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Topic: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around... (Read 11008 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #25
[ Drauc T'Laus | Junior Offficers' Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaylex Ren
When prompted to remove her undergarments, Drauc hadn't had any reason to refuse her wish. I supposed it was a bit late for it, since she had switched from sonic vibrations to a water setting. Drauc's burgundy tresses were made darker by the water, but he looked at her just as intensely as before. When he kissed her the way he had learned from the minds of others, her lips felt warm, just like her skin. His hands were led to her waistline. She seemed to delicate, so prone to harm, that he barely dared to touch her. As for what a 'tiger' was, he had no inkling.

Still, he would have granted her wish... had her fingers not closed around his male organ, beginning to stroke it with her hands. It made a strange sound escape his throat, and he bit his teeth together. Her touch was so gentle, and yet garnered such explicit attention from him. Being so sensitive, stimulated by her minute ministrations, he did not grant her wish immediately since that might mean that her hands would leave him. Her undergarments were wet - from the shower, obviously, so it would require that he crouched down in the tight confines of the stall. How else might he get them off her water-beaded legs?`

His breath was short, shallow, as if he had spent an hour on a battlefield, even if the fight against the Devoted was long over. The last time she asked him to undress her, he decided to comply, even if he pulled his hardness out of her fingers in doing so. "A moment," he rasped to her, fully aware how uncharted the terrain ahead was.

As promised he hooked his thumbs behind her undergarments and sat down in front of her, pushing the twisted, wet fabric down her legs. In doing so, he was granted the sight of her sex up close, and the view of her body from a lower vantage point. He knew that females of most humanoid species, and he had read the minds of most, were as sensitive as men, but he had no personal experience in just hos sensitive they might be. He looked up into her eyes, as if asking for silent permission, before he lifted his hand to the crevice in the apex of her legs, and began to stroke his calloused, scarred fingertips across it - sawing them back and forth without too much pressure.

It was pure guesswork, not knowing how she'd prefer to progress. It was as if he was lost in the woods, and saw neither when his trek began, much less where it would end. All he knew, was how others had mated, and it was the sole knowledge he based his actions on. He did find that the dampness between her legs had a slicker texture than the water, and he could but guess that it was - perhaps - the aforementioned wetness that Jovela words and thoughts had alluded towards earlier.

He waited for her word, unsure what the next step might be, but his rough fingertips delved deeper into her by the second.

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #26
[ Junior Lieutenant Jovela | Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] | @AuctorLucan

Whether or not Drauc had understood every single idiom Jovela had used, he had obviously understood her intentions. As Drauc knelt before her, Jovela closed her eyes and placed one hand on the back of his head, intwining her fingers through his dark, wet tresses.

"Mmmm..." she moaned, licking the Romulan's pre seminal fluid from her fingertips.

Hmmm, his tastes much more coppery than most people's She couldn't help thinking, her clinically analytical brain noting the underlying difference between human and Romulan precum. Her mind didn't linger on scientific minutia for long, though, because as she felt her soggy panties fall to her ankles, she opened her eyes to see Drauc gazing up at her, his expression a silent question. Her face softened into an inviting smile, her cheeks flushed hot and red, as she wordlessly answered him.

Yes, please explore my body with yours. I want you, Drauc!

As his fingers began to slowly rub and probe her delicate, sensitive clitoris and vagina, she could feel her body's natural lubrication assisting him. At first it felt completely euphoric to her but after just a few moments the stimulation from his calloused fingertips became so extreme that it caused her to bite her lip to stifle a scream. Her knees buckled for a split second and she threw both of her hands against the walls of the narrow shower stall to steady herself from falling.

I don't want to frighten him Jovela thought, but it just feels a little overwhelming!

"Oh, Drauc..." she sighed, her breasts heaving with labored breathing, "That feels amazing but maybe you could try using something else...."

Something softer and wetter She thought, hesitant to say what she truly meant; his tongue. Maybe she didn't have to, she pleasantly realized.

After all, he seems to know just what I want so far.
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #27
[ Drauc T'Laus | Junior Offficers' Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaylex Ren
At first, Drauc thought he might be hurting Jovela, his eyes rising to gauge the extent of her distress - blinking away the water that cascaded off her body in the overhead light.

Her mind, however, revealed the true nature of her reaction, and while he couldn't fathom how it might be, it did seem the nurse was enjoying what he did. So much, in fact, that she had to brace herself against the sides of the shower. He thought he saw her biting her lip before she spoke, asking for something else than his fingers. He should have known, for his hands were not that of a lover, but that of a child soldier raised to kill and gather intel from enemies to Romulus. He gathered then, from this grateful Risian, that she asked him to use his mouth - specifically his tongue. This, while he had no foreknowledge of what the right way to do it was, he could grant her -  hoping her thoughts would continue to guide him.

He said nothing, since she wanted his tongue put to different use.

Drauc ran his tenacious arms between her legs, and carefully hoisted Jovela up so that she had her thighs upon his shoulders. He supported her with his hands behind her back, and this brought her sex up close to his face. It allowed him to use his mouth and tongue the way she wanted him to, and began to do what he could to make her feel good. So, while the water fell over them both, he parted the silky folds of her nether lips with his mouth - delving as deep as he could with his tongue.

To him, she weighed next to noting, and he could balance her easily - keep her steady on his shoulders and hands. He had faith she'd let him know if he did ought wrong, vocally or not, but his own reflection upon the development was that she tasted quite well, never having experienced the flavour of any woman before.

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #28
[ Junior Lieutenant Jovela | Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

Jovela let out a soft gasp as Drauc's powerful arms smoothly lifted her to his shoulders and as his hands slid up her back, she clasped her ankles behind him.

"Ooooh, Drauc..." she moaned, feeling his hot tongue swirl around and stab into her inviting entrance, "you're a natural at this! Don't you dare stop!"

It was uncanny how well he was able to determine just what she wanted. Of course, she had been with more than one empath before but this was altogether different. Both prior lovers had been very good at mirroring her emotions but never before had an intimate partner been so completely committed to her needs; so closely connected to her most intimate desires. It felt so pure and passionate with no expectation and no fear.

Is this only lust I feel for him? she couldn't help but ponder, Or could it be something much more meaningful?

Whatever it was, she was certain that this was the most turned on that she had been in what seemed like forever. Squeezing her thighs around his head, she let out a throaty moan.

 "Hmmmmmm, I reaaally needed this!"

Please keep going, Drauc I'm almost there!

As she felt his probing tongue thrust deep inside her, curling upwards against her g-spot, her body responded to the pointed pressure there. Suddenly, Jovela's thighs clamped tighter involuntarily and she arched her back against the shower wall, as she squirted her warm ejaculate into his mouth. In Risian culture, the ability of females to produce and project this naturally occurring fluid was fairly common and also understood to be a vital part of the sacred act of Jamaharon. The young nurse had discovered her own talent for this years before with the non binary Kriosian, Yon. She had always been quite comfortable with her natural bodily function although now she felt suddenly self conscious about it, hoping that Drauc wouldn't be at all turned off.
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #29
[ Drauc T'Laus | Junior Offficers' Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaylex Ren
In giving Jovela the pleasure she wanted from him, Drauc applied himself to the task with an almost dispassionate focus. Since he had never been with a lover before, it was uncharted grounds, and he learned the way by reading her mind. There was neither foreknowledge or anticipation to use, to predict or preempt, just continuing down the path he had taken, and let her be the guide.

In the end, when her thoughts became more and more erratic, he had greater difficulty to understand what she wanted. Yet her verbal call was plain, telling him to continue, and he thus learned that the amount of erratic thought on her end was also a measurement of pleasure gained. It was a brief conundrum, and he did as asked, holding her in place against him and keeping her steady - preventing her from falling despite the way she undulated against him. The intensity of her pleasure getting easier to read as well, and focused as he was on her alone, he still found his primal bodily reaction to her lingering - as if his arousal was fed by hers. A bleeding effect of her mind to his own. Or was it that he was truly attracted to her? He felt disembodied in the development, and could not say for sure what was the case. All he knew was that he would give her what she wanted, because it was the righteous thing to do.

He knew of the climax from the minds of others, regardless of species, but had few memories of the female ejaculation - less references towards this being common during sexual intercourse. He was not sure it was a trait all species in Federation space shared, but evidently, Risians did possess that trait. As surprised as he momentarily was, he was more surprised by her reaction to her own pleasure - almost apologetic in her thoughts and self-conscious about the bodily function. Did she fear his revulsion? He knew nothing to compare it with, and just continued what he was doing. Aside from the taste, the ejaculation was not much different than the water from the overhead shower.

Even after she was finished, he continue to preform the cunnilingus, until her heightened sensitivity made him realise that it was too much to bear, and he stopped. He looked up at her, blinking away the water from the shower and helped setting her feet down on the floor. He had crouched down to remove her undergarments, and lingered in the position for her sake, but since he saw no immediate task at hand, he slowly stood up in front of her - barely winded in his diligent attention to her pleasure.

"Are you fully satisfied?" he rasped to her, wondering if there was ought else she wanted to feel safe. To feel less alone.

He knew not what the next step was, only suspecting that what he had done to her was merely the beginning.

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #30
[ Junior Lieutenant Jovela | Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan

Gazing into Drauc's eyes as he stood, Jovela's baseless fears swiftly melted away. She saw no disgust on his face in reaction to her orgasmic ejaculation; only an innocent anticipation of her future desires, whatever they may be. At present, what she wanted was to thank him for the immense pleasure he had just gifted her and so, kneeling in front of him so that his engorged member jutted out directly towards her face, she said with a beaming grin, "I don't know where you learned to do that but it felt absolutely amazing! Now if you'll just stand right there, I will happily return the favor."

Cupping his balls in one hand, Jovela wrapped the fingers of her other hand firmly around his swollen shaft. While one hand began fondling his testicles the other stroked slowly up and down as she brought her lips to his cherry-like head. Puckering her lips, she sensuously and softly kissed the tip of his glistening, wet cock. Then, parting her lips ever so slightly she teased him with her tongue, moving it in swirling motions around the sensitive skin. Fluidly, she plunged her head down, taking the entire length of Drauc's erect penis in her mouth, wrapping her tongue around it. The water from the sonic shower mixed with her saliva acted as the perfect lubricant as she now moved both of her hands together in a rhythmic pumping motion in time with her bobbing head.

Mmmmmm... she thought, again tasting his coppery precum as it slowly oozed into her mouth, mingling with her saliva. I really hope that you are enjoying this as much as I am

 While Jovela still wasn't sure just how specific it was, she was now certain that Drauc  possessed a seriously strong degree of telepathic sensitivity and she fervently hoped that this last thought had come through to him loud and clear. 
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #31
[ Drauc T'Laus | Junior Offficers' Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaylex Ren
Drauc did not know what he had expected, but when she knelt down in front of him, the recollection of countless comments and thoughts, images in the minds of others over the years, did prepare him somewhat for the act that Jovela set out do preform upon his male physique. What he hadn't been prepared for, whatsoever, was the sensation itself. Sensory imprint in memories were never the same as actually feeling it, and Drauc caught his breath when Jovela's fingers and lips found him.

In consternation, unfamiliarity, he put one hand to the glass wall to steady his own footing, for he felt his knees almost buckling when his erect member vanished inside Jovela's lips. Then, the rhythmic movements began, and he had to put another hand against the opposite wall. This, while a guttural noise escaped his throat, unsummoned, for he had never imagined anything akin to what he was feeling. At that moment, Jovela looked up at him with her large, brown eyes, and he could sense her articulate thought quite clearly, as if she had whispered it right into his ear. The only problem was that he had no ready answer for her. Not one he could trust entirely, anyway, and even less than he could trust his own voice at that moment.

"S-Since I have not experienced this before," he rasped, his voice reverberating between the glass walls, "I have difficulty separating your pleasure from my own." It was the truthful answer, and he knew not how to express it with more care for her feelings. It would be wrong to say yes when he didn't know for sure, and it would be just as callous of him to omit any words at all.

Yet if his bodily reaction was any indicator? There might be honesty in that; the way Jovela made his body react, with breathing, muscle synapses and the answer she got from his male organ - twitching in reaction between her lips. It ought to give her the idea that he was not in discomfort, at the very least.

And as inexperienced as he was... it did not take long until something happened. A shivering convulsion that raked through his entire body - making him grunt in equal surprise and lightness of mind. His lower body contracted violently, his musculature undulating in response to her lips, and he felt a molten warmth escape him, repeatedly. Each contraction released more of it, and he was reminded by the memories of others, that this was the male answer to pleasure.

So the pleasure could actually be his own? This, he thought, while staring wide-eyed on the nurse that had treated him.

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #32
[ Junior Lieutenant Jovela | Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 08 | @Auctor Lucan

Drauc's detached explanation of his sensory experience was a bit surprising to Jovela but did not put her off her presently pressing task of returning the great pleasure she had just been given by him.

Thank you, honey. At least you're totally honest and obviously a bit surprised by this she thought, once again silently addressing herself directly to Drauc as she bobbed her head up and down on his engorged phallus while gazing up at him so as to better gauge his expressions. I guess no matter how many memories and minds you read first, actual sexual intimacy really is quite different in the flesh, huh? Poor baby, you probably don't even know that you can experience psychologically sensual pleasure beyond the basic physical stimulus response. Well, alright, you deliciously valorous virgin. Hold fast to your feathers because here comes a whole new world of sensory stimulation that you've been sadly missing out on and you can bet it is it gonna be a rush

While Jovela knew that even though Drauc may have been vaguely confused up to this point about whose pleasure was whose by the sensing how her own level of arousal had been clearly rising again since her last orgasm, she was sure that the moment that he climaxed, he would realize something very shocking about himself; that he could indeed feel such pleasure all of his own and thus determine for himself if this was something he wanted more of from her or not. Then, as sure as the sunrise, the proverbial damn broke and as Drauc's hot semen filled Jovela's mouth, she slurped down the delicious mess with great gusto.

By the light of Lunat! You are so very full of love juices that I'm choking on them! she thought excitedly, as the smolderingly sexy stowaway continued pumping more creamy cum down her throat with each spasmodic jerk of his ridged Romulan shaft. As Drauc's orgasmic twitching slowed, she backed her head away, lapping up the loose droplets of semen from the tip of his cock before they could fall wasted down the shower drain.

I don't want to waste any little bit of you! Mmmmm!

Licking a tiny pearl from her chin, she smiled up at him and spoke.

"So...Drauc, darling...I know that it was physically very pleasant for both of us but how did that last bit feel for you here and here?" putting one hand to her stomach and one to her head. "Was it good or bad? Would you like to feel that way again?"
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #33
[ Drauc T'Laus | Junior Offficers' Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaylex Ren
Having no ready answer for her, at least not immediately, he held out a hand to help her back on her feet again. His heart was still racing in the immediate aftermath of this first climax he'd felt, and there was a lot to digest in terms of experience. Even more in comparison, since this was what Jovela asked for: To know how he felt in two separate aspects. He did believe he understood the question, at least.

"It is... peculiar," he rasped quietly as the water cascaded over their bodies. He felt drained, weakened by the experience, yet suspected it to be quite temporary. "What I have felt through others have been no more than mirages. Like mere shadows on the wall, cast by something much brighter." That much, he could say for certain. The physical gratification was undeniable, or perhaps in credit to Jovela and her expert treatment on his male condition. Yet mentally? That was harder to pin down - to say for certain. He would be entirely honest with Jovela, for that was the right thing to be, instead of giving her polite lies of gratitude that would ring false to her ears.

"I... was cut, when I was a child - my brain rewired to fit the needs of the Tal Shiar. My mind, and my process of thought, it is by design. I am weaponised not just in body, but in thought and feeling. I am benumbed to be a more efficient weapon. This sensation you've given me... I know it as pleasure, and you have shown that I answer to it. Though I am not certain, at least not yet, that I crave it as other men and women crave it," he said, and despite it all, he did feel a pang of regret, being unable to answer her in the way she wanted. He suspected, at least, that she wanted him to crave more - to feel the kind of desire other men would feel for her.

Having said this, he recognised the tactful thing to do - doing her a kindness. He raised a scarred hand to her face, and stroked her cheek, raking back wet hair from her face. He looked her in the eyes, making sure she listened before he spoke anew. "Cut as my mind has been, pieced together in the semblance of function, I have contemplated my options for years, and learned what might happen to the mind when so damaged. I have learned, that the brain of most species find alternative ways to mend loss of function. I like to believe that, in due time, I might possess the mind of someone more receptive to your kindness and care."

It was so new, this experience of intimacy, so he had not the tools to build understanding from it. Therefore, he could add something that might resonate with this confidante of his - this woman that had come to affect his life so deeply once more. "It is... unknown, if a a mind as damaged as mine can be taught desire. This, of course, I am willing to learn, should you want to teach me. At least, for now, it is proven that I am capable to respond to stimuli, even if I fail to crave it."

Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #34
[ Junior Lieutenant Jovela | Junior Officers Quarters | Deck 08 | @Auctor Lucan

She gratefully accepted his assistance, taking his hand and standing up in front of him, her nipples brushing lightly against his scarred chest. Drauc's honest answer was simply refreshing to Jovela. Yes, she ultimately did hope for more from him, but for now she was quite content in knowing that he was willing to try and learn whether or not he possessed the ability to desire her in the same way that she had begun to desire him.

"Yes, of course I will teach you all that I know about emotional desire, physical pleasure, spiritual intimacy and the inherent connections between them all and together we can discover whatever depth of feeling that still lies within you."

Your willingness to change she thought, again directing each word at Drauc is, while not even identifiable as hopefulness, still in itself evidence that you can recognize your own scars and want to try and heal from them and I am happy to help you in that process

As she was silently communicating this to Drauc, she stood in front of him, maintaining eye contact while at the same time gently fondling his testicles and cock. Feeling him stiffening again under her touch, she spoke aloud.

"Now, love, if you are fully consenting, your next lesson is about to begin."
"No pessimist discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit"- Helen Keller


Re: Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...

Reply #35
[ Drauc T'Laus | Junior Offficers' Quarters | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaylex Ren
Whether he was consenting was not the question, but Drauc was grateful that she asked - taking his feelings into consideration despite their apparent absence. For as much as he believed himself indifferent, his body responded keenly to her ministrations, hardening once more in her skilled hands. He needed no words to state his consent, the honesty in that response more than enough, but he spoke nonetheless.

"I am," he said, wondering what lesson was to come from the Risian next.


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