjustment on the power profile settings, "and tell him that at least for the time being, they will have to rely on the oxygen supply in  their exosuits for the majority of the patrol flight-times. At least until we can give them a better solution for these cloaks than what we give them today."

Having finished the calculation, he'd managed to give the warp fighters another hour, and Liam handed the PADD over to Sithick. "Well done, Chief. Let's roll out this solution and install the last components. I'll start with the Valravn cockpit over there."

Said and done, with little more time for due testing and trials, Liam went to use the replicator patterns Sithick had finished. He paused, however, and turned back to the Gorn. "You knew Sten Covington better than I. Well, at least you met him a few days before I came aboard from the Resolve. I must say I have a very... split opinion about the man, since he treated some in the deck teams poorly. Yet at the same time, he knew more about these warp fighters than we likely ever will."

Liam sighed and shrugged with his sweaty, bare shoulders. "I guess my question is, do you think we'll have any issues in our shift rotations now that he's gone, and we have to fill his shoes on our own?"

Would they be enough, Sithick, Ji, Liam and the other Heads in fighter bay ops?

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #8
[CPO Sithick | Fighter Bay Operations Office | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @BZ

Sithick was proud of the praise he received from Herrold. It was one of the benefits of his new life. As a slave praise came in the form of another day of life without suffering. "Thanks yous, sirs. Eyes wills begins immediatelies."

Herrold's inquiry about "Pappa Bear" once more reminded Sithick of the lives lost recently. He struggled to prevent the thought of Lehkesis from invading his consciousness. This was not the time or place for a moping lizard. "Pappas Bears skills withs these fighters hards toos replaces. His hands were firms ins these operations of these decks. He's protects these noncoms that's works hards. Helds accountable those that's slacks offs. Nose rooms fors slacks ons decks."

Sithick pondered the duty roster and shift schedule. "Unless we's shifts twos a fours shifts schedules, there's shoulds nots bees problems ins dutys schedules." As long as no one else died, Sithick was confident that between Herrold and the assorted Chiefs, they had enough manpower to supervise the operation of Theurgy's flight deck.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 02 [0900 hrs] Valkyrie's Got a Brand New Cloak

Reply #9
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @jreeves1701 @BZ
[Show/Hide]Nodding as he heard what Sithick thought of the situation they were in with Covington gone, Liam hoped he was right, and that the late veteran hadn't been the adhesive that kept the deck crews together and on point.

He felt the burden of it, holding the role that Commander Stark had given him, but perhaps he was more ready than he felt. Three years spent on the voyage of the Resolve ought to have prepared him somewhat, at least, for the Theurgy's mission. Like the Luna-class ship he'd served on, the Theurgy was more or less left to fend for itself, and that was something he was more than used to. If the current development was anything to go on, they might even have an ally in the Klingon Empire, and at least one of the Admirals on Earth wasn't trying to actively kill them all.

Let's hope this is the beginning of something...

"Agreed, and thank you," he said to the Gorn and walked away, the day yet over.


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