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Topic: USS Theurgy: What If: Climbing Mt. Olympus [Holodeck] (Read 299 times) previous topic - next topic
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USS Theurgy: What If: Climbing Mt. Olympus [Holodeck]

Everyone remembers their training, right? All those miles up and all those miles down? What about climbing them? All are welcome to prove their mettle.

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USS Theurgy | 1400 hrs | Holodeck 1

Kath lifted her head but she could not see the top of the mountain from her position so very down below at the base of it. Her fingers twitched at her sides. And then she looked down at her belt where she kept the pouch of climbing chalk and then tapped her climbing shoes on the ground. She rolled her shoulders and felt the sleeveless Starfleet issued shirt move with her.

//Attention: Holodeck safeties are in place but free soloing is not advised.\\

Yeah, yeah. Tell me more, holodeck computer, Kath thought to herself. Lieutenant Katherine MacFarlane would have taken the safeties offline if she did not believe that it would send an alert to the XO or even the Captain. Taking off the holodeck safeties was a no-no, even if she was perfectly convinced she did not need the holodeck equivalent of bumper bars. But, at least if she fell, it would still hurt like a motherfucker and there was a likelihood of still being able to break a bone or pull a muscle. Even if she turned the program off, her body would still hit the floor. She knew that from previous holodeck romps on other ships.

But she had gotten good at climbing. Better than good! She had, after all, slowly worked her way up to free soloing instead of the typical free climbing or the more well-known aid climbing.

Maybe she should have chosen scuba diving for her day's recreation? But then she was sure the computer would warn her about diving too far down (when she was perfectly qualified to dive hundreds of meters). At least you couldn't fall when you were in the water. (Unless you were of the mind that one was always falling when they were in water.) She did one day want to try out another beach holoprogram and see how her newest surfboard stood up to holographic waves. But for now... rock climbing.

Rubbing her hands together along with a handful of chalk, she kept her eyes on the prize. But she also glanced over her shoulder to where the arch had been a few minutes ago. She had sent an almost ship-wide invitation to join her in the holodeck for some recreational climbing with the possibility of paragliding once at the top (she had carefully made sure the invite did not reach the Captain or the First Officer but she was sure people would talk and it would reach the ears of her superior officers eventually but it wasn't like she was breaking any rules). That was what really got her heart pumping was jumping off the mountain she had just fucking climbed. (There had also been an offer of food and drink once at the top which she would have transported into the holodeck once she got to the top.)

She wondered, idly, who would prove to be the same breed of daredevil she was in climbing a mountain without equipment to speak of to protect you in case your hand slipped?

And maybe if she got enough of an interest in her little leisure pursuit, she would be able to offer the idea of climbing Separate Reality. (She had done it for the first time on the Hamburg. And fallen. And gotten laughed at by her peers which actually made her start laughing because she had known she was not quite experienced enough for it yet but tried anyway.)
"And you know this how?" "I'm a spy, remember?"
Lt. Katherine “Darkstar Foxtrot” MacFarlane, Asst. Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy (Vector 3)

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